Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Best Of Billy & Lisa: Ranting + iHeart Game!

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13 Jul 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Jumba It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. The Jumba life is for everybody, so go to Jumba and play over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. Jumba No purchase necessary for you were prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms and conditions apply, see website for details. So this is a really good story. A South Carolina teen got into a horrible car accident, was unresponsive, in intensive care, in a coma. He loves Zack Bryan music. So his friends got together, started playing the song Revival, and then the teen started responding, and it's now going to be okay. Wow. We're having an all-narr about, some call the women, and some are steal by. The song, it revived? It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Wow. No. So it's the teen, a big Zack Bryan fan. Absolutely. Huge fan. Yeah. Huge fan. That's an amazing story. And kind of a last-ditch effort, you know, because he was... He was unresponsive. To death. In the song Revival, Revived 10. Wow. Really cool. By the way, Zack Bryan is going to be at Gillette Stadium in a couple of weeks. Is he part of the country Fest that's coming in with Kenny and Zack Brown, or is that a separate show? That I am not sure, because I'm not a country fan, but I know our own producer Riley is going to that show. Awesome. There you go. Yup. This I saw over the weekend, I saw the video of this story. This was in Utah. So you get a picture of this. A couple was getting married the very next day, and they were in a panic to get all the furniture to the apartment, right, including the mattress. So they have a pickup truck, and they put the mattress on the bed of the pickup truck, and the fiance, the woman, decided she would lie on the mattress to keep it from blowing away in the wind. Well, the wind came while they were driving down the highway, and the mattress with her on it went flying. I wasn't really thinking of the fastest possible way to get the mattress from A to B, which just happened to be throwing the mattress in the back and putting Liddy on top. That sounds great. I'll just hold the mattress down in the back of the truck. I remember the whole thing other than landing. I flew out just screaming, and then I remember just rolling on the street. I'm looking in my rearview mirror, and I see my fiance rolling away from me. First thought was that she had died. A lot of people were able to overlook the stupidity, and it really come and support both of us in the time that we needed it. This is even worse than the guys that walk on the street with their girl or wife, and they let the girl walk on the outside of the street. Never do that. Feel like, yeah. Also, in a hotel room and a bed, I always sleep closest to the door. Half is worse than that. Yeah. Picture this. They were going 50 miles an hour when she went flying. She went airborne and then ended up going to the wedding with all of her bumps and bruises she had missing teeth, and she still walked down the aisle. I love this one. Yeah. Her arm was in like a cast. She had bruises all over her face and her legs. Emergency dental work in the hospital to do some bonding. And what's cool about it, the wedding just got married. Like, nothing happened. It was like unbelievable. I just imagine that conversation, not how do you just lay on the mattress? I'll drive. It'll be fine. Just hold on. It's fine. It's going to be fine. Don't worry about it. We've got to get it there. We're running out of time. We're getting married tomorrow. Oh, man. Winnie, what have you got? Okay. So I actually saw this video on the internet and it's crazy to me, but I think it happens more than you know. There's a woman in North Carolina that had a long-term Airbnb renter. They rented for like six months and their time was up like last week at the end of May. Well, she went to have the cleaner go and they said to the cleaner, "Oh, we're good. We don't come here." And she goes, "Oh, should I come back tomorrow?" And they were like, "No." So they have not left yet. So it's June 10th. They have not left. They're not leaving. And they said now they have to evict. They said to the owner, "You have to evict us now." Yeah. Billie has a weird obsession/fascination with squatters. I don't know what it is, but- And now they're refusing to leave until there's an eviction order. I think they're just trying to gain time to stay there for free. I mean, I'm counting on this income. My son is in college. I'm a single parent. At least in my time, it's wasting my energy, it's stressing me out. Yeah. Here's what I don't get about the whole squatting thing. I see. I told you. Okay. Yeah. All of the laws benefit the squatter who does not own the house, right? Which is unbelievable to me. Yeah. The owner has no rights. It's their home and the squatter has all the rights. Call me crazy. And the squatter knows that they have the rights before they squat. Yep. And they're taking advantage. Yep. Good point. Yeah, it's a whole process to get them out. Right. And they know it. It should be easy. You don't live here. Get out. Remove them. I can't even imagine what I would do if I were in that situation. Can you imagine someone- They would never have another day's piece. Billy would set the house on fire. No. Imagine if they were squatting on your boat. On the boat. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah. They would face a hell worse than having it. You would sink the boat. Yeah. I wouldn't be that nice. Oh. Because they'd have time to get off. Okay. Billy would walk on the boat, right? And the squatter would be on his bed. Sneakers on. Feed up. Yeah. Imagine. And then I have no rights. It's not my boat anymore. Really? Billy. Billy. I'm the captain now. Yeah. That's what they say. Yeah. Oh God. Don't get me gone. Oh my God. Billy, save me on this. Yeah. It's me. Oh, hi. Hi. One year old and his accomplice stole more than 2,800 boxes of rare and expensive Legos. They were trying to resell them on some website, but he was caught and arrested. Investigators say 39 year old Blanca Gudino and 71 year old Richard Siegel worked together to steal thousands of boxes of Legos, then sell them online. Their alleged crime spree dates back to December. It turns out Legos are a common target. Just this weekend, we learned about another string of Lego thefts at bricks and minifigs stores across Southern California. Who would have thought Legos? Yeah. Yeah. But 71 years old, you're stealing Legos. That's when you got to take a look at the mirror. Billy steals from the store. He steals water. And batteries. They're just too expensive. There's no excuse for the price of the battery. And they don't even last long anymore. That's so true. You cut the life in half on batteries. I don't know how they do that technologically. But now you hear the term repo man, right? And it sounds very old school. It does. But the repo man still exists. That's the guy who's hired to come take your car because you didn't pay your bill. Okay. And the repo man in Indiana was on assignment to repossess a car. And he did. The problem is, there was a seven day old baby in the car. Someone just stole the client car with her daughter in it. So you're saying it's a gold fork focus. I believe another female is in a gray car following how old is her daughter? I saw a newborn. It's her newborn baby. Yeah. So, you know, I was I was listening to this this morning and producer Riley is in with me. And I thought to myself, wow, that's a crazy story. And the producer Riley says, why was the baby alone in the car? Right. And so obvious questions. Yeah. So I went and looked it up. And apparently the the parents stepped away from the car with a newborn and left the newborn in the car. Yeah. And the repo man came into it. Is it a shock that car is being represented? I know. Not at all. We've got problems stacked up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. This is an interesting combination of food. Have you guys ever thought of slabbing ketchup all over a KitKat? No. No. No. Well, apparently it's a new food trend. I don't get that. KitKat with ketchup surprisingly good. Well, I have my doubts about this, but let's give her a try here. Okay. KitKat. Ugh. Ketchup. Gotta get in the nooks and crannies. Does the government know that this? This feels illegal. This should be illegal. That's so gross. Okay. We do have we do have access to KitKat and ketchup. I kind of want to try it. Would you try it? I'll do it right now. I'll do it. This commercial by the KitKat. Okay. We'll wait on that. I have a quick, quick, quick bonus one. Billy refused to do this weird story. Okay. He made fun of me for pulling it, but I want to do it because I think it's cool. Okay. The price is right. Oh, God. He's watching the price. I love the price is right. He doesn't love the price is right. A record was set. I saw this video. The last show. Yeah. This contestant, because you know they have to kind of guess what the cost is of the prize. Yeah. So in this case, it was a car and a trip to Miami, thousands of dollars. The guy was one dollar off the one dollar one dollar. He said a record. Think about how long the price is right. It's been on TV. Crazy. Your wife is on the edge. A special machine, a trip to Miami, and a K.A.K. Five. You've got thirty nine thousand five hundred dollars actual price. So let me tell you, no, thirty nine thousand five oh one. See, I would have done the story. You told me it was a hundred dollars. You know what Bill? You know what Bill? Look at me. Sure. I'm the captain now. Hey, Justin. Jared the welder here. Another topic for you. Jim etiquette. Let me tell you, people have zero consideration for others. I repeat zero consideration. People spend so much time between sets. I watch this guy on a bench press. It was a busy time during the gym. I get it. Consider other people. I timed them just because I was curious. Seven and a half minutes in between sets. All right, buddy. Pack's not that big. But it's just set and go home to yourself. Oh, man. I have so much to say on this. All right. The number to call if you want in 617-931-1108 because why it's topic time. That's what I'm talking about. It is topic time. Yeah. And this topic time. This is a really good one. Bill, what do you think? Any pet peeves in the gym? It's happened to me. It actually happened just recently. I was on vacation and I couldn't believe it was happening, but I didn't want to say anything because I was out of town. I was just a visitor to this gym. But this guy was on a machine that I had already started with, okay? And he's on the machine. Now he's sitting there, not doing anything. And when I tell you what's having a conversation with another guy, it had to be at least 10 minutes, right? Just sitting. And I wanted to say something, but again, I got the sense they were members. And again, I'm just on vacation. I'm just visiting the gym. So I didn't say anything, but I still regret that I didn't. So someone's sitting at the machine for too long. I agree with that. And I have all the normal ones, not wiping down your equipment, using the equipment for too long. But the big one recently at my gym are specifically this one guy, but other people do it too. The unsolicited gym advice, you know, I'm all about helping people. You know, they have bad form. If they ask, or even you can even offer somebody, hey, you need some help with that movement. Yeah, yeah. But this guy is like every day that's all he does. He doesn't even work out. He just goes up. Like, who made you the form police? Who? Really? So he'll come up to you and suggest you try it a different way. Yeah. Yeah. We have a joke every day when we go and he's there. We have a victim count, that's what we call it. How many victims is he going to collect? Does he work there? Like 10. No, he's just there working out, but he just he likes helping people a little bit too much. Okay. You know, so I mean, you can't he's going from one person to the next. Oh, you're squats. Not right. Yeah. So I'm looking if I go to a way better you and ever and it's a really small gym with, you know, only certain like a couple of members at there at a time. So I don't really have an issue. That's fine. But when I use my home gym at my apartment complex, there's this guy. I've lived there for three years and I would say I have accounted him maybe 10 times over three years in the gym and no matter what the season or the weather, this man's hacking up along. Oh, God, right. And he and there's only three treadmills and he'll always put the middle one. So no matter where you are, he's next to you. If you're on the treadmill and I swear he gave me COVID like three years ago and I see him there like all the time, like I only see him there, but over three years and every time no matter what it is, like, yeah, oh, oh, and I'm like, are you okay? Should you be working out? Why are you coughing? It's like summer, like, it's, I, it irks my soul. Yeah. I got another one. I may have alluded to this earlier this week. You know, if you're in the locker room, just wrap a towel around yourself. Well, that's just do that. Yeah. That's a big one too. Yeah. I mentioned that earlier. I know Justin mentioned this earlier this week or last week, but once again, my husband and I were at the gym and my husband went into the men's room and he came out shaking his head. He said, I don't know why, I don't know why every time I go into the bathroom, there's an old guy walking around naked always because he's just walking back and forth. Same of my gym. Let's go. Let's go to Josephine Josephine, you want to join in the conversation? Yeah. Hey, good morning guys. So my biggest pet peeve is when you go to use a machine and someone gets up and you can see their swabs still sitting on the chair and they don't even wipe it up. The guys and girls both, like I don't want to sit on your sweat. Yeah. There's like a little puddle. Yeah. It's really gross. It's so, so much so that I make sure to do it because it's the right thing to do, but I never want to be caught not wiping down equipment. You won't be labeled that guy. Yeah. It'd be humiliating. Somebody actually stops you. I might have no shame about it. Yeah. Let's not name the gym though because all right, let's go to Ann and Ann. What have you got? Ann? Good morning. Good morning Ann. Well, good morning. Good morning. I had a situation where I was on the treadmill and the gentleman next to me took his white towel and he laid it over the screen where you adjust the speed, et cetera, and then proceeded to fit onto the towel every few minutes and I was pretty grossed out. Yeah. He's dripping sweat all over the towel and he's bringing the towel everywhere he's going. No, he's spitting. He's spitting. Wait a minute. He was spitting on the shower? I mean, the towel? He was spitting onto the towel for a minute. Okay. That is a radical one. Yeah. I've never witnessed that. Oh. Oh. Riley, you there? Yeah. What's going on? Hey, how are you doing Riley? Okay. I think I was just one call late. I could have won some tickets. Yeah. Universal Orlando, baby, but I'm sure you've been there. No. Yeah. It's just been a while. Yeah. Probably. So, Riley, first of all, thank you for calling country superstar that you are. I don't know exactly if you know why you're calling this show. Riley, we happen to be a top 40 station, although I got to tell you, we've played everybody from Dan and Che to Marin Morris and Kerry Underwood, but we're a top 40 show and I'm trying to say, Riley, is we do things a little different down here. It was a little different, right? Come on. Well done. Well done. He's been planning that all morning, Riley. That's awesome. It's so real natural. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, Lisa, let's tell Riley how this all began. Yeah. I'm totally blushing through the microphone, but it actually happened very innocently. You were here in the Boston area for our sister station, the bull at their beach house a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. So, I followed the bull on Instagram and your picture popped up. You were with a bunch of winners and a bunch of our friends over at the bull. And I was like, and your name's Riley and I have a son named Riley, so I was like, oh, who is this? He's super cute. And that's how this kind of all kind of this snowball, basically, because then I came in and I was talking to Winnie, one of the co-hosts on the show, and we were both sort of like doing a deep dive on your Instagram. Yeah. Oh, no. Riley, they were doing a very deep dive. Yeah. Yeah. One, some would say too deep. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, we had people calling from all over New England about you, Riley. Check this out. I'm walking my dogs and I almost got run over because I was trying to Google Riley Green. He is a perfect specimen. There has to be something wrong, like ugly, webbed toes or small manhood. Riley Green, wowses. What a hunk of a man. I know I'm late to the party, but I would climb Riley Green like a drink. I'm a great man, and here I am looking up Riley Green, gorges human beings. Yeah. So Riley, I want to clear a couple of things up. Do you have webbed feet? No. No, I'm looking at them right now. Yeah. I'm sure they're beautiful. And how's your manhood? I'm looking at it right now. Oh boy. Oh boy. Wow. Wow, we really started something here. No, we sure did. Riley. So Justin is on the air with us in East East East East. And he's the executive producer of this show, and he's a big time gym rat. He's a big weight lifter. He wants to know how you get that vein on your bicep. I don't know. I've always kind of been like that ever since I was little, like real, real vascular, you know, but I do a lot of forearm workouts, you know, at least you like that movie with so that's just long over the top that arm wrestling movie. Oh, I love that movie. Yeah. That's what. Yeah. That was turning half backwards and all that. That was kind of my thing when I was little. Wow. More arms. Okay. I thought I was the only person that saw that movie over the top with sliced alone. No, that's a good one, man. Oh, yeah. Classic. Classic American film. We agree on that. So okay. So you got that Justin on the vein? Yeah. Forearms. And I know it just means you're lean, too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was an outdoorsman, Riley. Let's get to know Riley a little bit better. What does that mean? Well, I just grew up in Northeast Alabama and I was really into, you know, hunting and fishing and anything like that. And I got really into duck hunting at an early age and, you know, just spend a lot of time out in the woods. I think now I do it a little more to get away from everybody. Well, my cell phone doesn't work when I have a little time off. Just always really enjoy being outside and any kind of activity like that was my getaway, you know. Yeah. You ever used the bow and arrow? I do. The big bow hunter. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I saw it. I saw that on your Instagram. Yeah. You know, I don't know why y'all even asking me questions, I know everything is a no. They even know what underwear you were. We do. Yeah. I mean, man, everything. Yeah. Wait a minute. That's about... Aren't you a spokesperson for underwear? Yeah. We have recently did a partnership with Gilden. Now they make socks and t-shirts, too, so I need to make sure that's known. But yeah, it's a great brand, you know. Yeah. Just so you know, I'm only wearing Gilden underwear from now when I'm going forward. Well, I'll get you all's information when we get off and I'll send you a pack. Okay. Oh, very cool. Now, on another topic, Riley, I know you were a quarterback at Jacksonville State. We are in dire need of a quarterback on the Patriots now. Any chance we can bring in? Well, I'm a little... I think I'm a little old for that now. I think I was telling somebody the other day we'd get out and we did that stadium school in Luke Holmes and we'd throw in these stadiums and asking me if I missed playing ball. I said, "Well, I can still do all of the same stuff I used to. It just hurts now. The next day I wake up, I can't move my arm or I can't brush my teeth. So I don't know if I'd last for y'all. Yeah. It's the morning after that really hurts, right, right? That's the... So, are you coming back to Boston anytime soon? Well, I'm the last person you should ask that to. I don't know where I'm at tomorrow, but I mean, I would like to think so. I've got my tour starts in February and, you know, we're constantly doing fairs and festivals that we're going to New York this week for two shows, but I'll look and see what the schedule is and definitely have management, let's you know when we're going to be at that way and maybe y'all can come out to a show. Just so you know, Riley, my co-host, Lisa, found out that you're going to be in Savannah. Yeah, my parents live right near Savannah, so maybe we'll head down there and see you. Is there any Riley any chance of a meet and greet for Lisa? Well, listen, if you've got me up at 8 o'clock for an interview, then yeah, I'd say anything's possible. Hi. There we go. Justin, just so we legitimize this interview, let's play some Riley Green right now. You guys know this one. And just released a new song a couple of weeks ago, right? Yeah, yeah, it's called "Damn Country Music." I've got a full-length album coming out on October 13th. It's called "The St. My Last Rodeo," and just kind of releasing a new song every once while until that day gets here. We got a clip right here. Oh, it's an exciting time to be putting out a new music, yeah. ♪ Neon ♪ ♪ Fear for a small town ♪ ♪ Dreamer ♪ ♪ Tells you everything you ever ♪ ♪ Is worth losing ♪ ♪ Damn country music ♪ I got to tell you. All right, he's got the voice and the bicep band. Oh, man. That plays the guitar. Riley, if you had any idea how the two ladies in this studio right now are just melting. Well, man, this has been cool. I don't think I've ever done an interview with a top 40 station or had three of my songs played on one either, so I appreciate y'all having me on. Well, it's our pleasure to have you on. Anytime, Riley. Yeah. We appreciate you calling in this early. Yeah, it's no problem. And like I said, I hope that if I do have something up that way, I'll come by and hang out with us for a little bit. That would be a pleasure. Oh, that'd be great. Riley, my schedule. Yeah. You are such a good sport knowing why you were calling and the fact you called. Like you are such a good sport. He really is. Riley Greeno told me everything. We have a little thing to discuss here. Winnie, yesterday, you posted a video of me in the middle of something. Yeah. So if you had the kiss on Instagram or Billie Lee said Instagram, there is a video of Billie ranting and raving. I muted it because you know, Billie can't be trusted when we're on air. He can't be trusted. And I didn't know that she was videotaping me in the middle of one of my rants. You always say that. Yeah. You didn't see the phone? No, she kind of, I did, but the very end I did because she holds it very low and kind of away from me. So I don't really know what's going on. Plus, I'm in the middle of a rant. I'm not looking at Winnie. I'll do respect. So can we reveal what the rant was? Okay, I need to be careful with this, but I just want to say, you know, I've got a certain OCD complex. You do. Okay. So I tend to go to the car wash more than most people. Okay. And all of a sudden in my life, the last year or so, the car wash has become the most stressful part of my life. I mean more stressful than work than anything I do. The minutes I spend at a car wash are just very stressful. And I'll try to tell you why. Okay. Recently, and I'm not naming car washes because I think this is all car washes universally now. There's a new thing where they want you to be a member of their family. Okay. They want you to be a member of the car wash. I know where you go with this. I know. And I don't know when it started, but it's fairly recently. So when you pull in and you would go up to the guy that takes the money or takes your credit card and yeah, it was a quick, it was a quick transaction and in you go and then the guide direction, make sure your tires are going in the right place. Well, recently they started this thing where when you pull up to pay so you can go in the car wash, he holds, he's holding a pamphlet, like a brochure, okay? And he's trying to explain to you that you need to get a membership to the car wash. You need to join the family at the car wash and you say, well, you know, I'm not really interested. I just want one wash. Yeah. They don't let it go. They don't like that. But I keep saying how much money you'll save if you join the membership, but then they get very critical critical of you if you say no, like they're not taking no for an answer. You know, Billy is so right on this. You're so right. They shame you. Yeah. And you say like the look on their faces like, are you kidding me? No, they say the words. What are you stupid? You could get you could get as many car washes as you want for a dollar a month. I'm like, I don't want it. So it's been going on for so long and listen knows this. Yeah. He's been talking about this for a month. Yeah. So that now as I'm heading to the car wash, like I'll get in the car now and go to the car wash. Right. And the entire trip to the car wash, I'm thinking about what story I can make up to justify the fact that I can't, I don't want to join the family. Billy told one guy that he was selling the car and that he was taking it to get washed as he's driving into the dealership. Yeah. The car's been sold. Right. So that's one story. Listen, I've sold the car and delivering it today. That's why I'm coming to the car. He told me he's moving to Florida tomorrow. Yeah. Wait a minute. You're lying? Yes. That's how crazy it's going. But he's getting stressed because he's like running out of lies. Yeah. So now I feel pressured into becoming up with a more creative story, right? Every time I don't know this guy from Adam, like, you know, and I can barely understand him, not that there's anything wrong with that. Right. And now he's. He's so much stress. Shouting at me and no, I just told you, I sold the car and I've also told them before that the car's going to Florida for the winter. Okay. So now I'm sharing phony family stories with him. Yeah. So what are the lies you've told so far? Okay. The car was just sold. Okay. So I'm cleaning it for that purpose. Yeah. Okay. Or it's, oh, yesterday was, it's not my car. Well, you borrowed the car because I'm giving, and now I'm going on and giving him detail. And I'm saying, I'm, I'm, because he was so nice to loan me the car, I feel the need to vacuum it and clean it so I can give it back. But now it's taken another turn. Now, you know, when you pull into the free vacuums, they have a separate guy with brochures now that walks around the vacuum cleaners and trying to push you into the membership. So now that's episode one. And then you got episode two when you get to the cashier. And there's a third guy now because when you come out of the car wash, you want to wipe down your car and by the way, some car washes do that. Why do some car washes don't have the guys wiping down the car? Anyway, now you're wiping down the car and a third guy comes up and they're dressed a little bit better, you know? And now I need another story. So now every time I go to the car wash, I need three different stories. You want to tell the same story three times? I know because then I leave and I'm still stressed because I'm wondering, oh, did the one guy tell the other guy that I told him a different story? Then you would be caught. You don't want to get caught. Can I ask your question? Yeah. Why don't you just get the membership? If you go so much, you would save money. It's just because nobody's getting 14 car washes a week. Yeah, but it's fair. Even if you go one to a week, it will pay for itself. Regardless, how many times you're going to the car wash in the winter? I desperately hope that today, when you go, the guy comes up to you and says, "I thought you were moving to Florida." Well, when it's daytime, it's daytime, baby. There ain't time, though. I'll be there. That's a big time. Yeah, a lot of hits here from these artists, so how well do you know their songs? Don't be nervous. I'll play a little bit of their hook, a hook of one of their songs, all you have to do. Please finish the lyric. I should mention, if you're listening, if you're driving a work, you're in the car, you're holding in the kitchen, please play along. Belt out the song, as they say. Yes. Lisa Donovan, up first, finish the lyric. That's right. Put your pom-poms down. Gettin' everybody's bottle. You're the time to get around that track, so it's not just gonna happen like that. Ain't no Hollaback girl, ain't no Hollaback girl. She's a perfect example of belting it out. Yeah. That's what this game is all about. You want to own it. Yeah. You want to belt out the lyrics, not cry like Bill when he doesn't get it right. Sometimes that happens, but you got this one, Bill. Never heard that song. Oh, my God. Can I finish? This is life. This is an embarrassing song. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. We need to shame him right now publicly. Oh, is it the new kids? Are you serious? Are you serious? Is it the one song they didn't release? No! It's the sixth new kid. Can I feel? Can I feel? I mean, anybody in Boston could finish. They never would. They never would. That song. Go ahead, Winnie. Step by step. Oh, really? Ooh, baby. Wait a minute. What did you play? The flip side? No. No wonder Joey McIntyre won't call you back. Oh, no. What's Joey right here? I'm saving this. A producer Riley, write this down on this day. I'm going to play this for Joey when he finally comes back on it. Oh, my God. Anyway, the new kids are doing Vegas. They're doing the XFINITY Center in August. Then a couple weeks later, they're going to Vegas for the iHeart Festival. Yeah. Pretty cool. Anyway, here we go. Step by step, baby. Oh, my God. I said what I said. I invited me famous instead. I let go back into my head. I don't care. I don't care. I paint the town red. I don't care. I paint the town red. Ooh. She devil. You know, when it comes to these games, there should be a JV level. You know? You're playing. Like a club level. Yeah. It's just embarrassing for us because, you know how many times I've had to sit, and I don't mind it, and listen to Bill about the new kids. He was there when they recorded their music. He went to Ireland with them. All over the world. You know what it was? I wasn't listening. I don't think when you played the club. Well, you just weren't -- you've taken the right steps as they said. All right. Here we go. Round two. Finish the lyric, Lisa. ♪ And then I had to tell her ♪ ♪ I had to go ♪ ♪ Oh, now, now, now ♪ ♪ Havana ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Havana ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Havana ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Havana ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Havana ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la ♪ ♪ Havana ♪ ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪ Man, that's good. Yeah. And then I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm going to go to the gym. 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