Mojo In The Morning

Meaghan Thought Shannon Got Kidnapped

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01 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's Mojo in the morning show. Megan is worried about Shannon or was worried about Shannon. She thought you thought something drastic happened. What did you think happened? I thought Shannon got kidnapped. And that's like not a joke. It all stemmed from the fact that Shannon and I always share our locations with each other. And I got a notification. I was sitting in another studio, kind of later in the day, and Shannon had left for the day. And all of a sudden I get a -- Shannon Murphy started sharing her location with you, which I thought was a covert, "Hey, I need you to pay attention signal from Shannon." Like she had stopped sending it and recent it as like, "I need you to know where I am right now." And I was like, "This is so weird." I immediately started texting her. I'm like, "If she's been kidnapped, she obviously can't talk on the phone." So I started texting her. You watch a lot of those shows, don't you? I do, but you know what? I prepared in case of an emergency. Deeline NBC's, and what are some of the other ones you watch? SVU mostly. SVU, okay. But I was hoping that if she was in the trunk of a car, she knew to punch out the backlight and put her hand out. I do know that. Yeah. I learned that at Oprah, actually. And I was in like second grade. It's the universal signal for help. I'm locked in this trunk right now. But I started texting her and I was like, "Is there an emergency? Are you okay? Where are you? Like, what's going on?" And then I get a text back from Shannon explaining why she needed to recent her location. Yes, I was actually quite okay. I was on the toilet, I think, when I received your text. But that was the morning that I came to work and I didn't remember I left my phone at home and I was like, "Oh, dang it. I left my phone at home. I couldn't find it before I left for work. I could not find my phone." So when I got home from the station, I pulled up, find my phone on my iPad and I had to like send that signal to it, you know, to have it make this noise. You guys, I searched my house high and low. I could hear the noise, couldn't find my phone. I had made my bed over my phone. Oh, geez. So it was like under my sheets and in doing find my phone, I realized that for whatever reason and I don't know why, truly, it was probably an accident. I stopped sharing my location with you and so I was like, "Oh, wait, Meghan needs my location." So I started sharing it again and then that freaked Meghan out that something was wrong. But if you're sharing your location with somebody 24/7 and then all of a sudden it gets recent to you, isn't that a signal for help? I need somebody to be watching me right now. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe she restarted it. It's a great, it's honestly, it's a great, a great thought, you know, like I never thought about that, but that's a good one. I will tell you this, I have a couple of thoughts with this. Number one, I think that the sound of the find my phone thing that they use is not a great sound. Like, like... It's too quiet. Yeah. Actually, that's not even the sound. I was just saying, that's not what I thought. Oh, there it is. There it is. There it is. Yeah. And it goes, it's so soft. And mine was under... You guys know I have 12 pillows on my bed. Two days. That's my second thought. Yes. You have way too many pillows on your... I couldn't even hear it at first. You know that you have too much decorative stuff on top of your bed, which by the way, somebody needs to explain this to me. Go off. Why does Shannon have that many things? I think it's part of a thought that she could be psychotic. Well, this is just now coming to you 15 years ago, you know what I mean? But if I was going to put together, like, if there was ever a thing where they're going to go, "Tell us about Shannon," I would say, "Well, she's got like 85 pillows on her bed." She likes pop tarts without the frost. You got to take off the pillows and sleep in the bed, right? Yes. And you just put them back on in the morning? Yes. That's the way it looks. How long does it take you to prepare for bed and to prepare to go? About four seconds. What do you do? Just throw them all off? Yeah. You don't have, like, a neat spot. I do. I put them to the side of my bed. But I mean, I just... Adam. It's annoying. I have the same issue with Cheryl and our couch. She wants to make up the couch every day and lay all the pillows out. In the spot that I'll sleep. Does she cruddy-top them, too, because I cruddy-top all mine and Wes is like, "This is a step that is unnecessary." This is annoying. That's where the bodies are buried at Shannon's house, I'm sure of it. I don't know if you begged to differ on this one. Maybe you're somebody that's like Shannon is, but 844-Mojo live, 844-665-6548. A texture here at 955-00 says, "Megan, that is a great sign that something bad is happening when you do the sharing location with somebody that you're with." Then what does it mean when Mojo sends me his every two weeks? It's better. Randomly. Do you guys share your location, or does he just drop a pin to you? No, I do. Out of nowhere, he'll be like, "Mojo, I'm with a pin to you." Is she? Is she? Has Sarah just... Yeah, Sarah's location. You know what it also means? My flashlight is probably on, too. Yeah. I share it with Megan now, again, my sister, Jacqueline, and then Wes, and if I click on my sister, Jacqueline, I can see she's on her way to work. I can see where she's stopping it. Stop it. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. Yeah. 810 says, "Pure psychosis, Shannon. How many pillows do you really need?" 12. Oh, I was like, "I really have 12. That is not an exaggeration." Yeah. 248, 248 says, "I think it's so sweet that Megan actually cared about you, but Megan, what did you actually do?" She wrote, and I quote you okay. You good? But you need to know that was the calm version? But I appreciate it. That was the calm version of, "I will follow you, I'll get my car, I see your location, I will come to you." I don't doubt that. So, there wasn't any time at all that you were putting your coat on to go run out to your car to go chase after wherever that she could be. I feel bad for the people that do share their location with me because I don't want it to come off as stalking, but genuinely Ellen does too, and when she goes on a date and she gives me a timeline and all of a sudden that timeline has changed, I grab my keys and I sit by the door and I'm like, "I will drive to Chicago this minute and I will kill a man. Where are you? I need updates." She knows at this point. She could be gone before you get there. She has. I hate to break it to you. She's staying longer than she's told me. She knows that she has to go to the bathroom and text me updates or I start panicking. Has that ever happened to anybody where they are doing the shared location with somebody and they did panic so much that they got in the car physically to drive over? I would love to know if that's ever happened to you. Call us up. Page, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. Hi. Hi. Yes. Hi, Page. Hi. My mom thought I was sitting down under a bridge one time because after a kid from Grand Valley drowned at Michigan State, she was like, "I really need to see your location." She made me at her own 360. Yes. By the way, that has me so freaked out about my son being away at college. That story was just tragic. She had me on 360 and me and my friends decided we were going to go do a photo shoot that's on this graffiti wall that under a bridge near the Red Cedar River. This was like, "Wait at night. I don't know why we decided to do this." But my mom, she's on the bridge at the Red Cedar River. Oh my God. She calls me panicking and she says, "Page, why does 360 say that you're under a bridge in the river?" I was like, "Because I'm under a bridge in the river." I'm very, very scared, but we were just taking pictures down there. Wow. Yeah. You know what? That story is so sad. Such a sad, sad story that that happened. But all of a sudden, you see your kids in the exact spot. We actually told Luke when he went to state. We told him, "You can't be drinking and you can't be walking home. You have to be with somebody else." And just the whole idea of him walking by that area. What's up, Bath? Hi. How good morning. Good morning. What's going on? So when you played that "Find My Phone" song, I've literally had PTSD. My stepdaughter, when a husband and I are out, will do "Find My Phone" if he doesn't answer her text. Oh, she said. Which is fun when you're baking cookies someplace. Damn stepdaughter. Caitlin, what's going on? It's Mojo in the morning. Hi. Good morning. Hey. I just want to say in a second, your feelings are valid. My friend looked out of state and she never sent her location to me before and ran them at night. She said to me and he wouldn't answer my calls. So I was like, "Uh, what's happening? Like, answer my text. Are you alive?" And she was like, "Yup. All good." So I need you to answer these questions that only you would know otherwise I'm driving for hours and making sure you're not dead. Yeah. What kind of questions did you ask? Um, I've known her since birth, so it's more like, "Who's your dad's best friend?" What? Like reclaiming your password from a company, you know, a site? Yeah. Mother's maiden name, stuff like that. Pretty much, yeah. That's a good friend. By the way, that's interesting. You've got to have code words and things to when you're, you know, following. Should we set one up right now in front of everybody? Yes. What would it be? The listeners will know it too. What's up? Katie, what's up? It's Mojo in the morning. Yeah. My husband usually calls on his way home from work and he did not call me. And he didn't call for like two or three hours and I was paranoid. So I found to find my phone and help and I actually went to his work and walked in and see if he was okay because he was not big in his phone up. Oh my God. Man, did he get himself in trouble? No, because he, his boss was close front of ours, but it was- No, I'm saying with you. I'm not talking about you. Did he get punished? What's up? Bekahai. Hi. So my mom actually called the Canadian police because I turned off my Lister 60 and I was working in Detroit at the time, so it just took my like most nearest location, but it showed up as like a random golf course like in the middle of the golf course and it was like four in the morning and she called the police thinking I was like kidnapped and I was really just like in our basement. Oh geez. That's why, isn't that wild how that does that sometimes though? It will pick up the last location. It's wild that she did Canada, even though you work in downtown Detroit. Why Canada? My location will- It was really close to the bridge. Yeah. My location jumps to Canada all the time. That's it really. If my phone connects to the like winter tower, yeah. Wow. Absolutely. All right, have a great day. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist pumper? A woohoo! A hand clapper, a high fiver. If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses so don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba