Mojo In The Morning

Zack Matched With Camp Counselor?

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01 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's So we can, I got a chance to hang out with Zach, who, for our listeners that don't know, Zach is the reason, I just heard of the, what is that? Is this wrong? Wait, Mike. Let's go. Let's go. Zach is our audio producer who gets you the audio of the show, the podcast, and produces the show, make sure that the sound is good. Everything is, you know, always up and about, and we love him so dearly. And Zach, you know, is one of those guys that's a behind the scenes are, but he is the can do guy here at the radio station. Like everybody loves him because of his positive attitude, literally all the time and it's totally infectious. Well, I went out on Saturday. He heard me talk about going out to dinner with Lydia and KP and he's like, can I go to dinner with you? And I'm like, you know what? No. Stay in that little box. Literally what he said to me. I, I kind of, then I said yes. And so we went out on Saturday night and I noticed that it's Zach's birthday coming up here and he's taking off for his birthday. Zach actually scheduled a trip to go to Vegas. Okay. So we, we went out to eat. We said it was Zach's birthday so that we get free dessert for him. So I didn't have to pay for the dessert. Thanks for the invite, by the way. Exactly. Listen, none of you guys were invited. This was just me and Zach. You guys have all spent time with me one on one and guess what? None for you when it's Zach's birthday because I took him somewhere nice too. I actually took him to a nice little steak place and Zach had fun. Had a, we had a couple cocktails and had some eats and all the rest of that stuff. You looked good on Saturday too. You dressed up. Okay. I don't, I didn't dress up that well. That's dressed up for you. Okay. I thought you look good. I mean, it was just a sweatshirt, but like, I didn't realize how fancy this place was. Where do you think I would take you to? Well, I asked for a Buffalo wild wing. So I was expecting something a little less fancy. You get, you get better than that. I appreciate that. And so we're, we're getting ready to go to eat. Okay. And Zach's at my house. He gets there and he's sitting on the couch and I'm, you know, I'm like the girl that he's waiting for a date with like 45 minutes, I was getting dressed, I took me 45 minutes to get dressed. I'm a, I'm a little bit of a prima donum. And he says to me, he goes, Oh my God, you're never going to believe this. I just matched with somebody and you'll never believe who I matched with. And I'm like, Oh, this guy's on my couch trying to find a piece of ass. Well bet, you know, when he moved locations, you get different matches. So he came over to the west of Bloomfield, Waterford area of town and guess who he matched with. Tell everybody who you matched with. All right. I matched with an ex counselor from my summer camp. When I was growing up, Oh, yeah, she's like 12 years older. All right. Yeah. So you have your settings for an older woman. Yeah. I said before, it's 18 to 99. That's my. Wow. By the way, it was that unbelievable. And it was a coed summer camp and I found this counselor like so hot and how old were you at the time? 12. Okay. Nothing. She was 24. All right. So give me back story. Yeah. Yeah. And it was a co like counselor thing and she, I don't know. She was very hot. And then I saw on her Tinder profile, like she's very low key where I actually friends on Facebook. So I kind of got a little nervous that she would remember me, but I shot my shot. And yeah, she hasn't responded yet. Right now. Oh, I did. I did like 15 minutes ago. Can you say the name of the camp? Like what's the name of the camp? We don't got to say her name or you did. YMCA camp. That's all you need to know. Okay. She's still hot. Yeah, dude. Yeah. Let me see it. All right. I want to throw this out there. I want to throw this out there. Who would we never in a million years believe that you matched with on a dating app? I love this. Eight for four mojo live eight for four, six, six, five, six, five, four, eight. Blender Skinner. Wait. Wait. Would that be too weird to go out and start dating your camp counselor? Like that's almost like your school teacher, your high school teacher type thing. Well, when I shot my shot, I didn't mention anything about the camp. So what'd you say? Like what's shooting your shot for you? I said, specifically, good morning, blank, it's a, I'm just shooting my shot here. I super liked you because I think you're truly stunning and would love to take you out and get to know you more if you're interested. That's it. Yeah. Wow. Y'all like that? Dude, I love it. I actually think that's good for Zach. Wait, let's go. I think that's cute. I think that's actually kind of cool that you did that. I want this for you. Thanks, man. I mean, we'll see. I don't know. What's wrong with him saying let's go? I know. There's an audio feature you can add though. I feel like that would. I think if he does let's go, she might be scared and go Oh, I remember the little kid that was in my camp. Oh my God. That's him. Let's go. I just recorded a message of you going, what time is lights out? I can't believe I'm serious. Nobody's calling up that matched with somebody crazy. You're telling me that you've never matched with like an uncle or a teacher or matched with the neighbor down the street, you know, or something that you're like, holy crap because I heard stories all the time and I'm not on dating apps, but I hear stories all the time of people who are like, I'm getting off the dating app. Why they think I should be dating my grandfather or one of my girlfriends matched with her ex fiance who he called off their wedding and then they matched on a dating. Oh, this is PTSD at its finest. Yeah, that would that would be the worst. All right. All right. Okay. Hold on. Textors are texting in. We're going to call you guys. So pick up your phones. Your little texting dating music. I matched with the divorce lady who lives next door. That's a good match. Very awkward situation because I thought she was still married because her husband still lived at the house. Another one here. I matched with my boss. Tell me that's not weird when he sees my face and then goes, Oh God, I might be interested in him. Mojo in the morning, Lily, hi, who did you match with? Hi. Um, so I actually matched with my elementary. Really? That's kind of hot. Was it somebody? Was it somebody that when you were in school that you thought was a cute person or was it, you know, no, no, no, no, that that is kind of weird. It is kind of it is it's kind of like a little like, you know, red tube or porn hub, but it's like, I don't know. Okay. Sites. What was that? I don't use it as much, Mike. I'll tell you out there. Mojo heads. Mojo in the morning. Kelsey, voices guys, who did you match with? Um, yes, so there are dating sites for people that have curvy and I'm on those dating sites and one year I matched with my uncle. Oh, my God, that is crazy. That's wild. Did you ever bring it up? No. Did he ever bring it up? No, he didn't know what I mean. My picture was kind of like, blur it out, so he never saw my picture, but I saw him. You know, I never thought about that that has to be something that's difficult to bring up, but at least if there's a site that everybody knows right off the bat, it's not that bad. Kelsey. But now when we have family gatherings, I'm looking at him like Jesus, like, yeah, I know this about him, but he doesn't know this about me. Yeah. That's pretty crazy. Wow. I like the people. My, uh, I matched with my pharmacist. That's an interesting one. They know you got herpes, too. 313 says I matched with my second cousin. Another one here said I matched with my therapist. How crazy with that being laid back and tell me all your problems. What's up, Ben? How you doing? How are you, buddy? Yeah. Second time caller here. You guys. I like it. Yeah. You guys had a subject on medical marijuana gummies, uh, five years ago. I was the one who ate the 500 milligram gummy and whoa, still going. Yeah, yeah, I still feel right from that. We're talking about, uh, matching with people in a weird way. Who did you match with? So I matched with a girl that I thought worked at a psychiatrist office. I went and picked her up there and picked her up there several times. We hung out had a fine time every time. And then about the third time I picked her up, she came out and said something that like Kena was like, wait, what and she's like, Oh, I had a really good session with a doctor today. And I thought, Oh, you don't work here? She's like, no, no, I go there. I'm like, whoa, what? So next thing, you know, she told me a real sob story. I'm not even going to get into the whole story because that's really long, but she ended up getting four hundred and fifty bucks out of me. I felt bad. So she was, she was not a psychologist or somebody that worked at the psych hospital. She was a patient at the hospital. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. With that. And you. Well, which they had like outpatient things where they could actually leave and go do some. Yeah. Yeah. This wasn't like a mental institution where I was picking somebody up because she was, she was going in for therapy and find, hey, I've been for therapy too, but shoot, she, she kind of made it out like she worked there. Wow. Why were you picking her up every time? You know, I was kind of trying to figure that out myself. Bro, you were her ride. You got to lay off the gun. Kind of how it was because it turned out she was kind of a user. Oh, wow. Her ride. That's funny, though. That's crazy. Sandra, hi. Hi. How's it going? Good. Sandra, we're asking the question of who you matched with. Who did you match with on dating app? So I matched with a new worship leader, like the head worship leader from the church that I used to go to. And he had three children and was also married. Oh, my God, bro. What was that like the next time you saw him at church? Well, he actually got fired from that church, so he wasn't still working there. I was still attending, but I couldn't help myself. I had to match with him. Wow. So you did you go out with him? I didn't go out with him, but we exchanged numbers and he immediately off the gat goes that made like a naughty pick. Oh, my God. Did he get fired for inappropriate behavior before that? He actually was fired because his wife was being inappropriate with other women. Oh, yeah, they have opening masks on Sunday. That's pretty crazy. So did when you guys were talking to each other, he had no clue, though, that you were a, you know, a country exactly who I was. He did. Wow. You know, he was like the best person like on Sunday service who was like singing and leading all of the music, and he was like, you know, I'd always stare at you. You're just so beautiful. Wow. How? You solo. Yeah. He's like, well, you know, we're going to separate, but still to this day, it's safe to live together. They're still married. Shut up. That's amazing. That is absolutely amazing. Well, thank you for the call. That's a good call. How about this one here? I'm a teacher, and I matched with one of my students' parents. That would make it very awkward. Although it's a little hallmark, uh, channeling and it's kind of cute. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at