Wall Street Breakfast

Catalyst Watch: Nvidia enthusiasm fizzles

Catalyst watch for the week of August 27. Seeking Alpha Senior Executive Editor Kim Khan on the core PCE price index and the August jobs report. (00:22) Julie gives a brief earnings preview of CrowdStrike (CRWD) and Salesforce (CRM). (03:05) Kim also shares insight behind the euphoria fading following Nvidia’s (NVDA) second-quarter results and guidance. (04:32)

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Show links:

Catalyst Watch: Spotlight on Lululemon, drug pricing and the August jobs report
Federal Reserve is prepared to hike rates more if needed: Powell at Jackson Hole
Nvidia: Quick Takes On Monstrous Q2 2024 Earnings Beat
CrowdStrike checks 'solid,' Q2 results may show seasonality: Barclays
Salesforce checks show 'stable to improving' demand, Wells Fargo says

Broadcast on:
26 Aug 2023