Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Karen Read Trial Recap 6.27.24

Katherine Loftus does not join us in studio today because she is under the weather, but we do our best to recap and answer peoples questions on the Karen Read trial.

Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
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Hey guys and welcome back and everybody's still buzzing about the Karen read trial of course the jury is deliberating we could see a verdict at any minute and I guess one of the big buzz stories around the read trial yesterday is there was a certain challenge between the judge and the defense something about the jury forms and something that the defense thought should be on the form that wasn't on the form and I guess the judge finally gave in and now it is on the form for the jury Justin. Yeah there wasn't a not guilty box for some of the some of the charges the lesser charges the lesser charges only said guilty and Alan Jackson was not happy about that right kind of explosive side that she's not guilty of involuntary manslaughter on that verdict. That's their decision to make and how do they make it if they don't have an option to check a box that says not guilty. That's how it is mr. Jackson apparently that's how it's going to be because of the court that's not how it should be and it's over our strong rejection yeah apparently that's not how it's going to be going forward because she changed her mind and gave in to the defense. He filed a motion after that discussion and they changed it yeah yeah so typically we'd have Katherine Loftus on our attorney at large our counselor yeah but she's failing a little bit under the weather she's well she's a little tired and I needed to think about it. Yeah she'll be back tomorrow but you know but Alan Jackson was just doing his job. She was and Katherine did break it down on her tech talk here about the verdict form and she says that it is standard in Massachusetts and it can be changed. Heat charge gets their own verdict slipped slip this is standard in Massachusetts but it doesn't mean that they can't change it it doesn't mean that they can't have arguments about it sometimes you know they the lawyers the defense attorneys the prosecutors go back and forth about how they wanted to read what they wanted to look like that that kind of thing. I mean I'm not a lawyer so I don't know but I thought it was interesting when when the judge said you know you know you know he knows what I'm talking about yeah and then he said I don't know what you're talking about never seen this before but you know you played it a couple of seconds ago the judge saying I'm tired and that was another big bus story that came out of the courtroom yesterday because eventually Karen Reed I guess snickered or laughed in the judge kind of came at her yeah excuse me this is funny misread oh boy yeah you don't want to she has to hold it together yeah a little bit you know you can't smile or laugh no in front of the judge especially during a tense situation but sometimes it just happens you know you can't control your emotions a hundred percent of the time. I feel like the longer this goes on than what we see Karen for who she probably is as a person probably not that likeable but probably not a murder. I don't know I get I get the smell I get it I think she was but I think she was smirking at the fact that the judge said that she was tired I was tired and I needed to think about it. You see what's going on here right now that's what's going on everywhere with this Karen Reed trial everybody is worked up did you notice they have camera crews from France from Germany from all over the world outside the courthouse which is amazing to me I thought the other thing that was interesting yesterday was that the jury asked for this cert report and the judge said that they all the evidence is in and there is nothing else that they will be receiving. There was no report because the people that were supposed to report it didn't do their job. Which is why we're here. It's the Massachusetts state police emergency response to do that report how did they have no report they have no report on that that is insane but is does that did that make worry you that maybe this might go on longer deliberation. This is where I am at right now because I don't think she needs to panic until they want to come back like Monday if they get this done before the weekend I think it's probably going to be not guilty. The thing I think there might be going mulling over might be if they think that she's not guilty on you know murder murder to but they're like oh do we need to charge her with like the OUI or leaving the scene like maybe they're trying to figure out if like that's what they're trying to you know because they don't know the law so like okay well we know she didn't murder him but did she leave the scene of an accident knowingly like type of thing you know what I mean. Yeah I don't see how she can walk from all of the charges I mean leaving the scene happened. Yeah I think there's probably you know some they're really taking a look at all the evidence you know someone's life that's what it seems right they're taking their time so they're looking at it all and you know what it takes some time so I don't think there's room to panic per se it's been 10 weeks like I forget something that happened two weeks ago they are trying to like look at the whole case from start to finish and there's 12 people that have different thought processes that have different points of view so they're trying someone could be like a very analytical person like well no I need to see this before I say she's not guilty on that thing they're not going to see the cert report no they're not and you know what else fascinates me about this case that everybody out there has their own theory on you know everybody you're talking say I have a theory I have a theory right and the other thing that still fascinates me are the pink hats all the people outside in the street and pink so we're coming up on topic time right so I want to hear from more pink hats also what did they do last night with the rain are they here are they there this morning it's been pouring rain I know how they are in their ponchos and their beach chairs and six one seven pink hats if you're listening outside the courthouse six one seven nine three one one one oh wait we want to get your theories and your opinions but you can also send dark backs Justin yeah we should mention that you know Katherine Loftus isn't here none of us are lawyers so usually we take questions about the case so you can still ask the question yeah we might not have an answer open discussion yeah it's topic time and typically we would have our counselor Katherine the Loftus in but she's under the weather so to speak this morning so we've got an open discussion going on about the Karen Reed trial and what do you know we're going to start with a lawyer Ken is first on the show good morning Ken what's on your mind hi the other attorney can from talk back into me okay no I just wanted I just wanted to not correct you Billy but just maybe correct a little bit one thing that you said about how he has to be convicted of at least leaving the scene of the crime one of the elements of that is you have to know that you committed the crime right so she couldn't possibly have known he she may have killed someone right that's a good point or injury so she had to know so if she she may have thought that she it was a blizzard she may have thought that she had a snowbank or something yeah and then just pulled off and I don't think that and whether or not she killed him and knew that she killed him that's not what I'm commenting right right but the Commonwealth has to prove that she knew that she did it and the fact that afterwards she's leaving messages on his voicemail suggests me that you didn't know that she hit him because if I hit somebody I won't call and leave voicemail saying I hate you how about the oh oh you I charge you know well they didn't charge her with oh you I so if that's the Commonwealth fall they should have added an oh you I charge yeah if they didn't add that charge she can't be convicted of it because the Commonwealth never charged her with it you see Ken that's why we have you in the chart back off he's our backup lawyer exactly thanks attorney Ken I love you very much okay thanks Ken is Ken expecting a check now no no okay that's good I love having Ken in our pool let's go to Susan next Susan what do you think what's on your mind Karen Reid so if you hit somebody with your car and a fancy and like who says she has doesn't record like an accident or something happened was there a recording of that on her car oh I'm electronic there was a there was a recording of her backing up at a high rate of 24.1 miles an hour but it doesn't but and they say that it stopped at 23 which means something was in the way of that obviously but it could have been a snowbank as he said it could have been the the fire hydrant it could have been in the flagpole so something did stop it but they don't know they can't prove what it was okay and then the judge I mean she she has convicted and the office brothers for jump driving he killed someone supposedly and he got six months wait I'm sorry what do you think about the Chris Albert we don't want to go back far back that was like twenty five thirty years ago and she didn't convict anyone she another she had nothing to do with it we don't want to say that we just move on here okay okay okay yeah I don't know what to ask for the pink hats to check do we have them of course they're out there I'm on my way to the courthouse everybody's gonna be there regardless of the weather this is pink there they are no one has even them out no yeah I'm sorry if they're offended I'm calling them the big pink house I just thought it would be cute yeah the rain's the rain's supposed to end anyway so yeah they're out there supporting I just want to know more of them because they are so dedicated to this trial and is this what they do while they move on to another trial it's almost like you know how we're like we were dedicated to like the Celtics we want to go to the games and the parade and all that yeah this is like their Celtics parade like they're just they're gonna support her they're gonna be out there rain or shine and share her on and all of the people dressed in pink those are all Karen Reed supporters yes that's right what happened to all the people that were supporting the other side there's really not from what I've gathered there's not a ton of people initially there were outside during this court during this that are like saying like you know they're in downtown Canton yeah yeah yeah they're at the waterfall drinking at noon okay we don't know that for sure but I know like when this ends what what are they all gonna do then that's what I know I said well like I said yesterday the town of Canton needs to heal from this yeah it's so bad in that town a lot of people will probably seek out therapy yeah everybody's tired I am so glad that you guys acknowledge being tired because this morning I'm like sludge and I couldn't figure out why I'm so exhausted but you're right the whole Karen retrial which I love and I'm fast the Celtics the hot hot weather I'm drunk so anyway thanks for reading you guys do yeah we feel the same way the heat wave yeah the Celtics the Karen read trial got late concerts I mean it's just been a run it's emotionally draining this has been I can't imagine being a juror or someone you know on either side of this because like I'm a third party that just is watching from my house yeah yeah and I'm exhausted right yeah as is I'm sure Karen read good morning everyone weighing in on Karen read in her little snicker like does the judge think that she's not exhausted and like everybody else is exhausted too like she's looking at this as like there's I'm either guilty or I'm nothing so yeah I would be like what is up yeah I'm so so fascinated with Karen read I would know I want to know what she does when she leaves the courthouse where she goes does she sleep at night like I can't imagine being in that position when she goes to the hotel right yeah that's been there sort of headquarters nobody mean emotionally and mentally what's going through her head because at any moment she could be found guilty you know you would expect it to be such a level of like anxiety which maybe she's feeling that inwardly but she doesn't really portray that outwardly because like she's in the crowd like talking smiling laughing and maybe that's just her way of coping but I would have everyone copes differently like Billy laughs at like death like but it's not like you think it's funny well Riley has a disorder right maybe that is the way that she is maybe that's why she's more like smiley or whatever or expressive because that's her way of dealing with whatever is going on inside of her head but at the same time I'm also curious about what it's like for people on the O'Keefe side I mean they lost somebody right and General Keith is no longer with us and they too are anticipating the verdict in one way or another has been going on for two years I think for them closure yes yes either well at this point I think either way you're just like let's get this over with yeah because the trial is one thing right but like Lisa just said it's two years well I've noticed grief Lisa and I have no grief that John's father has not been really in the courtroom I mean I mean he's been there but it's been ten weeks and he is apps and a lot of the time maybe that's like a representation of how he's sailing yeah I don't want to deal with it good morning I have a question about the attorneys in the Caron Reed trial have attorney Jackson and attorney G&E worked together before because they work really well together and I'm telling you if I was ever in trouble I would want those two defending me probably couldn't afford it but I would really like them have a great day wow they're pretty pricey and they have been a very good team but I don't believe they worked together before Alan Jackson's from California yeah you know he had that you know he was basically her lawyer in the very beginning and then I think they picked up he connected yeah Alan Jackson is the one that convicted Phil Spector yes any and he also he also got Kevin Spacey off off in Nantucket all the Nantucket cases Spacey and the college kid yeah a 97% success rate yeah we were on his website yeah and that was another moment in the courtroom yesterday I thought it was kind of funny actually when the judge said no mr. United knows all about this jury form thing and he stood up he said I'm sorry your honor I've never seen it in my life yeah the way it was formatted yeah yeah that was that was very interesting yeah and then of course the the odd Pev and Karen Reed excuse me this is funny misread you know that was that was that was intense getting intense yeah I'm funny how I mean funny like I'm a clown maybe you I make you laugh what do you mean funny funny how how my funny but you almost can't blame any one of them for any sort of reaction in the courtroom because this is such an unusual place to be if you're sitting in the courtroom all this time I mean how long is the traveling going on you know it's a tense situation how many different wetnesses how much testimony I mean whether it's the jury or the people involved on either side this is a long drawn out drama all the side bars all the side bars that's I actually wanted to ask Catherine when she comes back in hopefully tomorrow is that normal in cases so many side bars because it seemed like every every 10 minutes it was like no sidebar and that's when we get the fan right no not you know you get the fan when they go to recess but the uh but you know it like there's so many of them right so I'm gonna ask her that tomorrow yeah and we constantly hear from one of the attorneys may I approach let's go to Rose Maria Rose Maria you're on next what are your thoughts so quickly I have we have a lot of friends out of lawyers and they tend to say guilt guilty but they don't feel this way and the other thing the plow driver I mean remember he said he went down the road fairview at two thirty two forty five he didn't see the body yeah I mean the guy's legit and then the the albert truck or whatever was parked in the street and that should have been and should not have been in the blizzard and he was going to go and tell them but he didn't want you because it was the albert I mean I don't know didn't probably have a hold on kit but I mean right then in there what does it tell you um I I felt I felt the same way I felt like his testimony was compelling and I thought he was very sought to the earth telling the truth I I lucky the plow driver I think his attorney Loftus was here should say well if he didn't see it that doesn't mean it wasn't there and that was another weird moment didn't the plow truck driver get a standing old at a town council meeting this he did yeah well they're these generational these other counties that have been there for like three four generations are really not happy with the look it's giving their beloved town I'm sure I'm sure let's go to sue next sue you're up next you have a question or a comment on the Karen Reed trial you know hi I was just wondering am I the only one that is really bugged by judge bev in her drama yeah she can be kind of expressive the sighing and the well she's tired oh my god when she says she was tired I'm like if they worked a full week you know well I know she does do other thing you know she's she's a lot on her plate I just thought you're right I thought that that comment was a little unnecessary at the time I thought it was a little strange and again I'll liken this case to the OJ case where all of the players have taken on a certain level of celebrity it's so the same thing happens in all other high profile cases right it's what what the lawyer did you see what the lawyer did how about the judge you hear that comment it's always about the lawyers to end up being a you know people get really infatuated with them you know what I mean captain might care from the talkback mafia Alan Jackson wasn't the only one to get Kevin Spacey off in the Kentucky if you know what I mean (laughing)