Mojo In The Morning

He Framed Her Picture... Creepy!

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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- This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto-accident attorneys. Visit - That's - It's Mojo in the Morning Show. I've been wanting to hear this story. So we teased it. One of your friends went out with a guy only to have this guy do something that some people might think is creepy. - Some people might not think it's creepy. So a little bit of a backstory, just so you can understand, a girlfriend of mine, one of my single girlfriends, has been seeing a guy that she met on Hins for maybe like three weeks now. It has not been a month, okay? And to be fair, she really, really likes this guy. But she went to his condo, this was the night before last, to have a drink before they went out to dinner. And she had been there before, but this time there was something very different that she noticed. He had two framed photos of her in his condo, one on a shelf in his living room and one on his kitchen counter. - Psycho. - Okay? And she didn't venture into his bedroom yet to see if there are more, but now she's freaked out. And okay, so one of the photos is of a selfie that they took, like on his phone. The other one is from her Instagram. And that's just her. - That was gonna be my question. How did he see me fix it? - She texted our girls group chat and she now all of a sudden, well, first of all, she's bummed because, like I said, she really likes this guy. But now she thinks he's slightly psycho because he printed out photos from his phone and they've only been dating for not even a month. - So they've been-- - I put them in frames. - They've been seeing each other for less than a month. They did take pictures together, but they took a selfie together. - Right. - That was one of the photos. - That was one. - And another photo. - Another photo he printed out a photo of her, just her from her Instagram. - All right, so let me just talk about psychoness with this real quick and give my point of view on this. Number one, guys that frame any photos are psycho. (laughing) All right, enough said. Move on to the next player. - Oh, I don't agree with that. - I don't agree with that. - Guys that have a time to go buy a frame and frame a photo, you are psycho. - Wes, I love you. - Oh, is that a Wes thing? - He is such a photo framer. - Oh, okay, all right. So, second thing, to go and grab the photo off social media is where he completely crossed the line. - Yeah, 'cause you have to take it, save it to your phone, and then what uploaded into the, you know, what at Walgreens, at whatever, wherever you're getting your photos from and go get it on top. - That's wacky. Do we know if it was a joke? Like did he play it off like, ha ha, I got you. - I don't think he did. I haven't actually talked to her in person, but the way that she texted the group chat makes me see, or makes it seem like she was pretty freaked out by it. - It's giving obsessed, Norman Bates vibes, I'm sorry. - Yeah, there's definitely some obsession vibes in this whole thing. I don't know, has anybody ever had that happen to them where they went and saw that the person had, like, remember the days when you had, like the, like a bulletin board where you put a bunch of pictures up? - Oh yeah. - I mean, this might actually be your day right now. I'm just thinking, like, we, I've gotten married and been married for a while, but, or the collage picture ones. - Oh yeah. - And I've seen the date bowl where they keep things from, like, your dates, like the ticket stub and-- - Oh yeah, yeah, well yeah. So I've seen that, I've never seen the picture. - The reason that picture thing came up was, I remember I dated a girl and I was dating her, her name was Rose, it was right before Chelsea, and this is the infamous Rose who stole from me. She actually stole my personal item. No, and I'm a haired. Honestly, she stole my B96 Killer B jacket that I had from B96 in Chicago. It was one of those leather letterman's jackets that was like so awesome. And I would love to have that in my radio, you know, bin. But I remember we saw, we were seeing each other for probably a little over a month, and I went over to her house and she had one of those frames where it was pictures of a bunch of things. And one of the frames that she had was pictures of the two of us. And let me just say this to you, some of those pictures in that thing, like, it was back in the day when you had to get this film developed at Walgreens. They didn't develop that fast. Like they didn't, you know. - Oh, so she paid extra. - She paid way extra 'cause one of the pictures that was inside of that frame was a picture from like a day or two before that. And she got that thing developed that fast and put that frame together that fast. And I thought that was a little kind of nutty. - Yeah. - Okay, but I have a question then. How good was she in bed? Crazy in hair. - Crazy equals crazy in bed, yes. You're absolutely right. She was definitely good in that. - You wanna see the picture he had up from her his grandma's printed out? Do not say her name, the pretty picture. It's a pretty picture of her. - Oh, wow. It's like a beach photo or something? Like she's on a beach. Wow, Aaron, what's going on? What do you think about this? - Hey, let's not judge the guy too much. He just had the proof to his friends and his parents that he has a girlfriend. (laughing) So I have one of them together then there's one of just her. - That actually might be an interesting reason why he did it. Maybe he did wanna prove that he actually was dating somebody to other people. - Still psycho. - You know? - You gotta prove to the bros they am. I met this pretty girl. They never believed you in this. - But I will say this though, but here's something that's interesting with this. If he thought it was weird, he would not have let her see that he had this up there. He didn't think this was weird. - He knew she was coming over. - Yeah. - And so one of the things that she texted us was, what's next? I'm scared he's going to change his profile picture on his social media to a photo of us every three weeks. Right? - Maybe he thought, maybe this is the thing. Maybe he wanted to show her how much he was dedicated to this relationship. - Which is sweet in theory, but it just-- - It's the way you have to be real careful with the timing there. - No, you're friend. - I'm just ready to wear your skin. (laughing) - It depends on who he is. - Here's the thing though. - Like I love that dedication, but we'll do soon. - Your friend was the wrong person to be going out with him. You should have been the one going out with him. - You're right. I'm so sappy. - 'Cause you would have fallen for this. You would have been like, - Oh. - Really? (laughing) Or no? - No, I am very sappy. - Yeah. - Very sappy. But that would scare me a little bit. - Shannon would have married him, like she would. (laughing) This would have been like the greatest thing ever. I'm like, this is the wrong guy for us in this group. - This is my whole art movie guy.