Mojo In The Morning

Get The Baby Out Of Kev's Bed

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03 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Kevin, you look a little tired this morning. My friend, normally you are like alive and upbeat and crazy. What's going on, buddy? We have to have an intervention in my household, and I will send all of you a calendar invite so that you can help me. And somehow, some way, intervene in my life so we can get journey out of my bed at night. Because even though we're celebrating six months of her existing, which is beautiful, we're also celebrating six months of her still sleeping in our bed. Oh, wow. And I have no idea what I need to say to Sherill to articulate the importance that when we start having our own space, so we can get back to some lunch, some, you know, that time for yourself. Right. Night snacks and so John can start to develop some some independence and some like separation from mommy's teeth. And right now, there's none of that going on. And I don't know if there's like an appropriate time to allow the baby to sit in. I remember one time we went to one of our like our baby doctors, I guess pediatrician. She said the moment the moment she pushed the baby out, as soon as they got home, she put her in her other room, like immediately. And we've talked about how this is our miracle baby and something Cheryl is prayed for. So I give her grace in that respect. But at what point are we like, okay, time for at least a bassinet next to the bed. Oh, that's what I was going to ask. So she's literally in the back. I turn over. I wake up and there's baby here in my face, baby, she's literally there and I don't know what to do at this point. It's been 16 that it's been six months, wait, six months and daddy's not getting any any fun or do you guys like put her in the bassinet for just the fun? Fun has been had, but fun, I believe, was not frequently exactly what I'm like. Intermitting fasting right now, for us, it's keeping up with the lunch. What is Cheryl's reason for keep an attorney in the bed and not putting her in her crib? I think she just loves her, which is like the worst reason in my opinion. She just wants to snuggle. She just wants to snug her. She's laying her on her chest. She's holding her. And she's been very, very good about because there, there have been people who have lost their children by like rolling over in the bed. Like that's a real thing. Yeah. And we're blessed to say that that hasn't been our experience and I pray to God it never is our experience. Yeah. But she literally likes waking up holding her, yeah, kissing her, being able to touch her right there and feel that closeness. She adores that. But bruh. When she maps, does she put her in her crib? No. Like what did she do? What's your layer down? Like if she falls asleep on, on her chest or if she falls asleep on my lap, I'm good about it. I'll throw her in the, in the other room and like come back and it's all good. She's got to have the monitor. She's got to watch her. She's got to listen. She makes any sound or any movement. She got to go save her. You know what you need to do? You need to pray that she starts rolling over because the moment she starts rolling around on her own is when Cheryl's going to have to do it because it's just not going to be safe for her to even take a nap up there, right? Even with pillows and all that stuff all over the place. She's rolling now. Is she really? Yeah. I mean, when she sleeps, she's like comatose. Like she doesn't move, but yeah, I mean, she fell off the couch of the day because she was rolling. Oh, yeah. It is life changing that first night when they're in their crib and it's hard, but it's also you're like, Oh, my God, you feel like a new person when you're in bed by yourself. Have I told you guys this right at the time I first started rolling? My dad didn't know and I was on the living room floor and I rolled under the couch and he lost me. Where does she go? How long did it take to find you? He said a good couple of scary minutes. Hey, Jacqueline, what's going on? Jacqueline was talking about how his baby is still in bed with them. Hi, good morning. Good morning. What's going on? Well, I have seven beautiful kids. I have a new 24 down to six and we did co-sleeping with all of them. The end result was that we got divorced after 20 years when the kids stopped sleeping in the bed. But anyways, we did basically till they were preschool age and then we had like a day bed in the room until they went to elementary school. But they say I read this a lot because obviously I've parented a lot, but I read that when you give birth, there is that separation time and it's like the baby you still want them to be part of you, like sleeping with you, it's comforting for both. The mom and the baby and if a husband or a dad is into it, it works out because I tried doing the cry it out method with my secondborn because I was like, I really need some sleep because I was breastfeeding and everything and it was like, you know, just on demand. And so my husband at the time, he was like, he would not let her cry it out, you know what I mean? And so that just never worked. I guess the two of us are just too much in love with our kids. I guess so many questions for you. First, how did you get seven kids with the kids in the bed? Like how were you able to make babies if your kids are right there with you? Well, we have a really beautiful walk-in closet in our house. And so I guess we had lots of classes. You how? Okay. All right. That's a very interesting thing. And then the second thing is how is it that you're so you said that your relationship came to a spiral when the kids were out of the bed. That's interesting. So maybe the lack do you believe that there was a little bit of resentment towards the lack of intimacy or lack of just you and he time because the kids were in bed? Well, it wasn't the bed at that point. It was just lack of intimacy period because he's a business owner and he's pretty well known and much so these were area, but he's very, very, very much into his work. I'd call him a work of house, but he just every time we had a child, he would open a business. So each business has a child associated, but that's a little bit of a nice story. But the main thing is that every business was had a year time to get on its own. So he would be so dedicated to it and so into it. And I'm really supportive to a point sometimes where I get neglected. So we were both feeling neglected and, you know, he was mid life crisis age about 45. And so he had an indiscretion and I even told him I'm like, look, I can ignore it to a point. I said, just don't. Don't break up. Yeah. Listen, I didn't need to go deep diving on your, on your relationship, but, but no, no, no, no, it's it's interesting. I was, I was just thinking for Kevin, I was thinking for this, like, I mean, I don't know, you're not going, there's no way preschool is going to be the time when journey is getting out of that bed. I can't see Kevin putting up with that. There's no way. No, but they, no, but they do say even like break up all relationships, you know, separating from, from a person, it takes about a year. So if he can withstand it for a year, because he did a year, wow, that's, that's a long time. Since months, they're, I think they're eating, you know, food and they're starting to sit up and all that. So, I mean, it's really between the two of them, but you don't want to create a wedge with her either because if she's really like, she needs that. What if one day journey just looks and goes, Hey, don't we have another rumor around here? You know, I love that feeling that she might just like kind of do that and go, Hey, get the hell out of here. I don't want to watch that Joe, you know, as long as it's taken, she might leave. When she starts talking. Does Chirrell and I, and I, we've talked about this, Chelsea and I and you and Chirrell, and we had gone out to dinner and talked about, and I kind of get the idea, you know, this baby is a miracle baby like that. So she's holding onto it, but does Chirrell ever seem to miss being away from journey? Like she did have that like weekend with the girls and stuff. Yeah. Like, so maybe it's one of those things. Maybe you need to like get her to have like a weekend or two away or something like that. So she goes, All right. Enough already. Yeah. Although she may kick you out of the bed. I think that'll happen first, but she texts us all the time when she's away. How's my baby? How's your face time like no matter what she's doing? Here's a question for you. When Chirrell was out of town. Did the baby sleep with you or did you move the baby to, you know, it's it's own bassinet or whatever? I think I have my mom over. So I think she's, yeah, she's love my mom. Wow. I took the opportunity to sleep in my own bed by myself. Wow. Okay. Stop. Man. Is that wrong? No, but you said it. Thanks. I haven't done that in a while. I told you, and I think Chelsea also reiterated this that with our first two boys, we were totally against them being in the room. When Luke came, it was like if now as a 19 year old, I would want him to sleep or pet with us. Well, that's a funny because both of mine really were in they were in like a little rock and play next to my bed for the first couple of months and then right in their crib. And then once they turned like three and four, no, they're in my bed. And now I have to get them out of my bed for west to come in my bed. I was going to say that's got to be seriously, this is a humongous feel that we're dealing with right now. But question for you as a mom, don't you love when they love it so much like I, I love having that. I love sleeping with them. I love snuggling with them. And so, you know, he hasn't moved in yet, but he stays over. I would say like half the week. So they'll always ask me, you know, is Mr. West staying over today? And when I say yes, they're like, mmm, because they know they can't sleep with me, which is bad because I don't want to vilify him, you know, right? Why aren't you getting a call back? I should call me back. We'll find out next with Mojo in the morning, second date of day. I'm just going to have my babies. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. She's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. 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