Wall Street Breakfast

Catalyst Watch: Decoding r-star

Catalyst watch for the week of August 20. Seeking Alpha Managing News Editor Kim Khan on the significance of r-star and what investors can expect from the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium. (00:22) Julie gives a brief earnings preview of Nvidia (NVDA). (04:28) Kim also shares insight behind 13F filings from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) and Michael Burry. (05:48)

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Show links:

Catalyst watch: Nvidia earnings, Twilio event, AMC drama and Jackson Hole jitters
Lowe's: A Stable Player With A Lot Of Margin For Improvement
Tracking Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio - Q2 2023 Update
Nvidia: Don't Be The Greatest Fool
Jackson Hole 2023 Preview: Expect High Rates For Longer

Broadcast on:
19 Aug 2023