Mojo In The Morning

Dates Every Man Should Never Forget

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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this is the mojo in the morning podcast powered by michigan auto law auto accident attorneys visit auto law dot com that's auto law dot com so uh... we're out to dinner with uh... the person who introduced us celsius so chelsie and i got introduced by uh... chelsie's best friend in the world jenny and we were out with yet uh... jenny from the plot yes uh... you know jenny from or zone ok we're out in she was visiting and we were hanging out with jenny and it was uh... this couple that we you know we love with no one love jenny and jared and something word we're having a conversation and jenny said you know what is coming up in that and we're like no your anniversary and i'm like no it's not our anniversary is not until october we got married an october the fifteenth which was a very nice day it was sweetest day and uh... she goes no your anniversary is coming up and i said no she goes the anniversary of when you guys met i had no idea no clue and chelsie honestly didn't have an idea and it was interesting because there are certain things that you should probably remember like a diversity you should remember but i did not know the and so the anniversary when chelsie and i met is coming up in it the reason why you know she knew it was it was right around the time that chelsie had graduated from high school and we met when chelsie had just graduated from high school and it was at a graduation party and that's where we ended up meeting each other for the very first time and how weird is it that i had no clue when it was i know it was in may but i don't remember exactly what the date was i don't think that's where she is it weird is not where to know so you've got for the date that you first met who remembers that now you know what's so frustrating about this all i want to do is be like you're such a lot that oh my god i can't believe you don't know that you eat and i'm like no that's right i know i don't know i mean i met you on do you have to remember first date um i'd remember the first date i have to remember that day i think that's just i think that's one of those days you don't need to do anything but it's like oh today what today was our first date you know five years ago i thought i'd try hard but i know all of those do you really yes this does not surprise me and i mean that kindly that's that's a compliment to you that does not surprise me about you i remember mike the first date that we called ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend because it was fourth of july which was a big one we went to a fourth of july fireworks uh you know extravaganza and then after the extravaganza's when the extravaganza began yeah but i remember that was when we first which by the way i don't think i don't even know if we had so i don't think we had sex that night but it was when i first told her that i really you know loved her and stuff and cared for her but here's an interesting thing i put together a list when we were having this conversation because we were at the table and i was just scribbling this on uh onto the the menu that they had the paper menu here are the dates that i think every man should never forget your wedding anniversary if you're married i think your dating anniversary is important so i think mike you're smart to know this the month that you proposed the first time you had sex that first time your children's birth dates you should know your children's birth dates yeah and the time that she told you that she liked you because that was honestly i remember when chelsey told me that she liked me i was um it was june like i know right around my birthday like 12th or something and i was going to san francisco for a job interview at a radio station in san francisco and she had told me when she was dropping me off at the airport to go for the job interview that i just wanted to let you know that i i really really like you and i care for you and i went the entire time in san francisco did not want to take that job and i was on this interview going i don't want to i don't want to leave her because i had not had that i've had girlfriends not many of them some i had to pay for but um but i never had i never had somebody that i truly believed like cared for me yeah you know like i had i had girls that i knew that you know we were mutually just kind of hanging with each other but that was so the whole job interview i was like there's no way i'm taking this job interview and it's like san francisco i was in tusan, erisona at the time is that far it well it's not only just far but it's market size it was i was just i wasn't even thinking about proximity it was like market number 63 compared to market number five i think it was to go there um are there dates that you think that you should definitely like if if west didn't remember because you know the day that you first went out for your first coffee date don't you i remember that date um but i didn't remember actually we just played this game at my bachelor at party my friends were like quizzing me you know like they asked him a question they asked me a question and see if they match and he knew the exact day that we actually met in person and it was at a mojo in the morning event and i didn't know that i knew i was like it was summer of 2019 like i think it was like a month or two after i had announced my divorce and we randomly met an event and then didn't go out until 2021 yeah but i don't remember the the exact date of that but i remember September 21st 2021 was when we had our first i called it a non-date but not coffee is it weird that i do not remember dates but i remember everything that took place in that moment like i can tell you like body language i can tell you maybe what you were wearing but i just can't be like oh september 21st but can't you make up those details you can't do that with a girl bro i feel like if she remembered you you remember probably what you had on that date it went out for the coffee date you know what i mean like that's like like i can't remember that kind of stuff but just be like September 21st see i'd give you a pass i'd give you a pass if you didn't know the date but you could recall details like that i would say okay you were Chelsea and i our first date with each other or physical the date that we went out with each other was Olive Garden i remember that was it and i remember what we ordered because we went to Olive Garden like 12 more times after that and did the same thing all i could afford was the the salad and breadsticks oh they're so good that was it and i remember that and we each had uh minestrone soup this show teaches me how bad of a partner i was in every previous relationship because i'm sitting here going i have no idea what the dates were i have no idea what the details are and you're also sitting here single right that's what i just yeah i like my kind of stung a little bit harder to punch him right in the freaking face i want the anniversary date of this date right now the date you punched him right in the nose you can actually just say i'll tell you it turned off you know you better watch it though Victoria what's going on yeah so our actual wedding date is the same exact day that we met just years later um i purposely did that way because i cannot remember anything my husband on the other hand is absolutely great at remembering dates that he reminds me of them that i i cannot i cannot remember them that's sweet that your first date and your wedding date are the same yeah so when we decided to get married i'd like you know what let's just do it on the same date but i don't remember forget it yeah that is very smart and also that guy is an a-hole for making all the rest of us guys look bad him and mike are the ones that make a every guy look bad that they remember these things great are remembering dates he definitely uh will call me out on that remembering them yeah i failed about 600 times before this hmm like you got one right i'm always the guy that looks on facebook to find people's birthdays and the worst is when everybody does they're your family that's what the notes section is for in your contacts yeah if you go to somebody's contact you can jot out notes i got my anniversary in there i got favorite foods in there favorite songs for shorill shoe sizes you got to use your resources i like when you wish somebody a happy birthday on text and it lets you add on your iphone or that to their uh yeah it'll show up on your channel yeah yeah what's what's going on ashley hey how are you guys good you have a guy that also remembers all the dates he remembers every single date and or like all the important dates but i couldn't tell you what they were and i agree with kev like i can tell you where our first date was i can tell you where we met the whole nine yards but when it comes down to it like i have to ask him the dates yeah that's that's nice to have that like you know to have at least one person in the house that's organized like that so yeah definitely him over me see something that means more yeah i agree with ashley if you can tell me everything that went into it you can communicate the emotion to me that means more than just saying oh it was June 1st yeah although not being prepared for the date kind of sucks when you wake up on that date very true my favorite is when lydia will go um by the way it's so-and-so's birthday you know and i'm like oh crap and then it's like all right a starbucks birthday cake pop you know something i can grab through the drive-through