Billy & Lisa in the Morning

We're Talking Lists!

We are on vacation, but don't you worry Justin has put together a great show full of some amazing segments we have done! We covered 2 different lists to start the morning! We also chatted movies and prenups! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

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09 Jul 2024
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You want to do the top 10? Yeah, we'll do the top 10. All right. So you were just on the vineyard bill and number one is Joseph Silvia State Beach on Martha's Vineyard. That's the number one? Yep. It's between Eggertown and Oak Bluffs. Have you ever been there? Oh, absolutely. You know, it's a long stretch of beach too. And you know what's amazing about that spot? Very popular beach and yet there's all kinds of free parking right along the road. That's probably why it's number one. Yeah, and the gorgeous beach. Free parking. I've been there. I've been there. I've been to the vineyard once and we went, we had to have gone to that beach. It was beautiful and the parking was right along. Yeah, it's between Oak Bluffs and Eggertown. Yeah. Yeah. We rented a moped and almost died. Of course you did. Everybody does. That's a whole scene over there. I mean, you come off the ferry and there's all these people renting moped. I've never ridden a moped. They don't even give you a tutorial. Oh, no. You just pay and you drive away with my wife on the back down the road with cars. It was scary. Off you go. Yeah. Well, try doing it in Bermuda. If you've never rented a moped, they're on the other side of the road. People crash in Bermuda all the time. Ironically, I have a moped. I forgot that you guys are like scaring me. Oh, yeah. Like to drive this thing, it just sits in my garage. Have you ever driven it? I drove it around Milton and like, and every time I come in, Billy's like, Oh my God. It's so dangerous. I'm like, OK, well, what am I supposed to do with this thing? I don't want to buy it. So Martha's Vineyard is number one. Yes. OK. So number two is Madicot Beach. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Which I'm sure you've been to as well. A few summers there. That's beautiful. Mm. That's one of the ends of the island. OK. Yeah. It's beautiful. Madicot. Another one on Martha's Vineyard Bell, your island is the Aquina public beach. That's the end of the vineyard used to be called something else. Yep. Can I say that? Yeah. It was called Gay Head. Yep. Now it's called a Quina. They changed it. They changed the name from gay. I don't know. Just I guess. But now it's a quina. It's beautiful. You're Mr. B, aren't you? Yeah. The Kennedy's own a lot of protected land right around the corner there. Nice. So, OK, so that's number two and three. Yeah. All right. The top three have been in their comic exactly on the island. Yeah. So now we're back on the mainland. OK. We're back and Chatham is number four. Oh, Chatham's nice. White House Beach. The Chatham White House. And by the way, there's a sandbar right there where hundreds of seals bask in the sun and feed. Look at him. Beach boy. Well, that's going to bring a lot of sharks. Yeah. Well, that's the thing. Here's the thing. The top four, the ones on the islands and in Chatham, sharks. Oh, yeah. Really go in the water. Oh, no, sharks are everywhere. Well, Coast Guard Beach is number five and that's in East Ham. And that's another place where there are a lot of shark settings. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. So they're great and beautiful beaches. Just be where the sharks. No, it's really scary to me. Yeah. I don't know. I'm petrified of getting bit. Oh, me. I was swimming in the ocean in the vineyard last week. Yeah. Well, why were you swimming? I constantly had sharks in my mind. Yeah. You want to tell everyone why you were swimming? You really want to go. You brought it up. That's not why I went swimming. I went swimming because it was hot out and the water was right there. But yeah, at least the way you were doing. I was scrubbing the side of the boat with a hard brush. Your brand new boat needs a scrubbing because you see, we'd gather sometimes along the water line. Chris sent me the video of Billy washing his boat. Wait, you have it? It was Chris sent it to me. Oh, because I only saw it on Instagram. Yeah. Well, he sent me the story of his. I'll text him and ask him to send me that. OK, back to the list. OK, so we'll fleet on the list. Well, you know what's number six is the beach that I go to. Craigville Beach in Centerville. Yeah, if you want to listen down of inciting, you go to Craigville Beach. Mm-hmm. Craigville Beach. Don't you have your own locker or something? Yeah, I'm moving in. Move it in tomorrow. All the beach chairs. Are there sharks there, Lisa? You know what? They have a little swimming area and they have lifeguards. So again, the sharks come pretty close now. Tim a big swimmer? Yeah. Oh, God. He does some swimming in the ocean. Does he go deeper than me? He has. He has in the path. If any, oh, this is going to be mauled by a shark. It'll be your husband. Why am I laughing? OK. Anything else on that list? Yeah, Crane Beach. I know a lot of people love Crane Beach. That's number seven in Ipswich. That's like, is mine even in the top 10? Finish the list. OK, horse neck beach. Well, Crane's is awesome because you get the back side of Crane's. A lot of people go in there. It's kind of a little bay and they drop anchors on their boats and swim all day and hang out. It's what Crane's castle is. Yeah, I don't see any. No. But they also have Winger Chic. Yeah, that's it. That's my favorite. You go to Winger Chic. Oh, my God, is the best. Yeah, you're probably on the public side, right? What does that mean? Well, you really are something. There's a private side. Oh, no, I don't have. No, yeah, the public side. We had to pay for parking. Yeah, that's what you do. Exactly. I've never been. OK, I want to do a shout out, though, to Revere Beach. Yeah. Number 13 on the list. Revere? Yes. Revere is number 13. Really? Yeah. People swim there? Yep. Oh, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. A lot of pigeons. Really? There's a lot of pigeons. But it's like gunfire. Oh, boy. There are some shots. And then there's that. Yeah. Yeah, you know, we're a lovely bathing suit. And a bulletproof vest. Honestly, it would look like a life vest. It would look like what you think. It probably would. We shouldn't laugh. I'm actually shocked at that. Yeah. Is Hampton on the list? No, these are Massachusetts. Only Massachusetts. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. While I was in Beach, you didn't make it? Nope. Quincy did not make it. I thought Quincy did make the list. No, this is wealth. In our hearts. You know what? Well, exactly. It will always be on my list. Yeah. Good morning, Joe. What's going on right now, buddy? Hey, good morning. How are we doing today, guys? We're doing fine. Thank you. All right. So I was sitting in line here waiting to get an inspection sticker. And I heard the conversation about Winger Chic Beach. Yes. Winger Chic Beach is near and dear to my heart. I am the assistant director of public works up here in Gloucester. I actually run the beach. Yeah. That's so cool. He runs the beach. Do you run both the private and the public? I don't know what Billy's referring to as private side of Winger Chic. Right. There's no such thing. That would be fun to be. Thank you, Joe. It was kind of a joke, Joe. But what can people expect with the parking today out there at Winger Chic? So, you know, Justin and mentioned, you know, get their early. Well, the getting their early days are over. So coming out of COVID, we actually transition. We actually have a paid-apart system now that you can reserve your parking spot 10 days in advance. Oh, wow. Whoa. Gloucester beaches. OK, Joe, you're stepping it up. Yes. Well, so this came out of COVID, you know, the beaches became super, super, you know, busy. And basically, the city of Gloucester was in gridlock. So at the time, we said, we've got to come up with an alternate solution. And Crane's Beach was about a season ahead of us with that. And it worked very well over there. So we adopted the system. So now, like I said, you go online to the Blink-A app at 10 days, you know, 10 days prior to that day, you can book, and you can show up at 8 o'clock in the morning, or you can show up at 12 o'clock, and you can guarantee your spot. So now, listen, Joe, you are in charge of parking, right? Is congestion for your name around or something? No, that's a tangent, Joe. Oh, you know. No, that's OK. I'm just asking. You know what's really cool about Wing-A-Shik is, you know, when the tide goes out, all these little tide pools. Oh, yeah. If you have children, they love it. It's really warm. You know, they play all the toys. It's cool. Now, what's that stretch of beach, Joe, along the Anisquam there with a lot of boats, pull their boats up and beach them? So that's basically, they call that the boater side. So it's an extension of Wing-A-Shik beach. It's actually not a beach, right across from the Anisquam Yard Club. I actually, I have a boat myself, and I spend quite a bit of time down there. Is it a sandbar? Like, what is it? It's actually no, a shoreline. A shoreline, but it's not a beach. Yeah, but people can walk, right, Joe, from around Wing-A-Shik around the bend and go to that section as well. Yes, yes. And the good thing is, you know, you pull up on your boat, you throw anchor, you can walk around the corner to the actual beach itself, where you have your bathrooms, your concessions, and all the amenities there. So it's accessible, and it's a great spot. It really is. What, Liz? I just love that we were talking about beaches, and then we have the guy who is in charge of Wing-A-Shik beach on the phone. It's amazing. Justin, you had one more question for Joe down there to Wing-A-Shik? No, the parking thing is all they really cared about. That's it, and nothing else matters. Yeah, well, Joe, you're the official boat guy, or beach guy, now, of the Billy and Lisa morning show. What's up, Boston? It's Sabrina Carpenter, and you're waking up with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to a Wednesday morning, Justin here. So if you've traveled around the country, this next segment is perfect for you, which state was your most favorite, but more importantly, which state was your least favorite? Justin, now we're going to decide which states we love, and which states we not so love. Or, yeah, more so not so loved. So you, Gove, come out with a survey. They pulled a ton of people on their least favorite states. So we'll go run through the top 10. These are the states that people voted. They hated the most. OK. They do not want to move there. They actually want to move out of these states. So you're going to work your way up from number 10? Yeah, we'll do it that way. Number 10, Billy, actually, is the one that you told me you didn't like, which was West Virginia. No, that was me. No, that was you. Oh, sorry, Lisa, West Virginia. Yeah. Now, why didn't you like it? All right, it's a beautiful state. It has a lot of beautiful mountains and stuff like that. There's just not a whole lot going on there. So when you talk about like quality of life and jobs and like fun things to do, unless you're really into hiking, you know what I mean? So that's why I said that. So West Virginia has a low economic growth and a high poverty poverty in a declining population. Yeah, like there aren't enough jobs there. I love this. They have a negative reputation for being backward, isolated, and uneducated. Oh, boy. Yeah, they do, though. Yeah. Well, the liquor family, the most famous and sensuous family in America looks right. Again, it's so beautiful there, but there's just not a lot going on. Yeah, I agree with that one. Number nine, Iowa. OK. Anyone ever been to Iowa? Never. Nope. Never. Wow. No, no reason to go there. Many Americans find it unappealing, unrepresentative, and unfair, a small and rural population with little diversity or opportunity. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, that's not good. That's what the caucuses are. That's right. Yeah. Interesting. Wow. All right. Moving on, number eight, Mississippi. Very uneducated. Uneducated. Very uneducated. It's poor there. Very poor. So low income, poor education, bad health, and troubled history. Yeah. Yeah. They think they have the most obese on the obesity level, because they don't have-- you know, they have a lot of fast food. People can't afford healthy food. They're so poor. And the health care system isn't that great. Yeah. I've never met anyone from Mississippi. Me neither. I've never met anybody that's been to Mississippi. Lance Bass is from Mississippi. Really? Yeah. And yeah, he's got a beautiful set of teeth. Well, he hasn't lived in a long time. He's been famous for half his over half his life. Yeah. OK. We should move on, Justin. Next up, Ohio. Ohio is seen as land average in an uneventful state, with no distinctive features or attraction. I actually-- I've been to Ohio a few times. It's fine, but it's nothing to write home about. Yeah, I mean, Cleveland, Cincinnati, I've ever been. It's great. They call it a flyover state. OK, yeah. My uncle's family owns a steakhouse there, right in Dayton. And it's a good steakhouse. Yeah, it's called the Oak Room. And I went there for that, but like, that was it. OK, hold on. What? You traveled to Dayton, Ohio for a ribeye? Well, we were going to Cleveland in Cincinnati. I'm not so sure of that. Bye. I mean, it was free. It was free. It was comped. You know, I love the free meal. Because she was going to get a free steak. It's a few meal. Wow, OK. Yeah, that makes sense. All right, next up, Illinois. Illinois has some positive aspects, but like, you know, it's a cultural diversity, but it's not a state that attracts or satisfies many people. Wow, it's super cold, though, in the winter. Very windy. Yeah. Chicago used to be nice, but it takes a lot of hits now. Well, I mean, outside and a lot of it. Also, some of its political leaders were convicted of federal crime. And then there's that. Yeah, my son asked me every day to go to Chicago. OK. Well, yeah, because he's obsessed with this rapper Juice World. He died in Juice World. It's from Chicago, and he's buried there. So my son wrote a whole tribute letter to him, and he wants to go to Chicago so he can put it on his grave. Just to visit the grave. Wow. It's a whole thing. It's a nice town. You can do stuff to do. There is. Nice city. You know when you have to do Justin with the situation like that, you have to come up with an alternative. I'm trying. Yeah, he might forget about Chicago at some point. Yeah. Yeah, and move on. He's on the grave site. Yeah. Just find a good alternative. Yeah. All right, here we go. Top five. Number five is actually my choice. I haven't been to a ton of states, but I've been to this one in New Jersey. Jersey Shore, baby. New Jersey. Yeah. Yeah. People like it because of its nightlife, its proximity to the coast. But it doesn't appeal to everyone. OK, a lot of criticism and dislike from many Americans, including people from New Jersey. [LAUGHTER] I'm not sure we have an old saying in New York. Do you know why New Yorkers are so depressed? The light at the end of the tunnel is New Jersey. Yeah. That's pretty well known. Yeah. I applied for a job in New York and almost got it and was looking at apartments in New Jersey. Oh. I almost moved there. That's how I know from going there. All right, number four, right next door in New York. It's so expensive. And honestly, if you're not in the city, you're an upstate. There's nothing there. Upstate is cold and a lot of snow. Yeah. OK, here we go. OK, here we go. Is my least New York city or New York city? Both, the whole thing. So unpopular things about New York, high taxes, low freedom, rude attitude, expensive lifestyle, and divisive culture. Yeah. That all seems pretty spot-on. Cold winters and frequency. Yeah, plus the weather's not great. Yeah. And if you're not in the city, there's literally not much going on. I spent half a day in Buffalo once. It was like a lifetime. Yeah, that's cold. Yeah. That's cold. All right, top three here. Number three is surprising to me. Florida. Yeah, that is surprising. It is, and it's not because, yes, it has great weather and beaches and all that. But if you're in Northern Florida or like Central Florida, like besides Disney, they have really divisive politics. I mean, like, you know what I mean? You have the cities that are more democratic, and then everything else is red. And then the panhandle is kind of-- Yeah, not all of Florida is beautiful. Right. You're in Tallahassee. Florida, all right, Winnie? You live in Randolph. I do. I probably live in Randolph. OK, so the state has-- OK, so the negative opinion of Florida is because of-- ready for this? Bizarre news stories, dishonest politicians, the conservative retirees in the frequent hurricanes. Yeah, and the humidity. Then let's not forget the alligators. Yeah. Just all the gators, too. And you don't want to be there in like July. Yeah, all right, top two. Can we guess? Top two. Number two. These are the worst two. I think this is-- I know I'm shocked at the number one. I'm shocked. OK, you know number one is-- I do. So Massachusetts is number two? No, Massachusetts school. I should have mentioned this. It's way high. New England. Yeah, New England states are doing very well. Yeah. We have a lot of job opportunities here. Yeah. Massachusetts is higher than New Hampshire. Yeah, healthcare. I mean, I just go back to the living here. It's just insane, though. Yeah, it's expensive. It's expensive. All right. Number two is Texas. Oh, I believe it. Yeah, Texas. Texas is known for being defiant, confident, and noisy, which many people find annoying. Noisy? Yeah. I like Dallas. I've been to Dallas a few times, because that's very more like metropolitan into melting pot. But like, I hate Austin. I didn't like any other-- I didn't really like-- I drove through it. I didn't really like it. Houston's not great. No. All right, here we go. Number one, the least favorite state that Americans do not want to visit. Do you know what it is, Billy and Winnie? I don't. Oh, you guys don't? Any guesses? I'm going to say it's probably like Hawaii? No. Hawaii scored high. It is California. Yeah. California. It's a state that attracts many people due to the sunny weather, the endless opportunities, the celebrities, Hollywood. But it is disliked because of its expensive lifestyle. High taxes, housing, gas, other costs. They're prone to earthquakes, wildfires, droughts and floods. My sister lives in San Diego, and it's so expensive. I love San Diego. I think gas is so expensive. But somehow in my brain, I've always disconnected San Diego from California. It seems like a really nice place to me. No, it's great, but it's so expensive. No, I love San Diego. I could live there, no problem. But the rest of California, I really don't-- I wouldn't care to. Yeah, people that live there don't like it. It's crazy. God, what am I doing here? I hate this stage. I hate the sunshine. I hate the ocean. I hate Schwarzenegger. How many times a day do you compare yourself to others? Or wish your life looked like someone else's? We all do it sometimes because it's easy to envy friends' lives on social media when you only see the good parts. But you know what they say? A person is the thief of joy, and in reality, nobody has it all together. Online therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have. Like that career goal you've set your sights on. Or that relationship you want to grow. Or that daily habit you want to get into. 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Yep. But yesterday it was, we saw this on Complex on the Instagram page, and it was just a simple question. What's a movie that you wish that you could re-watch for the first time? So we were going back and forth all day on this and the kind of reliving or, you know, thinking about movies we haven't thought of in a while. So I thought that would be fun. I can kick it off. I have three. I mean, there's so many great movies out there. But think about a movie that resonated with you so much that, you know, made you feel so much emotion. You wish you could watch it for the first time. All right. What do you have three? So my first would be a Bronx Tale. Oh, yeah. A Bronx Tale is one of my favorite movies of all time. Mine too. Winnie, have you seen it? I've seen pieces of it, yes. Yeah, I saw it. It's great. It's a classic movie with great messaging. Yeah. It has a great story. I think I've seen it maybe five or six times in fact. It's kind of father in a son, right? Father in a son and then a mafia leader who becomes kind of a father figure, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what we learned about the door test. You give it a door test. If we get out of the car, you lock both doors. You get out of the car. You walk over to her. You bring her over to the car. Take out the key. Put in the lock. Open the door for her. And you let her get in. And you close the door for her. And you walk around the back of the car and you look through the rear window. If she doesn't reach over, lift up that button for you so you can get in. That means she's a selfish broad. And all you've seen is the tip of the iceberg. You dump it. You dump a fist. Yeah. That is a classic movie. That's so good. Yeah. So I just remember watching that and feeling, you know, a lot of emotion. Okay. Next up would be the Shawshank Redemption. Yeah. That's a prison movie. So that's a movie that, you know, comes on TNT, TBS on the weekend. And every time it's on, I have to watch it. Yeah. I stop and watch it. It's a graphic movie. And the third one is kind of interesting. It's a movie called Dazed and Confused. Oh, yeah. Okay, Bill. I don't need the judgment there. Okay. You know, have you seen it? I have. No, but go ahead. Okay. Then how are you judging? Not about me. These are your things. I just said. Yeah. It's a movie about the last day of high school in 1976. For some reason, I feel like I should have been born or lived in the 70s. Yeah. I don't think if I did, I would have made it out of the 70s, but the hippies, you know, the hippie stuff. I think I really like. All right. Let's just move. Billie's looking at me like I have 10 minutes. No, no, no. It's fun. Go ahead. At least. I'm not judging your picks. I like your actor in Dazed and Confused. It was Matthew McConaughey made his debut in that movie and a bunch of Parker Poseys in it. Oh, yeah. Oh, you have a thing for Parker Pose. I do. It's because of that movie. Yeah. So it's, yeah. All right. Okay. Mine are so girly and this is a hard one, but I really wish that I could see the notebook again. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Number one would be the notebook because the ending you don't see coming and the ending is so beautiful and you have such an ugly cry that I wish I could start it all over again. So I didn't know what happened. That's why I developed a crush for Rachel McAdams. I know. Yeah. That's really, that's really. I love that movie. Another one would be the Devil Wears Prada loved that movie so much, but I, again, I've seen it like 10 times. And this is a classic actually, an old Julia Roberts movie Pretty Woman with Richard Gere. Yeah. Yeah. That is a classic. I've seen, again, I've seen it like 10 times. I wish I could see it again. I wish you could see it. The basic premise of this question is you wish you could feel the way that you felt the first time you watched it. Exactly. Like when the notebook ended, you want to feel it. I read to it. She remembers. Oh my God. The notebook. Yeah. I had no idea. Yeah. And the ending is just so beautiful. Oh, right. But the first time you, the shock is shocking. Now you're prepared for it. The whole movie. Right. Yeah. So that's my number one. Yeah, I'll tell you, before we do you, can we go to Melissa real quick? She wants to chime in. Okay. Melissa, what do you think? What movie do you want to see? Tall fiction. Oh, the first time I saw that I was like, there's nothing like this movie. Yeah. Great. Great. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. The first time I saw Paul fiction, I didn't understand what I watched. Yeah. Because it's out of order. I'm either. That's common nowadays, but back then what Quentin Tarantino did was not on my God. Yeah. That was a great movie. Cleaner. Okay. Ready for mine? All right, Beth. Bring up the GIMP. Okay. Now there's no judging, right? No, no. You're the only one judging. I'm fine. I'm going to judge you. You judge me. Well, because you only liked that movie because you spent several years dazed and confused. That's true. And when I watched it, I was very dazed and confused. Hey, I'm going to go with the social network. Oh, it's so great. Yeah. Just a great movie. Great movie. Yeah. You've never seen it, right? I have. Of course I have. Okay. Justin Timberlake Senate. That's the best. And I know Justin's going to appreciate this one. We both love this movie Wolf of Wall Street. I would watch that 20 times. That would be my number four on the list. Maybe even higher. That is a classic movie. Yeah. And Bohemian Rhapsody. Oh, I did not. I did not watch that. You're kidding me. It's been on my list for a while. Yeah, I haven't seen it either. No way. Yeah, no. Oh, the final performance. It doesn't draw me in. No, I'm telling you, you'll be surprised. Okay. I thought you were going to say a star is born. I know, really. I'm telling you just the final scene alone of Bohemian. I'm telling you to watch the movie. Those are good picks. Winnie, before you go to you, can we throw Amy in line one? Amy. What do you think? What movie? So I have to say, because it happened to my husband, once we had a daughter, Armageddon hit him very differently. Oh, yeah. And I think for Justin, having a little girl to be able to re-wash Armageddon with Bruce Willis and that final scene he has with his daughter will bring any man to tears. Well, then there's a sex scene with Ben Affleck with the Animal Crackers. Okay, Billy, she's talking about like a sweetheart. Thank you. Thank you so much. And that's where the, the Aerosmith songs from them. Oh, yeah. You know what? I'm going to re-wash that. Thank you so much. Yeah. Good pick. Winnie, what are yours? This might be an odd one, but Shep Mom, which was, uh, Susan's Brandon and Jerry Roberts. The first time I watched it, I was only maybe like 10 or 11 and I feel like it's such a, like, emotional movie. I would want to feel it for the first time as an adult when I could understand those emotions more. Yeah. Because now when I watch it, I cry like a baby the whole time. I know what's going to happen, but I feel like I'd want to re-watch it as an adult for the first time. Okay. So that's, okay. That's a good one. Sometimes the person you can't live with becomes the person you can't live without. Hi, it's Charlie Puss. And you're waking up with my two favorite people in Boston, Billy and Lisa, on Kiss and away, hey, Justin, go easy on billing next time you play a game. Hi, everybody. Welcome back. It's Justin. And, you know, on the show, we talk a lot about weddings and divorces and we're always looking for these crazy stories. This one was insane. The most shocking prenup of all time, buckle up. The most shocking prenup I've ever seen, which was enforceable, had a provision that said that for every 10 pounds, the wife gained in the marriage, she would lose $10,000 a month in alimony. He was very concerned that she was going to become less attractive and he was going to become more wealthy. So his solution to this was in the prenuptial agreement. He wanted a clause that said if they divorced, she was going to get like $70,000 a month for alimony. But for every 10 pounds she gained from the date of marriage, she would forfeit $10,000 a month worth of alimony. And it was designed to sort of create an incentive that she would remain thin. And that was enforceable. Oh, sounds like a loving marriage to me. No, but the fact that that's enforceable. Yeah. Apparently it is. What if you've got some sort of problem, health problem that you can't control it? Well, the whole idea of the court said, it's crazy that you signed this, but you signed your signing and it's binding. Once it's signed in, you don't think you can do. So the fact is that couple he's talking about right there should never be together and should never be in a relationship. But that's an arrangement, right? Like he's the rich guy. She's the hot girl. Like I feel like certain marriages, people don't value love. They value certain things over it and different dynamic. And I'm not judging those people I couldn't be relationship like that. But if that works for them and he has a lot of money, so she would have a lot of help to stay, you know, in a certain weight range. It seems like a lot of pressure. Yeah. Society for the poor for the girl, you know, stay in shape and lose money. Not Lisa. You found other crazy. Right. So for example, alone time is one and this actually happened supposedly to Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, meta and his wife Priscilla Chan, they put in their prenup that Priscilla will be granted one date per week and at least a hundred minutes of alone time outside of the home or office. I love that. That's amazing. I'm a quality time person. So for me, that would be something that I would want over there if we're gonna have a prenup. Another one that's very common is who gets the pet? That's a big one. That's a big one. Pet custody. Yeah. But those both are kind of sensible. You know, who gets the pet, you know, alone time, as opposed to losing, you have to can't gain 10 pounds. Yeah. But that's why it's the craziest prenup this guy has ever seen. Yeah. Like those people shouldn't be with anyone. Yeah. Yeah. You know, what else get on the lease? Pay me for being married and having children supposedly Beyonce and Jay Z have something in their prenup having to do with this that Jay Z will pay Beyonce $5 million for each child that they have. Oh, okay. That seems okay. That's a $15 million. Good for her. I would be popping kids out left and right and it was $5 million again. Give me all the children. Yeah. But that's creepy. That's like, isn't she a billionaire? Well, you know, your own right. I don't know. She is yet. He is. Well, the other way to look at it, she's being paid $5 million to be a mom. Like, you know, there's another one. Sexual relations and older couples prenup requires sex, you know, once per month. Another pair requires sex five times per week. Five and elderly couple five times a week. These are different. Good for that. It's a busy boy. Yeah. Yeah. Why? Yeah. I mean, that doesn't say passion, right? Again, are there any of these things enforceable, right? Well, they're certainly enforceable within the relationship. I mean, they can break up over one of these issues. Yeah. I mean, I think actually the one we had the audio of is actually the most enforceable. If you think about it, when you go to divorce, like she'd just get on a scale and then you'd be like, all right, well, you're 20 pounds over 10 pounds over in the limit. Can you imagine if that actually happened, they put her on a scale as a female? I think it's disgusting, but if that's what you're signing up for in a marriage and because you want his money, then it is what it is. This guy is a monster, but yeah, I mean, it's that. Think about it. A lot of these things are the reason people will break up or get divorced. Maybe it's some things they should think about or talk about more before the fact. I think also when you have that much money, you know, we don't know what it's like to have that much money to be able to throw that much money around. So, you know, not said I would ever do something like that, but I think that the game changes once the money goes. But Justin, think about something that you love to do by yourself, like, okay, you go to the gym a lot or do your ice baths or whatever. And in the pre-nap, you said to Jen, your wife, oh, if I do that five times a week, you get, you know, $10,000 every time I leave, you know what I mean? Like, she's like, okay, go ahead, like, I'll watch the kids when you go out and do that, right? Probably, yeah. You'll be willing to pay for that type of piece. Yeah. Well, my wife Michelle has a clause for a loan time, like we talked about. The only difference is she wants to be a loan. Right. He's going to wait. What is the topic? Today, we're going to be talking about Billy and Lisa present topic time. Talk amongst yourself. Topic time. All right, Justin. We get a weird one this morning. Yeah. It's going to be kind of weird. Yeah. Over the weekend, I was on the Daily Mail. You know, we love that website and they had a story about this girl who was going to break up with her boyfriend because his celebrity crush, his hall pass was Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Okay. Who is a legitimate cartoon? Good morning. It's a mayor of South Bend. Happy Monday. Well, I did break up with someone because they watched a lot of road runner cartoons. Beep beep. Happy Monday. Oh, and happy birthday here. Thanks, Mr. Mayor. I didn't know it shares birth that I didn't either. Yeah. Happy birthday. She's 78 now. Somewhere. I think she'll be 79. Yeah. So the girl, the girlfriend said that hers was chanting Tatum and then when he said Ariel, she just cannot look at him the same after that. So that got me thinking about, do I have any weird ones? Do we have any weird ones, at least to you? I do. And this goes way back. You guys might not know who he is, but Billy knows this because we used to talk about it a lot of the show. Alan Greenspan. Okay. You used to talk about this. Heat. Well, it's OK. I'm not familiar. So I'm going to look up while you talk. I'm going to familiarize yourself with him. He used to be the head of the Federal Reserve up until 2006. He's married to Andrea Mitchell, who's on NBC Nightly News. She's a very well respected journalist in New York City. He's 98 years old. He's still with us. And I still have a crush on him. Oh, my God. You want to hang with him or you want to have sex with Alan Greenspan? That's what I say. It's weird. There's there. I just find I just found him to be very intelligent and maybe, you know, I, you know, say, hey, you know what? Older man thing. Sometimes an intelligent to sexy. It is. It is. And he had a lot of power back in the day. Head of the head of the Fed. Anyway, good for Andrea Mitchell. Yeah. I should have a thing for Janet Yellen. No, but I don't. He said it was weird. That was weird one, Bill. I think I do. Yeah. Oh, I can't wait for this. This is going to sound. Yeah. I've always had kind of a thing for going at the Paltrow. Oh, I could see that. Oh, yeah. And it doesn't have to do with a sex choice. It's just. You do like blondes. Yeah, you do. Yeah. It makes sense for you. She's scaringly strange. Okay. And I kind of have a fear for her and it's drawing me in. Let me ask you a question. You know, we report on her goop in the weirdness, you know, things that she sells, she says and does. Does that make her hotter to you or less hot? No, that's affecting my crush in a good way or a bad way. In a bad way. I just want the old Gwyneth back. Okay. Yeah. You loved it talented, Mr. Ripley. Oh, my God. My favorite movie of all time. Yeah, another classic movie, Seven. Her head was in a box and seven. Well, still, yeah, I don't know if I have one particular in particular, but this kind of relates to my wife, Jen, who is obsessed with Post Malone and, you know, he's kind of her home pass. I guess she says not, but you know, when you're posting a picture on Instagram with Post Malone with no shirt on on stage with heart I emojis all around him, I mean, I beg to differ. Yeah. You know, and you know what? That's fine. He's very talented. Very talented. Not really the best. Look, although he does look good now. You know, he lost a bunch of. Yeah. Yeah. It's really weird. All right. Let's go to line one Rob. Sure. There's no Alan Greenspan. No, I mean, I'm looking at Alan Greenspan. Yeah. Alan Greenspan's going to be tough to me. I agree. Rob, you're first on the call. So what have you got for us, Rob? Good morning. It is Hillary Duck. Oh, she's cute. She's cute. Now, in his face value, I'm 49, she's 36, which doesn't seem weird. But now when I look back, my kids used to watch all of her shows and I was in my 20s, which I didn't have a crush on her back then, but that kind of made it started to make it feel creepy because then she was in her teens. Yeah. I appreciate that you think it's creepy. That's actually really great. Yeah. That means you're not a creep self awareness. Yeah. That's it. That bill got her first. Hey, there. It's Hillary Duff and I'm hanging with Billy Costa. Yeah. She couldn't get her hands off. Yeah. She was backstage at this concert. She was there. And she was there. Yeah. Nancy, you're up next. What have you got for a crush? So I love Crispin Glover and all his creepy characters he plays. Who? Crispin Glover. He's back there. Oh, no, I heard him. Yeah. I'm trying to play some. I know the name. The make of Charlie's Angels and he smells the air. Remember him? Yeah. You would know his face. You all would know his face. He's famous from the Charlie's Angels movie. Bad. No judging, Billy. Yeah. Oh, right. I know Gwyneth. Sit down, Gwyneth. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I can't speak at all. I mean, mine is really. Yeah. Yeah. Crispin Glover was in Back to the Future. I'm a Back to the Future. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The nerdy one. Oh, oh, oh, him. This guy. You know him, Bill. Yeah. He's kind of always a crew. Oh, okay. Again, this is a judgment freeze. It's a judgment freeze. Oh, okay. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Listen, just be honest. That's all we ask. My husband and I have been together forever and we decided when we were like really young that any opportunity that we had to sleep with any celebrity, we were allowed to just go for it. It's like basically like an unlimited hall pass and I went to college with Jeff's brother and I was like, oh my God, Jesse McCartney's little brother, like does that count? And he's like, dude, no, like that is a celebrity who has like fallen off little brother. No way is allowed to be your hall pass and I was like, okay, whatever. Yeah. Siblings don't count. Justin, who? Jesse McCartney. Oh, that cut out. Oh, I know it kind of covers that. Yeah. It's kind of weird. Yeah. Jesse McCartney was her hall pass. Yeah. And then she ended up meeting or knowing Jesse McCartney's little brother. Absolutely. She tried to like, you know, is it the brother? Can we read that real quick? So over the weekend, I was talking to my girlfriend and she told me that she may have with Megan trainer one time and I was like, you didn't mention that. And she's like, I swear, I told you. And I was like, how do you know Megan trainer and like her roommate, because, you know, Megan's from Nantucket. Right. So my girlfriend's roommate in college went to choir camp with Megan trainer and they're on the Cape at a party. So Megan trainer is your girlfriend's hall pass? Well, I don't think I mean, I don't know. Does that count? Wow. What do you have to say about that, Billy? My name is no. My sign is no. My number is no. Okay. You need to let it go. You need to let it go. Yeah. I also have one for Cape that can sell. Oh, we know that. That's not really weird. That isn't. She's a beautiful. Well, she's pretty weird though. She's gotten. She's scared. It's something about me being afraid of them. You're afraid. She scares me. A good point. Yeah. Good point. At least he's scared of all women. Oh my God. Good morning. My hall pass is family. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I find him so sexy. He was the rip before rip was rip. Wow. I totally agree. I think I'm going to steal her hall pass. Sam Elliott. He's so hot. Star is born with Bradley Cooper. Yeah. He was a Bradley's manager. Yeah. Also in the original Roadhouse. Yeah. He's amazing. With Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliott. Good actor. That's a really good one. Let's go to Sarah next. Sarah, who's your crosshair hall pass? Mark Consuelo. Oh, he's really attractive. I don't think that's where you're all. I think he's still hot. I think he's hot. He's really hot. He's got a set of guns on him. Yeah. And he likes to show it. Oh, yeah. And he has a beautiful smile. Those dimples. Oh. How does he breathe in those shirts that he wears on the show? I'm just saying. Oh, they're very, they're very... That's a good one though. Mark Consuelos. Why not? He's a good looking guy. That's good. Yeah. That's not really that. It's weird. Right. Mine. My weird one is James Gardner. Oh, I like him. He's silly. He's dead now. That's a category. Alan Greenspan. Yeah. Only Alan's alive. Yeah. At King Super's Pharmacy, care is what's most convenient for you. Care is being here when you need us. We're open evenings and weekends. 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