Mojo In The Morning

Full Show 06-25-2024

2h 56m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

(beeping) - This is the Mojo in the Morning Podcast. Powered by Michigodano Law, Otto Laxed and Attorneys. Visit - That's (beeping) - This is the Mojo in the Morning Podcast. Powered by Michigodano Law, Otto Laxed and Attorneys. Visit - That's - WKQI Detroit. - W.S.N.X. Muskegon Grand Rapids. - W.V.K.S. Toledo. Three great stations. One stupid show. - This is Mojo in the Morning. Lie late. (beeping) (beeping) Mojo. - Thirty. - Three. - Three. - Three. - Five. - Five. - Four. - Three. - Three. - Two. - One. - The mission sequence starts. - Let me take you back to the beginning. - This is it. - All righty, you ready? - You're listening to Mojo in the Morning. - You're at doo doo hat. (upbeat music) - Oh, Mojo. - It's show time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Good morning and welcome to the Mojo in the Morning Show where the rose is today, 740. He suspects that his wife is cheating with her boss. And it's all because of some emails and text messages. And this morning we do a three-way call that you must hear happening in just a little bit. We got some severe storms sweeping through Michigan right now, and we are keeping our eye on it right now. As we speak, Muskegon getting hit hard as we speak, right? And yeah, oh, just a heads up. I just got this from B-side. SNX just went off the air, a bad storm, power out it just. - Wow. - Oh geez. Oh my God. - Prayers far west Michigan phones. - It's coming our way too. - Prayers for us. - Yes. - Rucking breaking storm comes today! - Yes. So severe weather, high winds, and lots of rain. We never get to experience this during the morning show. It's always usually, seems like an evening thing. And we'll keep our eyes on this, but be alert that we may have some issues. And if we do have issues, go to the app, all right? Go to our iHeartRadio app. You can actually hear us on the iHeartRadio app. So everybody in West Michigan that is on the app right now, tell your friends, put it on social media. 104.5 SNX on social media. And we will keep everybody informed on how this weather is coming our way. I think it is going to be hitting pretty much all of our listening areas. It may go just a little south of Toledo, but I think Toledo is going to get hit hard by it too. So yeah, nasty stuff. It's funny, we don't have the 99 degree weather, the huge humidity that we had last week. It's actually felt, it was still 80s. It felt like it was like fall weather yesterday. I thought we were going to play football. - I just love storms and I hate driving in them and I'm going to Toledo today. - Of course. - But by the time it happens, you're done. It's only during the morning show, I think. - Oh, just during the morning show. - Yeah. And then I think we'll have some rain tomorrow. We might have rain on our broadcast that we have tomorrow for the Rocket Mortgage Classic. - Oh my, this is wonderful. - Got some rain. - And again, Twisters in Theater, July 9th. Unrelated, yellow quotes, unrelated. - One of my favorite movies is history, July. No shame. - That was, was that Helen Hunt? That was in that movie? - Yeah, and the Dorothy baby? I was obsessed with Wizard of Oz as a kid and that whole movie mentions obviously Dorothy. - That was the name of the thingy, yeah. - That sons of the cameras or the balls or whatever. - One of my favorite attractions at Universal Studios was the Twister Attraction, which I don't think they even have any. - Well, not like a four deep thing. You sit in a chair and it gives you the whole experience. - It was, no, it was, it was, it wasn't a, I don't think very technical if I remember. It was that-- - No, you're just standing on that deck. - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - And you're just kind of like rocking a little bit. - Okay. - It was like, you know what it was like? It was one step above going to the local fair and going into that little fun room or fun house or whatever it was. It's Mojo in the morning. I don't know about you guys, but I, for some reason, I can sleep at all in my house because I've got my dogs howling because of fireworks are going off. They are just bad. I don't know, Shannon, if your dogs are like this or Megan Coraline was like this with the big fireworks and stuff. My dogs can't take fireworks. - We haven't had any fireworks yet. I haven't heard one single fireworks yet. - Move to West of Bloomfield and you'll have every, every lake or Kaldian person shooting these things off. - So I can say this now 'cause I don't live there anymore. But when I lived in downtown Toledo, I lived at the Commodore Perry and they are literally across the street from Fifth Third Field where the Monads play. They shoot off fireworks every, I don't know, if it's Friday and Saturday or just Friday nights. And the first night we got the dog, we totally forgot. And they started going off and we were like, oh no, she was never bothered by fireworks once ever. - Yeah, no. - Is that lucky? - No, she is. - Yeah. - And then the other thing we have, Jacob is home to visit. So Jacob, our son that lives in Chicago, goes to school in Chicago, home to visit. And I did not know this about Jacob. Jacob is a sleep screamer. He screams in his sleep, which is something new because he never did this I don't believe as a kid. He says it's only when he drinks alcohol. And he was drinking some alcohol. His mom and him were having too much tequila and some ranch waters, exactly. So has anybody ever done this before? They start screaming in the middle of the night. And so I'm asleep and I'm just kind of like, in my normal state, dreaming of supermodels, usually Jared Gough's wife, you know? - My normal state. - Than my normal state. And I just started hearing screams going off. Like literally like I'm being murdered in my sleep screams. And I got holy crap. So I get up and run upstairs and he has sound asleep. He is literally, it's not even waking him up. So the next morning, I say to Chelsea, I go, should we say something to him? And she goes, yes, we got to say something to him. So he said something to him and he informed us that his boyfriend, Chris, will have to go sometimes to the couch or even leave and go back to his apartment when Jacob is sleeping after drinking. He only does it after drinking. Has anybody ever done this before? - Hell not. I remember screaming one time in my sleep. I think I was having a nightmare and I think I was falling or something like that. And I had a reaction to where I literally, it woke me up and I just started laughing 'cause I was like, oh my God, I just screamed. But it's not something that I like live with or deal with on the regular. - It's crazy. - No, no, no! - It's crazy, you're just a fast asleep and you just start screaming. And I said to Jake, I go, Jake, do you feel like you're being killed or murdered or what's going on? And he goes, no, I have a really peaceful... (laughing) It doesn't sound very peaceful. - Hey, Jacob, I'd be psychotic. - We used to joke in my family that I was a sleep eater. Like, I used to sleep walk. There was times when I would sleep walk in Chelsea. I would go to bed pretty early. Like, I mean, I wouldn't say early. It's like I'd go to bed at 9.30, 10 o'clock. And we would have friends visiting or Chelsea's family would be visiting. And I would walk out in my underwear to the living room and everybody would be like, oh! There's Tom in his underwear. And I would be sleeping. And I would just walk out in there and they would have to like, turn me back to the... - My friend, Ian, makes a happy... - He's doubting that. - I'd food from her husband because he was such a huge sleep eater. - My brother done that. - Yeah. - No, no, no, no. I thought I had this scene. - Thank you. - Say it, Kat, say it. - So, the only place you ought to know to go is to the refrigerator. - Oh! - Like that, that's the destination? - Maybe. - Maybe it's a thirst thing or a hunger thing in the middle of the night. - The stomach is leading you to the refrigerator wall places. - I have the same thoughts as you, Kevin, 'til I witnessed my brother doing it. He was genuinely asleep. And I don't know about you, Shannon, and I don't know about you, Roger. He ate all of the stuff he wouldn't allow himself to eat during the day. - I think that's, yeah. - So, like, he would... Oh, would I count if you're not awake? - He would. (laughing) - Grossly bear Paul a jar of peanut butter. And I went, boy, I can't wait to throw that $7 jar of peanut butter away, 'cause you just put your grummy little paws at it. And it was, like, literally a bear, right? - 844-mojo-live, 844-665-6548-TEX-95500. Oh my God, 734 says, "I cannot talk, I'm in a rush, "but I yell in my sleep. "I once told my sister that I was gonna beat her up." Wow, I wanna talk to that person. A couple other people, wow, this is pretty crazy. 419 says, "I have night terrors." These are called night terrors, that's interesting. And then another person here, 734. We'll try to call you guys. 844-mojo-live, or TEX-95500. Lots of screaming in the sleep. - I once got my sister's iPad password from her sleep talking. - Really? - Oh my God, we had this amazing. - She just gave it out? - Yeah, so, back when we shared rooms as kids, I, she was the only one in our family that had a tablet at the time. And I was like, "Emily, what's the iPad password I forgot?" And she said it, she literally sleep said it to me. So, that was the best thing that ever happened. - Is that the only thing you asked for? What'd you realize? - Yeah, that was the only thing that had value when you were 12 years old. - Next, when you're older, ATM pinco. - Exactly. - What's up, Rob? Hi. - What's going on? So, I fell asleep in my aunt's basement and then woke up three flights of steps, three sets of flights of steps later. - Oh, that's scary. - You fall down three flights of steps? - No, no, I fell asleep in her basement. - Okay. - And then I slept, walked up three flights of steps to my cousin's room. And I don't, apparently I had a conversation saying I'm going to bed. - Yeah. - I went up three flights of-- - It's probably better going up than it is going down. Could you imagine what that would be like? What's up? How you doing, Marissa? - I agree. - Hi. - Hi. - So, my dad's asleep walks and sleep eats, sleep talks, all of it. She eats things that he doesn't even like while he's sleep eating. He doesn't like chocolate, and I find him eating a big bag of chocolate every night. - Oh, so he says he doesn't like chocolate. I love these guys. - Yeah. - Yeah, like Megan's brother. Oh, yeah, I'm not eating that stuff during it. - Yeah, our daughter's snacks are instantly gone. I have to lock those up. So, he's not eating all her snacks. - Yeah, that's crazy. That's, you know what, like Megan said, calories don't count. What's up, Marielle? Hi. - Morning, you guys. - Morning. - Morning. - So, my husband's grandmother, she weaved to live with her. And she's like always been the type to watch a ghost on her 24/7. So, we thought it was like something related to that, but she screams bloody murder and help like every night. - Grandma's sleep screaming? - Yes, and my husband is like a very light sleeper. So, he would always run downstairs like in a panic to see if everything was okay and like you said, just found a sleep. - I would be so worried about her. You know, they also talk about people that sleep moan like they're actually having sex. That would be a thing you'd not want your grandma doing. - Aw, that's incredible. - Could you imagine? Grandma. - Imagine a girl. My hearted it. - Right? - Oh my God. - Maddie, what's happening? - Hi, how are ya? - I'm good, Maddie sound tired. - I'm on my way to work right now. - Okay. - I'm a little tired. - What's happening? - When we were kids, my cousin, he would like get out in the middle of the night and he would go up to the wall as if he was going to the bathroom and he would pee on the wall. - Oh, he was sleeping. - Sleepy. - My aunt would have to like listen for him getting up so that you could direct him to the toilet so he would have pee all over the house. - Oh my God. That would be annoying. (laughing) That would be-- - You're out of it, thank God. - Thank God. Yeah, I put a diaper on his ass. (laughing) What? - You got a rubber sheet. (laughing) - Yeah. Freddy, what's up? - How we going? - Good, what's going on? - I'm not allowed, headed to work, headed to work. - Yeah, I know. (laughing) I'm sorry, I'm in a sleep scream right now. But what's happening? We're talking about people that do crazy stuff in the sleep. Your wife actually screams in her sleep too? - No, actually it was me. - Oh. - Like I would, I'd work so much around that time that I guess I would start yelling at her why certain machinery and stuff like that is down in the plant in Spanish in my sleep. (laughing) - Do you speak Spanish? - Yeah, yes I do. - Okay, I was gonna say, that's amazing. So in Spanish, you'd be screaming about the plant where you were. - No, she'd wake me up later and go, do you remember yelling? Why is the paint lying down? Why is these little machines down this and that and the other? And you did it all in Spanish and I'm going, I did. (laughing) - You know what, that's a dedicated employee right there. I just want you to know that. (laughing) That's good. This one is funny. Brittany, what are you doing in your sleep? - I laugh. (laughing) - No. - You just like sleep laugh? - That would be super creepy. - He's really just, and he always says, he tries to wake me up and ask me what I'm laughing at, but I have no idea. (laughing) - That's funny. So in the middle of the night, you're just like laughing away. - I just randomly laugh and just do these little giggles in my sleep and I don't remember. And he always gets freaked out because I do watch a lot of murder shows. So he thinks that I'm like secretly in my sleep, like planning something. - Oh geez. (laughing) - That's funny though. I always hate when people are laughing at something and I don't know what it is. Like if my wife's watching TikTok, I'm like, I gotta see what she's watching. I couldn't imagine that you're in the middle of the night sleeping away. Thank you for the call. Hey, we got tickets to see AJR for the back in the day. This morning, the show is sold out at Little Caesar's Arena June the 30th. That's coming up. What, a couple days here? This weekend? Right Sunday. - How smart are you? - It's Mojo in the mornings, back in the day. - We have to go back and change. - Where we give you a bunch of events. - Can you tell us what year it happened? - It was the year that Barack Obama was elected the president. - That while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people. Yes we can. (laughing) Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America. Oh, Obama! - It was the year that Will Ferrell starred in the movie Semi-Pro. - Is it going out of here? - I didn't say anything except S-My-C. - I barely raised my voice. - I should call your mother. - You need a phone to heaven to do that. - Maybe your mother didn't go to heaven. - Oh dear, oh my. Here's a line has been crossed by Father Patable. - The big song was from Sarah Bareilles. - Sarah Bareilles. What year was it? Sold out AJR tickets right now. We're back with the dirty and your chance to win before you can buy Sabrina Carpenter tickets. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) - Carlos, and tell us what year that stuff happened. 844 Mojo live. 844-665-6548. (upbeat music) Ow! Yes! - He cheated on his wife to be with you. And now he's cheating on you. Shocker. - Oh, I listened to the morning show because I like more of the roses. - Under the world famous war of the roses happens at 740 on Mojo in the morning. - Scandal. - Wow. - It's Mojo in the mornings, back in the day. - We can get clues. - You tell us the year. - We can get you cool prizes. - President Barack Obama was elected in this year. - That while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt. And those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people. Yes, we can. Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America. - Will Ferrell start in semi-pro going out of here? - I didn't say anything, said S.M.I.C. - I barely raised my voice. - I should call your mother. - You need a phone to heaven to do that. - Maybe your mother didn't go to heaven. - Oh dear. - Oh my, here's a line has been crossed by Father Pat of all people. And Sarah Bareilles had the big song. What year was this? Hello, who is this? - Hi, this is Rasha. - Hi, Rasha, what year was that? - 2008. - It was, yes. Congratulations. We're setting you up with the prize. You got AJR tickets sold out show for Sunday. You got a pair of tickets, okay? - Thank you so much. First time, long time. - Oh yeah, Rasha, so much fun. - Rasha, hang on the phone and we're gonna get you those tickets. Have a great time. - Thank you. Love you guys. - Oh, we love you too. - We love you too. - Right now, a chance to win Sabrina Carpenter tickets before they go on sale. And this show will sell out. Text to win, text Sabrina. Right now, S-A-B-R-I-N-A to 95500. Standard tax and data rates do apply. Tickets go on sale later this week on Friday. The show is in September. You can win the tickets before you can buy them. Text Sabrina at 95500. - Low turn and mornings, dirty on the 30. - Shannon with the dirty on the 30. Good morning, Shannon. - Good morning, dude. Anybody see the video of Prince William dancing? Very awkwardly to shake it off at Taylor's Wembley Stadium show in London on Saturday night. It was dad dancing at its absolute finest. I've watched that video probably 10 times. It's so funny, if you haven't seen it yet, to the Googles, as Kev says. But his daughter, Princess Charlotte is a huge Swiftie. So dad took Charlotte and her older brother, Prince George, to Saturday evening. So they almost missed their scheduled meet and greet, in fact, I guess traffic was like nuts, obviously, around Wembley. And so they were running really, really late. Got there about 20 minutes before showtime. Quick met Taylor and Travis Kelsey, in fact, took a selfie with them and then went to enjoy the show. And a good source of mine says William and the kids, well, he told the kids to stay toward the back of the box that they weren't watching from, just so that they weren't drawing attention to themselves during the show. But he couldn't help coming to the front when this song came on and doing his thing. And more on these Wembley shows in Next Hours Dirty, because everybody, of course, talking about Travis making his onstage debut during one of those three shows. I think he told the kids to stick to the back so they didn't block his view. Yeah, that's a serious thing. He looked like he was more excited than that quarter to be there. Lions quarterback, Jared Goff, marrying his supermodel girlfriend, Kristen Harper in O'Hike, California, also on Saturday. Jared Goff, they got married at the beautiful O'Hike Valley Inn, surrounded by their friends and family. They're dog Quincy. They're also on hand for the celebration. Quincy was there on his leash. But Jared and Kristen started dating in 2019, met on a dating app while he was on the Rams. And then he proposed in 2022 while they were on vacation in Mexico. And now, it is official. They could be one of the most beautiful couples ever. I mean, what a summer he's having. What a year. Yeah. Contract. Seriously, let's hope the continues. Do you think they did chant Jared Goff? Yes, they had to be a fair like that. Yep. Mindy Kaling from the office made a big announcement over the weekend. She welcomed her third child in February, a daughter named Anne. Now, she's already mama to a six-year-old little girl and a three-year-old little boy. She has-- she's so private. She's never revealed the identity of dad. Right. For these companies. DJ Novak. [LAUGHTER] No, that's the rumors that they're like in love. But it's, like, not supposed to be. Yeah. But everybody is speculating. Yeah. And lastly, a man in Singapore, very, very lucky, winning $4 million at a casino, died, dropped to the ground moments later of a heart attack, cardiac arrest, and the shock and excitement of winning that amount of money literally killed him. [CHEERING] [INAUDIBLE] This is his family laying on the floor next to him. [LAUGHTER] Stopping wins 4-mil dropstead. Is that not a crazy story? What is the movie when I have its, like, biggest vacation? Yes. I want the money. I want the money. [LAUGHTER] No, but actually, you are an ass for playing this song. No, this is the music in the back of the casino. Oh, OK. Yeah, they play, like, adult contemporary type music in the back of the casino. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, for all of today's dirty, catch up on the podcast on the free I Heart Radio app, or move to the Go! Celebrity jerked directly to the source. [LAUGHTER] It's mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. It's mojo in the morning's 5 at 6.55. 5 at 6.55, young 5 at 6.55, young 5, young 5, young 5, young 5. All right, it is time now for the 5 at 6.55. Caitlin is back today, going for 10 in a row. I'm sorry, no, 9 in a row. I've worked here a set now. We'll be at double digits tomorrow. Oh, let's not look ahead, though. Let's be careful with that. Happened one time to a contestant. And OK, well, let's just let Nick come on here. Nick, are you there? I am here. Good morning, y'all. Good morning. Nick is your challenger. Nick, what do you do for a living? I work in a childhood disaster restoration company. All right, is it the one that we all know from all the advertising, or is it somebody different? Somebody different. We don't do advertising. We just do things a little better. Ah, looks at this guy. Would you like to plug them on the radio? Yeah, sure. I'd love to give a shout out to Concraft and Auburn Hill. All right, hello, hello. You just did advertising. [LAUGHTER] Katelyn, I'm locking you in a soundproof area. We're going to start this contest. Five pop culture trivia questions. Whoever gets the most right wins tie always goes to the champion. Question number one. This member, Nick, of the royal family went viral over the weekend for dancing awkwardly at Taylor Swift's era's tour with his kids. Who is he? Can you repeat that for me, Tag? I broke up. This member of the royal family went viral over the weekend for dancing awkwardly at Taylor Swift's era's tour. Who is he? I suppose. Question number two, actress Mindy Kaling made a surprise baby announcement on social media. She welcomed her third child several months ago. What was the name of the TV show that she played at Kellyanne opposite John Krasinski and Jenna Fisher? I show over the office. Question number three. Detroit Lions QB Jared Goff got married to his longtime girlfriend, Kristen Harper over the weekend. What's golf's Jersey number? 16. Question number four. This NHL team from Florida is the Stanley Cup champion for the first time ever after beating the Edmonton Oilers last night. What's their name? Florida Panthers. And question number five, Sonya Soto Mayar. Mayar is celebrating her 70th birthday today. Who is she? She is a from court justice. Let's bring the champ back from a soundproof area. Nick, you did good. Like real good, like five out of five. Wow, I told you, Kaling, you got to be careful. Come on, Kaling. You woke a sleeping lion. What is the same? Something like that. All right, Kaling, I think you can get five out of five, too. You have to be perfect to win, OK? OK. Question number one, this member of the royal family went viral over the weekend for dancing awkwardly at Taylor Swift's era's tour with his kids. Who is he? Prince William. One, one. Question number two. Actress Mindy Kaling made a surprise baby announcement on social media. She welcomed her third child several months ago. What was the name of the TV show that she played Kelly on? Opposite John Krasinski and Jenna Fisher. The author. Yes, she did too. Question number three. This is where it could get tough. Lions quarterback Jared Goff got married to his longtime girlfriend, Kristen Harper over the weekend. What's Goff's jersey number? Oh, three. Eighty five. Oh, damn damn damn. What is the number, Nick? It is 16. We got a new champion this morning in the five at 6.55. Opposite City, guys. Opposite City. Nick is our champ. Oh, wow. Kaitlyn goes down. Kaitlyn, let's see if you would have gotten this one. This NHL team from Florida won its first ever Stanley Cup championship. What's their name? Well, Florida Panthers. She would have gotten that one. And this next one. Sonia Soto-Mayor is celebrating her birthday today. She is 70. Who is she? Oh, I'm not sure. Supreme Court Justice. Hey, congratulations to Nick is our champ. Don't hold it against Jared Goff. You would have also missed the last question, too. But we do have a parting gift for you. We're going to set you up with a gift from our good friends over at Papa Ramano's. Thank you to Chris and the gang over at Papa Ramano's for being so good to our contestants in the five at 6.55. And we need challengers now for Nick. We need to get lined up with challengers. Lydia is looking to start testing you guys. Text I want to play to 95500. And we will get you on the show. That's I want to play. Text that to 95500. Kaitlyn, you are actually awesome. We loved having you on. You're always upbeat and fun. Nick better be just as upbeat and fun. Or we're going to come after him. Thank you for having me. Are you bummed? You sound bummed. I am a little bit bummed. That's all right. Listen, you come back and play sometime. Lydia, make sure she comes back and plays sometime. I think she's a 15 time potential here. Hold on. It's Mojo on the mornings. Five is 6.55. [MUSIC PLAYING] It is Mojo in the morning. And it is the home of the War of the Roses. That's coming up. We do War of the Roses. On Tuesdays and Thursdays here on the show, Boston Cheaters. So make sure that you're listening to the show for that. You can always check out our War of the Roses. They're always on our social media. So you can just follow Mojo in the morning. But especially, you can check them out on our Detroit radio station Channel 955's TikTok, where you can watch the full videos of every single one of them. So go check that out. Shannon, it happened. You are now a married woman. Although you were a married woman. But the reception was this past weekend. That's right. And how does it feel that all the hoop law is over with? I am very happy all of the hoop law is over with-- Were you exhausted from everything? Yeah, I think there comes a point where it was-- and don't get you wrong. It was so much fun having everybody in town and just our closest family and friends surrounding us to celebrate our marriage one, but also the blending of our families and our kids, as well, who were all four of them were there. But I told Wes yesterday when all the family was finally gone. I'm like, I am hosted out. It is a lot. It is stressful. It is overwhelming. It is a lot. And I was just totally beat at the end of the weekend. But it was really, really super fun. I posted a few pictures on my Instagram. If you want to check them, I'm the worst Instagram name in the whole entire world at Cupcake, Shannon. But that's me. If you want to see some photos from the weekend. And you look good. It was a beautiful affair. It also was-- It was extraordinarily hot. Hot? Yeah, everybody was sweaty. How were the kids with it? Because when you talked about getting married in Phoenix, you were worried because of the kids having to wear the outfits and stuff like that and worried that Smith was not going to walk you down the island stuff. This was hotter than Arizona. It wasn't really. Oh, yeah. It was just hot and humid, but it didn't matter. I told Smith. I'm like, bud, you can have as much pop as you want. Just stay cool, keep drinking, keep ordering, whatever you want. So he was good. Lucy felt beautiful. Lucy picked out her dress, her shoes. Our friend Katrina did her hair exactly how Lucy wanted it. And Lucy did her own makeup. And she was just feeling like a million bucks. And so it was so cute to see her there and getting to celebrate with everybody and Wes's kids as well. It was just-- it was really special. It was very cool. Love, love, Wes's kids. And I loved it, Lucy. And your new step daughter had matching nails. Oh, yeah. They did? Yeah. Oh, I didn't even know that. [LAUGHTER] Wes looked like he could have played James Bond or something. The hair could. The sewers are very tailored to perfection. Yeah, it was great. And there were so many things that happened during the day. It's like, I feel like I have so much to talk about. But everybody drank too much. We definitely had a few sickies at some point in the day. I ended up wearing two dresses because I couldn't decide. And so I wore one for the actual party. And then I changed into a really fun dress afterwards. And I had taken it to get altered a couple of weeks ago. And I don't know what happened. I don't know if the tailor didn't end up altering it or something had happened, but I put it on. And it was just way too big. So my friends did a last minute alteration of my dress in the lobby of our hotel, which was really, really fun. I'm trying to think what else-- God, the night before. And I don't know if this has ever happened to anybody. The night before, a big event, whether it be a wedding, or a prom, or a trip, or a birthday, or something, we almost had to go to the hospital. And this had to do with my little Smith, who the night before the wedding, we had a ton of people in town. West, my husband, is Canadian. And so all of his Canadian family and friends were in town. And so we did a big dinner. And we took them to a few places around the city that we wanted them to see before. I finally took Lucy and Smith back to our hotel because it was getting so late. It was like 11, 11.30 at this point. And they wanted to just play in the shower in the bathtub and stuff before bed. So I let them. And I could hear them laughing and just having a great time in the bathroom with each other. And then I heard a glass break. Oh, gee. And I thought, oh, God, now what happened? Well, Smith had taken one of those big tumblers, like a big glass that they give you to like pressure teeth or whatever in the bathroom, in the bathroom sink. And he had taken it into the shower with him and somehow broke it on the side of the bathtub. And chunks went into his legs. Oh, my God. And to say that this little boy was bleeding and screaming, I mean, he was just in bad shape. And so I like cleared away a lot of the blood. And I'm looking to see like, OK. I need to assess this situation. You know, when you look at a cut and you can see the fat-- Oh, God. --I could see the fat. And I thought, OK, it is midnight. Probably could potentially use some stitches here. But I'm like, it is midnight. We're in the city. I don't feel like sitting in the ER at Children's Hospital for a couple of hours into the middle of the night before I have to wake up at 6 o'clock to get ready for this morning wedding, right? So we called the front desk, got some bandages, put some pressure on it, they helped me wrap him up, prayed, ordered some cookies from room service because that makes everything better and put him to bed. Someone say you said, after a baby. Yeah, I felt like a bad mom. But I was like, I could not do this right now. Were you praying the next morning that the bleeding would stop it? I was praying it didn't-- you know, I call them like the big guy bandages, like those big, big ones that you put on like a, you know, scratched any or whatever. We had layered a bunch of those on there. And I was like, OK, if he didn't lead to the bandages, he's fine. He's good. He was fine. He was good. So-- I wonder how many times-- we've talked before about missing weddings and people like, you know, having issues getting to the wedding. So has anybody ever had the emergency room visit the day of the wedding or the night of the wedding? Because boy, that could have been very interesting. Could you imagine if you had to do the emergency room visit, how exhausted you would be the next day? Well, and that's why I'm like, OK, like he's, you know, there's not a broken arm. Like, I'll-- Suck it up, kid. I'll put some glue on him in the morning, you know, that bandage glue or whatever. But-- You know what, though, that's a boy. That is a boy right there. For sure. That he was cool with it and stuff. Yeah. 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548 is our telephone number. If you've ever experienced that, were you the day of the wedding hospital visit? Did any of you guys eat at the party, by the way? No. Yeah, I mean, neither. Me neither. That's really the fun part of being part of the wedding is you don't eat my friend. My friend Justin made this beautiful cake for us. And then there was more cake that we were supposed to serve. Never heard. I had a flick of the frosting, because I licked it off of Smith's finger, every second finger. You didn't even try your wedding cake? Nothing. Nothing. Did you get to bring any of it home, though, to try later? Nothing. No. How about in Phoenix when you got married in Phoenix? We didn't have a cake or anything. Wait, so you have not had wedding? Is there some kind of an omen to not having a wedding cake and trying a wedding cake? I am done with omen's. That's crazy. Like, I think that you got to-- isn't it supposed to be like your year anniversary? You pull out a stale cake out of the freezer? Yeah, who does that? And then eats it? That just sounds really-- It just sounds awful. Yeah. Does it have a new cake? Although cake any time, any cake is good cake. Keith, what's up? Oh, nothing. Hey, Shannon, when emergency has come up like that, always go for superglue. Superglue? There is, like, skin glue. For those situations that they'll give you, you know, if you go to the hospital. Yeah, but you can actually use superglue. Yeah. It's the same ingredients and everything. My dad, I cut my thumb down to the meat like that with a razor blade. To the meat. And my dad works at the hospital. And he's like, oh, I just get some superglue. And I'm like, what? And he pushed my fingers together, pushed this in together, glued it, fuck a band-aid around it, sapped the bleeding, and was fine. Superglue works for that. Like, it doesn't cause any infection or anything like that. It's the same thing my ER cousin do still. Like, they all work in ERs. And they say, just superglue it. Part of Google's dish is a viable option. I'm telling you, the other thing, too, is there's a thing called stopbleed. I don't know if you ever-- you go to CVS or Walgreens and get it, you put-- it's this powdery stuff that cakes up and almost looks like it's a cast that you're putting on the wound. Really? Yeah, it's miraculous at stopping bleeding. Is that the stuff that they put on like gunshot wounds? I think it is. I think that-- In the army? I think that they use that. Yeah, and like medic kits and stuff like that. So I think somebody-- and I think the person that came up with it is somebody that was a former military person. I was like, why don't we sell this stuff everywhere? But Smith's a toffee, and he is tough. Yeah. Getting-- by the way, no more glasses in the shower, probably. That's going to stop at that little guy. Casey, what's up? Hi. Good morning, Mojo. So my husband and I actually had to leave our reception to take our son to the hospital. Oh, no. Yeah, come to find out at the-- I think he was three at the time had pneumonia. Oh my god. So we went in our wedding dress and our tucks and everything. And my son was the ringbearer, so he was dressed up too. Was everybody still celebrating and partying at the reception while you were gone? Yeah. I bet you get faster service in the ER if you show up in the wedding dress. Who did they-- who did they do the first dance with, if you guys were in the ER? We were able to do our first dance, and then they were like, you've got to take them. Oh my god. Do you take them in the limo or whatever it is? Like, do you have like something like that? No, we took them in our car that was like-- Decorated for just me. Yes, they go. Yeah. But the cans bouncing to the back. Yeah, the cans dragging on the back and everything. That's funny. They rushed us back because we were still in our wedding outfit. Megan, that's actually a good point. You need a wedding dress just hanging around for no reason at all. And if you ever heard yourself, you want to go right to the back. Crystal, what's up? Hi. Hi. Hi, guys. Good. Are you OK? That sounded like you dropped something. No, I work at Ford, so-- OK, what's going on? So I took her in law the day before her wedding. She ended up breaking her leg, and she was the bride. And so I used one of those scooters. Oh, no. Oh, no. Did she hide it underneath her wedding dress? I thought it was good. Yeah, that was interesting. Did you imagine if the scooter died happening? No, it's one of those-- Somebody would have to push her, OK? It's really hilarious. Oh my gosh, you danced with the scooters. Have you ever seen one of those scooters? It's like a wheelie thing. It's like a little scooter thing. Like at the grocery store? No, no, the scooter that you, when you have a broken leg, and you-- Oh, yay! Yeah. Yeah, we've got to push with one leg. Oh, no. Julie, listen to this one. The injury happened because of the wedding. What happened, Julie? My ex-husband used to DJ weddings. And they-- you know how you give the kids balls to blow at weddings? Well, they did the introductions into the reception, and they introduced the mother of the bride, and she flew it and fell on the bubbles, and they had to call an ambulance to take her to the ER because she broke her lighter. [INTERPOSING VOICES] From those little bubble things. Oh, man. Oh, it didn't make the floor like ice. Oh, geez. Poor lady. Does that stop everybody from partying? At that moment right there, it used to sit there and go, ah, it's the mother of a mom. All right, you did the rest of the wedding, so I don't think so. OK. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Mojo in the morning. Kev wants to call out the spitter. Oh, we going there? We might need to get Zach in here, man. We going to do a spin. Here it comes. Let's do a spin talk. There's Zach. What's up, Zach? Pull up the seat, buddy. Thanks, guys. [LAUGHTER] You look, you spit without a list. So look, so we talk about Shannon and Shandig. I like that. Shannon and Shandig. And I walk in. Cheryl walks in. We go straight to the bar. We see beautiful Shandig. First off, they got drinks that are already scheduled. Shandig like, forget that order, whatever you want. I'm like, bad. Get to the bar and start ordering. Zach comes over. Zach's excited to see us. We're excited to see Zach. And y'all know how Zach gets. Zach got his big personality. He's really engaged when he's speaking. Sometimes he's close. And it was one of those moments. And Zach is like leaned in to me at the bar. And I don't know what he was saying, but it started with an S. [LAUGHTER] And his piece of spit left his lips and landed between my nose and my cheek. And I'm still engaged. I'm still eye contact. I'm still looking at Zach. But I definitely took my finger and wiped it off. [LAUGHTER] And Zach, like stop me if I'm you know what I'm telling the truth. But Zach was like, did I just spit on you? Like, made a sentence. I stopped. And I saw it like, it was like matrix. I saw it come out like slow motion on my mouth. And then I saw him like wipe it across his face. I was like, oh, bro, did I just spit on you? I'm so sorry. I was like, yeah. Zach becomes a close talker when you have alcohol in your system. Do I? I never-- I feel like I'm so loud normally that I'm just loud closer. I don't know. [LAUGHTER] So I tried to whisper, but because I'm so loud, I'm like, oh. [LAUGHTER] You know what I'm saying? Do you apologize when you spit? When somebody spits, and it's an accidental thing. Obviously, he's not spitting on purpose. That would be vile. When you accidentally spit because you got maybe too much excitement in your mouth, you know, too much saliva. Do you apologize right away? Or do you wipe it off? Like, would it be OK to like take a napkin and wipe it off? I'm still apologizing this morning. I feel terrible. I've been apologizing since it happened. Like, he apologized. I think three times within the conversation is like, again, bro, I'm sorry, bro, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what we're talking about. It didn't matter. But yeah, so is-- because there have been moments where I didn't want to embarrass the other person. Yeah. So I just like lit the sp-- [LAUGHTER] She's a lot of fun. I can't let it kill. I just got to kill. I have no idea, bro. I did the same thing. I'm like, can they see it on my face? They know they spit. Like they don't-- There are two people that are the spitters. And you guys have heard me talk about both of them. One was Jeff's Aqua spits all the time. And sometimes you'll be eating lunch with them. And he's spitting, and it's like in my salad. And then the other one, Shannon, was Norm. Oh, yeah. Our old agent Norm. Norm would spit. It was a shower. And Norm would get mad if he spit on you. And you wiped it off. He wanted you almost to kind of like deal with it. Yeah. Do you guys know anybody who just naturally has the white balls of spit that are constantly at the corners of their mouth going on it? I don't like talking to people that have that, because I'm so scared one's going to launch. At any point, I'm just waiting. But you can see it. Yes, they gross me out. I have sometimes very severe dry mouth, and it happens to me. And I'm like, I don't know how to clear it, because I know it's gross. And I think if I touch it or smear it away, you're going to think, ew, your hands are gross. I carry a hand sanitizer with me everywhere, so I can do it. And then in front of them go-- [LAUGHTER] What's up, Matt? How you doing? I'm good. How are you, Mojo? Good. What's going on? You got the old hot cool spit on that thing. [LAUGHTER] Pookie, I love you. We're going to-- We're going to-- we got to make a shirt for Zach. What's up, Vicky? How you doing? Hi, what about if somebody gleeks on you? Ew, that's even worse than me. What's gleeking? What is gleeking? That's a lot of spit. It's like when you yawn, and it activates like your survival line, and then-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] That's crazy. So it's like a sprinkler system, right all over you. It's a park, you know, listening. Yes, it's a park. Do you know somebody that does that, Vicky? Call him out. Oh, no. Call the person out that does that. Who's the gleeker? No, nobody. I'm the same, like everybody does that. No, if somebody does that to me, I do not recall his school. No. We're going to have to have like shop towels or something like that for Zach to walk around with. What's going on, Amy? How you doing? Good, how are you? Good, what's up? Well, one time, first time. Hey, Amy's on my phone. Welcome. Thanks. So when my husband and I first started dating, and the first time we picked cookies, he was above me and a drop of his pet fell into my mouth. [LAUGHTER] So old time. Did it completely ruin the mood? I just pretended like it didn't happen. And then I told him about it later. And now we like tell that story to our friends. Did you swallow it? I mean, I didn't really have a choice. [INTERPOSING VOICES] It's a bit weird, yeah. That's better than when they are sick. And it's not or something that, you know. Oh my god. I do not do no stuff. Yeah, that's awful. Oh my god. You'll never forget that moment though. What a moment. Hey, thank you for the call. Take care of yourself. Call more often. We love your call. OK. Mochoe in the mornings, dirty on the 30. Hey, Sabrina Carpenter, take hits before they go on sale. Your next chance to win at 9.30 this morning. So wake up the kids and tell them that they should be listening for a chance to win. Right now, let's get the dirty on the 30 Shannon. So somebody at that fancy hotel in the Hamptons where Dustin Timberlake was hanging out before his DWI arrest last week actually called the police. Because this person was concerned that Justin was going to get behind the wheel of a car and drive. Now, this is a story that's going around. I don't know if it's true. It has not been confirmed to me. But I have heard it from a few different people, including the owner of another restaurant in this area of the Hamptons, in this area where the American hotel is, and the American hotel is where he was hanging out. This person said Justin was having a lot of drinks and told police to watch him if he got into his vehicle. And so when Justin hopped into his 2025 BMW at the end of the night after the party, he was promptly stopped by this young cop, the one who didn't know who he was, who gave him a warning thinking that would be enough to keep him off the road. But a few minutes later, that same officer spotted Justin still in the driver's seat. - I can't know that. - And he allegedly blew through a stop sign at that point and was swerving in and out of his lane when he got pulled over. This officer says he wreaked of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, failed the sobriety tests, and then there was a resident taken to jail. - Maybe I'm not paying attention enough, but I didn't know that he got stopped prior to getting stopped. - Either did I, until this story came out. Now, this all just sounds like Justin was wasted, okay? But the bartender at the American hotel where the party was says truly, he was only served one drink here, one martini. So another employee of the hotel was telling page six. If he drank more, it was, that wasn't us. He didn't drink it here at this party. That was somewhere else. - It's interesting, can a cops do that? Can they just pull you over and say, "Hey, somebody called us and told us that you're drunk?" That's kind of a nice thing that he didn't do a breathalyzer around him at the first time. - I think that's cool. I remember we had a story, a couple of months ago, where Bushman noticed somebody driving erratically and called the police and luckily he did that and they found a guy that was drunk driving. - Well, the person was on the wrong side of the road. - Yeah, that helps you. (laughing) - We'll cut it that way. - Did any of you guys, Megan, I know you showed it to me last week, see that video of Justin Timberlake during his show in Las Vegas last month. And he looks like he is either drunk or high on God Only Notice What. I mean, he has like red blood shatters. - Take nerves. - No, I mean, you can visibly see this. - TMZ actually, no, TMZ dispelled that. - Well, that's what I was gonna say. - Okay, yeah. - There were lots of claims that he wasn't sober. He was on drugs, da da da da da. But sources who work with Justin for every single show say he is 1 million percent sober before he hits that stage. And while he's on stage, say that he, there's too much on the line, he does not drink or consume. - Sure. - Anything of, you know. No alcohol, no, no party favors. - I talked to our radio friends in Chicago. They said that his show in Chicago was amazing. It was, they said it was probably one of the best performances that they've ever seen him of, even better than when he was at a hard festival. - I'm interested to hear, like, when he, you know, finally has to go in front of a judge or whatever. His lawyer said there is a lot more to this story. I'm excited to hear that side of the story. - I'm sure TMZ will get the footage from the hotel bar, wherever he was at. But we can clearly see how much he'll serve. And since when did it become a problem that our artists and our celebrities get drunk or do drugs before shows or movies? - I don't think before shows or movies, I don't think anybody cares about that. I think, well, I should say-- - I mean, that's what we talk about with the blush on eyes. - Well, the whole L. King thing, I think, is bad. I think if you're so drunk, you can't remember your words or you're slurring, or was it the guy from Smash Mouth who was getting wasted from that car? - Yeah, really bad problems. I think that's-- - I think he went to rehab. I think there was a-- - Kevin, I think the reason why the Justin thing came out was 'cause people are starting to wonder, does he have an alcohol problem? - Yeah. - Yeah. - No, we got Trolls 4 coming on, man. He can't be out here. That's right. - Yeah. - All right, Taylor Swift's three eras tour shows at London's Wembley Stadium. We're packed with celebrities over the weekend and royals as Prince William brought his two oldest kids to our show on Saturday. And then a huge surprise as Travis Kelsey made his onstage eras tour debut during the tortured poets department era on Saturday. (dramatic music) - So good. - I mean, obviously, '50s freaking out about that. I don't think what else happened. Taylor swallowed another bug that happened in Chicago at Soldier Field last year. And as she was belting out the chorus to the 10-minute version of all two on Sunday night, I think it was. She accidentally choked on a bug again. - Told the audience what happened. Didn't even really miss a beat. She coughed out the microphone and just kept singing. Like the true pro she is. Jennifer Lopez spotted flying gasp commercial on Saturday. - What? - Going from Staples to Paris. It is kind of crazy to see the photos that people were taking up her in the main cabin with everybody else. She had a bodyguard sitting next to her, taking up the, you know, aisle duty. Well, she occupied the window seat. I saw this photo going around and I thought, I wonder what boarding group she was in. Was it zone four? I get so mad when I'm in zone four. - She probably just have a lot of frequent fly miles. - Right away. - Listen, zone four. - I will not tolerate any J-Lo slander y'all noticed. Who knows where she had to go? Flying private is incredibly expensive. It could have been a last-minute thing. - Do they give her a complimentary snack box? - She is jenny from The Bluff. - Next hour, by the way, her husband? A strange husband and husband? I don't know, Ben Affleck getting into an altercation with the paparazzi. So I'll play that for you. And lastly, the Florida Panthers are Stanley Cup champions for the first time. Unfortunately for Wes beating the Edmonton Oilers two to one last night in game seven of the Stanley Cup finals. - Don't tell him your husband, Wes, that I said this, but a Canadian team hasn't won since 1993. - We love to see him. - He's not even an Oilers fan, but he's had, he always has to root for whatever Canadian team is playing. No longer is it Canada's sport, we now own it. And in the cities that own it are non what you think's hockey city, how many times is a Florida team or a Vegas team gonna win this damn thing? - And the Panthers won the first three games at the series, then lost the next three. So they needed last night's win to avoid joining the 1942 Detroit Red Wings as the only teams to lose the final after taking a three to nothing lead in the title round. - Now look at you. - But they did it. - Don't do that. - Don't do that. - You say you remember that? I remember that one. - You were there. - 1942. - My dad and I were sitting there in the stands. It was amazing. - No, dad is so much in the street. - For all of today's dirty, check out the podcast and the free I Heart Radio app. Or motor in the morning. (upbeat music) - At Mojo in the morning, social media. - The latest craze. - It's Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. - With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. - Daily Beloved. - We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? - Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. - No, Lucky Land Casino. With cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. - In that case, I pronounce you lucky. (crowd cheering) - Make for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. BGW Grab Boyd were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - Catching sheaters and proud of it. - No, I'm sorry. - But get your home for more of the roses on Mojo in the morning. - Kevin, who is it that you think your wife is cheating with? - Her boss. - And why is that? - Well, I don't think you send and see emails about smacking (beep) and (beep) without something going on. - How did you see emails like that? - She left her phone email open and I looked at it. We looked in a little suspicious lately. - Is that, wow, is that sent over company email? - Yes. - What kind of worked is your wife too? - She does HR for a (beep) company. - And what's, tell us about this boss that you allege that she's having a fair with? Do you know him? Have you met him? - Yeah, I know who he is. He's been here and we've been over there. We've hung out at parties. She's an okay guy. - What do you mean by he's been over at your place and you've been over at his place? Do you guys are friends? - Right, we're sort of work type friends, yeah. - Is he type of guy that you could see cheating with a married woman? - Actually, yeah. - So how long has this been going on then? I mean, if you've seen the emails, could you tell when it's started? - I can't say it for sure, 'cause I just saw the emails and they looked like current email. - And you never said anything about it? - I haven't said anything yet. But you know what they say about catching a thief isn't the first time they've done. - So you're afraid if you say something to her that it will then cause her to be, you know, to cover her tracks a little bit? - Yeah. - All right, you have his phone number and we're gonna use her phone number and we're gonna do a three-way call and we're gonna see how they react when they think that each other is calling them. - You have to be very, very quiet and not say a thing, okay? - Okay. - All right, you give us permission to make this call? - Yeah, I can say it, I'll do it. (phone ringing) - Hello. (phone ringing) Hello? Hello? - Hi. - Hey. - What's happening? What's going on? - Not much, how are you? - Good. - What are you up to? Where are you at right now? - Well, I'm in the car, I'm coming in. - Oh, okay. - Hold on a second, okay? - Sure. (upbeat music) - Hello? - So are we still on for later today? - Yeah. - What did you tell them? - You think it's gonna work like, well, I told them that I have to do that and then I need to wrap it up, so it should be fine. - Okay. Well, all right, where are you right now? - I'm just getting on (beep) - All right, I'll see you in five minutes then. - Real quick before you hang up, Elise and Steven, are you guys still there? Hello? - Who is this? - Guys, this is the Mojo in the morning show. - And Elise's husband, Kevin, called us up because he wanted to hear what you guys sound like when you're talking to each other and heard every bit of this conversation and what you guys were saying. - So working late, huh? That's a great (beep) excuse. You (beep) (upbeat music) - That was the excuse that she gave you that she wasn't gonna be in. When did she say she was gonna be home? (upbeat music) - Kevin, when did she say she was gonna be home? - Kevin. - Kevin. (beep) All right, hold on a sec. - This is the home of War of the Roses. - Mojo in the morning. (upbeat music) - Call the show now. 844 Mojo live. - 844-665-6548. (upbeat music) War of the Roses just do a little backstory on the War of the Roses that you just heard. Three-way call War of the Roses where Kevin worried that his wife was cheating with her boss. After we had done the three-way call, we couldn't get Kevin on the phone with us for some time. It was very difficult to get him on and we worried, post doing it that that was not a good situation because anytime that you're not able to talk to him, you worry about what a person and their emotions do. We were finally, thank God, able to get him on. But something interesting that did happen was that we got a call from his wife Elise and the call came to us from her, which we thought she was gonna give some explanation as to what was going on. 'Cause a lot of times the people will call us back and their calls back to us are typically trying to explain and say that they're not cheating, that they're just close, they're friends and all the rest of that stuff are that person's crazy. This was the call that we got back from her. Elise, is there something that you wanted to say to us? - Oh, I don't know, this? No. - Okay, will you call this back? Is there anything going on between you and Steven? - I don't have to say that to you. - I mean, clearly there is. You guys are making plans to meet up and plans to lie to your husband. - And that was it. Where are the roses here on "The Mojo" in the morning show? I would love to know if the boss has ever been in your relationship. When I say that, has anybody ever had the boss be the person that their significant other was cheating with? Because think of the fact that they now have a little bit of power to be able to get a relationship going and started and all the rest of that stuff. Plus, you can cover it up, it seems like a lot. If you're just trying to play good employee. 844 mojo live, 844-665-6548. Anybody know somebody that cheated with the boss? Anthony, what's going on, hi. - So, I know you guys are out of the norm, but who can go with their boss out by a person? - Yeah, you know what that is, but I think a lot of people, you don't think that people hang out with their boss outside of work? - I don't even think it has to be more outside of work. Can't this all happen within business hours? - For sure. - Never on a one on one, whoa. - Well, the husband said he's coming out with him too. - Oh, but that didn't seem odd to me though. Like there are friendships, co-worker friendships, you know, where people work together. - Well, the way he said it, it's like, he's probably like, the way he said it, I was probably like, over to the house, like dinner. - I don't know. It seems odd, I know a lot of people that like we have had our bosses, you know, over before. I don't know, sometimes those are the environments. Now, it's different if he says we sleep together, you know what I mean? Like we all go on vacations together and get one room, one bed. What's up, Brie, how you doing? - Good. - Hey, Brie had the affair with the boss. Is that right, Brie? - Yeah, so I, well, I married my first husband with my boss and then I divorced him and got with my new boss. - Oh geez. - It's something about bosses. - Oh God, you have a type, huh? - You. - I guess so. - Yeah. - Is it that you like the idea that this person has a little bit of power over you? Like there's some kind of a satisfaction to that? - I don't know because when we live together, it's like we both have to have the power, you know? - Yeah, okay. - We don't work. Mine has been now, we're still together, but we don't work together. - Do you get raises because of that? - No. - Brie, does your current husband get nervous about when you start a job somewhere where they don't work? - He did at first, but now it's like they're all women. And so, you know? - Yeah. - He's not nervous anymore. - I would feel awkward if I was him. If all of a sudden there's a pattern of you and the bosses. Do people know when you're having an affair with the boss? Do the other people-- - Yes, everybody knows. - Do they? It's hard to hide. - Everybody in a workplace knows. - Yeah. - And even if you deny it, like everybody still knows. - Yeah. - Is that why you aren't working there anymore or did you just get a better job? - Well, I'm from Texas, so when we're from Texas, so we just moved up here to Michigan recently. - Okay, all right. Welcome. - Thank you. - Thank you for the call. Voice this guys, we'll give you the initial J. Hi, J. - Hi, Monja, how are you? - Good, J, you're the boss. - Yeah, I was the boss and one of my workers started talking with me and told me I can give the same chocolate every day. I need the front chocolate. - Hold on a second. - Wait, huh? - Oh, you know what he's saying. - I don't explain. - You want me to do it? - No. - How are you doing? - The lady was telling me like, I need the friend guy every day, not the same husband every day. - So she was married. - So okay, so you slept with a married subordinate or whatever, employee. That was a good word, wasn't it? - Surprise. - Thank you. - I feel fancy. - Well, I mean, I'm talking to me and as soon as I find out, she's having kids and everything because on the beginning, she didn't tell me she's married. - Oh, so you were unaware. You thought she was just a single employee of yours. - How do you not know they're married? You have their employee paperwork right there in your office. - Well, she didn't write, she's married, she's right, she's single. - So the different chocolate every night didn't give it away. - Yeah. - Wow. So could you lose your job for having a relationship with one of your employees? - Well, she quit right away as soon as I found out. She quit and she changed her job and address and everything. - Interesting. By the way, I just love this man's accent. Unvoiced this guy. - Okay. - It's good. It's very romantic. - Oh, this is a voices guy. - That is a voices guy. That is, yes, you did not know. I'm sorry. That is initial J, unvoiced this guy. Now this is initial H, being voices guys. Hi. - Hello. - How are you? - I'm good. How are you guys this morning? - We're doing good. We're, we're, we just busted a woman cheating with her boss and her husband is not in a good place. And we'll talk more about that in a little bit. You can listen to the podcast of it up on our Mojo on the Morning Show podcast. What's your situation here? - So my now husband, his wife, I'm sorry, she cheated on her first husband with my husband, who was her boss. - Oh. - And then turned around and cheated on him with her boss again. - So kind of like that woman that called us up that likes the bosses. - Where's she from, Texas? - Yeah, it must be a thing. - So knowing this and knowing that your husband was once a cheater cheating with a married woman, does that make you feel uncomfortable? I am around his employees. - No, no, no. I think Ms. Hunter said her ex-wife cheated on him. - Right. - Yeah, but you said that she cheated though with your husband, like she was, no? - Yes, oh, yes, oh, yes. - So he was, so he was a boss cheating with a married woman. - He was. - And did that not make you, does that make you a little worried at the company Christmas party? - Absolutely not. - Okay, so you, you, he's got that out of his system. - I think so. They were very young. They were in their early 20s when they were married. - Yeah. - So I think that had a lot to do with it were much older now. - You guys have matured. - Yes, absolutely. And it's been years since that happened, so it's not part of my-- - So here's the part that's interesting. If you're cheating with a boss and you have like your review, I don't know if a lot of companies do reviews, we do that at iHeart and stuff. - We do? - Well, we can't, we're supposed to. We used to, we used to, I think. But you go in for the review. It has to be very awkward to try to give a review, or what do you do in the case of, say for instance, say for instance that you're having an affair with, you know, with the boss. How do they reprimand the person that you can't? You got, you have the boss by the balls. - Literally. - Yes. - I don't think you can. - What's up, Laura, hi. - Hi, good morning. - Good morning. - Yeah, I, now my proudest moment, but I had an affair with my married boss. - Oh, geez. - And what ended up happening? - Well, we, told around for a little bit, then, so he said he was having problems anyway, but he ended up leaving her. We stayed together a little bit, and I said, I can't do that. (laughing) Now my proudest moment. - So did you ever have to be in the same place with his wife? - Ooh, yes. - And how was that? - I was very, very awkward. I was single, and she wasn't a very nice person, but so there's no excuse for that. - Yeah, so you guys would be at what? Like company events, and would he be on, you know, her arm and stuff, and you, would you ever get jealous of that? - No, he got jealous, though, when I was with someone else. - Oh boy, here's what I wanted to know. So you knew he was married, right? - I did. - Did he come on to you? - Well, we had a lot of time where we did have to work together, and we were in certain situations where we went to parties. I worked for the big three. - Okay. - And we did a lot of, like, you know, auto shows and things like that, where we all went. - Yeah. - And it just kind of happened, I guess you could say. - Yeah, that black tie dinner thing that they do, or, you know? - Yeah. - That black tie thing? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's interesting. I'll tell you what, we have two good-looking bosses here. I don't know about you guys, but. - Wow, you are amazing. - We do. We've got a handsome guy, Nantoni Travato, or as you call him. - Nantoni. - And then we have an extremely beautiful big boss, Colleen Grant. - Yeah, but sometimes I think you're actually in love with Tony Mojo. - I think I would have an affair with Tony before I would. (laughing) Yeah, I would. He's kind of the man's man. Like, he's like everything I wish I was in a man, you know? - He's a farmer. - He's a farmer, exactly. - He's got those overalls that one, yeah. So different looking. - Yeah, it was amazing. - All right, it's Mojo in the morning show. Megan had an emotional moment happen yesterday. And should we explain what the heck we were doing? Yesterday took team photos. You know what it was? It was Picture Day in school. - That's right, yeah. - Remember Picture Day in school? - I love it. - I never knew it was Picture Day, and I was the one kid that still showed up in my uniform while everybody was dressed. (laughing) And something nice. - I feel like I have to thank all of you guys too. I didn't realize how emotional yesterday was going to be, and it kind of hit me like a ton of bricks. I really added the blue, especially 'cause I was very stressed out, and then all of a sudden I was like emotional. It was an emotional roller coaster. That's all I can say. I don't think it's any surprise to the people in this room that we had photos done last year, and I was not thrilled to be there, and that had nothing to do with anybody other than myself. Jenny is absolutely phenomenal. She is a god behind a camera because the things that she can pull off is amazing, and all of my profile pictures literally have been the photos that she took last year and have continued to be that because I think they'll be only photos that I look good in, and I had a really, really, really hard time last year doing it. I was just not in a good place. I had just started therapy. I had just started working out. I hated the way that I looked. I didn't want to be in front of a camera. I hated what I was wearing. It was just the worst for me, and I think everybody was in such a good mood, and I was like, I love you all. I do not want to be here, and so I was really stressed about doing it again this year, 'cause I'm in a much different place, and I was worried if I was going to have flashbacks (laughs) if this was going to be kind of disorienting for me or take me back to a bad place. I was really, really worried about it. And first of all, thank you to everybody who helped me get ready. It took me weeks to get ready for this because I was genuinely so stressed, and after the first couple of photos for taking Jen, I love her. She is the best. She rips her camera out of her computer, and she stomps over to me, and she's like, "Stop, stop, stop, stop." I was like, "Oh no, oh no." And she was like, "Look at these photos! This is going to be so much fun!" And I just started crying, 'cause I have not. (laughs) Right, did you please? (laughs) Thank you. I even felt that good in a really long time. And all of you guys, oh, made the day so special for me yesterday because we were scattered all over the studio when I was taking my photos, and y'all saw me get very emotional, and everybody came running over, and was so supportive, and so complimentary, and just, I really needed yesterday. That's awesome. So thank you. You looked freaking, I wish I could say. The real word, stunning. (laughs) Thanks, it was so cool, Megan, to see you really feeling yourself, like feeling happy and comfortable and excited. Yeah, you know, it was fun. Yeah, yeah, I loved that for you. Megan looked sexy as hell. It's the hot and stopping. You did. You looked so, so sexy. I mean, for God's sakes. The breasts were bouncing. (laughs) No bouncing. Happy work. I got to dance with you, I loved it. I think sometimes my love language can be sarcasm and telling you guys you're all idiots, and yada, yada, yada. And I think, I hope you guys know that I love you all very much, but yesterday was incredibly special. Thank you. Can I ask a question about when we took the last photos, which was October of last year? Well, we took them before that. Well, we took, I think they were. Was it? No, we took them in July. I don't think so. I don't know. Was it? No, I promise you it was. Oh, 'cause I looked back at my text from Jenny, but I, yesterday. So real quick, did you, when you took those photos before, did, 'cause I know you said you were working out and doing all that stuff. Were the photos any part of the past ones, any part of your inspiring journey that you've been on? Did that help you at all? I think it was motivation. I had started going to therapy literally a month or two before those photos, and I knew part of the reason that I was going to therapy was, I was really upset with a lot of aspects of myself, and one of them was the way that I looked, which I think was a huge effect of the way that I was feeling personally. COVID really racked me, man. COVID really racked my mental health. And I think that those photos were the first time I had seen myself in my best light, and I was like, ugh, I hate it. I hate it. I had a really hard time because they were also the best photos of me that had been taken in a long time and seeing what was the best, and being like, and I'm working with my therapist. We are no longer saying gross, and I'm not gonna say like, 'cause my true emotion was ugh, gross. Like, I can't believe this happened. It was, I think the wakeup call had already happened, but it was definitely a reinforcement of, let's use this as a starting point and work from here. - You're, we're both in the middle there. It was actually right at the beginning of September that we did the photos. So look at how far you've come. - I know. - Isn't that amazing? - A lot of hard work. - So everybody who said I did it very quickly, and I must have an eating disorder know that it's been going on for a long time. Alicia, what's going on? - I'm tearing up over here now, Megan. - All right. - First of all, I can't believe that was a year ago, but I feel that's so hard, and I felt it when you guys talked about it then. First of all, I'm so proud of you, because you're gonna end up looking back at these pictures, and you're gonna say, remember when I was in that time of my life, and now I'm in a much better time of my life. It's so hard and so frustrating when you don't feel like you look on the outside, like you feel on the inside, and especially being in the public eye, even though you guys are on radio, but being in the public eye, I can't imagine how much harder that is. And for you to come full circle a year later, I was looking at those pictures yesterday as you guys had posted them on social media, and beyond anything, everybody just looked so happy, and I'm so proud of all of you. I feel like you all have worked so hard this year on something, and you can genuinely see it in your guys' eyes, how much you guys support each other, and I'm just really excited to see the rest of the pictures. I'm proud of all of you guys, but especially you, Bacon. - Oh, thank you so much. That means really, really proud to me. - Appreciate you. - Can I call out Kevin just real quick? I gave him my camera for part of the photos, 'cause I was getting my end makeup touched up, and he got the absolute best footage of Megan, her first reaction to seeing her photos for the first time, and I cannot wait to edit this video, because it is so unreal. Seeing her tear up, and seeing the first time that she gets to see her pictures, and I'm so excited, so everybody make sure you're following our socials, so that you can see that later. - Hi, Emily. - Hi. So, I'm definitely just standing in the back doors of my work right now, waiting, so I'm trying not to cry. Just... Megan, I'm so glad that you finally see what we all see. - Come on, we'll have. - You're just so beautiful inside and out, and you're absolutely wonderful, and I'm just so glad that you can finally see it, and I'm so proud of you, and I'm sure I'm like that crying now. Just so proud of you. - Now you're gonna go into work, and they're gonna think somebody broke up with you. - No, it's okay, I make our methods, I'll just blame the storms. - Oh, there you go. (laughing) Thanks, Emily. - Thank you. - That is so sweet. Voice this guy is Sarah, what's up, Sarah? - Hey, Megan, how are you? - I'm surprisingly better than I sound. (laughing) - What really amazing, always fun and inspiration to me. - I always just thought you were beautiful, I actually sent you a couple of the hands, by the way, you're all, um... - She won't know who you are, because you're alias and you're voice disguised. - It's okay, I'll just send another one. - Okay, good, okay. (laughing) But I just feel you know, you are so amazing, beautiful inside and out. You, when you came to the show, you put so much of your soul in your heart into it, and like, you helped make the show just like all of you guys, like, you know, like, no, it's all I've seen in this. You are absolutely amazing, and I hope that you know that everyone loves you and any hater that says that you are losing weight to a critic or whatever it may be. Don't even listen, who cares? Just do you and keep like, doing you, 'cause you're looking great, and you always have, like, you're doing so good, so I'm just so proud of you. - No, thanks. Now if I could just get an ass, that would be great. I really thought, I really thought if I lost this weight and ass would magically show up, and it turns out, not how it works. (laughing) - No. - No, that's next. Yeah, absolutely. - If you can see the amount of people Meghan on text messages, I know you look at them, but read them later of the people that say that you have actually been a motivation for them. That's pretty awesome to know that. - That's amazing. - Karen, one of those? Hi, Karen. - Good morning, everybody. You know what, Meghan? I was like, just bubbling up with cares, listening to you, and everybody who spoke before I did has conveyed everything I wanna say, except there is just something so beautiful about seeing someone find themselves, and learn to love themselves, and overcome all the beat down, and trauma, and crap that life can bring us all. It's just that beautiful moment where you just, you get it, and you're gonna be okay. And I love you. - I love you, you guys, this is so nice. I was trying to thank everybody else, and now I'm getting the compliment. - You know what's next? - You know what's next? - Karen, you know what's next? Nudes. - Tell me. - We're getting nudes. - Oh my God. - And we're getting nudes. - I gotta pick some things up first. (laughing) ♪ Look at this photograph ♪ - Come on. ♪ There's a time that it makes me love ♪ - I love it. ♪ Got it, our eyes get so red ♪ ♪ And what the hell is on Joey's head ♪ (laughing) - Stay a long song, here we go. - Meghan, we're very, very happy for you, and you're right that Jenny is so awesome. She's very special, and thank you to her for what she did yesterday. Thank you to Katrina and Kendall too, for what they did for us too. That was awesome, and soon to be world debuted. The Megan photos, actually all of the photos. You'll see them coming up. Oh, that zag looked amazing too, wasn't he? - We all over the room. - Sexy-M effort. - Thank you. - Yes, it was good. It was a beautiful day. So thank you guys so much. (laughing) Mojo in the morning, Chell. This is the home of the War of the Roses. The second date update. And of course, the dirty on the 30. Good to have you guys here with us. I don't know what has gotten over me. Maybe this is one of those, Megan, this is like a therapy moment for me. I don't know. - Love 'em. - But I used to be horribly jealous person. Like I could not even hear the name of my wife's former boyfriends without getting jealous that they were in my bedroom with her at that moment. You know what I mean? Like I never, I was a jealous person. Are you a jealous person, Kev? I don't even know. - I'm pretty confident. - I'd be too. - No, I bet it's a lie. - Are you serious? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - No, but I just feel like if Cheryl was getting hit on, you would be like, no. - Honestly, some of it would depend on who the person was to be completely honest. But I used to be so bad, Kevin. If I heard somebody's name that was the same name of somebody that Chelsea had a relationship with. And we've been in a relationship for a very long time. It would drive me crazy. Or if there were certain guys that were, you know, guys that I thought were good looking guys and they were nice to my wife, it drove me crazy. But something has changed. And I don't know what it is. I am now turned on by it. Chelsea and I were out at a bar and we were sitting at the bar and we were having drinks and we ate lunch. She hates sitting at bars, but she does it for me as a, you know, hey, here you go. I'll give you a little thing. You know, so she doesn't have to give me something in the bedroom. We said at a bar. Long story short, every guy in the fricking bar was talking to her and not me. I get a whole time. The guys were at talking to her, oh my God, your hair looks great. Like I'm like going, hey, you can't compliment another woman's hair in front of me. But you know what, I was fine with it. And I look at her and I go, yeah, your hair does look great. And then we met a couple of guys that we knew and Chelsea has been like working on herself this year and she's been doing an amazing job with herself. And she is like hot as hell. And the guys were all talking about how beautiful she is. And they came over, they gave her hugs, gave me nothing. I would have wanted to find a knife and stab them in the neck, but I didn't. I don't know what it is, but why is it that I like when guys flirt with my wife? And I wanted to ask this question and see if you guys have ever been in the situation. What would you do if you witnessed your spouse being hit on? Like what would be the thing that you would do? Chan, what would you do if you witnessed, or did she walk down the room? - She had to go back down. - Oh, she had to, she had dirty or something? - Oh, okay. What is, okay. What would you, what would I do if I-- (laughs) There you are. I didn't even see you walk out. I was asking this question, Chan. What would you do if you witnessed a woman hitting on your husband? Would you have a, would you-- - Oh, I would cut a bitch. - You would cut her, really? - No, I'm just kidding. - Oh, if you want bitch. - Sorry, I'm like, I had to go edit something. - I, I get really jealous and territorial. - Really, okay. - So I don't think that-- - That's how I used to be. - I would love that. - Chan, I don't know if you heard me say this. I, for some reason, have been into it lately. I love when I see Chelsea getting hit on. It makes me feel like proud that I get to go home with the trophy. You know what I mean? - Yeah, I'm not, I'm not there yet. - I'm not there yet, no. - I just think of the dollar sign, and what I'm saving by somebody else buying them drinks. - You go ahead, you do you boo. - I don't know what, actually nobody bought us drinks, but somebody, some guy was actually like talking across the bar at Chelsea. And he was like talking across the bar, and he was, I swear to God, I was like, I am a big man. How am I not noticeable? I started throwing in comments, and it was like white noise. (laughing) They had no idea what's going on. What's up, we're Voice Disguising E. What's up E? - Hi, so I used to also get like super jealous whenever other girls would hit on my fiancee. And then we started sleeping with girls together, and so now like whenever they hit on him, I really don't care. It's like an opportunity for the both of us. - Okay, so wait a second. So your fiancee is a guy, and you're saying that you guys, you would get jealous when girls would hit on him. Now you guys are doing a little fun, what, three sums or something like that, huh? - Yeah, pretty much. - I would like to have a three sum with you and another girl you trust. Does that excite you at all or no? - So okay, so that's interesting. So do you guys ever get jealous in the bedroom now when you're with each other? Like do you get jealous if they're paying more attention to each other than you? - No, he's really good at making sure like I'm comfortable and that I'm initiating everything. And I didn't even know that I was like bisexual until we started dating. So it's a really good opportunity for me to to like explore my sexuality. So it's really fun. - That's interesting. - Yeah, for you. Somebody said there's a term for this. I did not know that there was a term for this, but Kristen, what is it? - I said that you've been watching too much cuckold porn. - Cuckold? - Oh, really? - Why? - Why? - I don't even know what it is. - I want to Google it though. - No, I don't. - Why not? - What does it mean? - If it's just the name and we don't say what it is, it's just the name. - I think it's like when-- - The definition is the name. - Yeah, just why not? Well, no, no. - That's where the definitions are literal words. - No, but-- - It's not a porn definition. - No, but if it explains it, you can't say it. But if you can-- - Is this definition right here? - I don't know. - Basically, it was the word of rules earlier. - Wait, hold on. - Were there having an affair? - That literally, that's the only risk-age term. - Let Megan see it. Let Megan see it. Read it often. - I'm asking you a question. See if you can read this. - Huh? I can't read it. - She writes like a doctor. (laughing) - Can I-- - It's already passed. - You'll say it. - It's already passed. - Okay, so you're saying I watched this porn. I don't watch that porn. I don't. Usually it's like step-sister porn. I stuff like that, I don't know. I don't know. Do you want to know what kind of porn I want? - It's like step-sister porn. - I don't know. - It's crazy. - Okay, so what is, so this is something that I'm a cuckolder, I guess, huh? Okay, interesting. I don't know what it is, but. Okay, I'll check it. Is it weird that I like it? That I like when-- And it's innocent. Like she's still with me. It's not like she's reaching across and kissing anybody or anything like that. - Yeah, that's the next step. - Okay, that is the next step. (laughing) I will let everybody know when that happens. What's up, Jason? How you doing? - I'm good. How are you, Mojo and everybody there? - We're doing good. Jason, are you in a relationship? - I am in a relationship, yeah. - How would you feel if another man was hitting on your woman? - I actually love it. Okay, you're like me. - I am like you and there's no cuckoo situations going on here at all, so don't let nobody tell you that. - Yeah, you're good. - I think what it is is that now you're more confident in your relationship. - That I think-- - You know that whoever's hitting on your wife is not gonna get her because you're confident in that. - You know, that's a very good point. There have been times where I don't think Chelsea and I were in good places. And I think the times that we weren't in good places are usually the times when it used to drive me to the most crazy. Like even if we both equally didn't like each other, if I saw her talking to another person, I always just assumed something like that. Mike, what's up? - Hey, how's it going, my Joe? First time, caller, what's going on? - Yeah! - I didn't even know! - What's up, Mike? - So I have a beautiful wife and she has what I like to call an end table booty. So like literally at the bar, set your beer on it, go to the bathroom, come back, your beer's still there. So, anywhere that we go, I'm always watching every dude's eyes 'cause I am a jealous person and we'll be in the grocery store wherever we're at. And literally, I'll walk past, you know, we'll walk past the guy. I just watch that guy's eyes. He makes his way around and my wife's butt. And then it'll go from her butt to my death stare. (laughs) I always just look right away, like they just look at the feeling everywhere. - Oh, that's great. And that's how I handle that. - So, Mike, I am a jealous person. - Mike meet Vinnie, Vinnie meet Mike. Guys, guys say hello to each other. - What's up, Vinnie? - Vinnie is completely different than you. He's up on our call screen board. Mike, you wanna give this guy the death stare? You wanna probably do what Shannon did and stab the bitch. - I mean, absolutely. I keep a eight inch hunting blade in my pocket. (laughs) - All right, Rick, Mike's different. Mike, what do you say? - You mean, I mean, Denny? - Vinnie, I'm sorry, Vinnie, I apologize. - Yeah, awesome. I mean, it's the first time I call it a long time. - Yay, we got two of these. I love it. - Two first times, what's up? - Nah, nah, that's about about fifth time. Y'all never did it to me for all of this. - Oh, we kick it back. - You're a liar. - So, I usually, like, my drug is so sick. I mean, you see, guys, it is, but everything. People don't have tight dresses. We go out, speak like downtown or something, or to the mall, then I walk about six, eight, 10th, 10th, behind, and then watch people. - Dump that, we can't do that. We can't have that one. - Good warning. The other words were fine that everybody was saying, but we have to stop them at that one. But wait a second, I'll say it, I'll translate for you, like, you know, you're speaking a foreign language. What Vinnie says differently than Mike is, he likes to walk around a mall and when people are checking out his wife's chest and butt, he actually gets so turned on by it, he goes home and pleasures himself to that. - No, I'll go that far, no, I'm just saying. - But it gets you turned on, that's interesting. What do you think about that, Mike, you think that's weird? - I mean, me personally, I would not do, it makes my blood boil mojo, like, you know, I love my wife, I've dedicated my whole life to my wife, her to me, and I know she's the most loyal woman, so I never really have to worry about that. But it's more of like kind of a territorial thing with me, like, I let that guy know in that moment, and I'll wait, I got nothing but time. If he wants to look away or anything, I'll catch that guy in the next aisle in the grocery store. - It's not fair about mine, it's not fair about mine. - I mean, it's so funny. - I let them know that I know what they're doing. - Yeah. - And they generally look the other way, I mean, I'm not a small, non-intimidating guy by any means. But at the same time, it's like, what do you expect me to do? But if the woman is, like you say, in-table booty, it's like, how am I not going with it? - Right. - And I can understand that, but at the same time, that's my end. - I won't look at a girl if she's with her man or children. I don't want to do that, it's disrespectful. - Yeah, I'll have my whole family with me. We got four kids together, so. - Would you just, wait, would you stab another man in front of your kids? - I mean, I have two sons, and I would like them to learn to pop away the people. - Kind of murder. - I think my kids, my sons would stab another man if they were looking at their mom. Keith has a question for me, and then I gotta wrap this up, Keith, hi. - All right, you need to resend the comment of you being a cuckle. - Yeah. - I don't think that you're fully understanding this. - Let me put it in layman's terms. That would be basically you sitting in a corner while Chelsea is. - Oh, no, no, no, no, I couldn't do that. I couldn't do that. I'm not that, I'm not that, that's not me. I'm a little boring, you know? We watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills usually. So, that, yeah, thank you for the call, buddy. I appreciate it. - No problem. - All right, you take care of yourself, and thanks. (laughing) - Mojo, he likes big butts, and he cannot lie. - This is Mojo in the morning. - How to have fun, anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to -, got it. - Step two, collect your welcome bonus. - Come to top a welcome bonus. - Step three, play hundreds of casino-style games for free. - That's a lot of games, all for free. - Step four, unleash your excitement. - Whoo, whoo, whoo. - ChumbaCasino has been delivering thrills for over a decade, so claim your free welcome bonus now, and live the Chumba life. - Visit - E-W group, no purchases are avoided by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus. (gunshot) - Mojo in the mornings, dirty on the 30. - All right, Shannon's got some breaking dirty news coming on our way. - I mean, she was a stunning bride. How could she not be Lions quarterback Jared Goff married his supermodel girlfriend, Kristen Harper, at the beautiful Ojai Valley, and in California on Saturday, surrounded by just friends and family. Their dog Quincy was there to help them celebrate. - Sherry Goff, Sherry Goff, Sherry Goff. - Do you guys know they met on a dating app? - I did not. - I did not. - They did dating app in 2019. - Yeah, they did. - Yeah, they did, yeah. - He was obviously with the Rams at the time, but proposed in 2022 while they were on vacation in Mexico, and now they are married. - That's interesting to them. - So it's that rich people dating app? Is that what it is or what? - It's not a rich person stating app. It is for people who are either celebrities or have like a cool job or like lifestyle of some sort, you have on Raya? - So they met on Raya? - I think it was Raya. I cannot confirm that. That's what I have heard, but yeah. - So if you have a good job. - You have to like interview and be invited to Raya to be on that app. - It's not just like you can pay a monthly fee and sign up. - But that's cool. I like hearing a success story from dating apps because I never hear those. - You really don't? - I only hear him from Tinder, honestly. And people hate on Tinder, but a lot of people I know have gotten married from Tinder. - Yeah, same. - By the way, I have two people that are very good friends that are talking about marriage, hinge was their latest. So lately there's been a wave. I think now if you don't meet on a dating app, you're the ab norm. - Apart from Shannon and Wes, I don't know any like newer relationships in my life, but didn't meet on an app. - Yeah, yeah. Ben Affleck has had enough of the paparazzi. This happened when he was leaving the home that he shares with Jelor shared, I don't know if they still share it, but in Beverly Hills, she has been on vacation. This happened either last night or Sunday night, but Ben was pulling up and the paparazzi were all staked outside of the gate of the home and they were flashing like ring lights and they're flashlights and he just lost his spit. Listen to this. - Don't do that. That's dangerous. You don't even know if that's me to cause an accent. - Right. - Right. - Right. - Right. - You know that if you're right. - Stop. It's dangerous what you guys are doing. You understand? I can't see. You're gonna get somebody hurt doing this. (beep) (car engine roaring) Please. - My daughter's coming down here. If you flash the lights on her, you're putting her in danger. Do you understand that? - I understand that. - Yeah. The flash bulbs from the cameras. I mean, he just wasn't having it. - He's right. - Yep. - Paparazzi's have no rules. - I know. - It's like the one job that you can like go wherever, doesn't matter at a time, doesn't matter if you're trespassing. - Yeah. - You can shake like they have no rules. - Yeah. - Halle Berry has been working for years to change paparazzi laws when it comes to kids because not only is she upset on how she's treated, I believe it was her kid's school boss was chased down by the paparazzi one. - Yeah. That's scary. Hearing that, Britney Spears has reconciled with her estranged son, Sean Preston, and Jaden, has actually been communicating with them for a couple of months now, even visiting them in Hawaii where they live with their dad and their stepmom and then arranging meetups in California as well. She's had a strained relationship with the boys for quite some time now, but they are back on track from what I'm hearing. Two years after Jaden was really vocal about hoping for a reconciliation with his mom. And it was Britney's older brother, Brian, who was behind this reunion, by the way. We've been seeing Britney and Brian hanging out recently, but he was the one that kind of, you know, tied all the loose ends together to make this happen. And she's been quiet about it because she doesn't want to jeopardize anything. You know, that could potentially happen from here on out, so. - And then lastly, do you guys all know who WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is? Do you remember that story? - He's the WikiLeaks founder. - Yeah, a couple of years ago. - That's what she said. - Do you know who the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is? - Well, I just, more so do you remember that story? He just boarded a plane to leave the UK after agreeing to a plea deal, to walk free. He's been held in prison in London for the last five years, and now it looks like he's gonna be a free man. - Yeah. - 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, local time in the Northern Mariana Islands in a U.S. federal courthouse in the capital of Saipan. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is expected to appear and to plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material. - So he's gonna be sentenced to his time already served, 62 months. That's the time he spent in a British prison. So he is now free to return to Australia, which is where he was born. - Come to the United States. They actually had to send him to this U.S. province because he said that if he came to the United States, he was afraid that DC would keep him there and not hold to their promise, because he gave out information, which I'll be quite honest with you. It was important information, and it was important information about the Iraq War that I know many of our Chaldean friends were like happy that he released because there was a lot of BS that was going on. His wife predicted that this was gonna happen on the year anniversary of him being-- - It's exactly 12 years today. - For 12 years. - Since Julian went into the Embassy of Ecuador, which granted him political asylum. Protection from persecution, from torture, from imprisonment, and 12 years on, I'm visiting Julian in a high security prison, but this period of our lives, I'm confident now, has come to an end. And I think that by this time next week, Julian will be free. - Many look at him as a traitor, but I'm sure that there are just as many people that say, "Hey, that was journalism by coming out with all this stuff." - Yeah, and I do have one more story. I said that was my last chance, one more. Hooters, guys, if you love Hooters, and you only go for the wings, wink, wink, they are the latest chain to close dozens of locations across the United States. So about four, they already closed a ton. They're now closing a whole chunk more, like 40 more locations are set to close. And it's-- - What is the world coming to? - Tough economic challenges, rising food, labor costs, so that sort of thing. - Did you ever watch their undercover boss episode? I'm surprised they're still over. - Yeah, well, they're saying, go buy our frozen food at the grocery store, or visit us if you go overseas. - No, it's not as fun. - That's, yeah, I know. - Hooters was a prime spot. That was Joey's first birthday. We had, actually, we had one of Joey's birthdays there, just me and my buddies. Can I mention something real quick before we leave? 'Cause I want to make sure we mention this in the prime time before we hit our commercial break. We immediately posted, and then we, of course, have been going back and forth with our good friends over at the Oakland County Sheriff's Office. The horrible tragedy of the loss of Officer Brad Rackling. Brad's beautiful wife, Jaclyn, and four children. And, by the way, one on the way, 'cause Jaclyn is pregnant. He was senselessly killed while he was on duty on Saturday fighting a crime of an auto theft in the city of Detroit. Outside of the Pixley funeral home in Rochester Hills, is Brad's motorcycle with a lit-up display in his jacket and helmet on it, and flowers there, and mourners-- - Tons of flowers. - Are being told that if you would like to bring a message or prayers for the family, and there is a donation that they set up, the Oakland County Sheriff's, and the Mojo in the Morning Show is gonna be making a break-and-entering Christmas wish donation to Jaclyn and her kids. - I heard they're moving the funeral from that funeral home to a church, to accommodate just the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people they're expected to come out to pay their respects to him. - Well, when an officer is down in the line of duty like this, police officers and those in uniform will come from all over the world to their funeral. So, Brad, I do not know Brad personally. I have had a time where I got a chance to hear about Brad from Sheriff Bouchard, and Sheriff Bouchard spoke nothing but the greatest about Brad and all the officers that work for the Oakland County Sheriff's Department, so. - For all of today's dirty, you can get all caught up in the free I-Heart Radio app or (upbeat music) - Select, we need your directly from the source. It's Bojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. (upbeat music) - Your call may be monitored for the quarter. - And speaking of break-and-entering Christmas, we're doing Christmas in July. So, if you are in need of some help because the power bills are gonna be so crazy from just even the last couple of weeks of heat, you can send us a letter or simply just put a request, go to, Christmas in July. We're gonna do a special round of break-and-entering Christmas just because things are just so very tough right now, just trying to pay bills. And we wanna try to help you out. So, make sure you go check that out. And we have an auction for chances to meet members in the mojo in the morning show and hang out with us. If you wanna donate to break-and-entering Christmas to help families like Brad Racklin's family, you can go to Kayla, you're a winner. Congratulations. - Yay. - Yay, good morning. - Good morning. Summer of cars, cash, and gas. We're gonna set you up. You got a $50 gas card. You're now qualified for a brand new car or $20,000 cash. Mm. - Yay, I'm so excited. Thank you so much. - We're so excited for you. Congrats and you're welcome. Hang on the phone and we'll get some information from you, okay? - Okay, thank you. - All right, don't go anywhere. Be right back. - Just cheating. ♪ Another world famous ♪ ♪ War of the Roses ♪ ♪ Happens at 9.40 ♪ ♪ On mojo in the morning ♪ - It's mojo in the morning show. Kevin had a breast milk issue at the bar this weekend. What's going on? - Yeah, man, so. - Turned up that shiny shimby and it was like some destinations to go afterward. China had like this multi-location experience. - Oh, by the way, shout out to Topnotch. - Yeah. - Party bus. - Big shout out. - Because Lori and Michael looked it up for us to go from place to place. - Yeah. So we didn't take the Lori and Michael Topnotch experience. Shirella not took her own vibe. And because Shirella had to pump, she had to pump breast milk. So somebody told us the wrong second location to go to. So we get to the location and this is after Shirella has completed her dumping. When you dump breast milk, if you don't know, it's only good for like two hours. It's a timed event. - Is that a word dumping? You dump? - Pump and dump. - That's what I say here. - You dump. When you drink and you gotta like dump out your milk. - Yes. - Or something. - Yeah, 'cause you don't want to give it to the baby. - You don't want your baby drunk. So it's hard, it's not a good thing. So. - Oh, pump and dump. - Pump and dump. - That's where that pump and dump ever came from. - Pump the breast milk. Dump the breast milk. - Yeah. - Okay. But I don't know why we were saving it 'cause now I'm thinking about this. But anyway, we were saving this breast milk and it's only good for two hours. So after we get out of the car, I got the breast milk in a little to go-cup that Shariel typically has. Going to the bar 'cause we need ice to quote unquote cool down or refrigerate the breast milk and maintain it's drinkability factor, I guess, for lack of a better turn. So I walk into the bar, I'm like, excuse, merchant, can I have a cup of ice? She's like, you can't bring outside beverages into the bar. I'm like, it's not a beverage, it's breast milk. She's like, I understand, but you cannot bring outside beverages. I'm like, I'm not about to drink this. At this point, Shariel started, she started getting a little agitated. She can't irritate it. The lady's like, I completely understand. She was like, I'm not about to drink my own breast milk. The breast milk can only last for two hours. Can I have a cup of ice? And then the lady like, okay. The people at the bar laughing 'cause they're like, why does this lady think you about to drink breast milk? The proper chaser. So she brings like the smallest, I guess, available cup that they utilize. The breast milk can barely fit in there. Shariel's like, this is not gonna work. So she had a little mash, excuse me. The lady come up, she's like, do you have a ball? The lady's like, I don't have a ball or anything like that. We don't have balls here. Shariel's like, what about that? And then it's like the thing where, if you order like six beers. - Like a pure bucket. - A pure bucket, yeah, yeah. So she brings over a pure bucket. - Ah, yeah. - He feels a little bit nice. He said, we have the breast milk bottle in there. You know what this is? This is like, maybe somebody else's experiences before it a bar, but this is like TSA security. When you are a mom and you are pumping breast milk, you know, you can't bring liquids onto a plane, right? Well, there's a lot of times where moms have had issues where the TSA person would not let them bring the liquid. - That's true. - That's a real thing? - Yes. - That happened to me where they wouldn't let me through with it, which is, by the way, illegal. And I also had it happen to me where I had been on a five day vacation with my mom and my sisters and we were coming back from Arizona to Detroit. And the TSA at the Phoenix Airport, the lady made me open every bag of milk that I had with me. 'Cause you know how you store them in those little bags. And she dipped like some sort of-- - What? - Into each one. And at that point, I was so mad, 'cause I'm like, all of this is tainted though, because I don't know where your gloved hand has been. That's going into these every single bag that I'd pumped for five days. I wanted to cry. - Was it a stick that shows if it's like a-- - I've seen them do it. - Explosives or something? - Yes, but she didn't just do one bag. She made me open every single bag and then she dipped a thing into each bag. And I probably had, I don't even know, a couple dozen bags, and I had to throw it all away because I don't know, like even though she was wearing gloves, I don't know where her gloved hand had been. - And where the stick comes from? - Right? - By the way, well, the stick is, I think it's, you know, they do that with sometimes, you're thinking-- - It's like one of those custom things. - But was it covered? - Do you still-- - Do you feel violated when another person is touching even the bottle of your breast milk? Like, even if they don't open it? Like, that's my breast milk. Why are you touching my breast milk? Why is that going on? - No. - Wait, why is, you brought up something interesting? She was pumping and dumping. Why was she sitting? - I don't know, I didn't think about that until literally this very moment. 'Cause Lee Fishel was optimal, Moses. By the way, I got to be. - I got to be honest, I wouldn't mess with Shirel if I was this lady. I'd just go get the ice. - I could just tell, like, by the second you can't bring outside drinks. I could already tell Shirel was on his lady body. - Did you guys have it? Then when you came into the bar and met us? 'Cause I feel like you had something on the bar in ice. Okay. - Well, if it was, then it probably was the breast milk. - Okay. (laughing) - He had bottle service. - No, it was, he was in a champagne bucket. That's why I'm asking, there was something in front of you. - Yeah, yeah. - Hey, Melissa, what's up? - Hey, good morning. Me and my friends were going down to Florida for spring break, and one of my buddies always brings instant mashed potatoes because they help when she's hungover. And TSA opened up every single one and stuck 'em all out because they thought it was, I don't know if I can say the snow word. - Oh, they thought it was cocaine. - Yeah, they thought it was cocaine. - Cocaine. - They ruined all of her mashed potatoes. - I have never heard of that for hangover remedy, by the way. - She takes out, she does it at night, and then yep, she's not hungover the next day. - What is it? - Why would they need to know? Wouldn't they be able to tell if it's mashed potatoes? - Oh, for God's sakes, you know? - Potatoes are very powerful. - Open, but yeah, TSA ruined every single one. - Yeah, I mean, that just makes no sense at all. - Mashed potatoes, graven, and cranberry sauce! (laughing) - You know what, the holidays are bad for speaking of that. People at the holidays that will try to bring grammars, like sweet potatoes, on a plane, and you can't take it out of plane. Did you know that? 'Cause that's considered a liquid. And people will try to do that. Yeah, you didn't know that, Melissa? - No, fun facts of the day, I guess. - Yes, I've got crazy fun facts, if you would like more of them. (laughing) - I love them. - Although I did not know that you can't go into a bar and bring, how many people go into bars and bring their own drinks? - People bring their own drinks at bars? - That was so stunned, bro. - And it's not even, it's smaller than like, it's like a can of Pepsi almost, like in terms of like the height of it. As a yellow top, it's clear, you can see that it is milk bouncing around, and it's like no outside beverages. I'm not about to drink this breast milk. By the way, has anybody mixed the breast milk as a drink? Is there any, anyone listening who, let's see if we can find somebody, okay? Anyone listening who has ever mixed alcohol with their breast milk? - A white Russian? - A kaloon, is that the kaloon? Would it look a little good? - Yeah. - That is kind of like that, it is kind of like a little bit of a white Russian there, or a cream for their coffee. Amy, are you there, Amy? - I'm here. - Hi, before I get into people mixing drinks with the breast milk, we were talking about TSA security, bringing food on the plane, what did you want to say? - I have brought key lime pies from public on a plane when I travel to a state that has a public, 'cause I love their key lime pie. - That is the best. - I have brought three, through TSA, three times now. At one time, I was coming back from Mexico, and I had a layover in Fort Lauderdale, I called the Instacart, or whatever, the delivery services. I had them deliver the three pies to the airport. I ran up, got 'em, and brought 'em back, and you should've seen the people's eyes on the plane. It was a good software. And people were offering me money for the guys. - For your pies, that's funny. Shannon Publix in general is great. - Oh, everything goes up. - They're so good. - They're so good. - Get a pub sub. What's up? How you doing, Jordan? - Hey, hey. - Hey. - Hi. - Hi. - So, first time caller. - Hey. - Hey. - Hey. - Jenny's number four. - I used to go through PSA, if anybody knows bowling. You got rockin' bags and flip bags. - Yeah. - And they used to check 'em and think that it was cocaine. - Oh, my gosh. They would break open your rosin' bags for bowling? - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - So, you have to check 'em. You gotta put 'em in your check luggage. Can you carry your bowling ball on a plane, or is that considered a weapon? - You carry it on a plane. - I would like to, all of a sudden, have that fall out of the overhead and top of my head in the middle of a plane, like, oh. - Yeah, definitely. - Hold on, we got some people that use their breast milk for beverages. Chelsea, what do you do? - It's Kelsey. - Oh, Kelsey, I apologize. What's up, Kelsey? - And this was in the past, but I ran out of creamer for my coffee, and I've tasted my milk before, and it was kind of sweet, so I tried it in my coffee, sold my friends about it, and I got dubbed as a nickname, The Milker. (laughing) None of 'em tried it, but. - That's actually interesting. It's like, I'm sure that there's some people accidentally putting it in, but you actually purposely did it. It's better than almond milk. What's up, Steve? - Hey, I just want to let you guys know my buddy before work one morning. He was going to work, and he had cereal, and his wife pumped, and put it in the refrigerator. He didn't think much of it until after he was about done and drank his milk because it was really sweet, but he thought it was from the sugar he put on his cereal, so he called his wife, you know, and said, what was wrong with that milk in the fridge? Well, that's from the other gallon, and she said, no, you drank breast milk. (laughing) - Oh my God. - He had cereal with breast milk on. - Kelsey, you gotta try it later. I'm some cornflakes or whatever. What if people don't eat cornflakes anymore, do they? - Apple jags. - Apple jags. Angie. - Yeah. - Hi, what's up? - How you doing? - Good morning. - Good morning. First time, long time. - Hey. - Hey. - Angie's on her phone. - Thanks, Angie. - Whoo. Years ago, when I bartended, there was a lady, she was pumping at the bar, and I had a guy, one of our customers, take a shot of it at the bar. (laughing) - And like he was dared? - Dare to or what? - No, but he took a shot, warm. - Like, she put that into a shot glass, like poured it into a shot, and then he took a shot. - Wait, she squirted from the boob to the shot glass? - Oh. - Correct. - Found a table. (laughing) - I've found a table. - Oh, my God. (laughing) - Oh, my God. - Got your phone. - That might be the greatest line of them all, right there. That's amazing. - Oh, my God. I have to hold that. - Did he do any shooters with that? Like, did you give him some other alcohol to follow that up with? - No, he actually, like, said it was good, which was even more weird. - Disturbate, yeah. - That's amazing. Well, thank you for the call, we appreciate it. - Yeah, have a good day. - All right, it is Mojo the Morning. Am I the A-hole right now? You decide whether a person on the phone line here, one of our fellow listeners, is an A-hole. We'll voice disguise you, 'cause I know this is kind of a work issue, and I don't want to get you in trouble, and we'll just give you a random initial. Initial M on with us right now. Hi, M? - J-O-R-R. - Good, M wants to know if she is an A-hole. I understand that you're a manager of a company of an office, right? - Yeah, I'm an executive at a local company. - And you guys recently did something at work that you think that some people are a little upset with. What was it that you did? - Thanks, so, and I appreciate you having my voice disguised as a-- - Sure, no problem. - Yeah, well, we had done a survey at the office recently, supposedly there's some team issues, so, you know, I thought it would be a great idea to get together, you know, like a common anonymous team builder, you know, kind of event. It was an eye-opener because everybody was submitting complaints and things like that, so it turned out that they were complaining on one specific manager. - You know, so I took it upon myself. I decided to be a manager to talk about this complaint and bring it to the table. Although it was supposed to be unanimous, I kind of, you know, I had to address it. You know, I felt like for us to work as a team, we need to reopen and clear the air. So at the end of one of the meetings, you know, some bits on the team came up to the issue, like, you know, you need to be put in place, you got all of my face and said that I was deceptive with my motives and the server was supposed to be actually anonymous. It was her as a ringleader or whatever, but... - So you did an anonymous survey and on the anonymous survey, a lot of people came back and said that a specific manager was not a good manager and you took the anonymous survey and brought it to the whole team and that manager to try to correct the issue. And the people that filled out the anonymous survey were upset that their survey was not anonymous. - So, did you say to the manager, these specific people told me that you're not a good person? - Good question. - Of course not, it's still unanimous, but it was unanimous. - It was unanimous. - It was unanimous, but unanimous. - So everybody doesn't like this person. - Right. - So they all feel like they got called out now because of you brought it to the attention. - But at the end of the day, with the problem, they get a dress and although everybody was upset about it, I have a responsibility to call out on professionalism or just not team building, you know. - Okay. - So I work together like this. - All right, so obviously... - You're wondering if you're the A-hole? - Yeah. - Am I the A-hole for bringing it up to the team after I set a letter back? - Well, what else would you do? - Anonymous. Now you're confusing yourself. - Yeah, well, I mean, what else would you do in this case? I mean, aside from firing the manager for being a bad manager. - Right. - And just, I don't know if you need to bring the entire team into the conversation. Like I think having a one-on-one with that manager, the individual that everybody is speaking ill about is the proper way to handle it. I don't know if you need everybody more. - But you made it not anonymous by saying that it was, by saying that everybody agreed that there was a problem with this person. So then every person who took that survey, he or she knew, took issue with her, right? So everybody was guilty at that point. So I see where you were going and I see you were trying to be a responsible manager here, but I do think you were an A-hole because if I'm taking an anonymous survey, I am going to feel comfortable than saying what I really wanna say. We're probably otherwise, I'm not just because that's my personality. Like I kinda hate confrontation, even though I'm trying to get better about that. But I would be upset then because then my name is out there. - But do you really feel that every single person? - If you say that every single person. - Do you really think your work survey is gonna stay anonymous? That your managers are looking at what you're saying and they know that you submitted it? - Yeah, that's a good point to me. - Is there really some type of privacy at work when it comes to that type of thing? - At first I did. I answered one survey for this company, very, very honestly when I first started working here. I genuinely, it was sent out to everybody in the company so I thought it was under some sort of like almost Apple algorithm where it was like encrypted. You couldn't follow it back to us and then a manager addressed me about what I had written in it. And I was like, oh. - In a bad way? Like say, yeah, I didn't like that. Wow. - 'Cause I was honest then, but I thought it was going to be helpful. Like if you're asking to know what the issues are so you can fix them and I tell you what the issues are, don't complain me for telling you what the issues were. - Let's get some calls in this. 844-Mojo-Live, 844-665-6548 is initial M, an A-hole for breaking the trust of an anonymous survey by saying it was unanimous. I think probably that was a bad move. Like Shannon said, I think that you're an A-hole for that. - 'Cause at Kevin's point, you could have just had a one-on-one with her and been like, you know, there was an issue that came up. You didn't have to say every single person said that. - Everybody hates you. Now go back to work and enjoy working with each other. I'll be quite honest with you. I don't understand if everybody has an issue. That to me sounds like, and are you that person's boss that everybody has an issue with? Or are you okay? Well, then you got a problem. - Right. - Because if you can't manage a person to make, you know what I mean? Like you've allowed that person to be that bad and the problem lies, I hate to say this with you initial M. - And also why would you think public shaming would be the most receptive option for that to fix the issue? - Tricia, what's up? Am I the a-hole is a- - I think it's an a-hole. Unfortunately, none of them surveys are anonymous. I worked for a major drugstore retailer and we did them surveys often. We all knew who said what. - Really? - So for her to use that information, she needs to make her team better. She takes the survey. It's not just one person that said it. It's across the board. So she needs to address the issue across the board. What if it was, you know, they need to be increased? Is she supposed to keep that separate too? - No, but- - If you say it's anonymous, then you've set a false expectation. - Yeah. - Either way, I'm never taking one of those surveys. I'm not joking. - By the way, you ever feel out like one of those, you bought a car surveys and stuff or a survey for a company and you hear the person has been calling you back and that happened to me at a business where you feel out serving and you're like, "Yeah, it was a restaurant." I said, "Yeah, I just thought that they just seemed like they were either understaffed or whatever." And then the manager calls back and I'm like, "Oh crap, this is one of the places I love to go to." But they were cool with me for giving them the feedback. What's up, Donovan? - Hey, good morning guys. First time long time. - Hey now. - Donovan is on the phone. - Donovan is initial M and A-hole. - I would say no, she is in the A-hole, but only because I'm in the leadership role myself and even though it's an anonymous survey, a leader's a hilt at different standards. So a manager in this case, I want to hold them accountable and let them know, like, hey, there was some concerns brought up in the survey, but I'm not going to say who exactly said it, but I will address it because they are a leader. - Would you do that in front of the group or would you do that in a one-on-one? - No, that would be a one-on-one. - So you're not this manager? - Yeah, so that was the problem. The problem was the how she did it, I think. That was the... - Okay, okay, that makes more sense. - Like doing it and having everybody sitting there going, oh crap. Like that had to be very uncomfortable. David, what's up, am I the A-hole? Is in majority of people are saying that? - It's like she went to court and pointed at everybody. Here's my witnesses. - I never understand if you have a situation where a person is that bad and everybody has a problem with it, why it's gone to a survey to get you to notice why that person is that bad. - That culture may not be one that provides the level of comfortability for the team members to want to vocalize their frustrations. - Why are you not thinking at me in the eyes right now? I think that you're referring to something with this. - You know I talk to you. - I like it. All right, hold on. By the way, here's the survey. Do you like working on the show or not? Answer the survey to the listeners. - Okay. - You gotta answer it at 7.20 in the morning. And by the way, why do I not get the same surveys that Megan gets? The company never asked me for anything. - Oh, it was like seriously eight or nine years ago. - All I do is take tests for how to do an EAS test and not do it as a joke or whatever. It's Mojo in the morning. Shannon took photos, but a different kind of photos than just a normal photo shoot. She did photos for her husband Wes as a wedding gift. What kind of photos are we talking about? - I love that you make that noise, Megan, 'cause you saw some of that. - Yeah, I did. - Yeah. It was such a hard secret to keep, but as a wedding gift, I did a Boudoir photo shoot. - I want to go in. - Yes. If you don't know what that is, it's a photo shoot where you're like wearing lingerie, really. It was so out of my comfort zone. - I want to go out and be proud. - So out of my comfort zone, but I knew that it was a gift that he would absolutely love. So I did this about two months ago, actually with the photographer that photographed our wedding reception on Saturday. And I had to keep it a secret. It was a hard keeper to, secret to keep for the past couple of months, but yeah, I did it and it actually was really, really fun. - First of all. - I'm so happy I did it. - Looks fantastic. Second of all, I accidentally kind of got looped into that day. Do you remember? You were trying to get him out of that. - The house. - The house. - You were shooting it, yeah. - Yes. - You were trying to get him out of the house. - I did it in my house. All right, I'm gonna fake that I have a car issue. I'm gonna ask him to come and help me so I can get him out of that house right now. - Yeah, it was like lie after lie after lie to make that happen. - And then keeping that a secret was then really hard because I was like, he's gonna love it. - Yeah, that's why I gave it to him. I gave him a beautiful box that the photographer had made with all of the photos in it on Saturday. - So you presented him with like a photo album of it? - It wasn't an album. It was just like a box that he opened and it had like all of the photo, like the still photos in it. - So good. - Yeah. Quick question for you. You said you did it in your house. Where in your house did you do it? - I mean, on the couch, on the dining table, on the kitchen counter. - You got on the kitchen counter? - Yeah. - Everywhere they've been. - No, not everywhere they've been. (laughing) - Your house is kind of somewhat of a fishbowl. - Oh, yes, which was really, really interesting 'cause as we were taking the photos, we kept having to check to make sure nobody was walking by. (laughing) I'm like, my neighbors are gonna get very much the wrong idea about me. - I've always wondered with Boudoir photos. What do you do with Boudoir photos after you give it, like do you frame them? Do you hang 'em somewhere? Like, what do you do? - No, like social. - Yeah, no way. He will just hopefully hide this box somewhere. - It's like sex toys? Like you put 'em in a special place where no-- - Somewhere where the kids can't find 'em. But you know, it's so funny now that I'm thinking back to this. So Saturday was such a blur because our reception was earlier in the day. It started at noon and then after it was over, we bar-hopped to a bunch of different places around Detroit. And so I wanted to change and West wanted to change into something a little bit more comfortable. And so they had this little dressing room at the Book Tower as where we had our reception. They had this little dressing room set up for us. And so we went in there and that's where I gave it to him 'cause that was the first time I'd really spent time with him that day. And he kept it in the bag that I had given it to him in and it went in a pile with our clothes, my dress, you know, my sunglasses, all of these things, my purse that was in there. And we didn't realize it until the next morning. I go, "Where is the bag with my photos in it?" And he goes, "Oh my God, my sister, my sister." He goes, "My sister grabbed it and put it in her hotel room "and I'm gonna go get it from her in the morning." And I was like, "West, you have to make sure "that she does not go through that bag "because she would see... "She would literally see everything. "Wow, are Boudoir photos completely naked "or just with lingerie?" - Mine were not at all, I was not thinking any of them. - What was it like for you to do that? - I was really, really nervous and the photographer, her name is Lydia, she was incredible at making me feel comfortable and beautiful, it was really a cool experience. And if anybody has even been thinking about doing it and I'll be honest with you, I was not until she made this suggestion to me a while ago, but I'm so happy that I did it. - What's up, how you doing, Jennifer? - Hey, good morning, everybody. - Good morning. - Good morning. - So I did a Boudoir photo shoot for my fiancee last year as a Valentine's Day guest. And I am plus-sized and I have always hated my body. And it was really hard for me to do, but when I got those photos back, it felt amazing. Like it felt so empowering, like I looked incredible and even if you're not married or not engaged, I recommend doing it just for yourself because it makes you feel so good. Like, Megan, you should do it, just because you're already in a really good head space and I feel like that would make you feel even better. - Yeah, that is one thing, Jennifer, you hit the nail on the hype. I have never really felt quote unquote sexy. I'll look in the mirror sometimes and be like, "Oh, I look cute or I look pretty." I've never felt sexy and when I saw these photos, I was like, "Oh," like it was just a different-- - Yeah, you're like, "Dang, yeah, who is that?" - Do you hide them? - I shared it with a few of my closest girlfriends. Like I sent like a couple of like the more modest e-worms 'cause I was in lingerie as well and I have a really nice butt. So we took a lot of butt photos for my fiancee. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Do you have digital versions of these things? 'Cause if you have digital versions and you have one of those digital frames that rotates pictures-- - Like a skylight? - You gotta be careful that they get on your phone and get, they are they just like he can only look at them through the actual pictures you gave or did you send them a few on the-- - I haven't sent him any, like I have them in my email from when she sent them to me but he doesn't have those yet. - You haven't been in the email? What if your email gets hot? - Well, at least I like these photos. (laughing) Olivia, what's up? - Hey, so I, for my sister's bachelor at, I set up a boot wire shoot for all of the made bridesmaids and we all went together and did them and it was like set up in the photographers, a little area like we had a bed set up and we would all cycle in and take our pictures and-- - Were there any bridesmaids that were like, eh, a dress was enough for me. - I don't wanna do this. - You know what? There was a pretty conservative one and I had to like reassure her that this was a female photographer and everything but she was happy to do it too and they ever was glad they got it and gave it to their husbands and stuff. So it was fun. - That's an amazing gift, that's an amazing gift. I mean, that's wonderful to do that. - Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, oh, I'm too spooky or nobody wants to see these tiny boobies. But believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, dear God, I was a beautiful thing. - Oh. - Like my favorite scene from such a creep. - Shut the creep. - Hi, Emma, how you doing? - Good, how are you guys? - Good, your mom did boot wire photos? - Yeah, my mom did. - Or as the kids call them semi-nudes, right? - Well, yeah, my mom's a photographer, so we grew up with pictures and all that kind of stuff all the time, not necessarily boot wire 'cause we were kids, but my mom did one not too long ago after having a weight loss surgery and losing a bunch of weight and she ended up doing the shoot with my dad and she ended up getting the pictures printed off and she has them up in her room on the wall. - Really, so she actually displays her channel, would you ever do that? - No. No, what about one of those? You know how they have those collages that you can put a whole bunch of pictures over the years? It could be a moment. - So honestly, it's one of those things that my mom probably would have never done in a million years, but after she finally had the confidence to have the weight loss surgery and lose all the weight, she ended up doing one with my dad and fell in love with the pictures, but she looked amazing. Like she looked phenomenal and never looked at the mom's dad. She just got to hope that there's no plumbing issues in her master bath and she's got to bring a plumber over to walk through. - Yeah. - She'll have to take those down off the wall. - It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper, a woo hoo, a hand clapper, a high-fiver? If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba - Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, void, we're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. - No turn in mornings. - Dirty on the 30. - All right, one last, dirty on the 30 with Shannon. What's happening? - Well, I just want to start by saying tomorrow we are going to be broadcasting live from the Rocket Mortgage Classic in Detroit. And if you are headed out there today, a little bit of a change because of the weather. So it's not going to open until one o'clock because of this storm that's passing through and you can check out the Rocket Mortgage Classic social media for more info on how that affects the rest of the day's events. - What's tomorrow's weather like? Are we going to be okay? - So I'm looking right now. It looks like some of this rain may linger. I'm looking at different things. Not storms, there may be some lingering showers, but nothing like we're experiencing right now. - I am golfing after our broadcast tomorrow in the Pro Am. They're letting me golf again in this thing, which is pretty crazy that they allow that to happen. But I don't like golfing in the rain. I'm not a big guy. I'm not an inclement weather person. I'm usually somebody that it has to be like near perfect 'cause I have to walk 18 holes. - Yeah, it's so shocking to me that you're picky about stuff. - Listen, would you go walking if it was raining? I know you're a walker. You like to walk and enjoy your city. Do you don't go walking in the rain, do you? - I do. Here's the thing. You guys always call me crazy. I love the snow. I love the rain. Hate driving in it. I wouldn't mind walking in it. - Really? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Don't give me sunshine and warmth. Thank you. - The video of Prince William Dad dancing to "Shaken Off" on Saturday night at Taylor Swift. So at London's Wembley Stadium. Oh my God, it's so funny. Like, I feel like the guys on the show need to recreate it. It's just so funny. His daughter, by the way, Prince has Charlotte. A huge Swiftie. So he was dad of the year, brought Charlotte and her older brother, Prince George, to Saturday evening show, where they got to do a meet and greet with Taylor and actually Travis Kelsey before the show. So if you saw those selfies going around, that was from that. It looked like everybody enjoyed themselves. I'm told that Prince William told the kids to try to stay back in the box that they were in so people couldn't at Wembley, couldn't turn around and just take photos and videos of them the whole time. I actually didn't see very many of them, just him. - Yeah, just him. But Travis, in a podcast interview this weekend, call in Taylor Swift, his lady. - Oh, he did. You guys have done a decent job of keeping a private. - Yeah, and it's like you wanna keep things private, but at the same time, I'm not here to hide anything. That's my girl. - That's your girl. - You know what I mean? That's my lady. So it's like I'm proud of that. So it's like I'm not sitting here trying to juggle how can I keep this under wraps? - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - Yeah, you just don't wanna let everybody into your personal life and be able to comment on it, knowing that everything she does is getting a headline. - He also stuck up for the Royals, did you hear that at all yesterday on his podcast? 'Cause of his brother was like making fun of the Royals and how goofy it is that, you know. - Yeah, he changed that subject real quick. - Oh, you could tell that he's tailored. Like, or what would he be called? - Perfect, so good, tailored. - Yeah, like he's, he now is so good at deflecting to make it sound good, but you know, he does not wanna piss off the Royals because it sounds to me like they have, you know, maybe a good relationship or something with Taylor Swift's camp. - Yeah. - Somebody at that hotel in the Hamptons where Dustin Timberlake was hanging out and partying before his DWI arrest last week, actually called the cops because they were concerned about Justin drinking and driving. This is a story that's going around that I'm hearing from a few different people, including the owner of another restaurant in Sag Harbor where this all happened. This person allegedly said Justin was having a lot of drinks and called police or somehow got in touch with the police department to tell them to watch out if Justin got into his car. And so when he hopped behind the wheel of his 2025 BMW after the party, Justin was very promptly stopped by this young cop who gave him a warning and just said, hey, you know, maybe not the best idea to be driving, have somebody else drive, whatever. Well, a few minutes later, this same cop, this is the cop who didn't know who Justin Timberlake was, by the way, saw Justin still driving and allegedly blow through a stop sign and then start swerving in and out of his lane. So he pulled him over and his version of the stories that he had bloodshot eyes, he wreaked of alcohol, failed his sobriety test, and that's why he was arrested. Now the bartender at the American hotel where this party was happening says truly, he only served Justin one martini. So if he was drunk, he drank somewhere else, but at that establishment, he was only served one drink. Do you guys remember this song from back in the day? I don't even know when this song came out, but this song "Butterfly" by the band Crazy Town. ♪ Come come my lady ♪ ♪ You're my mother's guy ♪ ♪ I should go ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ ♪ You're my mother ♪ ♪ You're my mother ♪ ♪ You're my mother ♪ ♪ You're my mother ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ Well, the dude who sings this song-- What's he talking about in there? ♪ Come my lady ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ ♪ Come my lady ♪ It's one of them MTV bops I used to do. Yes, Shifty Shellshock dead this morning. Leesinger of Crazy Town. Yeah, they found him in his home dead, 49 years old, no other details, but TMZ just broke that. Weird. Why do I feel like up in heaven, there is one of those band concerts. They have like this weekend in heaven, Smash Mouth, Crazy Town, and what was the guy they've died? The guys from LFO. What was the guy that died though here in town? There was that lead singer of that band that died if MGM could see this. Chris Cornell. They're all performing live. This weekend. And it's brought in even live nation has the presents on that. Five dollar cover. My God. What is wrong with you? They didn't even free it heavy. The-- That's amazing. The Florida Panthers. They charge another. Our Stanley Come Champions for the very, very first time. Beat it. Yes! The Oilers. Two to one and game seven. The Panthers! We don't want Canada winning this. This is like the Olympics. I wanted to see the Connor dude. I was selling Zach yesterday. Living long is a blessing. And hopefully we can all live as long as we possibly can or are meant to. When you live long, you get the chance to be apart and see history. And to see the Edmonton Oilers come back from 0 to 3 is something I would have enjoyed. I don't know. I always root against any of the Canadian teams. No offense, Canadian people. But you don't give us pure ratings. I mean, I don't know if we get ratings, you know, off of you, but I do say this. I am an American through and through. And I like to see that the fact and I brought this up earlier this morning. Not since 1993 when the Montreal Canadiens hoisted that Stanley Cup. Has that cup been anywhere but maybe in the Hall of Fame that they have in Toronto? Yes. We talked about this earlier. We had a very angry Canadian listener talk about how, no matter what team you look at, 40% of the league is Canadian. Yeah. That's true. A lot of Canadians just won that cup. Yeah, yeah. And lastly, this story's gone viral. A man in Singapore wins $4 million at a casino and dies seconds later. Oh, geez. This is him laying on the floor. His family crying over him. You guys, he died of a heart attack. Literally the shock and excitement of his win sent him into cardiac arrest and killed him. That is just the craziest story. It is, like you said earlier, Megan, like the scene from National Lampoon's Lost Biggest Vacation. When the Monday, the Monday is my show. Speaking of scenes from movies, old movies, Joel, what did you want to say? Well, I figured you would be just like that old guy. You know, when the storm's coming in Caddy Shack and wants to just get a quick 18 in, you know, and when it's the last part, get struck by lightning. No, no, I'm not a person that does golf in the rain. You know, I don't like that. How do you get that, son? Yeah. Keep shooting. You guys are just going to park, you get that. Yeah, no, I like golfing in Sunshine. So, and I like broadcasting our show in Sunshine, too. So hopefully, are we broadcasting in the same spot that we were before the covered area? So we-- Yes, same spot. Oh, good, OK. All right. Hey, for all of today's 30 catch up on the podcast on the iHeart Radio app, or check out Mojo in the Get more dirt at Mojo in the Mojo in the morning's dirty on the 30. Catching cheaters and proud of it. Ow, I'm sorry. Get your home for more of the roses on Mojo in the morning. Kevin, who is it that you think your wife is cheating with? Her boss. And why is that? Well, I don't think you send and see emails about smacking [BLEEP] and [BLEEP] without something going on. How did you see emails like that? She left her phone email open, and I looked at it. We have been a little suspicious lately. Is-- wow, is that sent over company email? Yes. What kind of worked does your wife do? She does HR for a [BLEEP] company. And what's-- tell us about this boss that you allege that she's having a fair with. Do you know him? Have you met him? Yeah, I know who he is. He's been here. And we've been over there. We've hung out at parties. He's an OK guy. What do you mean by he's been over at your place, and you've been over at his place? Do you see you guys are friends? We're sort of work-type friends, yeah. Is he type of guy that you could see cheating with a married woman? Actually, yeah. So how long has this been going on then? I mean, if you've seen the emails, could you tell when it's started? Um, I can't say it for sure because I just saw the emails. And they look like current email. And you never said anything about it? I haven't said anything yet. But you know what they say about catching a thief. This isn't the first time they've done. So you're afraid if you say something to her that it will then cause her to be, you know, to cover her tracks a little bit? Yeah. All right, you have his phone number, and we're going to use her phone number, and we're going to do a three-way call. And we're going to see how they react when they think that each other is calling them. You have to be very, very quiet and not say a thing, okay? - Okay. - All right. You give us permission to make this call? - Yeah, I can say it a little bit. (phone ringing) (phone ringing) - Hello? - Hello. - Hello? - Hi. - Hey. - Hey. - What's happening? What's going on? - Not much. How are you? - Good. - What are you up to? Where are you at right now? - I'm in the car. I'm coming up. - Okay. - Hold on a second. - Sure. (upbeat music) - Hello? - So are we still on for later today? - Yeah. - Well, what did you tell him? - You think it's in our place? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well, what did you tell him? - I think it's in our place. You think it's in our place? Well, I tell them that I have to do that and then stuff that I need to wrap it up. It should be fine. (upbeat music) - Okay. Well, all right. Where are you right now? - I'm just kidding. (beep) - All right. I'll see you in five minutes then. - Real quick before you hang up, at least in Steven. Are you guys still there? Hello? - Who is this? - Guys, this is the Mojo in the morning show. And Elise's husband, Kevin, called us up because he wanted to hear what you guys sound like when you're talking to each other and heard every bit of this conversation and what you guys were saying. - So working late, huh? That's a great (beep) excuse? You (beep) (upbeat music) - That was the excuse that she gave you that she wasn't going to be in. When did she say she was going to be home? (upbeat music) Kevin, when did she say she was going to be home? (upbeat music) - Kevin. (upbeat music) - All right. Hold on a sec. - This is the home of War of the Roses. - Mojo in the morning. (upbeat music) - WKQI Detroit. - WSNX Muskegon Grand Rapids. - WVKS Toledo. - This is Mojo in the morning. - Mojo, he's amazing. - Live. (upbeat music) - War of the Roses just do a little backstory on the War of the Roses that you just heard. Three-way call War of the Roses where Kevin worried that his wife was cheating with her boss. After we had done the three-way call, we couldn't get Kevin on the phone with us for some time. It was very difficult to get him on and we worried post doing it that that was not a good situation because anytime that you're not able to talk to him, you worry about what a person and their emotions do, we were finally thank God able to get him on. But something interesting that did happen was that we got a call from his wife Elise and the call came to us from her which we thought she was going to give some explanation as to what was going on because a lot of times the people will call us back and their calls back to us are typically trying to explain and say that they're not cheating, that they're just close, their friends and all the rest of that stuff are that person's crazy. This was the call that we got back from her. Elise, is there something that you wanted to say to us? (groaning) - No. - Okay, will you call this back? Is there anything going on between you and Stephen? - I don't have to say that to you. - I mean, clearly there is. You guys are making plans to meet up and plans to lie to your husband. - And that was it. Where are the roses here on the Mojo in the morning show? I would love to know if the boss has ever been in your relationship. And I'd say that has anybody ever had the boss be the person that their significant other was cheating with? Because think of the fact that they now have a little bit of power to be able to get a relationship going and started and all the rest of that stuff. Plus you can cover it up, it seems like a lot. If you're just trying to play good employee. 844 Mojo live, 844-665-6548. Anybody know somebody that cheated with the boss? Anthony, what's going on? Hi. - So I know you guys are out of the norm, but who can go with their boss out there first? - You know what that is? I think a lot of people, you don't think that people hang out with their boss outside of work? - I don't even think it has to be outside of work. Can't this all happen within business hours? - First word. - Never on a 101. - No, the husband said he's hung out with him too. - Oh, but that didn't seem odd to me though. Like there are friendships, co-worker friendships, you know, where people work together. - Well, the way he said it, he was probably like, the way he said it was probably like over to the house, like dinner. - I don't know. It seems odd. I know a lot of people that like we have had our bosses, you know, over before. I don't know. Sometimes those are the environments. Now it's different if he says we sleep together. You know what I mean? Like we all go on vacations together and get one room, one bed. What's up, Brie? How you doing? - Good. - Hi, Brie had the affair with the boss. Is that right, Brie? - Yeah, so I'm marrying my first husband with my boss, and then I divorced him and got with my new boss. - Oh geez. - It's something about bosses. - Oh, God. You have a type, huh? - You. - I guess so. - Yeah. - Is it that you like the idea that this person has a little bit of power over you? Like there's some kind of a satisfaction to that? - I don't know because when we live together, it's like we both have to have the power, you know? - Yeah, okay. - We don't work. Mine has been now. We're still together, but we don't work together. - Do you get raises because of that? - No. - Does your current husband get nervous about when you start a job somewhere where they don't work? - He did at first, but now it's like they're all women, and so, you know, he's not nervous anymore. - I would feel awkward if I was him. If all of a sudden there's a pattern of you and the bosses. Do people know when you're having an affair with the boss? Do the other people? - Everybody knows. - Do they? It's hard to hide. - Everybody in the workplace knows. - Yeah. - And even if you deny it, like everybody still knows. - Yeah. Is that why you aren't working there anymore? Or did you just get a better job? - Well, I'm from Texas. So when we're from Texas, so we just moved up here to Michigan recently. - Okay. All right. Welcome. Thank you for the call. Voice this guys will give you the initial J. Hi, J. - Hi, I'm Monja. How are you? - Good. J, you're the boss. - Yeah. I was the boss and one of my workers started talking with me and told me I can give the same chocolate every day. I need different chocolate. - Hold on a second. - Wait, huh? - Oh, you know what he's saying. - I don't explain. - You want me to do it? - No. - You do it. - The lady was telling me, like, I need different guy every day, not the same husband every day. - So she... - And she was married. - So, okay. So you slept with a married subordinate or whatever. Employee. That was a good word, wasn't it? - Of course. - Thank you. I feel fancy. - We're adjumational. - As soon as I find out, she's having kids and everything because on the beginning, she didn't tell me she's married. - Oh, so you were unaware. You thought she was just a single employee of yours? - Woman. - How do you not know they're married? You have their employee paperwork right there in your office. - Well, she didn't write. She's married. She's, uh, write she's single. - So the different chocolate every night didn't give it away? - Yeah. - Wow. - So, could you lose your job for having a relationship with one of your employees? - Well, she quit right away. As soon as I found out, she quit and she changed her job and address and everything. - Interesting. By the way, I just love this man's accent on Voices Guys. - It's okay. - It's good. It's very romantic. - What is the Voices Guys? - That is a Voices Guys. Yes. You did not know. I'm sorry. That is initial J on Voices Guys. Now this is initial H being Voices Guys. Tai. - Hello. - How are you? - I'm good. How are you guys this morning? - Good morning. - We're doing good. We're, we just busted a woman cheating with her boss and her husband is not in a good place. And we'll talk more about that in a little bit. You can listen to the podcast of it up on our Mojo the Morning Show podcast. What's your situation here? - So my now husband, um, his wife, or his ex-wife, I'm sorry, she cheated on her first husband with my husband who was her boss. - Oh. - And then turned around and cheated on him with her boss again. - So kind of like that woman that called us up that likes the bosses. - Where's she from, Texas? - Yeah, it must be a thing. - So knowing this and knowing that your husband was once a cheater cheating with a married woman, does that make you feel uncomfortable? I am around his employees? - No, no, no. I think Ms. Hunter said his ex-wife is cheated on him. - Right. Yeah, but you said that she cheated though with your husband. Like she was, no? - Yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. - So he was a boss cheating with a married woman. - He was. - And did that not make you, does that make you a little worried at the company Christmas party? - Absolutely not. - Okay. So you, you, he's got that out of his system. - I think so, they were very young, they were in their early 20s when they were married. - Yeah. - So I think that, that had a lot to do with it. We're much older now. - You guys have matured. - That's absolutely. And it's been years since that happened, so it's not part of my stuff. - So here's the part that's interesting. If you're cheating with a boss and you have like your review, I don't know if a lot of companies do reviews, we do that at iHeart and stuff. - We do? - We're supposed to. We used to, we used to, I think, but you go in for the review, it has to be very awkward to try to give a review, or what do you do in the case of say, for instance, say, for instance, that you're having an affair with, you know, with the boss, how do they reprimand the person that you can't, you got, you have the boss by the balls. - Literally. - Yeah. - Yes. I mean, that's. - I don't think you can. - What's up, Laura? Hi. - Hi, good morning. - Good morning. - Yeah. I'm not my proudest moment, but I had an affair with my married boss. - Oh, geez. - And what ended up happening? - Well, we tooled around for a little bit, then, so he said he was having problems anyway, but he ended up leaving her. And we stayed together a little bit, and I said, "I can't do this." Now my proudest moment. - So did you ever have to be in the same place with his wife? - Ooh. - Yes. - And how was that? - Very awkward. I was single, and she wasn't a very nice person, but still, there's no excuse for that. - Yeah. - Well, you guys would be at what, like company events, and would he be on her arm and stuff, and would you ever get jealous of that? - No, he got jealous, though, when I was with someone else. - Oh, boy. - Here's what I wanted to hear. So you knew he was married, right? - I did. - Did he come on to you? - Well, we had a lot of time where we did have to work together, and we were in certain situations where we went to parties. I worked for The Big Three. - Okay. - And we did a lot of, like, you know, auto shows and things like that, where we all went. And it just kind of happened, I guess you could say. - Yeah, that black tie dinner thing that they do, or, you know... - Yeah. - That black tie thing? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's interesting. I'll tell you what, we have two good-looking bosses here. - I don't know about you guys, but... - Well, you're a man. - We do. We've got a handsome guy named Tony Travato, or as you call him, and then we have an extremely beautiful big boss, Colleen Grant. - Yeah, but sometimes I think you're actually in love with Tony Mojo. - I think I would have an affair with Tony before I would. I would. He's kind of the man's man. Like, he's like everything I wish I was in a man, you know? - Yeah. - He's a farmer. - But he came in with those overalls, that one, yeah, I saw a lot of different looking. - Yeah, there's amazing. Well, listen, we appreciate it. If you miss this War of the Roses, I think out of the three-way Call War of the Roses, whenever we do these things, you know, you have to, like, listen for their conversation to see, okay, what's going to happen? This one was pretty blatant. You can go check it out. It's on our podcast. Zach has it up there for you. - The subscription fees are out of freaking control, not Mojo, he's free. - Send Mojo on our free I Heart video app. - Listen to the show live every morning on channel 955. - 1045 SNX in West Michigan. - We're dying to five KISS F.A.M. in Toledo, and listen to the podcast for free. - Free. - Free. - Every sound is so good. - All right, Mojo in the morning show, Megan almost hit on her cousin. - I can't believe I'm about to admit this to you guys. So keep it easy on me, all right? - Keep it easy on you? - Yeah, what's that Adele song? Go. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, my baby. Because I, over the weekend, my dad's cousin is a captain of one of those, like, boats on the river downtown, those booze cruises. The Diamond Jack River tours, he's one of the captains on those. - Really? Is he Diamond Jack? - No, he is. Wait, hold on. All right, we got to get on the tour, by the way. - Captain Billy, baby. - Captain Billy. - I would love, you would love my dad's cousin, Billy. He's the best person in the entire world. I love him. - I've gone on one of those once, and the one that we went on was the old one, the old boat that's there. - Depresses. - And it had an uneven deck, and I felt like I was literally, like, falling off the thing for the longest time. - We had a little dinner. We had some drinks. I got to see the city. We had a little tour. It was really nice. And I went on this. They do it once a year where they, or he, my dad's cousin, Billy invites, like, a whole bunch of our family to just spend some time together. We all go on, like, the same booze cruise. And there's other people because it's a pretty big boat, and I see this girl who is incredibly hot while we're on this tour. And she had a sick outfit on, and I needed to know where she got her jeans. So I started stalking her throughout the boat, and I finally, like, she stopped somewhere. I was like, "Now's my shot. Now's my opportunity. Let's go talk." And I tried to flirt with her, and I was like, "Oh my God, why'd you get your pants? You look so cute. Yadda yadda yadda." And we just started complimenting each other back and forth, like, "You get a compliment. You get a compliment. You get a compliment." And I asked her eventually, I'm like, trying to keep the conversation going. I'm like, "So what are you doing out tonight? Like, what's the plan?" She was like, "Oh, I'm here for a family reunion. You guys, I'm so dumb. Nothing clicks at this point. Not a single thing." I was like, "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free." "I'm too free. I'm too free." "I had never met this girl in my life before, and I don't know how this works, because I think we're not actually related." Wait, so if she pointed to your dad's cousin's wife- And said that's my aunt, how did that work? How did that work? What's the workflow? We're all related. That's- Is the workflow thing? Right. Like, that's so far out. Family tree? No, like the workflow. Like, technology. Like, let me map this out, go ahead. Did you do it again? I like the family tree. Megan. Right, Megan first. Okay. M? Yep, just M. And then dad. So, Scott, Megan, SM. Okay, I'm just kidding. Mm-hmm. Dad. And then cousin. That's dad's cousin. His wife. The cousin's wife? Yeah. Is it the girl? He's the girl. Not even the mom. Or not even her. Right. I don't know. I feel like if you're- If you're confused, you're good. And honestly, then you guys could look at the family room on your calendar. Most of my Calvian friends would have already been married to you. So, that would have been a safe one. So Megan, you think that your family member's hot? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? I've never met this girl in my life. And I feel like that gives you an exception. Because you can figure that out and then go, "My bad." I do have a family member who grew up like they were cousins. They grew up together in diapers, but he was so drunk, he didn't recognize her at the bar and hit on her until she was like, "Hey, buddy, I knew you were in diapers." Yeah. I have a beautiful cousin. It was good to say. I was going to ask him. He is beautiful, but he is my cousin. But? But? Like, actual cousin. Are you attracted at all to him? Like, where you're like, he's beautiful. No, I mean, he's actually my second cousin, I guess you could say, but growing up all of my friends who saw him were like, "Oh, my God, Tony is." I'm like, "Oh, no, trust me." We had a cousin, and she was very, very hot. And I remember my brother used to talk about how he had his first fantasy about her. And everybody thought that was crazy, but she was like a second or third cousin. But you're not doing anything, you just thought that she was hot. She was like, "You can have hot cousins." I mean, you can have cousins with breast and butts, too. You're just right. You gotta try not to look. Right. I'm going to pull that on, and that's going to have that thing in here, near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near near. I'm going to cut that part out. So as soon as you found out that she was there for the same family reunion, which by the way, thank God it was a family reunion, because you imagine if just randomly you bumped into her? Yeah. And didn't realize. Nia, what's up? Hey. Hi. What's going on? I'm just telling Megan that that's not her cousin, so you good. Yeah. Who herself? Yeah, but if that's the cousin and wife, you know, your cousin and her wife, you know, they're not related. Yeah. She just related to the wife. So there you go. Close. Real close. Nia, what's the story then in 30 years when we're sitting on the front porch and the neighbor comes over to introduce himself? How'd you meet the family reunion on a boat on a boat? Are there any are there any non ethnic hookups with cousins? Has anybody ever hooked up with their cousin? And I'm not talking about like I joked about, you know, Chaldean, they say every Chaldean is related. Are our Iraqi Catholics, do you know what Chaldean, what a Chaldean is, Nia? Yeah, I was a little. Okay. So they joke all the time, you're my cousin, you know, hey, cousin, what's going on. But aside from that, has anybody ever just made out or done anything with their cousin? Has anybody ever known? No. No. My two cousins. They was a little flirting. I thought it was a little weird. I was thinking about that two days ago. That's crazy. Wait, two days ago you were thinking about this. This is recent. Do you guys, do you guys do summertime family reunions? Uh, a little bit. That's why they keep you guys all in the same shirts, you know what I mean? Like family reunions, you're out of parks, so you don't flirt with anybody else. It's the Johnson family reunion. Don't be hitting on anybody. That's not a, you know, that's a Johnson. Um, right. All right. Thank you for the call. I appreciate it. Textures are texting in right now saying that they met their, call this person. I literally met my husband at his family reunion in Kentucky of all places. Right. That is, uh, that's, you know, no surprise to me that that sounds like it's just a normal Sunday. What's going on? Sasha. Hi, you're the person that just texted us about the meeting your husband at the reunion. Yeah. So that is just like a really long, funny joke for us. Like when I went and got my wedding dress, the lady literally thought I met my husband at our family reunion, um, my best friends, I grew up with them and they started taking you to their family reunions. And I met my now husband in Kentucky, they're at their friend, their family reunion. Okay. Yep. But like when I talk to people, like they assume my best friends are like my sisters because we've been together my whole life. Yeah. Yeah. So I started going to his family reunions before he did. And so people really think I met my husband at a family reunion in Kentucky. It's funny. By the way, you got the rain on your windshield, that's what it sounded like, wasn't it? It's coming down. Oh my gosh. Jamie. What's up? Hey, what's going on? So I had a few cousins that were from the same side of the family that dated each other and didn't feel that nothing was wrong with this. No. And they were second cousins, first, like, is there anything genetically that could go wrong? Do we know? I would think so. So when did they finally stop dating? What happened? This was years ago, like, I mean, I'm 32 now and this is probably when I was like 10. Okay. And now they don't talk. Well, it's interesting that if you do hook up with your cousin and you guys end up getting married, you can't do the whole, well, your family thing, like that you can't use that to excuse it all because it's basically our family, not your family. Yeah. Less people. Yeah. Thank you for the call. Appreciate you. Vicky's and Vicky's and who did you, who did your aunt Mary? My two a married brothers. Oh, I love stories like that, though. And then my cousin, one of my aunt's daughters married, they are nephew and they met at a family reunion. Oh. Actually, where my cousin, my husband, here's the thing. When you have these large families in small towns, you got to point out who's relative and who's not a relative because you could start dating or go to senior prom with one of your relatives. What's up, Tyler? Barry. What's going on? Hi. Turn your radio down. Tyler wants to admit to us something. What's that, Tyler? So my cousin was adopted and I've always seen her around like at family parties and stuff. But her mom, her adopted mom was not part of my family. So she was a little younger than me. I'm like 28. She's like 23 now. So once she was like 21, we met up again and we hooked up and I was talking to my mom and I was saying her name. Yeah. No, no, no, no. He swears though. I throw down the ad bomb. So your uncle Jim who was adopted from your family. You hooked up with your cousin. Jim? Yeah. No. No, not Jim. He hooked up with Jim's daughter. You hooked up with Jim. No. Yeah. Yeah. Was that mom's reaction? I thought that was so big. Oh, man. My mom was not happy at all. But the weirdest thing was when I like explained the story, she didn't even care. She didn't even like, she thought it was like hot. Oh, wait. She thought it was hot. She thought her. Wait, wait. What town are you from? McComb. Okay. All right. Oh, boy. All right. Oh, boy. Oh, exactly. Oh, boy. Yeah. Bye. Thanks for the call. You're thanking me for calling you. You called me. All right. Take care of yourself. All right. All right. We'll appreciate you, buddy. Thanks for calling. Take care of yourself. Hey, I love your show. First time, long time. Well, just I don't feel. Thank you. And I request a song. I'd like to hear Taylor Swift. Have a great one, guys. We'll see you tomorrow for more Mojo in the morning. Listen to the show's podcast. They're available on the iHeartRadio app. Today, we have another more Mojo podcast. Guess who's hosting this week? Zach is hosting this week. Big Zach, the executive audio producer of the show, Zach, or what's it like? I am. Zach, you got a, you got a good topic to discuss? Yeah, we're going to be talking about social media. Oh, I love it. One of our favorite things. All right. So Zach, hosting the podcast, it's the after show podcast. Go behind the scenes on the Mojo in the morning show. 20 plus years of idiocy, I'm still going in Detroit, Toledo, and West Michigan. It's Mojo in the morning. Mojo in the morning's podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. Visit With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry. Sorry. We're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. 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