Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Dr Glidden CURES Me! Kidney Stones handled with Homeopathy

Last week I was in excruciating pain by the 2nd night of the pain (in my back but I sensed it was kidney-related) I had Rebecca take me to the ER.  There I was made to endure the pain without any meds until I reluctantly agreed to a CT scan.  I asked them to just do a regular X-Ray and they said it wouldn't show them whether or not I had kidney stones. So after telling them CT scans are 500x the radiation of an X-Ray and I would prefer the X-Ray, they basically held firm, so I had the scan.  I had a kidney stone on the right side that was travelling.  Then they gave me a shot of dilaudid, and told me I was to just deal with the incredible pain and the worst was yet to come because the thing was the size of a pencil eraser and I was expected to pee that out. I had sent an email to Dr Glidden asking him about a remedy he mentioned in an older video.  He called me, asked me a series of questions and then gave me 4 suggestions for homeopathic pellets.  His very first recommendation took care of the issue.  The pain went away.  The little pellets in the blue tube did something the MDs couldn't.  Dr Glidden was able to hit the target on the 1st try with his Homeopathic knowledge!

DR PETER GLIDDEN, ND All-Access Membership 
I watched a video on kidneys on his site before emailing him.  This website membership is way cheaper and more natural than a doctor's visit.  Especially when the MDs couldn't do anything for me.

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1h 38m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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And I was in excruciating pain. I wasn't sure what it was at first, because I get a back pain in the same area. But it was in deeper in this, and that was making me wonder, because before I had wrapped up my oasis, so they told me anyway, after doing a lot of exercise. So this was a long, long time ago. So I had that in the back of my mind as a potential. And then I had this thing that felt like a UTI a couple-- maybe five, six days before that. And it didn't really go away, but it was kind of easing off. So I'm like, I did something to my kidneys with too much exercise. This is what I saw-- it thought it happened. And so I ended up going to ER. I forgot what night it was, but it was a-- yeah, they told me I had a kidney stone and it was on its way in my bladder. They said it was closer to the bladder than it was to the kidney. And that's the cause of all the pain. And I was in excruciating pain. So the next day, I asked Dr. Peter Glidden after somebody said, this is the great thing about the Telegram group, is that somebody sent me a link to a five minute rundown of what Dr. Peter Glidden had said in 2015 or something about it. And so I watched that. And then I went on the site and found the kidney stone section and started watching that. And so that way, when I asked Dr. Glidden some questions as to what I should get, at least had a little bit of information. I wasn't just blindly asking. So it was-- did a little bit of homework first. So Dr. Glidden came through. And it took these things, a big advocate for the pallets. All right, so that was a lot of introduction for me. I don't know much about that. So how-- if the-- let's say the pain was a 10 out of a 10 before you took the homeopathic medicine, what was it a couple of hours later? I didn't feel it. So it was 100% gone? It was like, if I squeezed my muscles or contracted in a certain way, I'd feel something in that area. But other than that, no. Yeah. So this is one of the best kept secrets in the 21st century, the power of the homeopathic medicine to alleviate the problem regardless of what the pathology is. Because we've been so enculturated by the reductionistic method that we think, oh, we have jagged kidney stone in the ureter that goes from the kidney to the bladder. And the 100% of the time, that's going to be causing pain. And 100% of the time, that it's going to-- the pain's going to persist until the body pushes it out and that's bullshit. Because any symptom that anybody has in their body whatsoever, it doesn't matter what it is, is caused by an untuning of the vital force of the body. It's like the human body is a giant transceiver. It transmits and receives energy, vibrational energy, which then causes a disturbance in the human body. And the body becomes out of tuned with itself. And when it is out of tune, you will develop symptomology. It does not matter what the pathology is. And if you think solely along the lines of pathology, you will be misled. And the medical doctors have you in their freaking iron ridiculous juvenile dangerous pharmaceutical grip. So what do we do? We apply the laws of nature. We give a homeopathic medicine, in Daniel's case, that retunes the system. And when the system is retuned, the stone passes no pain. Period, end of story, hard stop. This is another reason why the single most important thing that anybody can do-- Uh-oh, present. Medical doctor, get out of that mouse trap and learn what to do to make your body healthy again. Now, while we're on the subject, it would be prudent, right, to understand why the hell somebody gets a kidney stone in the first place. And I find a great video for that. And the medical doctors are clueless about this. As the medical doctors are clueless about the origins of most things. And when pushed, the medical doctor will most probably revert to, oh, it's genetic. It's a genetic problem. If a medical doctor ever tells you your problem is genetic, you want to ask them really, doctor, thank you so much for your wisdom. What chromosome on which gene, please, or what's gene on which chromosome? What's gene on which chromosome is? I'd really like to know. They don't know. The reason the people get kidney stones is because of a deficiency in calcium. You are not sucking into your body calcium in sufficient amounts. When your body becomes deficient in calcium, the parathyroid glands go into super-excitement mode. They produce a biochemical called-- Oh, I just watched this, yeah. I'll think of it in a minute. I'll think of it in a minute. Parathormone. Yeah, that's right. And parathormone sucks calcium out of your bones to put it into the bloodstream so your heart's not going to stop beating. So your nerve signals can continue to transmit. Because your body needs calcium to do freaking everything. So not enough calcium going down the hatch. The body needs calcium. Body is going to rob it from the bones. That creates a calcium storm in the blood. Too much calcium in the blood because the parathormone situation is not perfect. So now you've got massive amounts of calcium in the blood because you were deficient in dietary calcium that clogs up your kidney and generates calcium oxalate kidney stone. Period. That's what causes it. It is a deficiency in elemental calcium. Now, here's the irony of the situation or the really interesting part of the situation. You can have a stone in the kidney for 20, 30, 40 years. A long, long time. When your body, finally, because you listen to Dr. Glidden, gets healthy when your body finally gets neutrified and has everything that it needs to work the way that God and nature intended it to, guess what the body is going to do? Clean house. It's going to push out the kidney stone. And that hurts like a son of a bitch. Yes, it did. However, if you are smart, like Daniel, you'll know who to call or what information to source in order to figure out what to do to mitigate the situation and get on the other side of it rapidly. And that's why I get up in the morning, all that information's on the website that you desperately need to become a subscriber to. Yes, there's. Yes. And also, there's one more thing that everybody should do. Because passing a kidney stone is a real big, bad voodoo daddy. So everybody should get-- if you're over 25 years of age, you should get an x-ray of your kidneys. You get an x-ray of the kidneys and see if there are stones in the kidney. There either are or different. And they show up on x-ray. They told me that they wouldn't show up on the x-ray. That's why they were pushing for the CT scan. And I was like-- and that's what I was telling them. I just was in here in November Thanksgiving, so closer to December. And I was like, that's over 500 times the radiation of an x-ray. And so I don't really want to do that. And I was like, don't even ask me about the die. Don't even ask me about the radioactive iodine. It's not going to happen. But I ended up doing it because they said they couldn't see it without it. And I wanted to know what was going on, for sure. Make sure my kidney wasn't dying or something. Yeah, so retrospect makes wise people of us all. And the medical doctors will convince you to jump off the roof of the hospital just because they're idiots, and they can. And they've got all the power. When you're in their world, they've got all the power. They do. The moment you walk in the hospital, you are in their velvet grasp. Because you are intellectually intimidated by all of the tech and all of the people with the white coats and all of the coding and all of the staff and all of the billing and all of the computers and all of the equipment and everything. And you're going to be overwhelmed by that. Not because you have a weak constitution, but just because that's the way the world works. So if you have stones in your kidney, you need to get an alcohol tincture of organic corn silk, an alcohol tincture of organic corn silk. Everybody should have this in their cabinet, like eight ounce bottle of organic corn silk, alcohol tincture. Corn silk will dissolve the kidney stone. Zay amaze is the one that you recommended. Yeah, that's the Latin name for corn silk is Z amaze. So if you have a kidney stone and you want to dissolve the kidney stone, then you take the Z amaze. You do, for like a chronic situation, you just get stones in the kidney. You want to get rid of them. You do a teaspoon of the corn silk four times a day for, you know, 21 days. If you actively are passing a kidney stone, you do a teaspoon every 30 minutes. And it will really take the rough edges off of that. But the properly prescribed homeopathic medicine is in fact the best solution to mitigate the passage of the stone and relieve the pain. But the chemicals in the corn silk will dissolve the stone. And so you need to have that on hand. Everybody needs to have that on hand. And that's why I get the big bucks. Yeah, they told me that there was one on the left side too, so. OK, so the corn silk-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, I think it's wise women herbal is the one that you recommended for you. Yeah, one teaspoon of four times a day to get rid of the one that's still there. But all right, now to prevent future stones from forming, especially because you're a workout guy-- osteoethics. You need to be taken the 90th century nutrients with extra calcium and extra minerals. So the Caltati, should I add that to the-- I would just do the osteoethics. I do two bottles of the osteoethics a month. Two bottles of the plant-derived minerals per month. And you should be good to go. Yeah. Now, this is what happens with workout people and athletes. And it's not hard to understand. I mean, there's only so many nutrients in the body at any moment in time. And if you step on the gas by working out, you're going to burn through your reserves faster than a couch potato will. So if you are a workout person, you need more than the average person, because you're using more than the average person. That's just common sense. Yeah, for sure. And that was-- so in my mind, it was related to doing the exercise like four or five miles every day on the elliptical. But also, probably because I was getting a little healthier too. But what good thing was, it wasn't because my muscles were breaking down with rhabdomyosis. Yeah, right. I mean, that's the good thing. And now you know what it feels like. And you know what the situation is. A knowledge is power in this regard. But you don't get kidney stones because you have a kidney. You don't get kidney stones because you work out a lot. You get kidney stones because you don't have enough calcium period. And what's really funny and in not funny way is that when I was there on Thanksgiving with the incarcerated in Guino hernia, they said that they saw it on that CT scan then. And they didn't tell you. They didn't tell me then, and they made me go get another one because they're freaking taken the money. They don't give a shit if they get. And like you said, call you next time. So yes, sir, I will. [LAUGHTER] Well, so you know, this is the thing, man. Everybody's like, oh, yeah, maybe I'll do that stuff. Dr. Lewis said, yeah, maybe I'll try that. Neutral, yeah, maybe I'll try that. And they keep putting it off and they put it off. And then there's an emergency. And then everybody runs to the life raft. And you know, about 50% of the time in an emergency situation, my information will help. And if 50% of the time, the stuff that you're going to need to get to handle the emergency, it's going to take three, four days to get it. So you're SOL. Because this stuff is not readily available. And now they're removing it from Whole Foods. Jeff Bezos should be strung up in the town square for goodness' sakes for removing homeopathic medicines from Whole Foods. He's a son of a bitch. Yeah. So it's about that. So you pay me now, pay me later, it's your choice. But you need to know what I know. And you need to know it yesterday. And if you have the foresight to-- I mean, if you have, like, having the website, the membership at my disposal allowed me to understand things before I even had a chance to formulate my question to you, plus. I mean, if you have something going on with you, you might be able to identify it that way as well. And then you'll also have a plan of action right there, too. Yeah. So it's just teaching somebody how to snowboard. It's like you can either try to figure that shit out on your own and fall down a million times, break your leg, fall off the edge of the mountain. Or you can have an instructor tell you how to snowboard. OK, let's do that. It's not any different than that. That's what this is about. But the problem that we have in the world is we haven't had a free medical market for over 100 years. And people in the world have been socialized to believe that myself and my colleagues are quacks and that the medical doctors know everything. And that's a lie. And that's just wrong. So when you pop out of the matrix and you finally get a clue and you want to abandon the MD way, then become a subscriber at my website. I'll tell you exactly what to do. And it's all based on clinical experience. It's not theoretical. This is what myself and my colleagues have seen work hundreds of times, thousands of times, over the last 100 years. And just for people who are not aware, right above our heads here, leave big Mr. Mark, via PG as in Peter Glidden, ND, Nature Pathic Doctor, Health, kept it simple, right? It's very straightforward. And you'll find it. Let me do a little nav for you real quick so you guys can see what I'm talking about. When you're in the actual video that you're watching right now on Rumble, you can go right down to the very first line here, you'll see, take back-- well, second section, but take back your health now. Dr. Peter Glidden, ND, it's right there. Click it. And then the Young Jevity number. And if you need to do the consultation that way, or you can go to And that's where you'll find the 90 Essentials. All right, so now you know. And it's right there. It's there the whole time. I will copy and paste that and put it into the live chat as well or the Rumble side. I got to figure out the FGG media where the chat is for that. So I can do it over there in the future. But there you go. It's in the chat. We got a lot of questions in the chat right now. Yeah, let's go. Rock and roll. All right, cool. Let's do it. So Polka, a good friend of the show, said, I am on day four. So I am day four into a five-day intro using Groovy B detox foot pads. And so some of the active ingredients are bamboo, vinegar, dextrin, chitin. Yikes, that's from the buzz. Yeah, you've been scammed. You've been scammed. That's not an effective treatment. And if detoxification of the human body is one of the four foundations of health, you have to do it. But when you are detoxifying the human body, you're putting a big stress and a big load on the liver. And the liver has to be neutrified before you detox in order to handle that load. If you do a proper detox and you are not doing a proper detox, if you do a proper detox, you burn fat, you liberate fat soluble exogenous toxins, those go into the bloodstream. They go into the liver. The liver tries to deconstruct them because that's a liver's job. But the liver needs nutrients in order to do that. So if you don't have the nutrients that the liver needs, the toxins that you have liberated from fat are just going to enter into the general circulation and then you're going to be screwed. It's like putting a bathing suit on, finding a hornet's nest and smacking it with a stick. Well, that's a bad idea. What you need to do is neutrify the body first and then follow specific steps for safety talks and effective detox. This is not an effective detox. And you have that, actually, on your-- Yeah, membership site too, the detox that's going to help that. Yeah, I line it all up for you. I tell you exactly what to do in order to detoxify your body safely. I tell you exactly what to do in order to remove parasites from the body safely. I tell you exactly what to do with your diet. I tell you exactly what to do with the nutrients that you need. If there's no gray areas here, and these are the things that we have seen work clinically as licensed naturopathic physicians. And I don't make any money from the sale of the supplements. By the way, zero. So I do not have any skin in that game. So there's that. Right. And yeah, I'm glad I've been taking it. I'm glad this stuff is coming out of my body, even if it was painful. It didn't have to be if I knew what to do. Well, if you'd have known-- if they'd have told you you had a kidney stone, when you had the hernia, you could have dissolved it. Exactly. With the corn silk, and it would not be a problem. Right. Undo pain, because they decided not to tell me that. And then also allowed me to get another CT scan when they knew exactly where they were in the first place. It's ridiculous. Yeah, it's a big giant money maker. And you know-- At least the radiation that I received is at least an example of this show people now that this is how they operate, you know? All right, so hey, Doc, I have the supplements with me, osteoFx, tanky tangerine, and plant-derived minerals to fix my gastritis and ulcers, as you said. Currently using-- now, this is where I think there's going to be some issues here-- using PPIs to lower stomach acid, and to allow the stomach lining to heal. Then use supplements after ulcers and gastritis are healed. The stomach ulcers are bad. That the pain is radiating to the back. It says, man, there you go. My worry is if I stop the PPIs and start with the supplements to raise the stomach acid, it won't-- this leads to more complications such as more pain and a perforation taking me back to the MVs. No. You don't get stomach ulcers because you have too much stomach acid. You get stomach ulcers because you do want to have enough stomach acid. Right. So the PPIs, that's my figure, is going to be a bad thing. Yeah, so there's a bug called helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of most stomach ulcers. And helicobacter pylori can only live in a low acid environment. So by taking PPIs, you're going to be feeding the bacteria that caused the ulcers. And it's going to prolong the situation. So you're thinking about this backwards. If I were you, I would stop the PPIs. I would do my program 100% start salting your food so that it tastes good and see what happens. Now, because it's a stomach ulcer and because there can be pain associated with that, you can call my office and schedule an acute appointment. And then I can recommend a medicine that you can take a holistic medicine that you can take to mitigate the pain. It's not really a pain medicine, but it's a retuning the vital force medicine will help your body to get on the other side of the pain caused by the ulcer. But if you do that, here's what you need to pay attention to. Here's what I'm going to need to know. And I want to do this in a 30-minute visit, not a three-hour visit, which is my normal. You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more, but something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar, cheese, sticks, oven, baked pastas, cinnabon mini rolls. And that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included or eight-count boneless. What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at So here's what you need to know. I need to know what the pain feels like. Is it hot? Is it cold? Is it ripping? Is it tearing? Is it burning? Is it itching? What's it feel like? Where do you feel it anatomically? I need you to point on your body. Where do you feel it? When do you feel it? You feel it in the morning when you wake up. You only feel it after you eat. You only feel it after you drink. You only feel it if you exercise. You only feel it at three o'clock in the morning. When do you feel it? What makes it feel better besides drugs like, oh, the pain in my stomach feels better if I drink a nice cold drink? Or what makes it feel worse? Oh, the pain in my stomach feels worse if I drink a nice cold drink. Could be anything. What makes it feel better? What makes it feel worse? And lastly, does anything come along for the ride? Like every time the pain increases, you get feverish. You get chilly. You get a headache. You get diarrhea. You have an uncontrollable desire to vote for a Democrat. Whatever. These are the things you need to be able to tell me in order for me to help you be on the generic information, which is already laid out. OK? Is there a particular page on the membership site that has your number for-- Yeah, but it's in the-- if you scroll to the very bottom of any page on the website, and I think there's an about button, that's where my office information is. Oh, yeah, OK. So it's right here. I'll just pop it up on the screen real quick. If that's cool. Yeah. All right. So if you guys see in the black here, you get the number here, and then there's a support email address right here. So for Eric, M.M., if you are taking this seriously as you should, and you want to get that information to help out your guestitis, then that would be the number to call. All right. Yes, sir. All right. And this is all coming off of the Dr. Peter Glinton. The big form of behind website. So that's one. Yeah, another resource and way to use it. All right, so let's see who else we got here. Thank you, Dr. I am neutrifying. All right, so it's Carla. I am a couple weeks late on checking back with you. Ben tied up with the mom and is living still taking glucagel and 90 essentials. I took the cat-- let's see, I took the cause to you as-- Yeah, the Causticum, which is a homeopathic medicine. Like you said, what happened? And let's see. I'm not sure how it's helped, but I wonder if I wasn't taking them if I had enough stamina to take care of my mom, work full time, and be a wife. Yeah, so that's a hard thing to do. So what we recommend people do when they start a program is a symptom inventory. So you get a piece of legal paper. And in the left-hand column, on every line, you write all the things that are bothering you, all your symptoms. I got pain in my left ankle, I got pain in my stomach. I have no energy, I need to take a nap at 3 o'clock in the morning, I have heartburn, I have constipation, I have diarrhea, whatever, all of your symptoms. And then you make seven columns on the paper, each column being one day. And every day, you go in and you check with all of those symptoms and you give it a numerical grade. And you track that over time. Because when bad things go away, you will forget that you had them. Yes, and you'll think the program's not working, because you'll forget that the asthmatic breathing is gone, you'll forget that the head pains are gone, you'll forget that the insomnia is gone, and you'll only be focusing on the diarrhea or whatever it is that's left. And that's just the way that the brain works. So if you do a symptom inventory like this, and it doesn't have to be every day, you could check in every three days. I would at least check in every three days and give yourself a grade. And that way, you'll have a visual representation of how well the program is working, right? Yeah, and she asked, "Is it okay to continue "taking Luca Joe, we can also just continue "with the 90 essentials, right?" Yeah, the 90 essentials is lifelong. Yeah, she said the ceroma or the whole hadn't closed yet. I'm on my fourth red light therapy treatment just trying it, like, and then it's it. Right, I would continue with the cost to come. And I would continue, just give it more time. Now, generally speaking, our global recommendation for anybody that has any problem whatsoever is you give the program 90 days before you judge it up or down. Now, most people feel something in the first couple of weeks. They feel some difference in the first couple of weeks. But in order for the pathology to change, you need to give it 90 days before you judge it. So just give the program more time and see what happens. This took, what was it, two hours to get the full floor in there. And I was already doing well after the second one. I'm telling you, Daniel, hold me up with the, if I was only allowed to do one therapeutic, you'd be holding up with the thing. I was amazed because I've seen these, we've had thousands of them, not that many, but you know what I mean? Like we had the Cali solves and all that stuff, but never actually knowing what to use them for or how. It's just like, hey, this one sounds interesting. It's like, you know, I've taken the Borax and stuff like that before, but it's like this, I had no idea how to apply these. Yeah, see the problem or not the problem, but the trick with homeopathy is you have to hit the bull's eye with your prescription. It has to be exactly the right medicine in order to produce an effect. And that's kind of like with your story, where the first time the guy gave you the medicine, it didn't, he came back five minutes, nothing. He came back. - Nothing worked. - Yeah. - And then it worked. So that's the trick is matching the medicine to the disease in order to get a perfect fit. When you get a perfect fit, that's when the magic happens and the symptoms disappear. - So luckily we got it right on the first time because you were able to articulate to me your symptoms. - Right. - A lot of people can't. I know a lot of sometimes when you ask me, I feel like my answers are contradictory, like I'm an oddball, like the way things are like. This symptom should go with this woman, it doesn't. (laughs) - Yeah, that's just a function of the educational system that we all came up inside of because they've trained us all to think like reductionists. And that does not apply in the wonderful world of pathophysiology. It's a fool's errand to think like a reductionist. But that's what we all do. - The craziest thing is like that back pain that I feel feels so similar to this, that for the longest time I didn't know like, it makes me wonder now if this thing has been in there for a while in that same spot and it's just been going on an awful lot. In my seeking it's a back pain, but I don't know. - Yeah, usually when you pass a kidney stone, it goes all the way. - Yeah. - Usually. - I gotta get that CMA's for sure. - Oh, yeah. - Okay, so she did reply back. We got a couple more. She says, "I'm not sure, okay, we got that one." She says, "Okay, thank you, sir. "I'll continue on with all products. "Do you think Red Light could help my ceramahole close up?" - Well, when I become a billionaire, I'm going to invest a lot of money and energy into light therapy because there's a lot of potential there. But light therapy is in its infancy. So I can't tell you what frequency of Red Light to use. I can't tell you how far to put it away from the lesion. I can't tell you how long to expose yourself to it. Nobody can't, it's in its infancy. So I think that there, well, I don't think, I know that there is a lot of promise in light therapy. But it's one giant experiment now. I would encourage you to continue with it. And I mess around with it because you can't hurt yourself with it, at least not that I'm aware of. - Do you think Kellogg, his work did anything to pinpoint or narrow down the frequency? Or do you think that's different for different people in different problems? - No, see, that's the thing about light therapy is it's, well, I don't know, is the honest answer. That's why it needs to be researched. - Like maybe a frequency would zap out a certain bacteria here, but it wouldn't affect with other, you know what I mean? - Yeah, it's complicated, perhaps maybe. And we don't want to like assume anything, right? We know that it's effective, but we don't yet know the specific parameters of the treatment strategy. I know the specific parameters of the homeopathic treatment strategy. I know the specific parameters of botanical medicine treatment strategy. I know the specific parameters of medical nutrition, but this red light stuff for the light therapy, it's one giant experiment right now. And this brought to you by the medical monopoly that don't want nothing to do with nothing like that. - All right, the one that knew exactly what was wrong and before I even walked in the door that night and still made me go through all the motions and you want to go the best part in the pain that I was in, they wouldn't give me anything, except for some BS Tylenol that I said no to. So I don't want a big load of Tylenol or ibuprofen and they wouldn't give me a shot a lot but not until after they got their CT scan out of me and were able to verify that there was an issue. I'm like, why didn't you just look at that? And then he's looking at it and he's like, "Well, you had this last time." I'm like, "Well, why didn't you just look at that?" Instead of, you know what I mean? You didn't know that I had a problem before you had me do the CT scan. You should have been a... - Yeah, so this opens up a nice little can of worms, right? So what do you call the person who graduates last in medical school? - Doctor and fortune. - Doctor, you call them doctor, right? So there's a lot of stupidity in the wonderful world of doctorhood, right? Number one, and number two, it is now the rare doctor that is going to do any physical exam whatsoever or even knows how to do a physical exam or even knows what to look for with signs and symptoms of a physical exam. And 50 years ago, that's all that the medical doctors did. It was all physical exam, right? Orthopedic tests, they do all kinds of manual testing, listening to the heart, feeling the pulse, poking around the body, oscillating the chest, and they know what the signs and symptoms are of like the 100 most common diseases. Now, you don't even need the doctor, and this is the way that medicine is going to go, by the way. Here's what the future of medicine is going to be. You're going to have a complaint, you're going to go into a medical center, you're going to scan in with your insurance card, you're going to sit on a chair on a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt's going to go down the line. At one point, they're going to collect a urine sample. While you're sitting in the chair, they're going to do blood work and blood pressure. And all of those samples are then automatically going to be analyzed by a computer. They're going to do, they're going to put you through a CT scan machine. And meanwhile, the computer in the background is going to analyze all of these data. And then you're going to get to the end of the line. It's going to print out a diagnosis and spit out a number of pharmaceuticals just like a vending machine, and that's the future of medicine. Because it's all objective discovery now. X-ray, CT, X-ray, CT, MRI, X-ray, CT, MRI, MRI, CT, CT, CT, X-ray, X-ray, X-ray, blood work, blood work, blood work. That's all they do. That's all that they do. They don't know physical exam anymore. And by the way, you had classic textbook symptoms of passing a kidney stem. - Right. - Because you were having the CT scan in order for a competent doctor to diagnose that. It was unnecessary. - It's like they treat you like you're a liar on a witness stand. And so they can get their validated to their satisfaction whether or not you're telling the truth about your pain. And it's all done with. - And that was created because they started putting out opiates in the first place. That wouldn't even been a nature of the, until they created it with opiates in the first place for them to be in need for somebody to lie about pain. Right? - It's a, I mean, it's an unintended consequence of a really bad system of medicine. Which it's a, and conventional medicine is a race to the bottom. You know, accept military field medicine and trauma care. Like you're in an automobile accident, your femoral artery is bleeding and save your life. You know, you get your leg blown off in Iraq. They save your life. Right? What trauma care has really advanced a lot in the last hundred years, and they do a really good job at it. But that's it, man. For everything else, it's a shit show and you should avoid them as much as you possibly can. We have these, like I said, homeschool mom group, right? And one of the husbands, Becky's husband, has a, had had the kidney stones. And they're like, yeah, they're painful. They're really bad, blah, blah, blah. It's like, everybody believes that this is what you have to go through. And then also, it was like, yeah, and if they're really big and really bad, then they'll sometimes, I've heard that you sound to try to break them up sometimes. But they wouldn't do it in Iraq. - They'll break them up. - Yeah, but you can do that with much better, much easier, much faster with the corn cell. - Yeah, well, they didn't want to use that because that sounds too natural. But also, they said surgery. And I'm like, surgery? That was the other part. It's like, this is the advice coming from the people that are like, the homeschooler sections, like saying that these are the options and this is gonna be how it goes. I'm like, you'd think they would be more on the outsides of the MD stuff. - Well, you can't fix stupid. And you know, when it comes to medicine, there's two groups of people. There's people who've seen through the bullshit and they're looking for alternatives and there are people that are still locked into it. And the people that are still locked into it are in the majority. - And it takes experience, like, especially when you, what is that saying? And I think I used it recently. Those who believe they are free are the most enslaved. So even if you think that you're aware, it takes experiences like what just happened with me and these things that have done such a dramatic thing to for me to really realize just how bad the deception is. - Yeah, that's correct. - It's another layer that just got shoveled off of there and needed to understand just how absolutely incorrect everything is when you walk in there. - Yes, it's really, it's a revelatory eye opening moment when you have a miraculous response to an alternative therapeutic. It's like you gotta be freaking kidding me. And then it's a whole different world. I mean, and you know, it's a metaphor that we overuse, but it is very much like popping out of the matrix. You know, take the red pill and everything's different. Don't take the red pill and everything stays the same. So here we are. And I just want to bring this back up again real quick. Let me, oh, you know, I'm just going this way. Let's do it like that. I always have to stay on this side of the screen. This is my new favorite page on the site and I love all of them, but this is where I came and found the kidney stones right here. And when I clicked on that, the video's already, I've shown you a bit of it here, but this is what I discovered. All day back in 2015, the wisdom and the sage advice has been here. Look at these, it looks like brushes, don't they? It's so cool, I'd like to. - Yeah. - It's so neat. - Wait, yeah, when you, the kidneys are a remarkable organ. There's literally, I forget how many, but it's miles and miles and miles and miles of blood vessels in each kidney. That's how small they are. - Wow. - And it's the kidneys job to create urine. And urine is all of the crap that the kidneys have removed from the blood. That's what it is. Hey, look at me, there's me with long hair. - Yeah. - Yeah, is that funny? - It's cool. - Yeah, how time flies. The reason that I haven't redone any of these videos? - 'Cause no need to. - 'Cause no need to because we don't, I mean, I will add things to it because we learn new things. Like I didn't know about the corn silk when I made this video. I didn't know about that. I learned about the corn silk four years ago from a botanical medicine expert. - Was that one of those conferences you guys go to? - Yeah. - That's awesome. - Yeah, but the fundamentals are the same and they'll never change. Unlike conventional medicine where they discard shit all the time because conventional medicine is built on a house of cards. It's built, it's conventional medicine is reality by consensus it is not based on natural law. And that's why they change all of the time unapologetically. Oh, you know, they killed George Washington. George freaking Washington died from bloodletting. Survived Gettysburg. One, the Revolutionary War. Killed by a juvenile therapeutic which was a standard of care at the time bloodletting. That's the medical doctors for you. - And let me just say, I don't care if it was whatever it was before the 4th of July or whatever it is now for the membership that's still a whole lot less than what I had to go through with the insurance number one for the crap treatment but also the level of care. I could have avoided all that if I had just known, if I had just had the knowledge, I would have been, okay, I know what the pain is. I know what to do about it. Until it sets in, I'll just have to bring and bear it but it would have been done. I would have never seen the doctor's office. I never would have been out there in the middle of the night. You know, if that doesn't pay for itself, I don't know what the hell does because at least you're now getting two answers and solutions not going through their system in there. You know, I mean, like you said down the conveyor belt or do you want to get it done, get it fixed. Seriously, like I'm so disgusted every time I go there. They also tell me that I have kidney failure one time. That's when I went in there for a concussion after an accident because they read the wrong chart and this was right before a CT scan they wanted to give me then. They're like, okay, we can't give you the radioactive dye because I don't know what they call it. They call it something else. They call it like, what they call it? - They don't even go that quick. They just say it's something like a... Okay, that's a stupid word. I just can't think of it. But in contrast, I call it contrast. - Oh, oh, the dye you're talking about, yeah. - Yeah, they call it the contrast. So they were going to give it to me and they said, "Oh, we can't give it to you because you have kidney failure." They're like, I'm like, what? I came in for a concussion where Beck is on the phone calling my mom, telling her I'm going to die basically because they found out I have kidney failure because I just got a concussion. And none of that was true. And then here's the messed up part. Three minutes later, somebody walks in and says, "Okay, I'm going to give you this shot now." They're talking about the contrast, the learned to activate that. I'm like, "Didn't you just tell me that you would kill me "if you gave it to me?" And they're like, "No, we're sorry, we made a mistake." I said, "About which part? "Which part did you make a mistake about?" In fact, I have kidney failure or that you might possibly kill me with it. Oh, no, no, it was the wrong chart. What the f... What is going, like, call it off, tell my mom I'm not dying now. - Well, you know, there was an interesting statistic and I forget what the specifics were. But this was in USA Today, I think, a number of years ago. It's like right around 70% of the time, I think it's more than 70% of the time. (clears throat) If you go to medical doctor A, you get one diagnosis and you go to medical doctor B, you know, in a different facility, you get a different diagnosis. - Yeah, they did that with psychiatry before. I saw that video, too. They have psychiatrists that have a different diagnosis for depending on what office you walk in. - Psychiatry is a, it's like, you know, it's like this old joke in physics about, you know, a psychiatrist is a psychologist, is a person who's looking for a black cat in a dark room. - You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more, but something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar, cheese, sticks, oven, big pastas, cinnabon mini rolls, and that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. - You should, too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local Pizza Hut. - Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included or eight-count boneless. - What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at - It's hard. Psychology is hard, but it's effective. Psychology's helping people figure their shit out. Psychiatry is like someone looking for a black cat in a dark room and the cat is not there. Psychiatry is a complete. - Creation of the Soviet Union? - Well, complete sutter total waste at the time. And I'll tell you why, because medical doctors practicing allopathic medicine are trained to believe that consciousness is a function of biochemistry. - Yeah, there's no soul, there's no spirit. There's no medicine. - Biochemistry comes first and biochemistry creates consciousness. If you have a problem with your consciousness, you just take a drug to alter your biochemistry. That's how they think and they're freaking idiots because of it. One more reason to fire your medical doctor immediately. - I'm not sure why this is a question. I see, I try to avoid- - No, you wanna find an alcohol extract of corn silk. And so, wise woman herbals go to do a web search for wise woman herbals and get their corn silk. It's got alcohol in it. - Cool. - All right. - Do you have, Polka asked, do you have an opinion on continuous glucose monitors? - What, why? Why are we gonna continuously monitor glucose? Why would we need to do that? There's no earthly reason to do that. If you have a blood sugar issue, then you need to fix the blood sugar issue. And you fix the blood sugar issue with diet and medical nutrition. That's how you fix it. And the only test that you're gonna need is hemoglobin A1C, but you do that every three months, not daily. You don't need to monitor anything daily because it's gonna cause anxiety. You're not gonna know what's happening. It's got everything to do with your metabolic rate in the position of the sun in the sky and the latitude that you're on and your percent body fat and the other drugs that you're taking. And whether you're worried or not. And what was the percent of carbohydrates versus protein versus sodium versus potassium in your meal? There's all these variables that are at play here, which will make you freaking crazy in an erotic mess. So there are two things to pay attention to, and I'm talking about non-insulin dependent diabetes. I am not talking about insulin dependent diabetes. I'm talking about type two diabetes, syndrome, X, metabolic syndrome, glucose resistance, insulin resistance syndrome. That's what I'm talking about. So the cardinal signs and symptoms of those blood sugar issues are the following. You get sleepy after you eat a meal that's got sugar or carbohydrates in it and or you wake up in the middle of the night and you're wide awake. If any of those things happen, you have a blood sugar intolerance issue. So those are the things you need to be paying attention to as you go downstream with the therapeutic, the intention of which is to fix the blood sugar issue. And then every three months, just to be sure that we're not missing anything, we do the hemoglobin A1C. That's the single best way to monitor blood sugar. Everything else is just a crock of crap dreamed up by the reductionists. It's like the low testosterone. Give me a freaking break, it's a scam. - So do you think that type one diabetes is something that comes from potentially the shots or they give you when you come right out of the womb? - No, I think type one diabetes is caused by an allergy to cow's milk. - So it would develop young but not at birth, basically, right? - Yeah, it would develop, well, if your mother is drinking milk, a lot of cow's milk when she's pregnant and you're allergic to it, then it's gonna develop in utero. But usually it doesn't and usually it develops, you know, in the first couple of years of life, theoretically, ostensibly because of a cow's milk allergy, which stimulates the immune system to attack the pancreas cells instead of attack the cow's milk protein. That's what I think causes it, but I don't know. And if we had a free medical market, that shit would have been figured out 50 years ago. - It's sad because we have a young friend of ours. She's just a teenage array and she has had some, she's had some life threatening issues at point. - Well, let me tell you a story then. I'm glad you talked to me about it. One of the most rewarding things, well, I've done a lot of rewarding things in my career. You know, I've had a lot of failures too. I'm not gonna talk about those publicly, but I have. I mean, this isn't, you know, guaranteed. - They're not around to tell their story anyway, so it's okay. - So I was treating, I think he was 15 year old, young man at the time, insulin dependent type one diabetic. I put him on the medical nutrition program in the diet. And within three weeks, he was able to reduce his insulin intake by 75%, 75% reduction in insulin need, which was huge for an insulin dependent diabetic. The quality of his life dramatically increased, his health dramatically increased. He didn't get any of the ramifications of type one diabetes, none of that should happen. And he became a nature-pathic doctor. - Awesome. I love the end of that story. That's the best part. It's amazing. - So even if you are insulin dependent diabetic, you still need the 90 essential nutrients. You still need extra blood sugar support. You still need to eliminate the 12 bad foods. If you do those things, your body's gonna get healthier. You're gonna need less insulin and you're gonna avoid a lot of the pitfalls that normal diabetics fall into because conventional medicine is a race to the bottom. And conventional medicine loves diabetics because it's the gift that keeps giving. Because under the care of conventional medicine for insulin dependent diabetics, the older that you get, the sicker that you get, the more hospitalizations you need, the more drugs that you need, and it's a gigantic money maker for the industry. I think the annual cost of blood sugar issues in the U.S. is $420 billion. That's what the medical industrial complex makes every year for mis-managing blood sugar, $420 billion. - Or mis-managing it. Not for helping, for mis-managing it. - I mean, the patient's still alive. - Yeah, maybe one foot less. Maybe, maybe, you know, up to their knee cut off because that's how you fix things. - Right. - They did, they went through Vietnam, but they didn't have their legs blown off until they got to the doctor's office. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there's two, Mike. The guy that I learned a lot of the stuff from, it's a colonel in the Air Force in addition to being a physician. And he said, he's like, "I'm outspoken. You should listen to him." He said, "There's two places you can give your life to your country on the battlefield and at the VA." - Sadly, I know that firsthand. That's my interest. - Yeah. - It's a, it's a, giving people a second chance to die for their countries since 1933. Interesting years, right? - Yeah, I mean, talk about a rabbit hole. We are inside of a medical matrix, ladies and gentlemen. You can snap out of it and belly on up to the bar and learn what to do or suffer and die. I don't really care anymore. But all the information is there. It's on the website. It comes out to about $1.70 a day. So, so, you know, I mean, it's less expensive than going to a Bob Dylan concert for goodness' sakes. So whatever. - So, all right. So we have, since I, Dr. Glenn, in a Daniel, is there anything I can give my four-month-old to help with teething that's not high on all? Or ibuprofen, also thoughts on massive hair loss for me. I think I already know where this is going as far as the nutrients and just being pregnant, but go. - Yeah, yeah. So there's a saying in medicine that, you know, when you hear hoofbeats, you think about horses before you think about zebras, which means you think about the most common things that cause things before you think about weird things that cause things. So here's how many nutrients the human body needs. Here's how many nutrients are in your body at any moment in time, less than half. Then you get pregnant, what happens? The baby steals what's left. This is why you get gestational diabetes. This is why you get eclampsia. This is why you get preeclampsia. This is why you get postpartum depression. And this is why children are born with birth defects. It's because of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy, period. You know, unless you like work in a coal mine or in asbestos factory, or you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day while you're pregnant, but that's different. So now post-pregnancy, you got zero nutrients, or if you had zero, you'd be dead, but you're running on nutrient fumes. So your body's gonna start stealing nutrients from non-essential tissue to keep essential tissue alive so your hair falls out. Your nails are gonna get funky also. And it's simple nutrient deficiencies, period, hard stop, end of story. It's got nothing with hormones. It's got everything to do with nutrient deficiencies, which could affect your hormones. - That's what I was gonna say, down the line, right? The chain reaction of not having what you need to create the hormones. - Yeah, so here's how you fix it. You get these, you go to, you tell them you came from Daniel's store. Daniel's show, rather. And you order one healthy foundation pack, which will include all of these supplements, four supplements and one healthy foundation pack. The good people at ifelhealth will tear it in. We'll tell you how to take it. You follow their advice, take the supplements and watch the magic happen. Now for teething, there's a couple of homeopathic medicines to take, to mess around with. Hold on here. All right, let's see. - Okay, hold on, I'm getting there. - I know, I was just looking at something else here. - Okay, here we go. So there are two homeopathic medicines to start with. - Pay attention to what he says, please. - And don't just shrug it off, this is. - Okay, so the first one to take, these are both homeopathics, by the way. So I should write that in, so there's no confusion. - I put this on a bigger screen so I can see. - I'll roll it up in a minute for you, Daniel. - Oops. - The first one is homeopathic chamomila 30C. Oops, I spelled homeopathic wrong. Let me bring it over. Okay, homeopathic, oops, I spelled chamomila wrong too. Chamomila in the 30C potency. Now the indications for chamomila are, in the teething episode, the child is capricious. The child asks for something, you give it to him, they throw it away. They ask for something else, you give it to him, they throw it away. They're capricious in their behavior and they're angry with the pain, that's chamomila, okay? If those are the behavioral attributes of the child, that's teething, you give him chamomila. Two pellets orally, every 30 minutes until the episode subsides and then you stop. If you give three doses of chamomila 30C and there is zero change, no change whatsoever, then you give calcareyophosphorica. Next one to try is homey, and these medicines are like 10 bucks each, 15 bucks each. Calcareyophosphorica also in the 30C potency. All right, oops, I spelled phosphoric wrong. He's like a spelling problem today, Daniel. - He said that's in the 30C? - Yep, now the indications for calcareyophosphorica. - I'm gonna put this in the live chat too, people, so. So you can get the right spelling. There you go. - So if during teething, the child has grass green stool, the stool is grass green during teething, or there was delayed development in the child, like the fontanels in the skull took longer to heal than normal, or they're a little late learning to talk, they're a little late learning to walk while they wouldn't be talking yet when they're teething. This is any type of a developmental delay, or they're low on the developmental delay chart that the pediatrician gives you, then use calcareyophosphorica, all right? Now the third and final thing to give them, and remember with homeopathy, we don't treat the disease, we treat the person, so we have to give the correct treatment, or it simply will not work. Let me get rid of homeopathic here. - And I got lucky that there was four ways to approach it. The first one that I tried that he told me to do, or. - That's because you gave me the specifics. - Yeah, thank you. (mouse clicking) Calcareyopharbonica is the last one to try. The indications for calcareyopharbonica are that the child is plump, the child was born with a big head, and the child sweats from the back of their head at night in bed. If that happens, the kid needs calcareyopharbonica. You give two pellets every 30 minutes until you get relief and then you stop, and then when there's another teething episode, you give it again and then you stop. You give it again and then you stop. If you give three doses and there's no change, you move on to the next remedy, okay? That's how you do it. - That's amazing, and it's so amazing that these little details about the person's behavior means a different thing that you would have used. That's mind boggling, but it's pretty cool. - It is pretty cool, actually, isn't it? - Are the indicators of something else going on, and that's what you're actually treating? Is that why? There's some other thing that's underlying, and that's why that-- - No, it's a good question. The reason that we pay attention to the details of the symptoms is because of our definition of health. So let me walk you through that, right? 'Cause it's important. I mean, if you wanna watch a medical doctor's head explode, you wanna have fun with your medical doctor, you wanna play with your medical doctor like a cat plays with a mouse. Next time you're in their office, ask them if they could please define health. Hey, Doc, I'm interested to know what's your definition of health. I'll look at you like a deer in a headlight. 'Cause they won't know. And don't you think it's telling that how is it possible for someone who practices health care to not know what health is? Because if you don't have a working definition of health, how can you possibly help somebody to recover it? You can't. Well, that's because medical doctors do not practice health care. They practice disease management. And there is a giant difference between health care and disease management. I mean, they are mutually exclusive. Let me make this a little bit bigger here. - Yeah. - I can. - Management doesn't sound like something that's for the long term. Like I wouldn't think I'm going to go manage a store so that I can cure the store. - Yeah, right, yeah. So here's the sophisticated, holistic practitioner definition of health. Health is the ability of a living organism to experience stress and remain in a symptom-free state of dynamic equipoise. So when you're healthy, your system is in a state of balance and everything works. Your brain works the way it's supposed to, your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat, all your organs, your bones and your joints. Everything works the way nature and God intended it to and you are symptom-free. That's health. And then you experience a stress. Let's say it's a micro or a change of weather or pollen. All right? If your system is strong enough because you've been taking the 90 essential nutrients and you have eliminated the 12 bad foods, your system is strong internally. So that stress is just going to bounce off, nothing's going to happen. So, you know, there's four people in a convertible, they're driving down the road, they all go through a pine pollen bank. Three of them have allergic reactions and one of them doesn't. They were all exposed to the same pollen. Well, why didn't the one person react to it because they were strong internally? However, every once in a while, regardless of your internal strength, you will experience a stress, which is too much for your body to handle. For instance, you cut your finger. Now you have a laceration and it's bleeding and it's painful, it's red, and it's sore. That's a symptom. So your body gets stressed by something, becomes destabilized, and then it generates a symptom. Any symptom that you are experiencing, what so ever, is a direct indication that your body is not healthy. If you are symptomatic, you are not healthy, period. You cannot be healthy and symptomatic at the same time, you can't, they're mutually exclusive. So, you get stressed by something, you get destabilized, you become symptomatic, and if your body is robust, the body fixes itself, recovers its balance and the symptom disappears. So 10 days later, the cut on your finger is gone, the body fixed it, you're no longer symptomatic. However, the reason the people go to the doctor, is because they get stressed by something, it can be anything, can be political stress, financial stress, weather, chemtrails, can be microbes, can be crap in the air, crap in the food, crap in the water, can be your horrible wife, your horrible husband, can be anything. You get stressed, you get destabilized, you get symptomatic, and then you get stuck. So the symptoms do not go away, they persist. Right. So now you bring this situation to an MD, and they deliver drugs to suppress the symptom. It's anti-depressant, and anti-anxiety of proton pump inhibitor, MAO uptake inhibitor, you get something to suppress the symptom. Does that fix the problem? No. What will happen if you suppress the symptom long enough? The body falls further off balance and develops another symptom somewhere else, and so you go until bankruptcy and death do us part. Every holistic physician in the world, on the other hand, is trained to deliver therapeutics that push the body back into a state of balance. Because when the body recovers balance, what happens to the symptom? It disappears. That's why Daniel's pain disappeared, because his system was pushed back into a state of balance by the homeopathic. It's amazing how quickly that works, yeah. Now, in order for, you know, the Ayurvedic treatment, the chiropractic treatment, the botanical medicine treatment, the medical nutrition treatment, the homeopathic treatment, the acupuncture treatment, they all have different parameters through which they are prescribed and how they work. In order for homeopathy to work, which is different than any other type of medicine, they're all different, you have to match the symptoms exactly. So, for instance, if you had a migraine headache and it was on your right temple, you would need a different homeopathic medicine than if you had a migraine headache and it was in your left temple. If you had a migraine headache, it felt like your head was being squeezed in a vice. You would need a different homeopathic medicine than if you had a migraine headache that felt like your head was exploding, like someone pumping up a balloon. So, we pay attention to the details of the symptoms, not the pathology. And this is why, you know, there's a saying. And yeah, so like headache is just what they go off and the hair is tiled, though. Exactly correct. And that's why that's what you do when you treat a disease. But in holistic medicine, we treat people, and that's where that phrase came from. That's a huge difference. That's a gigantic difference. And that's why medicine fails, conventional medicine fails, because they treat the disease suppressively. And then the idiots say, well, it made me feel better. Yeah, but what did it fix? It came back, right? Yeah, or worse later, and you stopped taking the drug. So you take the pain, mad, you take the pain, mad, you take the pain, mad, you take the pain, mad, you take the pain, mad, the root causes never fix. I don't have to take these the rest of my life in order for the thing that to be there. It's done. It's like taking time all the rest of your life because of pain. Now your body's going to stay a balanced out. Doesn't need any help. You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each when you buy two or more. But something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar, cheese, sticks, oven, big pastas, cinnabon, many rolls. And that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local pizza hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included or eight-count boneless. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can, right? I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from. With new games released each week, you can play for free. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary, VGW Group. Void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I mean, that's a revelation that most doctors are completely unaware of any of the things I just said, which is another reason why you should avoid your medical doctor like the freaking plague unless, you know, you're bleeding to death. You know, those descriptions on these things don't give them justice either. Like they give you like one thing. I think that's probably part of the medical establishment, you know, doing that. But well, that's a that's a law. Yeah, forwarded by the by the American Medical Association and the FDA. So that one particular homeopathic medicine. The Cali cows carbonicum. It's Cali carbonicum. Yeah, there are. Let me pull it up here. I don't know if it will tell me. Hold on. Yeah, the mutis here and I have the. Can't hear us. I think it's cool. And then the other one, the. And you can, Tana is on its way in the mail. OK, hold on. I'm going to blow your mind here. You ready? Put this up. I got to. So for that one, Madison. Yeah, there are. Yeah, I see you OK. I have said it for a long time that if I am OK, there are three thousand and twenty. Three thousand and twenty indications for that, Madison. I better hold on to it, then. Sounds like there's a good chance I'd run into something else that could help. That's awesome. So that's why the selection of the homeopathic medicine is. I mean, that's the trick. And honestly, Daniel, I've been doing homeopathy for. Thirty five years now, almost thirty six. And I'm just getting good at it. For you, for you to know, like, and it was the first one that you said, I mean, you gave me three other options, but the very first one that you said, knocked it out of the park. It's great. So I don't know if I could have done that five years ago. I mean, honestly, I can't imagine, though. I mean, look at all the different variables that you have to try to filter. And then you have to through experience with people. Apply it before you know which one is going to be like that. That's that does take a lot of. If we can get like a homeopathy, it's a mixture between. It's an art and it's a science. And I'm finally hitting my stride with it, knock on wood. It's like, I love homeopathic medicine. It's the best kept secret and the most misunderstood system of medicine in the world. It's almost like I'm going to be an empath. You have to like sense it, you know, you mean you have to sense the right answer. You got to tap into that the force, the Jedi style. You tell you'd say that Dr. Monza is the Jedi. I think you both are. Yeah, maybe. That's funny. So I have a couple of things real quick. We'll just read and then we can say do says I have said for a long time that if I am battered and broken, get me to the nearest trauma center. But when it comes to long-term health care, I will take that on myself. Well, what you should. Yes. And what you rather than trying to figure it out yourself, you should lean on the experts that already know how to do it. And that's why I'm here. And your point is very well taken. You know, you've snapped out of the matrix enough to understand that conventional medicine is not the way to go for health. But that begs the question, well, what is now? Do you actually think that, you know, in the last 2000 years of recorded human history, there is not a group of health care practitioners that have figured it out. Do you actually think that nobody's figured it out yet? We figured it out. We know what to do. All you need to do is become students of this method. And the only reason that people suffer is because they don't even know how to pronounce nature, apathy, let alone know what nature, pathic medicine is. And to add insult into injury, not to muddy the waters too much, but it's important for the majority of people in the world now who are practicing nature, pathic medicine, are not practicing nature, pathic medicine. That sucks. They're not, they're practicing this weird hybridized medicine that was a function of the 21st century. And I call it green allopathic medicine. It's a combination of pharmaceuticals and naturopathic therapeutics. That's a shit show. The Christian Henneman influence isn't even there at all, is it? No, they're getting rid of homeopathy. Yeah. I'm just kind of scrolling through this. So you guys see, he said, become a student of what I do. This is the place to find that information. That's the big fun with All right. Yeah. Use the link to get there, get in on the subscription. I think the yearly is probably the best way to do it. And it'll be all good. So here, I'd like to address this real quick. Voodoo asked me and he's a good, good friend of the show. What were the four that you recommended for me just out of curiosity? So what I would say to that is if you're just curious to be curious, that's one thing. But like what you said, it all depended on what I was telling you. Yeah, for these four, it can be a different four or a different two for him. If there is the same type of issue that he had, that's right. So in with homeopathic medicine, we don't treat the disease. We treat the person. So I could have 10 people all passing a kidney stone and they would need 10 different medicines to recover. So it's not now now to make things even more complicated. Right. In case it wasn't already case it wasn't already. There are generic things that everybody should do. In order to optimize their health. I know what they are. Right. Some of them. Everybody needs the 90 essential nutrients. Everybody needs to eliminate the 12 bad foods. Once every couple of years, everybody needs to do a really smart detox program. And four times a year on the full moon, people need to do a three day full moon parasite plans. And then that gives the perfect foundation for health. And then when you become stricken with something, you fix it holistically. Now with homeopathy specifically, because homeopathy is not medical nutrition, homeopathy is not diet, homeopathy is not food, homeopathy is not botanical medicine, homeopathy is homeopathy. It is separate and distinct. For 95% of the things that people are bothered by, the homeopathic medicine needs to be individualized. For 5% of things. There are generic homeopathic medicines. Like blunt force trauma. Arnica, Montana. Yeah, it's going to say is probably what it is. Cause I read that I read what it did at the store. Right. If you tear a ligament or a tendon, root agraviolins. Um, uh, for, um, gout, it's urdica urns. And there's a couple others that like teething, right? And the, um, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. There's like two or three homeopathic medicines that work most of the time. And those are the ones that we give. If you've had nerve damage, you injure a nerve, you smack the end of your finger with a hammer and you damage the nerves. It's hypericum. So there are a handful of homeopathics for a handful of conditions, which we can prescribe generically, but most of the time with homeopathy, it must be individualized. So I called Daniel yesterday and I talked to him for 15 minutes. He told me his symptoms. I did an analysis and I told him what to take and it worked. It's like, thank you, but you would never be able to figure that out on your own as a lay person. You know, you have to be a, and I try to make all of this stuff easy to understand on the website. It's why I got to get there. Right. Right. And, you know, my, I don't want patients. I want students. I don't want to give somebody a fish. I want to teach them how to fish. And honest to God, it's not that hard to learn how to fish. Right. And, and like you said before, and this is a, probably one of the, I'm glad that that, that it's passing because I would hope that that means that since I've been taking the essential nutrients, that it's not necessary for it to hold onto it anymore and it's getting rid of it. You know, that's why most importantly, you won't get any more in the future. Right. But if you hadn't changed your nutrition, you would have gotten another kidney stone. Right. Because it's an nutritional deficiency. I mean, if you don't have enough vitamin C, you get scurvy. I mean, it happens. You just do. I snapped a bone recently and I liked my foot like, well, it wasn't recently, but I was a while back, but I felt like I was like, that wasn't a lot of pressure. You know, and then that's probably why it's probably was going on for a while, where it was sucking away at my bones. Yeah, that's, I don't, I don't drink milk. I don't do any of that like. So I wasn't really, yeah. Yeah. So that's an indication that you've got to trouble with calcium. I mean, other, some of the other telltale signs of a calcium deficiency are chronic low back pain. That's what I have again, right there. Muscle ticks and twitches anywhere in your body. Restless legs at night in bed and heartburn. Those are all signs of a calcium deficiency. Oh, and if you're a woman, really, really painful menstrual cycles, like super bad grams, I think we're back in my head of that issue. Yeah. I mean, most people are deficient in calcium and they don't even know it, but, but again, too, that also requires you to know that you need, if you're going to be pumping that in, you need magnesium, you need vitamin D. Yeah, right. So you need the whole kitten caboodle, not just calcium. Right. Right. Yeah, so, but there's a learning curve here, man, but it's not that hard. If you're smart enough to pass the driver's license test, you're smart enough to learn what to do to optimize your health by extracting yourself from the medical matrix. And you'll save shit loads of money over the course of your life, tons of money. You've heard of Pizza Hut $7 deal lovers menu, right? All these delicious items for only $7 each, when you buy two or more. But something's off. I mean, pizzas, melts, boneless wings, bacon, cheddar, cheese, sticks, oven, big pastas, cinnabon, many rolls. And that's not even the whole menu. I'll keep eating or digging. You should, too. Check out the $7 deal lovers menu at your local pizza hut. Product availability prices and participation may vary. Additional charges and exclusions may apply. Wings included or eight-count boneless. Hello, it is Ryan. And I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba to claim you're free. Welcome bonus at Chumba and live the Chumba line. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Because you will not need medical insurance anymore. You will not simply will not need it, which is amazing, right? No prescriptions have failed. No copay for that. No copay at the doctor's office. This is what's, this is why I'm saying it's like, you might be like, I don't know, I don't know what the reason, what the hesitation would be to be a member on the site. Plus you get the two extra Q&A sessions. It's like, it's almost like a visit. If you ask your question appropriately, you know, if you, if you, if you think about what your question is, you're, you're pretty much getting a good deal out of that for the, for the answer that you're going to receive in the, in the Q&A on, on your site and here. Yeah. And so the, I only offer an annual subscription now, no more months to month. Oh, is that how it goes? Okay. Yeah. And for my annual subscription, there's a seven day free trial. Oh, that's cool. Look it up, check it out. You can go into my website for seven days for free. And if you don't like it, you cancel and you're not charged. Or, you know, you could pirate the information and just get my information for free and figure out what to do for your particular condition. And seven days you could do that. I don't recommend it, but, you know, some people can't afford it. But most people can. Um, I like the fact that you're just doing the annuals. That's good because there's a commitment level there, but also it's, uh, I'm sure it's cheaper than doing the monthly anyway, because it's usually, you know, right. So that's good stuff. It's good stuff. And I'm happy to be part of it. And I'm very happy that there's so many people on this, uh, on this, you know, that watch this show that have been coming over there and becoming members. I see it. I get the notifications and I'm that smart. Good stuff. Karen gets the final word tonight. She says, I am a grandfather into my, yeah, that's a good point, Karen. Yes, you are. So whenever my price points on my subscriptions change, you are grandfathered into whatever your current rate is. So whatever you're paying, you know, last month, you will continue to pay as long as you maintain your subscription, 100%. Otherwise it's bait and switch. And I wouldn't do that. Been a number two. It's illegal. So yeah, you're grandfathered into whatever it was, whatever level you came in at, because I have, I've been doing this for, I think I've had this website for 15 years now. And the price points have changed over time. Right. So, and I've still got people who are paying the original price point of the very first year that I had it. I still have people that are doing that 15 years later. So it does not change. It will not change, but you have to maintain the subscription. If the subscription lapses, then you got to re-up at the new level. So that's how it is. So I should sue Square because they raised my website fee from $29 to $79. And they just told me that they were going to do it. Yeah, that's just bullshit. Yeah. So I paid an extra $50 last month for my freaking website. And apparently in about five days, I'm going to do the same. So I better, I'm getting nervous that they're going to shut me down. Yeah, I got to, I got to figure out a way to port my website to Europe somehow, to get it, you know, into non-censorship plan. It's gotten that crazy, huh? And somebody had asked about the bird flu scare crap and what you thought about it earlier or two. Okay. So here's what I know about it. It's a hoax. So it was cool. Nobody has ever proved that the bird flu virus exists. Nobody's ever proven that. And it sounds funny when I say it out loud, but let me say it out loud one more time. Nobody has ever proven that the H5N1 bird flu ever existed. Because in order to prove that a microbe is causing an illness, you have to isolate the microbe. That's a never do you have to be able to reproduce the microbe. You have to give the microbe to a healthy population, like animals. You have to have a control group. Then you have to see if the microbe makes those animals sick. And then you have to repeat it. You have to make sure they get sick in the same way too. Yep. And that's never been done with H5N1 has never been done. And if you want the scales to be lifted from your eyes about all this bullshit, you want to get a book called "Virus mania" by Torstein and Engelbrecht. And you will talk about popping out of the matrix. The Beshomps, stuff that he worked on, like just virus as a whole. I mean, you probably, you know, Tom Cowan, you don't have to talk about it. Like all that stuff they've been doing, the Bailey's, it's pretty, it's pretty interesting. And by the way, the same thing goes for polio. It was never proven to exist. My favorite Dr. Stefan Lomka on that side too. So it's the polio, right. It's the steps in the keeps giving. We think that polio was caused by a neurotoxin. Probably DDT. Right. And then we're going to put the shot in the shot that also was causing polio. So thank you very much, big pharma. Right. That's a death death been a thought. Hey, they have very many varieties and flavors. Yeah, yeah, it's a it's the it's the gift that keeps on destroying. So extract yourself from the medical matrix, folks, I can help let me help you. I'm begging you, let me help you. It's not that difficult. And there are a group of licensed and regulated physicians who have dialed this shit in. We don't know everything, but we know a lot and we can. Help you a lot, so check it out. That's right. And you saw and the description, you'll find the link to live big far behind. You see it for rifle and you'll have the phone number in there. So if you need to contact, bring them directly, you can and get something tailored to you and just mention the show. All right. Thank you, Dr. Peter Glidden. Thank you for the extra time today, too. Yeah, it's my pleasure to help get that corn silk. All right. And then I'm getting ready to forget all this. All right. Thank you and see you next time. Thank you, sir. But all right. So now we're going to go to, oh, by the way, I hate stream yard. Stream yard did something to me last stream that was kind of rude and very, very rude. Actually, I hit end of the stream. I hit end stream again. I didn't realize it was still recording because, hey, I shut it down. It didn't shut itself down. Yeah, some people got a little bit of an extra show. Let's just put it that way. OK, so we're going to get into right here, share screen. So one last run here. So this is, OK, And then there's some of that button there. There's a little introduction by Dr. Peter Glidden there. There's the one of the numbers to call. That's the number to call. And then you extension one on one for a friend of one zero one just like, hey, elementary race. My dear, are you going to go to chemistry one on one? All right, so it's extension one on one. And, but I mean, they have powder forms of osteo effects, but they also have the liquid. I have the liquid. That's why I do. All right. So there you have it. And the other one, which I have to jump out and jump back in to work. That was kind of. I'm so mad at a stream guard for doing that. If it failed to. It's supposed to be off. Come on. Camera was not supposed to be recording anymore. Oh, anyway. Yeah. Here we go. So look in the description. It's leave big pharma Backslash little question mark via VIA. And then the equal sign. PG as in Peter Glidden and D as a naturopathic doctor. Health PG and D health. All right. Make sure you use that one. Okay. And it's in the description of the video. Some days my voice is very. Not it's such a range, like it's never sounds the same to me. Maybe it's the microphone. I don't know, but my voice to me sounds different from one day to the next. It's very weird. All right, everybody. Thank you so much. It's been a pleasure. Go over to the Patreon. Because the niche in Dan's woo done it. It was three hours and 26 minutes yesterday. A lot was said, as you can imagine. And it's very interesting stuff. I also have to say. Having listened to some of Nisha's past guests yesterday when I was doing the elliptical. I would say that there's a, there's a, there's a uniqueness to when her and I talk. That I find to be level wise, or maybe like this. In comparison to. Some of the guests, because I think sometimes she has to kind of push them into. Saying what they, you know, going, expanding, expanding themselves into. The possibilities, whereas with her and I, we just, we get it. You know, and we entertain that stuff. Whereas other times it's like, she's got to like push a freaking. I don't know, something through a small hole. All right. This must, this one must be for me. I love you, doc. I'm just kidding. Oh, and by the way, too. Also, yes, there is on his lead big farm behind, which I see above my head here. In case you haven't found it yet. You will also find the live Q and A page. And there's just like our chat is here. That's what's going on during the life Q and A there. And you submit them ahead of time in an email. You make sure that you get yours said, well, at the end of the show. Sometimes there's time for others that are in the live chat, but he doesn't look at the live chat until he's done with his presentation. And then he's done answering the questions that got emailed. So it's like third priority. So if you want to get in there, he sends an email out on, uh, so that you can submit your questions ahead of time. So you get him done. No. No. Karen. All right. I'll talk to you guys later. Bye. Let's see if it actually ends this time. Yes. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero. And my out of pocket costs are low. Who should apply single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. 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