Mojo In The Morning

The Lady Online Who Thinks She's Dating Mojo

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27 Jun 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's All right, it's Mojo in the morning. So I haven't talked about this because of it was kind of a crazy situation that was going on. But I think I can talk about it now. Did you guys know that for the last two years, I have been having a relationship with another woman? It's been an amazing situation. I don't believe this. No, well, let me explain this to you. So for the alleged, I guess, supposedly last two years, there is a person that says that they have been having a relationship with me and that my wife and I are in agreement that she's going to move over so that we can have this relationship with each other. This person contacted me on social media to tell me about this. And then eventually, in a day or so after contacting me, I get messages all the time and I don't know if you guys do, but we get messages on our social media and the messages will be something to the effect of Mojo or somebody else on the show did this and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They'll claim something that we gave them a brand new car and they're, you know, when are they going to get in their car? And you see these things and you go, okay, this could be either just a listener that's kind of just a little disgruntled or it could be one of those ones where it's one of those people that's just trying to bait you to go and to click on their stuff. And you now all of a sudden are getting spammed or whatever. Like I get them on my personal one from some, it's the same Asian woman's picture, but she has a different name every single time that comes out. I get that one. I get that one. Yeah, we should be friends. Yeah. And I don't know how, you know, they're able to leave like comments and stuff. Yeah. Well, I got one that came through on my, on my personal page and my personal page showed up that it said, I'm going to tell your wife that we're having an affair with each other. And I saw that right away and I go, Oh, wow, she might actually be happy if I am having an affair with you. But also news to me. Yeah. And I just I block and I immediately just block the accounts. And that's kind of what I've been told by, you know, people to do. Well, she reached out to Chelsea, who did not want to block the account because she was like, Oh, what's the hags going on here? And Chelsea started having a conversation with this woman, who is writing down and hey, who I we've as we've talked to some people, some of the authorities, she we believe is getting catfished by a person who's claiming to be me. Okay. Okay. So the person is using my identity to talk to this person and has for the last two years been using my identity to talk to them. And not just using my identity as mojo, but using my identity as my name, Tom, my real name. And so this kind of started getting crazy to the point that Chelsea's like, you got a call. And I've never, and I know that Shannon and back in the day, other people that were on the show, you guys have had issues where people are stalked or said nasty things. I've never had it to a point where I felt like I was threatened enough that I had to call police and never got police involved. So I eventually I had ended up having to make a phone call. And I called the, you know, Sheriff Mike Bushard, and then ended up calling the chief of police in my town, Chief Patton, and got put together with some detectives. And basically, because there's a couple of things. One was, hey, there's obviously somebody that's saying that they're having a really relationship with me and they've been doing it for the last two years. But there's also the fact that there's somebody possibly faking to be me. Yeah. And if something happens to this person, yeah, all of a sudden, it's like, well, if they were in a relationship with mojo and next thing you know, you know, and when I say something happened to him, I'm worried about their, their safety. Yeah. When I talked to the police, the police said, well, it's usually not their safety. It's they start stealing money from them or somebody does that thing. Right. So I ended up talking this really nice detective from the West Bloomfield police. And the nice detective goes, all right, well, we're going to reach out to this woman. And so he reached out to this woman, they filed the case number on it, and they started doing the investigation of the whole deal. And I guess they had conversations with her and talk to her and just explain that it is not me. And you know, the person that you were talking to as my wife was my wife, because Chelsea was, you know, getting DM'd by her. But the guy named Tom, who's mojo on the radio, is not the person that you've had for two years relation. Now, a couple of things that I have to say about this, and it is crazy. How could somebody want to have a relationship with me for two years? And never met you face to face. No, but I was no never met me face to face. But then any event, can I tell you the weirdest part? Yeah, do you know, and where's Chelsea? Can we get Chelsea on the phone? Call up my wife. Chelsea, I don't think believe me for the longest time, like, or not long as time, but like, because this went on for like a few hours. Yeah, well, no, but our Chelsea's Chelsea, when I went when the woman reached out. Actually, I think she reached out to Megan for advice, because if she wanted to ask Megan questions about dating apps, because the woman said that I was on Facebook dating. And that's how we met. By the way, if you're on Facebook dating and come across me as mojo or somebody else, I'm not on Facebook dating. Right. I promise you, I'm on hinge. No, I didn't know if you wanted me to bring it up or not. But yeah, Chelsea reached out to me and asked me if I was on that platform, because I've talked about being on dating platforms. And I had it because I didn't think people used Facebook dating. And it's kind of shocking to me that this was the platform that she was being catfished on. But we found out how it works. And it was really easy to actually prove on your profile that you didn't have it. Yeah, but in also the other thing, too, is you can open up, I can open up a Facebook dating profile as Shannon. Well, so that this happened to me so in so many different ways. Somebody opened, I think it was a plenty of fish account pretending to be me. I had a tinder. Yeah, like used all my photos and stuff like that. But then a couple of years ago, I had this same thing happen to be mojo. And I didn't have to file a police report for that. But this person was posing as me. The name was like radio mom 56 or something. I don't even don't remember what it was. But in a guy started reaching out to my official iHeart email, being like, why did you stop responding? We've been talking for a year. I know you want to. But like new personal details about me. It was very, very strange. But the person details this person knew it were crazy and thought that he was in a relationship with me. And it was like it was the craziest, weirdest thing. But the interesting thing is we're doing kind of a new interview with the cops and stuff. And it was like, well, they knew these personal details. Well, we talk about so much stuff on the radio too. Hold on. My wife is on the phone with us right now. Chelsea, do you know that people would have a relationship with me for two years? I just want you to know that first of all. No, I do not know that until now. You were at first wondering what was going on. You thought? I mean, listen, we had to fly on an airplane together because we were coming home from a bot mitzvah that was in Vegas at that time. What I was upset about is you weren't upset about it. You weren't upset that someone was out there using your identity with this woman. You were like, well, did you want me to talk to her? No, I don't want you to talk to her. Like, I want you to be upset that someone is posing as you. And at first, I was concerned about her. But when she was insisting that it was you and wouldn't believe me, that it wasn't you, then I'm like, well, girl, you're on your own. If I were you like, FaceTime, that's person first before I meet them, but you're on your own. And you were also, I know you kept, because you kept talking about this, you were worried that she was going to go meet somebody and somebody was going to do some harm to her. Well, and I kept on saying to her FaceTime, the person first, and she kept on telling me, no. And she was sending me free and talked about their conversation that was happening at that time. You know, my wife, well, he said that we were divorced, that we lived two hours away from each other. And we're just co-parenting the sake of our kids. And it was just, I'm like, well, that's not the case. We're still married. I still live with them. You don't sound happy when you say that. I mean, you know, I just don't believe what you want to believe. The part though that I thought was most interesting. At what point did you finally realize that it wasn't me when she was sending you screenshots of things that I said to her? I don't know if you said this, but when she said that you were sending pictures of your... My what? Phoebe. My Phoebe. And I, that part, I mean, we were sitting next to each other on the plane while this was going on, and I'm showing you. I'm like, look what she is saying. Look what she is saying. And the screen, I, first I asked for a screenshot. I didn't want that screenshot, but I asked her to see if it really was my PP. She said you wrote pics. I asked for a proof of their conversation and what he was saying. And she did send me one of them. And then, yeah, it was just... So the person actually is so good that they use my profile pic and stuff, but here's the interesting part of the PP thing, which Chelsea knows for a fact that if I was going to do anything, I wouldn't send a picture of my PP because that would instantly stop the relationship right there at that particular moment. I mean, maybe my savings account. I don't know. Ava, Ava was talking about cash, oh, okay. Ava, what's up? Oh, there you go. You muted your phone. I've done that before. What's going on? So, you guys are talking about cash fishing and stuff like that. And just a whole bunch of internet stuff. And I've been somebody who's been a catfish, been told I look like a catfish because of the things I post online. They said, what do you mean? They said that you were a catfisher or the person that you got catfish? Well, I have made fake profiles before. Why? And posed as other people because attention, I guess. But I've also, by people I've dated in the past, been told that I don't look like the pictures I post online, like the person that I post on Instagram, compared to who I am in real life, and what I look like in real life is not the same person. So, I've actually intentionally posed as people online. Wow. Why do you do that, though? What happens when somebody wants to meet up with you? Silence. That is a good question. And that's why I have not, I mean, it never gets to that point. Do you ever feel bad about doing what you're doing and messing with people? Oh, yeah. But you can't do it. Are you catfishing? Because when I talk to the police and Sheriff Bushard, majority of the time, it's not for the persons, for any other reason than persons trying to scam money or something. Do you ever use this as an opportunity to scam them for money? No, I've never scammed anybody. Well, I have full book pics before. But they got your fee. So you do make money off of these people that you're claiming to be another person. Yes, Anna. Are you not talking to us and you're kind of cryptic because you're worried that we're like tracing the call or something like that? Maybe a little bit. Okay. Well, we don't have the ability to do that. I also have your daughter, your daughter's in the car. She's in her stroller in front of me as we're walking up and down our driveway. Oh, geez. Okay. Wait, you're a mom that does this and messes with people's feelings. I got some stuff I got to work through, but I'm looking to go towards therapy and stuff because being a mom's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Yeah. Are you? Sorry. Are you currently in a relationship? Um, I think you could say that. Do you do this while you're in real relationships with people? Do I catfish in real relationships with people? Is that what you're asking? Like if you're dating somebody, are you still participating in this behavior with strangers? No, because the person that I'm thinking of, he's the one I want to be with. Mika wants to make a comment. What's that Mika? I just said y'all are talking baby right here. It does kind of sound like it doesn't it? I know. I love that too. That was so good. Oh, yeah. Listen, she loves that show. But you understand you're messing with people. Like you're obviously messing with the person that you're catfishing, but you're also messing with the person who's identity that you're catfishing. Yeah. You're right. We're real quick. I just got it. My daughter is babbling in the stroller. I got to know these feet pick that you catfishing. Where are you getting these other people feet from? And they've only ever been nice to the eye. So they are her feet. Thanks for that fun. Gotcha. Well, that's crazy. That's a that's crazy call. I like I said, people are like, you got to turn her in. I don't know how we turn her in because we don't have the ability to be able to do that and scream or and trace calls because of our phone lines how they come in. Unless you texted us. And if you did, we have a phone number. Did you text us? I don't know how to text you guys. Okay. All right. Dude, I was calling earlier. This is my first time getting through. What's going on, Melissa? Good morning. I got stuck with a man during COVID who has multiple profiles. Also, he literally would talk to me on these profiles. And he would start stuff between me and him, but it was really him. He had also he really just messed with me. Yeah. And what she's doing is just extremely wrong. She is messing with people's mental health. And she needs help. Well, and that's and honestly, and this all started because talking about this person that thinks that they're in a relationship with me. But I will tell you that I don't know the full story of why somebody would pose as me. But I also don't know the full story about the person that said that there, but you are messing with somebody's mental health. And it doesn't sound it doesn't sound like it's a situation that is making somebody's life better. You're hurting somebody's life when you're doing this stuff. And that's and that and look at your situation, what it did and mess with your man. Let me he gas lit me every time I would try and call him out on things. And he was talking to women on on Facebook dating. And it's like I'd see it on his on his phone. And then he would tell me basically like, I don't know what I saw. We know what I started taking pictures of this phone before I said anything to him. So I know damn well what I saw, you know, and it took me too long to get out of that relationship. And I am so glad I'm out, but I try and let other women know because he he's almost the other woman. He has a day V and he lies to everybody about everything. Yeah, that's horrible. So this is a guy that's doing it just like that baby reindeer lady. We just talked to a second ago, which her name is Eva. She's still on the phone line to her. Are you still on the phone line, Eva? Yes, yes, I am. You don't find yourself to be a little off by doing what you're doing. I'm definitely off a little bit. I know that. I'm happy that you are seeking therapy for this. Yes, I've been in therapy before and it was a very good experience talking things through and doing all that. There's I've only ever tried cognitive behavioral therapy, but I'm interested to see what other types of therapy are out there. I mean, there's I think it's called EMDR. I can't remember what that stands for, but the interesting thing is the one therapy though that is going to get you to really hit rock bottom is the therapy of somebody putting you in jail if you do something like this. So you'll never see your daughter and that's the part that you got to figure you got to figure out. I know I'm aware. I do have a doctor's appointment that I need to attend to. So okay, I will let you guys do what you have to do today and I appreciate all that you do. All right, you have a great day. I almost responded with I appreciate all you do, but I don't appreciate all you do. All right, Chelsea's still on the phone line. I didn't even realize you were still on the phone line there, Chelsea. Sorry. I don't know why I'm talking to you later. I love you. We're not getting into divorce right now. Oh, yeah. Oh, they're just hanging out.