Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor Sermon Podcast

The Gospel Unbound: Pay to Caesar's What’s Caesar's - Matthew 22:15-22

Broadcast on:
23 Sep 2024

The Gospel Unbound: Pay to Caesar's What’s Caesar's - Matthew 22:15-22 - Rev. Donnell T. Wyche - Like us on or watch our livestream Sundays @ 10:45am -

Summary: In this third message of "The Gospel Unbound" series, Pastor Donnell dives into the complexities of balancing our spiritual and civic responsibilities, particularly through the lens of Jesus' teaching on giving to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. He begins by contextualizing the famous biblical scenario where the Pharisees attempt to entrap Jesus with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. This scene, often misinterpreted as a call to separate the religious from the political, is instead a profound teaching on the sovereignty of God over all things, including political systems.   Pastor Donnell elucidates that Jesus' response to the Pharisees was not about promoting political passivity but was a radical assertion of God’s ultimate authority over all creation. By asking whose image was on the coin used for the tax, Jesus points out that while the currency bears Caesar's image, everything, including the political realm, ultimately belongs to God. This clever retort not only evades the trap set by the Pharisees, but also subtly reminds His listeners that their primary allegiance should lie with God, who reigns over all kings and kingdoms.   The sermon closes with a practical application urging the congregation to reflect on where their loyalties lie. Pastor Donnell challenges each person to consider how they might be inadvertently giving to Caesar—be it through excessive adherence to secular norms, materialism, or nationalistic fervor—what rightly belongs to God. He encourages a week of reflection and prayer, aimed at realigning our lives to acknowledge and manifest God's ultimate authority over every aspect of our existence, ensuring that our actions and decisions reflect our divine allegiance.