MetroNews This Morning

MetroNews This Morning 6-27-24

Today on MetroNews This Morning: 
--Two Texas men are charged with murdering a West Virginia woman
--The Justice Family businesses have reached a settlement with lender Carter Banks
--Trump and Biden square off tonight in the first Presidential debate
--In Sports: the West Virginia winners of the Johnny Bench Awards are recognized in Cincinnati 

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27 Jun 2024
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Bringing you this morning's biggest news headlines from across the state. It is Thursday, June 27th, 2024. Good morning. I'm Chris Lawrence, and we are ready to get the day rolling with all the information you're gonna need to start your day in the mountain state. We begin with the forecast. More sunshine and temperatures that'll near 90 today, but it's gonna be a little cooler than it has been. We'll have that full forecast coming up in just a moment. First though, a check in news from the Metro News, anchored ask with Carrie Huda set. Good morning, Carrie. Good morning, Chris. Two Texas men face charges for allegedly murdering a West Virginia woman. 46-year-old Christopher Crum and 65-year-old Robin Crum of Livingston, Texas, both face murder charges in connection with the shooting death of 38-year-old Jillian Raznik. Raznik was found dead of a gunshot wound earlier this month in Polk County, Texas. State police say the body of a woman found in Lincoln County earlier this week died of a single gunshot wound. The body was located in a wooded area off of Totten Drive near Hearts Monday, and autopsy was completed Wednesday. The woman's identity has not been released. State School Superintendent Michelle Blatt says with 37% of homeschoolers not turning in their required assessments, state law needs to be tweaked to make sure they do. What are the ways that we can as a school system and as our county board, what are some better ways that we can work with legislators and the governor's office to determine what is a better way? But Putem County delegate Kathy Hess Kraus says the recent situation involving the death of a homeschooled girl in Boone County doesn't mean more laws are needed. She says instead, the ones on the books should be followed. I think the laws are already in place. This was a this was a people problem, not a process and law problem. People in charge did not follow the laws that are already in place. 14 year old Kennedy Miller died in April West Virginia health rights on Charleston's East End is expanding its operations. A grand opening grand reopening was held Wednesday. Workers at Charleston's health right will have more room to conduct day to day business as the clinic unveiled its new additions on Washington Street East. The $12 million project expands the insight pharmacy and improves both the dental and vision clinics as well as the behavioral services department. The board president of health right Ryan Lindsey says there have been plenty of accomplishments for the company during his time, but this ranks among the top. We've done a lot in the years that I've been on the board and we put together a mobile dental clinic. We've opened up the West Side Clinic, which is a great endeavor for bars. But this is a really big one. I mean, this one right here opens the doors to everybody and in Charleston and in County and in the state of West Virginia over the past decade, the patient volume for health right has searched from 15,000 to over 44,000. I'm Aaron Parker WV Metro News dot com West Virginia teenage boys recovering from injuries after he was bitten by a shark while vacationing on a North Carolina beach 14 year old Blaine Brown was standing in waist deep water with a friend when he was bit in the leg and the arms Sunday. North top sale beach police chief William young year young in her says it was a quick response because some officers were already on scene. I had two officers already at that access on another call and EMF happened to be there on another call. The officers ran out and the bystanders had pulled the young went out and were applying towels to him and stopping the bleeding, which is a great thing they did. Brown was released from the hospital Tuesday and is expected to make a full recovery. The family owned companies of Governor Jim Justice and Virginia based Carter Banks have announced a global settlement of the multi million dollars of the justices owed the lender at dispute was about $300 million. Justice addressed the deal during his Wednesday media briefing. The reality is just this and here's here's all I can possibly say, you know, and that is you need to stay tuned and watch what happens. Metro News statewide correspondent Brad McElhaney has the story at WV Metro News dot com. Meanwhile, justice says his dog baby dog being part of the new murals at the state Capitol is going to increase traffic there will be a lot of people that will come in the Capitol and looking at the murals and everything and looking for her and everything is kind of kind of a neat thing. I love it. I love it. He totally to death and and so just be happy. Justice said again on Wednesday he really knew nothing about it until the murals were unveiled last week. Construction is getting underway on the new Eastern Panhandle multimodal transit center, which was part of a groundbreaking ceremony Wednesday afternoon in Martinsburg, Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority Director Elaine Bartoldson says this is a labor of love. It's been nine years working on this project. It's the Eastern Panhandle Trans Authority multimodal transit center and we're just a couple blocks from the train station. So that really makes it the multimodal. It's a 20 million dollar investment groundbreaking also happening in Morgantown for a housing facility for residents dealing with disabilities. Pace Enterprises has been a fixture in Star City for years. CEO Greg Morris saying Wednesday this is a much needed project, although this community is terrific for individuals disabilities, recreationally, job opportunities, but there really is nothing like this anywhere close by that provides a dedicated, safe, secure, specially designed facility for their housing. The project is expected to cost about 3.2 million dollars. The skies are busy around West Virginia International Yaker Airport in Charleston where officials reported a record May for boardings not far from 20,000 passengers. Yaker spokesperson Paige Withrow says air travel is up nationwide and that's helping boost travel locally. All airports are super busy right now, which we love to see the British flights at CRW have certainly helped these airway seasonal flights to Myrtle Beach and Tampa began last month at Yaker. Thank you, Carrie, coming up in our background or a preview of the presidential debate tonight between Joe Biden and Donald Trump and then Kyle Wiggs will join us the Johnny Bench awards were handed out last night. Tell you about that really cool story coming up with Kyle. All still ahead. Stay with us. Hi, this is not be courgible inviting you to join me weekdays from 1006 to noon for Metro News talk. Each day I try to provide the very latest news and information about our state and our nation. I interview newsmakers and thought leaders who help us better understand these stories. Yes, I mix in my observations, but mostly I just want us to be better informed. So I'm inviting you to be my radio and streaming companion as we sort out and work through the news and information of each day. That's talk line weekdays 1006 till noon on this Metro News radio station. Kyle Wiggs will be buying a moment with a check on sports, but right now in our background at the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is tonight on CNN and Atlanta. Long time Syracuse University professor for TV and popular culture Bob Thompson says this debate, which will be held with some new rules, including no live audience, may chart new territory more from Thompson and our backgrounder. The unpredictability factor I get for this debate is probably higher, maybe than presidential debate started in 1960. The idea of presidential debate, see about that idea of the debates in general is a good thing and we didn't start getting debates between presidential candidates until the era of television, but even then with television kind of compromising how that would be done. Those four debates were kind of slow paced, sane, no audience. The whole thing had a certain sense that issues were really covered. Now we've got all the time wasted on people clapping and audience response. We've got these incredibly bad formats where you'll ask someone a question, you know, what would you do about the problem in Israel? You've got two minutes to answer. That's kind of an absurd format. How do you do that in two minutes? And throughout my life watching these things, they have gotten, I think, progressively more and more almost like Colosseum events where occasionally some interesting things come out, but I think the format, the timing, the presence of the audience have really made these things sometimes of questionable value. Bob Thompson on Talkline yesterday, the debate begins at nine o'clock tonight. Time now to go to the sports desk and get an update. Kyle Wigs is in this morning and Kyle, this Johnny Bench Award thing is really cool. You were telling me about it today, but it's something that he's directly involved in and it's been going on, well, in Red's country for about 10 years now. Yeah, it's been going on a while and the Johnny Bench Award winners for the state of West Virginia, 2024. Luke Samuel of Cabell Midland High School and Lauren Guthrie of Sherman High School. They are the 2024 West Virginia recipients of the Johnny Bench Award and both were honored at the Reds Pirates game as a bench was there to hand out the awards to the individuals and the Johnny Bench Award again, which he is involved in choosing the winners from the states in West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana and all of those youngsters gathered with bench and Cincinnati on Wednesday receiving their awards and Samuel says he's unsure at this point whether he'll play college baseball. Guthrie has signed with Bellerman University in Louisville. She hit 596, 8 home runs 32 RBI at Sherman this past year. So congratulations to Luke Samuel and Lauren Guthrie, the 2024 West Virginia Johnny Bench award winners going to the top catchers in the state. TBT comes up again next month. Oh, by the way, that game was won by the Pirates over the Reds. That final was 6 to 1 and Baltimore beat Cleveland 4 to 2. TBT best Virginia, the top seat in the Lexington regional and they will play number 8C Jackson, Tennessee boom in the opening round of TBT July 19th. Best Virginia is in the Pittsburgh regional as the number three seat in best Virginia will play brotherly love how to Philadelphia in round one on July 20th. Thank you count. All of our great Metro News programs are available on your schedule to hear once they are live. We post them all is podcasts of the podcast page of WV You can also get them in all other main podcast provider sites. Check them out on your schedule. If you happen to miss them live on the radio or the live stream now with commentary, the voice of Metro News. Hoppy Kirchival, Chris, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump meet tonight for the first of two debates before the November general election and America will be watching and listening. A Marist poll from earlier this month found that 61% of voters question said they would watch all or most of the debate. If true, that means 98 million people will watch. Frankly, I doubt that happens. The potential audience is probably inflated because some voters just don't want to admit that they're not going to watch the debate. Still, the high stakes and the intense media buildup translate into a potentially huge audience. We'll see if it tops the 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump when 84 million people watched. All the pundits are weighing in on strategies. So I will too, even though tens of millions of voters will be watching the target audience for each of the candidates is actually very small. Most voters have already made up their minds and it's generally believed the election will come down to a handful of swing states, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. One poll I saw shows that only 15% of the voters in those seven states remain undecided. Now, if roughly the same number of people vote in 2024 in those seven states as did in 2020, well, that equates to about 31 million individuals. If 15% remain undecided, that means just under five million people in those key states are waiting to be convinced five million people to decide the outcome of the election and that is the target audience. You know, Trump does not have to throw red meat to his base by claiming for the umpteenth time that the 2020 election was stolen and Biden cannot be helped by pandering to the far left. Trump supporters are going to be with him regardless in Biden's base while much less enthusiastic really has few options on where to go if they don't vote for him. What Trump should do is try to appear rational while citing achievements during his previous administration. Biden should try to reassure undecided voters that he's physically and mentally capable of doing the job while trying to goad Trump into unhinged behavior. Each should spend a lot of time on kitchen table issues. The voters will want to know who's best equipped to ease their concerns about the economy, crime, health care affordability, border security, and the like. We in the media tend to remember debate zingers and it's always possible in a pressure pack debate that one of the candidates will make a catastrophic mistake. However, I heard pollster Franklin say in an interview yesterday that post debate focus groups show that most voters remember more issue oriented content. And that brings us back to that relatively small number of voters in just a handful of states who will likely decide the outcome of the election. Many if not most will be watching or listening tonight and we will find out in a few hours which of the two candidates can do the most effective job speaking to them. Chris. Thanks. Hop and Hoppy returns at 1006 this morning with Metro News talk line on the radio statewide or the live stream at Your West Virginia by the forecast on this Thursday morning fog and low clouds will form across West Virginia tonight, precipitation shutting off more seasonable temperatures going to return today behind this front as morning clouds and areas of fog give way to sunshine. There will be above normal temps to return tomorrow. And a few mountain thunderstorms are possible, but most locations are going to stay dry Friday. There is a cold front that will bring shower and thunderstorm activity for Saturday into Sunday. And now you're up to date. Have a great day for Hoppy Kirchable Kyle Wigs and carry who to sec. I'm Chris Lawrence and this is Metro News, the voice of West Virginia. Metro News this morning is an exclusive production of the Metro News radio network. All rights reserved. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. 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