Mojo In The Morning

David Femminineo in Studio Visit

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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- This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit - That's (upbeat music) - Guys, make me look good, okay? Don't make me look bad here, because we have, in studio with us this morning, our kids went to a school together, and he's also an advertiser of the radio show here. David Emaninio. (crowd cheering) - Why is it, by the way, that I sound like-- - Finding Nemo. - Finding Nemo. - And the Nem and Nemo. - Have you ever thought, David, have you ever thought of changing your name to get David get paid? - That would be great, wouldn't it? - That's such a good idea. First of all, Mojo, first time, long time, can you get the-- - Yeah! (crowd cheering) - And then, secondly, Mojo, I know it's from this morning, and I know it was hours ago, and maybe people didn't listen hours ago, but listen, get off Chipotle, okay? - Oh my God! - Switch it, stop it. - Listen. - Can I get a high five? - I am, I am curious. - You're not high five. - Leave me a high five. - Leave me a high five. - Team Chipotle. - No, no. - For those that didn't hear it, for those that didn't hear it this morning, how does Chipotle run out of chicken? I cannot tell you how frustrated I am. - Listen. - And I'm not the only one. - There's so many people. - Runs out of something at some time. You gotta step off, Chipotle all the way to the-- - Is that the answer? - No, it's not. - If it wasn't that you're paying top rate right now in your category, Marcy's good, by the way. Actually, more it's good. You ain't paying top rate with more Meisner running your stuff. More Meisner's got it, man. Boom, all right, real quick. I wanna talk to you about some things. So, David Feminineo is a great attorney. We'll represent you if you're ever in a car accident. What in the world is going on in this state? In Ohio, you're just equally as bad. Although, I think that Taren Asher is doing a story on Fox two. Maybe she did it last night. I saw a tease on social media about the difference between our roads and Ohio's roads. But Michigan, summertime, there are more accidents out on these frickin' roads. - I tell you what, I was on my way here and I felt like I was going really fast. I was in the left lane for a period of time. I was going 80 miles an hour. I looked down and I got to slow down. And there were people behind me, so I sped up to 88 miles an hour. And these people are on my rear end. I had to get over just to have them blow by me at 90 miles an hour at nine o'clock in the morning in traffic. It's crazy. - Is it the drivers or is it the roads? 'Cause I swear to you, I think it's all the... We do stupid road construction. Like, we don't do it the way I grew up in Illinois and then I lived in Arizona before here. And I felt like things were done a little differently there. You don't just shut down entire roadways. Like, we do sometimes here, where we shut down 96, you know? - When you combine the fact that people are driving, they're in a good mood, it's a Friday and people are on their way to, you know, perhaps north or something, yeah. - They're pumped up, yet all of a sudden there's two lanes down and people come to a stop. That's when the major accidents happen. And the big misnomer is that wintertime has more accidents. That's a complete misnomer. Those are slow speed fender bender accidents. The big, high speed, deadly unfortunate accidents, most of them, more of them, by numbers, happen in the summertime. - Okay, here's a question. I don't know if you guys would know the answer to this. Our insurance laws, okay, with, you know, if I get into an accident, why is it that I have to pay for the accident when it wasn't my fault? 'Cause the insurance, not necessarily. If you get an attorney that can help fight your case, right? - Well, absolutely, right. It's Michigan's a no fault state, which just means that your own insurance company pays for your medical bills and your car getting damaged, et cetera. But the other driver's insurance company has to pay any access medical and your pain and suffering that you go through disfigurement, all that. The other driver's insurance does pay. The at fault driver will pay. - Okay. You guys ever been getting an accident? - I actually didn't understand that. Like I know we were a no fault state, but I didn't understand that part. No fault means regardless of who caused the accident, your own insurance company will pay your own medical bills up to your limit and then will pay your own damage to your vehicle, but the other driver's insurance company won't pay any access medical and will pay for your pain and suffering. - Yeah. - It's called the first and third party case. - Yeah. - What about like these trucks? If things fall off trucks, you know what I mean? - That is my biggest. - That happened in my dad, remember? It went through his windshield like a year and a half. - That is so scary. - Final destination. - Yeah. - What do you do in the cases of being driven off the road or one of those incidents that take place like what happened to Scott Mick? - I've had many, many cases in which the insurance or the truck has driven somebody off the road or made contact with the side of their vehicle, the semi truck driver never even realized it. That's why you have to make sure that someone gets the license plate of the vehicle because the semi truck driver will just keep going. - Yeah. - They'll just keep going right onto another state and not even realize maybe that they hit somebody. - How many cases that you do, David, go to trial and how many cases the insurance companies, you know, don't want to go to trial with you because they're scared of you? - Sure, on average in the state of Michigan, 98% of all cases do get resolved. In my cases, I make sure that everybody gets the maximum amount of dollars and when the insurance company sees that it's me on the other side, they pay. - All right, if you go to trial, you got to worry about people doing dumb things. You have four things that people do when they go to court that are the dumbest things ever? - Yeah, I did a Facebook video on Feminineal Law Facebook and these are four sure fires way. Just guaranteed ways after doing this for 28 years, these are four guaranteed ways to piss off the judge. - Is this because of that guy in Washington County that was on Zoom and he wasn't supposed to be driving? - Didn't even have a license. - Something like that, something like that. I think the number one one is time. If you show up late that shows disrespect to the court, you're going to start off on a bad foot. Second, it's summer time. I mean, if you want to piss off the judge, dress like you're going to see their point. (laughing) - Show up in shorts and your sandals, et cetera. Maybe even a tank top. Go with the tank top, really makes the judge angry. Show complete disrespect for the court. And then the third is when the judge asks you a question, talk really softly so they can hear you and they got to make you repeat it several times. And then another really good one is to really never answer the judge's question. They keep asking you a question and you just kind of dance around the issue and never answer the question. And that's a really important one. In a bonus one, I have a bonus one. A bonus one is to show up drunk or high. Like we talked about- - Oh my God. - I had one many years ago where the court officer meets me at the entrance by the metal detectors and he said, judge wants to see you right now. - Oh geez. - He pulls me out. I don't even go through the metal detectors. Yanks me upstairs to the court, you know, clerk. And I go right into the judge and the judge says, your client is drunk and belligerent. - Oh my God. - So they call the case first, pack courtroom, call the case first, they bring this guy, we go up to the podium. The guy is holding the podium with two hands and is swaying back and forth. First things out of his mouth were, I voted for you. - Oh my God. - And then the next words out of his mouth were was, "But everybody hates you." - Oh geez. - What do you do you do in that situation? - I had to just let it rip. It almost like was a comedy show and the judge was just promoting more comments from the drunk guy. They made him blow, they made him blow. - Really? - 0.313. - Wow. - Okay. - It was amazing. He did the 3.13. It was amazing. - They did the 3.13. - Amazing. - I'm so glad. - All right, here's a question. I'm gonna ask you this question then. In this, 'cause this is something I've always wanted to know too. If you get pulled over and you have been having a drink or two and you don't think that you're drunk or whatever, should you blow if you're pulled over? - Oh, freight question. - I need to. - Here's the deal. - Just have some of it. - If you decide not to blow, then you automatically lose your license for six months, I believe that it is. - Wow. - And then you have to then go to the police station and then they have to get a warrant for your blood. And so then you get the blood test. Now, if you were on the verge of being not intoxicated, like you were a 0.08 and you needed two hours to get sober below the 0.08, then if you were to say no and the two hours were to pass and the blood tests were to come out less than 0.08, then I guess you're not intoxicated. - But you're still gonna lose your license for that six months. - But even if you would blow legal, or not blow, I'm sorry, blood test legal? - Yes, you're still gonna-- - You're still losing it for six months. - You still lose it for six months. - Because you refuse to do it. - Because you refuse to do it. - Wow. - And they do the figurative, cut your license up right in front of you. That's the figure. - Do they really? - Yes. - Jesus. Oh my God, an Uber is cheaper. - Oh, that's right. - David Feminineo is in with us this morning. 85565 crash, can I tell you something about this guy? He takes the calls. Like I've been with him and the phone ringing. He's got somebody on the other end, that's like a client. And he takes the phone calls when you need, and it's your family must hate you for that. - They do, they do. - Do your family ever get to spend time with you with all the clients that are calling you all the time? - But that's just it. That's just it. I make myself available 24 hours a day, 70s a week on my cell phone. - Very understanding. - But I'm right there with my family, my family's next to me. - Yeah. - I take the phone calls, I speak to my clients, and make sure they feel comfortable. And then I'm right back to being with my family. So that's okay. Last, the other night I got a call at 10 o'clock at night. Guy really wanted to talk, we talked for 25 minutes. You know, I satisfied him, I made him feel comfortable. But I'm still sitting next to my wife. - Yeah. - So it's great. - This is most interesting place you've been at where you've taken a call. - He was like, oh my God. - Well, my legal system always makes fun of me, that I was in line in Disney World for the mine ride, and I'm taking phone calls. I'm ready to get on this roller coaster, and I'm taking phone calls. Sorry, you know. - That's right. - I just do it. - That's what got you the money to go to Disney. - That's right, that's right. - Anybody complains, kids, it's how we got here. - By the way, David never takes a fee until he wins a case, 85565 crash, or Kevin's one guy, I drive by his car. He's got about more dings and dents and buzz. What are you bumping into? - That car's been hit so many times. - To be honest, question for you though. So I came out of my place one time, and to my surprise, someone had ran into my vehicle, and they left a note. Their insurance, their information. I caught, made a police report, police came out, so I got that situated. Then I caught my insurance company. They said, you can either go through us, or you can go through their insurance company. - Perfect. - What do you think I should have done in that situation? - Well, absolutely. Go through the other guy's insurance company. Because of the fact that if your car's legally parked on the roadway and it's struck, then the other driver's insurance has to be 100%. Even though it's a no-fault state, you weren't in the car, you weren't driving it, so you don't have to pay at all. Your insurance company owes nothing. - What about Shannon's case where she gets hurt? - I'm a ran. This is not my new car, don't worry. This is the car before it. - Yeah, the person. - That we talked about it. I was in the Jim parking lot. - Yeah. - Are you going to have a part-time? - Or get security camps? - We do it all the time. We do it all the time. The person took off, we get the video cam footage. We run the plate, we do blogs, and we send out information to the police station, and we canvas neighborhoods to find who it is that caused threats. - It's so good to know. - Can I tell you something? Every car should come with the cameras that the Teslas come in with, where the cameras are taping all the time. I know people that actually put those cameras in their car, so they're recording constantly. Because in Michigan, I was driving the lodge to go to the Rocket Mortgage Classic. People just drive right in front of you or cut you off, and it's not your fault, and you don't know what to do. - It's incredible. It's incredible. It's so dangerous right now. And all we can do is try to drive defensively. - All right, well, I appreciate you coming in. Thanks so much. - Yeah, thanks for being here. - Thank you. - The legendary David Femeniniya or-- - Howdy, howdy, howdy. - Howdy, howdy, howdy. - Femeniniya. - And Mort Meisner. Give it up for Mort Meisner. - Mort Meisner. - Yes. - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - Laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right, has over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. - No more specific. We're greeted by law. 80 plus turns the conditions apply.