Mojo In The Morning

Mojo Busted Him For Liking Porn!!!!

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01 Jul 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit That's All right, this next topic can get me into a little bit of trouble, but I'm gonna bring it up anyway just because that's the kind of guy I am. I live and die for you, our listeners, to make sure that I ruin friendships for entertainment purposes. Okay, I want you to use this as a public service announcement. If you're one of my guide dad friends, you know, like a guy who's, you know, a dad of one of the kids that my kids are friends with, I want you to understand that you have to be very, very careful of what you do on social media because everybody can see you. All right. So one of, and I won't say which boy it was, their dad friends liked a porn star on Twitter or X, formerly known as Twitter. And I got a chance to see it. Did you know that if you, if you like something? I'm not on Twitter. So I don't understand Twitter. You can see all your likes. Oh, so it's like Instagram used to be Shannon, worst thing. Don't read this out loud. You can say the letter O if you want to. Read that. Oh, causing. Can I say the whole thing? Causing an O is better than having an O and he liked that and whatever the count is. And that was from some. Yeah. But when it's somebody, you know, his dad, yeah, but he liked that. That was your dad. What if your, what if your sweet mama, yeah. Liked that. Oh, I would go. You would have a great conversation. Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, just say, like, because like everyone can rule everyone, like, it's like, makes everyone happier. You're like, yeah. See, the thing with X is if you go to a person's profile, you can see all of their posts, all of their replies, all the media they've produced, and you can hit their likes and you can literally see every single post that they've liked over time. This does this on Facebook too. Where on Facebook, you can, it will say so and so likes this, so, you know, whatever it's like, like, you got to be careful of what you follow on Facebook because I now know the principal of the school, you know, follows a certain site. It's so funny that only does it for a couple of people for me where it will come up in my feed or whatever that somebody like a notification that somebody liked something. So you like things in real life, you don't have to like, like, why are you actually clicking like on that? I think sometimes I was just so conscious, like you just double tap, but we'll scroll double tap. Can I say something honestly? Yeah, Zach. Like, we aren't using X to follow anybody, like, we're using it to watch things. Yes. And sometimes, sometimes I accidentally hit like, and I'm like, oh, I don't want anyone to see my likes. So I unlike that real quick, but. Is there porn in there? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's called X for a reason. Oh, yeah. All right. Let that be on there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Honestly, I don't use. Don't show or we'll lose her for the rest of the show. No. Are you joking? You say your ankles? I got something for you. Yeah. I have an account that's like linked to my Facebook that I don't even have a username or password for somebody who used to be on a show did it for me. Yeah. Never truly never logged into my head. Here's the topic I want to focus on though. Who did you catch liking or watching adult movies porn? And the other question is what what was dad busted doing? I want to know there's any specifics because this one was a dad. And I think that is the funniest. What would you do? What would you do? Shannon, if you busted Tim, if you saw it, if I see what Tim Murphy likes, I see him on Facebook. I've not caught him yet doing anything. Okay. But here's what my dad likes like vintage memes. He likes some weird stuff. Yes. But no porn that I know of unless you're talking about my dad. If you're if by the way, I did catch your dad. I want you to know I love him so much as a as a person. I would not sell him out to you, but I would tell the rest of the show. Richard Richard Lawson, Tina Knowles, Beyonce's mom husband, yes, I want to say they file for divorce or separation or something. Recently, I feel like right. Yes. A couple of months ago, the big thing, especially on Twitter is now you can, you know, screen record when on your cell phone, if you're looking at something, they went to his Twitter, which is now deactivated, by the way, went to his Twitter, searched his likes, and it was just hundreds and hundreds of videos of porn. Oh my God. Like the wild stuff. What's the point of life? That's my question. I think you just forget when it's something like that, if it's not like, you know, your daughter got a new puppy, of course, you're going to like that. But why are you like that? You got to be careful. You got to be careful that you don't have it auto like or something like that. Like there's, that's what I'm thinking it happens. That's not our brain. Their brain is auto like what's up, Lisa. Hi. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. How you doing? I'm good. Um, so with Instagram, you have to be careful about who you even follow because you'll get notifications that you may know somebody because of who you follow. And I got recommended an account. It was an anonymous account of butt photo and it was so easy to figure out which friend it was. Oh, and the algorithm is algorithm. Is it somebody that you thought would like a bunch of butt Instagram photos? No, but they're very artistic. I mean, they just artistic artistic, that's what that's what this dad friend is probably saying this morning. What's up, Allison? How you doing? Good. How are you? Good. What did you catch your dad doing? I saw him looking up, uh, feet pictures at my sister's wedding. Wait. And his own daughter's wedding. He was looking up feet pictures, yeah, what, what, what part of the wedding was this? Like they were up there getting married. Oh my God, did you say something to him? Like dad? What the heck are you doing? It was just the final thing. And then we talked about it after. So we got that's about it. Oh my God. You didn't tell your sister though. It should be devastated. Oh, she knows. Oh God. That's wild. So his dad into some kind of like weird stuff or is this just the only thing that he's done? That's weird. Oh no, he's weird. That's awesome. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. You got to be careful too. You ever do that where you are looking on your phone and stuff and you're in a crowded place? Like if I'm watching a performance at a school play or a musical or something like that and you're on your phone looking, people are all around you and it's human nature to just glance over and see what someone's looking at. Oh yeah. That's not being nosy. Every single person would do that, especially if you scroll into like a TikTok live on accident. Like you're just scrolling through the feed and it's yeah, it gets it's embarrassing. Oh my God. It's everywhere. You guys got to see some of these text messages to for aid. I used my dad's phone just to make a phone call. It came right up. Some very dirty. Another one here. It said 586. My dad's on Facebook and you should see some of the comments that he makes on women's posts that are not my mom. What's up? Mojo in the morning. Lindsay. Hi. Hey, what did you catch a friend doing? So I caught my friend liking and watching dominant porn like BDSM porn on Facebook. Wow. Is your friend somebody that you would normally think was a little a little kinky? No, not at all. Like the very kind of prim and proper person likes that. Yes. Do you think differently? Did it give them a little cred or did you look at that now? Oh, I can't think of you the same way anymore. I'm not someone to judge. So I just kind of let her know that I could see it and that all her friends could see it and she was very thankful. And what's her name and what city is she from? Yeah. I'm just kidding. It's one of those things where the lions had everybody bring a no ski mask except her friends was wearing a leather one. [LAUGHTER]