Mojo In The Morning

Shan's Boudoir Photo Shoot

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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This is the Mojo in the Morning podcast, powered by Michigan Auto Law, auto accident attorneys. This is That's It's Mojo in the morning, Shannon took photos, but a different kind of photos than just a normal photo shoot. She did photos for her husband Wes as a wedding gift. What kind of photos are we talking about? I love that you make that noise, Megan, because you saw some of them. Yeah, I did. It was such a hard secret to keep, but as a wedding gift, I did a boudoir photo shoot. If you don't know what that is, it's a photo shoot where you're wearing lingerie, really. It was so out of my comfort zone. So out of my comfort zone, but I knew that it was a gift that he would absolutely love. So I did this about two months ago, actually with the photographer that photographed our wedding reception on Saturday, and I had to keep it a secret. It was a hard keeper to, secret to keep for the past couple of months, but yeah, I did it and it actually was really, really fun. I was so happy I did it. Looks fantastic. Second of all, I accidentally kind of got looped into that day. Do you remember? You were trying to get him out of the power shooting it. Yeah, but yes. You were trying to get him out of the house. And I was like, all right, I'm going to fake that I have a car issue. I'm going to ask him to come and help me so I can get him out of that house right now. Yeah, it was like lie after lie after lie to make that happen. And then keeping that a secret was then really hard because I was like, he's going to love it. Yeah. Yes, I gave it to him. I gave him like a beautiful box that the photographer had made with all of the photos in it on Saturday. So you presented him with like a photo album of it? It wasn't an album. It was just like a box that he opened and it had like all of the photo, like the still photos in it. So a quick question for you, you said you did it in your house. Where in your house did you do it? I mean, on the couch, on the dining table, on the kitchen counter. You got on the kitchen counter everywhere they've been. No, not everywhere they've been. No. Your house is kind of somewhat of a fishbowl. Oh, yes, which was really, really interesting because as we were taking the photos, we kept having to check to make sure nobody was walking by. I'm like, my neighbors are going to get very much the wrong idea about me. I've always wondered with Boudoir photos. What do you do with Boudoir photos after you give it like, do you frame them? Do you hang them somewhere? Like what do you do? No, like kill them. Yeah, no way. He will just hopefully hide this box somewhere. It's like sex toys. Like you put them in a special place where the kids can't find them, but you know, it's so funny now that I'm thinking back to this. So Saturday was such a blur because our reception was earlier in the day. It started at noon and then after it was over, we bar happed, you know, to a bunch of different places around Detroit and so I wanted to change and West wanted to change into something a little bit more comfortable. And so they had this little dressing room at the book tower is where we had our reception. They had this little dressing room set up for us and so we went in there and that's where I gave it to him because that was the first time I'd really, you know, spent time with him that day and we, I, I, he kept it in the bag that I had given it to him in and it went in a pile with our clothes, my dress, you know, my sunglasses, all of these things, my purse that was in there and we didn't realize it until the next morning. I go, where is the bag with my photos in it? And he goes, Oh my God. My sister. He goes, my sister grabbed it and put it in her hotel room and I'm going to go get it from her in the morning and I was like, Wes, you have to make sure that she does not go through that bag because she would see. She started looking at the gas. Everything. Wow. Are, are Boudoir photos completely naked or just with lingerie? Mine were not at all. They were. I was not. That's them. What was it like for you to do that? It was, I was really, really nervous and the photographer, her name is Lydia. She was incredible at making me feel comfortable and beautiful. Um, it was, it was really a cool experience and if anybody is even thinking about doing it and I'll be honest with you, I was not until she made a suggestion to me a while ago, but I'm so happy that I did it. What's up? How you doing, Jennifer? Okay. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. So I did a Boudoir photo shoot for my fiance last year for Eva Valentine's Day guests. Um, and I am plus five and I have always hated my body and it was really hard for me to do, but when I got those photos back, it felt amazing. It felt so empowering, like I looked incredible and even if you're not married or not engaged, I recommend doing it just for yourself because it makes you feel so good, like Megan, you should do it just because like you're already in a really good headspace and I feel like, you know, like that would make you feel even better. Yeah. Yeah. That is one thing, Jennifer. I have never really felt quote unquote sexy. I've like, I'll look in the mirror sometimes and be like, Oh, I look cute or I look pretty. I've never felt sexy. And when I saw these photos, I was like, Oh, like it was just a different day. Yeah. Do you hide them? I shared it with a few of my like closest girlfriends like I sent like a couple of like the more modest e ones because I was in lingerie as well and I have a really nice butt. So we took a lot of photos for my fiance. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have digital versions of these things because if you have digital versions and you have one of those digital frames that rotates pictures like a skylight, you got to be careful that they get on your on your phone and get a they are they just like he can only look at them through the actual pictures you gave or did you send her to you on the I haven't sent him any like I have them in my email from when she sent them to me, but he doesn't have those yet. You have them in the email? What if your email would have? What if your email gets hacked? Well, at least I like these photos. Olivia, what's up? Hey, so I for my sister's bachelor at I set up a boot to our shoot for all of the made bridesmaids and we all went together and did them and it was like set up in the photographers little area like we had a bed set up and we would all cycle in and take our pictures and were there any bridesmaids that were like, eh, a dress was enough for me. I don't want to do this. You know what? There was a pretty conservative one and I had to like reassure her that this was a female photographer and everything, but she was happy to do it too and they ever was glad they got it and gave it to their husbands and stuff, so it was fun to get. That's an amazing gift. I think that's wonderful to do that. Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now. You may currently think, oh, I'm too spooky or nobody wants to see these tiny boobies, but believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, dear God, I was a beautiful thing. It's like my favorite scene from such a trick. Hi, Emma. How you doing? Good. How are you guys? Good. Your mom did Boudoir photos? Yeah. My mom or as the kids call them semi nudes, right? Well, yeah, my mom's a photographer, so like we grew up with like pictures and all that kind of stuff all the time, not necessarily Boudoir because we were kids, but my mom did one not too long ago after having a weight loss surgery and losing a bunch of weight. And she ended up doing the shoot with my dad and she ended up getting the pictures like printed off and she has them up in her room on the wall. Really? So she actually displays her channel. Would you ever do that? No. What about one of those? You know how they have those collages that you can put a whole bunch of pictures over the years? It could be a moment in time. So honestly, it's one of those things that my mom probably would have never done in a million years. But after she finally had the confidence to have the weight loss surgery and was all away, she ended up doing one with my dad and fell in love with the pictures, but she looked amazing. Like she looked phenomenal and never looked at the mom of a sudden. You just got to hope that there's no plumbing issues in her master bath and she's got to bring a plumber over to walk out to take those down off the wall. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land.