Mojo In The Morning

What Do You Do While Pooping?

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04 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's So many texts in that says that their mom massages their feet and they're 39 years old. Gosh. I swear, you know what? This is going to be the thing that upsets me the most about it. It's going to be my sons because their mom seriously would wipe their asses for them. I'm still doing that. I mean, well, yeah, it's okay when your children are children like that. I mean, Smith just likes to have company while he's pooping. He knows how to do it himself. Smith wants you to keep him company in the toilet every single time. So what was over yesterday? He goes, when, like, when does this just keep going? I'm like, I don't know. It's only when he poops. He wants someone to talk to and he will not let me leave. Really? Are you in there? I am literally in the bathroom and I sit down in front of him. No, kind of sounds great. Honestly, I wouldn't mind talking to somebody in the bathroom. Nope. This is literally my biggest fear. And if I try to get up and just say, okay, you're like, you finish when you, you know, why when you're done? And he's like, no, no, no, no. You sit down. You know what the funniest is going to be is he's going to be just like all the rest of us on his social media or on his phone. He needs something to do when he's in there. Yeah. It makes it come out so much faster. If I sit in there by myself, I get anxiety that I'm sitting in a little room by myself. Yeah. Yeah. I almost need something. It just adds an extra 45 minutes though. Like, do we really need to be in here as long as we are? Sometimes. Sometimes. Sometimes it's alone time. I guarantee you today. Next time you put going there with no technology and I guarantee you get out of your fashion and you would have to. I can't, I get anxiety. I can't do it. So here's the thing. I want to throw this out there right now. What is it that you do while you duty? So what do you do while you do D? The Smith needs to have somebody there to talk to. What is it that you do while you're going to the bathroom? I want to know if there are any eaters. Okay. Recently. Recently. I blow-dried my hair. Really? Yeah. I was drinking hate blow-drying my hair. It's the worst. It is the worst. And so I was blow-drying my hair and I had to poop. I'm like, I can do both at the same time. Is it a corded hair dryer? Yes. So you have a plug that's fairly close. Yes. You have to be able to have that. You know what's funny is that I have done everything from, you know, obviously watch TV. Like I would sit there and watch, you know, episodes of, I don't know, whatever is breaking bad or something. But I found myself for time to time, like sitting there and going through, I'm like really big. I'm trying to go through and organize. So I'll bring in a file. I have one of those things that, yeah, you know, like the accordion files. So I'll bring them in there. You like my filing and stuff and I have all these big stack of papers here. My pants off. I'm sure your tax guy is really excited to get that file. Stewart, by the way, I apologize that you had touched that. What is this? Andrea, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. What do you do when you're going duty? Good morning. Well, I start filing my nails and sometimes if I have time, my legs don't fall asleep. I start clipping my toenails and painting them. Oh, yeah. How do you get your toenails clipped? Do you have to, do you just like bend over? Well, you're already sitting down and slow, so you just bend over. Can I give you a tip to make it even easier and better? Get yourself a squatty potty. And that makes it easier. I paint my toenails all the time while I'm on the toilet. Easy, isn't that? Yeah. And then like before when I had a child, it's like I always bring my child in there. Somebody to talk to, well, you had to bring a baby in there, you know, because you couldn't have them, like, out there, out there. Yeah, running around. I don't, I don't know if I can do the whole bend over though, because especially after I've already had to flush before I did that. What's going on, Sarah? Hey, good morning, guys. Morning. I do the, you know, typical go on your phone or if you forget your phone, you know, you read the ingredients on the air freshener can. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. It's the new source of entertainment. Yeah. I could design the perfect bathroom. It would have a television that just sits. Absolutely. How about the flat screen on the wall? Yes. Oh my God. Yes. Nathan. Hi, Nathan. Hi. What are you doing while you're doodying? Um, I use my, um, move time to do wordle every day. Oh, I was wondered where those people that do wordle, do wordle. Are we still posting wordle? Oh my God. Facebook. I guarantee there's no, I still see people doing it. Yeah. But what's faster, your duty, you figuring out the word. You what do you do? Okay. No, I'm a lace up a pair of shoes. I'm so you keep, you actually poop with shoes on? No, I mean, I've had new shoes, right? They come in and typically the shoes that I buy, they can have two or three different laces. Oh, you have it all. Yeah. Yeah. I set the new shoes. You got to buy special shoes for those feet. Oh, you're back on my feet. So can I tell you something? Okay, Shannon. Okay, Shannon. I have a thing where I cannot. I cannot go to the bathroom at home if I have shoes on. I take my shoes off. It's not coming. Yeah. You got to be shoeless when you're on the, the potty, cozy, Vicki. What's going on? Hey, how's it going? Good. What do you do? Well, you're doing. I literally done everything. I take in food books, my iPad, my laptop, my phone, because it is the only room in the house with a lock that nobody can just like walk in on me. What's your favorite thing to eat while you're on the toilet? Usually snacks, like, you know, quick finger wrap snacks. You know, it's not like a whole like, you know, happy meal or something like that. You said finger wrap snacks. Are they like those like lunch snacks? Like where you wrap it up in a tortilla and then you cut them into little things like little pinwheels. Those are called pinwheels. Oh, yeah. No, no, no. These are like, you know, packaged, like, you know, grab a rice Krispie treat or like. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Like, hey, can we have this? You're like, no. And then you like grab a couple of something you're talking about. Is it weird to have a TV tray in your bathroom? Can you imagine? Like a little TV tray there? Yeah. Cool. Yeah. What's going on, Amanda? Hey, I have a question for you. What did you do before there was technology in the bathroom? Honestly, I don't. I think I think that I was looking for anything I possibly could, you know, girls said you read the ingredients. Secure business. My dad, you saw his National Geographic too. Yes. For the soul story. Highlights. Yeah. It's more. What's that? What do you. I said, you twiddle your thumbs. Oh, I was like, wait a second, did I just dump that? Derek, what do you do? I smoke a bowl while, you know, taking a poop smoke a bowl while you drop it in the bowl. Really? I will. Yeah. Yeah. That's the best way to do it. Do you hold the bowl in your hand or because sometimes like if you're ever smoking a bowl, you got to put it on something. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it depends on if I got a bone or a bowl, but most of the time, it's just a bowl and you're not, you know, light it up and then, you know, hit the ball and, you know, be on Facebook and be on Facebook, all of a sudden, by the way, that's a talented man. Give it up for this guy. If you can do all that stuff together. All right. Thank you, Derek. Thank you. Appreciate it. Listen to this one. Lauren has, she has a TV in her toilet in her bathroom and then also plays Nintendo while she's in there. Is that right, Lauren? Yeah. Yeah. So, um, this was a while ago, a few years ago, I had a cabinet just kind of set in front of, uh, where the toilet was. And so I, I just set up a little TV. This was real old, like, like old school TV with the tube in it. And then I had the original Nintendo in there and I used to just send hours playing Mario or maybe not ours. That might be too much, but it was, uh, it was a good time and a good excuse to stay in there. Isn't that fun? Yeah. That would be so great. We have, by the way, the weirdest listeners.