Mojo In The Morning

KP Farted Lydia Out of the Room

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05 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto-accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning, so KP and Lydia, they room together in Disney World, and they hung out with each other in the hotel room. And it made me think about, I'm going away this week for a radio convention. I'm going to that morning show boot camp. And I had a friend, a radio friend, who I would say is moderately a good friend with me. Like moderately good friend in the point that we talk radio to each other, but that's pretty much it. Like we don't talk, you know, a lot of personal stuff, like he's never been to my house. I've never been to his house. We just share. You're not calling him to get out of jail. Exactly. Like if I like if I actually get myself into legal hot water, I will call you guys or I'd call like my old boss, Tim or, you know, Tony Trevato or somebody like that to bail me out. This guy is not on that scale. He asked me if he could room with me and stay in my room at the convention that I'm going to. Now no offense, and I'm not trying to be bougie or anything like that. But if I stay in a hotel room, I want to stay by myself. Absolutely. Like I think I've grown out of roommate status, okay, with people in hotel rooms. How did you guys do, by the way, with with this, with staying together? Was did you learn it? Is this the first time you guys stayed in the same room with each other? Yes, it was. I have a look name. How was that? I learned that Lydia does not fart. And I learned that KP does. Oh. She's just blowing it all the time. I love Lydia. We are so comfortable. Even her in her sleep, so her snoring woke me up. But that wasn't the first time it woke me up because the second time, yeah, there was a huge fart, and they could feel it vibrating across the sky. And the fact that we didn't even talk about this, literally, I just said the fart thing to be funny. And that's exactly what she was coming to this topic about. I had no idea. It's like she knew in a way. And before that, we had been looking for somewhere to eat and drink. So we were looking through the lobby after we went to Disney and she farted. And I didn't even hear it and she looked at me and she goes, I just farted just so you know. You tell people when you fart and she's like, yeah, it's just kind of incurred. That's actually pretty good of you that you actually, well, for, you know, for a warrant ahead of time. Well, I thought you heard it was literally like, I was like, oh, I thought that was your flip-flop. Dang, it was like, what did you eat? What was it that you read? What did I eat? I don't know. Epcot food. It was the Caesar salad. She had about three of those things throughout the whole day. Oh, this will make you gassy. Do they? In the lettuce. I'm trying to help out. It's interesting. She had so many. Wow. She just is one. I just love Caesar salad. Can I tell you why I didn't want and don't want to room it? It's to a point. I haven't even officially told him no yet. I don't want to tell him no because I feel really bad. It will make me look like I'm not being nice to the guy. And the guy does well. He can afford his own hotel room. The last time that I roomed with somebody was Jeff Dollar, who, Shannon, you know, Jeff. Oh, my God. Jeff does radio in Atlanta. In the middle of the night, I woke up to go to the bathroom and we had two beds in the room. My room was 60 degrees because he turned the AC way down and he was sleeping naked on top of the covers. On his back showing you showing everything I would be worse on his back or on his belly. Honestly, I would almost rather see his buttocks cheeks, you know, yeah, I would almost rather see that Lydia and KP. Are you guys naked sleepers or I had to wear pants. Wait, fortunately. So do you not sleep with clothes on when you're when like Lydia before she got there, do you sleep with clothes? Oh, I sleep with clothes. What about you, KP? I'll wear like a T-shirt. That's it. Yeah. So in that's in everything else. Yeah. And you are. So you had to. Did you put did you do that? Did you wear the T-shirt and did you keep the undies on and stuff like that? I kept everything on because I wasn't about to have. You didn't want that. Well, plus you were blowing ass. Yeah. I was also farting. Yeah. I gave her one of these. I gave her both. One of the other. You want to go out pink eye. Do do people do people have to share rooms for their works and stuff like that? Do you have to like do that? That's awkward when you have to share room. But you can't force you to do that. Can I? I feel like that's a huge huge. No, they can. That happened to me one time. I got I was hosting an event in the organization. Tell me one bed? No, no. So look. So look, I got. I'm man. I'm stuttering. I don't know. What's going on right now? So I got flued out for it. Flued out. So I was hosting an event. They flew me out, put me up in the hotel room. By the time I get there, it was like around midnight. So I walk into my room and there's like a suit hanging up. I'm like, what's going on here? I walk more into the room. There's two beds in there. He's got all his stuff in there. I walk into the shower. He's got like a lot of stuff said I'm like, no, bro, this is not going down. So I called him. And he's like, yeah, I thought it would be cool. It's not. This is a work event. We not homies. Find y'all. Just moved his stuff into your room. No, they like set it up to where I was going to share a room with one of the guys. Did I tell you before? They didn't tell me. Like, what are we doing? One point. I'm too grown if it is. That's not a problem. I'm surprised. Yeah. I'm surprised you got to go find another room. Yeah. Wait, so what did you tell? What did you end up telling? Like, what's going to happen? So I'm talking to him today. And I'll be honest, if the rooms weren't so expensive, because it's in Dallas and the rooms are expensive, they're like like $275, almost $300 a night, I would have bought him his own room. Like, I would have just said, you know what? I'll just pay the the own room, but then I thought, there's no way I would. I'm going to tell him because my son's going to the thing. My son's going to the, uh, I heard, uh, or the boot camp or whatever it is. Yeah. So I'm going to tell him that Joe is staying with me, which technically he's not. He's staying with Jed in his own room, but I'm going to make Joe pretend like he's staying with me. And every night we're going to go to bed and we're going to walk to the same room. And then I'm going to be like, all right, Joe, get the hell out of here. I don't mind, like I don't mind sharing a room with him. I definitely don't want to share a room with Jed because I got to be perfectly honest with you. Same room with Jed one time when we were all in Vegas for something. He came with us to Vegas and that kid had the worst breath in the morning. I was like, that, holy crap. So I didn't want him part of this whole thing. How many nights are you staying? Like is it just overnight? So it's Wednesday night, uh, night and Thursday night and then I leave Friday. I come home on Friday. So it's, it is two nights. So I would have to stay with this person for two nights and honestly, you're allowed to say no. Or if I say yes, do I say yes, but with stipulations, you got to wear clothes and you can't touch the thermostat. You cannot say yes. Cause you are going to be miserable and we're going to have to hear about it all week until you go. So please say no. It doesn't bring me to say no for you. I will say no for you. Please I might have to. Well, turn the air conditional. Look his clothes up. Yeah. Yeah. And you end up sleeping or having Joe come when you got to commit, you got to post to your story, a picture of you and Joe like cuddling everything in there, reading bedtime stories like just Joe hasn't been in the same bed with me since he was a little boy and he would jump in our bed at night. What's going on? Rob. How are you doing? I love you guys. I love you. Every day. We love you too. Thanks, Rob. So company I used to work for about 10 years ago, paid for a company, a seminar and they tried to bump you with a guy I never met and I am like you, Mojo. I got to be alone. I paid for my own room even though the company paid and put two people to a room. I think you're smart doing that. I hate to say it. It costs you money out of the deal, but you got your sanity out of the deal, right? The sanity comfort is important to me. That was huge. Yeah. And honestly, you can poop whenever you want. If I don't have to worry about timing it with your shower. If I was 25 years old, like, you know, in my young 20s, like KP and Lydia are, I'd have no problem with this. That's when I, you know, that's okay. But I think that once I got to a point where I started like paying taxes from more than just me and, you know, my wife, like went, you know, it's like, I'm done with it. I can't do it. I can't share a room. One time here, Rob, at the radio station, we had to put four guys in the same room that we actually did butts to nuts. And it was like the craziest thing in the bed. There was, we had, it was Eric Chad and myself in the same bed together at one point that used to work on. Oh my God. Oh my God. It was horrible. I did that one time. It was not butts to nuts, but I slept with coworkers before. Yeah. But it was like, it was, it was men and women, so it was a little cool. Yeah. Made a video work. And we learned so much about each other, Shannon. And I went with you a million times over again. Thank you. Which one of you guys was the farder? Me. And then also, I think she only wants to room with me so she can get more weird photos of me to you. Mojo in the morning reminds you that if you really show a lot of love to the crazy chicken work, it'll drive her insane. Public Service from Mojo in the morning channel 955