Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Best Of Billy & Lisa: Karen Read Wrap Up + 4th Of July Game!

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06 Jul 2024
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Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canolis, and spins mean everything. Now, you wanna get mixed up in the family business. Introducing, The Godfather. At, test your luck in the shadowy world of The Godfather slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play The Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW Group. We were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This one away. It's the best civilian Lisa in the morning. All right, here we go. Good morning, everybody. It is Justin and welcome in. It is Saturday morning. It's been a little of a long weekend. Hope you had a great Fourth of July holiday. Kids was actually commercial free on the Fourth of July. That was super dope. But here I am. I have the top five moments from the Billy and Lisa show on this short week. Let's get right into it. Of course, the big news story, the Karen Reed trial, a mistrial was declared. We've been covering it the entire time. Steve Cooper from Channel 7 has been one of our correspondence checking in from outside the courthouse. So we had him on to talk about the mistrial, but also something crazy that happened outside the courthouse. Number five. Hey, cool. Where are you? Well, enough to be the court. That's over. Yeah, nobody there today. The only thing that's left is those metal barricades around the court about it. So it was a wild day. We we follow you on Instagram. Cool. You have a lot of really, really good posts, especially from the courthouse. So did the escape prisoner run right by you? Right by me. I mean, literally between live shots and I hear a door open. I'm thinking, well, what's that? Now listen to the guy come running out of the side of the courthouse. And I'm like, is that a prisoner? I quickly took out my phone and I was like, I don't know what's going on, but they better start shooting this thing. And then I'll say a court officer run past be screaming to other court officers. And then I'm screaming to my cameraman and then we're all running down the street and then the bicycle cops are flying down the street. Yeah. Wow. Was that quite a scene? Yeah. Wow. When you think of it with all the chaos around the courthouse, this guy was a genius. He said, this could be my window of opportunity right here. I'm going to go. They caught him two minutes later. He wasn't going far, but Steve, do us a favor. Can you describe the mood around the courthouse once that mistrial was declared yesterday? Well, you know, I got to tell you, it was weird because, you know, a mistrial and a deadlock jury. And after everything that everybody went through, it was like the air was let out of the balloon. I think people on one side wanted to know that she was guilty of the side. People want to find it not guilty, but I think, you know, that sense that, wow. So what happens now? And I think that was sort of the mood and it was weird because just as the judge declared the mistrial, we're outside the courthouse and it started pouring and there was thunder and there was lightning. And it was just like this torrential downpour and nobody, of course, at umbrellas, everybody standing outside. We have microphones set up on the courthouse. And it's just so people are cheering this thunder, this lightning. Wow. I can't read these attorneys. I'm out. They start talking and everything happened in a split second. It was just a weird, weird day, kind of like a sign from the heavens. You know, not to be spooky, but that's what it felt like. Because then the sun came out later on and everyone was gone from the courthouse, but it was, you know, I think it was just, you know, this was just how ever you felt about the case. It was just draining for everybody, for everybody involved in the case, for just the people that have been out there for days and days and days, following the case for people at home. I mean, knowing that the judge was going to, you know, declare a mistrial and looking, I looked around and everyone was huddled together around phones and around anything just to get that word. And all of a sudden you hear this cheer come from the crowd and then people like, wait, why am I cheering? And then you heard there's going to be another trial and then people didn't know what to think. Yeah, what are these going to happen in the next trial, Steve? I mean, they're definitely going to retry Karen Reed, but are they going to go back to the beginning and present all the same evidence to a new jury? What's it going to be like? Well, first of all, just just keep in mind that we heard that there's going to be a retrial. And then last night hours later, we heard that trooper proctor, the lead investigator was being, you know, pulled away from this thing. So obviously when you start putting that all together, how does he get back on the stand as a whatever he's going to be by the time they try this case and can they put them on the stand and they want to put them on the stand and are they going to put them on the stand? And then the question is, where can you have this trial and where can you pick another jury or how are they going to get a jury? Because if you couldn't think they could see the jury in the last case, how are they going to do it this time around when everyone, not in America knows about, but in the world is talking about this case. Yeah. And by the way, if proctor was going to be relieved of duty, shouldn't they have announced that during the trial? I think, you know, they probably might have wanted to, but I don't think they wanted to just drop what the jurors were doing and, you know, I think, you know, I don't think they've ever been down this road before and now the question is when they retried, they're talking about, you know, it won't be as long this time around, but I don't think anyone can imagine what all this is going to look like if and when it happens. And keep in mind, there was a case of deja vu yesterday for those of us last July, we were in the courtroom in front of the same judge when she declared a mistrial in the Lopes trial for the death of Mike Chestnut and Vera Adams. It was literally on July 10th after six days of deliberations and it was the same judge and everyone involved in that case was calling me or texting me yesterday, including members of the Chestnut family just saying, well, I can't believe we're watching this a year later. Wow. It's so ironic. Yeah. And then they went through another trial, as you know, and they're not, you know, that went through. That was a guilty verdict. That was just this year and that family has been waiting for a sentencing on that killer and that hasn't even happened yet. So that's happening later on this month. Lisa had a question. Yeah. So Steve, so I guess they're not going to release the names because it was a mistrial, but when do you think we'll be able to hear from some of the jury members? Right. So to be honest with you, you know, that's what we're all working on right now. You know, the jury left. They didn't give out those jurors names, but, you know, people drop a dime. They're talking to their friends now. Someone's going to call somebody so you can bet by some point, you know, will we hear from these people? Will they want to be public? Will they want to have, you know, you shield their names and their faces and things like that? They want to give us statements. We don't know. But again, you know, that's obviously what everyone wants to know right now. What was the, what was the makeup? What was the breakdown? Wow. Was it six, six? Was it 11 to one? Was there one hold out? I mean, we're in all sorts of stories, but that really matters and it matters to everyone because if it was six, six, you know, six people four, six people again, you know, was it one hold out? Yeah. This whole thing, we don't know that, but that's the whole story right now. Welcome back, everybody. About five moments of the week from the billion leads to show just in here. So the Karen read trial finally came to an end after pretty much two months, a mistrial was declared. We've been covering the entire trial, having our in-house lawyer, if you will, Katherine Loftus in every day after there is testimony. And we had her on one final time the day after the mistrial was declared number four. Our in-house legal expert to Katherine Loftus of the law firm of Loftus and Loftus is in studio. And by the way, note my objection. Is that going to be ongoing, even though there's been a mistrial and it's kind of done for a while? Yes. For anybody who follows me or does it, obviously right now I talk much of most of my content about Karen read, but I've been talking for a couple years about lots of different court cases. I talk a lot of politics, life, so come on over and join us. And when we do this the second time around, I'm involved as well. All I want to know is what the jury count was. I know. I think that's what everybody wants to know. And the question is, we might never know. It depends on if a juror comes out and tells us. And is that the case when it's a mistrial, they never release the names? So there's a case that came down, I think it's 2014 or 2015, that says basically in the interest of the public, we do release it, but because there's not a verdict, the language can be interpreted in the way the court interpreted. And I think given the media, you know, intensity of this, the court and everyone is concerned about the juror's safety and, you know, any potential harassment or things like that. So I'm not surprised that they didn't release it. Why do we find out the morning after the mistrial is declared that the lead investigator, Michael Proctor, has been relieved of duty. Wouldn't that have been something they would have liked to know during the course of the trial? My guess is that was some sort of like negotiated. We've talked about it here a little bit about the union and what the protections and obviously the state police have to comply with the collective bargaining agreements. And I would bet there was some sort of agreement that it will wait until the case is over, then we'll announce it. And so he's been relieved of duties, that doesn't mean he's been fired. Basically, he has a hearing, you know, I don't know when it is, he's going to be taken off the Norfolk County District Attorney's Homicide Unit. He'll have a hearing about whether he penned in the investigation. He remains working, whether he's suspended without pay, whether he's suspended with pay. So the actual disciplinary hearing is a ways down the road. But wouldn't that have helped the defense that became up during the trial? Well, I think they still probably couldn't have asked about it because they might have been able to ask if he was relieved of duties, but there's still not a conclusion to the investigation. So it's a little bit up in the, right, so right now, even though he's taken off, taken out of the, you know, not the line of duty, but you know what I mean, there's still not any actual conclusion until the I.A. investigation is finished. So it will be interesting to see the next time around how that fact is in. When they have this new trial, will the prosecution be able to introduce any new evidence or does that never happen? It's not that it never happens as always, you know, if things came up on both sides, that was undiscoverable or, you know, that you didn't have access to the first time, you can make the argument to the judge. Ultimately, it's always going to be up into the discussion of the judge. What it likely will be is going to be the same evidence, but presented a little bit differently. So they can use different experts. So they could, they'd have to go get new experts because they don't think that they have any, for the Commonwealth, you mean? Yes. They have any experts retained for the first trial that they didn't call. So they would probably need permission to do that. You know, it's really it's the interesting thing is it could be an entirely different trial. We could really have a shortened kind of intense version of the Commonwealth's trial that the defense could focus really on the police investigation and reasonable. So it's maybe less or larger. Yeah, I think, you know, they haven't come out and said what they're going to do. We might know that on the July 22nd status conference. I think it would probably be in the best interest to drop the second degree. I think that would take a lot of pressure off of everything. There's a lot less to prove that way if they want to actually prove this case against our, as we talked about, the second degree seems. Since the prosecutor was so highly criticized, you know, for the way he presented the case, is it possible they'll name a new prosecutor? It definitely is. It is probably a possibility that somebody joins him instead of replacing him because I think it's pretty clear that he knows the case very well. He knows the substance of it. He understands the evidence, but you need somebody. I do think that goes a little bit more toe to toe with David Unetty and Alan Jackson, at least in the way in which they present themselves. So it wouldn't be a bad idea if we had two prosecutors that kind of volley back and forth like we did with the defense. At least go ahead. Winnie, you guys. I had one question about the statement that the jury put out, which was so well written. They kept going back to their moral, personal moral conflicts. So I have like a little text thread with my friends about this. And one of the questions raised was, why does the jury decide on facts and not heart? And I felt like it was a little strange. So the interesting thing is, if you think about it this way, they are deciding it based on the facts, but we all come from different backgrounds. We have different sets of morals. We have different perspectives. And you are supposed to use, you know, the judge says, use your common sense, use your life experience. So we all look at, even though you're looking, basically what they said is, it's not that we're not looking at the evidence. It's not that we're not understanding the evidence. We're evaluating it differently based on our own moral conviction. So that means that, you know, somebody looking at the tail light evidence, which obviously was one of the main factors, somebody thinks one way, somebody thinks, yeah, the evidence is the same, but they're evaluating it differently. And ultimately, I think what sometimes gets lost is that the system is run by human beings. And human beings were all flawed. We all have, you know, different perspectives. And it's not perfect. It's not a perfect system, and this is the closest we can try to get. Using their note to the judge, it seems like they kind of went out of their way to make sure people understood there were more than one person locked out. That's how it felt to me. I mean, they said others. They said, some of us and then others, plural. Right. And when they said we're deeply divided, the word, the, you know, as soon as we read it, I was on the phone with my dad, the other loft is, and loft is, and he said, that sounds like a little here. Good morning. Justin here. Welcome back. One of the brilliant Lisa showed this week as the Karen read trial wrapped up and everyone moves on with their lives. We had one big question for ourselves and everybody else. What do we do now? Suggestions for what to do now. If you are like me, you could rewatch some of the testimony. You could do even deeper dives related. I really need help. Someone needs to help me. Yeah. You got to get clean. You got to get clean. You got to get clean from the trial. Yeah. You really do. Wash yourself off. Yeah. I mean, you know what I mean? I mean, she stopped rewatching stuff. Yeah. I think it's time to relax. Give it a break. It's going to be how long lease until the new trial. Well, they have a year, but Catherine Loftus was in yesterday and she mentioned it could be January, February, you know, you never know. Wow. You know, that talk backer didn't have a bad idea. I mean rewatching stuff, but if I looked in the mirror and I was sitting there, rewatching testimony from the trial, I don't know what I'd do. My husband already cleared out our DVR. Yeah. Yeah. You didn't really wash it. He washed it out. Wash it. Yeah. You got to get clean. He didn't get clean from me. Yeah. You know, you got to cleanse the mind in the soul. You know what I mean? Hi guys. Now that Karen reads over, I'm watching Alex Ball's in trial now. Oh, Alex Ball in trial. That starts in next week actually. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Someone is responsible, but I know what's not mean. OK. I don't think that will last very long. I don't think so. I can't, and I also can't sit and watch his mug. Yeah, I don't like it. And he just keeps trying to stall and delay the trial, have it dismissed in an air every step they say. No, thanks. We'll see you in this guy. He was in Beetlejuice, one of my favorite childhood movies, and look what he turned into. Oh, he actually was in some really good movies. Oh, yeah. But he's always been a little annoying is a real life person. He is a good actor. Oh, very good. Yeah. I'm in a movie called The Shadow that my younger brother was really into as a kid. But he's been in a lot of movies. What was that movie? He had the famous line, I am God. Hmm. Yeah. I'll have to look that one up. I think his character was shown through when he called his 11-year-old daughter, a pig. Well, then there was that little episode, though. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like he is who he is. And don't they have like 17 children or something? They do. He has seven with Hilaria, I believe. Yeah. He was this island like 30, and he knows she was a singer. She was so mad when all those little came along. Hilaria. The Amy Schumer thing on a ballroom is hilarious. He nailed it. The movie is Amalis. Yes. That's a good movie. Yes. Really good. Oh, God. Do you like that one? Yeah. Okay. All right. Hilaria, Princess Panya, is actually Hillary from Boston. I know. That was a crazy thing. Yeah. So we'll take any and all ideas moving on from this Karen retry. I am probably so late to the party on this show, but I started binge-watching Yellow Jackets on Paramount+. It is so good. So if you're looking for something to watch, I definitely highly recommend it. Is that the one about the plane crash? I believe so. I believe so. Yeah. And the people are trying to survive. I watched the first two episodes, Michelle and I, and then we kind of drifted away from it. Two seasons. Yeah. Good idea, though. Big show recommendations, although I do feel overwhelmed by the show, all the shows, there's too many shows. Yeah. There's too many networks and there's too many shows. You can't keep up. Yeah. You know, like, the one on my list now is the Jake Gyllenhaal show. I'm watching that. I've assumed it. Everyone's talking about it. Yeah. It's so good. Yeah. Yeah. It's so good. But the original Harrison Ford was great. I'm going to watch that over vacation, the new presumed innocent. Yeah. And I'm also watching some weird show now on the other side of the tracks. Let's go to Dave on the phone. Dave, what have we got? All right. Of course. Today is the Dave Beverly Hills comp comes out on Netflix. That's right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hey, Billy, did I hear it correctly? You going up to that Tuscan Village for the fireworks tonight? Justin is going to Tuscan Village for the fireworks tonight. Billy can't be bothered. All right. Go ahead. See you. Have a good weekend. All right. See you. Okay. Dave was mad at you. I think some guy Steve called yesterday. I think it was another name, Billy. From Malden. That was Dave from Malden. Is it the same guy? Just different names? I'll tell you this. I'll bet the fireworks are great at Tuscan Village. We go every year. We go every year. The thing is about Tuscan Village. If you haven't been, they have this. They have many restaurants, but they have this little area in the beginning. So it's not little. It's big. The beer garden. The beer garden with all kinds of cornhole, shop, food, all that stuff. So people go early and hang out. Live entertainment. Oh, you can spend the day at Tuscan Village. Let's go to Kim next. Kim, you're up. What have we got for us? Hey, I have a recommendation. I recommend that you just publicly say today any of the jurors get a hold of us. We would like to speak to you and maybe have that question and answer time with them and the attorney. I mean, we did yesterday say that we would be willing to talk to anybody, you know, and we could keep it anonymous. We thought we got a talk back from a juror, but we couldn't have been sure yesterday. I can't confirm that. I don't know. Yeah. She said it could have been a joke, but it's weird. She left the talk back from Norfolk, which is right around that area. Well, let's just. It's the right county. So she could very well be a juror if she lives there. Let's put it out there. We would like to have the exclusive with any juror that might be listening and we will keep you anonymous. Absolutely. We will mask your voice. You don't need your voice. We'll protect the names of the innocent. Yeah. This was the talk back from us. Hi guys. I'm a big listener of the show and I miss you because I have been participating in a relatively high profile jury that you may or may not have heard of, but I'm back. So it's really interesting to hear your thoughts on some cases that are going around messages right now. I actually believe it because they she didn't try to be funny. No, no, and plus they said don't watch TV. Don't listen to the radio and she said I'm back now. So it's like, well, yeah, and she it was the day that she could listen for the first time. So what you're saying is we've already had the exclusive. Well, if that juror is listening right now, leave another talk back. Right. What was the poll? Yeah. With a 10 to 2. Right. That's all we want for. I just want to know how many were voting which way. Give us a count. Yeah. What was the count? Hey, everybody. Welcome back. Justin here. We're at number two for the week's countdown of the best moments on the Billy and Lisa show the Fourth of July, obviously, a couple of days ago, but the day before we played a little Fourth of July game that Winnie actually ran. Yeah. Game time. It's paid time, baby. No time, though. I'll be there. That's a big time. So we play this game towards pretty simple. I'll give you a category and you have to name three things in under five seconds. Okay. Okay. Bill, don't don't have a hard time. I don't want to go first. You got to go with Lisa. I know. I know. I will stop moving around. I need to grind the back and forth. Pump up the jam. Like, you're just so. I can't explain it. I don't go first. You're not allowed to use the timer, sir. I need the timer. I don't trust you. Oh, I can't do the timer. Oh, hell no. You can't do the timer. Okay. Here you go. I don't trust you. My hands are off. All right. All right. Great. Are you going to cheat? No, I just can't do your own timer. Okay. Here we go. Let's stop. Okay. Lisa, you ready? Okay. Name three things that you will put on a burger. There you go. Mail. Wow. Mail with mustard mixed up. Yeah. I mean, it's just... It's a pure opinion bill. Yeah. Somebody thinks they're just opinion-based. Oh, did you know wrong answer? Well, it depends on the question I asked. It depends on the question. But, you know, you can do ketchup and mail mixed, too. Yeah. That's good, too. Oh, God. Okay, Billy. This is 4th July, right? Yes, it is. So we're going to be very patriotic. Why is he walking back before? I don't know. It's really... You know what it is? It's a tactic. Yes. It's a game time to distract. Okay, Billy. It's three of the 13 original colonies. Okay, this is not right. I knew you were going to do that. F-U. I'm just kidding about that. Okay, why don't we talk about Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Delaware? Yeah. Those were the three. I was going to give. I did that five seconds. I stole it from you. What a monster. You had 13 to choose from, Billy. I didn't really see it. God, you stole from... What do you put on a burger to the colonies? Oh, okay. That was quite a jump. I like to mix it up here. Okay. All right, I'll make it hard for Justin. Okay, Billy. We'll make you feel better. Okay. Justin, name three patriotic songs. I'm proud to be an American Firework and America the Beautiful. Oh, that's good. Oh, that's good. Oh, it's good. Okay. We had five seconds. America's song. He's lashing out. Yes. Yes. Wait, are you guys going to let me get away with Katy Perry's firework? I know. I don't think we should. I don't think we should. You know what? I love it. There we go. Okay, Lisa, name three things to do while you're at the beach. Oh, for God's sake. Sundance. Go in the water and dig sand castles. Mixing them. I'm going to swim. You don't have to swim? I said go in the water. Yeah, she said go in the water. Okay. Come, I see. He's lashing out again. Okay, Billy. Ready? I'm not playing this game anymore. Give him. Give him like an easy one. Okay. What are you going to do? Greek mythology now? Okay, Billy. Okay. Name three things you would eat at a barbecue. A hamburger, a sausage, and a donut. Okay. Sure. Wait, we've got to count the donut. I don't really have the donut. Chicken wings. Ribs. Come on. Baked beans. I don't count the... I can't count the donut. No one's going to have the donut. No one's going to have the donut. No one's going to have the donut. Who's to say you can't have donuts at a barbecue? I mean, I guess you could. It's a dessert. You want to have a dessert after the ribs and everything else? Well, you know, it's not your holiday. Stupid Fourth of July. By the way, it's a holiday I've never been crazy about. Kiss everybody. Gorgeing themselves. That's awesome. All right, Justin. You ready? I'm really excited. All right. Name three things you'll need at the pool. Oh, my God. A float, a suntan lotion, and a ball to throw around. Goggles? Goggles is a good one. Well, you don't get extra points for adding to other people's stuff. About a bathing suit. Yeah, you could eat. Wow. That's optional in my house. What? Yeah. You swim naked? In front of the kids. What is wrong with you? What happened to you? You were in several prisons. Okay, Lee, is she ready? Okay. Name three water sports. Oh, God. Swimming, diving, and... Polo. Surfing. Really? No, you didn't turn. Oh, my God. He's really, like, out of control. I think it's the sausage sandwich I got. I'm putting it back and forth with the next one. No, the sausage was spiked in my sandwich. Okay, Bill. Are you ready? Yeah. Oh, it's me? Yeah, your turn, right? Okay. Name three presidents. Oh, this one? Bush and Obama. Okay. That was good. Wow. You finally got one. Okay. Okay. The Game Queen. Hey, what do you bring to a pool? Oh, how about myself? I mean, cars. Okay, Jess, you were trying to start? I love it. I don't pay the shit to the idiot. But you know what, Bill? You nailed it. Thank you. You did. Happy fourth of July. Happy birthday. God bless you. Now I'm going to go have a hot dog. You named Obama too. Okay. All right, Justin. The last one for Justin. Ready? Oh, my God. Name three states that touch the Atlantic Ocean. Massachusetts, New York and Maine. Whoo. Is that right? Does New York touch the Atlantic Ocean? Yes, of course it does. Okay. This is the cats on the water. My way of the Hudson. Yeah, technically does. Did you know the answer to that question? I mean, New Hampshire. Did I? Yeah. The Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine. I didn't even name New Hampshire. Yeah, but you've got South Carolina. South Carolina. Island, New York. Yeah. Yeah. I guess. Technically. Okay. Are you in a classroom contest or something? You weren't even in the game. Can we go back to the fact that you allowed fireworks by Katy Perry as an American? You know why I didn't say anything? Why? Because it was humiliating to you and your family. I still got the point. I love the song. I'll be playing that. America the Beautiful. Here we go. Number one moment from this week. I love this. The Greasy Pole goes down in Gloucester every single year. It's a super fun event. Our own Winnie actually went this past week. But the winner of the Greasy Pole for the sixth year in a row is a guy named Derek. We actually had him on the show. Derek. You got number one, bud. The Greasy Pole contest is another custom from Italy that remains the best, his biggest crowd pleaser. Whole walking and climbing as a measure of manliness became popular in Europe centuries ago. The contestants walked or climbed poles, slathered in mud, animal fat and fish oil for a chance to snatch prizes like fresh food. Oh boy. Wow. Mud, animal fat and fish oil is the recipe for the Greasy Pole. And our own Winnie was there for the first time you were impressions. It was unique. I've never, I'm from the South Shore. I never been to the Greasy Pole. I went yesterday. My girlfriend's from Gloucester. So she was showing me all the things that they do. You know, they parade through the town in like costumes and then they go walk down and then they go to the pole in the middle of the ocean and then they run it and then people get across and some don't. But it's like a big deal. Like you walk by someone's house and they'll have like home of Anthony Pazuzzi, the 2017 winner, the first Pazuzzi to ever win. I love it. And then they have a wall of all the winners and like I was like, oh they must be like money attached to this. They don't get money. They get nothing. They're like bragging rights in like liquor and they parade the same to put money on the same team. I think they used to get, you know, food as prizes like that clip said, but now it's more bragging rights. So I'm like, they're doing it just for pride, which I guess is better than for. I think it is. Yeah. Yeah. And leave it to the billion Lisa Morning Show. We have tracked down the winner of the Greasy Pole in Gloucester. Derek Hopkins. Congratulations. Hey. Thank you guys. I appreciate it. Must have been a wild weekend for you, huh, Derek? Oh, it was a long weekend. I apologize. The voice is a little raspy. Wow. Yeah. Last I saw you, Derek, you were on another man's shoulders and then they were parading you through the streets. Is that part of the victory? That is part of the victory. As soon as you swim in to shore, they, you know, let your feet touch the beach and they carry you up the street and down to the Greasy Pole shrine. I love this. Yeah. Now, Derek, this is not your first win, right? No, this is my sixth win. Wow. So you must be a hero in town. Some while you could say, what's your strategy for winning? You are, you walk sideways, you go one foot over the other, you don't stop moving your feet. Mm hmm. Is that like a shuffle? You're most shuffle across? Almost. Yeah. It's a crossover. You step over. Now, Derek, it's not as if the pole is greased year round, so it's not something you can practice. You know, how do you practice? Um, well, I used to go out there in the summer when I was younger, but once you start walking in the real event, you don't really practice or anything, you just wait until next year. So you don't keep a pole at home or something that you, like, grease up and, no, no. When I was younger, my father's a carpenter and he was working in Boston, and there was a ton of big PVC pipes, and he asked the super if he could take one home, and he made a little mini one that me and my friends and family would walk on and stuff. Um, now, is it true, Derek, that you have to be Italian to enter the competition? No, not, not quite anymore, but back in the day, it was, it was a little more stretch. I was going to say Hopkins doesn't sound very Italian to me. Well, I thought I had his two parents were Italian, but I'm not full Italian by any means. Yeah, and, and, and Derek, you've mentioned the family a couple of times, they must be proud. Oh, yeah, definitely. Now do you come from a long line of pole walkers or? Yeah, there's quite a few in the family. My dad is one when he was younger, you know, 96 and 97 generational. This is amazing. This is very cool. So this has always been just like a big deal in the family. So when you got home, they must have been going crazy. You want it again? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, last night. Now, are you married, Derek? I am not, but I do have a beautiful girlfriend. You're okay. Well, I'm guessing the women are all after you and I mean, you're going to get their hands on the greasy pole guy, kidding me? So is your house, when he was talking about the houses, how they're adorned with like billboards and everything celebrating family members who have won, I can't imagine your house. We don't have anything too crazy. There's a lot of textures and stuff inside. But when you get down near the fort, near where the greasy pole is, you see a lot more of that stuff. Derek, I've got to be honest and I've been there for the greasy pole, but you know, every time I'm watching and I'm thinking, Oh my God, it's got to be really dangerous for your testicles. It definitely is. Yeah. And every year you get at least one person that falls. Yeah. Have you ever scissored the greasy pole? I personally haven't. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the future. Yeah. I can't even imagine. Did you wear a cup? Do you wear a cup, Derek? No, but that's not a bad idea. It's probably not allowed, Justin. Oh, well, you got to keep the boys safe. I need to ask, is this something you'll continue to do like till like forever or like you have a stopping, you're going to stop or no, I would probably do it until I can't do it. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. So, so this girlfriend of yours, how serious do you think you're going to marry this woman? Oh, I think so. Oh, wow. So what's her name? Let's give her a shout out. Her name is Sydney McKay. Sydney McKay and beautiful gloss. She is the first woman of the greasy pole. Yeah. Well, she's got her hands on the greasy pole. That's that's the other thing, right? There she goes again. Oh, my God. Oh, Derek, congratulations. Congratulations. Thank you. To you and your entire family. Oh, yeah. Thanks, Derek. Thank you. Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here, ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily log in bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. Join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply.