Mojo In The Morning

The AC Went Out For Mojo's Dinner

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01 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto accident attorneys visit auto That's auto All right. It is Mojo in the morning show. I have a question to ask you guys and you tell me if you think that they should have forewarned me. So last night we went out for dinner. It was us and the Johnsons and the Oblox and we're all at this Japanese restaurant that's by our house. It is a hibachi restaurant. Yeah, where they cook at your table and they're cooking the hibachi at the table and part way through the dinner and there's 10 of us around this entire, you know, table. I looked at Alan, the guy sitting next to me, one of the dads and I said, am I just like really excessively hot or is it hot in here? And he goes, yeah, I know it's really horribly hot in here and I go, okay. Well, it's because they got the fire on in front of us. And then I look at Dennis, I go, Dennis is really hot in here. And he goes, yeah, I walked by the thermostat on the way in and the thermostat was reading like 85 degrees on the thermostat. And he said, I wonder what the story is. So one of us got up, I think it was, it might have been Luke or my son or Dennis, one of the dads, one of the kids, and he goes over and has a conversation with somebody only to find out that the restaurant's air conditioning broke that day. At a hot, okay. So, so I made the reservation. The reservation was at six o'clock. I made the reservation at like two in the afternoon or one o'clock in the afternoon. Same day air conditioning broken on there. So they knew, do you guys think they should have told me that the air conditioning was broken on this? Hey, by the way, just so you know, the air conditioning is broken. It was so hot in this place. All right, that when the guy kept doing the whole thing where I want to light the little choo choo train on fire, I'm like that Dennis got up at one point and goes zone light anymore. We don't want this anymore. Actually, I'll take my food wrong. It was so hot in this place that I was sitting there the entire time sweating profusely. And I at one point, at one point, honestly, I had to get up and go for like a deep breath. And then I'm I'm leaving the place. And as I'm walking out of the place, there's still people walking in and the only place that in air conditioning, the lobby area where you wait to go inside. Everybody thinks it's going to be fun. So it seems like it's going to be wonderful. And then this is going on. That's sneaky. I I wonder, you know, and listen, I understand their conditioning broke. They probably couldn't get somebody to come out and fix it on a Sunday. It was not probably a great timing on the deal, but at least give me the forewarning. And we probably who knows maybe would have said, okay, well, we can't find another place for 10 people to go. And this seemed like a fun thing for us to do. It doesn't seem like a smart business move long term because if I have such a miserable experience, I'm not going back. I would have thought they could get it fixed. And so they're like, I will just try to wait it out. And maybe we can get it fixed before everybody, you know, gets super pissed off. Yeah, I am not calling you. I'm sorry. You're not going to say it because you're probably not going to come. Yeah. And it's not like, to Megan's point, which I like, I could have a terrible experience and I would have come back. But if the food is still good, then I'll probably come back and just say, and the food was good. Like, I mean, like, let me just say this to you. The food was actually fire. So after after this, after it was super hot, now, would you go back? Like, are you going back to this? This is the thing. I I thought it was actually very good. I've never gone here before. Should I can I say the name or no? Should I not say the name? So do I do I mean, it doesn't it doesn't add to the thing. If there's two of them that are by my house and honestly, I would probably choose this place for the food better than the other. But if I would have noted, I would have gone to the other place because of the air conditioning probably would have been working. Well, what would have been smart, though, is if they offered you, like, alcohol or something, like, Oh, my God. Did you get the sake in your mouth from the peeing board? No, but they would know they were doing it. They definitely yeah, they definitely that's it. And you have to sit there like a train seal. Shout out to Kyoto. They they actually they asked if I wanted sake. The guy was willing to give us sake, but I didn't want sake because, honestly, I was wanting ice water. I was like literally not. No, I was like drinking tons of water because I was dying. But the next time you go, the experience is much better. Send me send me the video. Could you wear videotape in the fire from last night? Send me video of the iPhone shut off because it was so hot in there. Wait a second. You lost your phone because of the phone powered down because it was so hot. I don't have videos of that. I'm sorry. You know, it's funny, but I don't it. What's funny is I was so hot. At one point, I thought I was having a heart attack. That's how hot it was. And then the woman that was there was right by us said she thought she was our metapause. She's having a pleasure. Yeah, it was like so it was unbelievable, wasn't it? What was the temperature like 80 something degrees in there? I think Alan said that it was 84 or 85 on the thermostat when he passed it. Oh my God. And the worst they told they told me it was broken when we walked in because Leah said they need to turn the air on. Yeah, the manager said, yeah, it broke earlier today. Yeah, didn't say one word at all about it, which I guess, you know, what? Smart business. I don't know if I'm going to tell people, you know, that who's going to eat, right? They're going to have like a day of nothing. But at least put a fan on or something, try to figure it out. What was your best part though about it from last night though, out of everything? The best part? Yeah, that who made who made the reservation? You did. And why did you say why did you tell me that this was the best part of that? I made the reservation. Well, because you first of all, because it was hot and you kept on staring at me from across the table and I'm like, OK, I'm enough. I'm getting up later. He is going to yell at me later about this. And then you had to have a good meal and everyone else got their food. They're cleaning up the table and the woman said to me, is there anything else we can get you? I said, yeah, his meal. I realized he probably would like to have some food. Literally, you got nothing. But here's the better food. I think they forgot about you. Here's the thing is, have you guys ever felt this way with somebody that you know, as a complainer like me, Chelsea, the entire time, though, had a smile on her face and she was like, he can't complain that I picked the place. That's what she was like, the whole car ride home. By the way, I started the car like midway through the meal to make sure my car was I almost went out to the car to then come back in a little bit later. That's why you knew you couldn't complain to me because if I would have even suggested that we went out to dinner and this would have happened. I would have heard it. Oh, no, but thank God. It was your idea. I know your idea of the restaurant. Yeah. Thanks God. Chelsea, real quick, I want to promote the We Don't podcast. I'm going to say who our special guest is right now because we're going to talk about one of the things that was mentioned in there that I think listeners must hear and I'll do that in a second. But our special guest, we have a special couple guests. Do you want to tell everybody who who is on with us? Well, they all everyone got it right. It was it's Shannon and last. Shannon. Well, guess us right away. People guessed Chelsea posted on the We Don't podcast. Yeah, it's not the post. I didn't see any of the comments picture and then had you guys like kind of hidden off and and people guess someone and I think someone said that you gave it away because you talked about I know, of course, I know I'm the worst. I opened up my Christmas gifts before Christmas. Was that why he was here the other day? Yeah, yes, I didn't know that. See, Kevin is on the show. They're lying. I'm doing some. They say some book, but I get to work or why. Hey, we're a secret coming up, coming up after we get done with second date update, something that was revealed about Shannon and Wes that don't be talking about. No, I'm not going to I'm not going to get the specifics. They tell the story on the podcast, but something that was so big. Shannon and Wes almost didn't happen that in that huge engagement. We'll talk about that coming up here in just a little bit. You discuss it. I'm coming. I'm plugging the radio. I love you. You can get the we don't podcast, which is on the more mojo podcast platform. Just go more mojo and we don't podcast. We'll be up there later today after we get done with the show. I love you, Chelsea. Talk to you later. Bye. Bye. Hold on. What's going on, Alison? Oh, I have an embarrassing story about what happened to me at a hibati restaurant. Oh, yeah. What happened? So they asked me if I wanted sacking. Of course, I'm like sure. And so I tilt my head back and open up my mouth. Problem is I don't know how to swallow with my mouth. Wide open and he filled my mouth all the way to the brim, even though I was signaling for him to stop. And so when I tilted my head back forward to try and close my lips around it, I accidentally spit the saki all over the grill, all over. Was it wasn't like just us and our friends, like there was strangers across. Oh my God, those poor people that did everybody eat the food or did they have to go back and remake everything? Oh my God, they didn't remake it. The strings across from us had this disgusted look on their face. That's fine. I guess I like saki on my right. I was so humiliated. Oh my God, that's amazing that they didn't remake it. I would have thought for sure that they couldn't sell that sock or sell the. Oh, I know. Oh, funny story. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Thanks, bye. All right, take care with the lucky land sluts. You can get lucky just about anywhere. 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