Mojo In The Morning

Second Date Update

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01 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto accident attorneys visit auto law dot com. That's auto law dot com. Here's the second date update on Mojo in the morning. Why are you not getting a call back after you went on date? We do the second date update here in the Mojo in the morning show. If you are getting ghosted text date to 95500 and we'll get you on a second date update. Lexi, what's happening? It's Mojo in the morning. How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. So you end up going out with this guy and you're not hearing from him? Yeah. So this was our second date. Our first day went really well. And I don't know why he's ghosting me now. I thought that the date went really well. I thought that I definitely looked like really sexy. And I feel like I did everything right, you know, and we went back to my place and we had a really good time. And so I just can't understand why he's not calling me back now. Now, did he spend the night with you? He absolutely did spend the night and had no complaints there. Okay. Did something happen? Between us at night. Yeah, did you guys did you guys fool around? Yeah, definitely did. Okay. So he came back to your house spent the night with you your place. Left what? In the middle of the night next morning? He left in the morning. And when he left, he said, Goodbye, well, you know, we'll see you later. I'll call you or? Yeah, you know, the normal like, Oh, bye, like kiss me goodbye. And last, and I was just like, okay, like this is going well, I'm gonna hear from the person, but now no calls, no text. Like I even tried to, you know, Snapchat him nothing, like, so annoying. All right, well, we got him on the phone with us right now. Alex, are you okay with your voice on the radio? Sure. Alex, say hello to Lexi. Hi, Lexi. Hey, Alex, you seem like all business there. I was like, Oh, sure. Hello. So Alex, what's the story? What's going on? Why? Why do you seem so cold after what seemed like it was a great night? I mean, I'm not trying to be cold. I guess I'm in a little uncomfortable. Um, is all no, you know, actually, it's great. Um, we had a good time. Um, on the first day and second day, you went to her place, her apartment, her house. And you guys sound like had a good time. Like you guys ended up, she said that you guys spent the night with each other. Yeah, that's true. That's true. And was it that it went too fast for you or are you one of those that gets to what you want? And then you're done with it? No, I'm not. I'm sure it seems like that. Uh, and it, I didn't think it's too fast. I thought we connected. It was more like, and like an employment situation that I was like, just not comfortable with. Did you say appointment or employment? Employment, employment, your employment or her employment? Her employment. What do you mean? Well, I mean, so we, so when we showed up at her place, you know, she has a whole like set up in her bedroom like, um, camera and ring light and stuff like that. So I figured it was like for TikTok or something like that. I mean, a lot of people do that. Um, but, uh, like the next morning, um, I was kind of like checking it out a little closer and it seems like it's like an only fan situation, um, which she hadn't mentioned at all. Um, and that's just kind of weird to me out. I guess too much. You do only fans, Lexi? Yeah, I do only fans. Yeah. And you were honest with him about it. 100% and I don't understand why that's a problem. It just didn't come up as far as, you know, the specifics of it. It was like, Oh, yeah, you know, I, I, you know, that that's like an internet thing. And, um, but I didn't really, you know, again, I thought it was more like a tick, a ticktock level situation. So she's doing makeup or hair or something on there dancing, but not Lexi, you didn't tell him what type of things you do on only fans. Are you willing to share with us what you do on only fans? Well, you know, what do you think I do on only fans? I mean, you know, I take pictures of my gorgeous self and make money that way, please. Like, of course, okay, and you're proud of it. Obviously, if you're willing to just say it like that, I like that that you got confidence in what you do. I do have confidence in and I don't see why that's an issue. If I'm, you know, supporting myself, making money, it's not like I'm like, you know, you know, it's not like I'm like actually hooking up with these people. But but to defend Alex a little bit, I think it's not an issue. And that is totally cool that you do that. And that's your way of making money. But I do think that some people would be uncomfortable being in a relationship with somebody who does that. But he wasn't uncomfortable. He wasn't uncomfortable hooking up with her because that was one on one. Yeah, but still, I'm just saying I actually would feel the same way. If I if I had gone out on a date with somebody and found out that they did that. And again, there is nothing wrong with it. But for me to be in a relationship with somebody, I don't think I could do it. And so I think that it's, it's fair that he's saying, you know, thank you, I had a great time, but this is just, it's just not for me. Alex, imagine things progressing and then still like that. Yeah. But Alex, what would be your, what would be your problem though, knowing that she's, this is her way of making money. Like if she were doing that, what you thought was TikTok. And she was just doing modeling on TikTok or whatever. Is it the fact that you have in your head that only fans is a dirty place? It's the, it's the nudity. I mean, come on. Are you new? Do you have a problem with our nudity? It's okay with this for me. Everyone else is okay with their second. Well, no, she hasn't actually said I would agree with you. But wait it, wait real quick. I'm sorry. I want to ask just two questions, then we'll open it up for everybody here. Question number one. Are you newed on, on it? Lexi? Sometimes, sometimes I am, you know, goodiana. And are we right into the fact that you, nothing physical happens between you and anybody that is one of your clients on only fans? Absolutely. Nothing physical happens between us. Megan, what do you think? I think that it was okay for him to use her body, but when she used it to make money, all of a sudden it's not okay. Seems like a weird double standard to me and I don't like it. Alex. Yeah, I mean, if you have a significant other, you don't care if there's any new pictures to somebody else? No, because if you're paying my bills, I'm happy. It's a no. I'm not looking for somebody to pay my bills, though. Kevin, what would you do? And Mike, what would you do? Start with you, Kevin. What would you do if you were dating? I'm going Randy American Idol. It's a no for me, dog. So you would have a hard time with dating girls. I don't like there are certain things in my woman's body. And when I hold sacred, she'd only be from my eyes only. And I don't need that accessible to the world. Mike, what are your thoughts? I mean, I got a lot of student loans. No, absolutely not. No, there's no way. Helena, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Second date update. Alex has not been calling Lexi back because he found out that she is not only fans. What are your thoughts? Yeah, I think he should have been up front with her. I don't think it's the reason for him to ghost her. I definitely think that there are people that will support Lexi in that. And I think that's great. But it's obviously not Alex. And he showed us something like this. This isn't for me. I wish him the best of luck and kind of went on display. What if it was just like feet? Because I always hear about people making money off their feet. Would you have a hard time with that, Alex? A seat? Maybe feet would be okay. So if she lied to you and didn't tell you, that she was doing what she's doing, I understand. But I think you've got to give her. And I get, listen, I totally understand the perspective of Kevin, Mike, and Shannon on this one here. But I kind of sided with Megan on this. That you had no problem on date number two, going into a room, getting naked with her and having sex with her. But then when you found out what her occupation was, where she's not touching anybody, like she's touching you, in the fact that she used forthcoming and honest with you, like all of a sudden, now your moral compass changes a little bit. I think if I knew that on the first date, I probably wouldn't. Nobody's dating Kendall Jenner anymore. Nobody's dating her. See some things you try, some things you buy. Some people you date, some people you marry. There are things you're willing to, you know what I mean? That's why they have advertisers and that's why they have Andres. Some things are just different. I don't like that though, either. Saying, "I can use you, but I'm not going to get with you." It's not using you. Try it not by. And by the way, I don't like the argument of, "Well, it was okay for him." Well, again, that was between two people who were maybe going to be developing a relationship with each other. Jill, what are your thoughts? I know. Good morning. Well, the fact that he didn't know truly what she was doing online until the next morning doesn't mean he went in knowing that she was doing only fans and still sept with her anyway. She's allowed to not be comfortable with that. Right. Okay, that's just not something I want to do. I don't like people that smoke cigarettes. So if I was dating somebody and they pulled out a cigarette, I'd be like, "Oh, that's not for me." I mean, you're allowed to not be comfortable with something just because you didn't know fully when he found out. He made his decision. We're all judging Lexi's only fan too, and none of us have seen it yet. So if you could just tell it, you're only going to tell your wife, Ali, that this is for research purposes. Research purposes. Robbie, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Your thoughts. Hey, everybody. How's everybody doing? We're good. What's going on? Hey, it's okay to not be okay with something. But my thing is you went to bed with her. You went out with her. She was honest with you in the beginning. But you didn't have a problem with the sex or anything of that nature. But you were weak. You left the next morning. You knew you weren't coming back. You knew you weren't going to call her. Be a real man about it and stand up and be honest about it. You know, that's really weak of you, you know, to do that. You know, you can't even deal with it. You know, it sounds like security. Yeah, and I don't like the idea that you're right, that he's not... I get the idea that he has the choice, absolutely. But he also should be a gentleman enough to be able to say to her, listen, I'm not doing this instead of... Well, that's every second date update. Yeah. What's up, James? Hey, what's up, guys? Hey, I'm down for it, man. My ex-girlfriend, you should do it, and it was no problem. And what was she doing? Everything. Okay. What's she ever seen? More than the one that's on the radio now does. Was she sleeping with anybody? No, no, it was just me. But I mean, I helped her run the video camera. I was just in the background. Did you ever make a guest appearance on camera? I have, and it was great. And we have tons of money. What do people think of you? Do they like you or do they say, "Hey, get that guy out of there?" I was an online home, is what they said. Wow. Can I ask a question, though? I didn't care. Who do you want to ask questions to? To all of you guys. Okay. Because like, to me, this is like an actress in a movie doing an intimate scene with a partner. They didn't actually have intimate scenes. They might have shown their body parts, but we never said, "Oh, that actress is un-datable because she did a nude scene in a movie." So what's the difference here? I mean, I agree. I don't know, because it's like real people engaging with you. I don't know. Like, there's engagement. Like, I think with a movie, it's on a TV screen and there's no communication. It's on a computer screen. I know, but there's communication. Well, you're never going to talk to or I don't know how you communicate. Are you communicating with them? Or are you just sending them stuff? But they're still asking you for specific things, right? Is that how I understand it? Oh, you're asking me. Yeah, are you actually live streaming with them? Or are you just sending them things? On mine, I'm just sending. I don't see the live- But they are asking for things. Are they? So there is communication. Yeah. Sometimes people are asking us. I'm in communication with certain people. So there is the potential for there to be other things happening. Whereas an actress in a movie, that's not the case. Hey, will you blow our minds right now? And tell us how much money you make a year doing this? I mean, you know, it's good money, it's good money, it pays my life. I don't know that I feel comfortable telling you the exact numbers. Are we talking six figures, plus? Yeah, we are at this point, we are. We're talking good money. I pay for my life. Wow. I'm going to change my answer. If I can. So we should go out again. Sure, we'll figure something out. Mojo in the morning. Second date, okay. Mojo in the morning. Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. 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