Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 07-01-2024

3h 22m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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(beeping) - This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast. Powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit - That's - This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast. Powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit - That's (beeping) Mojo. - 30. - 30. - 90. - 90. - 20. - 20. - 10. - 21. - 3. - 10. (upbeat music) - Let me take you back to the beginning. - This is it. - All righty, you ready? - You're listening to Mojo in the Morning. - You're at doo doo hack. (upbeat music) - It's show time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Mojo in the Morning Show. 104.5 SNX, 92.5 Kiss FM, and the flagship channel 95.5. And it would not be a Monday unless it was a Monday where we came into the studio to find out that our beloved Megan almost died. (upbeat music) - It was truly terrifying. I think at this point, my birthday is coming up in July. I expect somebody to buy me a working, working life alert because I'm not a joke one, a real one with a real account that somebody pays the subscription for. You know what I mean? - Do they still have those, by the way? - Yes, of course they do. - Do you have to have a subscription to live? - I mean, I would assume you'd probably pay for theirs. - I did not know that they actually have those things still. I thought that was like something from the past when like, they didn't have like that old commercial. Let me see if I can find anything. - Oh, what am I, can't get out? - Yeah, yeah. - Recently, when I became deathly ill, I was able to summon an ambulance, my next door neighbor, my family and my doctor without picking up a telephone. I used this remote control to contact life call, my 24-hour emergency medical response service. Watch, you just press this button and speak into the air and I'm having just pain. (laughing) - Why is that commercial food? - And I can't get up. - Hold on, hold on. - You should help immediately. - Hold on. Hold on, I got good. - I can't get up and I can't. I've fallen and I can't get up. (laughing) - That was me, that was me. - What is the problem, Miss Mac? - I feel like I need to tell this whole story and like, my old lady voice. - Yeah, Billison. - What had happened was that I had decided it was time to clean the apartment. That was a mistake. - I had my dad and my brother very last minute on Friday text me and be like, hey, we'd like to come up to the city. Can we come out for dinner? And I said, sure. And I knew I had to clean my apartment before they came over. And I did like a, I have like a 30-minute quick clean. And I had Swifford, which by the way, - Oh, there are big sponsor of the show, Swifford Wet yet. - I had to tell you, I bought a Swifford Wet yet, just to clean it. I was on my way home and I said, sure. And I stopped a target and I bought myself a Swifford Wet yet 'cause I needed one. And now it is my mortal enemy because I had Swifford all my floors and it was time for me to take out the garbage. And there's like a turn by my door to go out to the garbage tube. So as I'm turning the corner, life turns in to slow motion. And I go, this is it, I'm falling. And I immediately do the thing where it's like, don't break your arm. So you kind of like tuck your arms in, but it was too late. And I had slipped around the corner. And as I had fallen, I hit the corner of my wall. Like there's a, there's a deck. - Oh my God, really, oh, oh, she's. - You can see where my body hit and then I hit the deck, man. And I have tile flooring and the majority of my apartment. So it's not like even soft cushy hardwood floors. No, it's cold, hard tile. And I hit the deck hard, my garbage bag broke and all of, just to taunt me at that point, all of my trash goes flying in the hallway. And I sit there for a second and I go, you ever fall and you're so hurt, you don't know how hurt you are? - Yeah, nice. - Yeah, you're like, what has happened? What is going on? And all of a sudden, I just feel this pain shoot through my arm and I go, I'm gonna have to wait for the boys to get here. And they're gonna have to drive me to the hospital. I think I just broke my arm. (laughing) - You kind of sit there for a little bit. It's like the Jerry Maguire moment when Cuba Goody and Junior just laid on the ground there for a little bit, just going, I'm just gonna lay here for a while. - We're evaluating, did I break something? - Yeah. - Is something bleeding? - And I'm by my front door and I'm like, don't cry. The neighbors can hear you. (laughing) - Do you look for blood right away? Like do you look, 'cause I always look for blood too. I like feel around to see if there's blood anyway. - I didn't look for blood, but I remember touching my arm and had like the shooting pain through my arm and I was like, oh, is it broken? And all of a sudden I looked down and it's maybe 45 seconds later. I have this huge knot on my elbow already. And I'm like, oh no, oh no. I wanna let you know, it's been three days at this point. (laughing) It's been three days. Am I arm still hurt? - Oh geez. - And my hip is bruised. - I've known people that have lived with a fracture for days and not realized that it was fracture. - So at this point, I think it's actually too dangerous to be cleaning my own apartment. I think I should hire a cleaning lady. (laughing) - It's a cleaning man. (laughing) - Where he rips his shirt off and uses that to clean. - You need one of those services like Molly Mades or something like that that can come to your house. What's up, Jamie? How you doing? - I'm, well, I'm okay, but I'm just a clutch. That's just of it. I was going to open my front door and I have like tile at my front door, but we have like a brick, like stand kind of thing. - Yeah. - And it has a plant in top of it. - Well, I ended up smoking it and I have a bruise all over my chest because of it now. - Oh, God. - Oh, no. - Yeah. - Jamie, I'll kill you. (laughing) - And then I just realized I have a huge bruise on my arm who and who knows what that one came from. - Oh, God. Yeah, are you in a relationship? 'Cause that poor bastard is going to be blamed for all this stuff. (laughing) Can I tell you what I'm worried most about, Jamie, with Megan, is that she lives by herself. You know, in the past, you know, she lived in Toledo. Now she lives in downtown Detroit. And so her dad and brother and all of us are at least 30, 40 minutes away from her. - Yeah. - And I don't know if this is a good idea for her to not have that life alert. I think that she needs to have that thing because God forbid, sometimes we don't hear from Megan all weekend and it's not by us not checking in. - Yeah. - I mean, we will send, you know, group texts and not hear from her at all. I mean, it's like complete crickets all weekend long. And what happens if Megan dies on a Friday afternoon after her work and we don't know about it till Monday when she doesn't show up to her? - I am absolutely dying alone in that apartment. - Do you know your neighbors? - Nah, like I don't remember their names. (laughing) - You know the other sounds though. - The guy next to me slams his door every day. - What happens if we walk into Megan's apartment and the Detroit rats are eating her body. - Probably. - It's like a fire. (laughing) - Oh no, I'm sorry. I love you. - I get scared eating in my apartment 'cause I'm like, don't choke. Who's gonna save you? - I know. - Oh my God, I've had that happen to me before. And honestly, the reason why I hate it the most is because I'm a fat guy and it would be horrible that that would be the way I die. Like I always- - Is she choking on something? - Yeah, die choking on food and everybody goes, well, you know, if you would have washed away. (laughing) You know what I mean? Like if I'm gonna die, like, you know, I haven't been like from something other than that or a bad traffic accident 'cause I'm bad at driving too. - What I'm also blown away with too is that like, if you didn't pay your subscription for a month, you would still die. Like there's, there's nothing that like to alert. - Bro, that's crazy that you got to buy a subscription. - Yeah. - That's what we government funding. - What if you get it? What should you get it? You should be good. - Well, don't family members buy it for their elderly loved ones? - Yeah, one, they don't want to take care of them. - And at that age, they're old enough where they're not gonna take the money with them. What's going on? What's going on, Steve? - Hi, you need an Apple watch. The Apple watch, if you fall, it'll ask you if you're okay. And if you don't respond in a certain amount of time, it contacts your loved ones and 911. - Wow. - So I... - It's incorrect. - The best thing ever. I have not had a... - Is that just the new generation? 'Cause you have one Apple watch. - Okay. - I'm currently wearing my Apple watch. I have one. It was on the charger. And my phone was on my kitchen island at the other end of the apartment. And I was like, do I have to crawl? Has anybody ever had that go off? Has anybody ever had it go off and say that, are you okay? And they didn't call it. I'm wondering if it does call that. - So I was talking with one of the record reps from Chicago and she said that she was riding a roller coaster. Our friend of hers was riding a roller coaster. And the phone fell out and fell on the ground. And it hit so hard that it called the cops. - Oh, wow. - And the cops showed up to that 'cause it thought they fell. - That's actually nice to have, right? What's up, Kaylee? How you doing? - I'm good. - We're worried about Meghan. Will you do us a favor? We're all signing up for welfare check times that we can go visit her. - I'll come clean her house for her. - Oh, there we go. What do you do? Are you a cleaning person? - My, I used to be. - Okay, that's a bit shine. - Yeah. Are you smart enough to not swiffer and then walk on the tile right afterwards? - Oh, I make sure it's dry before I walk. - Right. - I think that says it in the descriptions. - That's not very judgmental. - Can I tell you like top five worst pains I've experienced where I thought I was gonna die? You talked earlier about like doing something and falling on the floor. If you are a guy, and I only say guys 'cause we're predominantly the ones that do this activity, if you're shoveling snow outside and you go on crazy. - Oh, that'd be a horrible way to die. - And then you hit one of those cracks and the shovel like just digs in your chest? - Oh, yeah. - Where I thought on, I thought I was bleeding. I was just sitting in the snow and I was just like, I'm just going to try to get you through that. (laughing) - Take me down. - Diana, what's up? - Hello, I was just calling 'cause I do hold up Derek and the woman I take care of, she uses a life alert. And just the other day, I was at work with her and I got her daughter and son calling me like, what's going on? Why are you taking my mom out of the house at this time in the morning? 'Cause it was like six in the morning. - Yeah. - The life alert alerted them all that I was taking them on out of the house. And then it's been going off during the middle of the night when she's not even wearing it and it's on the charger. - Oh, geez. So it's got a faulty thing going on her, huh? - Something and it's like you guys said, do you do have to pay subscription for it? 'Cause she had two of them and they got tired of paying to have that second. - Should she have it on the charger in the middle of the night? That might be the time that she's probably should be wearing it around her neck. - Well, I have a monitor for her when I'm there. - Oh, so you were there? Okay, good. - To be fair. - No, she's not left alone. - Okay, good. - It's been so long since I had so many in my bedroom at night, it would be nice. (laughing) - No, visit. No, visit. - Wouldn't that be interesting if that was your life thing? It's like you hit the life alert just to see if the person cares about you. - No, because you have pajamas for when people come over and pajamas for when you're alone. And I know it would happen in the ratty old pajamas. (laughing) - Oh, my gosh. - If you order now, you can get one month free. - Hey, Rachel, listen to this one. Rachel wore her Apple watch and it went off to show the alert. When did it happen, Rachel? - When I was, as you guys call it, baking cookies? - Oh, Bragger, good for you. (laughing) - Yeah, things just had gotten a little playful. And all of a sudden, my watch was like, (laughing) and I was like, what the heck? Who's calling you right now? And it was, are you okay? Have you fallen? (laughing) I was like, don't call 911 right now. (laughing) - I just want to at that point. It's like a liquid I did. - Yeah. By the way, KP, I can just picture this. You gotta get the, there's the little old lady. I've fallen and I can't get up. You can Google it and find her. Get her image, but superimpose Megan's face over it. - Wait, you got my mind. - We got it. - We just texted it to the crew. - Did you? - That's crazy. - That was crazy. - That would be the greatest. I'm falling and I can't get it. (laughing) All right, this next topic can get me into a little bit of trouble, but I'm gonna bring it up anyway, just because that's the kind of guy I am. I live and die for you, our listeners, to make sure that I ruin friendships for entertainment purposes. Okay, I want you to use this as a public service announcement. If you're one of my guide dad friends, like a guy who's a dad of one of the kids that my kids are friends with, I want you to understand that you have to be very, very careful of what you do on social media because everybody can see you, all right? So one of, and I won't say which boy it was, their dad friends liked a porn star on Twitter or X, formerly known as Twitter, and I got a chance to see it. Did you know that if you like something? - I'm not on Twitter, so I don't understand. - They can see all your likes. - Oh, so it's like Instagram used to be. - Shannon, don't read this out loud. You can say the letter O if you want to, but read that. - Causing, can I say the whole thing? Causing an O is better than having an O, and he liked that, and whatever that account is is. - And that was from somebody? - Yeah, but when somebody, you know his dad? - Yeah, but he liked that on-- - I heard that was your dad. What if your sweet mama liked that? - I would go, you would have a great conversation. (laughing) - He'd still be like, "I'll make this conversation." - Kind of like, like, like, like, like, like-- - The thing with exes, like, like, like, just say like, because like, everyone can, everyone like, it's like, makes everyone happier, you're like-- - Yeah, see, the thing with exes, if you go to a person's profile, you can see all of their posts, all of their replies, all the media they've produced, and you can hit their likes, and you can literally see every single post that they've liked over time. This does this on Facebook, too, where on Facebook you can, it will say so-and-so likes this, so you know whatever, it's like, like, you gotta be careful of what you follow on Facebook because I now know the principal of the school, you know, follows a certain site. - It's so funny, that only does it for a couple of people for me, where it will come up in my feed or whatever that somebody, like, a notification that somebody liked something. - So you can like things in real life, you don't have to like 'em all day. (laughing) - That's why I draw the line. - Like, why are you actually clicking like on that? - I think sometimes it's just so conscious, like, you just double tap, double tap. - Can I say something honestly? - Yeah, Zach. - Like, we aren't using X to follow anybody, like, we're using it to watch things. - Yes. - And sometimes, sometimes I accidentally hit like, and I'm like, oh, I don't want anyone to see my likes, so I unlike that real quick, but-- - Is there porn in there? - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - It's called X for a reason. - Oh, yeah. - So, yeah. - Did I let that be on there? - Oh, yeah. - Come here, Shannon. - Here's-- (laughing) - Honestly, I don't use-- I don't have no reason to win it. - Don't show her-- - We'll lose her for the rest of the show. - No, I'm using a couple things, Shannon. - You say you're an ankle, so I got something for you. (laughing) - I have an account that's like linked to my Facebook that I don't even have a username or password for. Somebody who used to be on a show did it for me. - Yeah. - Who I've never-- - Truly never logged into my account. - Here's the topic I wanna focus on, though. Who did you catch liking or watching adult movies, porn? And the other question is, what was dad busted doing? I wanna know if there's any specifics 'cause this one was a dad, and I think that is as funny as-- What would you do? (laughing) What would you do, Shannon, if you busted Tim-- - I would die. - If you saw a tip, I see what Tim Murphy likes. - I die. - I see him on Facebook. I've not caught him yet doing anything that was so embarrassing. - Okay, but here's what my dad likes. Like, vintage memes, he likes some weird stuff. - Yes. - But no porn that I know of, unless you're talking about my dad. If you're, if by the way, I did catch your dad. I want you to know, I love him so much as a person. I would not sell him out to you, but I would tell the rest of the show. (laughing) - Richard Lawson, Tina Knowles, Beyonce's mom, husband. - Yes. - I wanna say they file for divorce or separation or something. - Recently, I feel like, right? - Yes, a couple of months ago, the big thing, especially on Twitter, is now you can, you know, screen record on your cell phone if you're looking at something. They went to his Twitter, which is now deactivated, by the way, went to his Twitter, searched his likes, and it was just hundreds and hundreds of videos of porn. - Oh my God. - Like the wild stuff. - Like, what's the point of life? - That's my question. - I think you just forget. - When it's something like that, if it's not like, you know, your daughter got a new puppy, of course, you're gonna like that. But why are you liking that? - You gotta be careful, you gotta be careful that you don't have it auto-like or something like that. Like, there's, that's what I'm thinking it happens. - That's how their brain, their brain is auto-like. - What's up, Lisa, hi. - Hi, good morning. - Good morning, how you doing? - I'm good. So with Instagram, you have to be careful about who you even follow, because you'll get notifications that you may know somebody because of who you follow. And I got recommended an account, it was an anonymous account of butt photos, and it was so easy to figure out which friend it was. - Oh my God. Oh, the algorithm is algorithm. Is it somebody that you thought would like a bunch of butt Instagram photos? - No, but they're very artistic. I mean, they did it. - They're artistic. That's what this dad friend is probably saying this morning. What's up, Alison? How you doing? - Good, how are you? - Good, what did you catch your dad doing? - I saw him looking up feet pictures at my sister's wedding. - Wait, no, he did not. - And his own daughter's wedding, he was looking up feet pictures? - Medi. - Yeah. - What part of the wedding was this? - Like they were up there getting married. - Oh my God, did you say something to him? Like dad, what the heck are you doing? - It was just a silent thing, and then we talked about it after, so we got us up to about it. - Oh my God, you didn't tell your sister, though. She'd be devastated. - Oh, she knows. - Oh God, that's wild. So his dad into some kind of like weird stuff, or is this just the only thing that he's done that's weird? - Oh no, he's weird. (laughing) - That's awesome. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. You gotta be careful too, you ever do that, where you are looking on your phone and stuff, and you're in a crowded place, like if I'm watching a performance at a school play, or a musical or something like that, and you're on your phone looking, people are all around you. - Oh yeah, and it's human nature to just glance over and see what someone's looking at. - Oh yeah. - That's not being nosy, I think, every single person would do that. - Especially if you scroll into like a TikTok live on accident, like you're just scrolling through the feed, and it's yeah, it's embarrassing. - Oh my gosh, everywhere. - You guys gotta see some of these text messages. 248, I used my dad's phone just to make a phone call. It came right up, some very dirty. Another one here, it said 586. My dad's on Facebook, and you should see some of the comments that he makes on women's posts that are not my mom. What's up, Mojo in the morning, Lindsey? - Hi. What did you catch a friend doing? - So I caught my friend liking and watching dominant porn, like BDSM porn on Facebook. - Wow, is your friend somebody that you would normally think was a little kinky? - No, not at all. - Really? Like the very kind of prim and proper person like that? - Yes. - Now do you think differently? Did it give them a little cred, or did you look at that now? - Oh, I can't think of you the same way anymore. - I'm not someone to judge, so I just kind of let her know that I could see it, and that all of her friends could see it, and she was very thankful. - And what's her name and what city is she from? - Yeah. (laughing) - It's one of them. - I'm just kidding. - Oh, Indian. - Indian. (screaming) - It's one of those things where I remember the lions had everybody bring a no ski mask except her friends was wearing a leather one. (laughing) (upbeat music) - I've been waiting for this next story to be told on the radio, 'cause I wanted to hear exactly what happened to you. So, Mojo on the Morning Show. - I have busy weekend. - Shannon, you got rescued by a valet. - I did. Well, let me just say, so my fiance Wes' family and some of his friends were in town from Canada this weekend, spending time with us, which was so much freakin' fun. But we had, there were just so many things for us to do and go to and places that we wanted to show them and spend time with them. So, on Friday night before his family actually got here, one of his best friends since high school, her name is Vanya and she's awesome. She and I and Wes and then one of her friends all went out to dinner and we were in Rochester. And so, I met them there because I was coming from an event that I had on Friday night. I was at that Buff City soap appearance that I had to do. So, they went a little earlier than me and had drinks and then I went and met them. So, had a great time at dinner and afterward, we were all getting up from our table to walk out and Wes and his friend both gasped. And I'm like, "What in the heck just happened?" Well, it turns out that his ex-girlfriend was walking out of the restaurant with a group of her friends. Now, I've never met her and I'm totally fine in that sort of situation, but I have heard that, I don't think she likes me very much because they dated for a really long time and she wanted to get married and obviously that didn't happen and Wes and I, - Does she blame you for why it didn't happen? Like, was there overlap? - No, there was no overlap at all. - It could be frustrating when you want to marry somebody and then-- - And you dated for a really long time. Yes, and then they meet somebody else in a year and a half into it, I totally understand that. But I was like, I don't want any sort of awkwardness tonight. I'm just not in the mood for that. So, but I needed to go out the door that her and her friends were standing in front of to get to my car. Wes and his friends, like I said, drove separately and they were leaving, they had valid at the restaurant. So, they were going out a totally separate door. And so, I'm like, all right, I'll just all, you know, walk out with you guys and then I'll make the walk all the way around to get to where my car was in a totally separate parking lot. - The ex-girlfriend's shame. - Yeah, like I just, but you know how this goes. - Yeah, yeah. - I just didn't want to make small talk. I don't know, I-- - You're non-confrontational too. You are a non-confrontational person. - So, I'm just like, you're so non-confrontational. So, we're all talking about this as we walk up in the valet at this restaurant. Over here is what's happening. And he comes up to me and he goes, give me your keys right now. And I said, oh, no, no, no, I didn't, I didn't valet my car. I parked far away and walked in. And he goes, no, no, no, what kind of car do you drive? And I said, oh, I drive a white Buick. You know, I gave him like my, the description of my car and he goes in here. - Was he a little embarrassed for you that you drive a white Buick? - No, shut up, I love my car. - Okay. - I love my car. No. - He's like, there you go, lady. - No, you're on, you're on, nevermind. - He goes, I, he goes, where exactly did you park? So, I'm trying to like explain to him what lot I'm parked in and where I am. He, the nicest guy, what got my car drove it to where Wes and his friends, you know, they pulled up his car at the valet so that all of that whole situation could be avoided. - What a guy. - Isn't that a super call? - That are so nice. - I loved it. - Did it make you think I should get married to the valet? 'Cause that was such a sweet thing for him to do. - No. - Why did Wes not do that for you? - But it was a very sweet thing for him to do. - Why did Wes not do that for you? - Where was this slippin'? - Because, I don't think he wanted to go out that door either. - He, by the way, has his kryptonite and we know exactly what it is. It's the X who knows. - It was just so, I like, I felt like I was like. - All right, so I got, I got a bunch of questions but I want us to listen for topic here, here, okay? I think the topic that we get out of this one is, how did you hide from the X? I think the X could be obviously your X or it can be your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife's X. What did you do to-- - What lengths did you go to? - Yeah, what lengths did you go to to hide from them? 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548 is the telephone number. So, a couple questions. - By the way, I feel kind of bad. This girl is probably the nicest girl. I just, I didn't, I was not-- - That's the question. - I was actually, how do you know that maybe she's not very happy? - I don't, I don't know that. - You just kinda assume? - Yeah, because, I mean, I've been in that situation before, I don't know, and that could be a huge assumption. - Another quick question that I would like to ask about this whole thing, if you would have gone there, do you think that it would have been a just, like, snide high or do you think that it could have gotten to a, a girl fight? - I don't think any highs, no, I don't think any highs would have been exchanged. I think that I would have just walked out. - You wouldn't have said anything, you would act like you didn't know it was her? - Probably, yeah. - Yeah. - Being very honest. - Okay. - But that, like the level of anxiety that I have, I couldn't do it. - A texture here, real quick, I know Lydia's working phones here right now and getting collars on, but texture here, 248, another one here, Mike, that's gonna make Wes not look like he's as beautiful as he is, 'cause we know he's beautiful. - Which is hard to do in the first place, but-- - It's very, Kevin, you're new to the show, but one thing you'll learn when you meet this guy, Wes, we think he's also an AI bot. (laughing) 'Cause we think that Shannon made him, for some reason, on, you know, artificial intelligence. - He's got a serial number. - Oh, believe me, I'm telling you, I actually looked for where the batteries are on him to plug, I think you plug in in his butt. I think that you have to plug the charger back up. - But, but 248 says, couldn't, oh, here, you're on the phone with us. Miranda, she got you on the line. What was your question for Shannon? - Hi, couldn't Wes have just driven you to your car? - He was going to, so that's why I was going out his way, but before he could even do that, the valet said, give me your keys. - Yes. - And did it. - Well, my hands died laughing. - Hey, Miranda. - It was so good. - Miranda, have you ever had an axe or your, you know, significant other ever had an axe that you just would not want to see face to face? - Yeah, oh, I've done the ditch for sure. - Yeah. - Ditched out. - It's the stop, drop, and roll. People think it's for other purposes, but no, it's to get away from the axes, right? - That's right, you just pretend like you don't see them and get on the other way. - Yeah, what's going on? Ben, how you doing? - Good, how about yourself? - Good, so Shannon had to try to avoid her fiance's axe. - Thoughts on this? - Man, that sucks when you ask a boy, 'cause he had to think of the quickest thing in the moment. - Yeah, have you ever had that? Have you had to try to be quick on your feet? - Not me personally, but I was with my buddy once, and we were walking down this tight little narrow street, and his girlfriend, her name was Emily. She was walking by, and he's the one who realized it first, 'cause he's the first instinct was to jump into a tree. Like, he jumped off his little step, climbed up this tree a little bit, and hit the tree walking. - Impressive. - He kept on walking to keep everything normal. - Ben, you gotta be careful what trees you jump into. Some of these trees are like jumping into a cactus, you know? - Yeah, you know what? Well, when it's your first instinct, it's you, I ain't question nothing. - You're out of there. - See what I want to know, too, is what did he, what happened between him and his ex to the point where he felt the need that that was the response? Why did they break up? What happened? - To go the other way, you mean? - To go for this guy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He cheated on her. - Oh, yeah, so he was gonna get punched. - He was a whole story, but he wasn't too nice to her. - He did her dirty, as they say, right? - Yes, sir. - Ben, always good to hear from you. You need to call more often. You sound like you could be misfit Mike Posner. You sound like a Mike Posner sound alike. - Ben, I'll do my best when I like them traffic. - Let me hear you say, let me hear you say, I took a pill and a B's up. - I took a pill and a B's up. - Well, you gotta practice that a little bit. - What's going on? Anika. - Oh, you gotta write this time out. - Yeah, thanks. - Oh, wow, oh my god. - I know, thank you. It's the new me. - I texted in, but I actually was out to dinner one time with my mom. And I had gotten engaged to my new boyfriend at the time, but wasn't with him. And I watched my ex-boyfriend and his entire family walk into the restaurant. - Oh my god. - And he'd go to the bathroom. I would have had to walk right past them. So our waitress overheard us talking to me and my mom, and she took me through the kitchen to get to the bathroom. - That is great. - Wow. - I need to take a PT. - That is, by the way, the best waitress ever. I hope you guys tipped her well. - Oh, she got a great tip from us because I did not want to walk past any of them because they were a very close-knit family. And I don't think any of them like me very much. - Yeah. - Things didn't end best. But I was like, had I had my fiancee at the time with me, I would have been fine, but-- - When they're not there. Yeah. - Yeah. - It was just me and my mom. So the waitress let me walk through the whole kitchen and everyone in the kitchen was like, what the heck is going on? - It's funny, I've walked through a kitchen before and people all look at you like, you're the health inspector. - They don't know, they don't know what's happening. This is by the way, the worst positioning ever for a person who wants to avoid an ex. Rose? - Hi, yes. So my ex, we lived across the streets from each other, which was obviously fine when we were together. But after breaking up, then it is a terrible situation 'cause then you see them at every store, every gas they can. Literally everywhere go, you see them. And I always, if I saw his car, I would go out the way and go somewhere else 'cause I just did not wanna see him. And to make it worse, he will still get braved and my sister does his hair. So after breaking up, she still would do his hair and I would have to avoid going to her house if he was getting his hair done. - Wow. - Wow. That would be one of those ones where you just hope that they decide that they're gonna move or you just gotta end your living there, right? - Yeah, and then now I'm with my husband now and it's gotten better, but like-- - Wait, he still lives there? - So awkward. - So the guy's, oh my gosh. - So even when you were dating your now husband, that had to be so interesting. - Yeah, yes, because obviously we would see when he's driving past, he's like looking at us. - Yes. - He's like looking down. - Yes. - So I'm like, did he look over here? He's like, you know he dated us. It's a terrible, but yeah. - That's funny. - Thank you for the call. What kind of tip did you give the valet, Shannon, that did this for, did you give him that? - West tipdom. - Did he? - Yeah. - Is he there now? West is the good guy again, Mike. - He tipped him. - I don't know. - Well, he's gotta be now. He's gotta make up for his mistake, his slip up. - It's funny, I'm one of those people too that, and I know what your ex looks like and I like getting intrigued by West's ex. Like I wanna see, you know, I think I've seen pictures on social of his ex, his ex wife, but I've never seen his ex-girlfriend. So I wanna see what's going on. Not that I'm gonna judge it and say she was, you know, very attractive 'cause I wouldn't do that in front of you. - No, she's very, very pretty. She really is. - So I hung out with Fred from the Fred Show in Chicago and we went out for breakfast recently over the weekend. I was visiting Jacob in Chicago and when I was out there with him, he was talking about dating and I was thinking to this, I'm like going, "Man, single morning guy in Chicago, "what would that life be like? "Must be horrible." (laughing) I'm sorry, I gotta come right back here for one second. Honestly, I listened to him talk about dating. Like I listened to Megan and K.P. and Lydia and everybody else, you know, they're single talking about it. And I thank God that my wife hasn't kicked me to the curb. I am like, "Go, my God." He was telling me a story, which was crazy 'cause I was trying to picture this whole thing. He says that he's on the dating apps, which it's gotta be interesting to be the Fred Show, Fred, in Chicago and you're on the dating apps and people go, "Is that the guy from the radio show?" You know what I mean? - And he's a very recognizable guy too. - He does TV also in that market. Okay, so he's on television. So he starts seeing this, you know, 42 year old woman that's a single mom. Okay, 'cause Fred is like mid-40s and he's never been married, single guy, you know. - No kids, he loves his niece. - Oh my God, he's like obsessed with his sister's daughter. So. - Hello again, incredible. (laughing) So, so he had out of nowhere. I didn't even, now I'm thinking about Fred doing that. So he starts dating this 42 year old woman, or not dating, he starts talking to her and has never met her face to face, but is basically, you know, talking to her on a phone, they're planning on this whole idea that they're gonna get together and they're gonna meet. - Okay. - And he gets a phone call from her and they haven't even made in like a solid, let's do this, this weekend, but he was saying that he was gonna do it. And she calls him up and she says, I need to break up with you. Or it was kind of like, I need to tell you something that I feel bad telling you. She's like, yeah, and she goes, I need to break up with you. He goes, okay. And you know how Fred's got that deep voice. Okay. You know? - Yeah. - And she's like, yeah, I just realized that just this is not gonna work and I just need to tell you that I'm breaking up with you. And Fred said, oh, well, thank you for calling and hung up the phone and goes, wait a second, how can you break up with me? We haven't even gone out on a date. - Yeah. - But she told him that she needed to break up with him and he brought it up on his radio show. And when he brought it up on his radio show, people were saying that that's a thing now where people are breaking up with you before they even start dating because they don't wanna be the one broken up on. Like they don't wanna be the one ghosted, they don't wanna be the one that ends up. - But there's nothing to break up. - Right. - That's what he says. - It's one of two things. Either these people shouldn't be on these dating apps because that's annoying behavior and you're wasting everybody's time, which I think, when we talk about these dating topics, it's a lot of stop wasting time or two. Did she find a red flag? - No, you know what her thing was? - What? - She's 42 years old and she said that his start age on the thing was like 29 or something like that. He has like 29 till like 50 or something. - That's her flag. - And she thought that he was too old for him because she was towards the middle high end of their dating. Which he said, he goes, "Wait a second." He goes, "Then what are you supposed to do?" Like, am I supposed to put it down as 41 to 47 or something like that? That narrows my, you know, selection of people that are out there. - I got different vibes, like she was catfishing. Like maybe she doesn't look the same way she does in her profile. And now they were gonna meet up for the first time and he was gonna realize. - Oh, that's a, I like that story. - Has that ever happened to anybody though? Where somebody just broke up with them and they haven't even gone on a date? I was so shocked by that whole thing. I'm like, that's an interesting thing. Like where you get the power back in your court. And he said that women will do this a lot more than guys will do this. What's up, Jordan? How you doing? - So I was talking to this girl. We weren't dating or anything. And we were at a New Year's Eve. - Oh yeah, I wasn't around doing anything. And about 15 minutes before the ball drops, she goes, oh yeah, about that midnight thing. Yeah, we're not doing that. - With the midnight thing, meaning the kiss? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's like, yeah, we're not that. That's like, oh, okay. - So she-- - I didn't know we were-- - She basically gave you the Heisman before you could go in for the kiss. - Yeah. - Like, well, thanks. - Yeah, boy. - Talk about making a guy feel like crap. You think that that's at least a guaranteed kiss. Your first time being with somebody. - And it was horrible because we rode together. So now she was talking to party with me. - Oh, God, right. - She's saying why she didn't work. She didn't say why she wanted to kiss you or didn't want to kiss you. - No, she didn't like, I'm gonna get this out of the way right now so there's no awkward deaths, but I'm not doing that. - That is interesting. - Wow. - No, I will say this, Jordan. I would rather her say that to me 'cause I've been so many times with girls going in for the kiss and having them go, oh, no, no, we're not there. Like, I've had, and now I'll say this to you, talk about making your dick feel small. I mean, you literally, you do not, you do not as a guy have confidence level after that. - I mean, looking back at it now, and glad you did that, but at the time, it was like, oh, that was the biggest gut shot in the world. - Oh, yeah. - And you have, you know, 10 minutes to recover. - So, start your new year fresh. - Go to the driving home part. What are you guys talking about in the way home or do you have the music up loud? - There wasn't much conversation or music at all. - No. - No. - No, we're all. - When you got to, when you got to her place, did you walk or hurt to her door? - No. - Oh, geez. Oh, my God. - Also, she, to further defend you, 'cause you sound so sweet, Jordan. She probably should not have accepted a date on New Year's Eve. - Yeah. - You got it, it's kind of part of like the-- - See? - You know it's-- - Oh, 'cause y'all know you shouldn't expect anything. Here y'all go. - No. - I know, I know, I know. - Hey, but if you know what's gonna happen at midnight. - Wait, I gotta ask you this question. When she gets out of your car, do you, like, fist bumper? What do you do? Do you shake your hand? - You roll down the window and you do a tut-tut and back up. (laughing) - Oh, this was, I was y'all getting awkward, so I probably did something stupid. - Oh, so I have you're not awkward anymore, Jordan. (laughing) - What's up, Brie? How you doing? - I'm here. - Hi. - Hey, what's up? - Hey, first time caller, long time-- - Yeah. - Hey, what's going on? - So, back in high school, I was talking to a guy. We never hung out, but one day I woke up for school, watching the news, and he was on the news for vandalizing a cemetery, he got arrested. - Oh, my gosh, so you saw him on TV before you saw him in person? - Yep, his name is secure. (laughing) - What did you do? - You what? - Did you talk to him again, or like, did you just ghost him, like, what? - Oh, God, no, no. - 'Cause there was a cemetery? (laughing) - That is definitely a breakup before you're gonna go out with a guy. You don't wanna date some dude that you see on the news. Could you imagine? Can you imagine if you start dating somebody or you go on a dating app, and you go tune on whatever, you go on the news or Metro Detroit News, you know, Instagram, and you see that that guy is one of those guys. They had something on Metro Detroit News yesterday, by the way, I don't know if you guys follow it. Do you guys ever follow that app? - Of course you do. - Did you see the two guys fighting in the middle of the intersection? - I did. - I appreciate you. Did you see that? - No guns, I'm witty. - Oh, my God, it was two dudes. It was two guys that literally were road raging off of Fort Road and Merk Drive. - Let me see that. - Ooh, the fucks! - Oh, God! - Yeah, did they dump that? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's kind of you would never say that. - Yeah, there are two guys literally fighting in the middle of the, you know, the grassy part that's in between the roads there off of the street. And they're just like straight on, like, I don't know, Evander, who's a fighter? - It's like an MMA fight. - Yeah, is that what it is? - I mean, beer and knuckles? - Yeah. - Yeah, it was beer and knuckles. And then there's guys like all sitting there with their cameras holding it up, like watching the whole thing. - That was fantastic. - No guns, man, I'm with it. If you're gonna fight, pull out the face. - Now it is, you just can't, you don't know if that's gonna happen though. - Very true. - I think the guy piled, drives him at one point. - A little triple X X? - The one dude actually, his pants started falling down. Like he's trying to kick the guy in his pants almost went down. All right, I'm sorry, I digress with that one. Where's Jordan back out again? Jordan, I'm gonna get kissed. Would somebody kiss Jordan just to make him feel good? (upbeat music) - Hello Joe in the morning, Joe. Megan is worried about Shannon, or was worried about Shannon. She thought, you thought something drastic happened. What did you think happened? - I thought Shannon got kidnapped. And that's like not a joke. (laughing) It all stemmed from the fact that Shannon and I always share our locations with each other. And I got a notification, I was sitting in another studio kind of later in the day, and Shannon had left for the day. And all of a sudden I get a, Shannon Murphy started sharing her location with you, which I thought was a covert, hey, I need you to pay attention signal from Shannon. Like she had stopped sending it and recent it as like, I need you to know where I am right now. - Right. - And I was like, this is so weird. I immediately started texting her. I'm like, if she's been kidnapped, she obviously can't talk on the phone. So I started texting her. - You watch a lot of those shows, don't you? - I do, but you know what? I'm prepared in case of an emergency. I have a video. - Deeline NBC's. And what are some of the other ones you watch? - SVU mostly. - SVU, okay. - But I was hoping that if she was in the trunk of a car, she knew to punch out the backlight and put her hand out. - I do know that. - Yeah. - I don't know that on Oprah actually. And I was in like second grade. - It's the universal signal for help. I'm locked in this trunk right now. But I started texting her and I was like, is there an emergency? Are you okay? Where are you? Like what's going on? And then I get a text back from Shannon explaining why she needed to recent her location. - I was actually quite okay. I was on the toilet, I think, when I received your text. But that was the morning that I came to work and I didn't remember I left my phone at home. And I was like, oh, dang it. I left my phone at home. I couldn't find it before I left for work. I could not find my phone. So when I got home from the station, I pulled up, find my phone on my iPad and I had to like send that signal to it, to have it make this noise. You guys, I searched my house high and low. I could hear the noise, couldn't find my phone. I had made my bed over my phone. - Oh, geez. - So it was like under my sheets. And in doing find my phone, I realized that for whatever reason, and I don't know why, truly, it was probably an accident. I stopped sharing my location with you. And so I was like, oh, wait, Meghan needs my location. So I started sharing it again. And then that freaked Meghan out that something was wrong. - But if you're sharing your location with somebody 24/7, and then all of a sudden it gets recent to you, isn't that a signal for help? I need somebody to be watching me right now. - Yeah, I don't know. Maybe she restarted it. - It's a great, it's honestly, it's a great, a great thought, you know, like I never thought about that, but that's a good one. I will tell you this. I have a couple of thoughts with this. Number one, I think that the sound of the find my phone thing that they use is not a great sound. Like, like-- - It's too quiet. - Yeah, actually, that's not even the sound. - I was just saying, that's not what I was saying. - Oh, there it is. - That's what it sounds like. - There it is. And it goes, it's so soft. - And mine was under, you guys know I have 12 pillows on my bed. - That's my second thought. - Yes. - You have way too many pillows on your bed. - I couldn't even hear it at first. - Like, you know that you have too much decorative stuff on top of your bed. By the way, somebody needs to explain this to me. - Go off. - Why does Shannon have that many things? I think it's part of a thought that she could be psychotic. - Well, this is just now coming to you 15 years and then I mean me. - But if I was gonna like put together, like if there was ever like a thing where they're gonna go, tell us about Shannon. I would say, well, she's got like 85 pillows on her bed. - And she likes top tarts without the frost. - You gotta take off the pillows and sleep in the bed, right? And he just put them back on in the morning. - Yes. - That's the way it looks. - How long does it take you to prepare for bed and to prepare to go? - About four seconds. - What do you do, just throw them all off? You don't have like a neat spot that you put them? - I do, I put them to the side of my bed. But I mean, I just-- - It's annoying. I have the same issue with Cheryl and our couch. She wants to make up the couch every day and lay all the pillows out in the spot that I sleep. - Does she cruddy-top them too? 'Cause I cruddy-top all mine and Wes is like, - What is this? - This is a step that is unnecessary. - This is annoying. - That's where the bodies are buried at Shannon's house. I'm sure of it. - I don't know if you begged to differ on this one. Maybe you're somebody that's like Shannon is, but 844-Mojo live, 844-665-6548. A texture here at 955-00 says Megan, that is a great sign that something bad is happening when you do the find just sharing location with somebody that you're with. - Then what does it mean when Mojo sends me his every like two weeks? - It's that up. - Randomly. - Do you guys share your location or does he just drop a pin to you? - No, I do. - Out of nowhere, he'll be like, "Tom, he'll be like, Mojo." I was like, "Oh, man, that's all I have to do." - Does she know? - Does she know? Does she know? - Yeah, she knows location. - You know what it also means? My flashlight is probably on too. (laughing) - 'Cause the sharing location thing, like I share it with Megan now. Again, my sister, Jacqueline, and then Wes. And like, if I click on my sister, Jacqueline, I can see she's on her way to work. I can see where she's stopping at stop, like it's pretty crazy. - Yeah. 8-1-0 says, "Pure psychosis, Shannon. How many pillows do you really need?" - Oh, I was like, "I really have 12. That is not an exaggeration." - 2-4-8, 2-4-8 says, "I think it's so sweet that Megan actually cared about you. But Megan, what did you actually do?" - She wrote, and I quote, "You okay." (laughing) - You good? (laughing) - But you need to know that was the calm version. - But I appreciate it. - That was the calm version of "I will follow you. I'll get in my car. I see your location. I will come to you." (laughing) - I don't doubt that. - 'Cause there wasn't any time at all that you were putting your coat on to go run out to your car to go chase after wherever she could be. - I feel bad for the people that do share their location with me 'cause I don't want it to come off as stalking, but genuinely, Ellen does too. And when she goes on a date and she gives me a timeline and all of a sudden that timeline has changed, I grab my keys and I sit by the door and I'm like, "I will drive to Chicago this minute and I will kill a man. Where are you? I need updates." She knows at this point. - She could be gone before you get there. - She has been able to break it to you. - If she's staying longer than she's told me, she knows that she has to go to the bathroom and text me updates, or I start panicking. - Has that ever happened to anybody where they are doing the shared location with somebody and they did panic so much that they got in the car physically to drive over? I would love to know if that's ever happened to you. Call us up. Page, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning, hi. - Hi, this is Paige. - Yes, hi, Paige. - Hi, so my mom thought I was kidnapped under a bridge one time because after the kid from Grand Valley drowned at Michigan State, she was like, "I really need to see your location." So she made me add her up to 360. - Yeah, by the way, that has me so freaked out about my son being away at college. That story was just tragic. - So she had me on like 360 and me and my friends decided we were gonna go do a photo shoot that's on this graffiti wall that under a bridge near the Red Cedar River. And this was like, "Wait at night. "I don't know why we decided to do this. "But my mom sees I'm like the bridge "at the Red Cedar River." - Oh my God. - She called me panicking and she says, "Page, why does my 360 say that you're under a bridge "in the river?" I was like, "Because I'm under a bridge in the river?" (laughing) Very, very scared, but we were just taking pictures down there. - Wow. Yeah, you know what? That story is so sad. Such as a sad, sad story that that happened. But all of a sudden you see your kids in the exact spot. We actually told Luke when he went to state. We told him, you know, you can't be drinking and you can't be walking home. You have to be with somebody else. And just the whole idea of him walking by that area. What's up, bath? - Hi, how good morning. - Good morning, what's going on? - So when you played that "Find My Phone" song, I've literally had PTSD. My stepdaughter, when my husband and I are out, will do "Find My Phone" if he doesn't answer her text. - Oh, she said. (laughing) - We just find when you're baking cookies someplace. (laughing) - Damn stepdaughter. Caitlin, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. - Hi, good morning. - Hey. - I wanna say again, your feelings are valid. My friend lives out of state and she's never sent her location to me before and ran them at night. She sent it to me and he wouldn't answer my calls. So I was like, what's happening? Like, answer my text, are you alive? And she's like, yeah, I'm all good. And I'm like, no, I need you to answer these questions that only you would know otherwise I'm driving four hours and making sure you're not dead. - What kind of questions did you ask? - I've known her since birth, so it was more like, who's your dad's best friend? - What? (laughing) - I was pregnant with each other. Like it was personal questions only she would not again. - Like reclaiming your password from a company in a site? Yeah, mother's maiden name, stuff like that. - Pretty much, yeah. - That's a good friend. By the way, that's interesting. You gotta have code words and things to, when you're, you know-- - Should we step on up right now in front of everybody? - Yes, what would it be? The listeners will know it, too. - Toast. (laughing) - Katie, what's up, it's Mojo in the morning. - Yeah, my husband usually calls on his way home from work and he did not call me. And he didn't call for like two to three hours and I was paranoid, so I told him to find my phone and help and I actually went to his work and walked in to see if he was okay 'cause he was not picking his phone up. - Oh my God. - Man, did he get himself in trouble? - No, because his boss was close front of ours, but it was-- - No, I'm saying with you. - I'm not talking about you, what were you-- (laughing) - Did he get punished? What's up, back at high? - Hi, so my mom actually called the Canadian police because I turned off my Listery 60 and I was working in Detroit at the time. So it just took my like most nearest location, but it showed up as like a random golf course, like in the middle of the golf course and it was like four in the morning and she called the police thinking I was like kidnapped. And I was really just like in our basement. - Oh geez, isn't that wild how that does that sometimes though? It will pick up the last location. It's wild that she did Canada, even though you're working downtown Detroit, why Canada? - My location will-- - It was really close to the bridge. - Yeah, my location jumps to Canada all the time. - Does it really? - If my phone connects to the like winter tower, yeah. - Wow, absolutely. - All right, have a great day. - The following is a high five moment from high five - I won, yep! - Private, put down your phone. This is the army. - Sorts, high five casino is a social casino. It's on your phone. Goes wherever you go. I win three spins, cash, prizes, three down rewards, over 12 hundred games. I won again. - Platoon presents cell phone. High five. - High five. - Casino. - Casino. - Winded high five casino. - That's home. - High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited, play responsibly conditions apply. See website for details. - High five casino. (upbeat music) - Well done in the morning. You're home of the war, the roses. Second date update. Five lies, tell your mom. Dirty on the 30. Am I the a-hole? And throwback, throw down. Thank you for being here. Kevin is gonna call BS on something. This story is crazy. You were explaining it to us. - Yeah. - You were off the air. - Yep. - And I want you to explain it to the listeners because you called BS on something that somebody said to you. - I did. So I dropped some hats, maybe about a couple of weeks ago. You can check them out. - Explain the drop some hats thing. 'Cause I don't know if everybody knows that you have this little side hustle thing. - Yeah, so same 24 is in reality. We all have the same 24 hours in our day. And I wanted to make my message, my materials, and my words, my wardrobe. So I made some hats that say protect yours 'cause protection is like my worth of the year and I need to protect the things that I feel like God has blessed me with. And it gives that he's given me. So I came out with some hats, So someone purchased a hat. So I go to the post office to ship out a hat. I ship it, there we go. I admittedly forgot to send the tracking information to someone, but I know I sent the item. Send the item, this is before Memorial Day. So I knew it was gonna be a little bit of a delay because it's the mailing system. - Host office. - Right, yeah. So I get an email yesterday that says, hey, I never received the tracking information and I don't have my hat, what's up? I'm like, oh, I know for a fact, I went out and sent this stuff. Then I started to beat myself up 'cause I didn't send a tracking information, whatever case may be. So yesterday after work, we don't work that far from a post office. I go to the same post office where I ship the item. There's 50 people in there because the post is always- - Every post office. - It was crazy in there. - And there's one person working. - It was two, I don't know how they, I don't know, yeah. But one of the people that was working was the woman who shipped my item the last time I was there. So I'm like, great, I didn't have to tell anybody, you go ahead, you go ahead, so I can get the same lady. I just got the same lady. I'll walk up to her, I'm like, hey, I was here on this day, around this time, I shipped an item to this person, to this address, using this card. I literally have everything that I feel like you need in order to look up my order, and she's like, I'm sorry, we can't look it up. I have everything, what do you mean you can't look it up? Our system doesn't allow us to look up items without the tracking number. Like, to me that just doesn't sound right. She says, I'm like, so what can I do? You need to go to the bank, the bank that you use to purchase your item, whatever debit cards you're with, which is Chase, you need to go to the bank, and they can pull up the transaction and get you your tracking number. I say, so you're telling me, the bank is going to know the tracking number from UPS, or USPS because I use a debit card. She's like, yeah, in my mind, I'm like, you F and liar. But I had to go to the bank anyway, and I was like, let's just follow the yellow brick road. I go to the bank, I do what I have to do there. I'm like, hey, by the way, before I go, there's no way you can show me the track. She's like, what? Not at all, we can't show you that. I'm like, I didn't think so. Ran some other errands came back to the post office, stood in line, went to another person, right? Told the lady in my situation, she was like, oh yeah, we can look it up. I say, you can? She says, yeah, but the guy who typically does it isn't here right now, so you have to wait to decide, wait to decide, wait it for that lady because it has to be done on her computer. So she had to come out first off, she was on break for 30 minutes beyond her time, but I ain't not safe. Wait, wait, wait, wait. How do you even know? 'Cause the lady next to her was like, she's supposed to be back by now. And I waited for her extra 15 minutes and another guy named TJ-- It's why they're lying to me. Damn. Exactly. So me and TJ going back and forth, so she finally come out, TJ like, oh, that food was good. Me and him making a little sarcastic remarks. She didn't know what to do. TJ had to pull it up, so she lied to me, BS to me, all because she either didn't want to ask anybody for help or didn't want to appear, like she didn't know what to do. She pulled it up right in front of her and printed out my tracking information. Does it make you want to tell on her for taking too long of a lunch? I'm not going to tell on her, but-- Don't BS me, bro. That does super frustrating. If she told you she wasn't Kate Irv, she told you that it wasn't possible and really she just didn't know and didn't want to feel like asking. And lied and said, the bank can tell you your tracking number? Yeah, I'd be really upset. I'd be upset. BS, bro. By the way, I think this is interesting. So you actually have to mail out all these hats when people order them yourself. I got one. You don't have like this, you don't have a filament-like thing or anything like that? There are organizations where you can pay extra for them to handle everything you just take care of the marketing. So is your house loaded with hats all over the place? I didn't buy a whole bunch. But my garage just asked me if it's got a lot of hats. Yeah, what are those guys? Look at this, a little side business going on. I bought the army color. And did you get it delivered through the mail or did you just bring it into you? I brought it into her. Gave her a discount call so she didn't have to pay for shipping. He did. Wait, what would the shipping be? The shipping would have been you driving it from the house, coming in for a normal-- Like mail it to her. Yeah, she didn't have to pay for that. OK. All right, so-- I love a coupon call. I'd love to hear-- I'd love to hear the listeners take either on what Kev just said or I'd love to hear in 8-4-4-Mojo Live. What was your calling somebody out for their BS moment? What did you, you know, all the-- Yeah, I know they're-- I call BS on this whole thing. What's going on 8-4-4-Mojo Live, 8-4-4-6-6-5-6-5-4-8? Our telephone number. Somebody actually says that you should use I don't even know what that is. There's always these things. I like when we bring stuff like up about this, because you know there's somebody that's got like a little tip for you. I'm scared you probably don't know. It's probably just like a drop shipping company. It just feels like a scam. Your stuff is good though. Your stuff is good. If you want, talk to Kim Blocamp. And you can actually hire me to represent you if you'd like. I don't know how to afford you. Hire me. You have the budget right now. You don't want-- by the way, if you're a fashion item, you do not want me wearing it. Look, you go everywhere. If you want me telling somebody about it, you just don't want me wearing it. I want you wearing it across the Hall of Fame stage. God, thank you. You're well deserved. I lost that this morning by my dot com. Honestly, my dot com might be my favorite break ever. How often are you at the post office doing this? Not a whole lot. Because if you just call this lady out, you know she's going to be salty with you next time that you go to the post office. She listens now. The last time I was in there yesterday, I ran into someone, but the time before that, she tried to shout me out or something. Hey, aren't you? Somebody was like, man, I'm pleased. You got to use the machine. I'm at the post office at least once or twice a week. Use the machine. I like the interaction. I don't like waiting 20 hours for the interaction. Yeah, but you're baking on me being smart enough to use that machine properly. I noticed that the only people standing in line at the post office are people who are old. They're either like old elderly people or angry people. They're older, angry, or maybe angry at all. Or they've been out there. Poshmark. Yes. It always, I honestly feel like though, like the-- Is it the West Bloomfield one off daily? No, it's the one on 12 pharmacy. Because the one off daily, I go into that place, it's a huge building, and you walk in there, man, and it's like-- I think they go from stage deli to the post office right after it. That's like their daily routine. What's up, Lauren? Hi. Hi, my husband, he sells trading cards. And pirate ship is totally a real thing. He actually saves a bunch of money instead of going to USPS. They've actually kind of did him dirty a few times, too. They're like, you have to pay extra for the non-machineable stuff so that they don't put it through a machine and mess up the cards in white envelopes. And so, yeah, he definitely goes to pirate ship, so it's not fake at all. OK, I'll check it out. Thank you. I appreciate it. What's going on, Christy? Hi. Hi. So, Kevin, you can actually create an online account with USPS, and you can create your own shipment labels through click and ship. It doesn't cost you anything more, but you print your labels at home. You can even order USPS boxes, like flat rate boxes, to have delivered to your home. And then when you need to ship it out, you have the tracking information always available on your account. And you can put your boxes in your mailbox and put your red flag up and have the USPS carrier take your packages for you. You can now go to the post office. Wow, Christy. That sounds like a good deal there, huh? That sounds incredible. Kevin sounds like he, though, goes to these places, have to become friends with these people, too. It's just natural. Like, he knows their names. He's hanging out waiting for their lunch breaks to end. I know their lunch breaks. You could still make friends with your postal carrier. He or she is picking up your packages, and then you can leave them like a water bottle or something like that for picking up your packages. Yeah, I guess not. I like that, too. Yeah, I appreciate that. Got me thinking. Who do we got here? Dominique, what's up, Dominique? Mojo, you can't call Kevin's business a little side hustle. You caught that. You caught that neat. What did I say? What do you mean, a little side? When people try to know your little side hustle, you got to-- that's a big sale. No, no. I wasn't meaning a little side hustle. Like, it's a little business. I was meaning he's got a little thing on the side. Yeah, and I don't want him to get in trouble by the hustle. I'm not going to say you don't want to call it a big side hustle, or I hurt media. We'll shut that down. Yeah, they want a piece of the pie. I don't want them getting a piece of the pie. Kevin, what's your little side hustle, Kevin? Listen, I got what you say about me. Is it like I said that he's got a little dick or something like that? No, it's like you trying to shade me on the low. I wasn't. Shannon knows what I was meaning by that. You have a little penis. No, you use little as an adjective for everything, by the way. Little. It's just like a crush. He does crutch. It's still hurtful. I meant no. Shannon knows, though, too. I meant-- Oh, you know, you got that. You got that little wedding thing this weekend. No. I'm not going to fall. Spit. I meant it because I hurt. You know these sons of bitches. Here at iHeart are going to try to take some money off of them. It's like a little hall of fame fingers. [LAUGHTER] I'm going to give you a little middle finger right now. [LAUGHTER] Right there. There it is. Right there. Shelby, what's going on? Hi. Hey, can you hear me? Yes, I can. Hey, first time, long time. Yes, Shelby's on the phone. Hey, Kevin, I was wondering what happened with the hat. Did the tracking number say it was delivered? Yes, it said it was delivered June 1. He sent his email on June 2. So I replied to him in true chat GPT customer service fashion, and they haven't received or applied back, so that must mean he got it. Oh, good. You got it. Yeah. Thank you for asking. I appreciate it. What color did he order? He ordered a black color. What colors do they come in, Kevin? We got Army Grey, which is Shannon's favorite color. Honestly, I created The Lapis because I thought Shannon was like that one. It's kind of an off blue. It is a good one. We got a red one with white lettering that I know you're going to like Mojo. OK. I got a tan color and some other ones. And then I got some other colors that are coming in. Are only for the ladies on this show, and y'all don't have to pay for it. And they come in some. Wait, wait, wait. Why are the ladies? Why do the ladies get it? Because you already told me you don't look good and stuff. So I'm not going to waste my time. And it's just a little business. So this would remind you if we get something. Hey, question for you. Where do you go to find out about the same 24 and protect yours? Yeah. So all the videos, especially the one that Mojo started in, you can go on my Instagram @kevknows before the hats go to Dash. [LAUGHTER] You guys are all ass. So we can-- I got a chance to hang out with Zach, who, for our listeners that don't know. Zach is the reason-- I just heard of the-- what is that? Is it wrong? Wait, Mike, you do it. Let's go. [LAUGHTER] Zach is our audio producer who gets you the audio of the show, the podcast, and produces the show. Make sure that the sound is good. Everything is always up and about. And we love him so dearly. And Zach is one of those guys that's behind the scenes are, but he is the can-do guy here at the radio station. Like everybody loves him because of his positive attitude, literally, all the time. Infectious. And it's totally infectious. Well, I went out on Saturday. He heard me talk about going out to dinner with Lydia and KP. And he's like, can I go to dinner with you? And I'm like, you know what? No. You just stay in that little box. You literally want to say it to me. No, I do not. I kind of-- then I said, yes. And so we went out on Saturday night. And I noticed that it's Zach's birthday coming up here. And he's taken off for his birthday. Zach actually scheduled a trip to go to Vegas. OK. So we went out to eat. We said it was Zach's birthday so that we'd get free dessert for him. So I didn't have to pay for the dessert. Thanks for the invite, by the way. Exactly. Listen, none of you guys were invited. This was just me and Zach. You guys have all spent time with me one on one. And guess what? None for you when it's Zach's birthday. Because I took him somewhere nice, too. I actually took him to a nice little steak place. And Zach had fun. We had a couple cocktails, and had some eats, and all the rest of that stuff. You looked good on Saturday, too. You dressed up. OK. I didn't dress up that well. That's dressed up for you. OK, this is good. I thought you looked good. It was just a sweatshirt. But I didn't realize how fancy this place was. Where do you think I would take you to? Well, I asked for a buffalo wild wing. So I was expecting something a little less fancy. You get better than that. I appreciate that. And so we're getting ready to go to eat, OK? And Zach's at my house. He gets there, and he's sitting on the couch. And I'm, you know, I'm like the girl that he's waiting for a date with. Like 45 minutes. I was getting dressed. I took me 45 minutes to get dressed. I'm a little bit of a prima denim. And he says to me, he goes, oh my god, you're never going to believe this. I just matched with somebody, and you'll never believe who I matched with. And I'm like, oh, this guy's on my couch trying to find a piece of ass. Well, bet, you know, when you move locations, you get different matches. So I like that. So he came over to the West of Bloomfield Waterford area of town. And guess who he matched with? Tell everybody who you matched with. All right. I matched with an ex-counselor from my summer camp when I was growing up. So what? You were in a god. So older? Oh yeah, she's like 12 years older. All right. So you have your settings for an older woman. Yeah, I said before, it's 18 to 99. That's my-- Wow. OK. --age woman. By the way. It's the way to go. Is that unbelievable? And it was a co-ed summer camp. And I found this counselor, like, so hot. And how old were you at the time? 12. OK. And I think she was 24. All right. So give me back story, yeah. Yeah. And it was a co-ed counselor thing. And she-- I don't know. She was very hot. And then I saw on her Tinder profile, like, she's very low-key. We're actually friends on Facebook. So I kind of got a little nervous that she would remember me. But I shot my shot. And-- Yeah. She hasn't responded yet. Oh, man. You're talking to the guy right now. Oh, I did. I did, like, 15 minutes ago. Can you say the name of the camp? Like, what's the name of the camp? We don't got to say her name where you did what I said. Oh, YMCA camp. OK. That's all you need to know. OK. OK. She's still hot. Oh, yeah, dude. Yeah. Let me see it. All right. I want to throw this out there. I want to throw this out there. Who would we never in a million years believe that you matched with on a dating app? I love this topic. 8-4-4, Mojo Live, 8-4-4-6-6-5-6-5-4-8. Blender Skinner. Wait, wait. Would that be too weird to go out and start dating your camp counselor? Like, that's almost like your school teacher, your high school teacher type thing. Well, when I shot my shot, I didn't mention anything about the camp. So what'd you say? Like, what's shooting your shot for you? I said. I don't know. Specifically, good morning, blank. It's like, I'm just shooting my shot here. I super liked you because I think you're truly stunning and would love to take you out and get to know you more if you're interested. That's it. Wow. Y'all like that? Yeah, and I love it. I actually think that that's good for Zach. [LAUGHTER] Let's go. Wait, what's going on? Let's go! Let's go! [LAUGHTER] What's better than him doing that? I think that's cute. I think that's actually kind of cool that you did that. I want this for you. Thanks, man. I mean, we'll see. I don't know. What's wrong with him saying, let's go? There's an audio feature you can add. I feel like that would-- I think if he does, let's go. She might be scared and go. Oh, I remember the little kid that was in my camp. Oh my god, that's him. He used to say, let's go. [LAUGHTER] I just recorded a message of you going, what time is lights out? [LAUGHTER] I can't believe-- are you serious? Nobody's calling up that matched with somebody crazy. You're telling me that you've never matched with like an uncle. Or matched with a teacher. Or matched with the neighbor down the street, you know, or something, that you're like, holy crap. Because I hear stories all the time. And I'm not on dating apps. But I hear stories all the time of people who are like, I'm getting off the dating app. Why? They think I should be dating my grandfather. [LAUGHTER] One of my girlfriends matched with her ex-fiancé, who he called off their wedding. And then they matched on a dating. Oh, wow. Oh, that's sad. This is PTSD at its finest. Yeah, that would be the worst. All right, OK, hold on. Textors are texting in. We're going to call you guys, so pick up your phones. Texture here, a little texting, dating music. I matched with the divorce lady who lives next door. That's a good match. Very awkward situation, because I thought she was still married, because her husband still lived at the house. Oh, wow. Another one here. I matched with my boss. Tell me that's not weird when he sees my face, and then goes, oh god, I might be interested in him. Mojo in the morning. Lily, hi. Who did you match with? Hi. So I actually matched with my elementary shirt. Oh, really? That's kind of hot. Was it somebody that when you were in school that you thought was a cute person, or was it, you know, not? No, not at all. No, that is kind of weird. It is kind of it's kind of like a little like, you know, red tube or porn hub, but it's, I don't know. OK, sites. What was that for? I don't use it as much, Mike. I'll tell you out there. Mojo in the morning. Kelsey, voices guys. Who did you match with? Yes, no, there are dating sites for people that have herpes, and I'm on those dating sites. And one year I matched with my uncle. Oh my god. That is crazy. That's wild. Did you ever bring it up? No. Did he ever bring it up? No, and no, he didn't know what I mean. My picture was kind of like blurred out. So he never saw my picture, but I saw him. You know, I never thought about that. That that has to be something that's difficult to bring up. But at least if there's a site that everybody knows right off the bat, it's not that bad. Kelsey. Yes, but now when we have family gatherings, I'm looking him like Jesus. Like, yeah, I know this about him, but he doesn't know this about me. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. Wow, I like the people my I matched with my pharmacist. That's an interesting one. They know you got herpes, too. 313 says I matched with my second cousin. Another one here said I matched with my therapist. How crazy would that be? Lay back and tell me all your problems. What's up, Ben? How you doing? Yo, how are you, buddy? Yeah, second time caller here. You guys. I like it. Yeah, you guys had a subject on medical marijuana gum. He's probably a year ago. I was the one who ate the 500 milligram gummy, and whoa. Still going? Yeah, yeah, I still don't feel right from that. We're talking about matching with people in a weird way. Who did you match with? So I matched with a girl that I thought worked at a psychiatrist's office. I went and picked her up there. And picked her up there several times. We hung out, had a fine time, every time. And then about the third time I picked her up, she came out and said something that kind of was like, wait, what? And she's like, oh, I had a really good session with a doctor today. And I thought, well, you don't work here? She's like, no, no, I go there. I'm like, whoa, what? So next thing you know, she told me a real sob story. I'm not even going to get into the whole story because that's really long. But she ended up getting 450 bucks out of me. I felt bad for her. So she was not a psychologist or somebody that worked at the psych hospital. She was a patient at the hospital. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. With dad. And you. Well, they had outpatient things where they could actually leave and go do something. Yeah, yeah, this wasn't like a mental institution where I was picking somebody up. OK. She was going in for therapy. And and fine. Hey, I've been for therapy, too. But shoot, she kind of made it out like she worked there. Wow. Why were you picking her up every time? You know, I was kind of trying to figure that out myself. Hey, bro, you were her ride. You got to lay off the gun. Kind of how it was. Because it turned out she's kind of a user. Oh, wow. I was her ride. That's funny, though. That's crazy. Sandra, hi. Hi, how's it going? Good, Sandra, we're asking the question of who you matched with. Who did you match with on dating app? So I matched with a new worship leader, like the head worship leader from the church that I used to go to. And he had three children and was also married. Oh, my god. Oh, bro. What was that like the next time you saw him at church? He doesn't even care. Well, he actually got fired from that church, so he wasn't still working there. I was still attending, but I couldn't help myself. I had to match with him. Wow. So you did you go out with him? I didn't go out with him, but we exchanged numbers. And he immediately off the get-goes that made like a naughty pick. Oh, my god, okay. Did he get fired for inappropriate behavior before that? He actually was fired because his wife was being inappropriate with other women. Oh, my god. What a church it is. Yes, and do they have opening masks on Sunday? That's pretty crazy. So when you guys were talking to each other, he had no clue, though, that you were a, you know, a congregate. No, he knew exactly who I was. He did. Oh, my god. That's wild. That's wild from the news. He was like a pet person, like on Sunday service, who was like singing and leading all of the music. And he was like, you know, I always there at you. You're just so beautiful. Wow. How's your wife? He's so low here, you know. He's like, oh, well, you know, we're going to decorate. But still to this day, it's safe to live together. They're still married. Hang on, that's amazing. That is absolutely amazing. Well, thank you for the call. That's a good call. How about this one here? I'm a teacher, and I matched with one of my students' parents. That would make it very awkward. Although it's a little hallmark, channeling. It's kind of cute. All right, it is Mojo in the morning show. I have a question to ask you guys. And you tell me if you think that they should have forewarned me. So last night, we went out for dinner. It was us and the Johnsons and the Oblox. And we're all at the Japanese restaurant that's by our house. Habachi. It's a Habachi restaurant. Yeah, where they cook at your table. Love Habachi. And they're cooking the Habachi at the table and part way through the dinner. And there's 10 of us around this entire table. I looked at Alan, the guy sitting next to me, one of the dads. And I said, am I just like really excessively hot, or is it hot in here? And he goes, yeah, I know it's really horribly hot in here. And I go, OK, well, it's because they got the fire on in front of us. And then I look at Dennis. I go, Dennis, it's really hot in here. And he goes, yeah, I walked by the thermostat on the way in. And the thermostat was reading like 85 degrees on the thermostat. And he said, I wonder what the story is. So one of us got up-- I think it was-- it might have been Luke or my son or Dennis, one of the dads, one of the kids. And he goes over and has a conversation with somebody only to find out that the restaurant's air conditioning broke that day. Oh, no. Add a Habachi. Add a Habachi restaurant. The place is open flames everywhere. OK, so I made the reservation. The reservation was at 6 o'clock. I made the reservation at like 2 in the afternoon or 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Same day, air conditioning broken on there. So they knew. Do you guys think they should have told me that the air conditioning was broken on this place? Yes. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Hey, by the way, just so you know, the air conditioning is broken. It was so hot in this place, all right, that when the guy kept doing the whole thing where I want to light the little choo-choo train on fire, I'm like-- No, Dennis got up at one point and goes, zone light anymore. We don't want this anymore. Actually, I'll take my food wrong. It was so hot in this place that I was sitting there the entire time sweating profusely. And at one point, honestly, I had to get up and go for like a deep breath. And then I'm leaving the place. And as I'm walking out of the place, there's still people walking in. And the only place that air conditioning, the lobby area where you wait to go inside. Oh, everybody thinks it's going to be fun. So, yeah, it seems like it's going to be wonderful. And then this is going on. That's sneaky. I wonder-- you know, and listen, I understand the air conditioning broke. They probably couldn't get somebody to come out and fix it on a Sunday. It was not probably a great timing on the deal. But at least give me the forewarning. And we probably, who knows, maybe would have said, OK, well, we can't find another place for 10 people to go. And this seemed like a fun thing for us to do. It doesn't seem like a smart business move long term, because if I have such a miserable experience, I'm not going back. I wonder if they thought they could get it fixed. And so they're like, oh, we'll just trying to wait it out, and maybe we can get it fixed before everybody, you know, gets super pissed off. Yeah. I am not calling you. I'm sorry. You're not going to say it? Because you're probably not going to come. Yeah. And it's not like, to Megan's point, which I like, I could have a terrible experience and I would have come back. But if the food is still good, then I'll probably come back and just say, oh, and the food was good. Like, I mean, like, let me just say this to you. The food was actually fire. See, that was so good. That was good. Yeah. So after this, after it was super hot, now would you go back? Like, are you going back to this? This is the thing. I thought it was actually very good. I've never gone here before. Can I say the name or no? Should I not say the name? So do I do I? No, it doesn't. It doesn't. I won't say it doesn't add to the thing. There's two of them that are by my house. And honestly, I would probably choose this place for the food better than the other. But if I would have known it, I would have gone to the other place because of the air conditioning probably would have been working. Well, what would have been smart, though, is if they offered you, like, alcohol or something, like-- Oh, my God. Did you get the sake in your mouth from the peeing board? No, but they don't do that. No, they were doing-- It's a classy place. They definitely-- It's a place where I go to do that. And you have to sit there like a train seal? Shout out to Kyoto. Why don't they like that? They actually-- they asked if I wanted sake. The guy was willing to give us sake, but I didn't want sake because, honestly, I was wanting ice water. I was like literally not drinking it. No, you did a Sephora. I was like drinking tons of water because I was dying. But the next time you go, the experience was that much better. Send me the video-- could you wear a videotape in the fire from last night? Send me video of the-- My phone shut off because it was so hot in there. Wait a second. You lost your phone because of the-- My phone powered down because it was so hot in there. [LAUGHTER] Oh, I don't have videos of that. I'm sorry. You know it's funny, but I don't-- What's funny is, I was so hot at one point, I thought I was having a heart attack. That's how hot it was. And the woman that was right by us said she thought she was her metapause. [LAUGHTER] She's having half lashes. Yeah, it was like so-- it was unbelievable, wasn't it? What did-- it was a temperature like 80 something degrees in there? I think Alan said that it was 84 or 85 on the thermostat when he passed it. Oh my god. And the worst-- They told Lee-- it was broken when we walked in. Because Lee has said they need to turn the air on. Yeah. And the manager said, yeah, it broke earlier today. Yeah, didn't say one word at all about it. Which I guess, you know what? Smart business, I don't know if I'm going to tell people that who's going to eat, right? They're going to have a day of nothing, but at least put a fan on or something. Try to figure it out. What was your-- the best part though about it from last night though, out of everything? The best part? Yeah. Who made the reservation? You did? And why did you say-- why did you tell me that this was the best part of that I made the reservation? Well, because you-- first of all, because it was hot. And you kept on staring at me from across the table. And I'm like, OK, I'm getting up later. He is going to yell at me later about this. And then you had to have a gluten free meal. And everyone else got their food. They're cleaning up the table. And the woman said to me, is there anything else we can get you? I said, yeah, his meal. I didn't even want to eat. I realized-- He probably would like to have some food. Literally, you got nothing. But here's the-- And we all had our food. I think they forgot about you. Here's the thing is, have you guys ever felt this way with somebody that you know is a complainer like me? Chelsea the entire time they'll head a smile on her face. And she was like, he can't complain that I picked the place. That's what she was like. The whole car ride home. By the way, I started the car midway through the meal to make sure my car was-- I almost went out to the car to then come back in a little bit later. I think that's why you knew you couldn't complain to me, because if I would have even suggested that we went out to dinner and this would have happened, I would have heard it all night long. But thank God it was your idea. I know. Your idea of the restaurant. Yeah. Thank God. Chelsea, real quick, I want to promote the We Don't Podcast. I'm going to say who our special guest is right now, because we're going to talk about one of the things that was mentioned in there that I think listeners must hear. And I'll do that in a second. But our special guest-- we have a special couple guests. Do you want to tell everybody who was on with us? Well, everyone got it right. It was at Shannon and last. Shannon and last. Well, guess us right away. People guessed Chelsea posted on the We Don't Podcast. Yeah, it's not the post. I didn't see any of the comments. Picture and then head you guys kind of hidden off and people guessed. Well, I think someone said that you gave it away, because you talked about what I'm like, of course. I know. I'm the worst. I opened up my Christmas gifts before Christmas. Was that why he was here the other day? Yeah. Yes. I didn't know that. See, Kevin is on the show and he did it. They're lying, isn't it? I know. They say some bull. But I get to work a Wi-Fi. I hate it. He wasn't keeping a secret. Coming up after we get done with second date update, something that was revealed about Shannon and Wes that-- Well, don't be talking about-- No, I'm not going to give this specifics. They tell the story on the podcast. But something that was so big, Shannon and Wes almost didn't happen. That huge engagement, we'll talk about that coming up here in just a little bit. When you discuss it, I'm coming and I'm plugging the radio station on the podcast. I love you. You can get the We Don't Podcast, which is on the more Mojo podcast platform. Just go more Mojo and We Don't Podcast will be up there later today after we get done with the show. I love you, Chelsea. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Bye. Hold on. What's going on, Alison? Oh, I have an embarrassing story about what happened to me at a Habati restaurant. Oh, yeah, what happened? So they asked me if I wanted sacking. Of course, I'm like sure. And so I tilt my head back and open up my mouth. Problem is, I don't know how to swallow with my mouth wide open. And he's still in my mouth all the way to the brim, even though I was signaling for him to stop. And so when I tilted my head back forward to try and close my lips around it, I accidentally spit the saki all over the grill, all over the-- [LAUGHTER] And it wasn't like just us and our friends. Like, there was strangers across the country. [LAUGHTER] Oh, my God. Those poor people that-- did everybody eat the food? Or did they have to go back and remake everything? Oh, my God. They didn't remake it. The strangers across from us had this disgusted look on their face. They're like, that's fine. I guess I like saki on my right. I was so humiliated. Oh, my God. That's amazing. That's amazing that they didn't remake it. I would have thought for sure that they couldn't sell that saki, or sell the-- Oh, I know. Oh, funny story. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Thanks, bye. All right, take care. Real quick, before we get to second date update, I want to find out from Megan. Megan, this morning, was telling us in our pre-show meeting. And I've been waiting to hear more about this about how her dad-- He's a booty-hole. He blew you off over the weekend? Yeah, kind of. And it really hurt my feelings. I told him this yesterday. And he was like, I think you need to suck it up. It's not that big of a deal. So just know my dad's the bad guy in this story before we even get into it. So on Saturday, I was up in Birmingham, and I was coming back home to Toledo. I called my dad. And I was like, hey, what's going on? What are you doing today? And he was like, you know what? My girlfriend and I are getting dinner. You should come and join your aunt. Don't go coming. Let's just have family dinner tonight. You want to come? And I said, sure. What time? And he said, well, I'm not sure what the plan is. But why don't you just come and meet me at like 6.30? I was like, cool, whatever. Get home, take a little bit of a nap. I kind of get things together. And I decide, OK, let's go downtown. It's like 6.30. I'm going to head that way. So I give my dad a call. And I'm already downtown at this point. And I'm just parked waiting to hear what the plan is. And the first time he bumps my call. And the second time I call, he picks up. And he goes, you know, I'm not really sure what the plan is. I'm just going to call you back in like 15, 20 minutes. I'll tell you where to meet us. OK, cool, whatever. Sitting in my car, 15, 20 minutes past, he doesn't call me. I call him back. I go, hey, what's the plan? Where are we going? I'm like, what are we doing? I'm not really sure yet. I'm going to need to know the 10 minutes. I'll call you back. All right, whatever. So I hang up the phone. And I start walking around downtown. Because if you don't know, downtown Toledo was like an open drinking district. So I'm thinking, I'm going to walk up to a bar. I'm going to get a drink. I'll walk around. It's a beautiful day outside. I start walking towards the bars. Guess who I run into? Scott Mick going, hey, what are you doing here? Way. Bitch, you invited me. What do you mean, what am I doing here? I've been waiting in a parking lot for a half hour as to what the plan is. But these are my dad invited me to dinner, regretted that. That was just trying to ghost me so I could show up. Let me ask you this question. Is seeing that happen to you when you see your dad? Is it like a woman walking in on her husband in bed with another woman? No, because what hurt my feelings was that his girlfriend was way more excited to see me than he was. Oh, yeah. It's like, well, I'd love to get dinner with you. Can we kick him out? By the way, is this something that your dad has ever done to you before? Has he ever-- because I get the feeling that Scott Mick has-- so it's not the new girlfriend that's causing him to forget that he had some plans with you, that he just forgets to have plans with you a lot. It's that, it's straight up that. And I think he thought he could ghost his way out of hanging out with me. And guess what? I wanted free dinner, absolutely bad. So what ended up happening? Did you guys end up hanging then? Yeah, I mean, at that point, you can't turn me away in person. Do you-- when you go out and know that your dad's dating and stuff like that, if you guys are going out together, does your dad still buy the meal like he always has, or do you guys make an attempt? No, he has to buy the meal so he looks get in front of his girlfriend, so who orders extras so that she has leftovers for lunch today? All the next time. Every time. What is he going to say, no in front of her? It's like when your parents get divorced, and there's two Christmases, you can't say no, because you're trying to outdo the other person. You're trying to outshine him, look the best. So guess who gets all of the wine? Guess who gets all-- I get dessert at dinner. You don't laugh, how do my dad let me order dessert my birthday when I was seven? I love-- Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. That's two now with his girlfriend. Come on, there's not-- there's not the case. Your dad actually would never let you order dessert? Absolutely not. We had Popsicles at home. We had Popsicles at home. I can totally see-- That, by the way, is always the sign that your parents either are celebrating your birthday, or they actually really do love you when they allow you to have dessert at the end of dinner. Yeah. It's like, can we get McDonald's? No, we got chicken, I guess I don't. Exactly. Is that in my candy at the movie? My dad actually, one time when I asked him, hey, dad, can we get dessert? He was like, there was an orange garnish on your meal that you got today. Yeah. You know how they always bring the orange-- out at the sushi places and stuff like that? Every time I see them, bring that out. I'm like, don't bring those things out, because it reminds me of bad memories of my dad. You know what my dad told me? I need a new fruit. My dessert was the juice. The juice, like my grandmas used to like, you cannot drink while you're eating your food. Like, I need to watch this die. It doesn't matter. Like, he used to wait till the end of the meal to drink your juice, and that was your dessert. That was it. Just the second date update, a mojo in the morning. Why are you not getting a call back? After you went on date, we do the second date update here in the mojo in the morning show. If you are getting ghosted, text date to 95500, and we'll get you on a second date update. [MUSIC PLAYING] Lexi, what's happening? It's mojo in the morning. How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. So you ended up going out with this guy, and you're not hearing from him? Yeah, so this was our second date. Our first date went really well. And I don't know why he's ghosting me now. I thought that the date went really well. I thought that I definitely looked like really sexy. And I feel like I did everything right, you know? And we went back to my place, and we had a really good time. And so I just can't understand why he's not calling me back now. Now, did he spend the night with you? He absolutely did spend the night and had no complaints there. OK. Did something happen? Between us that night? Yeah, did you guys pull around? Yeah, it definitely did. OK. So he came back to your house, spent the night with you at your place, left what? In the middle of the night, next morning? He left in the morning. And when he left, he said, goodbye. Well, we'll see you later. I'll call you or-- Yeah, you know, the normal, like, oh, bye. Like, kiss me goodbye. And last, and I was just like, OK, like, this is going well. I'm going to hear from this person. But now, no calls, no text. Like, I even tried to, you know, snapchat him, nothing. Like, so annoying. All right, well, we got him on the phone with us right now. Alex, are you OK with your voice on the radio? Sure. Alex, say hello to Lexi. Hi, Lexi. Hi. Alex, you seem like all business there. I was like, oh, sure. Hello. So Alex, what's the story? What's going on? Why do you seem so cold after what seemed like it was a great night? I mean, I'm not trying to be cold. I guess I'm a little uncomfortable. Is all. No, you know, Lexi's great. We had a good time on the first day and second day. Second day, you went to her place, her apartment, her house. And you guys sounded like it had a good time. Like, you guys ended up, she said, that you guys spent the night with each other. Yeah, that's true. That's true. And was it that it went too fast for you? Or are you one of those that gets to what you want? And then you're done with it? No, I'm not. I'm sure it seems like that. And I didn't think it was too fast. I thought we connected. It was more like an employment situation that I was just not comfortable with. Did you say appointment or employment? Employment, employment. Your employment or her employment? Her employment. What do you mean? Well, I mean, so when we showed up at her place, she has a whole setup in her bedroom like camera and ring light and stuff like that. She figured it was such a trick talk or something like that. I mean, a lot of people don't do that. But the next morning, I was checking it out a little closer. And it seems like it's an only fan situation, which she hadn't mentioned at all. And that's just kind of weird to me out, I guess, too much. You do only fans, Lexi? Yeah, I do only fans, yeah. And you were honest with him about it? 100%. And I don't understand why that's a problem. It just didn't come up as far as the specifics of it. It was like, oh, yeah, that's an internet thing. I didn't really-- again, I thought it was more like a tick-tock-level situation. So like she's doing makeup or hair or something on there dancing, but not. Lexi, you didn't tell him what type of things you do on only fans. Are you willing to share with us what you do on only fans? Well, what do you think I do on only fans? I mean, you know, I take pictures of my gorgeous self and make money that way, please, like, of course. OK, and you're proud of it, obviously, if you're willing to just say it like that, I like that. You've got confidence in what you do. I do have confidence, and I don't see why that's an issue. If I'm, you know, supporting myself, making money, it's not like I'm like, you know, you know, it's not like I'm like actually hooking up with these people. But to defend Alex a little bit, I think it's not an issue. And that is totally cool that you do that. And that's your way of making money. I think that some people would be uncomfortable being in a relationship with somebody who does that. But he wasn't uncomfortable. He wasn't uncomfortable hooking up with her. Because that was one-on-one. Yeah, but still. I'm just saying, I actually would feel the same way. If I had gone out on a date with somebody and found out that they did that. And again, there is nothing wrong with it. But for me to be in a relationship with somebody, I don't think I could do it. And so I think that it's fair that he's saying, you know, thank you, I had a great time. But this is just, it's just not for me. Alex. I can't imagine things progressing and then still like that. Yeah. But Alex, what would be your problem, though, knowing that she's-- this is her way of making money. Like if she were doing what you thought was TikTok, and she was just doing modeling on TikTok or whatever, is it the fact that you have in your head that only fans is a dirty place? It's the nudity. I mean, come on. Are you new? Do you have a problem with our nudity? Is there anybody else OK with this for me? Everyone else is OK with this. Well, no, Shann is actually-- I just said, I would agree with you. But wait real quick, I'm sorry. I want to ask just two questions, and then we'll open it up for everybody here. Question number one. Are you newed on it, Lexi? Sometimes, sometimes I am, you know, Brianna. And are we right into the fact that you-- nothing physical happens between you and anybody that is one of your clients on only fans? Absolutely, nothing physical happens between us. Megan, what do you think? I think that it was OK for him to use her body, but when she used it to make money, all of a sudden, it's not OK. Seems like a weird double standard to me, and I don't like it. Alex? Yeah, I mean, if you have a significant other, you don't care if there's any new pictures to somebody else? No, because if you're paying my bills, I'm happy. It's a no. I'm not looking for somebody to pay my bills, though. Kevin, what would you do? And Mike, what would you do? Start with you, Kevin. What would you do if you were dating? I'm going Randy, American Idol. It's a no for me, dog. So you would have a hard time with dating girl. Like, there are certain things in my woman's body, and when I hold sacred, she'd only be for my eyes only. And I don't need that accessible to the world. Mike, what are your thoughts? I mean, I got a lot of student loans. No, absolutely not. No, there's no way. Helena, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning, second date update. Alex has not been calling Lexi back because he found out that she is not only fans. What are your thoughts? Yeah, I think he should have been up in front with her. I don't think it's the reason for him to ghost her. I definitely think that there are people that will support Lexi in that, and I think that's great. But it's obviously not Alex. And he showed us something like, this isn't for me. I wish you the best of luck and kind of want to fight. What if it was just like feet? Because I always hear about people making money off their feet. Would you have a hard time with that, Alex? See, maybe feet would be OK. So if she lied to you and didn't tell you that she was doing what she's doing, I understand. But I think you've got to give her-- and I get-- listen, I totally understand the perspective of Kevin, Mike, and Shannon on this one here. But I kind of sided with Meghan on this. That you had no problem on date number two, going into a room, getting naked with her, and having sex with her. But then when you found out what her occupation was, where she's not touching anybody, like she's touching you, in the fact that you used forthcoming and honest with you, like all of a sudden, now your moral compass changes a little bit. I think if I knew that on the first date, I'd prefer probably. Nobody's dating Kendall Jenner anymore. Nobody's dating her. See, some things you try, some things you buy. Some people you date, some people you marry. There are things you're willing to-- you know what I mean? That's why they have advertisers, and that's why they have Andre. Some things are just different. I don't like that, though, either, saying, I can use you, but I'm not going to get with you. It's not using you. Try it, not buy. And by the way, I don't like the argument of, well, it was OK for him. Well, again, that was between two people, who were maybe going to be developing a relationship with each other. Jill, what are your thoughts? Yeah. Good morning. Well, the fact that he didn't know truly what she was doing online until the next morning doesn't mean he went in knowing that she was doing only fans and still slept with her anyway. Right. He's allowed to not be comfortable with that. Right. OK, that's just not something I want to do. I don't like people that smoke cigarettes. So if I was dating somebody and they pulled out a cigarette, I'd be like, oh, that's not for me. I mean, you're allowed to not be comfortable with something, just because he didn't know fully when he found out. He made his decision. We're all judging Lex. Lexi's only fan, too. And none of us have seen it yet. So if you could just tell it, you're only going to tell your wife, Ally, that this is for research purposes. Research purposes. Robbie, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning, your thoughts. Hey, everybody. How's everybody doing? We're good. What's going on? Hey, it's OK to not be OK with something. But my thing is you went to bed with her. You went without with her. She was honest with you in the beginning. But you have a problem with the sex or anything of that nature. But you were weak. You left the next morning. You knew you weren't coming back. You knew you weren't going to call her. Be a real man about it and stand up and be honest about it. That's really weak of you to do that. You can't even deal with it. It sounds like security. And I don't like the idea that you're right, that he's not-- I get the idea that he has the choice, absolutely. But he should be a gentleman enough to be able to say to her, listen, I'm not doing this instead of-- Well, that's every second date update. Yeah. What's up, James? Hey, what's up, guys? Hey, I'm down for it, man. My ex-girlfriend used to do it, and it was no problem. And what was she doing? Everything. OK. Was she ever-- More than the one that's on the radio now does. Was she sleeping with anybody? No, no, it was just me. But I mean, I helped her run the video camera. I was just in the background. Did you ever make a guest appearance on camera? I have, and it was great. We had tons of money. What do people think of you? Do they like you, or do they say, hey, get that guy out of there? I was an online home, is what they said. Wow. Can I ask a question, though? I didn't care. Who do you want to ask a question to? To all of you guys, because, like, to me, this is like an actress in a movie doing a intimate scene with a partner. They didn't actually have intimate scenes. They might have shown their body parts, but we never said, oh, that actress is un-datable, because she did a nude scene in a movie. So what's the difference here? I mean, I agree. I don't know, because it's like real people engaging with you. So I don't know. Like, there's engagement. Like, I think with a movie, it's on a TV screen, and there's no-- But that's what it is. --there's no communication. It's on a computer screen. I know, but there's communication. Well, you're never going to talk to or tell-- or I don't know how you communicate. Are you communicating with them, or are you just sending them stuff? But they're still asking you for specific things, right? Is that how I understand it? Oh, you're asking me. Yeah, are you actually live-streaming with them, or are you just sending them things? Mine, I'm just sending. I don't see the live-- But they are asking for things. So there is communication. Yeah, sometimes people are asking, yes. I'm in communication with certain people. So there is the potential for there to be other things happening. Whereas an actress in a movie, that's not the case. Hey, will you blow our minds right now and tell us how much money you make a year doing this? I mean, it's good money. It's good money. It pays my life. I don't know that I feel comfortable telling you the exact number, especially if Alex-- Are we talking six figures, plus? Yeah, we're still worried. We are at this point, we are. We're talking good money. I pay for my life. Wow. I'm going to change my answer right now. [LAUGHTER] Why are you getting a call back? So we should go out again. Sure, we'll figure something out. Mojo in the morning, second date, OK? Mojo in the morning. The following is a high five moment from high five I won! Yahoo! Private, put down your phone. This is the army. Sorts, high five casino is a social casino. Done your phone goes wherever you go. I win three spins, cash, prizes, three 10 rewards, over 1,200 games. I won again. Platoon. Present cell phone. High five. High five. Casino. Casino. Win it high five casino. That's home. High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're permitted to play responsibly condition supplies. See website for details. High five casino. I've done something for years that I finally got called out on it by a friend. So, I got invited over to a friend, my buddy Marty's place. And Chelsea and I were invited over. And it was one of those situations where you ever get invited over to somebody's house and you really don't want to go. And you look for every excuse possible to just go. And it's not because you don't want to go to their house. It's just because you don't want to make a commitment to going anywhere because you know that when the day happens, you're going to be like, God, I just want to be at home. You know what I mean? 100%. So, Marty asked me to come over and I asked the question to him that I asked to everybody that ever invites me over. Who's coming? [LAUGHTER] You can't ask that question, can you? I thought I could. Absolutely. And matter of fact, don't you think that you should know who's going to be there before you go over to somebody's house? You kind of know what the audience is going to look like. I like it. I just didn't know you could do that. I do it all the time. And I always ask that question. One of the biggest reasons why I asked that question of who's coming is that I want to know if it's going to be a place that I'm going to actually have fun at. Because there are some people that are quite honest. And you guys, if you don't admit this or you think I'm a jerk for saying this on the radio, you're lying. There are some people you don't want to be around, right? Absolutely. Absolutely. It's just like going to a pilot or going to somebody's house and be like, who made this? Yeah. You know what I mean? And decides whether or not I'm going to put my spoon in. And actually, that might be my next question is what's the food? For me, it's not so much people I don't want to be around. It's more OK. Those two girls will stay up till two in the morning. And I don't want to be roped into that. So that's when I'm usually like, yes. And I look at it as a couple of things. I look at it as the conversation matters when it comes to going to a party. So if I know that the people that are around me have good conversation, then I'm good with it. If I know that the conversation is going to be either boring, it's going to be political. It's going to be somebody asking me questions the entire time about stupid stuff. Like, I sit there and I go, all right, I don't necessarily know if I want to do this. He got highly offended by this whole deal. He actually was really upset by that. He's like, I just can't believe that. I can't believe you don't trust that I actually haven't done it. And I said, well, how do you know that I'm not actually asking you this question because I want to know how many people are going to be there? And he goes, because I know you. It's not has nothing to do with that. It's about who specifically is going to be the people that are going to be invited to this. And what kind of event was it? Because it was like his birthday or something, and it doesn't matter. It was just a random Saturday night, you and Chelsea, come over, let's get together. Which, by the way, nine out of 10 times, if somebody does invite me and say, hey, do you want to get together, I'd rather go to a restaurant, because at least I get an out. And the out is we got to go home or something. Yeah, you don't necessarily know what the end time is going to be with that. I actually think it's a very fair question to ask. You want to be aware of what you're walking into? By the way, is anybody ever done this? Or is anybody ever not gone because of it? Because I have not gone because of that, too. Like, I'll say, who's coming? And they'll tell me, I'll go, oh, crap, I'm looking at my calendar. I really wanted to be there. Or have you ever gone somewhere? Because this just happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I was invited somewhere. And we went, and there were people there that I was like, dang it, if I knew that they were going to be here. Yes. I loved that way. I loved that way. You're allowed to ask. I didn't know you were allowed to ask this. And I've thought it a million times. But now I'm going to start asking. You got to do it. Seriously. What's up, Erica? Hi. Hey, I've done both. I've asked who's all going to be there. And I didn't ask and shown up to places and found out who was there and immediately took my leave. Immediately. Yeah, this is not my kind of people. I should have asked who's all going to be there. And then, like you said, look at your calendar and say, oh, man, let me get back to you and let you know. How did you get up and go? Like, you can't do that within the hour, right? You have to at least stay an hour. Well, fortunately, it was an event. And it was a book making the event. And I'm like, OK, I've got to go visit somebody else. So I want to go. And I just left. Oh, that's good. Or you got to do the whole Irish goodbye. You know that, right? Right. Yeah, just get up. And where's Batman? Oh, my God. Batman left. What's anger in the air and just walk up? Hey, hey, Helena. Hello, Helena. Hi. I always ask if there's going to be any single men there, because then I'll depend on how dressed up I'm going to get, and how much I've ever-- And you like that. It's smart. Have you ever had them not tell you that there were going to be single men there, and you didn't dress yourself up enough? Yes, most definitely. Were you pissed? A little bit, but then I was just like that. I'm just going to buy them. I'm just going to hang out, and I'll be fine. Now, that's a good question to ask. What's the dress? I actually have-- I've had it before where I've said, hey, can we dress down? Is this casual and stuff? And I had a friend of mine one time say, no, I'd like us all to dress up. I'm like, we're going to be sitting in your kitchen, probably. You know how parties, Midwest parties, are always around the island in the kitchen? What's up, Heather? Good morning. I love you guys. Oh, we love you, too. We love you, too. So I do the same thing to my sister. She knows me. Does the whole scene of the family events and stuff like that? I asked her who's going to be there because my brother-in-law, sister and mother, they-- I feel like they're like a soccer type, where they're sitting at the other side of the room, staring at you. Don't conversation anybody. But they'll just sit there and look at you. It's kind of creepy. It's weird. Yeah, it's like, what if I have something on my face or something? Isn't it weird when you have friends that will invite-- and this, of course, is relative-- when they have people that cannot have a conversation. And I've got to sit next to them. And so we have these friends of ours that like to do these dinner parties. And I'm going to tell you something. They're 40-year-old people. Dinner parties are meant for old people. Not that 40 is young. But tell me to say this, too. But I'm saying this. 40-year-old people don't dinner party. 60-year-old people dinner party. What are you talking about? I don't-- where we sit at a dinner table and they bring out, like, courses of meals and stuff. I don't want that. I want a buffet set up on your kitchen counter or on your stove. And let me go make my own plate. I don't want plated food. Where are you going that you're getting served at somebody's house? So we have these friends of ours, and I'm not going to say their names. But they do this whole thing. And they drink wine and their stuff. OK, I have real wine. And if you come to my house, you're not-- But I want to make my own wine. What do you believe in? Just capturing lots of wine. Are you 30 people coarse? Chelsea is friends with these guys. She made friends with them somewhere. I have no idea. And honestly, it's annoying as hell. Like, I'm sitting there the entire time, and all I want to do is just get up and go. They thought about what would pair well with a meal to make the experience even better. I am a radio DJ. Does anybody understand that? OK, question-- is Mojo going to be at the party? [LAUGHTER] I think they honestly invite me just so they can see my awkwardness on my face when I get to sit there. Hold on. Danielle, what's up? Good morning, everyone. Good morning. You guys, it's a day. I think that's rude when you're invited somewhere. And you ask, oh, who's going to be there? If I'm inviting you-- when I'm inviting you, give me the courtesy or coming. Or maybe you're the one that the other guests are reluctant to be around. Oh, hey, Danielle. You know? Yes. I am-- first off, I am a peach. Listen to me. I haven't heard of myself as a peach, but I'm a peach. Danielle, don't you think that I matter too? Like, I have a say so in this. I don't care who's throwing the party. OK, so I'm the host. And you should love me as the host. So, oh, Danielle's having a party. We love Danielle. Doesn't matter who's going to be there because it's for Danielle. So, Danielle's calling a group of people together, hey, just if it's someone you think is going to be there, they're, oh my god, I don't think that I'm going to be able to get along or get through this. There are other people in the circle. I'm going to ask that question. That's very rude. If they say, Danielle's there, I'm not going on. Listen, I don't think she's wrong. I think she's actually really right, but I'm still going to ask. Right? I'll be rude. Danielle, Danielle, when you have friends like my friends, you have to ask. Well, again, I have a very small circle, and I just think that that it's rude, that you should understand me. Everyone loves me, so I'm sorry if it's wrong. Hold on, no, no, Chantay doesn't love you. What do you want to say, Chantay to Danielle? Hey, what is he talking about? First off, good morning, everybody. Good morning. I've been listening to you guys, and I was like, little, I swear, and I have not stopped listening. But I just want to say this, what is he talking about? Just because her friends love her, doesn't mean that her friends like everybody like her. Like, it's nothing wrong to say, hey, Danielle, or, hey, Mojo, who's coming? Like, what? Danielle says it's rude all the time. Danielle? No, it's not rude. It's not rude again. What is it going to, you know, what is your head on the blow-off? OK, come, spend 10 minutes. Oh, hey, thank you for inviting me. And I'm going to leave. That's cool. This is when I awkwardly pop in. This is when I awkwardly pop in. Hey, guys, I'm going to take off. I'm actually having a party, and I'm inviting Danielle and Chantay to be there. I definitely want to come. And we're all going to-- and I'm going to put them right next to each other. [LAUGHTER] Wait a minute. Email me first. I'm going to ask that she's going to be there. [LAUGHTER] Mojo on the morning show. Good to have you guys listening to us. Phone numbers, 844-Mojo live, 844-665-6548. Text is 95500, so here's the story. If you text, know that we will call you up, because we want to get you on the radio with us. And please tell us if you've never been on the radio with us before, because we'd love to put you in our first time long time club. So again, phone number 844-665-6548, text 95500. We got KP here with us this morning, because KP has had some things come up in her apartment that she lives in. The last that we talked to you, you have loud baking cookies neighbors. Yes, a lot of intimate noises around my particular unit. And I posted that video on our Mojo Morning Instagram so that everybody could hear what I was experiencing all night. This was not-- if you missed it, this was not like a little bit of moaning or like a headboard hitting the wall. This was like-- Like I was in the room with them. Yeah, it was really loud. It was like VR. I was like, wow, yeah, this is not what I signed up for. So recently, I get through the night. I go to sleep, take my melatonin, whatever. But I got an email the other day that told me that I was being disruptive on my floor. And I'm like-- Oh. Suddenly, I'm-- hold on, let me read that again. Me? I'm being disruptive. And I read it like, I'm-- What? It said that I was-- just need to control the levels of my music. Oh. Yeah. And I just-- I have one quick question for everybody on the show. Yes. You're allowed to bang all night, but I can't play music during the day? That's ridiculous. Wait, it was during the day that they complained about? Yes. How loud are you playing? I mean, is it abnormal? I am kind of deaf, but I don't think that I'm playing it at an unreasonable level. Sure. I'm not like, you know, like scream-o through the halls. Right. And also, the floors are the floors. Like, the walls are pretty thin. So everybody, if you're in the hall, you can hear what's going on inside everybody's room. Or, you know, apartment, TV on, zoom call, whatever. What's the neighbors like? Like, is it young? Is it old? Is it-- It's an age range. It's probably 30s, I would say. Kids? No kids? No kids. Obviously, whoever's been banging-- I don't know. They probably don't have kids, do they? Or they're making kids? Nobody has kids from what I see here that's all young adults. But to be finite. To be fair, would we want to be listening to KP's music really loud? I mean, honestly. [LAUGHTER] I mean, come on. I think that's really what I mean. You complain, too, when you do-- They don't want to hear that. Yeah. [LAUGHTER] They'd rather hear the banging. Yeah. Like, disruptive. This is horribly disruptive. [MUSIC PLAYING] A quick question on your neighbors with the sector. Did you call and complain about them? Or did you just talk about it on the radio? No, I didn't. I was not going to be a snitch. But as soon as somebody snitches on me, you better bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to snitch on you. Because that's what I'm trying to think is-- [LAUGHTER] You bet your bottom dollar. Do you owe it as a-- [LAUGHTER] --80 on the other side. [LAUGHTER] I said back. I actually said you guys a picture in the group chat. I said, oh, maybe I should read it. I said to them, wow, this is tough, because I do try to be pretty respectful of everybody on the floor. So this is tough news to hear. But I will say the floor is pretty loud with intimate noises to my left and screaming fights to my right. So I'm not naming the particular apartment number, but do the math if I'm this number. Oh, so you actually did-- so you're the kid in school that you got in trouble for something and said, well, what about him? [LAUGHTER] If I'm going down, we're all going down. I didn't point your fingers, but I did mention which walls the noises were coming from. Do you believe that those were the people that were the ones complaining? I don't know, probably. Because that's interesting that they would-- those neighbors, the loud neighbors, would be complaining. Maybe you needed to play, like, I don't know. You've got to fit the mood. You can't just-- This is how KP and I are opposites. I'm so afraid of disturbing my neighbors that I listen to everything on my phone in my AirPods. Do you really? No, I don't. Horrible, you're going to ruin your hearing because of your neighbors. I care about my neighbors. I really do, but you've got to be reasonable. What's the worst neighbor, Ick? Is it the music? Is it the sex? The food smells? I was going to say smells. Smells realistic. Yeah, I think, like, like, pounding on the floor. I think that's, like, if somebody is above you and they walk really hard on the floor. Smells like you can't get away from. Because even if you leave, like, if someone's having sex, it sucks if it's in the middle of the night, but, like, OK, you technically could, like, put something on to drown out the noise early. The smell, it in your sweatshirts. So Joe just moved to a new apartment because he had flooding in his apartment. If you follow my son on his thing, he had-- so they let him out of his deal. They moved to a whole new apartment. Guess where he moved next to again? No, another Indian family. No. And I said, dude, Joey, go. I go, you know, is it as bad as the Farmington Hills apartment that you lived in? Because he lived right down the street from the studio's hair. And he goes, dad, it might be worse. No, and he had to move out of that apartment. He ended up having to buy, or his mom probably bought it for him. Who knows? She just didn't tell me some kind of an air-purifying system that pumps out-- like, you know how you go in hotels and they have those things? That pumps out, like, you know-- What is it with the men in your family and food smells? Because my pico de gallo makes you want to throw up. Listen. That is so-- I haven't started even thinking y'all got sensitive noses. Yeah, that could be. No, well, his place in Farmington was the only place I smelled. And that was, like, that apartment complex. It was so bad he had to get rid of his furniture because the curry smell was so bad in his furniture. But I love, by the way, Indian food. If somebody wants to make me any butter chicken, I'll take it. What's going on in Amanda? Hey, so I'm a property manager. And KP needs to actually call up to the office and explain that it's not her or making all that noise. But it's her neighbors, because most likely it's probably someone that complained about the sex as well. But because as a property manager, you don't really want to talk about delicate subjects like that. So sometimes we'll just say, oh, you're disrupting them with your music. But really, it's other things that they're disrupting them. It's probably not your music. So they probably think that I'm getting some, right? Maybe, I mean, which would be nice, right? But at the end of the day, you don't want it in your file as a leaf violation, because if you get more than three of them, they can get out. Hey, we were just asking that question about what's the more annoying thing? As a property manager, which one do you get the most complaints about? Oh, God. People will say, you know, the craziest thing. But I feel like we get the most complaints over people playing loud music or banging on their, like, walking too hard. Because we all said smells were the worst, but that-- Oh, yeah. Yeah, that can be worse, especially if they're using any type of crazy spices. And, you know, if that is offensive to some people. So, yeah, smells can be really bad. Thank you for the call. That's a good tip, though, to have-- what's up, Mercedes? Hey, I was just thinking, it's probably the people that are staying up all night doing it, that are trying to sleep there in the day, that are calling complaining about our music. You know what? You're probably right. Could you imagine those-- if those people have the-- you know, the gall to do that, and to call and complain about KP when they're the ones that are keeping her up all night? Exactly. You know, I do think it's the person to my left, because back when-- Is that the sex person or no? Yes, it is the sex person. OK. Back when I was seeing hot neighbor, the beginning of the year-- or was it last-- what was it? Yeah, of course. He was friends with him, and had said to me that he would complain about my music, and how I play country music all the time. So I have a feeling that that is what it is. For sure. Retallating. Interesting. What are we listening to, by the way? What is our-- are you an older man? I am actually. What are you-- What am I listening to right now? Country or with this music? No, country-wide. What's your playlist? What's the playlist that got you in trouble? Trey Song's neighbor knows my name. No. She's got-- it's all country. I'm actually listening to the top 20 countdown on the TV, so that's probably what it is. The top 20 countdown. Yeah, so I've watched the music video, and I'm so old. Hey. ACB jams. All right. Well, take some advice from those listeners on what you need to do. Complain. You're going to have to come over, and we'll just really make some noise today. Actually, you know what we should do? That would be so fun. No, let's set up a station remote in the parking lot. [LAUGHTER] Let's have the station-- Lester in the station van. Oh, my gosh. Kev? Yo. I always ask you this question, and I never know what the answer is. But I'll ask you about Shirel, who I want to give a title to. I used to call her Shirel, your fiance, because when you and I first met, you would talk about her, and you sometimes would say, she's my fiance. Sometimes you'd say, she's my wife. Sometimes you would say, she's my girlfriend. Sometimes you'd say, she's the mother of my future baby. And then I'd go, what the hell is she? Are you guys engaged? I guess not in the traditional sense. But wait, what is the traditional, non-traditional sense? No, is there-- You know exactly what that is. No, I don't. So there's no rings. Have I proposed? Is there a ring? No. Traditional sense. But you know you're going to get married. But hold on. I call her my future wife. She saved in my phone as the one. OK. That's what I refer to her as. I get the idea that she saved as the one, but you cannot call her your fiance. You can't call her-- you can't call her your fiance. I think you've said that. I don't think I've said that. Honestly, how's your answer? I actually thought she was your fiance when you first started. Did I say she was my fiance? That's the question. You said my future wife, which means that it implies that you're engaged to. I think that's what it was. Because you kept saying my future wife. So I just assumed you were engaged. I get it. I get it. But you can't do-- I'm sorry. You cannot do the-- we're going to get engaged, saying. Because you know what you look like when you do it. And I know where your heart is. Because you have a beautiful heart. But you look like the guy that's putting off the idea of buying a ring. Because he doesn't want to do it. Do I say when you do it? Look, wait. As long as you do a promise ring, I'll be fine. So I can see that face of yours. Look like a promise ring. Big no on the promise ring. No, I'm not that guy. But here's the thing. OK. And I'm not putting you on the spot. I'm not asking you-- I live in a spotlight, baby. It's nothing. I'm not asking you to come up with a definition. I'm just saying it's time for you to wife up. I feel you for sure, for sure. For sure. Well, since you're on the conversation, obviously I know that Sheryl is all of those adjectives that we used earlier. All those things to describe her and what she means to me and how I know and believe that God sent me this beautiful woman to complete me. And through all of this, I've been thinking about the best way to propose to her. And yeah, we have three incredibly-- well, two incredibly married people, you're engaged. You're about to be the third incredibly married person on this show. And I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to propose. And yesterday, I think it was in the dirty, he talked about the guy who worked for the airline. And he came out of the bathroom and proposed in front of all of these people. No, his girlfriend-- Oh, she did it. They were on the flight. She came out of the lavatory and he was unwinding. They were just passengers going on vacation or something. So I want to know, first, I want to know, how did you guys propose to your girls? Shannon, how did West propose to you? Do people actually like-- Oh, you saw Shannon? You see Shannon's proposal for God's sake. Shannon's proposal is on the cover of a magazine. Yeah, world-wise. Wasn't in Paris, right? Yeah, OK, yeah, that's one way to go. It is, Kevin, it is one of those things where I think that in this day and age, you've got to make it-- That's spectacle. You had your gender reveal, like, really, really special gender reveal done in a very public setting with your friends and family. If you don't have-- if you don't top the gender reveal, you're in bad shape, Al. You better do something. Shannon got proposed to in Paris. You better be doing this thing on the moon. What did you do for Chelsea? I did a bar gig at a place called the Pacific Beach Club, where I was the host of the Friday night dance party. And we came back to my apartment after a night of having fun. We were laying on the floor, where I only had two pieces of furniture. My sister Pat's love seat that she let me take with me to Arizona. And a TV tray we bought from Walmart. We were watching TV, laying on the floor. And I realized that Chelsea had already been wearing my ring well before I had even proposed to her. And so I rolled over while a song was playing on the radio, and I just said, you know what, let's just get engaged. Here you go. And that was it. And look at us. Let's just get engaged. Is that the most roomed store you've ever been? I know. By the way, just so you know, just so you know, I never referred to her, though, as the wife, or my future, the one. I didn't do any of that stuff beforehand. I just said, this is Chelsea, my girlfriend. You said it like you were about to heat up pizza roll. Honestly, we might have. So are you saying that-- Wait, wait, Mike, what did you do? Oh, Mike's was so sweet. Oh, Mike's great one. Here, I'm going to send it to. But so I waited a long time to do. I waited like eight years. And it was definitely time. And I kind of pushed it and kind of pushed it off for probably like six months and made her believe that we would never-- not never, but we were just-- we weren't ready. And so I used to do this thing called-- before that James Gordon did the car show, karaoke, or whatever you called that. I used to do videos from the car, and I would sing-- we'd do videos with it, and we'd sing songs to it, and then I'd post it on the website. So we finally got a date night. And I take her out, and I go, hold on. We got to shoot one of these videos. And Ali gets the business. She gets that sometimes I got to do videos. I got to do all this stuff. So she's like, OK, let's do it. So we set up the phone and the car dash. And pre-that, I had recorded an entire proposal, eight-minute proposal for the eight years that it took us to get to this point. And it's like this eight minutes of me explaining how she's the one. I have clips of our daughter saying, where are the eggulars? She was like three or four at the time. I have a mash-up that I made of two songs that separately don't make any sense as a love song. But you put them together, and they're like this beautiful love song. And I explain everything in that moment, and it was just raw. I didn't cut it. I didn't chop it up. I didn't do anything. And I'm like crying during the whole thing. And she's surprised. She has no idea this is what's happening. And this is all airing on the radio. Our families are listening in different cars waiting for this moment. And then it goes into the song that we were going to dance to as I asked her to marry me. Our first dance was Ed Sheeran's Perfect. And it was all on the radio, too, wasn't it? Or no? Yeah. So that's all airing on the radio while we're sitting in the car. So that's a public proposal. That's a public proposal. Yeah. Are you a public proposal, kind of a guy, Kev? Well, see, here's the thing. I don't think it matters what I like. I think it matters more when she's comfortable with it. Yeah. What about Cheryla? Is she a public proposal? She's extra. She likes the spectacle. But I don't know if that's the spectacle she's looking for. Yeah. Like, I'm sure she wants family and friends around. But I don't know if she wants it half time at, you know, Little C's Arena, like-- We'll say this, though. Like, Ally isn't that way either, necessarily. And then just to catch her off guard like that, it makes the moment a little bit more special for her. Don't because she's not expecting that. You know what I mean? A public spectacle would be my literal worst nightmare. You would not like that at all. Yeah. Don't you think that the proposal needs to be between the two and then afterwards you celebrate with everybody? I'm OK with like family and friends around. But like, I would-- I remember the trendy flash mob proposals. Yes. Literally, I would walk away and sing and try again. I would never-- Listen to Natalie's. This might be a good one because people see you a lot on that big screen. What's going on, Natalie? Hey, yeah. So I actually was hanging out with my-- at the time, not Mr. Law about future sister law, I guess. And we went to dinner and then we went to movies. And so we're going to see Captain Philip. And the trailers are playing before, like the previews. And sure enough, a preview pops up. And like, I noticed that guy's shoes. And he's like walking into a jewelry store. And finally, he picks out the ring. And then next thing I know, like, he goes-- he's driving. And he goes to my parents' house. And he asked my dad's hand in marriage. And this is all on the big screen. And at this point, I was dying. I was like, is this real life? And then when he had showed him on the trailer, like, coming into the movie theater. And then he literally starts walking in the theater. And people are screaming in the theater and stuff. And I was like, is this a real movie? Like, what is this? And he was like, after he proposed it, I said, yes. He was like, yeah, like, we probably should go. Like, there's really going to be a movie playing. Wow. Is that amazing, Kevin? You could get Anthony to do that over at the imagine. I've been thinking about this the whole time. Chirral's listening right now, so I'm probably going to do that. Chirral-- well, let's call it. Can we call Chirral and ask Chirral what she would want? Yeah, I'll give it a number. I think the-- here's what I would want for Chirral. I would want for Chirral to-- what's her favorite city in the world? Does she have a favorite city? I'm not-- see, I'm not going to say too much. Because I got something in my mind. I want her to fly somewhere special. I want you to take her somewhere special. Can you tell me after this time? Yeah, I'll tell you, OK. But she sucks me right now. She's listening. Oh, really? OK, there's the difference between color. There's a difference between public, like, in front of a crowd of people, and then public, like, sharing it with people after the fact. You know what I mean? Or having a friend of mine, his name's Ashton Henderson. Big shout out to Ashton. He invited us, Chirral and I, it's his proposal. He had it at a wonderful restaurant downtown, where everyone went downstairs into, like, this party bar type of area. He was upstairs, you know, proposed to his wife while they were having dinner. And then they were able to have that moment to themselves and then come down and celebrate with everyone that they love. Yeah. That was kind of cool. Like that. I love that you already have this great idea. Yeah, I got to tell you. OK. But what the hell are you waiting for? Huh? Yeah. Hello. Hey, baby. Right, Chirral, Chirral. I'm waiting for him to say something. I'm like, hey, hey, baby, how are you? It's me, Kevin knows. Not Kevin. Hit me if I ever call myself, Kevin knows. Hi, Chirral. Hello. Chirral, we're talking about you. Have you been listening? I have. And we're wondering what kind of a girl. Oh, Josiah is with him. Yeah. We're wondering, what do you and Josiah want for a proposal? What kind of a proposal would you want? Because I get tired of this guy calling you his all everything. I want him to-- let's go. Come on. Yeah. Put no pressure on him. I am. So although I am a very extra person, as you can see from the gender reveal, I actually want my proposal to be extremely intimate, just because when all of the lights and all of the celebration ends, it'll just be Kevin and I. So I wanted to enter in an intimate space. Obviously, I want to celebrate with my family and friends afterwards. See, I knew that about you. It has to be-- first off, it's never just you and Kevin anyway, because obviously you got big families, but also you have Josiah. And this would be an opportunity for the two of you guys to gather, right? Yeah. So I got to teach this guy. How about on the floor of your unfurnished apartment that Chelsea and I had? Wait, how did you ask her? I rolled over and I said, since you're wearing the ring, why don't we just get engaged? How would that work, Cheryl? I think that is a extremely romantic, obviously. Do you know the funny thing about it was? Cheryl, you know Chelsea. Chelsea was wearing the ring for weeks, if not over a month, to school every day with her friends. She was going-- and she's wearing-- and all the girls thought we were already were engaged, because she was loving the ring so much. Yeah, she get what she wants, but she already knew it's coming. It's funny. All right. Love you, baby. I see you. Why don't you propose to her right now? [LAUGHTER] I think you would work, baby. Come on. Come on. Love you, Joe. All right, goodbye, y'all. We'll call Vince Lucido and see if we can get ourselves a ring for this one. She's your boss. Josiah. You there? Hi, Josiah. Hi, Josiah. Bye. What's happening? Nothing much. Josiah, by the way, might be the best-looking kid I've ever seen in my life, and that includes my three kids. He is. He's got swag, man. Yeah. I think I'm going to bring him on Friday. Oh, that's cool. Hey, Josiah, a quick question for you. Who is Shirel? She is your dad's blank. If we're playing-- if we're playing the game of match game, girlfriend. OK. All right. Will you tell your dad that he needs to make that a little different? I've said that. Does he always be saying that that's going to be his future life? And no, I do respect that, but I always tell him, you've got to be consistent. [LAUGHTER] I love you. Josiah, I love you. Josiah is great. By the way, you're going to be a future whatever you want to be, but maybe we've got to give Josiah to have-- Jos, how about Josiah and Cecily in the morning? Those two guys long to show together. They'll be so amazing. All right, guys. You guys take care of yourself. Bye, Shirel. Bye. Bye. Bye. I'm Ojo in the morning show. I can't say who this person is, because he will get me in trouble, but it's an acquaintance, I will say. And everybody has tried to figure out who it is, and if you want to figure it out, go to our social media right now, and you'll go to our Facebook. And you'll actually witness it for yourself, OK? So you'll have to scrounge through it. I have an acquaintance who is doing something that I consider a foul. It's a social media foul. If I had a whistle right now, I would blow it, and I would call a foul on them. They will write a comment on my both personal and our professional Facebooks, which is Mojo in the morning on the professional one. And after they write the comment, they like the comment that they wrote. I'm sorry. Give me a whistle, does anybody know how to whistle? Foul. Yeah, can I do a little one? I just want to do that for you. Yeah, go on. That's the dinner. Yeah, give me the whistle, and I'm going to foul on number 35. Loose ball, foul. Excessive liking. You cannot do that. You cannot write on somebody's page and like your own thing. And I try to go like that. It doesn't happen that way. Everyone can do it. And I don't know if this happens to you or if you ever see this, but this is something you can't do. There's certain things you cannot do on social media. And this is a person, by the way. I just want you to know this. This is a person that is cool. They're like 34, 35 years old. They run a major marketing company. They have a big company. And they like their own things. I think that's the reason. That's exactly the reason. That's what I was going to say. He knows the algorithm. He knows the insights. Yeah. I don't care. It'll help. It's a faux pas. I agree with you, but he's doing it on purpose for sure. No, go viral another way. Yes. You look honestly, I hate to say this because this person is spending money. But I hate to say this. Oh, I want to know who it is. Write it down right now. But you look like a douchebag. douchebag. I'm telling you, that's what it is. douchebag. Right. You can't do that. How are you supposed to love anyone else if you don't love yourself? What's going on, Kimberly? How are you? Good morning. How are you guys? We're good. What's happening? I have a co-worker who likes all of their own status. Their reacts to them, haha, and that sort of thing. You can't do it? All the time. Do you tell them that? It's so weird. I'm sorry that-- No, I don't have that hard to tell them. I feel bad even having to bring this up right now. But I can't tell them face to face or in a text message. You're just hoping it gets through. I'm just hoping that-- Right. Maybe they'll be listening. Yeah. You should clip this and post it and maybe he'll like it. Can we make this? Can we do-- KP is the most awesome social media person ever. KP, can you do lessons in social media for people? My buddy Al Zara, I saw Al the other day. OK? Al Zara owns Geek Squad, which is a very incredible company. If you're looking for anybody for your business to run any of your-- make a website for you to do your social media, to come up with a marketing plan, these guys are freaking awesome. Basically, it's everybody that uses the work here. Well, do I hit the ding? Yeah, give me a little ding. Ding, sorry. But Al Zara needs to tell this guy to stop liking his own stuff. Here's the thing. I'll be lying if I said here and didn't say that I've done it before. Oh, how dare you? I posted-- I don't know which picture it was or-- Oh. It was a caption. It's just in. It was me. I posted some fire content before and just scrolling through my line, and I was like, cab no, it's way. Cab doesn't know. I've done it. I've done it. If you have to hype yourself up, then I feel like it's not that hype. But look, it's not about me hyping myself up. If I see something that I like, I just like you. Just so you know. You just happen to come from me. I'm like, what time you look at the mirror? You're like, like-- So you never walk by the mirror and say, am I look good? Absolutely not. All right, that's this. And you know what? And you know how embarrassing when somebody else catches you catching or checking yourself out. It's basically what it looks like on social media. It's almost like the people who use themselves as their own phone wallpaper. Oh, yeah, you can't do it. It's right to do. All right, let's open it up to all those. All those things here. You cannot do that. Not me liking. By the way, Cav, you know this firsthand because you are the announcer of announcers. You do the in stadium announcing for the Detroit Pistons, as well as Michigan State football and basketball. You can't say, make some noise, and then start screaming in the microphone. [LAUGHTER] What do you mean, some noise? [SCREAMS] Ladies and gentlemen-- Ladies and gentlemen, you can't say, ladies and gentlemen, now coming to the stage. Cav. Yeah, that can't happen. So we don't know how to hype ourselves up. OK, OK, I feel like we all did this on Friday night at the Daddy Daughter Dance. And maybe it's just like involuntary, I don't know. But I think it was either Mojo or Boji, who was DJing. Said, give it up for the Mojo in the morning show, and we all were walking on stage. Yeah. [CHEERING] Yeah, just clap. And it is weird. What's-- Every sports game. Every sports, every athlete, you have to pump yourself up. It's how you get ready for the game. Grab a Michael Jordan and say, now coming out. It's six foot seven. Michael Jordan from North Carolina. What's going on, Jody, what's happening? OK, my mother's the worst. She lives in Kentucky. I'm here in Ohio. And she not only likes her own stuff, but she clicks on everything. And she's calling me all the time saying, "Jody, I see them hacked again all the time." Well, that serves her right, getting hacked. She's not allowed to do that. She's going to be 73 years old in a couple of days. And she clicks on everything. See, Kevin, this is who does stuff like this. It's the old people that get themselves caught in the little scams. He probably has donated money to some person in another country that was selling crypto. What's up, Rachel? Hey, good morning, everybody. Good morning, Rachel. I mean, this is hilarious. So I'm calling about people liking their own pumps. I have an older brother who likes, loves, laughs, and his own pumps all the time. Me and my cousin, we make a joke about it. This recently, he posted a picture of himself while he changed his profile picture. He loved the picture and then commented on it, period. (all laughing) What's his name? Let's shout him out right now. His name is The Shine Thomas on Facebook. (all laughing) Like, I don't care, I'm putting him on. I'm texting him now. Like, I'm putting you on blast on 95.5. (all laughing) Period. (all laughing) Stop doing it! We should all, by the way, become friends with The Shine Thomas. And then we should go to his thing and start liking what he likes. If you do, 'cause he never gets more than 10 likes on any pump. All right. So he just likes and loves his own stuff. And it is hilarious to us. Hold on, I'm looking them up right now. Is it dush? (all laughing) Yeah, spell it out, spell it out for me. D-E, capital S-A-W-N. For a guy that only gets 10 likes, we need to blow it up. Yeah, hold on. I'm looking at him right now. The Shine Thomas lives in Detroit. Is his profile like, what is this thing? Is it a- He's on a season. He probably got on like a bunch of juries. Darts, kids, faucets. No. He probably got like a screw down or something. All right. I'm finding him right now. We're giving him some love right now for you, okay? Okay. Thank you. All right. We love you guys. Love you, man. Take care of yourself. Oh my God. That's great. Let's see how many he gets today. What's happening, Kelly? Hi. Hi. My boyfriend will be scrolling through Facebook and then he'll like make comment made it. He'll be like, do you see that really funny pose? And then it'll be his own pose. I mean, he's like, did you see how many likes and laughs? I got it. (all laughing) But I'm having a competition with yourself. You know what though? What does he say? I don't know. What does he do for a living? 'Cause we may have a job for him someday. There might be like an internship or something here at the radio station. He is very comical. Don't give me wrong. Okay. All right. Your statuses don't count as your comedy if you're laughing at your own set. Okay. That's true. That's another one I was going to bring up too. I do that. I laugh at my own jokes, which I realize is kind of the same thing now. Like you probably shouldn't laugh at your own joke, but do you laugh funny, then? Do you laugh at your own jokes because you genuinely make yourself laugh? Or because you're hoping others will laugh along with you? A little kalame, a little kalame, all right. See that? Then it's okay. Like it. Like us on Facebook. It will love you in real life. Look like Mojo in the morning. Mojo in the morning show, Mojo in Shannon, Megan, and Mike, Kevin, KP, Lydia, Zach. Thank you guys for being with us. We appreciate you so much. We're on three great radio stations, channel 955 in Detroit, 104.5 SNX in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and 92.5 KISS FM in Toledo, and of course on the iHeartRadio app. Shannon, congrats again to Wes on his accomplishment of running that marathon, the Free Press marathon and doing it with his brother-in-law who is battling cancer, man. What a beast that guy is for being able to do cancer treatments and fight in that battle and then run a marathon. You can't even see me run to the bathroom when I got to go to the bathroom really bad during a commercial break. Yeah. Incredible. It was cool. But yeah, I mean this, it's so funny because Wes is, we're talking about him like completing a marathon and at the same time he's wiping butts in my house now. Wiping butts. This is something I wonder if, and I'm sure it happens, but especially with second marriages, you've reached a stage in parenthood or at least Wes thought he had because he has a son who is a junior in high school. He has a daughter who's a freshman in high school. So he thought he was well past certain stages of being a parent, right? And now all of a sudden, my six-year-old son, who, by the way, yes, can wipe his own butt and he doesn't, when he's at school, I'm sure. But for whatever reason, when he's home, I'm usually the one and he's going, number two, he wants somebody in the bathroom with him to keep him company and talk to him while he's pooping and then you have to wipe. And all of a sudden, Wes is the chosen one. And so Wes is like, I now have a son who's about to graduate from high school and I'm about to have a stepson who I'm still wiping his butt. It's like somebody hit the rewind button so hard and now I'm reliving this stage of life all over again. Does it make it feel like young? Probably not. Probably makes it feel fast and older. I have to be honest with you, that's a very awesome thing that he's doing because I've only experienced like, I guess my nieces and nephews and stuff like that where, I wouldn't even wipe their butt unless they were a baby. I'd be like, hey, try to do your best you can, kid, and then walk around with itchy butt the rest of the day. Oh, gross. Yeah. But it is such an interesting thing for both of us because he's dealing with little ones again, which he's already gone through that phase. I'm dealing with teenagers. I have no idea what I'm doing. 14 and 16. Okay. So, yeah, I mean, he's at that stage now where he's teaching them how to drive and they're driving. They're driving. Yeah. Well, his son is driving. Yeah. And now, you know, you are back at kindergarten, because Smith is in kindergarten and he's helping him write as M-I-T, that's not a T, that's not a T, got to write a T, like we're back at that stage. Not the word I thought you were going to spell. Oh. Yeah. That's age. To your point. It's different. Exactly. Explaining what's, he's wiping for Smith is when he's, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, you're good. Shannon's point. It's interesting for the both of you, like you've never dealt with teenagers before and now he's restarted. So both of you are going through a crazy transition. Yeah. Can you imagine if his daughter needs you to wipe her butt now? I mean, that would be. I would really hope that never happens, but if she needed it, I would do it. So what do you think is easier, him kind of going back to the kid stage or you trying to take on the teenager stage? His kids are really good. So it's easy for me right now. I just kind of like, somebody said this to me one time. I kind of wear beige and shut up like I blend in and I, I'm on the sidelines and I wait for him to throw me in as needed, right? Because obviously their mom is very involved. She's wonderful and West is very involved. So I, I, you know, I don't know with teenagers because with my kids, I'm always, they always need something. I'm always around. I'm constantly with them. Any parent who has a nine year old and six year old, you know, like they, they crave your attention. They want your attention. They always need something you're, you're on duty 24 seven and with teenagers, I'm trying so hard. Like even yesterday we got home from the marathon and his daughter just wanted to lay and be on her phone and I kept texting her from another room and I'm like, are you okay? Do you know anything? You want to see me? Yeah. And finally I was like, I just have to leave her alone because I would think he has experience with little ones, which might make it easier than going into something that you've never had experience with. Right. Yeah. I would lose my freaking mind. I would do it all over again. Oh my God. I mean, this is like parents who have kids in high school, middle school. And then all of a sudden whoops, that vasectomy didn't work. We're pregnant again. And they're starting all over. Wes is younger than I am. So Wes is what? 10 years or so younger than I am. And I, you know, I'm 53 years old guys at this point right now. The only ass I'm white is is if God forbid Chelsea gets sick one day and I have to, you know what I mean? And like I would do it. But mine is it. Like I have enough ass to wipe. I like, I don't need other. I got asked for the both of us. Like even when I was sick and had that aneurysm operated on my heart aneurysm, I made Chelsea go out and get like one of those connections to our toilet to put a bidet on because I was like, you ain't wiping my ass. I mean, you barely enough want to bake cookies. I don't want you. You'll never bake cookies once you see what my my butt looks like. I know. Is the day a game changer? It's a game changer. Mike, I'm going to say this to you. A bidet. A bidet. I think it's a bidet. No, but I might have said that. If Smith experienced a bidet, he would never have Wes wipe his booty again. It were away. You can also wipe his own boot. Like this part that's blowing. Yeah. I'm like a West. Just say no. No, just say no. Well, I'll be honest with you. It's funny because I was thinking to myself the whole time. Is this unusual that Smith doesn't wipe his own booty? He does. He does. But like he has Wes wrapped around his finger. It's all he wants. Yeah. That is not the right. I know. I was like, look. Some people have their step. After he watches his hand. To stepfather. Go outside and play baseball with him, you know. Wes has got to wipe his. Yeah. His tush. Tushie. I will say this to you about about going through the whole process again and in doing this whole thing. I've got friends of mine. I've got a lot of friends of mine that are my age that have married women younger and they have had kids and I laugh hysterically when they have to do this all over again. And they tell me like it, you know, you think after when I was a dad and have been a dad, you know, since I was twenty five years old. Yeah. When you're fifty three or Wes is forty what to forty one. He's forty three. Forty three. You're forty three years old. I can't remember. He's on the phone. Yeah. That's why. Wes. I mean, remember all the energy you had as a dad when your kids were younger and you were younger too. Now you got to do it all over again. Was it is that more of a feat than running a marathon? I'm getting old. Man, I'm getting old. This is what it was. What is. And by the way, I love you. Hi. You're a liar. What do you mean? You said that something something about Smith being able to wipe his own butt. Yeah. Yeah. The only reason he makes people wipe his butt is because you go in there and hang out with him and he makes you sit there. I know. I know. But he makes you just sit there and talk to him while he's dutying. Yeah. Well, think about it. You're on your phone the whole time while you're dutying. No, I know. I love that. I'm gonna start doing that. He can't read yet. I'm gonna start doing that West with Chan and when I have to go duty at the radio station, I'm like, "Shan, stand outside and stall and talk to me. I get lonely in there." Wesley. That's funny. But so, so Wes, is it, was it weird at first? You know, because here's, you know, you're trying to get the kids to like you. And boy, oh boy, talk about a moment to get them to like you. You got to go wipe his, you know, his poop, poop out weird. 'Cause I can't help but they, I mean, they have teenagers and then all of a sudden that this little guy is cute and he's like, "Hey, wipe my, wipe my, wipe my, my." I can't do that. Seen him big daddy. I wiped my own head. Yeah. Yep. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I saw a little kid get all excited. He heard, we were out at a station event. He heard us play that T-Pain song and when he heard us play the T-Pain song for some reason, he thought it was the commercial for wiping your booty. Okay. Wes, we will talk to you later. You're a good man buddy. You're, you're, you're so good. I see how Wes is with Shannon's kids and I see how Shannon is with Wes's kids. And I knew right away that you guys were going to be such a great match because there's, when you're together and you know, you, you, there's the kid thing where it's like, I've seen people like this where, ah, I got to deal with the kids. If that's the, if that's your reaction to their most precious person in their life, that will never be a relationship that will work. Your guys is a relationship. You guys treat these children like they are your biological children and I love that. Wow. Thank you. We'll talk to you later buddy. See ya. I love you guys. Ah, had a very embarrassing moment happened to me yesterday and I could be called out right now as being the worst husband ever. And I think that I'm actually, I don't know, if I, out of 10, I'm an eight out of 10. I'm not a nine out of 10. I'm not a 10 out of 10. I'm not going to go that far, but I'm an eight out of 10. I think I would be a catch if I was a single guy today and I'm going to tell you why. Look at my wife. I take very good care of this lady. She's an awesome person. She's my best buddy and I think I'm a good husband except for yesterday. So Chelsea and I, we've been, so we're trying to look for things to do since we don't have kids at the house anymore. So we're trying to actually find like some, like a commonality between the two of us. So she has decided to come over to the dark side of me and try to become a golfer like she wants to golf. And she thinks it'd be fun to be golfing together, which by the way, most husbands and wives when they golf together, it's basically the end of their marriage because they end up fighting the entire time. Chelsea and I don't. We actually have a very nice time when we're together and we're, we're both super competitive people, but we know we're not great golfers. So we just have fun when we're out there and we're spending four hours together with no cell phones. Right? Lovely. So yes. And you haven't killed each other? No, it's amazing. That's impressive. It is really impressive. It's like a shapelle show. So yesterday we were golfing together. And just before golf, we decided to have a little lunch and there was something on the menu that I ordered and I'm going to say what it was just for the sake that if I ever tried to order this ever again, you guys are to tell me no. I ordered egg salad and egg salad, I haven't had egg salads since I was a kid. My mom used to make egg salad, you know, um, yeah, yes, I know I'm about 80 years old. Exactly. Well, never let me eat that again because I ended up getting so sick. I got a gluten attack that happened to me and I don't know where it was. I have no clue where the glue I made cross contaminated or something. And I do have a gluten allergy, a celiac allergy. And with my celiac allergy comes and it comes on, it comes on fast. So let me tell you what happens. Oh, no. We're on the hold on. I don't know. My Chelsea was not feeling good this morning too and I wondered if maybe the egg salad got to her too. Well, so what's an egg salad that has gluten right? That's the thing. I don't think there's any. Or did you have it on like a bread? That was a gluten free. No, I had it in a cup. I asked for no bread at all too. What happens when you get a gluten like allergy attack? I have to go to the bathroom so bad. Chels. Are you feeling better? Yeah, you sound like you have a cold or something. Yeah. I got a nasty hold. All right. So let me. So I'm telling the egg salad story. Oh God. So we're getting up to the eighth hole and we're going up there and Chelsea actually had a really good shot, much better shot than I did. I pretty much was giving up on the whole. I dropped her off at her ball and just then like that the bubble gut starts happening. And as the bubble guts are starting to happen, I have no idea what to do. And all I keep thinking to myself was there's only one more hole after this. I could probably make it to the halfway house, you know, or the clubhouse and go to the bathroom. Yeah, but you could have Delta Airlined it. Well, here's what ends up happening. I think to myself, OK, I can kind of do this a little bit. I get up off of the seat of the golf cart and just then when I got up off the seat, I'm like this. No, it didn't. Thank God. But I said, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it through the hole in another hole. Chelsea's walking to her ball and I take off. I started driving away leaving my wife abandoned on the golf cart. OK, question. Thank God. Thank God. There were friends of ours, Alan and Heather, that were there. What did you tell her when you were driving away? Nothing. I had to leave. I told you to go. You're making it down. I was hoping it was going to be a bright made moment, but I. Chelsea, it was awful. It was honestly the most. It was probably the most unbelievable thing I've ever had happened to me. You know how bad it is, by the way, by the angle at which you run into the bathroom. If it's this, if it's this, if it's this, if it's this, if it's OK, if you're at a 90 degree angle running in there, it's no way knows. So here's the craziest. You know how sometimes I'm a talker, right? I'll talk to anybody. Chelsea gets mad at me. I'll like randomly just talk to you know, as many random people as possible. I was praying I didn't see anybody. Yeah. Yeah. At that time. And then you got to pray that there's nobody in the bathroom, right? Well, I thought for guys, you're allowed to do it no matter what. Which may do a courtesy flush sometimes if you really have to go like like good, right? But you're literally outside of that. You don't want people to hear you. You know, nobody, you don't ever want people to hear you. So there's a role in girls' bathrooms that don't get about. And that's you must sit on that toilet and wait until everybody clears out the bathroom. Yes. And you know that if a girl is sitting there and she's not going to the bathroom, you have to get out. Yeah. She she won't she it's going to be loud. Yeah. I've I've destroyed some bathrooms. Yeah. And I've had battles with guys and other stalls that felt like they're just going at it. They're just like versus like you play your hit and I'll play mine. The thing the thing I think is the worst of this whole thing is that I've made so much fun of that Delta airline story that had to emergency land that it was happening to me. So I thought I was good after that incident happening because I did go back and I met up with Chelsea. She was on the 9th hole so that she was good. But then we decided that we're going to continue to keep on playing which by the way yesterday, Chelsea was divergentized because tell everybody what you did, Charles, I got 18 home. She did 18. Hey. Isn't that amazing. She's cool. She by the way, posted we on the We Don't Podcast Instagram and on Mojo in the morning Instagram, you can see our scorecard. Chelsea doesn't keep score with numbers. She keeps scores with smiley faces or frowny faces. It was great. It was great. I added a couple. Wait. Did you do a couple of on the eighth hole? Did you put a poop or what did you put on there? No, you now we just put stars. You have to go poopy yourself. Yeah. Well, it happened again then on the 11th hole and I, oh my God, no, I did it. It was a gluten attack. That's why I knew it was my second best shot. She did. You were gone because you left me again. I had my driver. So my second head, I had to hit with the driver again and I got one of the best shots of the day. That was amazing. Now you can see that. If it wasn't for me, almost. I know. If it wasn't for egg salad. What's up, Boston? How you doing? Good man. How are you guys this morning? Good. What happened to you, Austin? No, I'm just saying this is, this is why women have long, long lines in the bathroom. You got to get in, do your job, get out or you start backing everybody up. If you're all sitting there waiting for everyone else to leave, no one's going to leave and then there's going to be a line. Yeah. Go off, Austin. Right. Listen. You're over-complicating this. Austin. I didn't say it was the right thing. I just said it was the way that life is. You don't even do the coughs when you're doing up too much. No, no, there's even a weird trick, there's a trick of flushing the toilet at the same time. Right. But then everybody knows what's up and it's embarrassing and then you can't leave the stall until everybody is gone. Yeah. Because then you have to flush again. So they know. No. You just sign it. You get out before anyone knows it was you. I am not going to lie to you, Austin. I felt for my wife, but now I kept thinking to myself the entire time was on a golf course. Have you ever just peed on a tree when you golfed? Oh, for sure. Well, what do women do when they have to go? Like Chelsea. They go to, they have to go back. Yeah. You guys don't ever go. You guys don't ever just pee on trees, Charles? Mm-mm. No. All right. There's too much of a factor of ending up with pee on our clothes. Exactly. All right, all right. I will talk to you, Chelsea. I love you. Love you too, Austin. Bye, Chelsea. Bye. Bye. Bye. Nick Alina. Hi. Hi. What's going on? I want to just make a comment about golfing at the course and having to go. My husband, father, and brother and I were golfing early one Sunday morning. I mean, we got there at like 7 a.m. And it was so early to grab coffee. Well, the coffee hit me so hard that I had to run the bathroom before going to the golf before getting on the course, and I'm the only girl there. Oh. So the bathroom was completely empty. And I had to go so bad that I forgot to pull my underwear down. Oh, my God. Nick Alina. No. Oh, no. What did you do? We just talked that bad boy in the toilet early about garbage can and we ran right out of there and we just continued about our day. So you were you were panty-less the rest of the the round. Don't make that text. Yeah. It was an accident. Don't let did that. Okay. It wasn't a sexy accident. It was a gross accident. Your car accident. Yeah. I mean, the dirt had shorts underneath. I was totally fine, but yeah, I had to be there was no saving though, so. Oh, God. All right. By the way, coffee and did you have egg salad the night before? I'll never eat it ever again. I'm telling you. I'm done with it. Mojo in the morning. We've polished the turd and this is what we got. Sorry. The following is a high five woman from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Woohoo. So that's a yes in the apple pie. I just went big time playing high five to see all my phones. Real cash prizes. Free daily rewards over 1200 games. Woohoo. So yes or no on the apple pie. Woohoo. Ah. I won again. What is a yes? Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited. Play responsibly condition supply. See website for details. High five casino. Mojo in the morning show, 104.5, SNX, 92.5, Kiss FM, and the flagship channel 955 and it would not be a Monday unless it was a Monday where we came into the studio to find out that our beloved Megan almost died. It was truly terrifying. I think at this point my birthday is coming up in July. I expect somebody to buy me a working life alert because I'm not a joke one, a real one with a real account that somebody pays the subscription for. You know what I mean? Do they still have those by the way? Yes. Of course they do. You have to have a subscription to live. I mean, I would assume you got to pay for those. I did not know that they actually have those things still. I thought that was like something from the past when like, they didn't have like that old commercial. Hold on a second. Let me see if I can find the thing. Oh. Yeah. When I became deathly ill, I was able to summon an ambulance, my next door neighbor, my family and my doctor without picking up a telephone. I used this remote control to contact life call, my 24-hour emergency medical response service. Watch. You just press this button and speak into the air and I'm having just pain. Why does that commercial feel? And I can get up and I've fallen and I can't get up and that was me. What is the problem? Miss me. I feel like I need to tell this whole story and like my old lady voice and what had happened was that I had decided it was time to clean the apartment. That was a mistake. I had my dad and my brother very last minute on Friday text me and be like, hey, we'd like to come up to the city. Can we come out for dinner? And I said, sure. And I knew I had to clean my apartment before they came over. And I did like a, I have like a 30-minute quick clean. And I had Swifford, which by the way, there are big sponsor of the show, Swifford, Wet Jet. I bought a Swifford Wet Jet just to clean it. I was on my way home and I said, sure. And I stopped a target and I bought myself a Swifford Wet Jet because I needed one. And now it is my mortal enemy because I had Swifford all my floors and it was time for me to take out the garbage. And there's like a turn by my door to go out to the garbage shop. So as I'm turning the corner, life turns in to slow motion and I go, this is it. I'm falling. And I immediately do the thing where it's like, don't break your arm. So you kind of like tuck your arms in, but it was too late. And I had slipped around the corner and as I had fallen, I hit the corner of my wall. Like, there's a, there's a deck. Oh my God. Really? Oh, she's. You can see where my body hit and then I hit the, I hit the deck, man. And I have tile flooring and the majority of my apartment. So it's not like even soft, cushy, hardwood floors. Yeah. No, it's cold, hard tile and I hit the deck hard. My garbage bag broke and all of, just to taunt me at that point, all of my trash goes flying in the hallway. And I sit there for a second and I go, you ever fall and you're so hurt, you don't know how hurt you are? Yeah. You were like, yeah, you're like, what has happened? What is going on? And all of a sudden I just feel this pain shoot through my arm and I go, I'm going to have to wait for the boys to get here and they're going to have to drive me to the hospital. I think I just broke my arm. Yeah. You kind of sit there for a little bit. It's like the Jerry Maguire moment when Cuba Goodie and Junior just laid on the ground there for a little bit just going, I'm just going to lay here for a while. We're evaluating. Did I break something? Yeah. Is something bleeding? And I'm by my front door and I'm like, don't cry. The neighbors can hear you. Do you look for blood right away? Like do you look, because I always look for blood to feel around to see if there's blood in here. I didn't look for blood, but I remember touching my arm and had like the shooting pain through my arm and I was like, oh, is it broken? And all of a sudden I looked down and it's maybe 45 seconds later, I have this huge knot on my elbow. All right. And I'm like, oh, no. Oh, no. I want to let you know it's been three days at this point, three days. And my arm still hurts. Oh, geez. And my hip is bruised. You could. I know people that have lived with a fracture for days and not realize that it was, it was fracture. So at this point, I think it's actually too dangerous to be cleaning my own apartment. I think I should hire a cleaning lady. Cleaning man, where he rips his shirt off and uses that to clean. Yeah. You need one of the services like Molly maids or something like that that can come to your house. What's up, Jamie? How you doing? I'm well, I'm okay, but I'm just like, that's, that's, that's just of it. I was going to open my front door and I have like tile at my front door, but we have like a brick, like stand kind of thing, yeah, and it has a plant in top of it. Well, I ended up smoking it and I have a bruise all over my chest because of it. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah. And then I just realized I have a huge bruise on my arm and who knows what that one came from. Oh, God. Yeah. Are you in a relationship? Because that poor bastard is going to be blamed for all this stuff. And I tell you what I'm worried most about, Jamie with Megan is that she lives by herself, you know, in the past, you know, she lived in Toledo now, she lives in downtown Detroit. And so her dad and brother and all of us are at least 30, 40 minutes away from her. Yeah. And I don't know if this is a good idea for her to not have that life alert. I think that she needs to have that thing because God forbid it sometimes we don't hear from Megan all weekend and it's not by us not checking in. Yeah. People send, you know, group texts and not hear from her at all. I mean, it's like complete crickets all weekend long. And what happens if Megan dies on a Friday afternoon after work and we don't know about it till Monday when she doesn't show up to her? I am absolutely dying alone in that apartment. Do you know your neighbors? Like I've, I don't remember their names. You know the other sounds. Yeah. The guy next to me slams his door every day. What happens if we walk into Megan's apartment and the Detroit rats are eating her body. Probably fire. I'm sorry. I'm scared eating in my apartment because I'm like, don't choke who's going to save you. I know. Oh my God. I've had that happen to me before. And honestly, the reason why I hated the most is because I'm a fat guy and it would be horrible that that would be the way I die. Like I was, yeah, die choking on food and everybody goes, well, you know, if you would have watched the way to you, like, if I'm going to die, like, you know, haven't be like from something other than that or a bad traffic accident because I'm bad at driving too. What I'm also blown away with too is that like, if you didn't pay your subscription for a month, you would still die like there's, there's no, that's crazy that you got to buy a subscription. Yeah. That's going to be government funding. Yeah. What should get it? You should be good. Well, don't family members buy it for their elderly loved ones? Yeah. They want to take care of them. And at that age, they're old enough where they're not going to take the money with them. What's going on? Eve? Hi. You need an Apple watch, the Apple watch, if you fall, it'll ask you if you're okay. And if you don't respond in a certain amount of time, it contacts your loved ones and 911. Wow. So I, the best thing ever, I have not had it. Is that just the new generation because you have a one Apple watch? I'm currently wearing my Apple watch. I have one. I was on the charger and my phone was on my kitchen island at the other end of the apartment. And I was like, do I have to crawl? Has anybody ever had that go off? Has anybody ever had it go off and say that, are you okay? And they didn't call? Like, I'm going to wonder if it does call that. So I was talking with one of the record reps from Chicago and she said that she was riding a roller coaster, a friend of hers was riding a roller coaster and the phone fell out and fell on the ground and it hit so hard that it called the cops. Oh, wow. Showed up to that because it thought they fell. It's actually nice to have. Right? What's up, Kayleigh? How you doing? I'm good. We're worried about Megan. Will you do us a favor? We're all signing up for welfare check times that we can go visit her. I'll come clean her house for her. Oh, there we go. What do you do? Are you a clean person? My, I used to be. Okay. It's a good shine. Yeah. Are you smart enough to not swiffer and then walk on the tile right afterwards? Oh, I make sure it's driving before I walk right. I think that says it in the descriptions. That's very judgmental. Can I tell you like top five worst pains I've experienced where I thought I was going to die? Yeah. You talked earlier about like doing something and falling on the floor. If you are a guy and I only say guys because we're predominantly the ones that do this activity. If you're shoveling snow outside and you go on crazy and then you hit one of those cracks and the shovel like just digs in your chest. Oh, yeah. I thought I thought I was bleeding. I just sat in the snow and was just like, I'm just going to take me down. Diana, what's up? Hello. I was just calling because I do hold up Eric and the woman I take care of. She is a life alert and just the other day I was at work with her and I got her daughter and son calling me like, what's going on? Why are you taking my mom out of the house at this time in the morning because it was like six in the morning. Yeah. The life alert alerted them all that I was taking them on out of the house and then it's been going off during the middle of the night when she's not even wearing it and it's on the charger. Oh, geez. So it's got a faulty thing going on. Something and it's like you guys said, you do have to pay subscription for it because she had two of them and they got tired of paying to have that. Should she have it on the charger in the middle of the night? That might be the time that she's probably should be wearing it around her neck. Well, I have a monitor for her when I'm there. Oh, so you were there? Okay, good. To be that. No, she's not left alone. Okay, good. It's been so long since I had so many in my bedroom at night. It would be nice. No, no, no, this is it. Wouldn't that be interesting? If that was your life thing, it's like you hit the life alert just to see if the person cares about you. No, because you have pajamas for when people come over and pajamas for when you're alone and I know it would happen in the ratty old pajamas. If you order now, you can get one month free. Hey, Rachel, listen to this one, Rachel wore her Apple watch and it went off to show the alert. When did it happen, Rachel? When I was, as you guys call it, baking cookie. Oh, Gragger, good for you. Yeah, things just had gotten a little playful and all of a sudden my watch was like, what the heck? Who calling me right now? And it was, are you okay? Have you fallen? I was like, don't call 911 right now. I want to at that point is like a liquid I did. Yeah. By the way, KP, I can just picture this. You got to get the, there's the little old lady. I fall and I can't get up. You can Google it and find it. Get her image, but superimpose Megan's face over it. And my mind, we got it at six, that's a good job. Oh my God. That was crazy. That would be the greatest. I'm falling and I can't get up. It's the second date update on Mojo in the morning. Why are you not getting a call back after you went on date? We do the second date update here on the Mojo in the morning show. If you are getting ghosted text date to 95500 and we'll get you on a second date update. Lexi. What's happening? It's Mojo in the morning. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. So you ended up going out with this guy and you're not hearing from him? Yeah. So this was our second date, our first date went really well. And I don't know why he's ghosting me now. I thought that the date went really well. I thought that I definitely looked like really sexy and I feel like I did everything right, you know, and we went back to my place. We had a really good time and so I just can't understand why he's not calling me back now. Now, did he spend the night with you? He absolutely did spend the night and had no complaints there. Okay. Did something happen between us that night? Yeah. Did you guys, did you guys fool around? Yeah, definitely did. Okay. Back to your house, spent the night with you at your place, left what? In the middle of the night, next morning. He left in the morning. And when he left, he said, goodbye, well, you know, we'll see you later. I'll call you or yeah, you know, the normal, like, oh, bye, like kiss me goodbye and last and I was just like, okay, like this is going well. I'm going to hear from the person, but now no calls, no text. Like, I even tried to, you know, tap, trap him, nothing, like, so annoying. All right. Well, we got him on the phone with us right now. Alex, are you okay with your voice on the radio? Sure. Alex, say hello to Lexi. Hi, Lexi. Hi. Hi. Alex, you seem like all business there. I was like, oh, sure, hello. So Alex, what's the story? What's going on? Why? You seem so cold after what seemed like it was a great night. I mean, I'm not trying to be cold. I guess I'm a little uncomfortable is all, you know, Lexi's great. We had a good time on the first day and second day. Second day you went to her place or apartment, her house and you guys sounded like had a good time. And ended up, she said that you guys spent the night with each other. Yeah. That's true. That's true. And was it that it went too fast for you or are you one of those that gets to what you want? And then you're done with it? No, I'm not. I'm sure it seems like that. And I didn't think it's too fast. I thought we connected. It was more like an employment situation that I was like just not comfortable with. Did you say appointment or employment? Employment. Employment. Your employment or her employment or employment? Her employment. What do you mean? Well, I mean, so when we showed up at her place, you know, she has a whole like set up in her bedroom, like camera and ring light and stuff like that, she figured it was like her Tik Tok or something like that. I mean, a lot of people don't do that. But like the next morning of kind of like checking it out a little closer and it seems like it's like an only fan situation, which she hadn't mentioned at all. And that's just kind of weird to me out, I guess, too much. You do only fans, Lexi? Yeah, I do only fans. Yeah. I'm honest with him about it 100% and I don't understand why that's a problem. It just didn't come up as far as, you know, the specifics of it. It was like, oh, yeah, you know, I, I, you know, that that's like an internet thing. And, um, but I didn't really, you know, again, I thought it was more like a tick, a Tik Tok level situation like she's doing makeup or hair or something on their dancing, but not Lexi, you didn't tell them what type of things you do on only fans. Are you willing to share with us what you do on only fans? Well, you know, what do you think I do on only fans? I mean, you know, I take pictures of my gorgeous self and make money that way, please. Like, of course. Okay. And you're proud of it. Obviously, if you're willing to just say it like that, I like that that you got confidence in what you do. I do have confidence and, and I don't see why that's an issue if I'm, you know, supporting myself, making money, it's not like I'm like, you know, you know, it's not like I'm like actually hooking up with these people, but, but to, to defend Alex a little bit, I think it's not an issue. And that is totally cool that you do that. And that's your way of making money. But I do think that some people would be uncomfortable being in a relationship with somebody who does that. But he wasn't comfortable. So I get his point. He wasn't uncomfortable hooking up with her because that was one on one. Yeah, but still I'm just saying I actually would feel the same way. If I, if I had gone out on a date with somebody and found out that they did that, and again, there is nothing wrong with it. But for me to be in a relationship with somebody, I don't think I could do it. And so I think that it's, it's fair that he's saying, you know, thank you. I had a great time, but this is just, it's just not for me. Alex. I can't imagine things progressing and then still like that. Yeah. What would be your, what would be your problem though, knowing that she's, this is her way of making money. Like if she were doing that, what you thought was TikTok and she was just doing modeling on TikTok or whatever, is it the fact that you have in your head that only fans is a dirty place? It's the, it's the nudity. I mean, come on. Are you okay with this for me? Everyone else is okay with this. Well, no, I just said, I would agree with you, but wait, wait real quick. I'm sorry. I want to ask just two questions and we'll open it up for everybody here. Question number one. Are you nude on, on it, Lexi? Sometimes sometimes I am, you know, and are we right into the fact that you, nothing physical happens between you and anybody that is one of your clients on only fans? Absolutely. Nothing physical happening between us. Megan, what do you think? I think that it was okay for him to use her body, but when she used it to make money, all of a sudden it's not okay. It seems like a weird double standard to me and I don't like it. Alex. Yeah, I mean, if you have a significant other, you don't care if there's any new pictures to somebody else? No, because if you're paying my bills, I'm happy. It's a no. I'm not looking for somebody to pay my bills. Kevin, what would you do? And Mike, what would you do? Start with you, Kevin. What would you do if you were dating? I'm going Randy American Idol. It's a no for me dog. So you would have a hard time with dating girls. I don't like there are certain things and my woman's body and when I hold sacred, she'd only be for my eyes only and I don't need that accessible to the world. Mike, what are your thoughts? I mean, I got a lot of student loans. No. Absolutely not. No. There's no way. Helena, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Second date update. Alex has not been calling Lexi back because he found out that she is on only fans. What are your thoughts? Yeah, I think she should have been up in front with her. I don't think it's the reason for him to ghost her. I definitely think that, you know, there are people that will support Lexi in that and I think that's great, but, you know, it's obviously not Alex and he showed us something like this. This isn't for me. I wish you the back of the lock and kind of went on display. What if it was just like feet because I always hear about people making money off their feet? Would you have a hard time with that, Alex? A seat. Maybe feet would be okay. So if she lied to you and didn't tell you that she was doing what she's doing, I understand. But I think you've got to give her and I get, listen, I totally understand the perspective of Kevin, Mike and Shannon on this one here, but I kind of sided with Megan on this that you had no problem on date number two, going into a room, getting naked with her and having sex with her. But then when you found out what her occupation was, where she's not touching anybody like she's touching you, in the fact that she used forthcoming and honest with you, like all of a sudden, now your moral compass changes a little bit. I think if I knew that on the first date, I've probably, nobody's dating Kendall Jenner anymore. Nobody's dating her. See, some things, some things you try, some things you buy, some people you date, some people you marry. There are things you're willing to, you know what I mean? That's why they have advertisers and that's why they have Andre. Some things are just different. I don't like that though, either saying I can use you, but I'm not going to get wasted. It's not using you. Try it, not by. And by the way, I don't, I don't like the argument of, well, it was okay for him. Well, again, that was between two people who were maybe going to be developing a relationship with each other. Jill, what are your thoughts? Good morning. Well, the fact that he didn't know truly what she was doing online until the next morning doesn't mean he went in knowing that she was doing only fans and still hooked up to her anyway. Right. He's allowed to not be comfortable with that. Right. Okay, that's just not something I want to do. I don't like people that smoke cigarettes, so if I was dating somebody and they pulled out a cigarette, I'd be like, oh, that's not for me. I mean, you're allowed to not be comfortable with something just because he didn't know fully when he found out he made his decision. We're all judging Lex, Lexi's only fan too. And none of us have seen it yet. So if you could just tell like, you're only going to tell your wife, Ali, that this is for research purposes, research purposes, Robbie, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Your thoughts. Hey, everybody. How's everybody doing? We're good. What's going on? Hey, it's okay to not be okay with something. But my thing is you went to bed with her. You went without with her. She was honest with you in the beginning, but you have a problem with the sex or anything of that nature. But you were weak. You left the next morning, you knew you weren't coming back. You knew you weren't going to call her. Be a real man about it and stand up and be honest about it. You know, that's really weak of you, you know, to do that, you know, you can't even deal with it. You know, it sounds like security. Yeah. And I don't like the idea that you're right, that he's not, I get the idea that he has the choice. Absolutely. But he also should be a gentleman enough to be able to say to her, listen, I'm not doing this instead of. Well, that's every second date update. Yeah. What's up, James? Hey, what's up, guys? Hey, I'm down for it, man, my ex girlfriend, you should do it and there was no problem. And what was she doing? Everything. Okay. Was she ever in the one that found the radio now does? Was she sleeping with anybody? No, no, it was just me, but I mean, I helped her run the video camera, I was just in the background. Did you ever make a guest appearance on camera? I have. And it was great. And we had tons of money. What were people? Well, think of you. Do they like you or do they say, hey, get that guy out of there? I was an online home is what they said. Wow. Can I ask a question, though? I didn't care. Who do you want to ask questions? To all of you guys. Okay. Because like, to me, this is like an actress in a movie doing a intimate scene with a partner. They didn't actually have intimate scenes. They might have shown their body parts, but we never said, oh, that actress is undatable because she did a nude scene in a movie. So what's the difference here? I mean, I agree. I don't know because it's it's like real people engaging with you. So I don't know. Like, there's engagement. Like, I think I think with a movie, it's on a TV screen and there's no, there's no communication. It's on a computer screen. I know. But there's communication. Well, you're never going to, you're never going to talk to or tell or I don't know how you communicate. Are you communicating with them or are you just sending them stuff? But they're still asking you for specific things, right? Is how I understand it. Oh, you're asking me. Yeah. Are you actually live streaming with them or are you just sending them things? Mine. I'm just sending. I don't see the live. They are asking for things. Are there is communication? Yeah. Sometimes people are asking, yes, I'm in communication with certain people. So there is the potential for there to be other things happening. Whereas an actress in a movie, that's not the case. Hey, will you blow our minds right now? And tell us how much money you make a year doing this? I mean, you know, it's good money. It's good money. It pays my life. I don't know that I feel comfortable telling you the exact numbers. Are we talking six figures plus? Yeah, we're still worried. We are. At this point, we are. We're talking good money. I pay for my life. Wow. All right. Change my answer. We should go out again. Sure. We'll figure something out. Mojo in the morning. Second date up here. Mojo in the morning. Twenty plus years of idiocy and still going in Detroit, Toledo, and West Michigan. It's Mojo in the morning. Mojo in the morning's podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's The following is a high five moment from high five Buy one. Yahoo! Private, put down your phone. This is the Army. Sort. 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