Mojo In The Morning

Breaking Up With Chat GPT

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02 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Waxed and Attorneys. This is That's All right, Mojo in the Morning Show. So, Shannon wants to put Wes, her fiance, a little bit of blast here right now. Well, I'm wondering, what have you used chat DPT for in terms of like, have you used chat like, have you used it to break up with somebody? Have you used it for a wedding vow? What have you used it for? So, Wes, my fiance is in the software business and so he, one of the things that he's, you know, consistently doing on a daily or weekly basis is negotiating contracts for his company and going out and looking for new software for them to acquire and develop. And he has one of those jobs where I know he's in the software business guys. That's about all I know. People ask me what he does specifically. I'm like, he's in the software. By the way, Walter White was also a school teacher, chemistry teacher. He does something with tech. I don't know. Anyway, but there was one guy over the past couple of months that he really got to, like, over the process of working with and negotiating this contract and, you know, trying to develop this product or whatever. And so he was always, you know, talking about this guy and I won't name him by name just because I don't embarrass him. But ultimately, Wes had to tell this guy that his company was not going to acquire the software and it wasn't going to work out. He struggled with this like I did in ninth grade when I had to tell the boy that I liked that I didn't want to date him anymore. What was the boy's name? This. What? Nice try. This. I'm still bad about it. I know he's right now. So I'm gross. He's still this. I'm gross. Yeah. So he probably is listening, but he just couldn't come up with the words that I do this all the time. Why am I struggling so much like this guy is just so nice. He's just so nice. And so he said, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to go and chat GPT and put in a couple of keywords. I've never used chat GPT, so I don't understand how to do this, but to see if it would, you know, come up with a script of sorts so that he could break up with this dude that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. They were not going to, you know, move forward with his product or whatever. He read me. What it was. Was it good? And he's like, I basically used it. He goes, I ad-libbed a little bit, but I basically used it as a script when I was telling him, you know, we unfortunately are not going to move forward with your product, but please keep in mind that the world of technology is ever evolving and who knows what the future is going to hold. And I appreciate your dedication in presenting us with this opportunity. I mean, it was like beautifully written. Chant GPT is perfect. Isn't that funny? It is. Have you? No, I wouldn't know. Wait, why do you say it like that? Because I call him using that thing for, he was to write love letters, but it wasn't his love letters, the robots letters to Shirel. Wait a second. Listen, listen, listen. Hold on. Listen, listen. Let's be clear. Let's be clear. That's how it started, but I will say, K.P. convinced me that the love that I felt for Shirel, Chant GPT could never express it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Look at his hat. Oh, my gosh. No, no. I was, I was giving Shirel, I was buying Shirel some flowers, and I gave her a just because card and I wanted to write something sweet in there and K.P. was in here and we were just talking. I was like, let me just start this in Chant GPT and it sounded amazing, but I didn't do it. There's nothing wrong with that, by the way, 100% is something wrong with that. Well, first of all, you go buy Hallmark cards that are pre-written by other people. But then you write your own message before you say your name. Okay. Have you ever read a book and then thought, wow, that passage is exactly how I'm feeling. And then you put it in quotes and you cite the book. Have you ever read a card and thought, wow, this is super lame? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think Megan was on a roll there. I wish we could have had some dings because I agree with almost everything. Yeah. She's always taken out for you. Here's the thing. I feel like Chant GPT can work as an amazing framework. Yeah. And then give you the skeleton and then you plug and play literally yesterday, Sheryl's in a nonprofit space for those who don't know. She was talking about hiring a grant writer, somebody that can work full time to go out and get money because that's what nonprofits need. I literally said, I could do that on Chant GPT. And literally you've read it off and the passion of your love, not structuring off. Why do you go back to the law? Austin. Hi. Hi. How are you guys? Good. We're talking about what do you use Chant GPT for? Yeah. So I run an automotive dealership sales department and we use it to capture customers. So when you acquire in a car, everybody responds to somebody. We find different ways to capture that person, to turn them into a buyer as well as I use it for changing policies and writing up different emails that want to send to help captivate people the better. You have read word for word, though, to make sure that it's not something so generic. You have to change it because it does sound like a robot. Right. Yeah. Right. Here's the deal, Austin. I think that's fine. You don't do it to send your love to Sheryl, your girl. Do you? Right. Yeah. No. Be personable. I think I think women like you to be first full with them. And I think you sleep check GPT out. All right. So here, let me do this. I'm going to ask you to be Austin GPT. Well, Kevin's beautiful, lovely lady who's carrying his baby right now. What he should say to her when she hears that he's talking about this right now on the air with Shannon's topic and KP just sold his ass out. Hey, I'll get you the apologize and tell her you were just, you couldn't come up with the words because you love her so much and he just needed a little bit of help. He's literally. He's taking the apology right now. Can I say something real quick? Yeah. Hey, KP, I wanted to tell you about something. I noticed we've been discussing chat TBT quite frequently and I'd appreciate if we can move on from it. It's not a comfortable or enjoyable subject for me to discuss. Hope you understand. I'd be grateful if we get a swear on the top. It's instead. What are you reading from? Right now. Jet GPT. What's up? Rachel, what's going on this morning? You said to help me write a resume. Oh, did you? You're so you're. I do. So what I did, I put my old resume that I already had, you know, constructed and I needed to update it and everything. So it used like everything that I put into it, you know, all the positions I had, things like that. And it kind of just re it actually kind of reformated a little bit. I did have to, you know, change quite a bit of it. But there were some bullet points on there that I don't think I could have ever come up with them. I know. That's amazing. You know, like I just fed up the information and everything else. And did you need to know, you know, a part of everything? Did you get the job? Oh, okay. I did get the interviews and everything so far. I feel like if it's, it's for something like that, like a resume, whatever, but if it's for something personal or something where you're trying to show some sort of emotion or creativity, I don't think this is the way it. Well, I'm going to say this, I got a perfect way to do this. And I'm going to use this for my son who I've been getting on about making sure that he does this. But Vicki, what did you use? Chat GPT for? We use it to help my daughter write her sent you cards for her graduation party. Oh my God. Let's go. That's so it wasn't word for word, but it gave like a good like framework or base to like, how do you say it? Like the same thing. A hundred different. The problem though, is what if your daughter is not very smart and it says it in such a smart way? Not an issue. I know. But for me, it is with my son. I know. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. You know, we talked about this a while ago and Megan was in support of it when we talked about doctors who can't give bad information to patients, families, and now they're using chat GPT to figure out the right way to talk. I'm looking at every text that I'm looking at every text that Kevin said ever sent. He said it's a type of way, doesn't it? Yeah. He said it takes history. That said imagine, but it was written like the theater. So now I know that he's not he's used to happy TPT forever. This goes back again to the problem, Mike, that you and I would have a chat GPT. We don't have a very good vocabulary. And so we can't do this, but there are some people that can get away with it. You know, like Shannon or Megan, Kevin, even KP and Lydia, but Mike, you and I, where do we go to? Imagine what would be the version of the chat GPT for the like the dumb or down version for us. It's just emojis. If you could just talk to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Imagine what, Megan? Imagine looking at a Thesaurus and being like, this is a ridiculous that this exists. If you don't know words, you don't know them. It's a tool. What's a Thesaurus? Thesaurus. What? I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land.