Mojo In The Morning

Meaghan Was so Hungover She Puked Where?!

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26 Jun 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning Podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's Hey! Hey! We're out of the studio today. We're at the-- we need music that's more mellow. This is golf? This is golf, right? This is not golf. This is golf? WWE wrestling. This puts the rock and rock it mortgage. There you go. Exactly. Oh my God. What's the sound that goes? Yeah, many rippleton. Yeah, right? Yeah, this throwback throw down WMXD. That reminds me of golf. Good morning. Welcome to the Mojo the morning show. We are live. Shout out to all our friends in West Michigan over 100,000. Actually, I think it might be even more than that 125,000 or something like that without their power today. They had they did a story on it on Good Morning America just a few moments ago. It was a storm. It was like a storm. Weird names. They call like storm cloud or something that where the storm got caught and literally was not moving. So it was hitting that area for a long period of time. And it was weird. They said that then all of a sudden the the storm just started moving faster. We didn't get hit by it. And I hate to hate to say it. We got it's rain. We didn't get like knocked out of power and stuff. Oh, it rained. You were in the building. You were doing segues. I was bad. What does inclement weather mean? In Clement inclement. That's not how you say it. That's probably how you write inclement. No, it's actually right. But like you talk like a normal person. What does that mean? No, it's means it's not good. I guess. I don't know. I thought I meant like it was coming our way. Like eventually it'll be here. Yeah, I like incoming incoming. Incoming just kept seeing that yesterday. Like inclement weather. Wow, we're done. Unfesantly colder wet. That's what it means. Yes. Okay. I'm an inclement person. I've used it in the wrong terms. Jesus Christ. I met some dumb bastards by time. But you go out to the mall. I always thought that inclement made it was just bad. Like it's bad stuff. But I've used all time. But that's interesting that it's purely on temperature too. Well, today is going to be another one of those days where you might get some of those summer storms and then tomorrow supposed to be gorgeous. I think it's going to be really nice. Meghan party in a little too much had a little too much fun. Should we do a fill in the blank on this one? No, I'm worried for what people would fill in the blank with. Let's fill in the blank on this one. And hold on. Let me see what Lydia came up with for the fill in the blank. I am like so out of it today. The fill in the blank this morning is I was so hung over. I blanked. So this weekend, I really don't drink that often. I think if anybody can attest to that, it's this group of people. And I drink from Friday at noon until Sunday at three o'clock in the morning, almost nonstop. Do you have a problem? Yeah, absolutely. The three times a year, I got more than one drink in me happened this weekend. Remember the days when she would just hold a drink? And we thought she was like wasted the whole time. Yes. And then I found out like it wasn't even alcohol. I'm really good at that. I'm really good at it. So I did drink nonstop and Saturday morning, I woke up and I was like, I feel great. Oh my God. I'm still young, useful. She's glowing. Gen Z. Yes. Turns out that's not the case because I paid for that that confidence real bad on Sunday morning. I woke up on Sunday morning like I had been hit by a Mac truck, but I had errands to run because we had photos to take on Monday. And was I prepared and put off everything until the last minute? Of course I did. So I had to get the car and I go to Target and I pulled up into the parking lot. And you know how like ebbs and flows when you're hungover? Like I was like, I'm fine. I got this. I'm a confident woman. Put in some music, put in your ear pads, walk in, don't look at anybody, don't engage, throw your sunglasses on, get in, get out. Like I had to hype myself up and I felt like I was in the zone. And as soon as I got out of my car and I started walking towards the building, a wave of you up about. I have to say you pop it, hit me hard. My mouth started sweating. And I, you know, upper lip sweat. No, the inside of my mouth. Oh, that's wetting. Your mouth sweats from the inside out. Right before you puke, your mouth doesn't feel like I'm asking taste. Yeah. It happens so fast for me. I don't even know what's wet. Oh, my mouth started sweating. When it fills up with s live and you're like, I have 0.2 seconds. And this is going to erupt out of me like a volcano. So thankfully there's trees in the bougie, uh, target parking lots. Um, like the curb areas. I don't know. What do you call it? The grassy and old area? Yeah. Yep. Yep. In between the different lanes. And I just booked it in between two strangers cars, grabbed a tree, vomited everywhere in this target parking lot. And I knew people were watching. Was it crowded? Was it parking? Oh, yeah. There's two outcomes to this. I can either get the car and everybody's going to think, wow, that's really sad. Or I can man out. I could pull the literal altoids out of my purse. I slammed a full handful and I just walked into that target. Like, do that. Talk to me. I had a bro today. I was like, there were two outcomes. Either I'm a mess and people were probably like, she needs help or I hope somebody was like, oh, she's morning pregnant. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's poor. Yeah. I was like, I should have rocked my belly on the right edge of the target. Like, oh, that's so great. Yeah. Is that one time that you actually pray that they think you're pregnant? Absolutely. Like every other time in my life, that would be the most heartbreaking thing in the world. And this is the one time where I'm like, please make assumptions. Please. Is it, by the way, you might be, has anybody ever puked in a target parking lot before? That is a masterful. I've been, I've seen a lot of things in target parking lots. I have not seen a lady puke. It felt classy. Was it? It felt like very rich. Like, did you go back and visit your vomit when you were walking out with your packages? Yeah. I blew it a little kiss. I know what we need. I'm glad we're pregnant. It was a lot of camera footage of this happening. Was it by your, was it, you know, near your car park? So it was like, how close was it to you? Oh, no. I was in between strangers cars. Like, I was walking towards the target. I park far away. Like, I have a nice car. I don't. And then I try to justify it. Like, Oh, you're getting such a good for you. But I ran in between two strangers cars and I'm like, it's target. There's probably somebody sitting in their car watching this happen. What's funny about this is that you do not ever drink. And, and now this will never let her, she'll never drink ever again. Because once you vomit, once you're not, you're done. Megan was feeling herself on Saturday night. I don't know. You're talking about I was perfectly put together and composed like the proper woman that I am. I was shocked at my core when Megan asked me to go out for shaded party. I was like, Oh, Megan wants to go out for longer. Yeah. That is so bizarre. Good night. I was like, Dang, what's wrong with me? Dude, we ended up at the club. The club. No, seriously. Yeah, we did eight four four mojo live eight four four six six five six five four eight. I think we did a wrong fill in the blank. We should ask where you where you threw up. I think so too. I think I think you threw up could be a funnier time. The I heart parking lot. Yeah. Yep. Yep. There's one day I came into work and I was like, and I was literally out of our couch. Like I was like, Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Rain outside. Threw up. Threw up. I don't know if you guys remember that day. I was so sick. I don't know. Unbelievable. By the way, I probably stepped in it and thought it was just probably part of the parking lot, you know, that parking lot is the dirtiest parking lot ever. We do us a favor. We, Steven, will you pull up a chair here for our guest that's going to be coming in while we're soliciting calls at eight four four mojo live. It's great topic. I know this is the this is the type topic that you want to do when the head of the rocket mortgage pro am tournament Jason Laynewell walks into the building here. I'm sure he's had a wild night or two. Yeah. Jason sit down here for a second sit down. And by the way, my friend Craig Myers, I'm going to be golfing with Craig coming up here in just a little bit. Craig, by the way, you got what the third seat or how do they work it out? Do they the third pick or something? Random. Oh, it's really like the lottery. We got so we got some like like crazy. Gary Woodland is a is a big, a big name, huh? Big name. Yeah. Unbelievable guys. Is he a US Open champer? He actually when he won the US Open, the first time he played here, he'd committed to play and we were two weeks after the US Open. And so sometimes when players win big events like that and they don't need to play as much, they withdraw. It happens quite a bit. So when he won, I mean, we were rooting for him, but we were kind of like, uh oh. And he was like, look, I made a commitment. I'm on your billboard and he did not play golf. Like literally until he showed up here, he was, you know, going on all the tours and the media and all that stuff. And but decided to still come here and play and he's been back almost over your since. That's incredible. By the way, that's big. And that's big for a tournament, you know, to be able to have somebody that's all over everywhere, probably ESPN Sports Center all weekend and stuff. So you got great names that are here this weekend. Again, you're able to get to me one of the most exciting guys in golf to be kind of the lead of this whole thing, Ricky. I mean, it's unbelievable to have him back as champion. There's so much energy around him being here. And I know he's excited about it too, especially, you know, he's expecting a second now. So it's a special trip too, because this is Allison's, his wife's, her last trip on the road before she goes away because her do August 4th. So, I mean, you know, she's, you know, almost ready to go. So nothing says push gift like a $9 million. These guys, I wonder, I wonder if these guys are like, you know, and she's like thinking to herself, you better go out there. When is it? I want a good present. Yeah, I'm on my feet. Well, girl number two, he might need, he's going to need some money. Yeah. That gets that girls get expensive. Yeah, exactly. So we had great field. You excited for this weekend? Yeah, really excited about it. I mean, our field is fantastic. I think we got the best collection of young players we've ever had. Not just our 15 year old Miles Russell, who, yeah, you know, not a little, not a lump to drive a courtesy car. He, he went up, I told you, he went up to the other day. I was like, Hey, Miles, you good. You all settle. He goes, yeah, we came in with the locker room. And I'll set up and his dad was right there. He goes, yeah, he goes, but we went upstairs and there's a sign that says 16 and under not allowed in the locker room. He goes, am I good? I'm like, yeah, you're good. So I'm literally going to picture him with a little shoulder shrug like right next to the side. Oh, that's great. Like, I'm like, yeah, no, you've got to credential you can go in. Who's the guy that I keep hearing about? Actually, my son was talking about him on the way here that was like literally tending bar not that long ago. And now is, is out on the, the course as well. Jake Knapp, maybe it might have been Jake. He was a very guy. Yeah, well, Jake was a bouncer. Oh, bouncer. He's a bouncer to bar. And one earlier this year, it's his first maiden voyage to the trade this, this week. And then actually Nick Bens, who was the Monday qualifier, speaking of bars and beer, he was the one that went out and qualified on Monday. Because you have four players get into this field by playing on Monday out at the orchards and being the low, more than the low four, Nick actually went out. He's never played in anything more than like a state open. He had, he was tied for the lead and he knew he was going to be in a playoff. And so he pounded three beers. He's like, I think that's going to put me in a good spot. And actually then went out and then Kevin Kissner saw it and posted, pair him with me, which we tried to do, but just couldn't work it out in the end. But I'm going to get, you know, I, that would be a power pairing like Joel Damon, you know, Kevin Kissner and Nick, introduce him to Megan, who threw up in a target parking lot. I sort of got, he planned this. There were going to be important people representing the brand coming through. Look at Megan talk about. She normally doesn't drink and we're being serious when we say that. But so that's, you know, she's, you know, it goes right to Kevin on the other hand. This guy can handle his stuff, right? I'm surprised you're not drinking now. Point me to it. We get to see. We have an alcohol sponsor for the whole thing. We do. Yeah. Michultra is the, all right. When do we get to start the snake, the beer snake? Oh, hold on. Jennifer, Jennifer, where did you throw up Jennifer? Oh, man, Megan, my Megan, I love you so much. And I live down the street from a Catholic church in Detroit. And in my younger days, when I used to waitress at 7 a.m., I would get slammed the night before and go to work a little bit hungover. I was on my way to work and felt the sweating of the mouth right in front of the church, pulled over and threw up right in front of the church. Were there people going to mass or? Yes. Yes. Did anybody come and check on you to see if you're okay? Try over you. And so they were kind of just staring at me and I just shut my door and pulled off. I would start crying if somebody just flicked a little holy water in my direction. Great. I drink. Jan, thanks for the call. Ty, where did you throw up Ty? I threw up in front of an old person home. A nursing home. Yeah, nursing home. Did you, were you visiting somebody at the old folks home or did you just pull it over the side of the road? Oh, we mean my friends just left bowling. I told them to pull over and then I just threw up and there's a bunch of people driving by. It was on a busy road. Yeah, it was bad. I like by the way, I like by the way that these are just random places. Megan was intending on going into Target and now she's a legend at that target. A legend. Madeline. Madeline to a you take your target. Madeline raises you a mire. Madeline, which mire were you at? I was at the wedding hall. My dad had barbecue and we ran out of pop and beer and stuff so I went. But I got terrible food poisoning and ended up cuking in the mire parking lot. Oh my God, that's awful. And then I had to go inside to get the beer and the drinks. Wow. They probably all thought it was drunk. Yeah, that doesn't sound like pleasant to have to and that had to be tough for you to walk into there. I mean, it was not fun. Food poisoning is awful. Yeah, you just got to walk with a confidence of I might project a vomit on you and that's you problem and not a mean. Guess what? You get right to the front of the line. Kevin, Kevin, what's up, Kevin? How are you? Good. How are you doing, though, Joe? Hey, I'm doing OK, Kevin. You got to keep it kind of clean, though, Kevin. I just looked up at your your call here. Where did you throw up, Kevin? Oh, I was in the military. How we tried to have a for some. That didn't work out. Wait, we golf for some? Are we talking golf or something right now since we're out here today? No, no, not that that kind of for some. OK, you're trying to have a for some. Yeah, and I got so trashed. They said a blacked out. Yes. Oh, geez. And and then I called my mom the next morning and she told me Kevin, like a lot. You know, you called me in the middle of the night. Oh, do you want to have a for some? You called like your mom? No, you did not. Yeah, I did. And I'm like, I love it. I said, yeah, you did. Oh, no, I did. I died with bears that swear. Oh, Kevin, did you by the way, uh, for some's don't seem exciting to me. Like, you know what I mean? Like it doesn't seem it doesn't seem exciting. It seems like too many people. You know, it's a lot going on there. Yeah. Slow play, right? With with force. I told your mama. All right, buddy. We'll talk to you later. We're going to go back to the Jason here, the executive person. He's like, this is why we put you guys in that background. By the way, because of topics like this one next year, we may not even be on the grounds, we may be just outside. Jay. So, OK, so this weekend, open to public, right? People can get tickets. People. Yeah, tickets are still available. We get the rocket mortgage to get them. Um, you know, fans can come up for free today, uh, all day. And the pro hands. Fun. This swims. We'll talk to you. Chris Webber will be out there. He has celebrities out there and Ricky's not teeing off until like 12, 35 or so. Yeah, he's actually the first time in the afternoon. And so we'll have we'll have pros and celebrities out here all day to day. Concessions open. Merchandise is open. We got the house of hutch collaboration going on. You'll get some cool merch. Yeah. Is it in the merch tent? Yeah, it's good to know. Let's go shopping and most awarded merch tent on the PGA Tour. So we'll get some great merch. Trap golfs in their East side. Some really good stuff. And then that. Yeah, fans can come out Thursday to Sunday. Tickets are still available. Parking down at Wayne State University starting tomorrow. Today, you park at UD Mercy and come on over for free and then ticket competition starts tomorrow. Gates open at 645 in the morning going all day, Thursday to Sunday. And we've got with your fan of golf or fan of some good old summertime fun. We've got something for you out here at the rock. I don't know if you can duplicate last year. I mean, last year was pretty darn exciting. No, we told we gave Ricky permission to win again. We're good with it. We're going to do that again. That was really exciting. That was such a good. I mean, our broadcast on Friday was the funniest because we were chirping him on the green and we, you know, kind of got caught a little grief. And then he wins the whole thing. And just to know that that whole weekend took place, our listeners were going crazy over that. It's insane. It's still surreal. I mean, I get goosebumps just talking about it. I can't believe the thought went in. Obviously, if he's been unbelievable being here, not just as an ambassador, but just loves being in the city. You are. You do such a great job. I mean, putting these things together, I know is not easy to do, but you do such a great job in doing this. And I know that Dan and everybody with Rocket Mortgage love what you do. I appreciate it. We got an unbelievable team, 1400 volunteers that give their time, which is our most precious thing. And the money people don't understand this, the money that's raised for this helps the city of Detroit. And it helps a lot of the education that goes into Detroit public schools. That's right. We're only digital divide. That's our mission is, you know, and we've been doing it every year. We started this effort. There is 40% digital inclusion in the city. We're at 70% today. We got 22 tech hubs in the city. So Detroiters have within a 10-month walk of their home, the access to the internet. We've given over 200,000 devices since we started this initiative and $8.4 million to non-profits since our inception in 2018. And people don't understand because you hear about tournaments all the time at like Oakland Hills and things like that. This is in the city of Detroit. This is like, yeah, in one of only two PGA golf clubs or golf tournaments that take place in a city here in Atlanta. That was Dan Gilbert's vision. How do you shine a bright spotlight on the city and find a way to impact the outcome and let everyone else know that we know, which is a Detroit to a great place to work and to live and to play. And that's what the event's all about. Jason, I got one last call for you. Hold on one second. I love this. Jason Langwell, by the way, I golfed with Jason's son like two weeks ago. And I said to your son, I go, your dad probably hates coming on our radio show to to do this. He goes, I think my dad loves it. I think this is a throw for him. So I love it. You do CBS with and Mike Tureko is like a buddy of yours. Now you're doing Mojo and hanging out with us. Two legends. All right. Jeff, you there? Hey, my God, how you doing? Good. Say hi to Jason. Hey, Jason, what's happening, man? I'm good. What's going on? Tell him where you threw up, Jeff. Well, back in the 80s, I was out at the Strawberry Festival in Bellevue. And you know, having a lot of treats and all the kind of goodies I got on the swings. And these were the fastest damn swings I'd ever been on. And I started growing up over my shoulder. And the girl behind me, I can't hear screaming. And she was just standing there covered in no, I always wondered with those rides, like the St. Mary's Fair and stuff like that. I wonder if people on the ground ever get. Oh, what did you do? Did you pay her? Well, you said sorry. Wow. You are your kind man dry cleaner shirt. Oh, you're a kind man. All right. Thanks, buddy. I'm still kind of young at the time. I wasn't even driving a car yet, but I was, you know, I knew what was up. All right. Take care of yourself. We'll see a rocket mortgage classic this weekend open. Go to rocket mortgage Is that right? That's right. Take it or still available. Youth 15 and under get in for free up to four of them with one ticketed adults. So it's a great value. If you got a young family or they want to, you know, you saw their daughter want to bring their friends out with them. So, and we got some for anybody. It's a really great opportunity to come out. We got great concession stands to talk about our merchandise tent. We got really cool fun interactives that's happened in a way from. So whether you're just, you don't have to be a golfer to come out and play and enjoy it. And that's really what we built this events for an experience for Detroiters to come out and celebrate the city. And so that's really what it's about Thursday through Sunday. And in addition, if you look, the great thing about golf tournament is every single ticket gets your front row seat or you get right up on the rope line and see the best action out there. And it's just a beautiful place to to watch golf and just to enjoy the weekend. And the weather's going to be great. Well, this is going to be great. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate you coming by. Thanks so much for sure. Live from the Detroit Golf Club. This is Mojo in the morning. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land. Where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Boy, we're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply.