Mojo In The Morning

Should Meaghan Run a Marathon?

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03 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the morning podcast powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys visit auto That's auto Megan, are you seriously thinking about doing a marathon? Um, I see that in the most unenthusiastic way I possibly could, and it all kind of stemmed from a couple of things. So, um, thankfully I've been able to reach a lot of like big life goals recently, and that's something that's very exciting. But it's put me in a weird position where I haven't been able to like figure out, okay, so what's next? And I'm a goal oriented person. So I need something that I'm constantly working towards, or I don't feel like I'm kind of living, right? Like that's, that's for me. So that's something that my therapist and I have been working on is setting new realistic life expectations and goals. Yay. That is great. No, that's honestly, I know. I think that that's awesome. Everybody say woo. So, what are the things that I have, I don't really believe in, but I do like saying is, uh, that must be a sign. That must be a sign. And so on tiktok, I've been watching a lot of videos, it's called like a zero to 10 K and it's when you don't run a day in your life and it's a plan to get yourself to a 10 K and like 60 days or whatever. So that you're able to train for it. And I've seen so many of these videos that I'm like, am I supposed to run a marathon? Like, is this supposed to be my next life goal? Only issue is I refuse to run ever. Like if there was a murder behind me in a movie, I'm the first one out because I'm just going to stand there and be like, well, it's my fate. Um, I'm not, I'm not hustling. We're not glistening with sweat, not today. And so I'm like, I really want to have this life goal. I feel like this is a sign, but I don't want to invest this much time into something that I don't actually want to. Okay. So you're looking for a new life goal. You think that signs are pointing to you because you've been seeing a lot about marathons. Do you do an American, but you've never run before? Well, okay. So when I was younger, I was on like a travel soccer team. So I actually ran all of the time. I was very good at it, but then I got boobs and I just said, you know what, my back can't handle this. And before you're like, I have boobs and I run. I have toddlers on my chest. I have ginormous boobs and I wear multiple bras when I work out. And I, it is so incredibly painful. I can't begin to describe to you when I run how uncomfortable I am. Yeah. You got to pick something else besides the marathon. That wasn't even like a motivational, no, no, because that I, I, you know how much I love you, Megan. I, that would be so painful for you truly, truly, but like, what's the next life goal then? Like, what, what is it supposed to be? I, I, listen, I will tell you this. I've been hearing more and more lately, Shannon, people who have never run before in their lives. Yeah. Going into an American and doing it. I did that. I did a half full disclosure. If you do a full massive props to you, because after I had Lucy, that was my goal. Like, I wanted to run this marathon for my church for the Hope Water Project. And so I did the half and I am not a runner whatsoever. And it was, but it was, it was recommended for Megan. No, no, I'm saying, like, I checked it off my bucket list. And I'm like, okay, I did that. I really don't have any desire to do it again. I'm just saying for her, she's right. Like she's trying to be funny, but she's also right. That would be insanely painful. How about this? Boob runners out there. Yeah. How about that? You know, you call us if you're a big boob runner. And we can send us pictures real quick. But go ahead. Well, and I also understand where her therapist is coming from and where Megan is coming from of like, okay, you've reached all these life goals now. What's the next one? I also think there's something to not having another goal right now and just enjoying where you are in the present and relishing and all of the goals that you've just achieved because they're incredible. Does your therapist worry that if you do that, you'll regress? I love how you immediately went back to you're going to be a worse person, right? No, no, no, you weren't the worst person. I knew other people that were worse. Go ahead. Just close to the bottom of the list. I feel you know what? I would say accomplishment not being bottom of the list. That's a new life goal. Don't be somebody's bottom of list. I don't know if it's that or if it's just my mentality in general where if I don't have something that I'm working towards, it's very easy for me to like get a complacent depression and anxiety. Okay. You know what I think you should do, Megan? Then instead of doing a marathon, if you don't think of a marathon because it's such a longer thing to do, maybe you take up like or do a five K or take out like running like a like a running group or something like that or or I know something or or hear me out any suggestions that just don't involve exercise. I'm very open to do it. Marathon TV binge watching do that again. That's the that's that's the way. That's the only marathon I can do. Wait a second. Now that you used to do crew. See Megan getting her black belt. Really? Okay. Why? I see Megan doing that. I don't know. I can just see her punch and stuff. You haven't gone all the way to black or is that no purple glass black? No, no, no. I yeah, yeah, I realized that I wanted to date people. So that Valerie, you haven't a suggestion for Megan. I want to do them. One is we just rented a peloton because I also have back problems from trying to run. So we rented a peloton to bike and biking is a great idea or with the big boobs, definitely pick up swimming because you can like join some teams or do things like that and that moves to help you float. That's a great, great. Yeah. Yeah, I don't have thoughts on that, Megan. That's actually not a bad idea. I think that's a great idea. But again, we're still on the whole exercise. I was looking for non productive. Matt said swim. I thought she was going to say something about floating like I thought the boobs would be like she did show it. No, she did. She that was that was her. That was her point. What's up, Madeleine? Hey, guys, second time caller long-term listener. Love you guys. Thank you. I just wanted to say, Megan, first of all, kudos to you for going to therapy. That's goal of my own, but I just did my first half marathon in October of last year. I was swindled into it by my best friend and you can definitely start with a half. That's like a great way to build up to a whole marathon. And it was low time commitment. Like to be honest, I hadn't even run probably a month before my marathon and still was able to finish with like awful time. So I'm sure you can do it. I just wanted to let you know, try it. What was that? I was going to say, did you start out like a base level of mediocre fitness? Somewhat like, you know, going to the gym once in a while, but no, I hadn't run in a long time. I like you as a travel soccer player. So it has been a long time since I was running up and down that field consistently. Yeah, what about kids? You know, how kids do a little like walkathons at school? How long are those walkathons? Because I remember when we were in school, we used to have to like walk around like the school's football field. We had to do the mile, the timed mile. What was it that I hated that I would do? I would do like something like that. Like maybe maybe again, join you love walking. Do I join like a walking club? Sarah has big boobs, she says. Sarah, or something like that? Yeah, what's going on? So I were in the half last year, the half marathon in Detroit and I'm not as big as Megan, but I'm bigger. And it is still pretty painful. I only had one bra that would work for me when I ran. And it still wasn't awesome. What do you suggest then for a large breasted woman? The Palatine, like someone else suggested I have that too. And that works much better. Or she could do the tax bracket. Do you think I'm they have a they have a relay in Detroit for the marathon where she could like partner up with other people and only run like a short period of time as opposed to. So Megan, we're actually doing a relay. My sister and I want to get together a relay team for to support my niece this year. If you want to do that, that'd be super fun. Yeah, because then it breaks it up. And as far as you can't throw in support your niece because now you have to say yes, that's why. Yeah, but that was so rude of you. But when we go back to the whole lap, so you're doing it. You know how you would like pay kids a dollar a lap for some charity event? Hear me out, I think listeners should pay me to do laps and it just goes towards my student loans. Okay, there you know what? There you go. If I'll tell you what, that was a great idea. That's great. Listen, I'm going to do a marathon of commercials right now and you guys are going to reset that commercial or that connection because if I come back and it sounds as bad as it has the last 30 minutes, I'm going home and I'm going to run my own marathon to my car.