Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor Sermon Podcast

John 20 - Creating Breathing Room

Broadcast on:
06 May 2024

John 20: Creating Breathing Room - Rev. Donnell T. Wyche - Like us on or watch our livestream Sundays @ 10:45am -   Summary:  In his sermon, Pastor Donnell delves into the significance of creating "breathing room" for spiritual growth and witness, inspired by John 20:19-22, where the disciples are depicted in fear and seclusion post-crucifixion. He emphasizes that each disciple was chosen to bear witness to Jesus' work—welcoming, restoring, healing, and transforming lives. Pastor Donnell challenges the congregation to consider the personal and communal costs of bearing such witness in a world that may not always be receptive.   Expanding on the concept of "breathing room," Pastor Donnell defines it as the space needed to foster an intimate connection with God, filled with hope, peace, joy, and love, and cleared of sin and negativity. This room is not just a personal retreat but a communal offering, creating opportunities for others to connect, heal, and transform through God's presence. This process involves active listening, hospitality, and a willingness to be interrupted by the needs of others, thereby living out the call to be open-handed and creative in practicing grace and mercy.   The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder of the disciples' transformation when Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit upon them, echoing God’s initial act of breathing life into man. Pastor Donnell connects this to the continuous invitation for the community to join Jesus in his mission of grace and inclusion, urging everyone to actively participate in creating breathing room for themselves and others. This act not only reaffirms their belonging to God but also empowers them to extend that sense of belonging to the disfavored and discounted, truly embodying the spirit of witnessing and service.