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Origins 4 Priestcraft and the Age of Deception

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"From Holy Men to Dark Magicians" Ep 6 of Asha Logos' "Our Subverted History" continues and we will Also go further into our investigation of these dark practitioners that have mankind on bent knee in worship and subjugation.

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2h 4m
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12 Jul 2024
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How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly, too. So put it down. It can wait. Don't drive distracted. Shift into safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. Good morning. It is Thursday, July 11, 2024. It's 8 AM, and we're about to kick it off. Thank you for joining us. How's everybody doing? That's good to know that you're not being unsubscribed, sir. No, or ma'am. Can't really tell. It's kind of neutral. Colleen, yes. Yes, so Dr. Peter Glidden, I sent him an email because I had watched a video. Somebody sent me a clip in the telegram group of a really old video that Dr. Glidden did about kidneys and kidney stones. And then I looked for it on my membership. I looked for that. You know how we've gone through this before. Let me see if I can show you what I'm talking about here. We'll do that. OK, so you know about this here. So in the health recovery protocols, there's that list. You scroll down, let me find that list. And I found one that was Dr. Glidden's health recovery protocol for those diagnosed with kidney stones. And I watched a good portion of this. I got a lot of information. I learned how the kidneys work and what they do and how pretty amazing and interesting they are. And so I had a little bit more of an informed question to ask him-- this is from 2015, so this is nine years ago. So I sent an email out to Brenda and Dr. Glidden and just asked if he still recommended, because he spent nine years, right, things could be added. If there's anything in addition to the barberry that he would recommend, and he called me and asked me kind of like intake questions, right? And then he-- so he took the time out of his day, Dr. Glidden, because he cared about how I was doing, right? And that's the important message here is that Dr. Glidden contacted me, took the time out of his day to do that. He asked me a bunch of questions, and then he gave me four homeopathic-- those little tablet recommendations, those little white tabs that you get in the tubes-- gave me four of those to go grab. And so after doing my talk with Neesh yesterday, which, by the way, is on the Patreon right now, right here. So if you're in the second tier or above, there's a three-hour and 26-minute video from yesterday. And we went into the whole lot of stuff, a whole lot of stuff. We got 16 notifications. How the hell am I? Interesting. I'll have to check out that later. That wasn't there yesterday, so something's going on over there. All right, anyway, so yeah, he gave me those recommendations that went out and got something called Cali Carbonicum. All right, and Cali Carbonicum is one of those little tube things, Boryon or whatever it's called, the company. I got it over sprouts. He told me to take two tabs every 30 minutes for four times and then see how I'm feeling. He said, if there's nothing improved, move on to the next one. And he gave me the list in sequential order as to which one I should take after that to try. The first one did it. I feel fine. Like I have a little bit of-- if I lean a certain way, if I'm not applying pressure, if the muscles are contracting in a certain way on my right side, I know it sits there. But I slept wonderfully last night for the first time in a long time. I woke up in a good mood and just everything was great. The pain's gone. I know it's still in me somewhere. It hasn't come out yet. But whatever happened, Dr. Glidden kind of made it so I'm not an agony. And I have much appreciation to Dr. Peter Glidden. There was little things that everybody says, oh, they're just the same sugar pill in a different tube. They don't know what they're talking about. So I just wanted to make that clear. Dr. Glidden is awesome. And he will be with us today at 11 a.m. Pacific time to answer your questions. We do this every Thursday that we're both available to do it. And so we will be doing it. So you guys call in 6'1, 9, 3, 5, 4, 8, 8, 7, 9" during the show, even though my phone's broken, it still connects to the roadcaster. No problem, so we can do this. And you'll be able to ask your questions because he has a wealth of knowledge, information, and he's got a good heart. All right, so there's that. Dr. Peter Glidden, if you're not on leave big pharma behind yet, look in my description. I think in this video, but if you just find one of my previous Dr. Peter Glidden videos, you'll see his link for there. And I think the annual subscription is probably the best because it's the least overall, you know, as far as it's the most cost effective, whatever, right? All right, so yes, Colleen. Thank you for asking. Vinlanderson, good morning, Bob Busser. So glad to hear Dr. Glidden is helping. Yes, he was awesome. And also, I don't want to leave out the fact that Bree, over in the telegram group and others, had also given me recommendations. They, you know, looked for information. They sent me screenshots, recent screenshots of Dr. Manzo's book for the touch points. Because I was in a lot of pain, it was hard for me to kind of reach to do because it's kind of like on my back. But I did do it for a little bit. And so all this stuff was great. And let's see. Yes, thank you Vinlanderson. Thank you for everybody who cares. I do appreciate that. It's quite amazing to have people out there that-- give a crap. It's a kind of nice feeling. Thank you. I'm honored. All right, so let's get this rolling. We have-- let me make sure there's so many tabs open. OK, so yesterday we were at 20 minutes and 53 seconds deep into a one-hour and 15-minute video of Ashley Logos, our Subverted History, Part 6, from holy men to dark magicians. So I think we're going to wrap this up. We're going to finish this one out and move on from there. If anybody, you know, throughout the broadcast of that has anything they want to say, we'll talk to you, all right? So let's go ahead and do this. And I will be here in the seat. Is that full-screen already? I think it is. Yeah, it is. OK. Maybe I'll show you back up just a little tiny bit so that we kind of have a little bit of overlap from what we were watching. What we got right now, right? Let's bring it to this map. Let's bring it to this arbitrary map here and move on. There we go. Godfrey Higgins in his treatise, the Celtic Druids, agrees on the interconnectedness of this ancient priesthood but speaks of them as high priests who immigrated from India and who were initially a colony from the first race of people, who he speaks of as survivors of a great flood who found sanctuary in the Himalaya. Again, there's been possibly more than one flood when we listen to, but when we read the oral Linda book, we hear of the cataclysm that occurred that made the Finns have to migrate and kind of interact with the Frisians. So the dates and times of these-- I'm telling you, there's a cyclical thing that occurs. And given what I've kind of starting to really see the picture come clear of-- especially after talking to Nisha yesterday, that there is something that survived that remained in-- they were able to keep and preserve their technology. So could weather weapons or some other high tech be causing these things on purpose to wipe off kind of like a slate. If a chalkboard just wipe it off and start over, potentially. And there's a lot of underground places that there's whole under subterranean dwellings. And I'm not talking about how the earth or even that. I'm just talking about the tunnels, the boring company, the things that they do, the drill. Before that, there's been like Derren Kuyu, where there's all these civilizations that lived underground, even the Hopi tribe. Their stories come-- they come from underneath. So people went underground for a particular reason at some point. And I also brought up with Nisha yesterday that I found it interesting that the Scythians left these burial mounds everywhere they were. And we find all these mounds that they-- most of them, they tried to clear away and destroy in America, but there's still some left, like Cahokia and all that stuff. I find it interesting that mounds over here, mounds over here, and is there a correlation? Is the same people? Are they showing what we call the Native Americans? The practice, did they actually carry it out? Or is it really them that we're here and what time in our history? And were they here? It's all very interesting. We know that they are seafarers. And obviously, if you can navigate, water is not-- and bodies of water are not barriers. They're highways, right? So it's very possible, just saying. Very interesting. Higgins says, "These priesthoods were dedicated to the worship of God with such difference as there were between them represented as variations on a theme and as consequences of spatial and temporal distance." Scholar Ruben Burrow flatly insisted the Druids were, Brahmins, quote, "beyond the least shadow of doubt." An Indian Antiquities scholar, Thomas Maurice, wrote, "A dissertation on the Indian origins of the Druids and on the striking affinity which the religious rights and ceremonies, anciently practiced in the British islands, or to those God-free Higgins and his treatise." I don't like-- I do not like the way YouTube does that. It just up and changes things like that. Let me go back. It's weird, like hiccups. [INAUDIBLE] Quote, "Beyond the least shadow of doubt." An Indian Antiquities scholar, Thomas Maurice, wrote, "A dissertation on the Indian origins of the Druids and on the striking affinity which the religious rights and ceremonies, anciently practiced in the British islands, or to those of the Brahmins." The starting point of Maurice's discussion was the statement, quote, "At the celebrated order of Druids were the immediate descendants of a tribe of Brahmins, which he also connects Tibet and the earliest Buddhists. Maurice claims etymological connection of Druid to the Celtic term for oak and similar Welsh variants and connects it to the Sanskrit name for old Brahmins of the forest of the Gandharvas. Also speaks to the Brahmins being once called Dervasas, which he connects to the Dervishes as a later outgrowth. In fact, it seems Magi may well be cognate with Rabbi. And among others, the prophet Daniel in the book of the Bible was-- That's pretty interesting, right? Because you have the Persian Magi, and then you have the Rabbi, which makes them not just priests, but also sorcerers, right? Kind of, at least mystics. - Preferred to both as chief of the Magi and the Appalachian Radmok, and to speak, frankly, it's my belief that the Talmudic Rabbi-- - Let me read this, because I don't think he is. Young Israelites of noble and royal family without physical defects and handsome versed in wisdom and competent to serve in the palace of the king are taken to Babylon to be taught the literature and language of that nation. Among them are Daniel and his three companions. - This of the modern age represent an extremely degenerated tradition of what it meant to play this role in the ancient world, to give some further idea of its purpose and function. - Let's first examine the etymology of this fascinating important term. Magi is connected to magic and magicians, to mage and magus, and is likely connected to a term, Maju, used by at least one Arab historian, from the Arab perspective, as a blanket term to describe all Norse or Nordic individuals by the Andalusians. Perhaps because he came to generically associate fair skinned racial stock with these teachers and priests, though this is largely speculation and guesswork on my part. Magni, Maga, and Magoi are related labels, and the words magnify and magnificent and magistrate. - How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly, too. So put it down, it can wait. Don't drive distracted, shift into safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. - The root of the word seems to trace back to the Proto-Indo-European "mog," meaning to be able to have power, as well as many similar derivative root words and concepts across the many branches of the Aryan and Indo-European language family. In the Vedas, Indra has many epithets, notably Magavan, meaning magnanimous, greatly efficient. Sanskrit, Mahatma, magnate or great soul comes from the same root. It seems that these magi were the faction with the power to shape, direct, change, channel, to speak things into being. And in fact, initially, the words-- - Manifestation? - Seems to have much to do with speech, song and the power of the word. The oldest surviving reference to the magi comes from the poetic gathas. In the sacred verse of the gathas, the term "mog" refers to the great mastery of spiritual and mental powers. And the powers of mind or spirit to manifest. In their earliest days, the magi seem to be the scholarly or priestly class of ancient Aryans founded by Zarathustra, sometimes called Zoroaster, descended from the spit-a-man or spit-a-mid family or clan, with spit and avesta, meaning brilliant or white. To quote from authentic gathas, the term magi denotes the fellowship of the learned masters, founded by the ancient Aryan prophet, Zarathustra. The magi were followers of Zarathustra or followers of what the Hellenistic world later associated with. - See, that's important too, because what we think of when we think of Persian, you know, any of these other places in India, we're usually thinking in modern terms as to who inhabits now and what they're, you know, characteristics and features are. But when we're talking about the Scythian era, they're all pretty much the same people, just in different areas with different names for those areas calling them this or that. So we were not really talking about the indigenous, if you wanna go that far as to call it that, but more or less the people who are teaching and bringing culture to them. So you might think that, I don't know, even if some of Cyrus was quite Persian or not, I think they draw him up to look like that, but he may not have been. And then you have, you know, Zarathustra, and he's a tall white dude, right? - Zarathustra, they were most knowledgeable considering consciousness and mind, and believed that consciousness and mind is the magical substance or stuff out of which universe, with all of its marvelous hidden dimensions and powers, is made. - And he's got that torch in his hand, which is, I would imagine, is something like the eternal flame. And when we were talking about that name that they used in the elephantine temples for that fire that they have burning there, that was a Persian term that they were, so rashi in term that they were adopting. So there was, there was some integration there, even though we're told that they don't know. They take what's useful, and especially if it's something that people recognize so that they can draw people in to the culture that they're trying to, you know, present. - Initially, this widespread priestly cast seemed to be heavily associated with the wearing of all white robes made of fine linen, the traveling to all corners of the world, the sharing and bestowing of law and judgment and order, and spiritual wisdom. Jordanis in his getica tells us, "Then Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, "made alliance with the Goths and took to wife Madopa." - I don't mean to interrupt again, but I just thought it was interesting that you're looking at a statue. It's not all serious, it's not all, you know, God fearing and looking face, that's a smile. It's a warm smile. I just think that's something to take note of. They, you know, the Carver took that artistic license to do so to capture the essence of something. And instead of making it serious or ominous or scary looking, he made it a warm smile. And I think we're looking at a difference here from where it degraded to later. - Otter of King Gudilla. So that he might render the kingdom of Macedon more secure by the help of this marriage. It was at this time, as the historian Dio relates, that Philip, suffering from need of money, determined to lead out his forces and sack Odysseus, a city of Marisa, which was then subject to the Goths by reason of the neighboring city of Tommy. Thereupon those priests of the Goths that are called the holy men, suddenly opened the gates of Odysseus and came forth to meet them. They bore harps and were clad in snowy robes and chanted and suppleant strains to the gods of their fathers, that they might be propitious and repel the Macedonians. When the Macedonians saw them coming with such confidence to meet them, they were astonished. And so to speak, the armed were terrified by the unarmed. Straight away, they broke the line they had formed for battle and not only refrained from destroying the city, but even gave back those who they had captured outside by right of war. Then they made a truce and returned to their own country, end quote. And William Reed says the following with regard to the ancient barns, who seemed to spring from this same tradition. Quote, also that they did their utmost to stay those civil wars which were the bane of Britain. And that often when two fierce armies had stood fronting each other in a ray of battle, their swords drawn, their spears pointing to the foe and waiting but for the signal from their chieftains to begin the conflict, the barns had stepped in between them and touched their harps with such harmony. And so persuaded them with sweet thrilling verses. That suddenly on either side, soldiers had dropped their arms and forgotten the fierce resentment, which had been raging in their breasts end quote. This group seems to have been heavily associated with a specific kind of sounds like more fierce in the sense right with the music in the same type of like lyre or harp. I know he's saying harp, but a lyre is the smaller one that you carry a harp. I believe is one of those big things that kind of sits on the ground and use any strum it. - The instrument, the sithra. So often mentioned in descriptions of the hyperbarians and the Goths. Deodora Siculus tells us quote, "Furthermore, a city is there which is sacred to this God and the majority of its inhabitants are players on the sithra and these continually play on this instrument in the temple and sing hymns of praise to the God, glorifying his deeds." End quote. Regarding the Goths, Jordanis and the Gedekah tells us in the earliest times, they sang the deeds of their ancestors in strains of song accompanied by the sithra. Over time, I've come to believe the hyperbarians were almost certainly a real people being referenced. And in fact, they seem to well fit the profile of these traveling wise men. Much like the people spoken of in the Orlinda book, and aloof and thus poorly understood, yet highly respected, mysterious group of outsiders said to come from a land of plenty where justice and virtue prevailed. Who seemed to have wielded a great deal of influence in the earliest stages of the most powerful and influential nations and impiders of old. Deodorus Siculus continues, "The hyperbarians also have a language which is peculiar to them and are most friendly disposed towards the Greeks and especially towards the Athenians and deleons who have inherited this goodwill from most ancient times." The myth also relates that certain Greeks visited the hyperbarians and left behind them there, costly votive offerings, bearing inscriptions and Greek letters. This seems to have been a class or cast of individuals that played leading roles in guiding the growth and development of much of the ancient world, sometimes ruling, sometimes exercising a controlling influence behind the scenes or from a distance, often with kings and governors as their administrators. At first, it seems benevolently, but consider just how easily such a structure might go horribly awry and consider the possibility that the world in which we're currently living couldn't be a more perfect example of this going awry. Quote, "The priests invented a thousand gods. The priests told a thousand lies. The priests instituted a thousand absurd and horrible customers, who first taught nations to be idolaters, to be murderers, but the priests." - Okay, I have to interject here and just pull me up for a second. He's talking about the priests, he's talking about the priest craft, okay? You're gonna get an awful lot, I know it's probably backward, but let me reimage, but this priest craft beyond Babylon, the links are in the description. I know it's my book, but I put a lot of references in here and I pieced together a history of the priest craft from as early as Samaria on up to present day and how they manifest into government and other things that control mankind, all right? So I go through Masonic initiations, rituals, Knights, Hospitallers, the Templars, Black Rock, Black Cubist, Saturn, Frankism, a little bit on the World Economic Forum, parasites, I mean, and medical eugenics. All right, well, this is actually the hard copy too, this is the hard cover. So I got one of these guys sitting around here too and those two varieties that pay back and the hard cover are color. So that's that boring drill that I was talking about, right? Without the drill bit on it. Just go check it out. You're really gonna like it. Everyone who has read it says I'm literate. So that's a good thing, pretty good. - Who instituted the festival of the juggernaut, the Inquisition, the massacre of St. Bartholomew, what the priests, Calvin, a priest of the Reformation, ordered his victims to be burnt with green wood. - And I just have to say, you know, what you can write in a book, you can't fit into all the detail, like the same thing with a movie, right? You're gonna lose a lot of the information. So when it's, when you can write it, you have a whole lot more of the detail and it gives you a better understanding as to even what I'm talking about in this show is like it's a companion for watching these videos because you'll understand not only where I'm coming from, but you'll see the reference material that I use to come to those conclusions as well, which will help paint the picture a whole lot more and be on the same page, if you will, unintended. - Truly Christian refinement of cruelty. Aaron, a priest, manufactured a golden calf and taught the Israelites to insult their God. And it was Caiaphas, a high priest who committed that murder of which the more virtuous heathen pilot washed his heads. Look everywhere, look everywhere. And you will see the priests reeking with gore. They have converted popular and happy nations into deserts and have made our beautiful world into a slaughterhouse drenched with blood and tears, end quote. - Tearing things into deserts, I think there's something even deeper in that statement. I don't think that's just metaphor or whatever you wanna call that, really talk. I think there's something more to that, like scorched earth type of deal. They don't sustain life very well, right? So I mean, there's something that I believe occurs and has occurred in the past. And what we're seeing after years and years of erosion and all this other stuff and just age is the remnants of potential evidence of great battles or massive devastation and destruction. And this is the aftermath that you see when you walk through a desert. - One of the first to mention them was Herodotus, who uses the term magi in two different senses. In the first sense, Herodotus speaks of the magi as one of the tribes or peoples of the Medes. He speaks of the magians offering sacrifices and libations in ancient Troy and speaks of the Persians thinking idols and shrines to be folly, only worshiping a single all father figure on mountain tops. In another sense, he uses the term magi to generically refer to a sasserdodal caste, but quote, whose ethnic origin is never again so much as mentioned. According to Robert Charles Zayner in other accounts, quote, "We hear of magi not only in Persia, "Carthea, Bactria, Kharazmia, Aria, Media, "and among the Socas, but also in non-Iranian lands "like Samaria, Ethiopia, and Egypt." Their influence was also widespread throughout Asia Minor. It is, therefore, quite likely that the sasserdodal caste of the magi was distinct from the median tribe of the same name. - An official message from Medicare. - A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. - Go to, paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. - Luckyland Casino asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - Lucky? In line with the deli, I guess? - I'm in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. - Do I have to say? - Yes, you do. - In the car before my kids' PTA meeting? - Really? - Yes. - Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - I never win and tell. - Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere, playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. It's interpreted by law 18-plus terms and conditions of policy, which I've already dealt with. - They're most often described as scholars and priests, fire kindlers, and keepers of ancient flames, serving as advisors, councils, or administrators at the royal court, being consulted as interpreters of dreams and omens. The fact that the term magi seemed to become both a racial or ethnic category, as well as a caste or occupational category, may help explain some of the confusion in the historical record, and there certainly is incredible confusion. It's fascinating how aggressively contradictory the descriptions are through the ages, and the supplies to both the magi and the druids. Some, especially in the most ancient references, seem to hold them in the highest possible regard. The famous Macedonian philosopher, Aristotle of Stagira, who had spent a good part of his life in ancient Iran's Western territories, states explicitly that the magians neither know nor practice black magic or sorcery. Other Greek sources from the for the Hellenistic period include the gentleman soldier Xenophon, who had first-hand experience at the Persian Achaemenid court. In his early 4th century BC Syropedia Xenophon, who visited the Achaemenid Empire in 401, depicts the magians as authorities and all religious matters, and imagines the magians to be responsible for the education of the emperor to be. He calls the magians experts in everything scholarly. He also states that the magians sing hymns to the rising sun and all divine powers. And yet others, for example, the respectable Pliny the Elder, speak of them only with disgust and much-- - And why do we think that is? - There's something very, very weird going on there. Now, did they themselves become corrupted? Or are these detractors trying to push people towards monotheism or some other agenda? Oh, that's weird. See that dude? To where they would have to mar or disrespect something that may be the envious of because of their nobility and their influence. Kind of interesting. It's like political propaganda, right? - It's the same way that the Orlando book seems to, when it speaks of the corrupt priestly leaders of the goals. It's said that Pythagoras and pedocles, Democritus, Heraclitus, and Plato traveled abroad to study with the Magi. Yet this very same Heraclitus is said to have, quote, "directed his prophecies against the wanderers of the night." - Let me just read this to you because he's not reading this part of the stream. The Orlando book, Chapter 8E. There's not really chapters in it, it's more like a, but anyway, the goals, however, celebrated various vile idolatry, sorry, idolatrous rights, attracting the coast dwellers with their whorish girls and sweetness of their poisonous wine. That poisonous wine, that could be a throwback to the whole Bakken ritual with the drugs, or it could quite literally be that they were, 'cause both were happening at the same time, they would poison people utilizing various methods, including wine. If one of our folk had committed such a bad offense that his wife was in danger, the goals afforded him refuge and shelter and led him to Phoenicia, that is, homeland. When he was settled there, they made him write his family, friends and allies that the land was so good and the people so happy that no one could imagine it. So they were lying. In Britannia, where plenty of men but few women, when the goals realized this, the abducted girls from everywhere and gave them to the banished men for nothing, all of these girls, however, had become servants of the goals and stole the children from Ralda to offer them to their false gods. In Ralda, we trust everybody. - The magians, the bacantes, the manids and initiates. Heraclitus threatens them with tortures after death. He threatens them with fire. For what they believe to be initiations in the mysteries are, in fact, impious rights. This is thought to be the first time the word magians was used negatively. Later authors would lump the expression together with words like witch kings and sorcerers. Their history bears all the hallmarks of a degenerated spiritual tradition. And I've come to believe that the key to truly understanding much of the past and the present lies in the unpacking and comprehending the path of this subversion and degeneration. Most of you may be familiar with the term magi from its most widely used iteration, referencing the three magi, which, tellingly, is also translated as kings and wise men who are said to have traveled to attend the birth of Jesus. And in fact, one of the non-canonical Christian sources, the Syriac infancy gospel, provides, in its third chapter, a story of the wise men of the east. - Now, think of how what Ammon did with that story. He's basically, in his, you know, translation, I guess you could say, and his inferences that go along with it, that the magi, maybe at this time we're already corrupted, or maybe these particular ones were corrupted from the core group of magi. But he's saying that Mary was in this cult, basically, and she was a cult prostitute, and they were bringing her drugs and money for the baby. So she was hiding from someone, and they were bringing her drugs and money, right? Because the frankincense and murb were part of the medicine, and also they were part of the rights, RITES, when they would burn these incenses. Maybe, I don't know, but it just, it seems like a very negative spin on the whole story, because it doesn't differentiate, it doesn't stop to separate the details as to, well, which magi were they? Is that, you know what I mean? It's like, 'cause it leaves you with no positive examples of our past, and nothing can be that one-sided. You know, I mean, if you have a good heart, you know that it exists in the world, you know that there's goodness here. So it didn't just sprout up in our generation, it must have been coming from a source, it must have been some sort of inspiration from some place. So, I mean, if we could throw out the story of the three wise men as just being part of a cult that was trafficking and raising children to become these, you know, drug factories when they put venom in them, that's kind of a, I mean, is that possible? Maybe, but not stopping to differentiate or even to show a positive example to balance his narration is something I have a problem with, a big problem with, because it leaves you with nothing but the negative, and then you're like, well, these people suck over here, these people suck over there, and then you're like, it's like a depressing thing, so do I pick this devil or that devil, or this devil over here, or a devil we don't know? It's just, you know what I mean? It kind of locks you in that mindset, and I think that's the intent, 'cause I think it's deliberate what Hamman does. Anyway, this is the yule, or this is a representation of the yule right here. This is the flower, right? Which is very similar to much of the story in Matthew. This account cites Zoroaster as the source of the prophecy that motivated the wise men to seek the infant Jesus. In the biblical story we have, by all accounts, respectable Magi, so obviously from an Indo-Aryan spiritual tradition, closely connected to that of both India and Persia of the day, traveling a great distance to offer gifts to the newborn Jesus. And simultaneously we have Herod, the Edomite or Idomian, issuing the edict to massacre infants to destroy a perceived threat and preserve his power. This Edomite or Idomian lineage, a decidedly non-Israelite people, grafted onto the Judean branch of the Israelites due to their forced conversion by Hasmonean ruler, John or Canis, would go on to dominate the temple and help foster the subsequent Talmudic rabbinical tradition. - Something I gotta read here. The name Idom is attributed to Esau, meaning red. In the medieval Alexander romance, Alexander the Great is said to have constructed the gates of Alexander, the Caspian gates to keep out the unclean nations. The medieval German legend of the red Jews was partially based on stories of the gates of Alexander. The red Jews, German wrote Judean, a legendary Jewish nation, peer in vernacular sources in Germany during the medieval era, from 13th to 15th centuries. These texts portray the red Jews as an epochal threat to Christendom, one which would invade Europe during the tribulations leading to the end of the world. Red Jews were the descendants of the Herodians, i.e. Itamians forcibly converted to Judaism by Hurricaneus, whereby red is a translation of the Hebrew word edom. Olshevik reds, Rothschild reds shield is what it says in the bottom there. And it makes you wonder if the red is like the okra, or the okra, I mean, that they put on their bodies. Is that what distinguishes them? It's like Phoenician style. That's a, that's a my question. Anyhow, I don't know. - Those that believe this massacre of infants to be mere historical invention, and of course we can never know such things with 100% certainty. I encourage you to dig deeper into the known history of Herod and his family and his resulting lineage. Such a massacre wouldn't be the least bit out of character to put it mildly. Herod is, beyond any doubt, and from every root historical source I've been able to locate, one of the most objectively foul creatures in the entire historical record, a man who would go on to murder much of his own family among a litany of other crimes of the most ignoble sort. It's mentioned that a leading reason for the massacre of infants was due to these very magi refusing to return to him because they clearly mistrusted the man and his ultimate intentions to provide the location of the newborn Jesus. And quote, "Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked "of the wise men, was exceeding wrath, "and set forth and slew all the children "that were in Bethlehem, "and in all the coasts thereof, "from two years old and under, "according to the time which he had diligently inquired "of the wise men." Herod failed to end Jesus' life in infancy, but Caiaphas, the rabbi, high priest and Pharisee, would later succeed. Though not before a message and doctrine was conveyed to the world, one that would go on to reverberate throughout the ages. And yet, at the same time, not one completely immune to being compromised or reshaped by this now thoroughly corrupted priestly cast. Because Jesus, in his day, was so clearly seen as a teacher by all who encountered him, when these various traditions speak of claimed visits to their region, they speak of him in different ways. Brahman, or Buddha, in the Indian tradition, Yogi, and the Tibetan tradition, there's even an inscription dating to 521 AD from a Saint Columba in the Abbey at Iona, Scotland, stating, "My druid is Jesus." It's seemingly impossible to know the definitive truth behind these claims of visitation, but it does provide further evidence, supporting the idea that the various classes within this broader priestly cast don't seem to be as separate and distinct as modern scholarship often takes them to be. At least as far as the distant past is concerned, as time and distance has a way of widening and hardening these distinctions and delineations. The Ora Linda book, two, speaks highly of a personage that may well have been Jesus, and one of the things that so fascinates me about the OLB is just how well and how accurately, to my mind, it frames the real historical struggle behind the scenes, namely how it frames the ongoing fight between genuine sages and holy or virtuous men and a deeply corrupted subset of merely ambitious power-man men, lurking behind the masks of priests and holy men, whose real aim is simply power. While Jesus warned his followers to be as harmless as doves, yet as wise as serpents, this priestly cast of men, as the world degraded, seemed intent on cultivating the harmless as doves mentality to its utmost among those they controlled, while utterly monopolizing the wise as serpents philosophy, to themselves and their small subset. It can be argued that there is a valid reason to keep the most sacred knowledge out of the hands of men who might cheat them or defame it. This is a power that comedy possesses, for example. A man can take the most weighty and profound conception and flippantly mock and deride it to the laughing mob to rob it of all sanctity and power. But secrecy is always a double-edged sword. And as history proves, almost inevitably leads to disaster. And this is where I question whether or not the Septuagint was more of a polemic. And because the Hebrew back translation, everybody want to call it, doesn't show all of that. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help Program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at It's available to players in the U.S. excluding Washington and Michigan. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, voidropper hibbit by law. 18+ turns in condition supply. So people like Amain can take the Septuagint and say, "This is your religion when you read it, but is it really?" Because by the time it was written, I'm talking about the New Testament now. The Old Testament, yeah. I'm kind of confusing things, right? Yeah, I am a little bit, but anyway. The Septuagint, all those stories, yes, Hellenistic, taken from the myth, Jewish fantasy factory. But then when you get into the actual New Testament stuff, then who wrote that? And at what time period? And was it based off of what exactly? No actual accounts of anything? So this weird language that comes into there, was it deliberately done so? To kind of co-opt it for people who are still practicing the Bakken writes and rituals? Or was it actually a true representation of what was going on? Without knowing that, you can draw conclusions like Amain, or you could say, "Well, who's writing this and for what purpose?" You understand what I mean? Because it could just be that they're deliberately trying to downcast it a little bit. I don't know. If anybody has an answer, let me know. Few people truly grasp the power of secret societies. When they operate in a midst of unaware populations, they always went out. It's simply inevitable. Organization and Allied action beats out the lack of these every time. To use masonry as a modern example, we now have hundreds of thousands of opportunistic men many of whom were perhaps drawn in for positive reasons, all mutually assisting one another covertly across the vast majority of the civilized world. And yet none of them, except for perhaps a handful at the very top of this pyramid of power and control, know exactly who or what it is that they serve. Many hear some positive language about brotherhood of man helping being good, and for them this is sufficient, especially when coupled with the promises of career advancement and material gain. There couldn't be a more perfect recipe for covert control on a mass scale, and all is made possible due to this veil of secrecy and lack of transparency. And coupled with secrecy, the degeneration of this lofty tradition was both hastened and marked by a ridiculous shift in focus, as the emphasis moved from a relatively pure, clear, and laconic notion of law, of what it meant to be righteous and walk the holy path to a sprawling and complex doctrine, and began to incorporate often absurd ritual actions. The Druids would tell their followers, quote, "The Samulos, which grew in damp places, was to be gathered by a person fasting without looking behind him and with his left hand." Or, "The vervein was to be gathered at the rise of the dog-star, neither sun nor moon shining at the time. It was to be dug tip with an iron instrument, and to be waved aloft in the air, the left hand only being used." Advice that calls to mind the Talmudic passages that suggest other clever rituals, one might do, to be sure they stayed on the right hand. Are you reading this, the Talmud versus the Bible? Talmud approves of sodomy. If one committed sodomy with a child of less than nine years, no guilt is incurred. Would you like me to read that again? If one committed sodomy with a child of less than nine years, no guilt is incurred. That's the Sanhedrin, your little council of elders. Well, that was loud. And then Talmud, once again, approves of child sacrifice to idols. Well, that's interesting. I thought we didn't do idols. Approves of child sacrifice to idols. He, who gives of his seed to Moloch, incurs no punishment. Sanhedrin, 64A. Cursing parents is allowed. Curses, his parents, isn't punished unless he curses them by divine name. Exactly. Allows enchanting. It is permitted to consult by a charm, the spirits of oil and eggs and make incantations. What the hell that means. Bestiality is condoned. Is any of the Sanhedrin ever make sense now? Why are these a little Shabbat? Leave it, motherfuckers. Are we even crawling around in the sewers and tunnels? There's a bunch of stuff like, I don't know, child car seats and blame mattresses. Bestiality condoned. Women having intercourse with a beast can marry a priest. Wow. Let's say that again, just because it rhymes. Women having intercourse with a beast can marry a priest. The act is but a mere wound. And then harlotry is lawful. We'll have to hit play to see the rest. Right side of God. What all of this represents is ritual and minutia, which acted as a superimposed overlay, atop the more pure and fundamental doctrine, often acting as loopholes, allowing a person to essentially get away with sins or actions. The rest of us might consider abhorrent or unjust, as long as they pat their head. So hold on a second. I don't want to interrupt it anymore, but not required to keep vows. One may declare every vow which I make in the future shall be no. So you can't take their word for anything. And murderers condoned. If ten men smote a man with ten slaves, above a blah, blah, blah. But here's the other thing. You have that law of the stranger. Right. If you follow the ten commandments or whatever, they don't apply to people who they consider outsiders. And since there's always the foreigners everywhere they go, because they don't assimilate and they don't adapt or adopt. I mean, anybody outside of them are outsiders. So they have no ethical moral standards when it comes to interaction. When it comes to interaction with people who aren't one of them. So murder is okay. Rapid murder is okay. Stealing your children is okay. Head in such and such a manner or spin in X number of circles. All of it functions as a means for men to change and alter traditional and generational laws and precepts through clever interpretation and subjective elaboration and subtly replace the more ancient and timeless conceptions with their own. And again, to my mind, this brings to the fore the words of warning from Jesus that set him at such loggerheads with the pharisaical priesthood of his day. In fact, there's a fair amount of evidence pointing to the fact that Jesus may have essentially been a Nazarene scene. His brother James, early leader of the Jerusalem Church, who was stoned to death by a Herodian high priest, is said to have been the leader of the Jerusalem Essenes. And it seems very likely that John the Baptist, who speaks of Pharisees as a brood of vipers, was as well. With the baptism ritual itself being identical to that of the Essenes. The historian Josephus, who as a general rule should be taken with a grain of salt, said something intriguing on a topic he'd have no reason to lie about. Of the three major sects, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes, he states that only the Essenes were Judean Israelites by birth and goes on to say that they practice a more severe and strict discipline and that they seem to have far greater mutual affection for one another. Similar to so many Indo-Aryan spiritual traditions, the Essenes were said to start their day with a prayer of supplication to the sun's rising. But as in so many cases of "fire or sun" worship, this doesn't seem to be worship of the substance itself, but rather was their symbolic means of honoring God via the most potent physical and visible manifestation of His power and glory. And to this day, followers of Christ keep Sunday holy as their Sabbath. In contrast to other peoples, for example, modern Jews, whose Sabbath is on Saturn Day, or Saturn's Day. Yeah, and I always found that kind of interesting too, because there's a lot of talk about how the Roman Catholic Church changed a blah, blah, blah, to make a blah, blah, blah for the pagans, whatever. Okay, so if it's Saturn's day, how is that better? And that's always been my question. And then you have that church, the Seventh Day Adventist, right? When we were watching that one video of that guy, he was trying to figure out why this particular Christian guy was observing the quote unquote "true Sabbath" and it's because the Christian, the Seventh Day Adventist, do it that way. But it doesn't answer the question as to why is the day of Saturn somehow better? Scenes are said to have referred. Except, of course, these are three Abrahamic religions based upon a Saturn cult, even if that's not how you view it, that's how the people who built them to manipulate and control people view it. But the Pharisees as "shoddy fence builders" or "wall builders" seemingly a reference to their inability or unwillingness to stand apart and separate themselves from the evils of this world. And Nazarene seems to derive from the Aramaic "natsar" meaning "to guard or watch." They don't seem to have been aggressive evangelists, seeking to forcibly spread their doctrine to foreign peoples. Instead, their relatively isolated and insulated communities allowed them to keep their doctrine, culture, and way of life relatively pure and unchanging, allowing them to lead by the example communicated through their exemplary lives. The idea many modern scholars and historians seem to have of the Essenes being some minor sect localized in both time and space around the birth of Jesus seems to run completely contrary to historical accounts. Josephus states that the Essenes had existed since time immemorial. Philo agrees, calling Essenes "the most ancient of all initiates, with a teaching perpetuated through an immense space of ages." Pliny spoke of them as "a race of their own, more remarkable than any other in the world, the oldest of the initiates, receiving their teaching from Central Asia, a teaching perpetuated through an immense space of ages, constant and unalterable holiness." This reference to Central Asia as a source of their teaching is fascinating and similar to the Scythians, specifically the very few bits of information we have about the mysterious so-called Royal Scythians. They practiced a strikingly similar form of communal living. Banished slavery practiced beekeeping and had honey as a staple portion of their diet, and multiple accounts speak of them being extraordinarily robust and physically strong, and routinely living to ages of 90 or 100 and beyond. Several scholars also believe they see a connection to India, with some going so far as to claim they were essentially Buddhists. It seems to be a case of so many free-flowing connections between racially and culturally related peoples and spiritual practices that using any strict modern label and attempting to quantify the Essenes and their doctrine seems not just difficult, but unhelpful and inaccurate here. Their origin is lost in pre-history, but they're said to have been active as far back in recorded history as the 18th century BC in Egypt. They seem to have called themselves the "sons of light" or "sons of the sun" and viewed the spiritual struggle of mankind as one of "light versus darkness" in a manner that bears striking similarities to the original Zoroastrian doctrine. Although the sect clustered around Mount Carmel has become the best known to historians of our day, they're said to have lived in small, insulated communities, spread across much of the ancient world, and were said to have practiced and become exceptionally good at farming, not merely to sustain themselves, but seemingly almost as an extension of their meditative spiritual practice. Well, here's where something deviates from what their root people would have practiced as a contentment of mind. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 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They are instructed in piety and holiness, righteousness, economy, etc. They are guided by a threefold rule. Love of God, love of virtue, and love of mankind. That's interesting because that those threefold rule, as they say with Jesus, like love your neighbor as yourself and love God, right? That would supersede or override the Ten Commandments that came before it. So of their love of God, they give innumerable demonstrations which is found in their constant and unalterable holiness throughout the whole of their lives. They're avoidance of oaths and falsehoods and their firm belief that God is the source of all good but of nothing evil. Big difference between that and Saturn, right? Of their love, this is why I'm saying this is co-opted, merged, and crammed into the ancient practices and then everything had to be adjusted and rewritten. And in my mind, potentially this is what happened so that it fit the cult. All right, so of their love of virtue, they give proof in their contempt for money, fame, and pleasures. Now that does relate back to the Scythians, right? Because of the rejection of the marketplace and, let's see, fame and pleasures, their continents, easy satisfying of their wants, their simplicity, modesty, etc. Their love of man is proved by their benevolence and equality. That's eluded word most of the time. And they're having all things in common which is beyond all deception. They remember the cup and the sword is basically all they had, right? That was theirs in the Scythian culture. They reverence that, what's up with that? What is this? Yeah, they reverence and take care of the age as children do their parents. They do not lay up treasures of gold or silver but provide themselves only with the necessities of life. And they say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." They say, "I'm going to do that." For hypothetical casts mentioned, it's this one that seems to have the greatest natural immune system. The greatest innate, inborn resistance to those that might wish to deceive and subvert. Such subversive personalities are almost always cowards and weak men who prefer subterfuge and sophistry. Weasels, right? Little merchant thieves. These skill sets, fully cultivated and cleverly wielded, can accomplish a great deal, especially among the merchant or priestly casts. But a laconic Spartan, or Scythian warrior, for example, would likely remain unmoved. I've come to believe that this is, at least in part, why those nations or cultures with martial traditions at their core seem to have retained far more of that ancient ethos and a more healthy and robust orientation. And this leads us to an important point. In an ideal environment, similar to that type hinted at in descriptions of the ancient Scythian, or Goth, or Phryan, or Hyperborean, there must be practically no animosity or mistrust between the casts. And in fact, this seems to be a necessity if a people seek to thrive. And perhaps as importantly, though this may just be another way of saying the same thing, they can't be wholly disconnected from one another, lacking understanding of one another, or completely lacking the positive traits and characteristics of one another. As Thucydides well put it, the society that separates scholars from warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools. The cast structure was designed with the intent that each group would be complementary to all others, understanding and respectful of other casts' place, purpose, and rule, and never fully divorced from their mindset or their ideals. Our teachers, sages, and priests, this most important and powerful of all casts, seemed to stumble so profoundly astray when a smaller, more envious, and pretentious breed of man began to rise to prominence. And everywhere sought to draw a very deep, dividing line between its class and the others, more and more demanding a master and slave relationship, ironically, as they became less and less deserving of the title "Master." The moment this began to happen, the healthier and better oriented among them seemed to have slowly but surely gravitated out of the priestly cast, fleeing the scene or seeking entry into other casts, causing the corruption problem in the priestly cast to become exponentially worse. Until, finally, it found itself largely composed of egotistical schemers, seeking personal advantage and dominance, and, in fact, becoming experts in the art. In the earliest days, as Jordanis and Siculus both mention in their histories, these priestly men seem to have led by example, and by producing feelings of awe and admiration in those around them, not by forcible compulsion or demand. We hear of them swaying entire armies arrayed for battle, adrenaline flowing through their veins, entirely due to the respect felt for them. In many cases, in fact, these holy men seem to have been proven and capable warriors themselves, and this is likely why it wasn't difficult for the more marshally-minded to consider them brothers, to treat them with immense respect and take them seriously. But when, across the stretch of time and generations, they began to separate themselves and even make a great show of separating themselves, and, like Talmudic rabbis or late-stage druids, began to so prize their subjective intellect that they viewed themselves akin to gods, and their subject population as cattle. It becomes easy to see how such major splits and rifts have occurred so frequently throughout history. Of course, we're all capable of evil, of being fueled by purely selfish and egotistical motives, as we navigate our existence. As Solzhenitsyn so well put it, the battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man. And I'm sure we're all familiar with the saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." It takes an extremely unique type of human being to exercise this office or rule with selfless devotion, and seems to require almost as prerequisite cultural conditions capable of cultivating such a man, or even shaping a populace capable of discerning who he is in the first place. Solzhenitsyn also said, "And this is such an important conception here, that it might be seen as a theme underlying this entire video." Quote, "Everything you add to the truth subtracts from the truth." Echoing that laconic wisdom our ancestors seem to so clearly grasp and understand, and illustrating the path taken by these false wise men, these sophists and magicians and spinners of words, as they created layer after layer of their own wildly subjective and speculative, intellectual musings atop a far more pure and simple tradition. And that sounds like it would make a lot of sense as to what we were seeing, and kind of straight reading from, in my mind, potentially. But I mean, this corruption, obviously, by this time, in our era, is pretty obvious, I would think. And once again, I think etymology... They're burning books, by the way, if you do notice that in the painting here. It holds some clues here. We often use the word wholesome, and it's a truly great word to describe deeply positive and healthy things. Whole and wholeness represent totality in balance, completion. The word holistic is similar. And, of course, the word holy. Absolute truth, the highest truth, is expressed in this whole, a seeking to glimpse, grasp, and understand the totality to the best of our limited and fallible abilities. Reductionist science represents an attempt to cobble together a sprawling picture of the most technical minutiae of our existence, seemingly believing that this sprawling data or knowledge picture might then sufficiently explain our reality. But this seems a bit like believing you might understand a great movie by reading the script, or a sporting event by looking at the box score, or a masterful painting by examining it with a microscope. Facts are merely cold and clinical little data points. Everything valuable, everything interesting, and everything of great worth seems to exist above and beyond them. The spirit of it, right? That which is expressed through those data points. The essence, I guess, is a good word that you can only give from the humanity of it. That's what I would call the spirit. The as yet unknowable connective tissue. What seems to have originated so long ago as a cast of men who purposefully lived austere lives of self-sacrifice, devoting themselves to the task of attaining a deeper understanding of our world in order to positively guide and shape it, had everywhere devolved into something very different. Instead of serving God and the people, they found ingenious methods to become the gods of the people and make them their slaves. I'm reminded of the quote from Rabbi Ovadia Yusuf who was essentially stating that others were born to serve them. For these similar rabbinical statements indicating that a future goal is outright enslavement. It says, "Goyam were born only to serve us without that they have no place in the world, only to serve the people of Israel. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an offendee and eat." That is why Gentiles were created. And that's Avada Yusuf quoting right there. These are Sanhedrin-level rabbis saying all this, right? This is what they teach their people. And they're not alone here. Jezuit and Masonic orders, several prominent and likely interconnected secret societies, Evadican, all seem to epitomize the bad shepherd. And that's also very well detailed in priest craft beyond Babylon. Still highly recommend getting, oh, look at that. Still highly recommend picking up a copy. And seem to seek a future in which their dominance and control is complete and unquestionable. And one in which natural and higher law might be fully transgressed whenever it suits their aims. It may even be fair to say that this very transgression is their aim. I think it's noteworthy that Ruben Burrow, who I quoted earlier, rejected the possibility that the Druids had been killed and their knowledge lost, suggesting that, quote, "It is much more likely that they turned schoolmasters and Freemasons and fortune tellers." End quote. Examine the political, ideological, and philosophical leanings of these groups, and you'll find virtually no conflict between them. You'll also find that they're all increasingly backing a singular religion, though they'll never call it by that word, intended to operate above and beyond all others. So, Jesuit Fauci wins one million dollar Israel prize for defending science. This was 2021. What the F? The religion of science. Modern science, ironically operating from the greatest of all faith-based conceptions, in its insistence that there definitively exists no creator or higher power. It's a completely masquerades as this ultimate authority itself, with its direct equivalence of Druids and rabbis and magis, as the self-professed expert class. A class which seems to have completely and utterly lost its connection to the source. Look what that says. The real experts listen to the experts, the importance of listening to the experts. Experts to trust, please listen to experts. What is all that? Somebody self-proclaimed to be the be-all-end-all of data of a particular area topic. That is exactly what we're witnessing take shape when Dwayne and I were talking and going over his blog posts of the rise of the expert, Louis Brandeis, and what did Louis Brandeis also bring with him? Not only was he upset, but not only were his parents Frankus making, he was also a Frankus. And they had really close, tight ties with the Rothschilds because he and he was an agent of them. But what ushered in right behind him, the Federal Reserve. Oh, and the Balfour Declaration. Self-important children wearing their parents' clothes, making definitive and declaratory judgments everywhere they go, and yet failing miserably time and time and time again. They're utterly lost. And because they're the governing force in our world, they threaten to drag the rest of us with them. And it's not a small point that he's associating this with the Saturn cult, and he's eating children, eating his babies. A degenerated tradition degraded very nearly beyond any hope of repair. Many still think of science as if it's a tireless and objective pursuit of truth, a reliable and trustworthy data and information. It may have been true before the catalyst co-opted it. Like physics, theoretical physics, this idea of denouncing God as a possibility and making everything material and basically an accident. That is not only used to bring us down, but it also, a lot of the, what do you want to call it? The systems that they say are in place in space and things like that, that's all to validate what the Kamala states. On which we might build a better and clearer understanding of our ways. It's not like the Kamala was correct, it's that they're trying to shape reality to support the Kamala. World. And there were periods of history in which it seemed to be something approximating this. Europe, prior to the World Wars, seems an excellent example. The most brilliant minds in the world devoted to discovering new plant and animal species and understanding their attributes, exploring and exhaustively studying our oceans and skies. Many true geniuses with boundless curiosity and self-discipline enough to not overstep or take wild leaps, but to move forward in a sober, disciplined, apolitical manner. These were true intellectuals, a descriptor that once meant something real, and I believe this was a period of true progress, yet another word that has been made all but meaningless, with regard to furthering our understanding of the world around us. As the forces of international banking and finance triumphed in these World Wars, and as they instituted their central banks and the Federal Reserve, and began controlling and printing the pieces of paper nearly every man, woman and child on the planet strives to earn and spend, the institutions of science, like every other meaningful or powerful or influential institution, began to gradually change shape and become something very different. For the first time since the inception of universities and colleges, their doors are now wide open to the most mediocre minds, and merit itself has ceased to be a yardstick almost entirely. They've become credential mills, whose foremost requirement is that the individual believes what these hidden hands of our new status quo want them to believe, that they're willing to act as dutiful apostles for this. And that's pretty dangerous when you go into the medical profession. New dogma. Science, accordingly, has gone from fascinating and thought-provoking studies, including those speaking to the differences between races, cultures, nations, or genders, to "proving" race doesn't exist. Proving gender doesn't exist. Proving that Western culture and mankind are responsible for the ills of the world. That COVID is a rampaging and deadly pandemic, that vaccines and masks will prevent contracting or spreading the disease. In short, science can now "prove" virtually anything. In a world now overflowing with information with an uncountable number of possible data points to pull from, to make one's case. It's as simple as finding the handful that paint the idea one wishes to sell in the best light, and then weaving them together in an attractive and compelling manner. Science is now the malleable, adaptable chameleon, that now only masquerades as a coldly logical, rational, hard-nosed, and unsquerving seeker of truth. In an environment in which belief in a creator has been slowly but surely torn to shreds, and perhaps even more importantly, painted in a negative, shameful light, more often than not, that subset of the public seeking to be seen as fashionable, or intelligent, or well-educated can't help but naturally and instinctively flock to this new dogma, this new faith-based religion, which so effectively and dishonestly pretends to be above leaps of faith, above those silly, ignorant, backward people, with the nerve to hold beliefs similar to those of essentially every single great genius across every single generation that came before us. For what it's worth, I propose that this masterful slight of hand is essentially an act of magic, and as with any good magician, the trick only retains its immense power when the observer doesn't know how it's done. Illusion, deception, manipulation, and subterfuge. These are the hallmarks of our modern-day Magi, who've refined their dark art over the generations to such a degree that the vast majority of their handiwork even still remains unnoticed, behind screens of puppets, fronts, masks, all the while using every means at their disposal to maintain control over the incentivization and punishment structure, broadly speaking. To take full advantage of an atomized public increasingly seeking their own immediate self-interest, lured into slumber by bread and circuses. The French Revolution marked one of many major turning points, setting this stage for the sickly environment we face today, the rallying and stoking of the mob into a maddened murderous rage before pointing them toward the ancient nobility and aristocracy to utterly decimate their ranks, or Cromwell in England, or the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and the brutal murder of the entire Romanov line to settle an ancient score. These movements that took such pains to betray themselves as populist people's movements against oppressive elites in actuality functioned as the means to open the door for something far, far, darker. For decades, we've been bombarded with horror stories about the dangers of the quote "strong men" or of monarchy. And those victors, authoring the history books, have sought to betray these men and their forms of government as the root of all evil. Meanwhile, near absolute power, has everywhere been transferred from these patriarchs and their descendants, and into the hands of banking families, and their dutiful little army of collaborators and bot men, behind the mask of lofty notions, like democracy, or capitalism, or equal representation, facades of fairness and justice, Moloch and Mamet and a mask. I spoke in a previous video about how races, cultures, or nations essentially shape themselves over time, like manifested archetypal representations of the collective, fostering, and cultivating their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save, too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero, and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to, paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an orphan. He can't refuse. With family, canollies, and spins mean everything. Now, you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather's slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather, now at Welcome to the family. The no-purchase necessary, VDW Group, a boy prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Unique spheres of dominance, or blind spots. I'd ask you to entertain the possibility of a unique culture of individuals who now represent the end product of an intergenerational Machiavellian self-authoring of sorts, in which they're not striving to be the most intelligent, or creative, and artistic, inventive, or otherwise capable, not seeking to better the world or find ways to make it more organized, stable, secure, happy, or healthy, but rather focusing entirely, exclusively, solely, on obtaining a dominant position by any means necessary. Let's even pretend. Says Venetian traders kidnapping maidens on the coast of Greece. For the sake of argument, that such a collective group or culture didn't exist, but rather only individuals of this type existed, here and there, scattered throughout the world. Do you think such types might eventually find one another, might find common cause and common ground, form alliances, and begin to quietly work with each other toward common goals? And if this occurred, do you think you would know? There's a reason great men have always found secrecy, especially on the world's stage, or with regard to politics, to be repugnant. Conspiracies are inherently... You just quoted JFK right there, if you don't, if you didn't catch that. This honest, and no leader who loves his people, would have reason to lurk in the shadows, or seek to break in through the back door. Such men would have nothing to hide, because their intentions are pure, simple, and straightforward. Our current power brokers found creative ways to slaughter entire generations of such men, their families, supporters, and ideological and cultural kin. In the two world wars, millions of courageous and principled men were robbed of their very existence, their blood turned into fertilizer in the fields of Europe, while the coffers of these men lurking in the shadow. This is Dresden aftermath, indiscriminate carpet bombing of civilian areas resulting in approximately 200,000 casualties, and there is probably more than that. Look at the heaps of bodies still steaming. Exploded. Proceeds they then used, in part, to bring to power a new, more tame, and more domesticated, and domesticatable type of mankind, and thus incrementally and slowly but surely, the noose tightened ever further. So we're the... This is still the slow aftermath of those two devastating wars that we're experiencing. No, this is the ripples. The whole effect has not taken, hasn't set yet in the stone of the future. It's slowly hardening, but we can't let that occur because that's the end. That's the noose. Agai, the druids, the Brahmin, and similar orders, good or bad, seems to me a question impossible to answer because I think it's the wrong question, and a flawed question because they haven't been a static, unchanging entity across time. A more informative question might be how have they changed, morphed, and evolved over the millennia? And does our modern priestly or teacher cast now bear any resemblance to those lofty figures from the dawn of human history? Or might we be dealing with impostors? A purposefully subverted and consciously degenerated and degraded tradition? How often have I called them impostors? And they're imposter God? Opening the door for the covert rule of a type of mankind that could never attain or retain such absolute power in the transparent light of day. Has our distracted negligence and inattention allowed dark magicians to grasp the reins? And if so, is there still enough light in the world to truly banish this darkness and unseat them? ♪♪ That's a question only we can answer. It's not a settled question yet, it depends on our actions. So we have a responsibility, we've got work to do here. Okay, so there's a couple things I can show you, we can get on to the next, let me just check that real quick. The next one is called Alexander, the great lion amongst men, and then we get into the horrific French Revolution, and that's in two parts. And then it's the last episode in that series is the interconnectedness of the Aryan people. The whole series is called "Our Subverted History" and it's a playlist on the actual Logos YouTube channel. Alrighty, so in case you want to find those you send, watch all of it, there you have it. Let's take a look over here real quick. I mean I don't do a whole lot of, lately I haven't been doing a whole lot of the news because I think we get bombarded with it enough. And I think there's plenty of negative crap going on that we don't really need to, I mean it's pretty obvious. They're coming in for the kill, right? Starvation, eminent, war here, or utilization of false flags, potential, most likely, arming of these invaders they call it immigrants. Like all of this is happening all at once. The law is meaningless now. It's been weaponized against us for quite a long time. We are enemies of the state as per 1933, right? So let me just show you this real quick and then we'll get on to something else. People have been asking in the comments so let me just go ahead and go over it real quick. So from this video that you're watching right now, you click the show more and then you have all the links. My site is the awesome hot sauce, it's December Friday, So if you're looking for anything that I do, the creatine, the books, or the hot sauce, you just click the very first thing you see right here. And right on top it tells you there's a fan favorite coupon for 5% off and that's for $22 or more orders. Dr. Peter Glidden on the right hand side, if you want to get into his membership, if it wasn't for his membership, I wouldn't have found this video here on the kidneys where I had some idea of what to ask him as to what I should do for my kidney stones. And that turned into a conversation where he gave me some advice and now I feel 100% better and woke up in a great mood. So this is a good resource. All right, and you can find that just by clicking here, it brings you right to the affiliate link and you can get it. Dr. Monza's book. This is the LFTF body, the picture of the book is right here. You click that, and you see coupon code here for 15% off, and you can also get his magnetic ones, you can get his energy iodine, all kinds of stuff. Okay, so there's more than that over there. And you have the ball bussers 15, all the no spaces right, that's the code at the Azure well on the right hand side. These are the supplements that Dr Monza helps Azure standard formulate, and it's using whole food vitamins. You check that was out we've gone over them before you click this picture here and then BB five gives you 5% off. Priest craft beyond Babylon's very first thing that you see when you scroll down to the actual items on the menu page. You see the range of prices here right if you click it. There's the Barnes and Noble link, or the cheapest variety of the power of the it's 2299 from them. If you want the same one for me it's 2099 so it's $2 less and I'll sign it. Amazon right here. So that's the eight and a half by 11. This is the hard cover right here in my hand, but it's the same size as the paperback version here. So that's the types that you get from Amazon. They're bigger. And they're the font is a little bit bigger. This is the Barnes and Noble and comparison. It looks like a standard size paperback. So this is this and that is that. All right. And then of course you can always do the, the nook, the Kindle or the kobo. And there's also a link for Lulu here. So it's depending on what your choice is there, but if you're going to get it from me, scroll down past the description of the book. And then you'll have this this Barnes and Noble button. You click it. Amazon paperback or the Amazon hardcover. Cool. Cool. Some people that were asking me about the book. So you can get it from any of those sites or you can get it from me directly if you want to sign. And I don't just sign in data. I write a little message to you. There's the creatine hydrochloride. Take I took four grams yesterday. And hit the elliptical. Thank God I was able to get on the elliptical last night. I was able to get back into swinging things. I had that one day downtime and I know how I am. If I start losing like if I break my routine. So I don't know why my mind works to be grudging me from doing positive things. When it comes to like exercise, but you start getting a groovy this day, you miss a second day and then you start. Finding other things to fill in your time and then you don't go back to it. So that's not good because I have goals. So that the creatine. I took that yesterday. I took my other supplements that I'm going to be making into a pre workout for people. And I got my energy drink in me and I jumped down the elliptical and was able to knock out four and a half miles yesterday after missing the day before because of the pain. So that was awesome. And today I didn't have extra pain because I went to, you know, because I did it. I figured maybe I'd be super sore tomorrow, you know, today it didn't happen. And thank you, Dr. Peter Clinton again for that. And then there's some bundle packages here. Okay, the free shipping is included in these bundle packages. So because there's basically 20 dollars off because I'm eating the shipping on these, the 5% off coupon. I would. Don't use it. Right. Okay. And then there's all the hot sauces. All the way down. This is a world hot sauce of wood winner called the humsinger garbanzo beans and cumin tastes like a spicy hummus. Nemesis since we're talking about Greek mythology here. That's that one is mango habanero. You probably saw the Zeus juice up here. This is lots of garlic cayenne and habanero. And this is lots of garlic and cayenne for the regular Zeus. I mean these a long, long time ago. There's my daughter on the cosmic candy, which is probably five or six months long. There's a step my stepson, but he was probably nine. He's 17 now. He might have been eight. This one's awesome. I love the golden ratio. I think I actually have one more beside teriyaki, but off the check. I definitely have Reapers delight. This one's a Caroline Reapers sauce. Brand Dax is blood orange and Maruga scorpion peppers. And that's tasty blueberry supernova. These two are nearly too I make with extract. And this is the hottest of the two. The Italian blueberry supernova, but they still have a good flavor. They're not like. Some of the sauces out there that just tastes like officer poison when they're super spicy. There you go. Okay, so now you know, now you know it's there. Let's jump over to money tree publishing dot com money tree publishing dot com money tree publishing dot com there three times the law. So you use B a a L for 10% off on the stuff that you see on the site. And I would be interested in that one right there. I'd like to read it. The on the on altered one. And we've read from the international Jew from Henry Ford and we'll go to that again someday. Jews are the problem. I believe is also a name of a show on. We're just going to start calling it then to speak free radio because we need to train our minds to go to FTJ media to find those hosts. All right. And I'm on over. I'm on over there. I'm right here. Well, this is the life that we're doing right now. I just paused it. But yesterday we had 21 people this site just started. But we already have a gathering here that is active. Moving in shaken. Right. That's, that's pretty awesome, especially considering the seven years of effort that we put into Joshua TV, who now finally have FTJ media and having like support to do it. It's going to be a freaking phenomenal here. It's going to be well known. And it's going to be the next big. It's going to be the next. I don't want to say rumble because rumble software sucks, but it's going to be like that except without censorship. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero. And my out of pocket costs are low. Who should apply single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Chumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from. With new games released each week, you can play for free and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group. Forward, we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. And maybe even like YouTube because it's a better video player than YouTube. But anyhow, all right, so now that we did all that, let's get a little bit of... Did I put this? I don't think I put the audio on this. Let me jump into the Instagram here and show you something. This might close out our day here. I don't really want to start a brand new one because we have... For 12 minutes left, right? So... And I got to be back here. Come back at 11 a.m. I have to set up the site of the stream for Dr. Peter Gledon. He'll be here at 11. Have your calls ready. Have your questions ready for him today. At 11. Write this down. 619-354-8879. Okay, call in or please, if you're going to ask a question any other way, I would prefer that you did it through or It helps out the show, right? The show being me. It helps out to me and my daughter. All right, so let's take a look at this. Did I? Hold on. I was talking and not paying attention if I did that, right? Let me just do this again. I want to screw it up and not be able to hear it. There we go. No, I know I did it. Let me give me off the screen. So this is... I'm sure people have heard this before, but it's always good to remind ourselves. Just read a quote from Edward... And I believe this is Dr. Lorraine Day, but I'm not 100% sure who it is. I don't think they say who it is. And what he had to say in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson, President between 1913 and 1921, from the private papers of Woodrow Wilson, quote, "Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people, and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever by operation of law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly, delivered the bills of ladening to us, will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent forever to remain economic slaves through taxation secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given commercial value designated to keep us a profit that will be none the wiser for not one man in a million could ever figure out our plans. And if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and pledges. This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest of expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call social insurance. Without realizing it, every American will ensure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however, regurgingly. The people will become helpless without any hope for their redemption, and we will employ the high office of the president as our dummy corporation to fomit this plot against America. Having established plausible deniability, even if people become enlightened that they had a remedy and pursued it, the attorneys, judges and legislators could claim that they did not understand the people's claims, especially if the technical requirements for achieving it were not followed pursuant to statutory requirements. Requiring the public schools to teach civics, government and history classes out of federally approved politically correct textbooks written by the publishing houses owned by the owners of the Federal Reserve would assure that the people would not discover the remedy for a long time, if ever. I would recommend that everyone read fruit from a poisonous tree by Melvin Stamper, M-E-L-V-I-N Stamper, S-T-A-M-P-E-R, that is fruit from a poisonous tree. This is out of chapter two of fruit from a poisonous tree. I know we knew all that, probably, right, most of us, but this is where we're at and that's the, that's the priest craft in modern time at work on us with their spells. So it all comes together. It sounds like Deborah Traveris. Yeah, it does a little bit sound like Deborah Traveris. It also sounds a lot like Dr. Lorinne Day. It'd be tough to tell without knowing for sure. Yeah, my notification is a variety pack that's shift. Looking forward to it. Yeah, I'm working on all that stuff today. It's packing day today for getting it all out. So, yes, it will be on the way. Thank you. So now I know your name too, because you, I think you showed me in one of the previous letters that you did that, Hey, this has been Landerson. And I thought it was when I saw your order, but I was like, I didn't, I didn't, you didn't reference it again this time. So I was like, I don't know if I'm mixing the information, but now I know that's cool. Yeah, I'm so happy for Josh is he is phenomenal and this site is looking freaking great. It's, you know, like I said, I'm live streaming it to it already. I have 30 something videos up there now I started putting up the Europa series. I think all the way up to episode six is up there now. And I'll import more. What was cool is that it's importing. So instead of just having to upload from like a file on your computer, he has this ability that YouTube doesn't do because they, I think the import factor makes it so that they can't like. Scan it for, you know, all the copyright infringements and bullshit that they that they claim. So they don't have that feature, but you can import. So let's say your video is already on the website on a website somewhere. Right, you can grab the URL and, you know, put that into. The, there's like a, you can file or import if you click import, you just use the URL and it'll pull that file from from YouTube from rumble from Twitter. We're working on, I guess, getting it so that it works off and breading on to you can take some there and then put it up on your thing so it's hands free on your part. You don't have to like use your resources on your computer, whatever to, to transfer your videos into a place where they're not going to get robbed stolen, or you're going to get something bad happening to your channel over. And that's what's another awesome thing about FTJ media and what was cool about Joshua TV. So very easy to bring a bunch of your stuff over all at once, because once you share one and you see it pop up in the encoder. You can just highlight the URL that you just put in there. Go grab another URL, throw that in there and hit the share button again and it'll pop up and you can add a couple there, but you have to get all these. So when you get your account open there, you just have to get the permissions to be a, you know, an uploader or someone who's going to add content to it through Josh. And that's just has met the simple thing is a. Well, it's the easiest way to do is to just join our telegram group at ballbusters studios because Josh is in there so is Dr Bonzo. And that way you can just ask him directly to set it up for you so you can post videos too but if you just want to be a viewer and you want to just, you know, the content consumer. That's fine too, but let's get, let's make sure that we have that option available to us when they start taking. Like they have been for many years now, taking our content away from other places and after being a content creator for. Five or six years now, it's kind of frustrating when you have to start all over again because some somebody torpedo is your, your website, your channels. Kicks you off of platforms, and then you have to go seeking another place, knowing farewell that the majority of the human beings aren't going to change their habits because they still watch YouTube, and I still do too but I also go out to. I go outside of that when I want to actually grab something that isn't approved by the controllers. You know, if you, if you want to know some certain things about life, through the filter of YouTube, that might not be the best idea unless it's like generic stuff that, you know, again is riddled with a bunch of miss millers and. Miss directions, including the fitness, the fitness stuff that I see is a lot of BS. And I honestly think like so when I when I hear people say an insurance scam I'm like insurance at its core is a scam. It's not it why why distinguish it from any the whole thing is, do you think there was insurance back in the city and times it's, it's a way to just take money for like nothing. And when you make it mandatory to have it otherwise you can't have this and you can't have that or you'll get fined for that. It's just another way to force you into an unnatural system. Which is you say says Josh also loves telling the government to pounce and regarding content they tell him to censor. He's the man yeah he does stick up for people when they used to come to him be like hey, this person. I don't like what he's doing. Why take it off his plate like no this is section 230 you do you want to talk to something talk to him. And he's he's protected so you know he's not going to censor people like that. Very cool. All right, it's 10 a.m. I'll see you again at 11 with Dr Peter gluten. Check out the book, check out the sites, and. Give some backslash ballbusters. The patreon is disguise the limits and the brand new. Three hour and 26 minute niche and dance we've done it from yesterday is posted. It's up there. All right, totally check it out we went into some interesting topics yesterday. Very interesting. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. [Music] An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify it pays to find out go to Paid for by the US Department of Health and Human Services. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist pumper? A woohoo! A hand clap or a high fiver. If you want to hone in on those winning moves check out Chumba Casino. 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