Mojo In The Morning

Meaghan Almost Hit on Her Cousin

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25 Jun 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, Auto Accident Attorneys. Visit That's All right, Mojo in the morning show, Megan almost hit on her cousin. I can't believe I'm about to admit this to you guys, so keep it easy on me, all right? Keep it easy on you. Yeah, what's that Adele song? Yeah, he's home, baby, because I over the weekend, my dad's cousin is a captain of one of those like boats on the river downtown, those booze cruises, the Diamond Jack River tours. He's one of the captains on those really, is he diamond Jack? No, he is. He has. Wait, hold on. He has. We got to ride. We got to get on the tour, by the way. Captain Billy, baby. Captain Billy. I love my dad's cousin, Bill. He's the best person in the entire world. I love him. I've gone on one of those once, and the one that we went on was the old one, the old boat that's there. The praises. And it had an uneven deck, and I felt like I was literally like falling off the thing for the longest time. You're a little dinner. We had some race. I got to see the city. We had a little tour. It was really nice, but I went on this. They do it once a year where he, my dad's cousin, Billy invites like a whole bunch of our family to just spend some time together. We all go on like the same booze cruise, and there's other people because it's a pretty big boat, and I see this girl who is incredibly hot while we're on this tour. And she had a sick outfit on, and I needed to know where she got her jeans. So I started stalking her throughout the boat, and I finally, like, she stopped somewhere. I was like, "Now's my shot. Now's my opportunity. Let's go talk." I tried to flirt with her, and I was like, "Oh my God, why'd you get your pants? You look so cute. Yadda yadda yadda." And we just started complimenting each other back and forth, like, "You get a compliment. You get a compliment. You get a compliment." And I asked her eventually, I'm like, trying to keep the conversation going. I'm like, "So what are you doing out tonight? What's the plan?" She was like, "Oh, I'm here for a family reunion. You guys, I'm so dumb. Nothing clicks at this point. Not a single thing." And I was like, "Too fast, we're gonna do this on one tour. What a coinky dick." That's crazy. I said, "How many family members are here?" She's like, "At time, I don't know everybody." And I was like, "Oh, who are you here with?" She points at my cousin, or my dad's cousin, Bill's wife, and says, "That's my aunt." And immediately, in my head, it's like, "Aboard, a board, a board, a board. She's related. Stop flirting. A board." I've never met this girl in my life before. And I don't know how this works, because I think we're not actually related. Wait, so is she pointed to your dad's cousin's wife? And said, "That's my aunt. How does that work?" How does that work? You got it. We're all related. That's-- Is that a workflow thing? Right. Like, that's so far out. Family tree? No, like the workflow. Like, technology. Oh. Oh. Let me map this out. Go ahead. Did you do it again? I like the family tree. Megan. Right? Megan first. Okay. M? Yep. Just M. And then dad. So, Scott. Okay. I'm just saying dad. Mm-hmm. And then cousin. That's dad's cousin. His wife. The cousin's wife? Yeah. It's the ghost. Not even the mom. Or not even her. Right. I feel like if you're-- If you're confused, you're good. You're good. And honestly, then you guys could look at the family room on your calendar. Most of my Calvian friends would have already been married to you. So, that would have been a safe one. So, Megan, you think that your family members hot? Yeah. You know what? Yeah. You know what? I've never met this girl in my life. And I feel like that gives you an exception. Because you can figure that out and then go, "My bad." I do have a family member who grew up like they were cousins. They grew up together in diapers. But he was so drunk he didn't recognize her at the bar and hit on her. Until she was like, "Hey, buddy, I knew you were in diapers." Yeah. I have a beautiful cousin. It was good to say. I was going to ask him. He is beautiful, but he is my cousin. But? But? Like, actual cousin. Are you attracted at all to him? Like, where you're like, "He's beautiful." No, I mean, growing up, he's actually my second cousin, I guess you could say. Yeah. But, like, growing up, all of my friends who saw him were like, "Oh, my God. Tony is." Yeah. Oh, no. Trust me. We had a cousin, and she was very, very hot. And I remember my brother used to talk about how he had, like, his first, like, fantasy about her. And everybody thought that it was crazy, but she was not -- she was like a second or third cousin. Oh. But you're not doing anything. You just thought that she was hot. She was like, "You know, you can have hot cousins." I mean, you can have cousins with breast and butts, too. You just got to try not to look. Right. I'm not looking. Right. I'm going to put that on. Yeah. And that's going to have that -- I'm serious. You're serious. I'm serious. I'm going to cut that part out. So as soon as you found out that she was there for the same family reunion -- which, by the way, thank God, it was a family reunion because you imagine if just randomly you bumped into her? Yeah. And didn't realize. Nia, what's up? Hey. Hi. What's going on? I'm just telling Megan that that's not her cousin, so you're good. Yeah. You can do herself. Yeah. But if that's the cousin and wife, you know, your cousin and her wife, you know, they not related. Yeah. You just related to the wife. So there you go. Close. Real close. Nia. What's the story then in 30 years when we're sitting on the front porch and the neighbor comes over to introduce himself? How'd you meet? The family reunion. On a boat. Are there any non-ethnic hookups with cousins? Has anybody ever hooked up with their cousin? And I'm not talking about like I joked about, you know, Chaldean, they say every Chaldean is related. Chaldean's our Iraqi Catholics. Do you know what Chaldean, what a Chaldean is, Nia? Yeah. A little. Okay. So they joke all the time. You're my cousin. You know, hey, cousin, what's going on? But aside from that, has anybody ever just made out or done anything with their cousin? Has anybody ever done? No. No. My two cousins, they was a little flirting. I thought it was a little weird. I was thinking about that two days ago. That's crazy. Wait, two days ago you were thinking about this. This is recent. Do you guys do summertime family reunions? A little bit. That's why they keep you guys all in the same shirts. You know what I mean? Family reunions, you're out of parks, so you don't flirt with anybody else. It's the Johnson family reunion. Don't be hitting on anybody that's not a, you know, that's a Johnson. Right. All right. Thank you for the call. And I appreciate it. Textures are texting in right now saying that they met their, call this person. I literally met my husband at his family reunion in Kentucky of all places. Right. Right. That is, that's, you know, no surprise to me. That sounds like it's just a normal Sunday. What's going on? Sasha. Hi. You're the person that just texted us about the meeting your husband at the reunion. Yeah. So that is just like a really long, funny joke for us. Like when I went and got my wedding dress, the lady literally thought I met my husband at our family reunion. My best friends, I grew up with them and they started taking you to their family reunions and I met my now husband in Kentucky there at their family reunion. Okay. Yeah. But like when I talk to people, like they assume my best friends are like my sisters because we've been together my whole life. Yeah. So I started going to his family reunions before he did. And so people really think I met my husband at a family reunion in Kentucky. That's funny. By the way. That's a rain on your windshield. That's what it sounded like. Wasn't it? It's, it's coming down. Oh my God. What's up? Hey, what's going on? So I had a few cousins that were from the same side of the family that dated each other and didn't feel that nothing was wrong with this. No. And they were second cousins. They were second. Like, is there anything genetically that could go wrong? Do we know? I would think so. So when did they finally stop dating? What happened? This was years ago, like, I mean, I'm 32 now and this was probably when I was like 10. Okay. And now they don't talk. Well, it's interesting that if you do hook up with your cousin and you guys end up getting married, you can't do the whole, well, your family thing. Like you can't use that to excuse it all because it's basically our family. Not your family. Yeah. Less people. Yeah. Thank you for the call. Appreciate you. Vicki's and Vicki's who did your who did your aunt Mary? My two aunts married brothers. Oh, I love stories like that. And then my cousin, one of my aunts daughters married, they're nephew and they met at a family reunion. Oh, actually, we're my cousin, my husband. Here's the thing. When you have these large families in small towns, you got to point out who's relative and who's not a relative because you could start dating or go to senior prom with one of your relatives. What's up, Tyler? What's going on? Hi. Turn your radio down. Tyler wants to admit to us something. What's that, Tyler? So my cousin was adopted and I've always seen her around like a family party and stuff. But her mom, her adopted mom was not part of my family. So she was a little younger than me. I'm like 28. She's like 23 now. So once she was like 21, we met up again and we hooked up. And I was talking to my mom and I was saying her name. No, no, no, no. He swears though. He throws down the ad bomb. So your uncle, Jim, who was adopted from your family. You hooked up with your cousin. Yeah. Yeah. No, not Jim. He hooked up with Jim's daughter. Oh my God. You hooked up with Jim. No. Yeah. Was that mom's reaction? Oh, man, my mom was not happy at all. But the weirdest thing was when I like explained the story, she didn't even care. She didn't even like, she thought it was like hot. Oh, wait, she thought it was hot. She thought. Wait, what town are you from? McComb. Okay. All right. All right. Oh boy. All right. Oh boy. Oh, exactly. Oh boy. Oh boy. Yeah. Bye. Thanks for the call. You're thanking me for calling you. You called me. All right. Take care of yourself. All right. All right. We'll appreciate you buddy. Thanks for calling. Take care of yourself. Thank you. Hey, I love your show. First time. Long time. [inaudible] Thank you. Thank you. Can I request a song? I'd like to hear Taylor Swift. Have a great one guys. See you tomorrow for more Mojo in the morning. Listen to the show's podcast. They're available on the iHeartRadio app. Today we have another more Mojo podcast. Guess who's hosting this week? Zach is hosting this week. Big Zach. The executive audio producer of the show, Zach, Araya. He's like, I am. Zach, you got a good topic to discuss? Yeah, we're going to be talking about social media. Oh, I love it. One of our favorite things. All right. I'm hosting the podcast. It's the after show podcast. Go behind the scenes on the Mojo in the morning show. 20 plus years of idiocy and still going in Detroit, Toledo, and West Michigan. It's Mojo in the morning. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Luckyland. Where you can play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's And get lucky today at Luckyland. No purchase necessary. BTW Group. 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