Mojo In The Morning

A Spider Almost Caused Kev To Get Into An Accident

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04 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto Accident attorneys visit auto law dot com. That's auto law dot com. Mojo in the morning. Cav. Almost got into an accident yesterday. What's the story, Kevin? So like this song, I was pretty turned up yesterday. Although not a little John and East side boys for the 90% of people in the world who have no idea that yesterday was the eighth year anniversary of Drake's album views, which little known fact is the first album in the streaming era to sell a million copies in the first week. Well, no fact, I was reminiscing. I had it turned up for first five tracks. I mean, deep is going crazy pause, loving every single minute of it. I'm hyped and throughout this experience, I don't realize until I turn to my right and I see a spider on my shoulder. Immediately is Def Con 5 and I'm no longer saying Drake lyrics. I yellow all spit like and I'm I'm left hand. I'm driving right hand. I'm vibing. Come to both hands. I'm vibing, but at a certain point in time, no hands were on the wheel and I'm smacking my shoulder because the only thing that matters is getting this spider off of my shoulder. I don't care where it goes. And then all of a sudden I realized as the horn beeps next to me that I'm in somebody else's lane, their piss is one of situations where once you kind of get things correct and they pull up, they kind of looking at you like what you doing? I'm like, I'm sorry. Yeah, the spider almost caused an accident. Wow. I did not know that you're a spider fair. If you see a spider like in your house, do you freak out like that? No, I'll go kill it. I'm not scared of spiders like that. But if it's not your body, it's on my shoulder in the midst of a turn up session where I'm not expecting it. Yeah. And it's like four inches from my face. Yeah, no, I'm with you there. Come on, man. That's cause for concern. Really? I did not. I did not know that. Go ahead. I did not know. I did not know that you were a you're a screamer. I did not know that you're a scream over something like this. OK, I thought that a spider, a little old spider, like it's not like it's a, you know, tarantula or something like that. How big was the spider? It was probably like the size of a large fly. A large fly. Was it a side side of a quarter? No, it was smaller than that. Maybe smaller than a quarter. It was like a dime. It doesn't matter. I feel like the smaller, the worse. It's on your shoulder. They could get anywhere to the little tiny that could crawl into your ear. I think fuzzy fat ones. If you're not, if you're not like, why is a spider in my car? First off, why is it on my shoulder while I'm turning up? You don't expect this to happen. I don't crawl into a web and go, this is my home now. Hey, back to me and I'll respect you. Charlotte, stay over there. I'm going to be on my side. Correct. Yes, by the way, if you got yourself, if you got yourself into a car accident and the police come, and they're doing the police report, and they say, what was it? And you say a spider, you think that the guy's going to go, you want to say, I get it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I get it. Yeah, yes. I don't know. I don't think so. I think he's going to be like, come on. Look at you. What are you? Bro. The size of a linebacker. Did I overreact? Potentially. Yes. And I don't buy, by the way, when he says that he kills the spiders at home. All churral. I do. Churral is the one telling me. It's Josiah. Yeah. It's like Josiah. Joe, get over here. What's going on? Miranda. Hi. Well, a long time listener here, again, calling. Oh, okay. So second time caller. Thank you. My husband's grandmother has totaled out two cars due to spiders. Valley. I have probably taken out or almost taken out, like two or three of my cars due to insects. Really? The funniest one was, yeah, the funniest one was back when we were living in Toledo and we were leaving his grandmother's house and we had his brother with us and his butterfly flew in through the window. And I completely let go of the wheel and like freaked out over a butterfly. Yeah. The only thing funnier than Cav almost taken out a bunch of cars because of a spider would be Kevin, a butterfly. Are you afraid of butterflies to not even I'm not scared of spiders. It's the reality that was on my shoulder while I'm driving. Rachel. Yeah, context. Hi, Rachel. Hi, Rachel. Hi, Rachel. I should just listen to the show, giggling. It's a good show. We lost you there for a second. Rachel. Rachel. There you are. Hi. Hi. Dead spot there. What's going on? I was driving back from Florida and I was almost, you know, I was just almost to Michigan so I was a little delirious because it was, I drove straight through and he, you know, probably five of a quarter of a spider came out of my, um, my baseboard and my car, my windshield baseboard and I kind of panicked, but then it went back inside and, um, two weeks later, it reappeared when I was driving my daughter to school and so it had been that entire time for two weeks, it was in my car. Oh, there's babies. There were babies made. Oh my God. Say that. Yeah. Probably. You know, it's funny is that I have no fear of spiders, none at all. I have a fear of like alligators, you know what I mean? Like something like that. Like I get fear of that. I get fear of snakes. Okay. Snakes. Spiders though. You're not alligators. I can't see. And I got to believe more people are injured and killed by spiders than alligators. I don't get, but I don't even get like fearful of like a bee if a bee gets in a car or a wasp or something. Lemo, you know, bees are way different than even spiders because spiders don't really bite. I mean, some of them probably do. I have two spider bites on my leg right now. But a bee sting bees like will literally put poison inside of you for me. You can lose a limb from a spider. Do you remember when we did the contest with with slim and intern Jack Black, and we had intern Jack Black and slim in a car and we did a spelling bee with them and we unleashed bees into the car. Like people. 100 bees. Yeah. Did they know about this? Well, they were bumble bees. They didn't even realize it. They were non-stinging bumble bees. They had no clue. But those two idiots thought they still stung. I didn't know that's all I know. What's up, Debbie? How you doing? Hi, Mojo. Evan, everyone love the show. I had a co-worker. That was so afraid of spiders that one day it was like 10 o'clock in the morning and she still wasn't at work and we were like, where is Melissa? So we got a little worried and called her up and she was like, oh my God, I can't get out of my apartment. I opened the door and there was a spider in the entrance lane. I can't get out. I've been stuck in here all morning. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's so good. She said finally she was able to open the door and spray it dead and then she came to work. But oh my God. She was so afraid of spiders. That is a great excuse to be late for work. Hello. Hello. Hi. Can you hear me? Yes. Hi. Everybody's phones are so funky. Hey, Debbie. Hey, Debbie. Tell your story. Go ahead. I'm sorry. Hi. Okay. All right. So I had a co-worker named Melissa that was so definitely afraid of spiders that one day at work. Hold on. Hold on. Let me guess. She called in sick saying that she couldn't get in because of the spider. Well, almost. I mean, like it was 10 a.m. and she's still in it and arrived at work. So we got worried that something had happened to us. So we called and she was like, oh my God, I'm stuck in my apartment. I opened the door and there was a spider in the doorway. And I. Are you kidding me? Second time around better. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I'm going to put you on hold. Talk to Mojo and tell him that same story. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Hi. It's Mojo. Hello. Hi, Mojo. Everyone. Love this show. Oh, we love you too. We love you too. Been listening a long time. We're talking. We're talking. We're talking. We're talking in the air right now about spiders and kev's fear of spiders. What's your story? Well, I had a coworker that was so deftly afraid of spiders that at one day it was like 10 a.m. at work and Melissa hadn't come in yet. And we got worried about where she was and what had happened to her. So we called her at home and she was like, oh my God, I'm stuck in my apartment. I opened the door and there was a spider there and I can't get out. Oh, that's crazy. That is awesome. Did she get out? To open the door and play it dead with like a whole can of fun. Oh my God. Oh, that's a good idea. That is a great story. Debbie. Thank you, Debbie. Give it up for Debbie. I hope she goes back and listen. Yeah, I can read a true story though, because it didn't change any time. Yeah. Our voice got better and better. First in being fearful of spiders, Andrea, what are you fearful of? Well, I'm not fearful of it, but my friend, I was in her truck with her and I seen a green tree frog behind her head in her truck, a single camp truck, and I'm like, don't freak out. And she's like, what? And she kind of like tensed up. I'm like, there's a frog behind your head. She quickly whipped into a parking spot and jumped out of the truck and started freaking out. Seriously, a frog would be something weird, wouldn't it? Of all the sudden you're in the car with a frog. Like, how did the dog get in there? Yeah, that's a weird one. Here, hold on. Tell us. We're done. I'm just kidding. Oh God, it's so silly. We are silly today. Do you think a frog has ever been behind somebody's head while they're driving? Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. Look at a lot of bees. Listen to these ones. Harold Labelle, Heather, all of you got hold on. I'm going to pick up everybody here and I'll grab you one by one. Are you there? Harold Labelle and Heather? This is Labelle. How are you? Can you hear me? I got you, Labelle. Labelle, you sound like you could actually handle a bee. What's happening? Who's that? Good morning. Who is that? Oh, that's my friend. Eric, we were dropping him off. So he wanted to say hello. Hi. How are you? So, Labelle, you drove with a bee in your car before? So Eric wasn't born yet. My older kids were in the car and it was four of us and the bee got in the window and I legit had to pour the car over and pour all the kids out and get the bee out. We had two that are severely allergic and we were like on Lafayette, like coming off a 75. Oh, Jesus. Hey, Harold, where was yours at? You actually got stung by the bee, Harold, right? Yeah. I was driving. I went and came in at a stoplight or whatever and then I took off and I didn't see it and I noticed it and I was trying to flaunt it with my one hand to get it out the window. And made a weird eye contact with me and then just hit me in my ear hole. You mean eye contact to bee? Don't cry. It's my 50. You're like, whoa, whoa. I'm going through your ear hole. And then Heather, Heather, yours happened on Grashed. I heard, huh? Yes. So my husband, my friend and I were going to the beach and a bee has flew into my car and we were like in the middle of traffic, but I got so scared that I jumped out of the car and refused to get back in the car until the bee was killed and people started honking at me and getting so mad, but I wasn't getting back in the car getting stung on no way. Can you imagine, by the way, can you imagine having to jump out on Grashed, man? There's cars all over the place all because of a bee. Mandy. What's up, Mandy? First of all, you are so messed up to have Debbie repeat herself. That was awesome. Come on. Yeah. I hope I hope she goes back and listens to the podcast of that because that's going to be on the Facebook, too. Oh, that's okay. No tagger. Every day when you log in to Chumbah, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at Chumbah now. And live the Chumbah Life.