Mojo In The Morning

Mojo's Uber From Hell

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27 Jun 2024
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This is the Mojo in the morning podcast powered by Michigan Auto Law. Auto accident attorneys visit auto That's auto Mojo in the morning. I got to tell you guys what happened. I had to return Luke's lease on his car. So it went back last week. And when I dropped it back off at the dealership to return it, I had to Uber my way back home because Chelsea was out of town and Luke was with his girlfriend out of town too. Like they were in Kalamazoo or something like that. So I needed to get an Uber to pick me up at the dealership, which was in Clarkson. So I Uber'd home and I'm going to title this right now the Uber from hell. All right. And I want you guys to think of this. Think of the worst Uber that you have ever been in or Lyft or whatever it is. And I want you to call up and tell us what made it the worst because mine had a few things. Number one was it was the one of the days that we had that 98 or something feel temperature like was really humid and hot. Yes. And I got in the car. And the car setting was at like 72 degrees and it felt like it was 105. And she had air conditioning that had like no free on it. And this is the weirdest part. Can some can somebody explain this to me? On Uber, if you go Uber, you can choose what is it? What is it? Exyn Uber X? Yeah, Uber X, which is like basic more basic Uber XL, which is basic big. I chose comfort. I chose they have comfort. I chose premier. Okay. I did. I know. I know a little bit. So it's a nicer black car, right? Well, that's what I thought I was getting. I thought I was getting. Oh, good for you. I thought I was I thought I was getting a nicer car. Like I thought, okay, and the reason I did is I live about 50 or 40 minutes from the dealership, okay, with traffic and all that. And I'm thinking to myself, you know what? I want it was a hot day. I don't want to sit in because one time I actually took an Uber from my house to the mechanic shop that's up in Kego Harbor. That's only like 10 minutes away. And I literally felt like I got into somebody's Vespa. Like that's how small this car was. It was. It was. It was out. Yeah, exactly. It's like I felt like it was dumb and dumber, you know, time. So the car pulls up and this car was not a very premier kind of car. No offense to anybody, but it was like one with the smallest Jeep Cherokee that they have, you know, the one that's like the little baby Jeep. Yeah. It was like a baby Jeep Cherokee from like 1999 or something like that. All right. So get into the back of the car. I'm okay. The heat is there. And I've got like this horrible migraine that's going on at the same time because this woman's perfume was very, very hard. Oh, I can't. I cannot do the call on perfume. She had she had this perfume on. I felt like I had a dozen roses sent to me by at that moment. It was like the worst. And then last but definitely not least. And please no offense. Anybody loves listening to gospel music. She had gospel music on 12. I mean, it was not even on 10. It was on. I mean, it was like turned up all the frickin way on her. And she's listening to some gospel, you know, whatever the heck it is, huh? It was your sign from Jesus. And I'm and at one point, I'm like the speaker is right in my ear. Like I'm sitting in the back seat, like right in my ear with the speaker and I'm like, God, I want to just tell her to please just turn it down a little bit. So I pretend that I'm going to get on my phone to make a phone call. I can't even talk to her. It's so loud. She can't hear that. I'm trying to say, Hey, I want to get a make a phone call. Is it okay if you turn it down? So the entire ride home and it was a 42 minute ride home. I knew exactly because I was timing it. It's hot. It's smelly. And it is extremely uncomfortably loud in that in this car. I want to know from you guys. Do I have every ride in the world to just jump out in the middle of traffic off of Sashabon road? I did that. I did that a couple of months ago. I was with Lucy. We got out of the Uber. It was so bad. Yeah. I was with loose. We to be fair, we were in New York City. So it's not like we were in the middle of nowhere to get out, but it smelled so bad. What did it smell like? Like it honestly smelled like garbage mixed with somebody who and it wasn't even B.O. But you know when somebody just smells unclean? Yeah. There's that like there's a very distinct scent. It was that and like a garbage and it was so, so, so strong. And Lucy kept looking at me and she was like. And I finally, I thought I was going to throw up. And so I just said, you know what? We're just going to, we're going to actually stop right here and get out right here. And we got out and got another Uber to go back to our hotel. How long are your kids going to call you mama? Like I hope forever. I hope this is going to be 20 years old and you're gonna be loop saying. I call my mama. Do you say mama? Yeah. Oh my God. I hope they call you Shannon. I would get out of the car if I had to. I'm not joking if it wasn't that we were in Detroit or in the Metro Detroit area. They have, we have the worst Ubers in this town. You don't even know if you're going to get an Uber. That's how bad it is true. It'll tell you six minutes and thirty six minutes later. You're Uber says I never had that problem. Oh, it's the worst. Terry, what's going on? How you doing? I just got back from Florida. Yeah. And they'll have a heat on the last thing. Wait, in Florida? In Florida in June. Yeah. When we could catch our breath, um, to ask if he could turn it down and he goes, Oh, I'm sorry. I was a little chilly. Oh my God. You're like a Florida never is cold enough to put your heat on in your car. No, that's a serial killer. Yeah. He was he was trying. He was trying to just wear you down. Yeah. Yeah. Question for you on this one. Let me ask you this, Terry. There's a list of the 10 most common complaints for Uber drivers. Some of these ones are interesting, like a late driver unprofessional to talkative. Would you be upset with the two talkative driver? Yeah, that'd be annoying. Ah, a little bit. Yeah, you got to read the crowd. How about inappropriate music, playing music with a bunch of profanity. No, it doesn't bother me too much, but too loud. Yeah. All right. Here's one another one. The distracted driver that's talking the entire time and not looking at the road. No, because I do that. I like that. You'd be okay with that. I like it. You know what I hate? But I don't want my Uber driver to stop the gas. Like you should have got gas before you got, that should be against Uber policy. I don't care how low you are. I know you want to get the fair. Yeah, that's why you're doing it. But like, go get your gas. Do you think that they're doing it? Because they want you to pay for the gas? Oh, hell not. I never really conversation. Get out. I'm already paying for the car. I'm not about to pay for you to fill out too. Have you ever had an Uber driver that tried to go through like a drive through and get their own food? Never get me something. Exactly. Now, if we at Culver's, you trying to eat. Ever had a rich Uber driver? Yes. I had a girl that rolled up in a I'm talking brands, spanking new Porsche SUV one time and dressed very nice and had like a designer bet. And I was like, I am so confused right now. Is that how she afforded the? I don't know. And if so, amazing for her. But I just did not expect, I didn't expect that at all. That's what I was hoping for when I did premier instead. I got, which I don't do premier. I do whatever is the key. What's up, Cody? Hi. Hey guys, you guys doing good. What's going on? Good. I was a work in New York, fluent in New York. I for there, I use Uber Black for it just so I know I have a good guy. And I had to go from Jersey, Newark Airport to New York. Yeah. And after he accepted calls me and says, why do I want to go to New York? Why do you want to go to New York? I tell him I have a job. He says, well, I'm not going to New York and climb my ride. Wait, the guy's trying to talk you out of your destination. Yes. 100%. That's nuts. And he accepted it. So it took you off of the playing field for all the other drivers. 100% And then I had to re find another driver to go. And now I'm just wondering, am I going to find anybody to get me ready to go? That's crazy. The guy didn't want to drive you. So we did that. Wait, read through some of the text that didn't pick up the phone Lydia. What are some of the ones that you liked so much? No, I like this one that says it's not always the Uber and Lyft driver that smells dead one time. I almost threw up because a couple passengers smell bad. Oh, my God, imagine. Yeah, I bet that's got to be crazy. Some Uber's do be stinking though, dog. Like, let's not let's not pretend. I've been in some stank ass Uber. I've never got out because I got to go where I got to go. You know what I'm saying? So you kind of just hold it. You ever have an Uber driver that farted the entire time? Never Chelsea had one. She told me this story. She said she had the Uber driver that literally was farting the entire time she felt like she was driving with me. She said, it was so bad. I got so angry when I can tell they Uber and they like Uber eats. Yeah. And you just did a food delivery and car smells amazing. But there's no food in the car. Oh, I'm so angry. Hold on. Mickey, Mickey has an Uber driver. And you had the smelly passenger? Yeah, it was a couple. They got in the car. They smell so bad. Like I had to pull over. I grew up in everything. And I was like, wow, oh, my God, like, I just I just canceled the ride. I told him they had to get out. It was terrible. I always love to know what they smell like that you think smell so bad. It was like a mix between like urine and garbage. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That'll be easy. Matt, what happened to your Uber driver? You got arrested. No. While you were in the car with him. Hi, Uber driver. I was in Nashville. I was going downtown. They got pulled over and he had a word out there. That's crazy. I was sitting in the back like, um, what do I do now? How did you get to where you needed to be? I had to call Uber. No, my driver got arrested. You shouldn't have jumped in the back of the police car with him. You got a free ride. Oh, my God. That's amazing. The police got to drop you off. That's right. That's amazing. Can I sit in the front seat, please? Morning. Members of this show have been arrested. Just not convicted. Mojo. Mojo in the morning. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. 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