Mojo In The Morning

Kev is Mad at His Friends

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04 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning show. So, Kevin says that he feels like his friends are letting him down. Yeah. And when you say this, are we your friends letting you down? Well, you are because we all took a shot and you didn't drink yours. I drank mine. I went over there and looked in your cup and I saw drag ons. I can't hear her. Here's the remaining. Oh. He didn't drink it. Let me see it. Let me see it. Okay. All right. I'll take KP because I was going to do it with you. By the way, if Kevin's getting us to drink, it's a Thursday. That's all we know. What's happening? So, yeah, I'm really proud of myself. And yesterday I did something that I have been wanting to do for a while and I finally did it. I had a high school, Detroit School of the Arts and with my brand same 24, we partnered into the scholarship where a student from the multimedia major, which was my major, that department, we're going to give a kid $1,000 and then I'll encourage, you know, anybody who wants to donate is a link on the page and whatever it is, all the money will go to a student. That is so cool. I saw this. I love this. Thank you, man. I'm, that school made me who I am. My teacher, Ms. Marcia Sackweil, who is no longer with this anymore, she's going on the glory, it was a huge part of, you know, molding me and my character and putting me on the right path and diction and all that kind of stuff. So I love that school and I want to give back. So I was really excited to do this and put it out on social media, but before I did that, I sent a bunch of text messages to not only like my core group chat, but a bunch of people. And some people reached out and some people didn't. You know how sometimes the 10% can be louder than the 90, especially when that 10% is quantity or excuse me, it's quality and it kind of made me feel like, why am I the biggest cheerleader and champion for everybody? But when it comes for, I guess my time to shine or moments for people to stand up and hold my sign and the rafters say, we're here for Kevin. I don't feel that same love and not only does it hurt, but it also makes me feel like, do I need to put certain friends and certain buckets, like what friend are you? Are you just the, the turn up friend? Are you the, you got my back friend, like what friend are you? And it really made me kind of sit back and start to question some things. And I'm still in that question phase. I've made any decisions. I'm not going to take this one example and like make it their character, but it is very surprising that what I would say is one of the highlights in my life right now is crickets. How long ago did you put that to? Well, can you give them a little bit of time or no? Everybody has their phones, nobody's, nobody's that busy. Yeah. I'm starting to learn. Not everybody wants to see you shine. Unfortunately, when this happens, when stuff like this, like why wouldn't they jump over the moon? What went to be over the moon excited for you? You feel just, and not to, just not to say anything, like you can say all that's dope, bro. That's crickets. Yeah. That's, that speaks volumes to me, especially when it's something that's so important to you. We're, were we on this? Because I'm looking through. No, no, no, no. Look at this. I panic. No, no. You're not saying. I want you to go ahead and look at your legs. So who liked it? Go ahead. Go look at it right now. I don't want to sound like that. Oh, hold on. Let's look. There's a reason I'm saying this. There's a reason I'm saying. You like it, Mike? Hell yes, I did. Okay, there we go. Mike's a real. Do I like it? I watched it. I don't know. Yeah, I didn't. Oh, God. Hold on. If I text you, though, that's different. Don't let me text you. And then you just hit the like button. I agree with that. What do we do? I agree with that. Because not everything gets pushed out to everybody, especially in a day, like if you only posted that on social media, even if I check social media, I'm not searching all of my friends individually every single day. Just like it. No, I don't. You know, I'm literally having to kept Instagram right now to like it, but I look good too. I don't think that your friends, I would, I'd give them a day or so on that, Kevin. Yes, because I think, listen, you don't answer my texts right away sometimes. I mean, I send you stuff. All right. It depends on I think what you send matters. If you send, if you're sending me something where a pendant on ESPN is poo point on LeBron, like I might not respond. All right. But here's the thing. They all came to your birthday party and stuff like this is not, I'm saying it's not them. It's more like it's more. It's more people. All right. Patricia, hi. What's happening? Hi. How are you guys? We're good. What's going on? What do you think about this? Kevin feels like his friends let him down. Yeah. No, I have the same kind of friends and it really, really sucks. I'm their biggest cheerleader, but it comes to me same thing. There's crickets. No one's ever really there. Yeah. What's been the biggest thing that they were crickets on that you needed them for? And I mean, my husband just bought her a house about like three, four months ago. Yeah. That's a big deal for us. And yeah. And no one really said anything. That's ridiculous. They didn't even say congratulations at all. No. No. Do you think that there's a little bit of jealousy in the fact that you bought this home and maybe they, that's why they didn't say anything? I mean, could be, but I mean, you should be jealous of your friends. You should be supportive and happy. I don't even know if that's it. I think, and I think we're all guilty of this, of just like being so overloaded and being so busy with other stuff or we miss a texture, you see it when you're, you know, doing something and you forget to respond or whatever. But I also think just as guilty as we all are, it's such a good lesson listening to you talk about this for us to like slow the F down a little bit and pause and realize that these things are really big deals for our, you know, our circle, our friends and our family and our coworkers, whatever. I try to give people more of the benefit of the doubt. Yeah. Just because of, I, you know, I think that people sometimes getting inundated with stuff. But I will tell you this, that, you know, Kevin, you are one of the first that will champion what other people are doing and you're always grated at doing that. So it is disheartening when you know that you champion, I'm sure these people and other stuff that they're doing. So I'm not giving them the benefit of the dump. I'm not here for that. I appreciate grace and there are certain circumstances where I'll extend that, but this ain't one of those. When we go with repetition versus speed, kind of like what Moja was saying, right? Yeah, we're trying to. People are ignoring you all of the time over and over and over again. I think that's a more clear sign that people are not rooting for you or on your side versus the speed of responding, especially less than 24. Yeah. Cause what do you do with those friends? Not at this point. You're not cutting them all off. Are you? No, you, I don't think you cut them off, but I think you do a better job at protecting yourself. So you understand what type of friend they are and then at that point, once you show me who you are, I know how to handle you at that point. I don't have an expectation. If we have an expectation where we're reaching out, we're congratulating each other. We're talking however long we are and then I send something and for some reason, you don't say anything. Well, why didn't you? Well, I know you've seen it. I had to learn a big lesson this way with a friend or two. I stopped doing all of the work and I wanted to see what happened. And I am no longer friends with that person because it was so one sided, right? What can we do for you? Go to, the letter S is in Shannon,, hit the donate button. No amount is too small. No amount is too large, but if it is or $500, I'll put your logo on the chair. Let me give it to the keys. Sarah, what were you going to say? I was going to say don't over analyze Facebook, like what is social media? What if there wasn't this was actually a personal text? Yes, Sarah. This is why I posted it on Instagram, but I said and also like I have children in sports and right now it's a 10 year where everybody has a fundraiser and I can't give every what do they? Yeah, what if they don't donate? But what if they say, Hey, I'll help you when I, you know, with so when I sent the text, I sent the same text message to a bunch of people. I didn't mention anything about donations. I said, share for your man's one time. Any support y'all can land is greatly appreciate it. So they can just share it on their own, right? And that's the text with the link. All right. I said that to a bunch of people. Sometimes I'd rather just give them money. Yeah. Yeah. Mojo. That's two four. That's not a shit. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry. Sorry. We're here. We're in the limo and we lost track of time. No. Lucky Lane Casino. With cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you lucky. Thank you for free at No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. [MUSIC PLAYING]