Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Games And Fears

We are on vacation, but don't you worry Justin has put together a great show full of some amazing segments we have done! We started the morning with 2 crazy games! We also talked all about our fears! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

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11 Jul 2024
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An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couple who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Welcome into a Thursday morning. What's up, guys? Justin here. It's the Billy and Lisa Show on Kiss 108. Thank you for joining. As always, you know, I always talk about the Billy and Lisa Show as an interactive show. We love hearing from you guys, you know, whether that's on the phone, calling us up, or on the Talkback mic, which is a very easy way to get your voice heard on the radio be a part of the conversation, or even sometimes start a conversation. Hey, Justin, Jared, the welder here. Another topic for you. Gym etiquette. Let me tell you, people have zero consideration for others. I repeat zero consideration. People spend so much time between sets. I watch this guy on a bench press. It was a busy time during the gym. I get it. Consider other people. I timed them just because I was curious, seven and a half minutes in between sets. All right, buddy. Yeah, pecs aren't that big, but it's just set and go home to yourself. Oh, man, I have so much to say on this. All right. The number to call if you want in 617-931-1108 because why it's topic time. That's what I'm talking about. It is topic time. Yeah. And this topic time. This is a really good one. Bill, what do you think? Any pebs in the gym? It's happened to me. It actually happened just recently. I was on vacation and I couldn't believe what was happening, but I didn't want to say anything because I was out of town. I was just a visitor to this gym, but this guy was on a machine that I had already started with. Okay. And he's on the machine. Now he's sitting there not doing anything. And when I tell you was having a conversation with another guy, it had to be at least 10 minutes, right? Just sitting. And I wanted to say something, but again, I got the sense they were members and again, I'm just on vacation. I'm just visiting the gym. So I didn't say anything, but I still regret that I didn't. So someone's sitting at the machine for too long. I agree with that. And I have all the normal ones not wiping down your equipment using the equipment for too long. But the big one recently at my gym are the specifically this one guy, but other people do it too. The unsolicited gym advice, you know, I'm all about helping people. Yeah. You know, they have bad form. If they ask or even you can even offer somebody, hey, you need some help with that movement. Yeah. Yeah. But this guy is like every day. That's all he does. He doesn't, he doesn't even work out. He just goes up. Like who made you the form police? Really? Oh, he'll come up to you and suggest you try a different way. Yeah. Yeah. We have a joke every day when we go and he's there. We have a victim count. It's what we call it. How many victims is he going to collect? Does he record? No, he's just there working out, but he just he likes helping people a little bit too much. Okay. I mean, you can't he's going from one person to the next, oh, your squats not right. Yeah. And then he'll go into a 20 minute speech on why it's not right when you're in the gym every day. Yeah. So I'm lucky enough. I go to way better you and ever and it's a really small gym with, you know, only certain like a couple of members like there at a time. So I don't really have an issue. That's fine. But when I use my home gym at my apartment complex, there's this guy I've lived there for three years and I would say I have accounted him maybe 10 times over three years in the gym and no matter what the season or the weather, this man is hacking up along. Oh, God. Right. And it's only three treadmills and he'll always put the middle one. So no matter where you are, he's next to you if you're on the treadmill and I swear he gave me COVID like three years ago and I see him there like all the time, like I only see him there. But over three years and every time, no matter what it is, like, okay. And I'm like, are you okay? Should you be working out? Why are you coughing? And it's like summer, like it's, I, it irks my soul. Yeah. I've got another one and I may have alluded to this earlier this week. You know, if you're in the locker room, just wrap a towel around yourself. Well, just do that. Yeah. That's a big one too. I mentioned that earlier. I know Justin mentioned this earlier this week or last week, but once again, my husband and I were at the gym and my husband went into the men's room and he came out shaking his head. He said, I don't know why, I don't know why every time I go into the bathroom, there's an old guy walking around naked always because he's just walking back and forth. Same of my gym. Let's go to Josephine Josephine. You want to join in the conversation? Yeah. Hey, good morning guys. So my biggest pet peeves is when you go to use a machine and someone gets up and you can see their swab, so they'll sit in on the chair and they don't even wipe it up. Guys and girls, both, like I don't want to sit on your sweat. Yeah. And there's like a little puzzle. Yeah. It's really gross. It's so, so much so that I, I make sure to do it because it's the right thing to do, but I never want to be caught not wiping down equipment. You don't be labeled that guy. Yeah. People in my gym have no shame about it. Yeah. Let's not name the gym though because I like, let's go to Ann and Ann, what have you got? Ann? Good morning. Good morning Ann. Well, I have a, good morning. I had a situation where I was on the treadmill and the gentleman next to me took his white towel and he laid it over the screen where you adjust the feed, et cetera, and then proceeded to fit onto the towel every few minutes. And I was pretty grossed out. Yeah. So he's dripping sweat all over the towel and he's bringing the towel everywhere he's going. No, he's spitting. He's spitting. Wait a minute. He was spitting on the shower? I mean, the towel? He was spitting onto the towel. Okay. That is a radical one. I've never witnessed that. Oh. Oh. And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. I want you to think about this. Have you ever had a prank done to you on April Fool's Day or not? What up guys? Justin here. And good morning. Welcome back to the show. This was a fun topic that we had pranks. When I came in this morning, you guys were saying, have you ever been pranked? Do you have any good prank stories? And I couldn't really think of one, but then it hit me, wait a minute. Several years ago, right, Donovan? And I went to Vegas for the very first I Heart Radio Music Awards. Yes, which is so ironic because it's coming up again right first. But yeah. So you were going to Vegas and you brought your best friend, Dookie, who's been on the show before. And Matt decided that he was going to prank you at the hotel, the hotel in Vegas. Okay. Again, I wasn't here. I was in Vegas, but you've got a clip of what happened on this end, right? Yeah. So Matt called the hotel and mind you, you're going with your best friend. Two guys in a room that, you know, would have two beds, right? Calling the Bellagio Hotel. Hey, how Bellagio. This is Mary. Hi, Mary. Could I have the front desk, please? Something. I'll connect to the front desk. You have a good. Thank you. Thank you for calling Bless your front desk. This is clean. How may this feel? Yeah. Hi. My name is William Costa, Bill Costa. I'm going to be checking in this afternoon part of the I heart group. Oh, okay. And I wonder if you could help me out with something. I'm traveling with a male companion and we had an awkward experience last time we traveled. So could you just put me down for a one king size bed so they don't ask when we're standing there because my friend is sensitive? Oh, sure. Not a problem. Have you still your last name? C-O-S-T-A. Costa. First name, William or Bill? C-O-S-C-A? No, T-A. C-O-S-T-A. Costa. First name, William or Bill. Oh, okay. It's going to look that up really quick. Yeah. And just put a notation, that automatic. Okay. For a king. Okay. Let me go ahead and put that in there. I love how, like, nice. So we're looking for smoking, non-smoking. Well, that would be non-smoking. Yeah. Yeah. That's your all set. Okay. Thank you. Let's see you this afternoon. I'm very excited. Oh, good. We're glad to have you with your colleagues. Whatever stays in Vegas, they say, right? It really happens in Vegas. What's the expression? So, wait. So, what happened? Okay. So, again, I had no idea this happened on this end with Lisa and Matt, right? No idea. So, I walk up to the front desk in Vegas, the Milagio Hotel, and she gives me my room and Duke and I take, you know. And if you've been to Vegas, you know, it takes forever to get to the room. The whole way. So, like, three miles long. And back. So, we get all the way up to the room with the bellhop who's taken the luggage, and then we open the door and we walk in, and immediately, Duke and I look at each other and say, "Okay, this is weird." Yeah. This is a good one. Like, pal, there's only one bed. He said, "I don't know. Is there a problem?" I said, "Well, I mean, we're not together." We need two beds, so he picks up the house phone and calls down to the front desk, and they say, "Oh, no, they made it very clear that they needed one bed," and they, you know, they just didn't want to be embarrassed that one of them was a little sensitive, it was probably his first gay trip. Billy was so mad that he had to walk all the way back down to the lobby and get two rooms and two beds. Yeah, 'cause I'm arguing at the counter when the woman said, "No, I have it right here in the record, sir." I'm not gay. You are Bill Costa from Boston in part of the IR group, and it says right here, specifically one bed. And you're right. I yell, "I'm not gay." Okay? I don't know about the guy behind me, not that there's anything wrong with that, but he and I are not an item, and we're going to need two beds. Yeah. So now they had to put us in a separate tower, because it was a very busy weekend with the high part of work. This whole time, Billy doesn't know that it was us. Right. And then when I called into the show, you know, Matt and Lisa say, "So, how's it going?" And Vegas kind of a thing, and I'm saying, "You're not going to believe what happened." And then I come to realize it was them. Imagine what Billy was saying, like the dookies. I would probably not stop talking about it. You don't believe this. Oh, that's a good, believable. That's a really good one. That's really great. That's a really good one. Now, wasn't there one down the hall at the jammin' show that really went viral, so to speak? Yeah. So, you know, before I worked on this show, I was a producer for jammin', and it was Romero and Santi, and Ashley, who had just started as a host of that show. Yeah. And so the prank on April Fool's Day was that Santi and I were going to get into a fist fight, because there was ongoing tension with us, because Jen, who was my wife now, she was my girlfriend. This is a real life. She thought Santi was being a bad influence on me. Honestly, probably. Yeah. Yeah. So that was an ongoing thing, so it would make sense that we would kind of have words. Yeah. So, you know, we kind of got into a studio and Ashley had to come into the studio, and I have the audio of us fighting. Oh, let's point it. You can hear the panic. You can hear the panic in her voice. You know Ashley. She didn't know, right? She had no idea. Yeah. Right? But then you can hear me screaming, like, talking about, "It's my girl." Right? Listen to this. - Oh, you're telling us something? (beep) - We're laughing, we're laughing. (beep) - We're (beep) - We got to. - Romeo! - Romeo! - Romeo! - So we're fighting, we're literally, I tackled them. I was punching them. - Yeah. - And she's screaming, Romero came in, it was a whole thing. - He actually was like crying. - She was crying. - She was crying. - She was like, she was an easily crier. - Well, mind you too, she just started this jump. - Right. - Yeah. - And these dry guys are fighting. - Two guys aren't getting along. - And the other part of it is, you know, they kind of knew my past a little bit, so that makes it even more kind of realistic. - Yeah, you don't want to adjust and get to that. - I got a note, a hypothetical. You and Santa in the street try to win. - I mean, come on, you know the answer. - You gotta be careful now. - Honestly, I would say Justin. Santa's kind of soft. - Yeah, no, I'm sure-- - He's gonna ask me though. - He'll give it the old college try. - Yeah. - You know, well, you never know. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. - Go to paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. - It's Sarah Lipa. - And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. - I'm not reading a morning past then, but if I go to wake up early, might as well get a good laugh on Kiss 108. - What's up, everybody? Justin here. I have a pair of Post Malone tickets in my hands. He's coming to Fenway Park, September 18th. I'll take caller 25 at 617-931-108, gonna be one of the biggest shows of the year. Post Malone Fenway, are you kidding me? Anyway, good luck, let's get back to it. We have Jill on the phone, wants to play a duolipa game against Billy and Lisa. Good luck, Jill. - What when it's daytime? It's daytime, baby. - Day time, though, I'll be there. That's a big time. - So these are all duolipa songs, old and newer. I won't really try to stump you. Jill, you're gonna be up first. Jill, please finish this lyric. (upbeat music) - Okay, the one that, the one that's falling. - Yes, Bill, keep going. - The one that I-- - Can break my heart. - Break my heart, I got it. - Yeah, it's breaking my heart. - Okay, well, Jill did not get it. I don't know, did Billy get it? - No. - Because Winnie kind of got it. - No, no, no, no. - So do you guys want to split the point? - Bill definitely did not get a point there. - Right, it's no one got a point, we'll just go. We'll just go, we'll just go, we'll just go. - All right, all right. - Billie, you can get a point right now. Jill, Billy can get a point right now if you can finish this lyric. (upbeat music) ♪ We've been, we've passed it through ♪ ♪ And now we're gonna be a long, long time ♪ - Oh my God. (laughing) - Come on out, my man. - I love that song. - I love that song. - Great job. - I allowed to phone a friend and make the friend be producer Riley. - Are you cheating or no? - No, no, I'm just saying. - Jill, if you let Bill cross the beat you, you can never show your face again. - Oh yeah, Jill, I'm leading. (laughing) - You said Riley better not be in there, giving like Malden. - No, she's an honest girl, she's doing her. - Okay, good. All right, Winnie, here we go. These are Dua Lipa songs in honor of her new album. Finish this lyric. (upbeat music) - Don't stop now. - No. - Don't start now. - No. - Don't start now. Don't start now. - Judge. - Hold on, hold on. Well. - Don't stop Cameron. Don't be now. - Yeah, you got it. - She's got it. - She did not get it. - Oh, come on. Listen to the judge. Oh, don't show up. - Don't show up. - I mean, wait on you. - Then she didn't get it. - You get the wrong part of the song. - Okay, we're not doing this. Stop doing that. - All right. - Jill. - All right, Jill, you're there. - This is your chance. - Okay, yes. - Okay. - Okay. - So, what is the score, Elise? - Billie has won and Winnie and Jill have zero. - I have zero. All right, Jill, you gotta get on the board here, okay? - I know. - All right, here we go. - Closely and finish this lyric, do a leapa. (upbeat music) - Oh, Jill. - Dance the night away. - Billie, how long are you gonna give Jill? - Okay, Jill does not know. - Oh my God. - Watch me dance. - Yeah, watch me dance the night. - Yeah, I got it. - Watch me dance the night away. - No, Billie. - Jill, another. - Oh, Jill, I thought you figured like your answer. - Yeah, this is, this is a bagel. - I get a point for this deal. - No, you don't, Billie, relax. - There's no way you can take that away from it. - Yeah, Billie, you didn't get the point there. - You did. - Okay, you got the point there. - All right. - You got a point in the board. - Okay, Jill. I'm sorry, Jill. - Jill, hold on, just pause. Jill, this is what Billie does if you're not familiar. - Yeah. - He gets a point and now he can do the thing. - He glows. - Can you believe I'm gonna win this? - Yeah, all right, here we go, Billie. Can you get two in a row here? Doo-leepa, finish the lyric. ♪ Don't be a friend ♪ ♪ Jill, you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning ♪ ♪ And he's throwing the head ♪ ♪ You ain't getting nobody ♪ ♪ Daddy ♪ ♪ I got new rules, I got new rules ♪ - I never heard that song in my life. - Okay, okay, I got that one. - All right, let me know that. - All right. - All right. - Oh, you're on the board, wait. Okay, that was my turn. - Okay, Winnie, here we go. - I never heard the song in my life. - That was a big song. - That was her first big hit. - Yeah. - Yeah, new rules. I just talked it up every week on the kiss top that he counts on for about two years. But I digress. Here we go, Winnie, finish the lyric. ♪ Oh, let me sleep ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm hustin' ♪ ♪ The way you move, the way you feel ♪ ♪ One kiss is all it takes ♪ ♪ Fall in love with me ♪ ♪ Since all it takes ♪ ♪ Fall in love with me ♪ - All right, so the score is Winnie Two, Billy Two, Jill Zero. - So Jill, there's no way that you can actually win now. - Yeah, Jill, call me crazy. Did you start this whole game by saying, oh yeah, I know everything there is to know about Doobly Two. - It's the stress of being a radio. - Yeah, she's on live radio, give her a big. - Okay, we'll do one final round here, Jill. - Come on, Jill. - Come on, you gotta get a point here. Here we go, listen close, Jill. I know you know this song. I know you know the lyric, give it to us. ♪ You want me, I want you baby ♪ ♪ Mustn't go boo ♪ ♪ I'm never tellin' ♪ ♪ Don't look you way ♪ ♪ We're gonna get it ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ (popping) - Oh no, Jill. - Yes, Jill. I got you, I got you. - I got you. I got you all late. - Yeah, yeah. ♪ I got you all ♪ - I got you all. - You can't cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off. - Cut me off when I was giving you the lyric. - For Jill. - It's fine. - All right, Jill, well. - Jill wins zero for three. - Yeah. - We still love you. And thank you so much for playing. - Yeah, babe. - We appreciate it. - Jill, goose egg. (laughing) - Jill, you might want to spend it a little time this week and studying at once. - No, we don't judge, Jill. We thank you. - I know. - Thank you for listening. - You're a good sport. - Thank you, Jill. You guys want to do the last two? Just to wrap it up? - No. - Well, what's the score, Lisa? - It's two all. - Yeah, two all. - It's just two? - I just got that one. I swear I just got that one. - No, let's just, let's just, it's two all. - It's two all. - We'll do the last two. - Okay, last two. Here we go. Billy, finish the lyric. Do a leap, huh? - ♪ Do you say ♪ ♪ I come down and go high ♪ ♪ Oh, Billy, oh, boy, it's your name, me ♪ ♪ I'm not here to go ♪ - ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do, do ♪ I don't know. - Oh, my God. - I'm not here for long. Catch me, then I go too deenie. - Well, I don't know what you just said. - Okay, she can't get on. - I don't know what that was. - All right, fine. - It sounded like it should be right, but... ♪ I'm gonna ask you before I go, who'd be ♪ - I just take that number four. - Oh, you just got to kind of, out of the water? - Yeah, she didn't say it. It was all weird. - Okay, all right, fine. - It was mumble jumble. - Okay, yeah, that was not a steal. - Okay, all right, up there. - Okay, so whenie, if you get this right, you win. - Okay. - All right, here we go. - This is great. - What? - Oh, because I didn't get it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So here we go. This is finished to lyric, do a leap of addition. - ♪ I feel like you ♪ - Oh. ♪ It's a news ♪ - We just play the song. ♪ You're gonna fall for a little move ♪ - I had to stop there 'cause I don't know what you're saying. - And argue the answer, you didn't have it. - No, I did have it. - You did have it. - I did have it. - But she got it. - I win. - She got it. - I even did the right-- - Ooh, you actually did. - You actually did get it. - From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 Studios. - We're back with Billie and Lisa in the morning. - On Kiss 108. - All right, we're talking about fear adjustment. - Oh, what's going on here? - Well, I was reading this article about all these celebrities and their weird fears that they have, and they're quite interesting, and it made me think about my own weird fears, and if you guys have any as well, you wanna hear some of these? - Yeah. - Okay, so there's so many. So Olivia Rodrigo in 2023 is said that her fear, birds. - Yep, I totally get that. - Really? - Totally get it. I don't really like birds. - Oh, I love them. - They're not cuddly, they're nuts. They just sort of peck around and-- - Yeah, I'm always curious what they think. - Yeah, I mean, just, they're not-- - I feel like that's how my wife describes me. (laughing) - There's a lot of pecking. - A lot of pecking. - Yeah. - Chloe Kardashian, her fear, belly buttons. - Yeah, that's a weird one. - I don't get that. - I will say they're full of germs. No matter how much you clean your book. - What if it's an Audi? - What do you mean? - Oh, yeah, I don't know. - Even any and an Audi. Any good, you know, it's, stuff can go in. - I haven't any, I don't have an Audi, so I don't know. - She doesn't even like her own belly button, I guess, Chloe Kardashian. - Most people don't. - It scares her when she's in the shower. (laughing) - Yeah, I don't know. It's kind of a creepy little thing to know about. Like, why is it there? - Yeah. - It's because the umbilical-- - Oh, the umbilical, yeah. - Yeah, it was basically your life line. - Okay, that's a good thing we added there. - Exactly. - Wow, yeah, belly button, that's a weird one. - So the any or Audi, I guess it depends on who was cutting. - I, yeah, I guess. - And some did a better job than others, some doctors, okay. Some people do like them, though. - Let me see your belly button. - Okay, so, Johnny Depp has a fear of clowns. - That totally makes sense. - That's really common. - Oh, a lot of people fear clowns. - Yeah, a lot of people have that. Matthew McConaughey, McConaughey has a fear of revolving doors, tunnels. - Well, you can get stuck in a revolving door. If you think about it, it doesn't-- - Well, that's kind of claustrophobic. - Actually, I actually can understand that, the revolving door thing, 'cause I do think about that. - You can get stuck in it. - Yes. - In tunnels, I do think about that, every time I go through a tunnel even here in Boston, I'm like, God, we're under the ocean. - Yeah. - What if something happens? - What if there's a little leak? - Yeah. - Every time I go through, especially if you saw that sly story. - That's why I was getting sick. - It's so true. - It's a classic movie. Meghan Fox, she's so weird, a fear of dry paper. - What? - Is that sort of like nails on a chalkboard kind of thing? - Well, she's quoted as saying, some people don't like nails on a chalkboard because it gives them goosebumps. She doesn't like dry paper, scripts, newspaper, or anything not laminated. - Ooh, you know what? - That's interesting. - I did have a fear as a kid of construction paper in the art class. So much so, I always avoided art class, 'cause I couldn't stand the feel of the construction paper. It freaked me out. It was worse than nails on a chalkboard. - Well, you are Meghan Fox. - I guess so. - Oh, wow. Justin Timberlake, run through a couple of these. Justin Timberlake has a fear of spiders. - That's classic. One time it got so bad a spider got close to him. He had to call for assistance to remove the spider. (laughing) - Really? - That's a little, c'mon. - That's kind of, yeah, that's a little lame. - That's a little lame. - Yeah, especially if you have children that are there with you or your wife. - Exactly. - You have to get the spider, no one else is. - Yeah, pull yourself together and go get the spider, dad. - But that's the other thing about kids. Kids will get the spider. They're not afraid of spiders, a lot of kids. Oh, dad, I'll get it. - There are some really crazy fears. I was looking at, looking really deep into this, doing some research. So like Pluto phobia, you know what that is? That's a fear of money. - I would never have that fear. - No, no. - Yeah, me neither. - You can pile it up all the way around me. - I'm a fear of not having money. - Yeah, Bill wouldn't like this one. A glutaphobia, a glutaphobia. That's a fear of bathing. - Oh. - What? - Fear of bathing. Yeah, it's a fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning oneself. - Whoa. - I gotta be honest with you, the bathing thing never really made a whole lot of sense to me 'cause now you're just sitting there in your dirty water. - Why don't they mean like a bath? I mean like just like hygiene, right? - Yeah, washing yourself. - Yeah. - Oh. - Yeah. - Okay, so let's run through ours. - Okay. - Do you guys, Billie, Lisa? Do you guys have fears? Weird fears? - Go, please. - I do. I'm extremely claustrophobic, especially trying to get in one of those little elevators in the back bay. The ones I'm talking about that you can only fit one or two people. I refuse to get in them. So much so that if I have like a doctor's appointment or something, I will call upstairs and say, "Hey, can you send someone down "to open up the door to the staircase?" Because if they don't, I'm not going to the appointment. - Wow. - And that makes sense because the really tiny elevators, that means they're very old too 'cause they don't make them that small. - No, it's just feeling like you're in a box. - Yeah. - Like I just, I can't deal with it. - Uh, Bill? - Okay, I definitely have a fear of heights. - Okay, that's common. I think I do too, as I've gotten older. - It's, you know, like I can be in a tall building. It's strictly standing on the ledge of a building. I can't look over. - Do you get the feeling that you want to put, like throw yourself over? Like when you're standing on the edge? - Like commit suicide? - Yeah, but a lot of people, when there's standing, no, I'm serious. A lot of people with the fear of heights, they have this weird thing, this urge inside of them, and that's why they're afraid of heights. - Oh, that's so weird. I didn't know that. - Yeah, maybe that's my problem. - Maybe. - All right, so I have, I have a fear of, I can't even describe it. It's, it does a name for it. It's called trip to phobia. I'm sure a lot of people have it. It's the fear of things bunched together, such as holes. - Oh, I was just going to say that's mine. - Yeah, I have chills right now thinking about it. - Okay, so I wanted to say it the right way because I don't know how to say it. So I looked it up and the pictures alone gave me the BBGVs here. So I'll read the definition for you. So it refers to a strong fear of closely packed holes. People feel disgust or queasy when they see this. Billy and Lisa, I'm going to show you the images that pop up. And it gives me the legit BBGVs. - Not at all. - Oh, yeah, that creeps me out. - Really? - Yeah, it's creepy. - For your honeycomb or something. - Oh, yeah, it's creepy. - I can't, like, cause what's in the holes? Like, look at what's inside. - Is that better? - I can't. - I can't, I can't. - We need to stop talking about holes. - Hole after hole after hole after hole for days. - Oh my God, let's go to the phones. Chelsea. - I get made fun of all the time, but my weird fear is butterflies. I'm deadly afraid of butterflies. - Wow, wow. - You know, that's actually, there are two celebrities that are afraid of butterflies. I think it's Nicole Kidman and Kylie Jenner. - Really? - My parents took me to one of those indoor butterfly places as a kid and it was an extremely traumatizing experience. - Well, it is kind of weird when you think they were caterpillars. And caterpillars to me are creepy. Butterflies are beautiful. - Well, yeah, they mean the metaphor, the metamorph. - Yeah, what? - That is. - What happens? - They do the metamorphosis. - Butterfly fear, wow. Anyway, Chelsea, thank you for the call. We gotta go, we gotta play music. (upbeat music) - You're right. (laughs) (upbeat music) - Kid's wanna wait. - What is the topic? - Today we're going to be talking about-- - Billie and Lisa present topic time. - Talk amongst yourselves, topic time. - So a couple of minutes ago we're talking about people's fears. A story broke a certain celebrity's talking about their fears and then we started talking about our fears and then call started coming in from listeners, talking about their fears and the conversation continues. Let's start with Bella. Bella, what's going on? What are you afraid of? - Hi, I would say one of my fears is fire alarm, like fire and noises. So you're jilting immediately, like a police car goes by with a siren, yeah. That happens to us because it's very often the fire alarms go off in this building. - Oh, they're so loud. - And yet every time, even though we know they're coming, you get slightly panicked. - You do. - And it's just so annoying. - It's so loud, yeah. But that's a good one, Bella. Thank you for you call, thank you for listening. Jody, welcome to the Billie and Lisa show what's your big fear. - Good morning. I can't tolerate centipedes. I can't stand them. I can't look at them. I went to a restaurant a couple months ago with a friend of mine and we sat down to have dinner and a few minutes later, I caught something coming up my shirt and I moved down and it was a centipede. - Oh no. - I flipped it off. I couldn't see it. I couldn't take it. We had to leave. I couldn't stop itching. I made my friend pat me down when we looked at the pot. I ate them. I ate them. - Yeah, it's a creepy creature. - Justin, I would need somebody to kill 'em for me. I can't tolerate them. - That new fear unlocked. - I'm itching now, driving to work. I'm itching now, driving to work. - Oh, they have so many legs. - They do. - That one's even- - And it's fast. - Jody, that's worse because I've never really heard of anybody like touching the centipede. - Yeah? - They always see them, but they always scatter. - Oh, it was coming right up at me. It was coming right up at me. - Justin, please tell me. - You've seen the movie classic American film, The Human Centipede. - Of course I have, and I will never watch it again. (laughing) - That puts the saw movies to shame. - Yeah. - The human centipede is a creepy scene. - The only Billy would watch that and like that. - I know, right? - You know what else? I saw a part two. There was a sequel. - Oh, God. - Let's go to Major. Major, do you have a fear? - Hi, it's the mayor. I'm not major. - Oh, okay. - Winnie wrote down, Major. - Oh, there's a typo, I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor. - Yeah. - I wanna tell ya, did anyone ever see the movie Willard? - Oh yeah. - About the rat. - The rats, yeah. - Oh my God, I am so afraid of rat. - Starring Ernest Borgnine. (laughing) - Oh, give me a kiss, cheer him up. And then that song banned by Michael Jackson. - Yeah? - Every time it comes on, I turn it off 'cause I know it's about a rat. - Yeah, rats are creepy. - Yeah. - But see, what I do is, when a rat crosses my path, I can't scream, I can't do nothing, I just stare at it. And I let it go on its way. But I'm a goner if there's a rat with attitude and he starts coming towards me. Forget it, Ben, I'm dead, Ben. - There are certain Boston neighborhoods too that are loaded with drugs. - I know you live in South End, Mr. Mayor. - What's it like in the South End? - There's a lot in the South End, but I don't do outdoor dining in the North End. I don't wanna get political. (laughing) The reporter was doing a story on outdoor dining and there was a whole bunch of rats right around them in the shot. - Oh, no! - You know what, it was on Channel 7. - Oh. - Oh, wow. - It was like five rats crawling behind a big trash. - Well, Mayor, thank you for the call. I know you have a very busy Easter weekend, so. - Yes, I'm getting my bunny suit ready right now. (laughing) - Mayor, say this is a picture. - Yeah. - Oh, God. - You love you. (laughing) - Let's go to Jill. Jill, you're up next. What's your fear? - Hi, so I was in a car accident with a bag of cars when I was 16 and it was on West Street in Mansfield. And whenever anybody gives me directions or anything and tells me to get to the West Street, I'm like, yep. Gonna have something other way to go because I'm not going down that street. - I'm 16, I'm now 44. - Oh, wow. - And you've never driven down West Street since? - Trauma, though. - Oh, no. - Wow. - Nope. - Yeah, something like that. Being in a pretty bad crash is kind of weird because you're scared, but at the same time, if you survived it, that's good news, too. But yeah, crashes are scary. You should know about you. - You do, you have PTSD from exactly where it happened. - I get like the, like, chills, like, you really have to see what that's. - Yeah. - Thank goodness you're here. And thank you for the call and thanks for listening. We appreciate it, and let's move on to Logan. I always like that name. - Oh, Logan, not you. - Logan? - Hey, hi. - Hi. - Hi. - Hello, Logan. - Hey. - Hey, hello. - Yeah, go ahead. - Yeah, I don't think we have a bad connection or something. - All right, let's go to Jane. - That's a name I'd like if I change my name. - That's a good name. - Logan. Oh, yeah. Who do you got next? - Yeah, something was wrong with that phone. It kept cutting in and out. Jane, what's your fear? - I have to agree with Justin with the tryptophobia. I can't describe it, but I know exactly the images online that you're talking about. I was like, it's like, it's like, it's almost like a sponge. - Oh, hold on, stop describing it. - But you know what I'm saying? - Yeah, it's so creepy. - I turned the volume down so I couldn't hear. - Yeah, Jane, we can't describe it. - Yeah. - This is the Hebrew GV, but yes, it's-- - The other thing along a similar vein, and please don't laugh when I say this, I'm not afraid of it, but it kind of gives me the same creepy feeling as Bovaty was-- - Oh, I can actually see that. I can see that. - The Bovaty, it has like these tiny little, like, what are they made out of? - They're jelly jelly jelly. - Yeah. - They're little balls. - Yeah, what they're made of. - Yeah. - They're just, again, are you looking at it? I have to look away, but then I look back. It's hard to describe. - They taste good though, actually. They do taste good, but the looking at them is, yeah, I can see that, actually. If you have the tripped phobia fear, it makes sense that you have that along with it. - I don't get the tripped phobia the whole thing. - Really? - It's just, well, you know what? I mean, I don't get one of your fears out yet. - Right, yeah. - I mean, it's just to each zone, I think. Let's switch topics for a minute. Let's go to line four, Holly. - Hey, Holly. - Hey, so I definitely have a beer spider, but what I wanted to call it for was because with all this rain that we're having, our basement's been getting flooded and we have a room down there that we have to got. And so pretty much, I thought you guys would appreciate the store because my fiance was tearing down the ceiling and out drops a mystery, like a mysterious VHS tape. So, of course, the only place that has a VHS player is my parent's house. So, I went over my parent's house and put in the VHS and it started off super casual recordings of sitcoms and then it turned into a game show where these ladies were in the kitties and pretty soon there were some dirty videos on there. - Oh, it was a porno. Wow, he's hidden in this. What was it, one of those suspended ceilings, a drop ceiling, as they call it? - No, it was like sealed away and like in a sealed ceiling, like it was hidden for a reason. - Oh my God, wow, that's so crazy. - Yeah, did it have like the old porn music? (laughing) Hey, let me take my time with this one. (laughing) - Oh, man, that's crazy. So, when I bought my house, right, the whole house was emptied out and then in the master bedroom, there's a his and hers closet, which were both empty, but there's a shelf on each one. And on the top shelf, when I was putting my clothes in, I felt something and it was a DVD, a porn. The only thing left on the inside of the house that I bought was a porn. I appreciate it. - Well, can you say what it was called? - I forget, it might've come, let me see. Debbie Benson, starring in, Debbie, does Dallas. - Okay, Deb, yeah, something like that, but you know what? You know what, it's still in my house, I kept it. I don't have a DVD player, so I couldn't, you know. - It's great, man, I wanna see what it was. - I will, I'll take a picture of it. It's in the same spot as it. - Yeah, that's great. - It's still in the closet? - It's still there. - Wow. - Well, do you guys have a video game system? - We do. - Can't you watch? - I have an Xbox. - Can you watch a DVD's on there now? - I mean, I have a wife, I really don't need to walk. - I just can't-- - I just can't, I just can't. - Yeah, I'm small children. (laughing) - We have to talk back to you here. Everybody wants to talk about the fear topic, it's crazy. - Speaking of fears, my mother-in-law gets grossed out by belly buttons. And my oldest, who just pierced her belly button, goes out of her way to physically cause her to gag by playing with her belly button drooling. - Oh, that's not me. - Oh my god, that's so mean. - That's so mean. - Oh, that's, yeah, that's not nice. - That's really me. I wouldn't do that to my grandma. - You don't, you don't do that. And, you know, I've told this story before, it's such an awful story, but something that I regret is my friend, that I grew up with had a fear of flying from this story. - Oh, I remember it. You tried to get him to fly somewhere, remember? - No, he was, he was gonna take his first trip with his new girlfriend to meet her family to Arizona. For months, he was talking to me about how much he was scared and all this stuff. And I thought he was being kind of a wuss. I didn't know it was a real fear. So I would do things like send them, you know, videos, I'd text them videos of plane crashes. - Oh my god. - That is so mean. - And so I thought it was all great until the day came, and I'll never forget, he called me, and he was basically almost like in tears, and he's like, I couldn't do it. She got on the plane by herself at Logan. - You ruined his vacation. - Because of me, he had a phobia of flying. - Are they gonna work out? - I think you pushed him over the edge. - Are they still together? - No, they're not still together. - 'Cause I'm not gonna lie, I feel bad that that's his fear, but I think that would be like, I would be really sad. - Well, they say if you have a fear of flying, which a lot of people do, you're supposed to actually go right at it and sit in the worst seat on the plane and like go on a two hour flight, just to get over it. - He couldn't do it, he took medication too. - Oh my God. - One of the videos I sent was the top 10 worst plane pictures. - Why would you do that? - Oh my God, Justin! - I really felt so bad. He's not my best friend, I didn't know it was a real thing. - Oh, has he flown yet? - No. - You know what? - I'm gonna put a honeycomb in your studio when you come in. 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