Mojo In The Morning

Who's Coming To The Party?

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01 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's I've done something for years that I finally got called out on it by a friend. So I got invited over to a friend, my buddy Marty's place, and Chelsea and I were invited over. And it was one of those situations where you ever get invited over to somebody's house and you really don't want to go and you look for every excuse possible to just go. And it's not because you don't want to go to their house. It's just because you don't want to make a commitment to going anywhere because you know that when the day happens, you're going to be like, God, I just want to be at home. You know what I mean? 100%. So Marty asked me to come over and I asked the question to him that I asked to everybody that ever invites me over. Who's coming? You can't ask that question, can you? I thought I could, absolutely. And matter of fact, don't you think that you should know who's going to be there before you go over to somebody's house that you kind of know what the audience is going to look like? I like it. I just didn't know you could do that. I do it all the time. And I always ask that question. And one of the biggest reasons why I asked that question of who's coming is that I want to know if it's going to be a place that I'm going to actually have fun at because there are some people that are quite honest and you guys, if you don't admit this or you think I'm a jerk for saying this on the radio, you're lying. There are some people you don't want to be around. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's just like going to a pilot or going to somebody's house and be like, who made this? Yeah. You know what I mean? And decides whether or not I'm going to put my spoon. And actually that might be my next question is, what's the food? For me, it's not so much people I don't want to be around. It's more, okay, those two girls will stay up till two in the morning and I don't want to be roped into that. Yeah. So that's when I'm usually like. And I look at it as a couple of things. I look at it as the conversation matters when it comes to going to a party. So if I know that the people that are around me have good conversation, then I'm good with it. If I know that the conversation is going to be either boring, it's going to be political, it's going to be, you know, somebody asking, you know, me questions the entire time about stupid stuff, like I sit there and I go, all right, I don't necessarily know if I want to do this. He got highly offended by this whole deal. He actually was really upset by the, that he's like, I just can't believe that. I can't believe you don't trust that I actually haven't done that. And I said, well, how do you know that I'm not actually asking you this question? Cause I want to know how many people are going to be there and he goes, cause I know you. It's not has nothing to do with that. It's about who specifically is going to be the people that are going to be invited to this. And what kind of event was it? Because it was like his birthday or something and it doesn't matter. It was just a random Saturday night. You and Chelsea come over. Let's get together. Which by the way, nine out of 10 times, if somebody does invite me and say, Hey, do you want to get together? I'd rather go to a restaurant cause at least I get an out and the out is we got to go home or something. Yeah. You know, you don't necessarily know what, what the end time is going to be with that. I actually think it's a very fair question to ask you want to be aware of what you're walking into. And by the way, is anybody ever done this or is anybody ever not gone because of it? Cause I have not gone because of that too. Like I'll say, who's coming and they'll tell me, Oh crap. I'm looking at my calendar. I really wanted to view it. Or have you ever gone somewhere? Cause this just happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I was invited somewhere and we went and there were people there that I was like, dang it. If I knew that they were going to be, yes, I love that said you're allowed to ask. I didn't know you were allowed to ask this. And I've thought it a million times, but now I'm going to start asking. You got to do it. Seriously. What's up, Erica? Hi. Hey, I've, I've done both. Who's all going to be there? And I didn't ask and shown up to places and found out who was there and immediately took my leaves immediately. I should have asked who's all going to be there. And then like you said, look at your calendar and say, Oh man, let me get back to you and let you know. How did you get up and go? Like you can't do that within the hour, right? You have to at least stay an hour. Well, fortunately it was a, it was an event and it was a book. It can be a bit. And I'm like, okay, I'm not going to go business money else. So I want to go and I just left. Oh, that's good. Or you got to do the whole Irish goodbye. You know that, right? Right. Yeah, just get up and where's Batman? Oh my God. Batman left. What's anger in the air and just walk up. Hi, I always ask if there's going to be any single men there, because then I'll depend on how dressed up I'm going to get, how much I'm going to get, have you ever had them not tell you that there were going to be single men there and you didn't dress yourself up enough? Yes. Most definitely. Were you, were you pissed? Um, a little bit, but then I was just like that. I'm just going to buy them. I'm just going to hang out. And I'll be fine. Question to ask, what's the dress? I actually have, I've had it before where I've said, Hey, can, you know, can we dress down? Is this casual and stuff? And I had a friend of mine one time say, no, I'd like us all to dress up. I'm like, we're going to be sitting in your, you know, kitchen, probably, you know how parties, Midwest parties are always around the, the island in the kitchen. What's up, Heather? Good morning. Love you guys. Love you too. Love you too. So I do the same thing to my sister, she normally does the hosting of the family events and stuff like that. I asked her who's going to be there because my brother-in-law, sister and mother, they, I feel like they're like the soccer type where they're sitting at the other side of the room to stare at you. Don't conversation anybody. But they'll just sit there and look at it. It's kind of creepy. It's weird. Yeah. It's like, what do I have? Something on my face or something? Like people, like, it's, isn't it weird when you have friends that will invite in this, of course, as relatives, when they have people that cannot have a conversation. And I got to sit next to them. And I, so we have these friends of ours that like to do these dinner parties. And I'm going to tell you something. They're 40-year-old people. Dinner parties are meant for like old people. Not that 40 is young. But tell me to say this too. But I'm saying this, 40-year-old people don't dinner party, 60-year-old people dinner party. What are you talking about? We're sitting at a dinner table and they bring out like courses of meals and stuff. I don't want that. I want a buffet set up on your kitchen counter or on your stove. And let me go make my own plate. I don't want plated food. Where are you going that you're getting served at? So we have, we have these friends of ours and I'm not going to say their names. But they do this whole thing. And they do, they drink wine. And if you come to my house, you're not-- But I want to make my own wine. What? What? What? You believe it? You can't drink lots of wine. Are you 30 people coarse? Chelsea is friends with these guys. She made friends with them somewhere. I have no idea. And honestly, it's annoying as hell. Like I'm sitting there the entire time and all I want to do is just get up and go. They thought about what would pair well with a meal to make the experience even better. I am a radio DJ. Does anybody understand that? Hey, question. Is Mojo going to be at the party? [LAUGHTER] I think they honestly invite me just so they can see my awkwardness on my face when I get to sit there. Hold on. Danielle, what's up? Good morning, everyone. Good morning. You guys. Good day. I think that's rude when you're invited somewhere and you ask, oh, who's going to be there? When I'm inviting you, when I'm inviting you, give me the courtesy of coming. Or maybe you're the one that the other guests are reluctant to be around. Hey. Danielle. You know? Yes. I am a-- first off, I am a peach. Listen to me. [LAUGHTER] I've never heard of myself as a peach, but I'm a peach. Danielle, don't you think that I matter to? Like I have a say-so in this. I don't care who's throwing the party. OK, so I'm the host, and you should love me as the host. Oh, oh. Danielle's having a party. We love Danielle. It doesn't matter who's going to be there because it's for Danielle. So Danielle's calling a group of people together, hey, just if it's someone you think is going to be there, they're, oh my god, I don't think that I'm going to be able to get along or get through this. There are other people in the circle. I'm going to ask that question. But that's very rude. If they say Danielle's there, I'm not going on. Listen, I don't think she's wrong. I think she's actually really right, but I'm still going to ask. Right? I'll be rude. Danielle, when you have friends like my friends, you have to ask. Well, again, I have a very small circle, and I just think that it's rude, that you should understand me. Everyone loves me, so I'm sorry if it's wrong. Hold on. No, no. Chanté doesn't love you. What do you want to say? Chanté to Danielle. What is he talking about? First off, good morning, everybody. Good morning. I've been listening to you guys since I was like little. I swear and I have not stopped listening. But I just want to say this. What is he talking about? Just because her friends love her doesn't mean that her friends like everybody like her, like it's nothing wrong to say, hey, Danielle or, hey, Mojo, who's coming? Like, what? Danielle says it's rude. All the time. Danielle? No, it's not rude. It's not rude. Again. What is it going to, you know, what is her head on the blow off? Okay. Come spend it in minutes. Oh, hey, thank you for inviting me, and I'm going to leave. That's cool. This is when I awkwardly pop in. This is when I awkwardly pop in. Hey, guys. I'm going to take off. I'm actually having a party and I'm inviting Danielle and Shantae to be there. That's when you want to come and we're all going to and I'm going to put them right next to each other. Wait a minute, email me first, I'm going to ask that she's going to be there. Hey, there. It is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumbak Casino. It's the summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait. Dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me? Sponsored by Chumbak Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply.