Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 07-02-2024

3h 14m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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(beeping) - This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast. Powered by Michigodano Law, Auto-Hoh accident attorneys. Visit - That's - This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast. Powered by Michigodano Law, Auto-Hoh accident attorneys. Visit - That's (beeping) - Mojo. - 30. - 30. - 50. - 50. - 50. - 50. - 50. - 50. (beeping) (beeping) - Ignition sequence live. - Let me take y'all back to the beginning. - This is it. - All righty, you ready? - You're listening to Mojo in the Morning. - You're a doo doo hack. (beeping) - It's show time! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Mojo in the Morning show so I ended up getting a surprise of surprises Saturday morning when I woke up to take the dogs outside to go do their group and stuff. It was like six o'clock in the morning on Saturday and I'm like half-gragging. I'm like crap and why did they got to wake up so early and have to go outside. I open up my front door to the greatest looking thing in the world. A humongous bag of McDonald's sitting on my front porch. (laughing) You just bah-da bah-bah-bah right there and I go wow what is this all about? The dogs right away go for it you know like they're like trying to open a thing up. I'm thinking this is unbelievable somebody ordered you know Chelsea and myself and Luke was in home McDonald's like I was like this is amazing that people would be this nice to us. (upbeat music) And then I look at the thing and I go oh this looks like it's been here for a while. As I look at the order and you know how McDonald's doesn't really have like burgers in the morning you know they do the, I know they do the all day menu it's only breakfast. It had, here I'll read for you exactly what it had cause I have the, oh Shannon there was more nuggets than ever. Here's what the receipts said on the thing. 20 McNuggets. Yeah they're so good cold. A 10 McNugget meal, one Big Mac, two hamburgers, two cheeseburgers no pickles nor onions, one medium fry, one large fry, one medium coke, one vanilla shake, two ketchup's, one barbecue dip, two by the way how are you going to eat 30 nuggets and you're only going to have one barbecue. Oh here two ranch dips. It was $99.74 worth you want to know how I know that not because of the receipt but because I paid for it because my son Luke went over to a friend's house on Friday night they were partying and Luke pulled out the door dash and on my door dash door dashed nearly a hundred dollars of door dash McDonald's to my front door. He was trying to door dash it to his friend's house who lives in Clarkson and he didn't change the address so it came to my house in WB and it comes in the front door but here's the part where I was really pissed at him. He didn't like call us to say mom and dad I screwed up I did this thing at least to get me to get it and put it in the refrigerator or you know or so you could have or so I could play it to something. Dude I would have stayed up all it is called the dude by the way Shannon I can't believe it's okay. Shannon I just bro I would eat those nuggets I would have eaten that thing seriously would be all night. Oh seriously? Yes I would I would have eaten the entire thing. So here's what I did with it and I posted this on my social media. So what I did with it was I figured you know what since Luke was so kind to leave this for us I would be so kind to leave it for him. So came outside this morning to see this. There's my bed sitting at my front porch either a nice surprise or I figured out what the problem was Luke had to sleep over at somebody's house and ordered a lot of DoorDash. I think I'll leave it for him. Right on his bed. By the way all of that is still edible minus the french fries those aren't really that great cold but everything else is good because everything is good so it's preservative and inner one. He owns an air fryer all of that was totally salvageable right I know have you guys ever done that though have you by the way I spent $200 on McDonald's look at first when you were like when you first started talking you were talking about the amount of food that was being ordered I was like yeah this guy's this guy's violent then I realized you were paying and I was like I would have done the same thing yeah I wouldn't even be mad about the hundred dollars I'd be mad about the sauce choices those are terrible choices what's the proper. Hot mustard is the only choice honey honey honey absolutely my same thing you guys are worried about the sauces have you ever done that by the way have you ever tried to order on one of those apps and then you didn't put the right address in there that that sucks when that happens. Jennifer. Hey I'm quite often in our neighborhood we all get together as like adults while the kids play and we've door dashed probably hundred dollars in sushi hundred dollars in white castles all the time Taco Bell yeah we're their favorite customer in the fight. Wow but have you ever done it where you have door dashed to the wrong place like if you ever like yeah I'll yeah I'll door dash when I'm at work for my kids for the house and then it shows up at work and I'm like blank and blank I got to drive it now home to my kids well that's the thing and I know that these kids were probably partying so I'm glad that they didn't get in a car and go drive to our house to go pick this stuff up so I'm okay with it but at least call me but that sucks when that happens I had one time it on my on the address I had the last door dash I've made was at the station here and the station is about and a less than 20 minutes from my house I door dashed to the radio station and I meant to do it to my house I had to call the door dashed guy and they say can you please I'll give you some cash on the side yeah bring in there yeah because you know I made the mistake what's usually it'll tell you I see that you're not in the road whatever it says you see that you're not in the area no sometimes it doesn't and that's where it's crucial yeah yeah you're right though yeah because it will pop it up and say not all the time they'll say are you sure you're seem to be a far place away what's up David door dash will deliver to a semi truck as long as you put the correct address in unless you leave it as your home address and now you're waiting you know miles and miles away did you do that did you did that David I absolutely have done it twice you by the way and then you say you're never going to do it again and it happens that's funny thank you for the call buddy what's up Bob Brandon hi I actually door dash food to my neighbors two streets down at like one in the morning I'm going to get the food I was sneaking up on her porch I like one twenty sneak up there grab the food from all her life came out I'm like oh you know it's funny is that in my neighborhood it's weird we're the cutoff or I'm sorry our neighbors Britain John are the cutoff for certain restaurants so I have to door dash to their house it's crazy and it's like three doors down and I just have them grab it and take it from me but the GPS is like cut off at our neighbor's house I wonder if you're the only person that does that or if everybody is realizing yes well somebody's told me that the other day that it's like apartment complexes have that a lot to where certain apartments can door dash but others can't because of the GPS what's up Alexis hey so I've actually had a few times where I've door dashed accidentally to work and I've had my co-workers just go to town on the food you are the greatest you probably win employee of the month don't you I am not a fan of it but they absolutely love it and then last weekend I actually went out drunk with one of my friends we ordered $56 worth of McDonald's and it sat out from three in the morning until noon when we woke up the next week and so we still ate it all right last question from you Alexis these guys are fighting over what you dip your nuggets into what do you dip into okay so we do like five ranches five barbecue sauces and then the honey mustard okay so that's yours and what's your favorite Megan again would you like hot mustard and sweet and sour yeah what's yours if I got to go with one yeah what about you Mike what yours so I can't do just one but honey's my first choice I like to mix the ketchup and ranch - I caught crunch it's amazing if you never try it try it it's incredible Shannon are you dip free or do you dip when it comes to nuggets I am dip free just straight other why do you hate like straight no they are so good by themselves dry no dry no what is wrong with you savage I also like pop tarts without the frosting what do you mean when you're saying make those I didn't know there was a thing I like them all I love those pickles make it tarts can I ask you a question what do you leave when you're sad all right is mojo in the morning show so we're gonna do this very tongue-in-cheek like so if you call us up we won't make fun of you at all in our hearts we are gonna love you and hug you but we are gonna chuckle a little bit with you adults who play with toys and not adult toys I don't know not adult toys okay and the reason we came up with this topic was I was catching up with an old radio buddy of mine yesterday and I know that he gets time off for you know the Fourth of July holiday just like we do and so I said hey what are you what are you doing for the holiday like what are you doing for your long weekend what are you doing for vacation mind you he is my age okay so we're the same age his legit response to me when I asked him that question was I bought a fire Super Mario Brothers Lego set and so I'm gonna build that. Why are you laughing? No I just was I thought he was gonna be like oh Mario's happening I'm gonna go here whatever 40 year old guy I bought a fire Super Mario Brothers like Lego set come on and I'm gonna build it I have a iron I love Legos I will say I'll be 80 years old and I will love Legos I have a iron man hand the infinity stone hand yeah Lego set I have a Lego guy that looks just like me from a picture of me that I built for Father's Day I would build Legos all day with this man see I like building Legos with my daughter but this is like a single he's a single man he's doing it he is a single guy I did those on my own I would do it yeah all right well then I'm not gonna judge it caught me off guard and we're not gonna put video game on this right yeah because that's I feel like that's very normal yeah video games is you know sure okay Kyle and Mike and this one and I will tell you that there is nothing better than having a child like I would love to have somebody in my life like Milo again I would go back in a second because I used to love buying toys and the funniest was I would come home from at that time it was Toys R Us and my children would not be interested in the toys that they got because I would be the one that would pick them out for myself and we would come home and Chelsea would go oh my god this is so sweet you bought a bunch of toys for the kids and then all of a sudden you get Jacob or Joe now dad but it was I would I lived vicariously through my kids because I would see them play and I don't know if you do this with your children Mike and Kevin and even Shannon but when you see them playing like a Barbie do you ever look at the Barbie stuff they have nowadays money that you say that so I love I do love getting like playing on the floor with the kids I love when Lucy has like jewelry making kits and stuff like that I love that stuff I played with Barbies until the summer before my freshman year in high school I loved Barbies I cannot play Barbies why I don't know why I will play anything else with her but when she's like will you come play Barbies with me I don't know what it is and I was such a Barbie fan do you think it's because she makes the rules and makes it like not my sisters are probably screaming at the car radio right now because yes she said that I was always my sisters would say that I was always like the rich Barbie and they had to be my servants so they hated playing Barbies with me so you're probably because I don't get to make the rule and I have to be the servant anytime I play with my little cousins so I realized they don't they don't want you to play they want you to sit there and watch them play exactly right we'll play how they play you have to do what they do yeah so you know what my out is with that I give her the iPad and I'm like you should film yourself for like a YouTube video playing Barbie and she lives it's funny mojo in the morning Nick hi we're talking about adults who still play with toys yeah hey how's it going I have an ungodly amount of lego star wars that's in my apartment oh Nick the man do you have to hide those when you have people come over no no they're front and present I mean if if you don't like it then you don't have to be in here really did you ever at your house hey do you ever take time off from work to play with your Legos I wouldn't use the word play but I've definitely take time off to build yes build so to I'm sorry you don't play with Legos you build Legos be respectful there's no pain why am I alright well thank you for the call nothing more relaxing yeah thank you hey take care yourself no it's like Kevin you remember when we put together those bracelets and we're like man yeah really calming yeah that's what putting together Legos this is what I will say I am infatuated with the show Lego Masters I don't know if you guys have heard of this I watched a little bit Lego it's amazing yeah I brought you about five seconds and I said alright these guys are smart because they're making money doing it break people that can truly do it making money what's going on Chris oh come on you can't call up and say hey boss what's up and then tell me that you play with toys I do absolutely I'm a single father to a soon to be six year old and he's been three nights a week at his mother's house and when he's not there I miss him so I play with his voice okay yeah yeah yeah that's my boy that's okay because we're that's a completely off topic Shannon's nerd friend who has no has no children he should be violent with children or something oh really is it who I know it is yes starts with a K come on can we call him out no he sent me a text the the other day and caught up with me and talked about how how yeah how crazy things are on your else I would say call him because he will he will nerd out about Legos understaffed over worked goes home in place with his Legos what's up Tiffany hey mojo what's going on oh I have a friend's Lego set myself oh really I didn't know that that there's beautiful ladies like yourself playing with Legos yeah it's still in the box but I haven't opened yet so once I open it I do have a daughter so she will probably participate but okay yeah I love the show friends so I thought that lego said I was like I gotta get it were you also a Lego person growing up or was you just a friends fan both I enjoy Lego my daughter she does to I was gonna say you probably could have bought the friends coffee mugs or Tiffany that friends experience has come into great like crossing I think it opens is it really yeah I'm pretty sure opens today I did the experience in Chicago which was kind of cool you take pictures on that what's set in the props and you can recreate the scenes and cool yeah Rachel wants to call out her 38 year old husband what's up Rachel hi yes my husband turns 38 next month and he's been playing Zelda and it released the last month and he also pre-ordered all of the me buddies that come out for the different video games so we have all these little figurines around our house that help him unlock certain things in the game does he also get the grass mode at a certain time and shovel the snow in the winter time like do you do all the household stuff yes he does to be honest after playing breath of the wild I can honestly see how easy it is to become addicted have you played it I've not played it I just watch him steal it from him it's so much fun let me ask you this question does he play with you oh absolutely he does okay so do you ever have to call him from plane and say hey give me a little bit of the the love that you've been giving those times yeah all right where do you guys keep them do you have a special area in your house that you keep the toys he's he leaves them in the office usually like on the bookshelves okay that's cool listen to Melissa here Melissa wants to call out her her eighty six-year-old grandpa dad what's up Melissa good morning hi I'm just calling because I'll just struck the court of me because you might like you said my dad is eighty six and he's played with trains all his life he's obsessed I think I think trains you can get away with for some reason that was like an old person thing they turned into a hobby truly so his life event now was he just got on oxygen and he was devastated because he's on oxygen but the the oxygen company found five hundred foot of courting or tubing so he could get to his train so wait they had to ask for extra long tubing for his oxygen just to be able to reach around the things yeah oh okay well that that's nice that he can still play with it exactly Darth Vader at his bathroom is wait is it okay for him to have that oxygen tank around all those trains like a spark's not gonna cause any issues is it oh no and they smoke and they make noise and there's 50 million gauges and every kind of thing so my my thing back in the day was like the race cars and they would have race car tracks it set up like micro machines or hot wheels I did it was hot wheels but it was like the the ones it was I had loved hot wheels cars like I loved all those but I also had the race tracks where it was the stupid track that would just go all those yeah yeah and you push a button and that was it but your thing was to try to make the track as long as you possibly could and then when your mom told you that you had to clean up because you had friends coming over or neighbors coming over you're like do they have to you know but the hot wheels never goes away because hot wheels monster trucks live is coming to the Huntington Center and my 36-year-old brother said can you get his tickets don't you love when you have family members that will ask for that stuff and then you go god now I got to go to sales and ask them for a favor mojo in the morning I always wake up to mojo in the morning a completely good waste of time in brain cells mojo in the morning show so I have a little question to ask all of y'all um tell me what you guys would do so this is not me although I think Chelsea would definitely have a problem with this a friend of mine and his wife haven't talked in 10 days and it's all because he gave a female co-worker a ride home from an event from a party that they went to they had like a work party tell me what you guys think about this they went to the party together his wife did not come she did not decide to uh to go and a single female co-worker was there and needed a ride so he ended up giving her a ride now he has life 360 on his phone he says and it actually you know all of his kids do and his wife does too like they all share their their stuff yeah so he said I didn't you know feel like I needed to do anything because she can track me anytime she wants to I'm not gonna lie to her about it I'm gonna you know tell her the truth and my co-worker is somebody who I've worked with for a while and is single female and I you know come on okay there's nothing I didn't even think about it didn't even think about the what could be the implications of driving a female a single female and honestly they don't even need to be singular or the married females are the ones you worry about you don't worry about the single females because the single females think that every married guy's a dork you know they look at them like that it's the uh you know who knows but question is it wrong to give her a ride home because as soon as he told me this story I'm like gosh he's overreacting and then as soon as I brought it up to my wife Chelsea and said Chelsea what do you think and she says two words effing uber I go wait a second um all right yes you're wrong I changed my point of view tell his wife like hey I'm gonna be home a little later than normal because I'm taking no you just they're in home I think it was I think it was that they were got I hope her name is not Jane I just made that up by the way I don't know anything about the situation but um I know I think he just did he's just said I'll just drive her home and stuff you know you're on the way why not you know you're speaking from a guy who's gotten in trouble for this I would say nope I would never do it again did you yeah I brought what was the babysitter we had uh yeah it was the first time I we like had babysitters that we didn't know come in so it was uh probably when sesu was really really young and the babysitter was this girl we didn't really know we got her off get our or whatever and it was like a late night babysitter no and I wasn't thinking about it she's like can I get a ride home like you know my parents dropped me off and she was 18 or 19 but she didn't have a car I said sure I'll give you a ride home and I go to get in the car and my wife called me immediately and goes where do you think you're going I was like I want to take the babysitter home I will take the babysitter home by the way as a babysitter it was always really weird when the dad had to take you home yeah I didn't think about that I'm comfortable for all parties and why I didn't know that like I wouldn't have never thought I was just giving her a ride home I believe you yeah I do this is this is one of the most annoying parts about being in a relationship it's like everybody wants you to be a gentleman everybody wants you to be a nice guy until you are actually a gentleman and a nice guy like he didn't literally did nothing wrong in a situation but took someone home who needed a ride and now he has to not speak to his wife for ten days like why is it that serious yeah I don't know that's because you know why because we're not to be trusted yeah but if it but it but if a woman were to do that if you know Chelsea were to drive somebody home okay so that's what I was going to say let's say Cheryl is at one of her speaking engagements and something happens to her car and she needs a ride home and some like you know good looking dude is like oh I got you I'll take you home how are you going to feel when that guy no no how are you going to feel when that guy pulls up to your your house and you know why I want to know why she didn't call me first like that would be the question if you need to right she just called me okay so let's say you weren't available so so how would you feel she had to get home she had to get home I see that's another thing I'm not saying this woman is insecure not even saying like sure but I'm secure in who I'm in a relationship with that I don't have to be insecure of the fact that they may do something without me does that make sense like I trust my relationship I trust her enough I can't figure him out by the way somebody needs to explain this to me is he a jealous guy or not a jealous guy I know because what I want to do I don't think you're a jealous guy yes yeah is Cavajellis guy and and and I don't know Chirrell is Chirrell a jealous woman like I'm wanting to know if either one of you guys are because I don't want to step are you wondering that too Tara yes Tara yes hi Tara what are your thoughts hi so I think that it depends on past past situations is there already bad water under the bridge as he or she treated before you know I think that if there's nothing that if there's no trust issues if nobody's ever cheated in the past or you know anything like that I don't think it's a problem so if there's never but isn't there always a first time well I mean the next that's got to do with yourself and being insecure with yourself and that's just bigger than yeah a ride home you know what I mean yeah because some trust issues don't even stem from the relationship you're currently in right yeah you're carrying an old baggage with you exactly and that goes deeper than anything that anybody can do about giving a ride it's out your friend's wife don't want to talk for him for 10 days you know there it may be a deeper issue what's maybe something that she's got something going on you know what I mean yeah sounds like a huge communication issue overall not only after the fact but before the fact like before he even gave her like I would definitely call ahead of time and say listen I'm giving yes what's what's up Jamal hey how you guys doing we're good what's happening yeah I wanted to thank care for being the voice of reasoning because I was thinking the exact same thing I don't think it's that serious I really don't my wife does the exact same thing at her job and you know every now and then she'll just call me and tell me like hey I had to take one of my soldiers home and there's usually a guy I had to take one of my soldiers home because I had to you know take care of some things for them wait wait wait what does your wife do for a living she's she's in the military oh my god so she's yeah so she and and she works around I would probably say more um males than females but I trust her solely you know because in the end I know that she wants to be on me so anything that that that comes about that you know she she knows how to take care of herself I I don't um I believe that she she knows what she's doing so I don't have an issue with that and I don't think it's that serious you know you are okay with your wife taking good luck in military guys homes serious sir I wouldn't take it here that's that factors into it I mean come on that would be Shannon's dream come true to be able to drive a bunch of guys in uniform if they need a ride call Megan Shannon KP or Lydia they'll give them a ride all right we'll do that all right thank you all right hi Julianna what's going on hey guys good morning good morning what's happening what are your thoughts my take on it is so think of it this way women we overthink a lot so as soon as she sees your location go somewhere unfamiliar when you're supposed to be on your way home it's like red flags right there what is he doing where is he going so I think that he should have at least just called her his wife and said yep do you mind if I take this girl's home if not I'll tell her she has to get an uber like just out of like respect oh yeah we want to be gentlemen and all that stuff but like part of being a gentleman is also like making sure you're woman's comfortable so as that situation where you're going to deal with another female just call her and make sure she's comfortable with it that's part of being a gentleman I think that in that case I would just buy them an uber like I would yeah I would just rather just spend the money so what you're saying is you're too uncomfortable to call tells to ask her yes you're so uncomfortable there's a reason you're uncomfortable but you probably should be doing it yes you know why because yes that's why i'm saying zak what's up hey I agree with the uh preview of color you know get a respect your partner all my known hold on my my my my serie serie has an opinion what's that serie say it again you're saying it's a contact info are you looking for i was looking oh yeah who are you looking for i don't know i don't know zak say what you're gonna say again get me out of this trouble i agree with the preview of color you know you got a respect your partner and it's all about trust too you got to trust your partner you trust them not to go go willy nilly with the other person they're trying to give a ride home too you know i trust my partner to give someone more at home yeah you know what you got to do all right thank you buddy i appreciate it of course alicia if your guy were to take home some single co-worker of his and drop them off after a night of going out and having office partying would he have a dog house yes yeah that's all i wanted that he would be in trouble right yeah yeah i mean so i mean i get it okay ride home whatever but if you're if you're in the unknowing what do you really know you know what i mean i don't get that i don't know what that means i don't know i don't know it's a very strange things yeah you're the unknown into the are you saying some things are better left unknown i mean i'm saying like if you don't if you if you're if you don't know the situation what's going on like i like he probably should have called because she can see location right yeah so he probably should have called but like if if you don't know what is going on how do you really know how do you really i am confused by that statement the glass on the house you know guys the glass on the house is always brighter on the west side than it is the left side but if you don't know well you don't know you you don't know you if you consume this point uh i think she's kind of good point but i don't see you in your pillage information hey alicia we should have stopped we should have just stopped it right after the doghouse mojo in the morning show megan getting into a little argument with the custodian uh with the back end of no one you never pays attention to me i don't i was so mean why why are you why are you mean to the custodian and you i heard that guy because you don't pay attention to what i say and i'm literally the only one in this building who is not the bad guy because i uh most of the time and the only woman working really in the building and apparently some of the boys are snitches around here and somebody told on our custodian i'm guessing to our boss and started complaining about the work that she does around here and i only know this because um yesterday guy i work with uh ran into the studio right before the show started and he goes i need you to go to the bathroom which by the way pretty weird request to get at 545 in the morning but all right i'll hear you out and he was like i need you to look for any messages that have been written by our custodian and i was like why why like that what that's a weird request i'm so interested right now of course i will but what's going on well apparently she was writing very passive aggressive notes to the boys specifically in the boys bathroom on the back of the stall doors saying things like i know how to do my job and like if you've got a problem saying it to my face because one of them went and destroyed us and she was like so over it and she didn't leave any in the women's bathroom and you know what i applaud her pettiness i'm here for her because she's got to call these boys out wait so why would these guys were complaining that they thought that she was doing a bad job yeah which by the way i have been into the men's room around here you would need an absolute miracle worker to clean up after these guys these guys are so gross who do you think it was that was complaining the most um great question because honestly i can see all of them doing it they're all they're all like that they're all whiny little baby brats all of them they're all bitches all of us guys and and we're just sliding by the fact that making us in the men's restroom right oh no here's the thing this is the best part about our building our men's restroom is the worst smallest grossest bathroom in the entire world and the women's restroom has chairs and mirrors and a vanity and it's become a running joke that like everybody's been in both bathrooms because everybody was like how did the girls get away with this it's always like that in every building the guy's bathroom always sucks and the girl's bathroom is always amazing so i'm not in this one we only have one sink that we're everybody flushes their tampons which is so gross so you usually only have maybe two toilets that work we have a hair and makeup area yeah you're i know your bathroom is amazing because it used to be like what's it like a tv studio one point or something i think so or that was a denny shaver days when he was uh he's people wanted it or i don't sure question for you do you have a uh cleaning person that has as much personality as jina our clean oh absolutely really timmy has timmy has the best you get her number can we call her i i don't have her number but jillian might because i was because here's the thing i would love to actually i'm gonna hold on i'm gonna while you're stalling and finding that number call it let me call jina the cleaning lady and we're gonna ask her the question who is the the dirtier hello hello jina the cleaning lady hello oh good morning module how are you doing very good very good it's so nice to talk to you do you have big plans for the fourth of july no not not big plans small plans little barbecue are you cooking jina yeah barbecue and uh going to porturon and with friends what's up and port here on you guys go on the water or what do you do not just there is a part there so we always go to barbecue and very nice jina quick question for you and be very honest nobody's listening to this who are dirtier as far as the i-heart to trade studios the men's room or the women's room go ahead oh yeah i know yeah it's the women they pee all over the place don't they uh no flash the toilet no flash after you know wait a second after cycle doesn't i'm telling you people throw their tampons in the toilet and just try to flush them or and they don't go down so they just leave them the women in the women's restroom will have uh issues with their cycle and then they will just leave it all over the place yeah they they some sometimes they don't flamming yeah sometimes they don't flash that's the wow wow if they leave the thing in it i have to put my rubber bands and take it out you know so it's Shannon you filthy person you leave us immersive there wait do you believe i put my tampon in the appropriate little silver box do you believe jina the cleaning lady that shannon might be one of the culprits no thank you jina i love you jina i don't believe i don't know who it is that might be a accident or they forget or who knows you know all right well listen we appreciate you for all that you do for us and this is another one of those examples that guys are always told that they're the dirty ones yeah we're not so sometimes but yeah all right let's get a jina out the phone here right now take care of yourself jina i love you how do you know the morning show so one of my really really good friends is a stay at home dad and he runs a little you know runs a very good business a big business but does it out of his house but he watched he's with the kids all day and he actually homeschools the kids too wow so it's unbelievable like what he does and here's the the wildest part of this whole thing he's got all of his hair he's not gray and he hasn't lost his mind yet i can't understand it mike i'm telling i don't know what his secret is but he did have something happen to him the other day that hold on i want to call him up because i want to ask him about this and i haven't tell you guys this story um the question i'm going to ask the listeners is what did you do when you went to a public restroom and they did not have toilet paper and you didn't realize it until it was too late well how you how you doing buddy good um so well i was just describing you and the fact that you have complete sanity yet you are home with the kids homeschooling them and also dealing with the trying to keep the house together and then also it was your wife Jessica's birthday the other day right is it okay for us to say what you ended up going and getting at the store because the she will she will she know to the surprise already i'm bad at keeping surprises so i gave that surprise out uh yesterday on the way to uh her birthday dinner with our uh with our office so okay all right so here's the interesting thing he went to party city okay anybody that's ever been to part to a party city have you ever guys do they have party cities in west michigan and intellito yeah of course all right anybody's ever been there post-covid knows this simply just to go get some balloons is a task these days unless you pre-order them like months ahead of time or something right it's always like craziness trying to get those things but it happened to you well that you went in there to go get your balloons for Jessica and then you started getting the bubble gut so anybody knows if you've been getting to party city and you walk in the door they always say welcome to the party well there's never anybody there and it's never a party but i'm pretty sure it made it a party you know you had to go use the bathroom at a party city where is the bathrooms at party city is it like the the back corner or something actually that's exactly where it's at in the back corner of the building on the one on orchard lake road and you have to try to find it so we're there pick up a couple of the two big gold 40 balloons and it hit me and i'm like all right kids i'm like we got to go to the bathroom real quick so we're walking walking all the way to the back we were on the way to take danny to his jiu-jitsu class this was on monday big shout out to roots come back well there you go world class facility world class okay place into this so danny's wearing cracks and socks we walk all the way back there i reach for the toilet paper um there is none oh no oh no my worst fear i wrecked their toilet kids are outside the bathroom because they're old enough danny to turn seven he can watch his sister they're right outside the door i can hear him and i'm thinking like what am i gonna do i'm like oh it's jiu-jitsu class with coach alice today i go danny i go take off your take off your crocs and take off your socks i go just put your crocs out he's like why i go because you don't wear socks at jiu-jitsu it'll be easier it's faster when we get there in a few minutes he's like okay take them off i open the door real quick hands me the socks it's toilet paper piece number one toilet here's my question here's my question go ahead what's your question how did you get from the toilet the door what was the stance you know what it's kind of like that squatty potty product i brought it right over didn't open the door but like one creep danny already had it sucked off boom grab them shut the door a little less than ten seconds i threw the socks away i didn't watch them yeah rule away and we kept we kept going wow that's amazing that's a that you know what that's a dad right there that's a reason that's a wait so wait how do you know why could you not why could you not do this you're in party city and i know maybe your kids aren't old enough to do this definitely not old enough i'd proud to do it but my thought would have been we're in party city there's gotta be like spider-man napkins or something i'm one of the counters you know that's one that's a long jujitsu root combat club bear crawl all the way you wipe with socks do you put your hand like up the sock like a puppet and then great question i it's i mean danny seven so you're kind of small i did the one finger all right we don't need to get into that all thing wait did when you left will when you got done with this after using you know your son's socks did you tell the people that say hey welcome to the party behind the counter hey we need to get some toilet paper in that place uh no actually i i walked out and they said have a good day and i walked out and said have a great day with a crap eating grin on my face walked out i mean that was it it was i felt bad i felt embarrassed but not too bad so i just just kind of walked out what if they were wait what if they were danny's favorite socks would you have done that if they were danny's favorite socks yeah hundred percent i absolutely would have probably went on amazon right there and ordered another pair of form if they were whole fact i would not have done that but i think they were like store or or another superhero but they weren't the whole stock hundred percent is that not the by the way that's not a bad place to actually not have toilet paper because there's obviously access to go get a ton of other things yeah what would you have done would you ever consider this would you ever consider pulling your pants up to a point where where they weren't touching your botox no you know honestly what i would i probably would have done if i especially if i didn't have anybody with me and i was by myself right like you will we're very resourceful and lucky to have your kids i would have probably taken off my underwear used to my underwear to wipe and then thrown away my underwear yeah but what happens when you're wearing like the the song you thought like i like the the thin second skin thong or whatever i mean at least it's something i don't know well did you think about that like what if your son didn't have socks on i would have found i would have found some sort of paper product without having to go too far i don't know what it would have been but money yeah i would have yeah just just walked out ask somebody for a dollar i'll be right back the worst is i had that same thing happened to me and i was getting ready to start a remote for the station years back and i remember we were we were doing a remote at a cell phone store and they let me use their bathroom that they have at a cell phone store which is in the back area there you pooped in that and all i remember was there was no toilet paper so i picked up my phone called the cell phone store and i had to go through the national hotline of thank you for calling Verizon wireless and i'm like hit for the store locator hi um i'm in the toilet the funny thing was when they finally brought me toilet paper and told me that there's you know here you go you do the whole thing they said we were wondering how long you were going to be they thought i was in there you know having a really really bad time gosh if this doesn't say happy birthday to my beautiful wife Jessica on her 40th birthday oh there you go that's right that your husband's a dirt bag i don't know what no no that's sweet that it's so sweet that you did that um all right will we'll talk to you later buddy have a great day and happy birthday to Jessica take care of yourself all right mojo in the morning show so shannon wants to put west her fiancee um a little bit of blast here right now well i'm wondering what have you used chat dpt for in terms of like have you used it to break up with somebody have you used it for a wedding bow how what have you used it for so west my fiancee's in the software business and so he one of the things that he's you know consistently doing on a daily or weekly basis is negotiating contracts for his company and going out and looking for new software for them to acquire and develop and he has one of those jobs where i know he's in the software business guys that's about all i know like he won't ask me what he does specifically i'm like he's in the software he does software by the way walter white was also a school teacher chemistry teacher he does he does something with tech i don't um anyway but there was one guy over the past couple of months that he really got to like over the process of working with and negotiating this contract and you know trying to develop this product or whatever and so he was always you know talking about this guy and i won't name him by name just because i don't want to embarrass him but ultimately west had to tell this guy that his company was not going to acquire the software and it wasn't going to work out he struggled with this like i did in ninth grade when i had to tell the boy that i liked that i didn't want to date him anywhere uh what was the boy's name this what is nice right this i still feel bad about it i know he's i know he's right now still on gross deal he still lives on gross deal yes or he probably is listening but he just couldn't come up with the reason i do this all the time why am i struggling so much like this guy it's just so nice he's just so nice and so he said you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go on chat gpt and put in a couple of keywords i've never used chat gpt so i don't understand how to do this but um to see if it would you know come up with a script of sorts so that he could break up with this dude that oh yeah they were not gonna you know move forward with his product or whatever he read me what it was and he's like i basically used it he goes i add lived a little bit but i basically used it as a script yep when i was telling him you know we unfortunately are not going to move forward with your product but please keep in mind the world of technology is ever evolving and who knows what the future is going to hold and i appreciate your dedication in presenting us with this opportunity i mean it was like beautifully read chat gpt is perfect funny it is have you would know i wouldn't know wait wait why do you say it like say that kp yeah because i call him using that thing for uh he was to write love letters but it wasn't his love letters the robots letters to churral and i'm like wait a second listen let's listen let's let's let's let's be clear let's be clear that's how it started but i will say kp convinced me that the love that i felt for churral chat gpt could never express it oh yeah you know i was giving churral i was i was buying churras and flowers and i gave her a just because car and i wanted to write something sweet in there kp was in here and we're just talking i was like let me just throw this in chat gpt and it sounded amazing but i didn't do it i don't think there's anything wrong with that by the way hundred percent in something wrong with it first of all you go by hallmark cards that are pre-written by other people but then you write your own message before you say your name oh have you ever read a book and then thought wow that passage is exactly how i'm feeling and then you put it in quotes and you cite the book have you ever read a card and thought wow this is super lame i think meghan was on a roll there i wish we could have some dings because i agree with almost everything yeah she's always i've taken over you here's the thing i feel like chad gpt can work as an amazing framework yeah give you the skeleton then you plug and play literally yesterday churrals in a nonprofit space for those who don't know she was talking about hiring a grant writer somebody that can work full time to go out and get money because that's what their nonprofits need i literally said i could do that on chad gpt hey it's literally you've read it off it's the passion of your love not structuring off why don't you go back to the love austin hi hi how are you guys good we're talking about what do you use chat gpt for yeah so i i run an automotive dealership uh sales department and we use it to capture customers so when you acquire in a car everybody responds to somebody we find different ways to capture that person to turn them into a buyer as well as uh i use it for changing policies and writing up different emails i want to send to help captivate people a little bit better do you have read word for word though to make sure that it's not something so generic yeah you have to change it because it does sound like a robot really right yeah right here's a deal austin i think that's fine you don't do it to send your love to shirel your girl do right yeah no no be personable i think i think women like you to be personable with them and uh i think you should read chat gpt all right so here let me do this i'm going to ask you to be austin gpt tell tell kevin's beautiful lovely lady who's carrying his baby right now what he should say to her when she hears that he's talking about this right now in the air with shannon's topic and kp just sold his ass out hey all you do is apologize until you were just you couldn't come up with the words because you love her so much you just needed a little bit of help she's literally chat he's taking the apology can i say something real quick yeah hey kp i wanted to tell you about something i noticed we've been discussing chat gpt quite frequently and i'd appreciate it if we can move on from it it's not a comfortable or enjoyable subject for me to discuss hope you understand i'd be grateful if we get a swear that's opposite instead what are you reading from right now what's up rachael and what's going on as much in the morning uh you said to help me write a resume oh did you you're so you're do um so what i did i put my old resume that i already had you know constructed and i needed to update it and everything so it used like everything that i put into it you know all the positions i've had things like that and it kind of just we it actually kind of reformated a little bit but i did have to you know change quite a bit of it but there were some bullet points on there that i don't think i could have ever come up with them i know that's amazing you know like i just fed up the information of everything though so we didn't need to know you know uh a part of everything did you get the job still in process oh okay i did get to the um the interviews and everything so far though i feel like if it's it's for something like that like a resume whatever but if it's for something personal or something where you're trying to show some sort of emotion or creativity i don't think this is the way it well i'm going to say this i got a perfect uh way to do this and i'm going to use this for my son who i've been getting on about making sure that he does this but vicky what did you use chat gpt for uh we used it to help my daughter writer's entry cards from her graduation party oh my god let's go that's so it wasn't word for word but it gave out like a good like framework or base to like how do you say it like the same thing 100 different the problem though is what if your daughter is not very smart and it says it in such a smart way not an issue i know but for me it is with myself i know um thank you for the call i appreciate it you know we talked about this a while ago and megan was in support of it when we talked about doctors who can't give bad information to patients families and now they're using chat gpt to figure out the right way to talk i'm looking at every text that i'm looking at every text that kevin's ever sent yeah he said a text yesterday i said imagine but it was written like the theater so now i know that he's not he's used to happy tpt this goes back again to the problem mike that you and i would have a chat gpt we don't have a very good vocabulary and so we can't do this but there are some people that can get away with it you know like uh shannon or megan calv even kp and lydia but mike you and i where do we go to what would be the version of the chat gpt for the like the dumber down version for us just emojis if you could just talk emojis yeah yeah imagine what megan imagine looking at a thesaurus and being like this is uh ridiculous that this exists if you don't know words you don't know them it's a tool what's a thesaurus i'm victoria cash thanks for calling the lucky land hotline if you feel like you do the same thing every day press one if you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes press two we heard you loud and clear so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free get lucky today at no purchase necessary v quw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply mojo in the morning megan would like to pass a law and maybe there is one who knows maybe we'll find out during this thing and it was the law that would protect you from ever getting killed what happened so i live in a neighborhood in the south end has like a lot of one-way streets and i um genuinely had a a moment yesterday where i was very grateful that i drive a wrangler because my car is made to go off-roading which is what i did yesterday this woman who on the low estimate was three thousand years old decided that today was the day that she was going to absolutely just not care about anybody else's life who was on the road because she had places to be and she pulled out of a driveway and started driving the wrong way down a one-way street alley yeah it was kind of scary because i actually live in a neighborhood that just had their roads redone and they're like fresh curbs so they're not worn down from teenage drivers they're like uh fully established hard cement have had a winter to kind of crumble the edges yet solid curvature in my neighborhood right now and i i had to hop the curb into somebody's yard to avoid getting hit and when i tell you this didn't even phase this woman who could barely see over the steering wheel anyways uh it was wild to me that she had no regard in the world that a car next were just driven there's somebody's front yard like everything should have said hey i'm driving on a road where parked cars are facing the wrong way hey somebody just drove into a yard and hey uh why are none of the street signs facing me like the signs were there lady yeah and i think that uh we should start re-establishing some some driver's tests for people and i don't know what the starting age should be or maybe maybe it should be like at 30 every five years we got to start taking drive it to actually give me a little i know it would be a huge pain in the butt but i've always thought that there should be like every decade or something you have to take a driver's test again really it's already a pain enough as it is it is but like first of all i'm calling myself out i'm a terrible driver i could probably use a little refresher but don't you like you go on the south freeway and i'm like wait these people need a crash course not a crash course that's a bad pun these people need like a a refresher in in how to drive all right i mean you gotta renew your license you gotta renew your license right you gotta renew your id might as well do that same here's the deal we're gonna ask the question whose license needs to be taken away from them based on the story that you tell us of how they drove what our call us up you're older than the highway speed limit you should yeah you're not allowed on streets like that yeah um eight four four mojo live eight four four six six five six five four eight is our telephone number i remember taking my kids to go get their driver's test on and all i kept thinking the whole time was i don't think i could pass this test that's what i mean yeah not the written part i'm talking like the road test like but also okay you've been at the DMV where they're doing the vision test and the people clearly aren't passing but the people behind the desk don't really care either and you're like you're letting these people back out of the road they have no peripheral they can't see the blinking light they didn't see it megan i was at secretary of state recently and the guy that was looking at the thing kept going i don't know what's going on here hold on let me try one more time he's doing this thing and the lady behind she got her mask on and she's kind of like giving them dirty eyeballs and stuff and she's going all right hold on a second and she just like signs the thing off and gives the guy all right come back with your your glasses on if it still gives them his stuff i'm going oh boy do you do the thing in michigan where while you're taking like a vision test they have a blinking light yeah yes i i do and you have to like say which side it's odd oh yeah every time i watch somebody distributing this and somebody's not getting the light the person goes yeah so do we see a blinking light but you're telling them to look for it stop holly what's up it's mojo in the morning okay good morning guys oh she's calling the comment about my mom she used to drive on um 59 to work and multiple times a week she would call and say oh my god um i had to get my car towed off the median on hall route today like multiple times a week and i'd be like mom why oh there was a deer or there was a bird and she was constantly driving up on the median third wow and that's by the way for those who don't know what hall road looks like in that area it's a major major highway like roadway i get when i go up to your side of town i am fearful of driving on that road yeah nobody wants to drive there yeah and then then you see the uh the the golden butthole or the toilet what is it called the butthole butthole yeah you got that thing that's that that's where that uh crazy piece of art is what's up don hi don don don don oh dylan i'm sorry by the way take our license what's going on dylan no i was gonna say me my girlfriend have this convo conversations almost every day on how bad drivers are and i like we think that over the age of like 50 you need it like five years until you hit 65 and then you need it like every two years you need to take your test yeah but listen the that when you think about this and you go okay take it for this much time imagine that you had to be that person that takes that test would that annoy you yeah because i i hate the cities that we we don't have this in michigan um and i don't know if ohio has it the emissions test when i lived in ln oi you had to take your car every year for an emissions test it is a pain in the royal arse doing that yeah yeah no we don't have to do that but i'm i'm still i'm still really young and it's amazing to see how many drivers just can just their safety hazards in our area because we've got so many roundabouts like our city just said around about training and almost nobody should roundabouts are idiotic but yeah but that's but i think they're idiotic you even have them what is it because people roundabouts though you know when you go to circle and you have to like figure out which way you go over on maple maple road they're not as common in that's what it's as they are and you know who's ohio he lives by one now the round when you go in a circle oh god yeah that's what it's called around about so roundabout is that that that um cab by the way we're taking his lessons you know it's crazy i like i likes things like that yeah like shara hates it i like it's fun for me your girlfriend i think it's exciting anxiety going in the end yeah it's exciting you got a yield or you got to speed up and drive fast it's like a game do you know that the rules of a roundabout are that you should never have to actually stop you should never have to no no don't say that please don't say that no no no no no no no no no no don't say the thought is that is that but the problem is the problem is people don't go at the same pay at a pace well no some i'm not supposed to speed up you know and race through i don't think you're supposed i agree with megan i don't think you're supposed to not stop some of them have yield signs yeah where like some people don't have to stop like one direction you have to stop the other side is supposed to yield and allow you to go um mojo in the morning what's going on kim if that means by good morning hey i my son a couple weeks ago just picked up his cap and gown getting ready to graduate was driving down the road and stopped at a stoplight a lady plows out of a parking lot from a car wash and falls right into the side of him and her excuse was that she her brakes didn't work because they were wet and how old is this lady 81 over the speed limit and real quick i got a question for you was she driving a white Buick it was a Buick but it was bad it wasn't me then it was close got close finishing the family brought believe her and said well that's a legit excuse in my son you know being a smart athlete and your old son um so she can't drive in the rain then oh yeah um this is uh Angela on the phone with us hi Angela hi good morning oh my god those roundabout why do they ever create those whenever i'm with my son like you know he's got to be the smartest person he's like mom where are you going go right and i'm like well which way is right do i go right right oh my god do you want to drive he's like it's a roundabout i'm like it's the stupidest thing it really is but that is exactly like a lot of people don't know how to do the roundabouts that would be a reason that would be something that they would teach in driver's ed yeah i think it's a time saver i'd rather have a roundabout than like a light that i'm waiting saying no um all right names give me the the michigan you turn and the left oh well a lot of people think we're nuts for doing the michigan you turn but i i love the michigan it's so great yeah the michigan left yes it is it is thank you for the call you're welcome have a good morning get your home for board the roses i'll load you in the morning arbery you're a swinger yeah this is where things get kind of weird arbery and her husband we're swinging together now she thinks that her husband is playing out cheating mhm explain explain why it is that you're suspecting him of cheating well we this is something that my husband wanted to do and i kind of went into this very you know hesitant link and i just i want to make my husband happy i'm assuming it's a couple right yes okay so you guys then all decide that what do you do do you guys go into uh corners with each other or all four of you guys together at the same time lately it's been more like we just one we have one room and then we go into the other and then if we feel like switching it up we switch it up how how old are you i'm 39 yeah wow you have kids oh yeah we've got two boys so what makes you think that he's carrying on a relationship on the side with this other woman well it's not like my husband to not come home on time and lately he's been calling me a lot saying hey i'm gonna be late and it's not like like an hour late it's more like three four hours and you know he never he always comes home for dinner family time and now it's been like he's just been at work super super late and and he's saying oh he's making excuses like it's my job it's really stressful i've got to be here make money yeah and you've also started seeing that this woman that you've been swinging with has been talking to him outside of just the bedroom that you guys have been in together yes which is why i'm respecting something's going on and it's just it's it's this has all been happening at the same time the fact that you're not coming home and he's late and you know i've been seeing like random things on his phone and i'm not a person that like snooped and tries to dig and you know because we do have this kind of relationship but that's not the rules you know that's not what are the rules well this is there's no communication that should be done outside of my knowledge you know knowing about it you know it sounds fair i have to know you know and the communication can be about you know when we're going to meet and things like that what about when you're actually in the act of like are there anything oh god channons that are off limits well no i'm wondering because then maybe maybe he wants to try those things and that's what he's doing when he's not coming home um i don't want to go into detail about it but yeah we have like our our code you know that we have with each other things that make me uncomfortable that i don't want him to do to her that he only does for me and he knows what those are so it's you know that's kind of the boundaries we set for each other i'm i'm number one and what about her husband this other lady's husband does he worry that you guys are cheating or have you not even had a conversation with him no i don't have a conversation with him outside you know when we swing okay that's that's against the rules it's just not what you do we are going to call him up to see where he's going to send a dozen free roses we're hoping that the roses go to Aubrey hello hi sistan yes hey tann my name is a cole i'm calling from an internet floral company called do you have 20 seconds to take a quick survey for some free flowers what what company is it we're a new internet floral company i just have two questions and then we can give you a dozen long stem red roses to send to the person of your choice um okay if it's like 20 seconds i can do that sure oh okay have you purchased flowers in the last six months uh yeah and you plan on purchasing any flowers in the next six months yeah okay uh that's it quick survey like i said and now we're going to provide you with a dozen long stem red roses just you know what the bouquet looks like and i just need the name and the telephone number of who you want to send the flowers to we're going to actually how did you get my my uh my information like why did i get chosen for this you probably bought something from one of our partner companies okay so i just need the name and the phone number of the person that you want to send flowers to we're actually going to send them a text message basically saying you're sending them flowers they get to pick out the actual arrangement they want and schedule a delivery time from our website so do you have somebody in mind go to to uh Aubrey okay the phone number is uh three one three uh-huh four four four okay and i just need to let you know that this phone call was being monitored for quality assurance purposes are you okay with that yeah that's fine great Dan i also need to let you know that we'll send those flowers off to Aubrey today and um i need to let you know that while we've been talking to you on the phone and getting that information that Aubrey has been listening in and has got to be feeling very good that you sent the flowers to her because this is the mojo in the morning show and we were doing the war of the roses and we do this thing on our show where uh if your spouse uh wants to see who your their significant other is thinking of we uh offer up the roses so you you pass the test i don't know well let's go i don't know why i'm so nervous well that's good that's great i i think the reason i might be the nervous one talking to you is because Aubrey told us about your guys' relationship okay so we know we know lots of very intimate details about you guys and um Aubrey is on with us and Aubrey uh hey um so yeah i just wanted to see you're gonna send the flowers to do you think i've really sent them to someone else well yeah Aubrey do you want to tell uh Dan why you're a little uncomfortable with things do i have to well i think that he's going to figure it out otherwise if he listens back to our show go ahead and just tell him kind of what you told us okay well you know we've been doing this thing that you want to do you know um you know i feel about it but i love you and i want to make you happy and i don't i've been a little uncomfortable with it especially now since since we've been doing this you have been not coming home one time he's been late like really late and i kind of saw a text on your phone and um i think something's going on i mean i don't think anything how to be ordinary here nothing nothing seems unusual i've been going to work and coming home i mean i think we're kind of making a situation here but what about the text messages that she's that she has seen but what about them i mean there's there's nothing there's nothing in my phone i'm sure of it but she says there are text messages between the two of you and part of your agreement when you guys agreed to do the swinging thing or whatever was that there would be no communication outside of when the two couples were together right but how do the two couples get together if there's not some communication we've got to figure out when and where so that's all it is but the thing is is that there's been like constant text you know between you guys it's and it's never it's you know it's after the fact and what has been said in those text messages well i i haven't i don't go through his phone but like sometimes to leave it on the counter in the kitchen and i walk by and i'll just see like a hay from her i'm like really the hay is basically like hey let's set something up if you want to say it in the text well i'm not comfortable with it at all how many times have you guys been together with uh this other couple uh it's probably been like maybe like eight times i'd like to explore more about what you guys have as far as rules are concerned to see if that is breaking the rules with you being the one contacting uh and i want to talk more about that and i want to talk more to our listeners to see what their thoughts are because a lot of people are texting and tweeting comments about the flowers going to Aubrey and their thoughts on that so i want to get into to a little bit more on this this is the home of the war of the roses mojo in the morning mojo the morning comments on the war of the roses Aubrey and her husband Dan with us um Aubrey suspects that her husband's cheating because they're swinging and they are set to do this at specific times together but not set to be doing this outside of the relationship and he has had communication with the person that they swing with outside uh scott coming from you what do you want to say i just think it's kind of wild that when people you know give give permission to do this this guy's a man you gave him permission to go and do things with other women he's going to go do things with other women and he is going to try and try and try to set this up as much as he possibly can she needs to be thankful he sent her the flowers because it doesn't seem like he's you know trying to start a relationship he's just trying to do what they agreed upon scott i get the idea that you do something like that you're playing with fire but to discount for sure but to discount her as much as you just discounted her i don't think is fair because they they did have rules and i don't know about you but i follow all the rules all rules are meant to be bent and broken sir you are a bad boy it's like telling the kid not to touch the hot stove he's going to touch it oh are you saying that she's the hot stove i'm saying that whoever they're messing around with is the hot stove and he's playing with getting burned okay so are we to say here that this couple open themselves up to this because anytime i talk to people about swinging not me meaning me talking about wanting to swing it's like we talk about the swing sure sure sure but i any time i do they all talk about these rules and stuff and honestly i do agree with the fact that you know you are playing with fire but i think that if you're trying to be committed to your spouse as far as saying all right we're going to do agree to do this why do you why can't you just have your fun when everybody is there together why do you got to have your fun outside of this it feels like i don't know that he's necessarily trying to have the fun outside of it he made the comment that he was just trying to you know how do you how do we set these things up we have to communicate so he is just trying to communicate and set this up as much as possible because he seems to enjoy it well i feel like swinging and i know it works for a lot of people so no judgment here but i think that it's like it creates a crack in your relationship even if you have you think that you have solid rules there's still that little crack that can snowball and get bigger and bigger and bigger doesn't it couldn't be one of going to your point couldn't be one of those things too where you yeah you realize maybe you like it and maybe you like it a lot and maybe you like the one the one of one of the people yes it's like going very queen in the summer time what do you think swinging does that or just people in general do that i think i think both but i think that when the situation is presented to you and it just like exacerbates the situation if you are if there's already outside interest and then it's put right in front of you yeah and then how do you turn it off it's like a waterfall doesn't it yeah yeah yeah yeah could you ever swing with no that's not my lovely lady chorale no we dead in that no it's out of here would you not be if she said to you i'm interested in this i really want to try this what would be your response i mean we don't need to be together and if you know if you want an open relationship then we can discuss that but we know about to just be our sweet what if she said lead that to the playground we're going to swing with Jay-Z and Beyonce again you would win in that one you got Beyonce she got Jay-Z the players may change but the rules don't the game is the same not going to have them but if you have a chance to have a relationship with Beyonce though wouldn't that be amazing then we don't we don't need to be together if that's the case and let's just be two single people it's not going to happen it's not going to happen all right better not happen sam right what's up oh you know i i think she's overreacting if she was confused or didn't want to do this that's something that she should have expressed she did it because he wanted to do it and it's not i have friends that are swingers it's not uncommon for the male to communicate with the other couple the female half the other couple i hear this from friends all the time they do it i just think you have to have and like shins that it causes these cracks you have to have that open-minded communication you want to always know how you feel about seeing your partner having uh have a sex vice that includes other people you might end up feeling neglected in some cases you may end up straight up jealous and i think that's what this is and if they're not talking about meeting up on a single date just together then i mean so communication is okay as long as they're not talking about actually fooling around see but to me open communication is everybody this is now closed communication because it's not between all participants it needs to be a uh group phone call yeah by the way when you hear him say i have friends who are swingers is that like the people that will say i have friends who are black or those they are friends who are gay yeah uh i i don't have friends who are swingers i i've talked to swingers on the show but i don't have friends that are swingers that i know of i know either and i think my wife would kill me if i did not that if i did but even if the conversation came up a little bit she would kill me there's no way they could ever have like what are you guys doing on saturday night would you guys like to come over with the family are you asking me that no you guys are acting like the only thing swingers do is swing well let's let's talk to a swinger haley is on with us right now haley oh your voice sounds strange your voice disguised right yes i am so what's the story what are your thoughts on this war of the roses a wife expecting that her husband's cheating with the couple they swing with he sends the flowers to her well first off i'm super happy that he sent them to her um my husband and i tried swinging uh last year around the summertime very briefly um you do everything in a group chat you i mean you scope for couples in in a group saying you want to find a couple you talk to everybody in a group chat that way everybody's in the know um nobody can have that opportunity to get jealous um yeah you just open communication involves everybody not everybody and you do something on the outside uh that causes so many cracks now i noticed that you said we tried swinging and that there was no present tense in there that we are swingers so what happened um so my husband i we're very i mean we're great communicators and we do all of that um we had all those basic rules um basically it just was one of those kind of rusting too quick um and it was one thing that we had and talked about and um that just kind of killed it for us whose idea was it to swing was it yours or yours my well we've been together for 16 years so it was his originally of course um but as you know you're together for so long and you know like just feistings up everyone's no isles um i was i was four and i finally was comfortable with myself um and everything with it was comfortable in our relationship and it actually it made us a lot stronger last year even though we ran into an issue with it oh this was last year last summer yeah yeah it was uh we're kind of like nearing like the one year anniversary and when we're like yeah maybe this isn't for us um yeah it was just one of those it made us closer it made us closer because we were able to communicate about everything does since it was his idea does he introduce you to the person or like who picks the the couple that you swing with do you already have some money in mind or like are you guys standing no so the way that we did it um there's like swinging websites that you can be a part of um and then you just kind of scope numbers and you know bm because him and i had the same profile and it was all groupy at the password i had the password and then we would just set things up with couples and then when we would exchange phone numbers it was all in a group chat wow imagine being that like kev mojo could you imagine going to your wife at all ever and saying hey got or hey hey sweetheart i have this idea all right it's really gonna spice things up it's really gonna you know just make our sex life amazing let's bring another girl into the relationship so yeah i have to be very comfortable with yourself that's why it took me 16 years before you do it yeah yeah but isn't that how you approach yourself in your relationship isn't that how you approach any new kind of sexual experience in your relationship bringing it up and discussing yeah but it's different between a toy and a person yeah i don't know i i will say this though meghan if i said another person she'll see would that would she would automatically stay no she would automatically assume that i was cheating with that other person are you know what i mean um another voice this guy's caller taylor who is also are you a swinger is that right oh ex-swinger ex-swinger and similar to this situation here right no communication out of the swinging correct well and it was supposed to be if we're gonna set things up he would talk to the other say that again i'm sorry we got okay he would he would he would he would talk to the guy is that we said he was he was supposed that was out of the room he's supposed to talk to the guy or i would talk to the girl it was empty if we were in any private conversation it should have been the same sex conversation you know i'm going to talk to the other guy because that's what happened he was talking to her uh oh he would have sent me the flowers he would have done the same thing he would have sent me the flowers because it it took me a year to figure out that they had something going on on the side oh this is this is going back i'm telling you i'm old this is going back 20 years seven of the couples that we knew because we used to do the dances and everything for all of the boys wow Shannon had brought up and Shannon had brought up about you know you know because of the crack no there's already a crack if you're going into swinging because one one party or the other wants something to happen wants something else that's the point that's their way to go about it without getting divorced you know but yeah it took me all over year to figure out that and the other thing i was going to say is swingers should be in the same room when you start separating into separate rooms there's separate conversations going on there's private things happening and that's when there's a different connection happening well that you know what that brings honestly a lot of validity to this you know and it's i don't know i just look at it like i know if we swam did some swinging i would be the one that would be holding the camera and i don't want to be you know what i mean i don't want to be the camera operator you guys can i join it it would be the you know you're already in media you probably know how to work this thing i don't want to be part of this i'm an update on this couple will be coming up if you miss the war of the roses the swingers who think that the swinging's turned into cheating you got to go check out the podcast is available on the mojo in the morning show podcasts search for us anywhere you get your podcasts mojo let me take you back to the beginning this is it all righty you're listening to mojo in the morning you're a do-do hack let's go it's your time go down the morning show kevin uh says that uh he was getting checked out yeah y'all ever had a uh a galker a galker checking that check is that a different kind but yeah this is not a car galker it's not a person gocking they uh a car they're gocking you yeah a ball gazers i was in a a ball case there i don't know you know that i don't have those well i mean people have you you talked earlier about jeremy pivot checking you out on stage yeah he was a boob gazers yeah he liked my my chest yeah well apparently one of the uh one of the guys that was in this circle that um i was having a conversation with just talking you know how you can like look over at somebody and you can see like they're not looking at your eyes they're looking at a different part of your body and you can follow where their eyes are looking immediately you know where they're what they're looking at yeah and yeah the person was checking out my balls and immediately like when you look back at them you know like their eyes pop up like you know where your balls like no just a bowl in the outfit that you were wearing i don't think so just where they checking out your balls or checking out your like your shoes because you always have a lot of shoes the eyes weren't that low i don't think the eyes were at low they were looking at do you have a belt on maybe they look cooler i'll never wear belts that's what i'm saying unless the balls are like like you can see them through your pants how are they looking why i mean they were looking at the area they were checking the mid they were looking at the area you know that they're not right the ball area in the shoe area is a big difference between you know unless you're just when they hang real low were you flattered i'd be flattered but now i was a flatter you weren't flatter i just kind of he wasn't cute it was one of those like he kind of i felt like i felt like he he knew i caught him yeah like he looked and it was like one of those like that's when you hit thrust you just kind of lightly lean forward fake air clothes it looked baby no wait dig megan were you flattered when jeremy pivin was checking out your boobies i mean who wouldn't i do have a nice pair of boobs do you like it do you like it when guys are checking it out oh it depends on so many factors one is how creepy are you because that's a scale how rich are you how late are you making it yeah how single are you how about if they're if they're rich but creepy oh god no stay away really yeah do you how many times is allowed for a guy to look at your boobs i feel like with mine a lot of people get caught off guard i'm gonna be very honest i have unusually large bosoms so i do feel like you get one because i've something yeah sometimes i get caught after two like i look down i go girl you know you're like hey how you doing like a good what are you girls one though you get one you're an adult you're an adult you know how to look me in the eyes yes you got at least give me two no before you say something no the second time you're saying something yeah second time i go what are we looking at i'll just i'll just say that that's tough no it's not it's not tough to be an adult and look me in the eye first the first glance has to be maybe a shock factor yeah for sure you have to allow me that yeah right and then after the shock factor once i've realized that hey these are worth looking at you have to give me a these are worth looking at no uh now i'm like i was rectify you no no no no one is like by mistake oh didn't know those were there the second was like oh yeah those are there yeah that's the objectification no no no no no yes that's the first is like uh the second is like trust but verify am i sure i saw what i saw the third one i think is when you should like take action because at that point is like i'm i'm fully invested in these cinnamon if you have my back you you do not get too i agree thank you what yeah you don't even with my explanation especially you've already been caught you've already because here's my here's my statement on that you've already been caught so how many times did you look before you've been caught right huh my my favorite is when i'm out with the girls on the show and we go somewhere and we're walking and you'll walk past a guy that's staring the whole time at them and then you'll walk right past and you you the girls are going straight ahead and the guy turns his head the look and he turns the look and i'm like oh yeah see you guys got looked at you got a love where there it's like uh it's like a quarterback you don't throw where the receiver is you get where they're going what do they say look them off you got to look off the receiver so if i know Shannon for example if i know Shannon's going to walk past four o'clock then i don't start looking at 12 i'm going to look at four so she walks in my line of sight yeah i don't have to follow her you know what i mean so that so again to bring this all back to to what was going on with you so you were with you said it was a group of guys yeah i mean there's a couple girls in here and one of the one of the guys was checking out your your balls i'm i'm the one that's like it's like right now right like i'm the one that's speaking so everybody kind of has their attention i know and i'm trying really hard to not look at your balls all the eyes but i like an adult because i'm like what were they looking at do you have big bulbs i've never bulbs bulbs bulbs i've never noticed but like this like everybody's looking right like so i'm looking around like that like pretty obvious what i'm looking at exactly now do it again because you get too per him this one's for the appreciation too oh you must have been happy being that you deserve you deserve two looks don't you know what you do Dylan what's going on well i would kind of say it's kind of like being a go ahead i mean at the end of the day yes you get the free glam and everything you get the awareness of your surroundings but then on top of it i mean it's a great appreciation appreciate the ones without it and you waited you said it's kind of like being a bobble head is that what you're saying no a bobble head that's right is that a bobble head yeah okay i was kind of like doing a double take i mean yeah he's back and you look comfortable understand this yeah i i i like the up and down look like the guys that are or the you know that are so blatant with the go they do the the like yeah the up up to down thing i mean i'm really surprised though you're surprised about that i i don't i'm only allowed one look before it gets crazy how many times are you allowed to be like i i like your body i'd like to see it yeah i but my mind again i'm not gonna like read explain but the justification of like first is shock yeah second is i want to look at you just to ensure that what you saw was was what you saw and then if i do it again at that point then it's creepy i'll be honest if you haven't been looked at in a while too you can look at as much as you want right let me see that body what's up Jason what's up hey all right so i've called in a couple times and i've always had a huge crush on megan and this is the first time that i'm upset with it because this is not fair this is not fair okay if they're going to catch me off guard i i thank you because yeah i'm about the look but kevin's right if i need the confirmation or those things really right there i'm about to look again i gotta confirm and if that's not okay i don't need my w2 on a slide scale i just want you to know all of you boys sound like my brain can't commute need to look at body multiple times because i like boobies that's what you all sound like sometimes sometimes you got to read it twice but you can bring up our money has a slide scale correct yeah yeah it's the word i didn't say it's okay i said that's how the world works and an equal smiz is the perfect example of that she she was with the old rich dude and every single ugly guy out there is like it's okay i can be rich one day and get everybody this is how the world works facts facts a man know what's happening hi so i actually touched myself um looking at people's butts when they're flat like a pancake and they have that little pinch at the bottom you know yeah oh man i i think they're so interesting i was like that i feel like i look at butts too like y'all but she was she looks at flat butts though y'all look just as bad as these boys i feel like i do not in like a sexual way but i'm like oh she has a good butt yeah you know yeah what's going on karen hi hi i just fixed it and sorry um seven you don't have to look twice or three times just know that they're in your peripheral view yeah you got to be more subtle yeah yeah yeah but it's it's nothing like a head-on collision true fender bender yeah that's why you need sunglasses dark sunglasses oh that'll work too or be like steve you want to pretend you're blind you know like i checks out everybody and he checks them out and he's like all right there is no way you're blind the way that you're checking girls out um all right thank you kev from mojo in the morning if you need to find his balls they're in shirrell's purse this is mojo in the morning mojo in the morning show so i went on the scale for the very first time over the vacation i feel like i had way too much fun and i hadn't been on the scale in a while since i had recently lost like 40 pounds 41 pounds on the ideal u health center and uh hadn't weighed myself in like a month and i knew that i was eating excessively during the week that we had off well i've decided that i am going to start doing the 30-minute walk that chelsea told me i had to do every day and i say chelsea told me i had to she didn't my doctor told me my doctor said to me you got to get 30 minutes exercise in a day and i'm not an exerciser i hate it i just can't stand it i'm not going to work out you know all the time i'll go to plan a fitness but if i go to plan a fitness my thing is i just jump on a treadmill or an elliptical machine and that's it i get a cardio thing yeah which i don't think is bad according to my doctor i was going to say that's yeah that's fine so get some movement in especially if you have the incline yeah so here's what here's what i've decided i don't really do incline but this all right here's what i decided here's what i decided my dogs need exercise too so every day i was going to go home from work and the first thing i was going to do was i'm going to put the leashes on henry and louis and i was going to go take them for a walk and the walk was going to be 30 minutes and what i was going to do is put it instead of just worried about going for steps i was going to put timer on there and i was going to have the timer be when i hit the 15 minute mark on the timer i was going to turn around and go right home yeah and that was it so i knew i was doing 30 minutes every single day all right until my neighbors came into play do i have like some kind of dramatic music that i can play until my neighbors came into play the same neighbors every single day husband and wife stop me to pet my dogs and i am at a point right now where i want to know from you guys how can i tell them they cannot pet my dogs yes that's what that's me not my dogs and the reason why is not because my dogs don't enjoy it they love it but guess what ends up happening 15 minutes turns into an hour and 15 minutes so what it ends up happening is my timer i have to stop it like guys you don't understand something i got a timer going on here right now because sometimes they'll get me in the beginning 15 sometimes they'll get me at the end 15 yeah and then the 30 minutes that i want to dedicate to working out word exercising becomes the pet off of these guys dealing with my dog i don't like this first of is hard not to pet a good boy like how are you not going to go pet a good boy two good boys you know what you should do yeah you should carry a poop bag that's already filled yeah i do not care you don't care but i'm down and at least he can say look i need to get this out of my hand he does not know no no this is very simple very simple yeah you got to do the speed up okay so you're going going when you see that it's hi guys hope you're having a great day just keep going you got to walk fast i like that i that's okay i just got a yellow i got a poop and keep walking the eye got a poop will work i got a poo um i so here's the and i don't know if this ever happens with coraline do you ever have that happen to you or coraline in you or out and about and people want to touch that dog because yes but it's always big dog owners that don't realize that little dogs are not the same as big dogs okay and i promise you my dog is the most spoiled dog in the entire world and she does not want you to approach her and pet her it's not because i am mean to her i don't do anything to my dog other than love and respect her and that dog will shake and run away from any person that approaches her and it makes me look bad and i don't even care as much about that as i know it really stresses her out and then i feel like a bad dog owner for not protecting her no i but you know what the the interesting thing is the anxiety filled dog would be better than my dogs because my dogs want to go home with them you know what i mean like i would rather have i i almost wish i had coraline because coraline visibly does look like coraline doesn't want to be around other people well she started shaking the other day when this guy tried to approach her and he was like is she gonna bite me and i was like no she's never bit any but she just doesn't don't touch her by the way if a dog looks like it's gonna bite you then don't pet it yeah what do what if you start shaking mojo you just like i do i think i am shaking at that moment because i'm sitting there looking at my phone the whole time and i'm looking going i want to be home i want to be home like i want to you know what i mean like i've been at work all day so the last like uh you know a couple of months i have been here at the station until like three o'clock in the afternoon and the problem is by the time that i get home then it's like three fifteen when i put on my joggers and uh i think i know i'm just joking i put on i put on my uh my my tennis shoes what do they call those sneakers my sneakers that's it yeah trainers yeah yeah um and uh and then when ends up happening i go out there and i'm like man you guys are just ruining my game what's going on alicia hey um so i don't know if you know this but if you're training a dog to be a service animal of any sort um people are not allowed to pet them because they're working but it's too late we're past the point of no return here they already know this is not a serve these are not service dogs well i mean you can always make it turn a dog into a service dog just tell them like hey like i'm i want to get them into this program they're gonna they're gonna be you know support animals and they have leashes that you can put little velcro strips on that they please do that's what i should do i should actually put a service dog uh you know vest on them like all these you know people have on them and and then make it seem like there's something that they can't touch listen to some of these textures here uh this one is uh oh here you go um shannon you read my mind i thought of the same thing this is from two four eight uh just start jogging and then you run right past them not even jogging just speed up and by the way is it jogging or running because i thought jogging was something from the uh the past uh two four eight says mojo wear a mask it always makes people not want to talk to somebody another thing in the uh i don't remember who said this but if you put those giant headphones on like at the jam oh my gosh nobody will talk to you like the headphones that we wear for the show like that we have here in the studio put those on or if you put in air pod i do this sometimes you put in air pods and pretend like you're on the phone with something yeah and give a wave that's a cool idea right through what's up veranda y'all go ahead i'm sorry to go back to the whole service dog thing oh my uh hold on let's say friend hi that was a very sexy hi what kind of fun number is this um my dog gives off the vibes that she's not out here to help other people so i don't even think that will work veronica what's up hey i listen to you guys every morning i'm a school bus driver so when i get up in the morning take my caddies over to the uh country club this summer for their program i'm listening to mojo i love you guys so i'm wondering why you i'm wondering why you just don't tell your neighbors i'm trying to be on an exercise program lose some of the way and i can't you want to know why they're the nicest older couple like they're really sweet people and i don't want to seem like a jerk to them like i'm the guy that sits there and smiles the whole time and then behind their back i'm like you know saying something my wife is my my wife is always said to me the problem is i've always gotten a way of being the good guy because people will sit there and say oh he's so sweet he's so nice and then i'll go home and complain about it or go on the radio but that is your problem you are too nice like you are going to miss happen yeah thank you Veronica are you in the bus right now no i just got done oh dang i want to get a little i can't call on the bus yeah she's got kids she's taken care of it let's be honest you know no that was a like take your neighbor some cookies they're donuts in the morning say here you go give them the tree and love no because you know what you notice i gained seven pounds i ate the cookies until Sheila what's going on well no why don't you take a different route it's too obvious and the problem is there's really only like one circular way around my neighborhood that will get me only 30 minutes of a workout otherwise if i go a different route it's 35 or 37 minutes i timed it i got to do it 30 on the nose you're right you're too you're too smart you're smarter than i am for uh thanks for the call Sheila sala doe uh what's going on chris hi good morning love you guys hey we love you too where's avanda we love you too thanks um i texted it i think that megan needs to get core line of best that says everything makes me nervous um how do i get one of those in size eight pound dog have you seen core line before have you ever seen what core line looks like yeah i've seen pictures i've followed you guys on everything i love you guys core line might be what i'm trying to get by walking 30 minutes a day yes i thought i'd look at her i see all the treats she eats and i just go bitch did you miss your normal dose of mojo in the morning today download the hard video then hear the show on the mojo in the morning show mojo in the morning show you know what we need right now we haven't like had a real edgy topic in a little bit you know we've been talking a lot family and a lot of dogs and a lot of neighbors and neighbors and things like that Shannon give a kiss and give us something dirty okay um yeah go i'm the go-to for something dirty right this is not the dirty on the 30 but it is the dirty from Shannon okay so this came off in a conversation with west my fiance the other day i don't we were just talking about like anything and everything and sometimes when we get time to ourselves this is what we do and i asked him this question who is the most random or like the strangest person that you have ever hooked up with who because again and i've said this before he will not give me his number and this still drives me crazy but at least he'll answer but you won't give the number either though i have given him my number but you won't tell all of us our number no because i know it drives you crazy and i'm happy that he's going with it i know it drives you crazy that he's not giving you the number and drives us crazy that you won't get us all right well his answer to that question was he once owned like back i think he was like college or just getting out of college like around that age he owned a landscape company like started his own landscape company with some buddies and he went to place an ad in his local newspaper for this landscape company which is what you did back in the day right you placed a classified ad and if people wanted their bushes done or whatever that's a day like okay in the start of Meyer or Kroger yang up a piece of paper with the little numbers on it under separate things you can rip the number off right so the lady who was helping him at whatever newspaper this was mentioned oh i actually need some landscaping at my house so how about we do a little trade i'll place the ad for you for free for a couple of months if you come to my home and you know do all of these things that i need to check off my list anyway which west was like cool that's that's a fair trade he did not do the he shows up to her house and he said she just so happened to be sunbathing topless in the backyard where she come on needed him to do some work that's like that's seriously i've watched that porn before that's unbelievable he said she pretended to be like oh you know i didn't know you were coming at this time or whatever went inside he did whatever he needed to do in her yard and then when he knocked on the door and went inside to get paid she took all of her clothes off oh my god stop it so that was his answer to the question which is a great story right so that is my question to you oh yeah daddy who is the strangest person you've ever oh like the most random person that we like like so it's strangest person that we've ever had sex with oh god this is actually kind of good i like this idea oh oh oh oh oh oh for me it was a color number nine it was a color number nine swear to you when i've okay and this is back in the b96 days when i was working with George McFly and i was peeping tom that was my name there and she won a prize and then she wanted the prize because she was going to go and use it it was actually tickets to Six Flags Great America it was Marriott's Six Flags Great America which is in gurney, Illinois because it was working in Chicago and she said is there any way i get the tickets now so George made me drive them to her house and she lived just outside Evanston, Illinois which is where like Northwestern is and i pulled up and i'm like oh my god she's a rich lady because she had like this really nice house it turns out that she was watching the house for the people and that was by the way that was that was the yeah so i gave it so i gave it to a guy gave her the prize which by the way i will say this to you it was the worst sex ever because i was so intimidated over the fact that i'm like holy cow choose like choose gorgeous and this is before social media where you could look up what somebody looks like beforehand she opens the door to this gorgeous home that's in Evan's, Illinois it's the same area it's like Northern University is right there yeah but it's right around the same area Shannon where that movie Home Alone was against their house and stuff yeah and she opens up the door and she was freaking she's a dime dime plus nine i want to hear everybody else's and by the way you got to share with us too who's the craziest person that you got to have sex with um would anybody else want to share anybody else got one that's interesting i've only had sex with Cheryl i don't think i i don't have like any crazy story i've had like sisters i've had one nice damn oh no oh no oh no miss fits dude zak zak has one for us our audio ran in here too all right that so after me my girlfriend broke up after 10 years went on dating apps and there's this woman she claimed to be 32 and long story short uh she is the aunt uh my ex-girlfriends new boyfriend and i didn't know and i found out that she is actually 45 oh yeah okay all right wow so so in an in the correlation of the ants and everything i think yours is different though that one's a good one i think it's the mere fact that you've been hanging out with the promotion's girl that's like oh no stop that's only on the more mojo podcast which you can listen to now wherever you get pocket my by the way i think zak might need to go on the air a little bit more often i love it he's very he's very good uh anybody else or before i grab a call i mean they're so like i know you know you're trying to figure one to pick remember the bad boy days mike member the internio days i do i do so uh in college i slept with my financial aid advisor no you did not i hundred percent did uh went and got the financial aid taken care of went to my class she knew what class i was in too because she saw all my classes and she sat down right next to me that's it that's amazing those people you can't even get to just get an appointment with yeah i like the hardest yeah was she young or was she older a little bit older but i think she had just started the job did you do it did you do it in her office or in your dorm or what no no it wasn't a story like that no i went to her place and then she like we we hooked up like probably three or four times and then i never talked to her again oh so you were a repeat offender yeah yes yeah mhm Shannon can't get away with not telling us hers because if west hadn't tell us his you have to tell us yours i mean oh probably the dude from sister hazel i use do you know who's sister have you ever heard this song do you have something very random when the hook comes in you may have heard it was was he better than the song it was better the song here comes up here comes like right here he's actually a really nice guy it was just very random by the way there's 90s i did too he was so great there we go it's hard to say what it is i see it if you wonder if i'll always be ready wow all right um uh lindsey let me grab yours uh craziest person you hooked up with lindsey oh i'm sorry my dad he used to be a principal and i had sex with one of his students oh geez so that so if that student was calling us up i hooked up with the principal's daughter that would be crazy i hope he doesn't well what would your dad have done if he saw that you were fooling around with this kid did he like this kid um he did my mom actually knew because my parents are divorced but my dad didn't oh wow megan this one would be for you i hooked up with the security dude at the dispensary oh wait two of those digits yeah if it was the an arbor one that you go to all the time you're gonna be a little jealous aren't you thank that guy is a good looking guy it's so hot it's not even funny how hot he is what's up sam voice this guy is the craziest person you hooked up with all right i picked up a girl in a bar one night and i moved up she told she just moved here moved back down here because her sister had disappeared up north so come to find out the next day my friend showed me the front page of the newspaper from a land on michigan that the girl i hooked up with was wanted in conjunction in association with the murder of her sister who escaped from a mental incident oh my god you and sam this is like a real-life date line nbc you you would have got to meet uh that cool guy uh keith morrison if you would have come forward on that one no one the worst thing i kept thinking oh my god my dna is everywhere oh my god oh my god uh darian who did you hook up with uh i hooked up with my health teacher your health teacher how did that come to fruition so we were i was at the gym working out and uh i happened to uh i thought i recognized it and so i went up and talked to her and so she was like um i had you in high school whatever yeah i was like yeah he was my health teacher and so he couldn't out he needed stuff and then yeah it was just one of those nights dude that's like the dream of dreams and i know that you know you hear the stories all the time about people hooking up while they're in school but after you're done with school weren't there some teachers that you wished that you could have hooked up with after school was out done you know anybody i was only 20 and she was uh 43 that's oh wow dude how life was good wasn't it that and the health teacher she's teaching you all the stuff or or testing you on all the stuff uh tami tami real quick i gotta ask you question tami uh yeah you don't work for the local newspaper taking classified ads do you no no tell everybody who who you hooked up with my lawn guy no i i always want to know the story of like how did it happen the first time like who put the moves on who it was literally just like a one-time thing um like i mean he he he was mowing lawns in my um my father and he saw me and like you know next thing you know he's mowing my lawn for free for a while oh like you know if you know what i mean well you got to love that right yeah it was a good time you know oh my god she was he was mowing her lawn uh what's up Steve hey so yeah i called a couple of times i've been on a couple of times you guys love you oh we love you man you dirty bastard you you got another story for us yes i do um i saw my first grade teacher you what first grade my first grade teacher after i graduated high school i read it to her after that at like a crash of year or something we looked up after that oh my god you you hooked up that so you hooked up with your first grade teacher that's insane yeah but i was about 30 years about four years about 50 years wow that's craziness and what do you learn when you're in first grade like what is it is you learn an account even one two three and there you go hey why not uh this one's the biggest of the big one i lydia literally just jumped out of her chair for this one cori are you there yes i'm here cori the lydia is our phone screener she legitimately just hit the ceiling after you just told her who did you hook up with my ex-wife's mom oh my god wow while you were married or after uh no this is shortly after she left me because uh she accused me and her mom of doing stuff and i was like no and so she went and cheated on me and that kind of prompted and then i messaged her mom afterwards and we ended up hooking up and i was like kind of you know or event type deal i can't believe that it and you mother i have to ask this question because i i got to ask it it's so important who was better uh mom wow why what what what what made mom better than the daughter freaky earth more experience really and the and probably the thought of doing what you were doing right oh yeah we ended up doing it in the next room too oh my god what yeah we still live together after we split for a little bit i'm going to church this sunday jelsie luke and i are going to mass a sunday we said that we're going to start doing mass until luke goes away because we want to try to get him on that room i'm praying for you you son of a bitch oh this is a long time ago sorry i i've been to church since that too all right good did you confess to to the priest and did the priest hit the ceiling like Lydia just did a second ago i don't know if he did it or not probably cold ball of his stories too probably a hot topic at church thank you for the call i appreciate it yeah no problem thank you it is ryan here and i have a question for you what do you do when you win like are you a fist pumper a woo hoo a hand clapper a highfiver if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out chumba casino 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disguised because of something that she's doing that she's worried people are going to look differently at her for doing carly hi hi carly you're married woman and i understand from talking to uh our producers that you're going through a little bit of stuff with your uh your spouse right now yes so uh we've been married about five years and a little less and two years ago i caught him cheating and it was a really hard time for us but he did agree to go to therapy which has been going well things have improved and part of his you know therapy is then part of his recovery is that he has to keep it journal well i couldn't really help myself recently and um and i ended up um i ended up reading a little bit of his journal and i saw a passage about him talking about cheating on me again since you know the the first incident or what i assumed is the first incident that started this whole recovery journey and i want to know if i'm the a-hole for you know i mean betraying that trust and and get across a line am i am i an able to read it for reading his journal wow um i mean i think that i think that once you find out that you're being cheated on it's going to be tough to gain trust back in somebody after that and so i could see that you were probably wondering how things are going but i think that after she read the journal you ruined the relationship no matter what you found in it because you destroyed all all trust that was left after what you had rebuilt so does it work in your almost favor and that's a weird choice of words i understand but almost work in your favor that you found out that there was proof of cheating or admission of cheating so it kind of justified what you did yes but i think you you broke the trust first i oh god that's i know i know okay if we take out that you so he so he has cheated again since he first disclosed to you that that he did yeah or he's alluding to that in the journal okay i feel like we have to take that out of it for a second because you reading the journal to me is i hate saying yes or an a-hole because this is such a sensitive situation but i think that you know he he in going to therapy and trying to redeem himself and and work on himself you know and put in that work and this being an assignment that the therapist gave him to kind of work through some of the things that he's thinking and feeling and i'm assuming then he talks to the therapist about whatever he's writing like i feel like i talked to my therapist about stuff that i would not want anybody else to know until i have processed it with her and then i'm like ready to put it out is to be open with that person right he doesn't hide his his journal i mean i'm going to say this yes you go searching for it no it was it was left out and it has been left out and i feel like there is something like i'm i'm sensing almost like a a change that has not been addressed you know because i feel like he would come back from his therapy appointment and um and and you know talked to me more openly about what he discussed what because he was able to process it though and that's my point like you you opening up that journal is like you having a spy camera in his therapy sessions it's wrong but here's the thing it's really really wrong because he hasn't been able to work through it yet and that's why he's putting his raw thoughts there Shannon if he's leaving it out you don't and he's writing in there that he's cheating still on his wife you don't think that he wants to be caught i don't know i'm just i'm kind of breaking it down to like the very bare basic like hold on we're gonna we're gonna grab a couple calls we'll see what people say about this ayesha yeah um i feel like she's definitely the a-hole and i mean she kind of knows that too you're disguising your voice but my thing is also like you know that was his place to be able to be open and honest and the fact that he's already going to therapy for the cheating national and that he's making steps to try to change his actions and my thing is change doesn't happen overnight and that's for anything that anybody ever does in this world so i think it's not like he'd come to you and be like hey you know i'm thinking about cheating again that wouldn't go over right but you're so um thinking about yourself and your own selfish aspects you need to be worried about why you haven't worked on your trust as well that trust is processed too so it sucks that you've been fired out a certain way but from this point moving forward if you don't leave i mean what was the point i'm going to therapy what's the point of any of it honestly so she doesn't check it if she doesn't check it then the cheating just continues right and then it's not any better than it was before but then the blame's on him not her but then right now i think the blame's on both but wouldn't you want to know ayesha is he actively cheating if he actively cheating or he was talking about possibly doing it again because that's the i'm confused let me ask that question so is he still actively cheating did he say in the the journal i mean i i didn't continue to read you know the journal to see if it was an ongoing thing i just saw a passage of a clear incidence of adultery that he has committed that it's partaking in since you know the initial thing that put him as a therapy okay i didn't keep reading to see if it was an ongoing thing i just saw you you you had control to not keep reading it i would have read cover to cover that would have been the only book i've ever read in my life but also if you don't read it from cover to cover how do you know the context of it like what if he was talking about the situation way back when what if it was a word what if it was a a aspiration what if like i i this is weird he definitely was talking about being another with another woman in the current you know talking about it in present tense you know uh and at the date entry was long past when he started therapy so this is not something that he brought up i don't know if this is what that change and his openness in talking to me about his recovery has been you know because he's kind of it's just keeping more stuff to himself nowadays it's kind of yeah i think we're gressing or what um let me uh grab a person that says you're not an a-hole because i want to hear the reasoning behind this because i feel like you know it's thinking that you're not an a-hole i'm wondering if i'm just sympathetic to the fact that i feel bad that you got cheated on them before daisy why why he has to eat it first so he's the one that caused for the the fact that you can lie just like yeah just like if it was to be a girl thinking her boyfriend's shooting and she went through his phone a journal is the same thing you could have text messages you could have all your emails any thoughts you could put in your phone to other people just the journal what to see i disagree i wouldn't i wouldn't put those on the same playing field i wouldn't say a journal is the same thing as a phone because my answer with the phone is you have every right to snook through that phone the journal is is him working through this with a therapist privately and but what if you went through his phone and that's where he put his notes and did you happen to ponder oh god darn it i'm just asking that question um sandra what do you think um i think that if he is to cheat at first and then to continue to say that you're going through therapy to work on yourself but then you're continuing to cheat while you're in therapy you're not really getting help if you're continuing to lie and then that's what i'm thinking that the first caller that i picked up that was like he's working on himself listen if you're still cheating you're not working on yourself absolutely you are not no no no no no no i'm agreeing with you oh okay okay thank you literally not i can going absolutely and you go no no i thought you were saying absolutely you're working on yourself that's what i was thinking you're saying no no no but that's what i'm saying there's like two different stories here like it's two different layers to the story shana don't you think they're both in the wrong i feel like people are are hearing me say a hundred percent people are hearing me says she's in the wrong and going but he's cheating no no they're both in the wrong yes lisa hey am i the a-hole this is the wrong episode now you know i think it's the wrong episode i think this should be make up or break up and this is just break up there's no trust on either side or maybe it's war of the roses or what do you think about that lisa maybe it's war of the roses maybe that's one six honestly i just no trust on either side i think that that's the case i mean i really do think you want to fully see if this guy's right with you therapy aside let's see what he's all about with war of the roses christina thoughts on this yes there was already trust issues there you don't leave something as sacred as a journal where you put your deepest darkest secrets you don't leave it out in the open and then not expect your wife who already has trust issues to not read it exactly that's honestly the thought that i had he wants to be caught liz am i the a-hole uh do you believe that carly's an a-hole i think she is the a-hole i'm not just kidding i do i like the good ball though wait i just jump out of my seat why am i the a-hole because you're saying that only she sucks and i think the answer is yes you didn't hear what megan and i just said dickhead a-hole liz sorry sorry everybody sucks here is what i need to say because he sucks because he broke the trust first by cheating on her yes she sucks because she went and snooped on his journal and then you know what i just said i know i know i know i know i know i know i was giving a hard time i was giving a hard time all jumpy i jumped at megan you're jumping at shannon i'm sorry we're very jumpy on this one this one makes me feel really uncomfortable only because it it scares me to see that this guy is allegedly getting therapeutic help but yet he's still doing what he's getting therapeutic help for and i understand that that happens a lot you know in relationships where you got to work things through and it takes sometimes your ugliness to come out in therapy to eventually get better but the fact that he's still out there cheating and he's doing that to this wife i don't know two little curveballs first of all is you know it's he possibly um exposing her to an STD you know sometimes people unfortunately do that but also what if it's a trap like what is he you know whoa whoa he decided to say he's cheating to see if she's newbie let's ask that question carly what if he's trapping you i mean i i have i have no i don't even know i i can't imagine that he would but also i couldn't imagine that he would you know say that he's doing all this work and what seems like he really is putting in the work and then is he smart enough to to come up with a plan like this i mean he's smart i don't know if you know i would to think of it have to be a major motivation behind it and either that's because you know he thinks that i'm can't be trusted or maybe he's talking about you know something that i did that caused him to cheat the first time all i know is that i'm in the dark and i did not anticipate finding out like this i'm not usually i've never even gone through his phone ever and we've been married for five years you know this is yeah everything is out of character i'm not saying that it's not a possibility that he's trying to trap me in something but i mean that's another reason why i'm calling you is i can't go to a doctor and say hey i read this journal this is happening you know this is happening you know they can't disclose anything i have to wrap this up right now but i want to wrap it up with this would you think about doing war the roses with us i mean if it will get to the bottom of it yeah i will i mean everything aside would you think about unvoiced disguising yourself and calling them up to see where it's in a dozen free roses and we go from there think about it talk to us you know when you're not on the air and you feel like a hundred percent and then maybe we come back and and try that and like the next couple of days okay okay i'd have to not i wouldn't have my voice to say well yeah you would have to have your voice on disguise because he would have to be able to know who the heck it was that was calling them so you got to think about that and we'll give you an opportunity to talk with our producers off the air about it so it's something that happens uh to you you used to love it but now you hate it Megan what is it okay so i feel um robbed of all of my happiness which i think everybody in this room knows was a shallow shallow puddle to begin with um are you being dramatic to set this up or are you being true with us uh little dramatic i was frantically trying to open up a file on my phone because i have you guys listen to ASMR are you ASMR people i i i don't like like the tapping and the clicking and stuff but i love people who have that really soft voice okay so i'm addicted to ASMR and i will watch compilation videos i'm a big brushing girl i love all the brushing noises but then um people on tiktok started to do it on live at night so i could just i we all joke that i spend so much time on tiktok the majority of my screen time like is me sleeping at night with it just like playing all the time it was like 14 hours or something and we were like how yeah well my daily average is sleeping in zane hour so eight of those for me asleep um so i i absolutely love it it was my thing and i have been doing this for probably a year and a half two years at this point every night i have routine i get in a bed i turn on my ASMR videos i turn off all of my lights kind of you know cycle whatever patterns so like a week and a half ago maybe two weeks getting a bed turn on my or turn off my lights turn on my phone pull up these videos and all of a sudden vomiting nails on a chalkboard fill in the blank of the worst possible thing here i cannot stand ASMR anymore and i don't know what happened it literally switched overnight if i hear mouth noises one more the oh oh god those are annoying i literally want to scream so i go okay it's fine just turn it off i laid in my bed for five and a half hours trying to fall asleep and i couldn't do it you need a noise maker i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i turned on a fan and it didn't work like i cannot fall asleep anymore what because your room is eight thousand degrees well that that's very true but like i like had this thing that lulled me to sleep in minutes every night and now i don't and i'm not sleeping and it's driving me nuts do you like rain and are you able to fall asleep the sounds of the rain i don't i don't know if you try that so on youtube that's what i do i youtube like dark screen rain noises or the sounds of waves through the ocean okay that is like that's what works for me what are the hairy styles reading you up at timster on the call map yes please i told you it would be up like smiling with her but do you ever have any things then she yeah then the bed gets messy and then all of a sudden my watch says are you working out right now so we have a sound machine in our our room and i hated this thing i couldn't stay i'm the opposite of you or i hated it first i could not sleep with it now i love it i've gotten so used to it chelsey likes this thing um but i have a buddy of mine that listens to you're ready for this he listens to heavy metal music to go to bed no he has heavy metal music set on a timer puts him to sleep for some reason there's something about it that kind of calms him and i hear these people sometimes that needs loud noises to go to bed because the problem is he says if he doesn't he hears all the other noises that are around him they keep him up yeah i mean yeah the scariest noises were my own thoughts and sat in my head but um compared to that is enough green listen i will say this that that's the thing with me it's shutting my brain down yeah absolutely it's kind of that you know that thing i have been so bad lately of trying to get to bed at an early hour but also you know trying to make sure that i stay asleep but um i have found myself like the last few days not waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or do any of that stuff and i can't figure out what it is and chelsey put me on kind of a new regimen of like vitamins and things and so i'm thinking that maybe it's something to do that she's like drugging me yeah well thanks for rubbing that in too because i don't know when this started but i now no longer can make it through the night without paying and i hate this new stage in my life and it doesn't need me you're only 30 years old for god's sakes and i have had children um i should have a bladder of steel i i feel like i feel like a toddler before a road trip like have you gone to the bathroom before bed did you bed you teeth okay did you put your jammy side do you read before bed because you're a big reader and i feel like if i read i will fall asleep after like two pages no because i get i get sucked in and then i stay up for seven hours and then i'm like oh i have to get up for work in 20 minutes what's going on how you doing holly i'm good how are you guys good you got some advice here from meghan yeah i was going to tell her to go to amazon and get an eye massager it will put you right to sleep an eye massager that's what it's called but it massages around your eyes like your temples your eye bow underneath your eyes and it heats up and it will put you right oh my gosh we're looking at it right now on amazon going in my cart that's wild amazing and honestly fall sleep i think it's like a 15 minute saying and it turns off automatically i usually fall asleep before it's over you know what i need honestly like the things around me that make me fall asleep and here are a couple of those you talk about massagers and stuff for some reason anytime i've ever gotten a pedicure i always want to fall asleep when i'm getting a pedicure it's the chair that they have at the place that they go to do you think that that nice family that owns it would be like a pedicure the other thing is for some reason anytime that i sit in one of our boss's sales promotion programming meetings always makes me fall asleep yeah so what if we did this what if we had because you've been sleepy too tony travato or boss's voice speaking to you uh yes please i actually love that but i also holly i i really appreciate her suggestion of this i'm asked but it has me thinking it's a very bulky piece of equipment yeah can you imagine me with that and my mouth guard all of my face creams and being like i can't wait for a partner yes i'm telling you wait till you have apnea and they give you apnea and you have to have to put that thing in your mouth that makes it's like it's like an elephant's nose coming right out of here i don't know how people sleep with those i had one time and i do have sleep apnea and it's bad that i don't actually do something about it but i one time turned over and looked over at chelsea in the look on her face basically said to me i'm never going to touch your private parts ever again that that's that that's pretty much what you're done for what's up alex no the wife says the wife says to him rub my back yeah i'm single i know but the thing is true when you start rubbing you get about a minute yeah when you start doing that when you start rubbing your back it's not always sexual it makes you tired it makes you fall asleep right yeah so why don't you do this why don't you allow megan to come into your bed with you guys and she will rub your wife's back perfect so that i'll go over well with your wife yeah yeah megan what are you doing is that where are you calling from alex alex it's yours saying oh that's a little bit of a lie can you be the home that as she stays in there she could be the honorary back rubber person i mean if she can't be from it i win because you don't have me to rub her back back like there's something about it i don't know what it is anytime that anybody asked you to do something that requires you to actually you know be physically active not pleasuror for yourself you end up like it you know what i mean like anybody like do the dishes oh i'm tired not the long oh i'm tired um all right do how about driving do you ever get tired driving i lately that's been my thing do you know last time i went to grand rapids i had to pull over at like some rest up and i slept for two and a half hours i don't know how you and mike do it you guys travel between the city so much do you have like loud music in your car playing or do you guys talk to people on the phone i'll take the top off of my car just to just make it loud and windy and sunny yeah yeah mike what do you do to try to make sure you don't i just take my top off i just drive server i just want to see that so your son was wearing a pair of gloves eating waffles latex gloves eating his waffles with new talent and you posted it as a joke because he was doing it as a joke or he was doing it goofing around he's just yeah he's he's good and found out that people will people are eating food now that's a thing with gloves on there are people who said this is not abnormal i eat you know whatever it was and the most common one that people DM'd me about was oranges wow totally would do i have a weird thing with like chicken wings like when i eat chicken wings i have to wipe my hands off with an afghan every time i get done eating a wing food gloves would be the the solution to this problem i would a hundred percent do this because you imagine going out to a restaurant to eat your chicken wings and pulling a pair of latex gloves out of your i wouldn't even care i wouldn't because you're throwing them at the throwing them away at the end there's nothing in your nails or in your fingers and your hands aren't all sticky the whole time so i thought that was part of the experience with looking at fingers agreed agreed there are also people who put on gloves to do their makeup and it gives me the heebie gb's because why because they want to keep their hands clean but all i can picture is if you are leaving latex gloves on for that long because if you've worn them longer than like two and a half minutes does anybody else's hands like start to sweat and get grow like i feel like i'm making my hands grosser by wearing the gloves not in those blue ones though that that smith was wearing those are like surgical gloves yeah they yeah they work yeah but those gloves have like something a residue don't they well so i have to buy the non-link text kind because the residue just to me is like weird feeling on my hands but your hands still sweat in them yeah this is just me it might be a little too no they do okay hold on mani what do you do i put uh flight that gloves on eat flame at hot Cheetos really do you know how hard it is to get the stains off your fingertips but isn't that the part of what kevin was saying of licking your you suck on your finger after all yes yes that's a great part of it's a lot of effort and your fingers are still red yes with the fact he's not lying really yeah that's that's why it stains your finger i haven't eaten flame in hot Cheetos for a long time i'm 45 i haven't eaten flame in hot Cheetos for a long time but i walked the movie yes so then i wanted so then i wanted to go out and eat flame in hot Cheetos i totally forgot that they stain your fingertips interesting uh what's going on jayden what do you wear gloves to eat good morning you guys good morning when i the only time i eat a used glove is when i eat the seafood boils because it just gets everywhere really so if you do seafood boils like what like shrimp and crab and stuff like that yeah the shrimp that crab decided the corn oh i i never like those well i don't like them no i don't like them because i don't like them because i don't like them people keep the tentacles and stuff like that on you get that without it oh no you gotta get a good thing detailed all that i hate when i hate that i have to actually work that hard for my food like i will not go to crap all you can eat crab leg night and lodge because if i've got to actually cut through it and eat you know actually it's probably good for me because i don't eat as much everybody says oh i eat like crazy i go no it's like work the best part about those like crab boils is the corn it's sitting in the bag soaking up all the juices and all the flavors and all the seasoning what's up jasica hey i eat glazed or frosted donuts with gloves that come on why psycho because even after you suck your suck all of it off your fingers you still end up feeling sticky yes yes i don't have wet wipes all the time did you start this because of covid and covid made us all put gloves on or did you do this way before 2020 no honestly i do it because i work at a gas station and i eat even while waiting on my customers so if customer comes up i just rip the gloves off my hands are clean to wait on them hey weird question all right what are you doing on august the six i've got a guy that's going to bring milk to a party that i'd love to set you up way oh happy birthday well guess what we're gonna invite you all right hold on one second mojo in the morning show we were just having a quick discussion that it was very funny uh how did you know that somebody was uh rich or you thought that they were rich when you were a kid like there's always those indicators like if you go to a friend's house and you're like these people are rich i think there's a million different examples but i think one of my favorites when i was growing up is did you ever walk into somebody's house and i actually think this does apply to rich people but also just normal houses but if you walked in and they had a full yay and it opened up and you could see part of the hallway and the second floor was like a railing that rarely i was like ooh rich i just like how you say full yay because most people would say their stairs going upstairs you know what i mean or the i like that i think sometimes even in my last house you could stand at the bottom of the stairs and look up to see the hallway but you don't have like when you could have that like opening yeah and there was like a railway and you could like see like a bathroom door in a bedroom door i remember thinking kids that uh like if i go over to a friend's house and they had a tv in their bedroom i was like oh yeah they're doing okay if they had a tv with cable television attached to it oh yeah not just one of those antennas yeah or or a tv with a vcr ooh that was always a good one you could watch movies in your room remember the one that had it built in it was like the little mini tv and the vcr was in there yes yeah the combo the 13-inch baby yes he did change six pixels on that whole screen i also knew like i was at a rich person's house growing up if they had a refrigerator in their garage oh i feel like it's much more garage room that was every Italian and my family's Italian every Italian had that a refrigerator but did you ever go somewhere that where they had like a new fridge in the garage where it wasn't like the old decrepit the one from the kitchen that sometimes didn't work or a matching a matching fridge to their fridge and they're you know yeah um there were some people Shannon brings up a really good point talking about Italians some of uh Chelsea's family members had kitchens in their garage they're like full-on kitchens in their like because they're Italians and stuff so they had a place where you could actually cook do the sauces and the mules and then freeze them the bushels i think that the the which one the bushels bushels what is that it's like roll i've never had no it's like rolled up steak i think is what it is then it's really thin um i just remember the other one too is if you were a person that uh had a swimming pool definitely oh gosh yeah a swimming pool and it wasn't an above ground it was a below ground swimming pool because i i grew up on the south side of chicago and there's literally neighborhoods where it's nothing but above ground pools there which are cool but you were not the rich person unless you had them build it into the ground oh y'all saw rich to me i'm here in four yays i'm here refrigerators i think they had these man none of this crap if you was if you was a dude in the hood who had the basketball hoop you was the rich that was it what the one in the concrete right bread even the pull out boy if you had the pull out oh yeah y'all add some money because everything i listed was things my friends had not what was in my house okay i didn't even have friends that had poise and pools are you kidding me who had a pool in the tree are you serious um i you did you got it that came work okay it was a blow up one well our thing was a clothes hamper we used to fill up water in the clothes hamper and that's how we used to have a pool that was summer that was never did we're always backyard it was always sprinklers sprinkler vibe crazy daisy man crazy daisy vibes i need you to google yeah to the googles crazy daisy another rich kid thing was if they had a designated area in their house for the kids to play in that wasn't their bedrooms whether it was like a playroom or a tv room yeah that's like the best rich that was the best i used to love um at in my old house we had an unfinished basement and my kids thought it was so cool to go and play in the unfinished basement right there's smoothers down there yeah they could do like all that stuff we used to do until they went over to the kids house who had the finished basement oh yeah and if they had a finished basement they would come home and complain about how we had the house that was not cool enough for everybody to come down so i actually got my basement finished and had a guy come and do it like on the side and stuff not cool did they never go down there no well yeah they were kind of like oh okay this isn't as great like they can't ride their stuff because we were like you if you run into the walls you're gonna bust drywall and stuff you'll be faster yeah japan had a joke where he he was about to leave one of his friend's house and then his mom says stay for dinner he's like no i don't want to be here and she was like we're having stove top stuffing he was like oh yeah he only saw it on tv he's like that's unbelievable but with that too the friends with the good snacks the friends that had the really really really good like anything little debbie i always had the off brand little debbie but anything little debbie dude if you run into a pantry and they had donkaroos i was like 11 and up every day they didn't have zebra cakes a man yes those are so good Amanda hi wait how did you know that the neighbor was rich when they had hot pockets and gushers in their pantry and freezer and more than one bathroom oh yeah more more than one bathroom in the entire house right where am i going to the bathroom you gotta that that by the way is uh the best that you knew that you could actually duty in a bathroom that was the fans the the powder room if they call it the powder room bro kids who had different lunches yeah different lunches like didn't when i went to school i had a turkey sandwich every day same thing it was every day was the same thing bro but you saw my man so we had gushers one day twinkies a different day yeah a crustable kid yeah yeah yeah brad yager brad yager had his dad got him like one of those construction worker uh lunch boxes and it was with a big thermos and he would bring soup to school with him get out here open up the the thermos at lunchtime which was like one o'clock in the afternoon and it would be steamy i'm not going this kid's dad cared about him oh okay he's running dead i had a crugger bag that was my lunch pill so we grew up with six kids in our family we would finally we're done with the top again oh no i gotta i'm gonna share even if i'm just kidding you got this this is a very vivid memory we would fight over snacks because there were six of us and we'd eat garlic croutons for lunch because that was the only thing that we left out to take through our lunches yeah oh fire me you know that's such bad breath i'm going cakey i'm going to to costco today because i gotta get a bunch of water and stuff like that and i'm gonna go to that business oh you get bottled water i'm getting yeah i'm but i thank you i'm going to that business costco in southfield i'm gonna go down the snack aisle and i'm gonna find snacks for the studio here for kay please do and uh can you imagine if i had to be gluten-free as a child i would be deceased i would have any food to eat yeah you couldn't eat those garlic croutons right literally nothing you know what when i got to high school the lunch ladies called me veggie girl because i'd always ask for extra food i'm like bruh i'll get any at home so we better pile that thing up hey do i eat here or i don't eat at all i got sorry i can't keep going i got in trouble with the snack line because i was taking an extra salad the last day of school the lady was like no i'm going to report you the principal we keep stealing from the snack line i'm like i'm not stealing it's literally here in front of me i you're mad at me for eating salad like most kids don't even eat their vegetables anyway can i can i shout out kp though and in her family seriously uh six kids single mom raising six kids i can't imagine seriously i can't imagine how you know stressful that must have been for your mom i get it like eating and stuff you know yeah and i know how three kids eat i can't imagine having three more of these kids i mean at that point she's like if you don't make your lunch you're not eating at all and that's your fault yeah so truly kids meetings for lunches is not funny your desperation to tell the story to the people was not too beautiful i wish people could see the video of what she looked like she was like frantically i gotta tell them this is my childhood right now by the way do you feel therapy right now do you feel like you got it out i'm actually gonna charge each one of you a forty dollar copase man like you had croutons for her matt what's going on how did you know that the kid was rich and uh that you that you were friends with that they have all the name brand cereal oh yeah cereals that came in a box and not in a bag mmm yeah box bag if it was named brand and they had it they were rich yeah and if your parents didn't mix the healthy cereal with the brand name cereal so that you get you know oh i'll know man so that you had more cereal this is just less of the good part the brand i had was captain crunch oh the berries are the other ones the berry ones are for the rich kid i had berries you had the berry one we didn't skimp on cereal yeah everybody's like those passionate people yeah hey what's up uh Melissa how you doing i'm good i always thought my friend was rich because there were people like the cleaning service i would come in and clean their house they had oh yeah yeah the cleaning person there we had a cleaning person when we were kids uh kids ruby her name was ruby that she she was a bigger you know lady big like white lady and she would come and clean the house and uh she drove a car that literally i'm not kidding you when it left the driveway it left sparks and stuff like that and it was wild it was wild but she was big ruby and she and at first if for some reason i always remember this i always remember that my mom would give her like food and things like that after she would come clean the house and all the kids thought that uh that ruby was like my sister like they're like i think that she might be and i'm like and then after the Arnold Schwarzenegger rumor came out of him or not rumor but the he remember he cheated with the cleaning lady yeah i kept looking around to see if there were people that looked like ruby coming in my life thinking my dad was doing thank you k_p_ for letting us have a good time with her a tip she was sweet she was very nicely ruby james with her name Brittany what's going on hey so we were actually the rich kid but my dad would pack our lunches like you were poor and it was the most embarrassing thing ever oh really well that's how you knew you guys were the rich kids because your dad was saving money on stuff he was smart he was literally reusing like the bread bag he was finished off of right and then just pack my sandwich in it and wrap who didn't have a parent that did that yeah i wonder right i had to focus on it it's a dad who does that yeah you can't figure out that you got i thought you were rich if you got lunch sent to school with you i had to get the hot love free hot lunch that's cool that's all i got yeah yeah um it's funny because my kid i was free for everybody my kids always wanted the the hot lunch they they always love that and it would have been Chelsea yeah like it's offensive i make you guys good in the meals mojo in the morning show so i have a uh little question to ask all of y'all um tell me what you guys would do so this is not me although i think Chelsea would definitely have a problem with this a friend of mine and his wife haven't talked in 10 days and it's all because he gave a female co-worker a ride home from an event from a party that they went to they had like a work party tell me what you guys think about this they went to the party together his wife did not come she did not uh decide to uh to go and a single female co-worker was there and needed a ride so he ended up giving her a ride now he has life 360 on his phone he says and it actually you know all of his kids do and his wife does too like they all share their their stuff yeah so he said i didn't you know feel like i needed to do anything because she can track me anytime she wants to i'm not gonna lie to her about it i'm gonna you know tell her the truth and my co-worker is somebody who i've worked with for a while and his single female and i you know come on okay there's nothing i didn't even think about it didn't even think about the what could be the implications of driving a female a single female home and honestly they don't even need to be singular or the married females are the ones you worry about you don't worry about the single females because the single females think that every married guy is a dork you know they look at them like that it's the uh you know who knows but question is it wrong to give her a ride home because as soon as he told me to start i'm like god she's overreacting and then as soon as i brought it up to my wife Chelsea and said Chelsea what do you think and she says two words f-ing uber i go wait a second um all right yes you're wrong jane's my point of view tell his wife like hey i'm gonna be home a little later than normal because i'm taking no you just didn't home i think it was i think it was that they were um got i hope her name is not jane i just made that up by the way i don't know anything about the situation but um i no i think he just did he's just said i'll just drive her home and stuff you know you're on the way why not you know you're speaking from a guy who's gotten in trouble for this i would say nope i would never do it again did you yeah i brought well as a babysitter we had uh yeah it was the first time i we like had babysitters that we didn't know come in so it was uh probably when sesame was really really young and the babysitter was this girl we didn't really know we got our off killer or whatever and it was like a late night babysitter now and i wasn't thinking about it she's like can i get a ride home like i you know i my parents dropped me off and she was 18 or 19 but she didn't have a car i said sure i'll give you a ride home and i go to get in the car and my wife called me immediately and goes where do you think you're going i was like i want to take the babysitter home i will take the babysitter home and i went by the way as a babysitter it was always really weird when the dad had to take you home yeah i didn't think about it i'm comfortable for all parties and why i didn't know that like i wouldn't have never thought i was just giving her a ride home i believe you yeah i do this is this is one of the most annoying parts about being in a relationship it's like everybody wants you to be a gentleman everybody wants you to be a nice guy until you are actually a gentleman and a nice guy like he didn't literally did nothing wrong in a situation but took someone home who needed a ride and now he has to not speak to his wife for ten days like why is it that serious yeah i don't know that's because you know i because we're not to be trusted yeah but if but if a woman were to do that if you know Chelsea were to drive somebody home okay so that's what i was going to say let's say shirel is at one of her speaking engagements and something happens to her car and she needs a ride home and so i'm like you know good looking dude is like oh i got you i'll take you home how are you going to feel when that guy no no how are you going to feel when that guy pulls up to your your house and you know why i'm going to i want to know why she didn't call me first like that would be the question if you need a ride you should just call me okay so let's say you weren't available so so how would you feel she had to get home she had to get home i see that's another thing i'm not saying this woman is insecure not even saying like sure but i'm secure in who i'm in a relationship with that i don't have to be insecure of the fact that they may do something without me does that make sense like i trust my relationship i trust her enough and that makes sense i can't figure him out by the way somebody is explaining to me is he a jealous guy or not a jealous i know because what i want to do i don't think you're a jealous guy yes yeah is calve jealous guy and and i don't know charell is charella jealous woman like i'm wanting to know if either one of you guys are because i don't want to step are you wondering that too tara yes yes tara yes hi tara what are your thoughts hi so i think that it depends on past past situations is there already bad water under the bridge as he or she treated before you know i think that if there's nothing that if there's no trust issues if nobody's ever cheated in the past or you know anything like that i don't think it's a problem so if there is never leave but isn't there always a first time well i mean the next that's got to do with yourself and have been insecure with yourself and that's just bigger than yeah a ride home you know what i mean yeah because some trust issues don't even stem from the relationship you're currently in they stay from the past yeah you're carrying an old baggage with you exactly and that goes deeper than anything that anybody can do about giving a ride if that your friend's wife don't want to talk for him for 10 days you know there it may be a deeper issue with maybe something that she's got something going on you know what i mean yeah sounds like a huge communication issue overall not only after the fact but before the fact like before he even gave her a ride i would definitely call ahead of time and say listen i'm giving yes what's up Jamal hey how you guys doing we're good what's happening yeah i i wanted to thank care for being the voice of reasoning because i was thinking the exact same thing i don't think it's that serious i really don't my wife does the exact same thing at her job and you know every now and then she'll just call me and tell me like hey i had to take one of my soldiers home and there's usually a guy i had to take one of my soldiers home because i had to you know take care of some things for them wait wait wait what does your wife do for a living she's she's uh she's uh in the military oh my god so she's yeah so she and and she works around i would probably say more um males than females but i trust her solely you know because in the end i know that she wants to be on me so anything that that that comes about that you know she she knows how to take care of herself i i don't um i i believe that she she knows what she's doing so i i don't have an issue with that and i don't think it's that serious you will you are okay with your wife taking good luck in military guys homes serious sir well i wouldn't take it there that's that back there's into it i mean come on that would be shannon's dream come true to be able to drive a bunch of guys in uniform if they need a ride call meghan shannon kp or lydia they'll give them a ride all right we're gonna do that all right thank you all right hi juliana what's going on hey guys good morning good morning what's happening what are your thoughts my take on it is so think of it this way women we overthink a lot so soon as she sees your location go somewhere unfamiliar when you're supposed to be on your way home it's like red flags right there what is he doing where is he going so i think that he should have at least just called her his wife and said yep hey do you mind if i take this girl home if not i'll tell her she has to get an uber like just out of like respect oh yeah we want to be gentlemen and all that stuff but like part of being a gentleman is also like making sure your woman's comfortable so as that's the situation where you're going to be with another female just call her and make sure she's comfortable with it that's part of being a gentleman i think that in that case i would just buy them an uber like i would i would just rather just spend the money so what you're saying is you're too uncomfortable to call chills to ask her if you're so uncomfortable there's a reason you're uncomfortable so you probably should be doing it yes yes you know why because yes that's why i'm saying zak what's up hey i agree with the uh preview of color you know get a respect your partner all might know hold on my my my my siri siri hasn't appeared what's that siri say it again you're saying it's a contact info are you looking for i was looking oh yeah who are you looking for right now i don't know sak say what you're gonna say again get me out of this trouble i agree with the preview of color you know you got a respect your partner and it's all about trust too you got to trust your partner you trust them not to go go willy nilly with the other person they're trying to give a ride home do you know i trust my partner to give someone all right home you know what you got to do all right thank you buddy i appreciate it of course alicia if your guy were to take home some single co-worker of his and drop them off after a night of going out and having office partying would he have a dog house yes yeah that's all i want that he he would be in trouble right yeah i'm gonna so i mean i get it okay ride home whatever but if you're if you're in the unknowing what do you really know you know what i mean i don't get that i don't know what that means i don't know it's my birthday this is a stranger things yeah the unknown into the are you saying some things are better left unknown i mean i'm saying like if you don't if you if you're if you don't know the situation what's going on like i like he probably should have called because she can see location right yeah so he probably should have called but like if if you don't know what is going on how do you really know how do you really i am so confused by that statement the glass on the house you know guys the glass on the house is always brighter on the west side than it is the left side wait if you don't know if you don't know if you don't know you what what could you consume this morning i think i think she's kind of like a good boy i'd love to see your books information hey Alicia we should have stopped we should have just stopped it right after the dog house here people always say it's good to unwind but that's easier said than done the exception champa casino they actually make it easier done than said or at least the same champa casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino style games like slots and blackjack play for fun play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes sign up now collect your free welcome bonus at champa casino dot com sponsored by champa casino no purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply Aubrey you're a swinger yeah this is where things get kind of weird Aubrey and her husband we're swinging together now she thinks that her husband is playing out cheating explain explain why it is that you're suspecting him of cheating well we this is something that my husband wanted to do and i kind of went into this very you know hesitant late and i just i want to make my husband happy i'm assuming it's a couple right yes okay so you guys then all decide that what do you do do you guys go into uh corners with each other or all four of you guys together at the same time lately it's been more like we just won we have one room and then we go into the other and then if we feel like switching it up we switch it up how how old are you i'm 39 yeah wow you have kids uh yeah we've got two boys so what makes you think that he's carrying on a relationship on the side with this other woman well it's not like my husband to not come home on time and lately he's been calling me a lot saying hey i'm gonna be late and it's not like like an hour late it's more like three four hours and you know he never he always comes home for dinner family time and now it's been like he's just been at work super super late and and he's saying oh he's making excuses like it's my job it's really stressful i've got to be here make money yeah and you've also started seeing that this woman that you've been swinging with has been talking to him outside of just the bedroom that you guys have been in together yes which is why i'm respecting something's going on and it it's just it it this has all been happening at the same time the fact that you're not coming home and he's late and you know i've been seeing like random things on his phone and i'm not a person that like snooped and tries to dig and you know because we do have this kind of relationship but that's not the rules you know that's not what are the rules well this is it there's no communication that should be done outside of my knowledge you know knowing about it you know it sounds fair i i have to know you know and the communication can be about you know when we're going to meet and things like that what about when you're actually in the act of like are there anything oh god channings that are off limits well no i'm wondering because then maybe maybe he wants to try those things and that's what he's doing when he's not coming home um i don't want to go into detail about it but yes we have like our our code you know that we have with each other things that make me uncomfortable that i don't want him to do to her that he only does for me and he knows what those are so it's you know that's kind of the boundaries we set for each other i'm i'm number one and we're about that what about her husband this other lady's husband does he worry that you guys are cheating or have you not even had a conversation with him no i don't have a conversation with him outside you know when we swing okay that's that's against the rules it's just not what you do we are going to call him up to see where he's going to send a dozen free roses we're hoping that the roses go to Aubrey hello hi sis tian yes hey tian my name is Nicole i'm calling from an internet floral company called do you have 20 seconds to take a quick survey for some free flowers what what companies is we're a new internet floral company i just have two questions and then we can give you a dozen long-stem red roses to send to the person of your choice um okay if it's like 20 seconds i can do that sure oh okay have you purchased flowers in the last six months uh yeah and you plan on purchasing any flowers in the next six months yeah okay uh that's it quick survey like i said and now we're going to provide you with a dozen long-stem red roses just you know what the bouquet looks like and i just need the name and the telephone number of who you want to send the flowers to we're going to actually how do you how did you get my my information like why did i get chosen for this you probably bought something from one of our partner companies okay so i just need the name and the phone number of the person that you want to send flowers to we're actually going to send them a text message basically saying you're sending them flowers they get to pick out the actual arrangement they want and schedule a delivery time from our website so do you have somebody in mind we'll go to to uh Aubrey okay the the phone number is uh 3-1-3 okay and i just need to let you know that this phone call was being monitored for quality assurance purposes are you okay with that yeah that's fine great dan i also need to let you know that we'll send those flowers off to Aubrey today and um i need to let you know that while we've been talking to you on the phone and getting that information that Aubrey has been listening in and has got to be feeling very good that you sent the flowers to her because this is the mojo in the morning show and we were doing the war of the roses and we do this thing on on our show where uh if your spouse wants to see who your their significant other is thinking of we uh offer up the roses so you you pass the test i don't know let's go i don't know why i'm so nervous well that's good that's great i i think the reason i might be the nervous one talking to you is because Aubrey told us about your guys' relationship okay so we know we know lots of very intimate details about you guys and um Aubrey is on with us and Aubrey uh hey um so yeah i just wanted to see you you're going to send the flowers to you do you think i really send them to someone else well yeah Aubrey do you want to tell uh dan why you're a little uncomfortable with things do i have to well i think that he's going to figure it out otherwise if he listens back to our show go ahead and just tell him kind of what you told us okay well you know we've been doing this thing that you want to do you know um you know i feel about it but i love you and i want to make you happy and i don't i've been a little uncomfortable with it especially now since since we've been doing this you have been not coming home on time it's been late like really late and i kind of saw a text on your phone and um i think something's going on i mean i i don't think anything is out of the ordinary here nothing nothing seems unusual i've been going to work and coming home i mean i think we're kind of making a situation here but what about the text messages that she's that she has seen but what about that i mean there's there's there's nothing there's nothing in my phone i'm sure of it but she says there are text messages between the two of you and part of your agreement when you guys agreed to do the swinging thing or whatever was that there would be no communication outside of when the two couples were together right but how do the two couples get together if there's not some communication we've got to figure out when and where so that's all it is but the thing is is that there's been like constant text you know between you guys that it's and it's never it's you know it's after the fact and what has been said in those text messages well i i haven't i don't go through his phone but like sometimes i leave it on the counter in the kitchen and i walk by and i'll just see like a hay from her i'm like really the hay is basically like hey let's set something up that you want to say it in the text well i'm not comfortable with it at all how many times have you guys been together with uh this other couple uh have it it's probably been like maybe like eight times i'd like to explore more about what you guys have as far as rules are concerned to see if that is breaking the rules with you being the one contacting uh and i want to talk more about that and i want to talk more to our listeners to see what their thoughts are because a lot of people are texting and tweeting comments about the flowers going to Aubrey and their thoughts on that so i want to get into to a little bit more on this this is the home of the war the roses mojo in the morning call us jesus find us on social media mojo in the morning it's not hard to reach out to us and if you really love this you join the show now this is mojo in the morning [Music] mojo in the morning comments on the war the roses Aubrey and her husband Dan with us um Aubrey suspects that her husband's cheating because they're swinging and they are set to do this at specific times together but not set to be doing this outside of the relationship and he has had communication with the person that they swing with outside uh scott comment from you what do you want to say i just think it's kind of wild that when people you know give give permission to do this that this guy's a man you gave him permission to go and do things with other women he's going to go do things with other women and he is going to try and try and try to set this up as much as he possibly can she needs to be thankful he sent her the flowers because it doesn't seem like he's you know trying to start a relationship he's just trying to do what they agreed upon scott i get the idea that you do something like that you're playing with fire but to discount for sure but to discount her as much as you just discounted her i don't think it's fair because they they did have rules and i don't know about you but i follow all the rules all rules are meant to be bent and broken sir you are a bad boy it's like telling the kid not to touch the hot stove he's going to touch it oh are you saying that she's the hot stove i'm saying that whoever they're messing around with is the hot stove and he's playing with getting burned okay so are we to say here that this couple open themselves up to this because anytime i talk to people about swinging not mean meaning me talking about wanting to swing it's like we talk about it sure sure sure sure but i anytime i do they all talk about these rules and stuff and i honestly i do agree with the fact that you know you are playing with fire but i think that if you're trying to be committed to your spouse as far as saying all right we're going to do agree to do this why do you why can't you just have your fun when everybody is there together why do you got to have your fun outside of this it feels like i don't know that he's necessarily trying to have the fun outside of it he made the comment that he was just trying to you know how do you how do we set these things up we have to communicate so he is just trying to communicate and set this up as much as possible because he seems to enjoy it well i feel like swinging and i know it works for a lot of people so no judgment here but i think that it's like it creates a crack in your relationship even if you have you think that you have solid rules there's still that little crack that can snowball and get bigger and bigger and bigger doesn't it couldn't be going to your point couldn't it be one of those things too where you yeah you realize maybe you like it and maybe you like it a lot and maybe you like the one the one the one one of the people yes it's like going did you think very queen in the summer time what do you think swinging does that or just people in general do that i think i think both but i think that when the situation is presented to you and it just like exacerbates the situation if you are if there's already outside interest and then it's put right in front of you yeah and then how do you turn it off it's like a water faucet isn't it yeah yeah yeah could you ever swing with no that's not my lovely lady charale no we dead in that no it's out of here would you not be if she said to you i'm interested in this i really want to try this what would be your response i mean we don't need to be together and if you know if you want an open relationship then we can discuss that but we know about to just be out here what if she said lead out to the playground we're going to swing with jz and Beyonce again you would win in that one you got Beyonce she got jz the the the players may change but the rules don't the game is the same i'm not going to have them but if you have a chance to have a relationship with Beyonce though wouldn't that be amazing then we don't we don't need to be together if that's the case then let's just be two single people it's not going to happen it's not going to happen all right better not happen sam right what's up oh you know i i think she's overreacting um if she was confused or didn't want to do this that's something that she should have expressed she did it because he wanted to do it and it's not i have friends that are swingers it's not uncommon for the male to communicate with the other couple the female half the other couple i hear this from friends all the time they do it i just think you have to have in like shins are they causes these cracks you have to have that open-minded communication you want to always know how you feel about seeing your partner have it i have a sex life that includes other people you might end up feeling neglected in some cases you may end up straight up jealous i think that's what this is and if they're not talking about meeting up on a single date just together then i mean so communication is okay as long as they're not talking about actually fooling around see but to me open communication is everybody this is now closed communication because it's not between all participants it needs to be a group phone call yeah by the way when you hear him say i have friends who are swingers is that like the people that will say i have friends who are black or those things i have friends who are gay yeah uh i don't have friends who are swingers i've talked to swingers on the show but i don't have friends that are swingers that i know of i know either and i think my wife would kill me if i did not that if i did but even if the conversation came up a little bit she would heal me there's no way that could ever happen like what are you guys doing on saturday night would you guys like to come over with the family are you asking me that no you guys are acting like the only thing swingers do is swing well let's let's talk to a swinger haley is on with us right now haley oh your voice sounds strange your voice is disguised right yes i am so what's the story what are your thoughts on this war of the roses a wife expecting that her husband's cheating with the couple they swing with he sends the flowers to her well first off i'm super happy that he sent them to her um my husband and i tried swinging last year around the summertime very briefly um you do everything in a group chat you i mean you still put couples in in a group saying you once you find a couple you talk to everybody in a group chat that way everybody's in the know um nobody can have that opportunity to get jealous um yeah you just open communication involves everybody not everybody and you do something on the outside it uh that causes so many cracks now i noticed that you said we tried swinging and that there was no present tense in there that we are swingers so what happened um so my husband and we are very i mean for great communicators and we do all of that um we had all those basic rules um basically it just was one of those kind of rusting too quick um and it was one thing that we had and talked about and um it just kind of killed it for us whose idea was it to swing was it yours or yours my well we've been together for 16 years so it it was his originally of course um but as you know you're together for so long and you know just feisting stuff every once in a while um i was i was forward i finally was comfortable with myself um and everything with it was comfortable in our relationship and it actually it made us a lot stronger last year even though we ran into an issue with it oh this was last year last summer last year yeah it was um we're kind of like nearing like the one year anniversary and when we're like yeah maybe this isn't for us um yeah it was just one of those it made us closer it made us closer because we were able to communicate about everything does since it was his idea does he introduce you to the person or like who picks the a couple that you swing with do you already have somebody in mind or like how do you find standing no so the way that we did it um there's like swinging websites that you can be a part of um and then you just kind of scope numbers then you know bm because him and i had the same profile and it was all groupy at the password i had the password and then we would just set things up with couples and then when we would exchange phone numbers it was all in a group chat wow imagine being that like kev mojo could you imagine going to your wife at all ever and saying hey yeah or hey hey sweetheart i have this idea all right it's really gonna spice things up it's really gonna you know just make our sex life amazing let's bring another girl into the relationship so yeah i have to be very comfortable with yourself that's why it took me 16 years before you do it yeah yeah but isn't that how you approach yourself in your relationship isn't that how you approach any new kind of sexual experience in your relationship bringing it up and discussing yeah but it's different between a toy and a person yeah i don't know i i will say this though meghan if i said another person she'll say would that would she would automatically stay no she would automatically assume that i was cheating with that other person are you know what i mean um another voice this guy's caller taylor who is also are you a swinger is that right x-winger in similar to this situation here right no communication out of the swinging correct well and it was supposed to be if we're gonna set things up he would talk to the other man say that again i'm sorry we got okay he would he would he would he would talk to the guy is that what he was supposed to talk to the guy or i would talk to the girl it was and if we were in any private conversation it should have been the same sex conversation you know i'm going to talk to the other guy because that's what happened he was talking to her uh oh he would have sent me the flowers he would have done the same thing he would have sent me the flowers because it took me a year to figure out that they had something going on on the side oh this is this is going back i'm telling you i'm old this is going back 20 years seven of the couples that we knew because we used to do the dances and everything are all divorced wow she didn't have brought up and she didn't have brought up about you know it's you know because of the crack no there's already a crack if you're going into swing because one one party or the other wants something to happen want something else that's a good point yeah that's their way to go about it without getting divorced yeah but yeah it took me all over a year to figure out that and the other thing i was going to say is swingers should be in the same room when you start separating into separate rooms there's separate conversations going on there's private things happening and that's when there's there's a connection happening well that you know what that brings out honestly a lot of validity to this you know and it's i don't know i just look at it like i know if we swung and did some swinging i would be the one that would be holding the camera and i don't want to be you know what i mean i don't want to be the camera operator you guys can i join it would be the you know you're already in media you probably know how to work this thing i don't want to be part of this i'm an update on this couple will be coming up if you miss the war of the roses the swingers who think that the swinging's turned into cheating you got to go check out the podcast is available on the mojo in the morning show podcasts search for us anywhere you get your podcasts 20 plus years of idiocy and still going in Detroit Toledo and west michigan it's mojo in the morning mojo in the morning's podcast powered by michigan auto law auto accident attorneys visit auto law dot com that's auto law dot com it's time 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