Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Betrayal: The End of the Noble Goths & The Tale of Totila

We continue with the Asha Logos series, Our Subverted History with the betrayal of the Visigoths by the Yaoists/Jews who they took into their kingdom. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. The Parasite will Kill the Host.

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2h 6m
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11 Jul 2024
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Oh, and by the J's, let's just make sure we get that clear. A trait that acts as a great strength in homogeneous environments, creating high trust atmospheres in which justice and the nobler instincts can flourish, can act as an equally great disadvantage in instances in which peoples and cultures mix indiscriminately. So what I think about this is that Ricky Gervais movie, it's like it was so foreign to them to say what you don't mean. You know, that was the level of it. They were, it's pretty interesting and you'll get to see just how much of a downfall that was because of not so much them because they are integral, but because other people are not. And begin to act in their own tribal interests, often covertly. The Goths were to commit the civilization destroying blunder of the trusting assumption that others were wired similarly to themselves or held to the same standards and possessed a similar worldview. And in some cases, they made the mistake of attempting to artificially impose this worldview, believing they might change the inner nature of foreign peoples by example, or through compulsion. The Haberu, who are by all accounts always have been schemers. It's an unfortunate historical reality that the unethical and a moral man is nowhere more powerful and efficient than within a virtuous and just society. While those around him restrain their vices and through strength and discipline, keep their baser nature in subservient check. That looks like a Sanhedrin to me, Council of Elders. He has no such qualms and thus his playbook is vastly larger, with virtually nothing being off limits, meaning even the most mediocre of men might succeed wildly within an overtly noble state. The fall of the Goths was to prove this point with stark clarity. In the final period of Theodoric's life, he began to suspect treachery and treason from several parties closest to him, and in the period afterward, in his last three years, many accounts speak of such a sudden and marked decline of physical and mental health that some suspected foul play, with several voicing openly that he'd been slowly poisoned. Far more mysterious foul play was to follow, including the mysterious death of Theodoric's daughter, Amala Sunta, at the age of 40, paired with an inflaming of tensions between Catholic and Aryan factions, and thus a turning inward of energies within the empire, as in fighting began in earnest. There's a line in the historian Procopius's explosive work, the Secret History, that struck me. Speaking of the deeply corrupt Justinian and his abomination of a wife, Theodora, and how they'd begun to consciously employ a tactic. "One of the name would be Theodora when he's Theodoric, right? Justinian is a POS, you'll find out." To more efficiently control their Eastern Roman Empire and surrounding regions and peoples, namely the divide and conquer method of creating two warring camps. In their case, a blue and green faction, they each pretended to back a different faction, and made a public show about caring for their success, which caused the people to believe that both sides were always represented, and allowed Justinian and Theodora to play manipulative. You know, like Democrat and Republican, or name anything that happens where there's a dichotomy for you to choose from? "Games, similar." "Either or, but nothing else. How about none? How about something different?" "To those in our modern two-party system. This is one of the many fascinating narratives from the work, which I hope to give more attention to in a later video. But I mention this here to illustrate a new phenomenon of deceptive politics and artifice that began to dominate in this age. At this stage in history, you see the first battles between entirely gothic and entirely non-gothic armies, conflicts that act as a lasting testament against the absurdity of the Roman supremacy mythos, at least as far as late Rome is concerned. A recurring theme one can't help but notice with regards to the Germanic people, from the age of the Scythians to the age of the Vikings, is that if you wanted to beat their armies, you had to use their own armies. In other words, to find some means carefully playing them off against one another, or making use of rogue mercenaries. When united, they simply didn't lose, and this is hardly an overstatement or exaggeration. There are very few exceptions here, throughout the historical record. To cite one of the countless examples of this, the historian Isidore of Seville tells us of a later ruler, named Swintilla, who "launched an expedition against the Basques who had invaded the mountains of terra conensis. There the mountain peoples were struck with such tear in his coming, that they immediately threw down their weapons and freed their hands for prayer, submitting their next to him as sublions and giving him hostages, as if aware of his rightful jurisdiction. They built the city of Ulagicus for the Goths with their own taxes and labor, promising to be obedient to Swintilla's rule and dominion, and to carry out whatever they were ordered to do." But the foremost foe of the Goths, of course, were the now angry and embittered remnants of Rome. Justinian, mentioned a moment ago, as a deeply suspect character, began to launch aggressive attempts to stamp out Gothic supremacy. He was met by a brick wall, a man named Tautilla, another truly exceptional figure virtually unknown to history, perhaps in part because he's such a profound testament to the merit and noble nature of the Goths. Cowardis and Blundering had caused an initial surprise attack to fail, so the Roman forces had to meet Tautilla's army in the open. As Bradley states, quote, "Although the Goths had only 5,000 men, while the Romans had 12,000, Tautilla was victorious. The imperial army was completely dispersed, with a great loss in both slain and in prisoners." Another battle in the Valley of Masilla had a similar ending, Tautilla let his army into the south, capturing one city after another and making the farmers pay into his treasury, both the rents due to their landlords and the taxes they were due to the Emperor. In other respects, however, he treated the people with so much kindness that he won a great deal of good will from those who had suffered from the lawless behavior of the Roman armies, and, quote, "Justinian then sent a considerable land and sea fleet, certain this would be enough to do the trick." Quote, "But its commanders were no match for the genius of Tautilla. Their fleet was defeated, and the most important leader of the expedition, Demetrius, was paraded in front of the walls with a halter around his neck and made to harangue the garrison and its citizens in order to persuade them to surrender. The Gothic king himself also made a speech to the besieged, promising that if they would yield, neither soldier nor citizen should be any the worse for their submission. The temptation was strong, for the defenders were hard pressed by famine and disease, but the garrison was unwilling to seem false to their sovereign, and begged that 30 days' troops might be allowed them. If no help came from the Emperor within that time, they promised a surrender. Tautilla astonished the messengers by his reply, "By all means," he said, "I can rent you three months delay, if you should choose to take it." And he undertook to make no attempt to storm the city during that time. "He knew it'd be a bit different, and he knew it'd be a bit different. There's a bit different." "I'd probably struggle with fanfare. I was home confident, made them feel that the hope of Secur was vain indeed. And a few days afterwards, the gates were opened. As soon as Tautila entered the city, he saw..." Saved big this summer with great deals, all in the King Super's app! Get select varieties of Powerade or Body Armor Superdrinks for $0.79 each, then get 16-ounce packs of organic strawberries for $0.249 each, all with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local Kroger today, or tap the screen now to download the King Super's app to save big today! King Super's! Fresh for everyone, prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply. From the appearance of the inhabitants that they had suffered terribly from famine, he had, like Procopius, the opportunity of observing the effects of hunger on the human frame. And he knew that if those who were enfeebled by long privation were at once freely supplied with food, they were likely to be killed by plenty. With a thoughtful kindness, which, as Procopius says, could neither have been expected from an enemy nor a barbarian, he ordered that every person in this city should receive a daily ration of food, at first very small, but gradually increased until the danger had ceased to exist. Then, and not before, he allowed the gates to be thrown open, and proclaimed that the inhabitants were free to go or to remain as they chose. The Roman commander, Cronan, and most of his soldiers were placed on board ships, and informed that they were at liberty to sail to any port they preferred. They were ashamed to go to Constantinople, and tried to make for Rome. The wind, however, was contrary, and they were obliged to remain in Naples. Naturally, they felt very uneasy, for they thought that after Totilla had given them one fair chance of escape, he would now consider himself entitled to treat them as prisoners. But the barbarians' generosity against her past expectation. Sending for Cronan, he assured him that he and his companions might consider themselves as among the friends, that until it was possible for them to sail, the Gothic markets were open to them, and that he would do everything he could to ensure their comfort. As, however, the wind continued unfavorable, Totilla had length recommended them to make the journey by land, and actually provided them with beasts of burden, money for traveling expenses, and a Gothic escort. He did all this, though he knew that Cronan and his men were going to increase the garrison of the city, which it was his intention shortly to lay siege. Certainly he had given his Kingly word that the soldiers should be allowed to march away, whether they pleased. But it is seldom that any conqueror has observed a capitulation in this splendid fashion, either before or since. Even more rigorously than Belisarius himself, Totilla repressed all acts of outrage on the part of the army. No matter who was the offender, the penalty was death. An officer of high rank, and very popular, among his comrades, had committed a crime of this kind and had been placed under arrest. The chiefs of the army employed Totilla to spare the man's life. The King listened courteously and calmly to what they had to say, and then, in grave and earnest tones, he expressed his conviction that only so long as the Goths kept themselves pure from injustice could they expect the divine blessing to rest on their cause. He reminded them how they had the same type of moral character. Brilliant had been the fortunes of the nation under the righteous rule of Theodoric. How, under Theodda had, and his successors, the Goths, forsaking the policy of justice and humanity to which they owed their greatness, had brought themselves to the lowest point of humiliation. And how, since they had begun acting in a nobler spirit once again, their prosperity had returned. What they, he asked, with his experience before them, insist on making the nation an accomplice in this man's guilt? The Gothic chiefs were unable to resist this reasoning, and the criminal underwent his doom. While Totilla was behaving in this manner, the Roman generals and their soldiers were plundering the property of those who were subject to their sway, and indulging without restraint in every kind of insolence and excess. We are quoting Procopius, who points out with indignant eloquence the contrast between the "civilized" Romans and their "barberian" foe. In Rome itself, the citizens were bitterly regretting their change of masters. Totilla knew of the existence of his feeling and resolved to work upon it. First he sent a letter to the Senate, charging them if they repented of the crime and folly of their treason against the Goths, to earn their pardon by a voluntary surrender of the city. It is strange that the imperialist commander should have allowed such a letter to be delivered at all, however he would not permit the Senate to return any answer. A few days passed, and one morning it was found that placards, signed with Totilla's name, had been nailed up during the night at all the most frequented parts of the city. They announced that the Goths would shortly march to capture Rome, and contained a solemn declaration that no harm should be done to the citizens. The officers of the imperial army tried in vain to find out who had put up these placards, but it was suspected that it must have been done by the Aryan clergy, who were therefore banished from the city. Soon afterwards the emperor Justinian received a letter, signed by all his generals in Italy, expressing their opinion that the imperial cause in that country was hopeless, and that the attempt to oppose the victorious progress of the Goths had better be abandoned. In coming battles great numbers would desert to Totilla, and an incredible series of total victories would follow. With yet another siege of Rome, more starvation due to Roman stubbornness and accepting Totilla's terms, until on December 17th, 546 AD, the Goths once again marched through the gates, this time to the site of the imperial army, scattering in every direction. One of the first actions of the conquering Goths was to repair the Church of St. Peter, and slowly nurse the starving citizenry back to health. "On the following day, Totilla haranged his soldiers on his favorite theme, the importance of justice and mercy, as their only hope of obtaining the blessing of God on their cause. Soon afterwards he sent Pelagius to Constantinople, with other envoys, to ask Justinian to agree to terms of peace. Justinian declined to answer, stating the decision of peace or war was in the hands of the general Belasarius, by far Rome's greatest general at this stage, and despite the recent crushing defeats to Totilla, their last, best, and only hope. "But we do not find that Totilla attempted to open negotiations with Belasarius, probably heaning too well the iron resolution of his great antagonist to entertain any hope of success." Justinian's stubbornness both exasperated and angered Totilla, finally pushing past his red line. "He determined to take his revenge on Rome, to burn down its magnificent buildings and to "turn the city into a sheep pasture. Perhaps he really would have disgraced his glorious career by his barbarious deed. But when Belasarius heard of this intention, he sent a letter to the Gothic king, asking him this point of question. Do you choose to appear in history branded as the destroyer of the noblest city in the world, or honored as its preserver? The messengers who bore the letter reported that Totilla read it over many times, as if he was learning it by heart. After deep consideration, he returned to Belasarius, the assurance that Rome should be spared. The incident is honorable alike to each of the two men. After the prolonged siege was over, Totilla was able to turn his attention to other parts of his kingdom, which had been suffering the ravages of the imperial armies. He came to the strange resolve of abandoning Rome altogether, destroying a large part of the walls so that it could no longer be available to the enemy as a fortress. He caused the senators to accompany him on his march, and sent the scanty remnants of the citizens with their wives and children away to Campania. Many strange things have happened in the history of Rome, but surely one of the strangest of all is that this vast city, with all its noble buildings still uninjured, could have remained for many weeks without any inhabitants." Amusingly, Belasarius was to slip right back into Rome and hastily rebuild its defenses. The Goths would be back to take it yet again shortly after. Once they did so, "there was, however, one brave officer amongst the besieged, Paul of Solisia, who with four hundred men took refuge in the fortress tomb of Hadrian, and prepared it to hold against all attacks. But the Goths were wiser than to attempt an assault. It closely surrounded the fortress, and remained quiet, waiting for hunger to do its work. At length, the brave four hundred found that they could hold out no longer, and resolved to sally forth in one desperate charge against the foe, feeling that they were about to rush upon certain destruction, they embraced each other, and "kissed each other with the kiss of those doomed to death." And then they issued from the gate of the castle, "Hopefully in that, like the Templars do, you know, between the butt cheeks." Expecting to perish, but determined to sell their lives as dearly as they could. Or, however, they reached the Gothic lines, they were met by a flag of truce, bringing the "unlooked for" offer from the Gothic king, that he would either "send them unhurched to Constantinople," on condition of laying down their arms and giving promise never more to fight against the Goths, or, if they chose, he would accept him as soldiers in his own army, upon an equal footing with his own countrymen. Brave men as they were, life was sweet, and they hailed with joy the sudden deliverance. At first, they asked to be sent Constantinople, but when they thought of the cold reception they would meet with there, and the dangers of the journey to unarmed men, they came to the conclusion that Totelo was a better master to serve than Justinian, and so they agreed to be enrolled in the Gothic ranks. There were also 400 other soldiers, who instead of escaping from the city, had taken refuge in the churches, and these, too, joined themselves to Totelo's army. Even still, due to the shrewd planning of Justinian, the massive wealth of the Eastern Roman Empire now devoted to this singular cause of Gothic destruction, the tide would now begin to turn. Having learned his lesson about testing his own armies against Gothic military prowess, Justinian now set out to lavishly bribe every stray god, and especially herald that he found willing. Now at Ravenna, Totelo found himself staring down a vast army containing many mercenaries of his own kin, with the finest weaponry and armor money could buy. It said that the Goths were terribly downcast at this site, and all of Totelo's eloquence was needed to keep them from despair. "Fellow soldiers," he said, "this is our last struggle. If we win this battle, Justinian's power is crushed, and our freedom is secured. Show yourselves men this day, for tomorrow it will be too late." Learn either your horses nor your arms, for whether victors or vanquished you will never need them more. Remember that there is no safety for you but in victory. To flee is to seek destruction. Let not the multitude of the enemy dismay you. We are a nation fighting for our freedom, for our country, for all that makes life precious. They are a hireling band of Huns and Harules, and people of all races and tongues, divided by ancient hatreds and bound together for no other common interest but their pay. End quote. We should repeat that to ourselves. Every single time we think that it's already too late. It said that "Totelo wrote in front of the Gothic lines, clothed in golden armor and purple robes, and displayed his skill and horsemanship, galloping round in circles, throwing up his spear and catching it as he rowed and other such feats." End quote. Though I suspect that even he knew that this was likely the end of the line, and merely sought to end the chapter with his characteristic courage and leadership, being vastly outnumbered by the best men and equipment Rome could muster, their luck had finally run out. After the brutal fight was over, the king of the Goths was making his escape from the battlefield, accompanied by two or three of his faithful friends. When Asbad, the chief of the Gepids, rushed at him with his lance, not knowing in the darkness who he was, one of the Goths indignantly exclaimed, "Dog, would you kill your own master?" Asbad knew then whom he was attacking and thrust to Totelo with all his strength, but himself felt wounded immediately after. The Goths carried their master as far as Capri, a village seven miles away, where he shortly afterwards breathed his lass. After the disaster of Tedino, the remnant of the Gothic army retired into northern Italy, and there Taya was chosen, king of the Goths. Having been betrayed and now finding himself starving, sending away their horses, they suddenly rushed on foot upon the astonished Romans. The battle that ensued was terrible. "On one of Homer's heroes," says Procopius, "ever performed greater miracles of valor than did Taya on that day." After fighting for many hours in front of his army, he called to the armor bearer to change his shield, which was heavy with the weight of twelve broken spears. Left for a moment unprotected, he was pierced in the breast by a spear. So fell the last Gothic king of Italy. The Romans cut off his head and displayed it on a pole to encourage their own soldiers and to dismay their enemies. Scumbags. But even the loss of their king was ineffectual to abate the desperate fury of the Goths. They fought on until the fall of night, and at daybreak they renewed the struggle, which continued till darkness again compelled them to pause. On the third morning, worn out with fatigue and hunger, they felt that it was impossible for them to fight any longer. Their leaders sent ambassadors to Narcisse to treat for peace, but even then they would not humble themselves to become the subjects of Justinian. All they would promise was that they would never again bear arms against the empire, and this only on condition of being allowed an unmolested passage out of Italy, and of receding money for expenses for their journey. The Roman generals held a council to discuss this proposal. Today it had such terrible experience of the desperate valor of the Goths that they decided to accept the conditions. That's crazy. They haven't been defeated, and they accept those conditions. That's how bad as the Goths were, and that's how much Roman you would. Consider for a moment just how incredible the situation was. A greatly outnumbered, defeated, kingless, and war-weary people, short on supplies and with inferior equipment, still refusing to bend the need of the Eastern Emperor, and in fact making demands that were subsequently agreed to. This was the power of Gothic prestige and reputation. The Roman generals knew full well that the Goths would fight to the last man if need be, and the resulting slaughter would be terrible. Regardless with the help of the brilliant generalship of Belisarius, Justinian had won the day. The Ostrogoths were defeated, thus we now move west to the Visigoths and Spain. Sissibut marks one of the last Gothic leaders worthy of the name, and one of the last hold to the Gothic law that their leader be descended from pure Gothic blood. He was reputed to be a scholar, a brilliant general, magnanimous, and just, and one who labored actively for the betterment of his people. "Sissibut, who was chosen king in 612, was a man about whom we would be glad to know more. He was a successful general, and his victories compelled the Greeks to surrender nearly all of their possessions in Spain. Like the Gothic heroes of older days, the Otterich and Tautila, he was distinguished for humanity towards the conquered. Many of the Greek prisoners had been sold into slavery by their Gothic captors, and the king purchased their freedom at his own cost. He was also a scholar, and a generous patron of such learning as existed in the Spain of his day. Unhappily, it has to be added that he was the first Gothic king who ever persecuted the Jews." There's a stray line in Isador's historical account that hints Sissibut may have met a similar "unhappily or intelligently." Fade to so many other Gothic leaders and nobles during this time period, "some claim that he died a natural death, others that he died as a result of an overdose of some medication." Men who formerly live to very right... "They like the poison a lot, this is something that the Jesuits do too, and there's definitely a big connection between them, and the usual suspects, if you will." The old ages now began dying in the prime of their lives. And not just kings and leaders, but several of their sons and daughters of the royal line as well. It was in this era that the marketplace gained prominence and importance, and with it, the practice of usury, banned by all Christian peoples as the greatest of evils, but practiced with enthusiasm by others. This inevitably helped kickstart the amassing of great fortunes in short order. With regards to the Jewish population in their midst, Gothic leaders from Theodoric Forward had attempted several seemingly desperate means and methods of integrating them. From mandatory conversions, for those who wished to remain in Gothic lands, to passing laws against various "heracies" meant to encourage their exit. Unwilling to part with their prosperous conditions, these only had the effect of pushing Jewish religion and culture underground. And although many were to technically convert to Gothic Christianity, to retain their homes, their positions, and wealth, the naive Gothic aristocracy failed to comprehend that a people might be willing to do this in a purely utilitarian and surface-level manner. Maintaining a public front for appearances, but as Bradley put it, continuing in the secrecy of their homes to practice Jewish ritual and to teach their children to curse the Goths. It was as if they couldn't fathom that a people might be lying in this highest and most important of all issues, and this was to be a cultural difference that would cost them dearly. Amidst all of the scheming and court intrigue, something mysterious occurs. Something not fully understood or explained to this very day. In October of 680, the Gothic king Wamba, likely the very last king of Pyrogothic descent and a man so unwilling to take the crown that he had to be forced at swordpoint by his dukes, was found unconscious in the palace. Strangely, steps were taken to immediately dress him in monk's robes, which thereby legally disqualified him from holding the kingship any longer, based on a recently written obscure rule. Perhaps to the dismay of those around him, Wamba recovered, and in fact, many believe he'd been poisoned, but any protests on his part would have been in vain. A disreputable scoundrel, the first of many, was lifted up in his place by a Julian of Toledo, who many believed to be the new king's "handler" of sorts. A man by the name of Ervig, this new leader was Gothic only on his mother's side by adoption, a flagrant disregard of ancient Gothic law. And thus, as Ervig immediately said about reversing all of the thoughtful improvements instituted by Wamba, everything now began to unravel in earnest. To be set on all sides by Roman Catholic, Jewish, and Saracen interests beginning to jockey for land, power, and wealth, the Goth's battles would now largely be fought on unfamiliar and uncomfortable terrain, namely the halls and recesses of palaces and courts and city streets, via that more modern sort of manipulation and political maneuvering that's become so popular in our own day. The tension with the Jews, especially, began to spiral out of control. The historian Henry Bradley states, quote, "In the year 694, the government was thrown into the wildest panic by the discovery of another plot, in which nearly all of the Jews of the kingdom were supposed to have been concerned," end quote. A plot seemingly aimed at overthrowing Gothic leadership by any means necessary. At the council and Toledo of that year, it's recorded that, quote, "The Jews had opposed Christian rulers in various parts of the world, killing some and setting up Jewish rulers who acted against Christians," end quote. Exposing the plot was hardly a victory, as little changed afterwards. Several Jews fled to North Africa, but most remained, and the mutual animosity had only grown, if anything. Ervig was succeeded by his son, Egega, another violation of Gothic traditions, and even more disreputable than his father, and finally, Egega was followed by his son, Vidizah, who was to epitomize the corruption and degeneracy of his age, and act as possibly the most destructive single figure in Gothic history. Immediately upon taking power, he had nearly all of his enemies killed, blinded, or imprisoned. And they weren't really Goths, so that's the big point here, right? They're foreigners, they're not of pure, but Gothic blood. And, quote, "At last feeling safe, the king gave reigns to his licentious passions, and soon, by his tyranny and sensuality, acquired the appellation of Vidizah the Wicked. Hailed by many historians as a great friend to the Jews, it seems the peers of his day would have agreed, but wouldn't have voiced this in a complimentary way. Several accounts go so far as to speak of Vidizah as essentially serving the Jewish powers in his realm, in the manner of a submissive vassal, such as the chronicle of Lucas of Tui. But I've had to rely on excerpts and surviving secondhand accounts of this work as I… So what is APAC? What is what's happening right here? I've been unable to find any surviving English translation, something I find strange considering it was widely quoted throughout the eighteen and nineteen hundreds. Vidizah encouraged the clergy to marry, breaking ancient tradition, and he himself kept numerous wives and mistresses, and it's even reported that he encouraged his people to do the same. He lived a desolate life, and the stories range from his aggressively depleting the treasury to going so far as to destroy several fortifications across the land, for spurious reasons. He seems to have nearly inverted the power structure, freeing from prison and forgiving the depths of those who were formerly considered the worst, and heaping brutal punishments on many formerly without blemish to their name. This should all sound very familiar. Manuel Perez Villamil, member of the Royal Academy of History, tells us in Volume 54 of "The Catholic World" in these times so fraught with peril, Vidizah ascended the throne, not content as a chronicle expresses it with provoking the ire of God by his bices. He placed himself in the hands of the Jews, who, in a very short time, reached a preponderance in Spain greater than ever before. It will suffice to say that the new monarch ordered the canons and laws directed against the Jews during preceding reigns to be repealed, and raised to high positions many descendants of that prescribed race. The Jews, having in short time, acquired a really dangerous preponderance, improved to their advantage every opportunity favorable to their purpose, which came in their way. And doubtless laying new plans for revenge, prepared themselves secretly to retaliate for the wrongs undergone by them under the Visigothic Rule. Chroniclers as truthful and reliable as the great prince Donna Fonz of the Third, John of Puklara, the monk of Silos, and others besides relate that Vidizah leveled to the ground all of the strongholds of the realm with the exception of three only, and ordered all of the weapons of warfare to be burned. Were these measures taken in compliance with malevolent suggestions from his own new counselors? Everything seems to indicate this, end quote. Though I'm not sure I agree with their framing, Wikipedia attempts to paint him as an oblivious bumbler, "using secret orders he demolished castles that he feared could be used by future internal enemies, oblivious to the possibility that he was weakening the kingdom's defenses against foreign invaders. And at court, inspired by the custom of Muslim rulers, he "indulged in a plurality of wives and concubines, encouraging his subjects to do the same." We still know very little about this man. So he's friends with the Jews, and he's friends with the Muslims. He's adopting their ways because, hey, that gives him license to have many wives. But think about that connection. Why is that similar? Why is that similar? They're both Abrahamic religions, and you'll see here shortly that they work together. Virgins and his family and his reign, what we do know is that these were the years the Saracin invasions began in earnest, aided greatly, according to nearly every historical account, by the Jewish population in Visigoth, Spain, who essentially opened the gates for them, in some cases, literally, and per- Literally opened the gates for them, provided both strategic intelligence and support. What follows is a series of suspiciously well-timed attacks against Visigoth, Spain. And as each town fell, the Muslim invaders would transfer the city to the local Jewish element, remember, remember the parasite, it will always be looking for something else to latch on to. We talked about this when we went through the new history of the Jews with, um, used to Spolan's book, and they actually brought up the Visigoths. I believe if I'm not mistaken during that book, but I mean, I was looking at the seams, there was actually, I pulled something out previously and talked about it, but I don't think I have that one up here right now. Alright, let's just keep going. Which allowed the army to march onward with their entire force to repeat. So the Muslims are handing over the provinces or the places that they're conquering to the Jews. That, that's not suspicious at all? The process, as opposed to garrisoning their own troops. Volume 54 of the Catholic world goes on to state, quote, "that the Jews took part in these events may have been inferred from our narrative so far, but we will add that during the short time the rebellion lasted, Gothic Gaul was overrun by Jews who, casting aside their dissimulation, declared themselves openly in favor of the rebels, going to the length of joining them and taking up arms, which shows that they founded hopes on the success of the conspiracy." And remember that was in Muslim campaign, quote, in fact, what are we actually seeing right now in the Middle East? Are we all being duped? Even the Arab chroniclers attest that strong fortresses and important cities in which the Jewish race was prominent by numbers and wealth, and which undoubtedly would have cost Terek's forces a great expenditure of blood to get possession of were surrendered to him by the Jews, to whom they were afterwards given in charge to guard and who fraternized with the African invaders. But the clearest evidence of "perfity and conspiracy" appears in the capture of Toledo, which Vamba had fortified with towers, and which from its strong position was impregnable. Let us look up the records of the renowned chronicler Queen Baranguela, Bishop Don Lucas Uptoui. He relates that in the year 715, the Visigothic capital, Toledo, having been invested by the Arab commander Torek Ben-Zayed, the Christian inhabitants of the city went out on Palm Sunday to the near-at-hand Basilica of St. Leo Cadia to celebrate therein the Passion of Our Lord. The Jews, taking advantage of their absence, delivered over a seat of government, of Lea Vigildo and Ricorado to the besiegers. The Christians having been massacred, partly in the plain and partly in the Basilica itself. All the historians of Toledo, inclusive of the venerable archbishop Don Rodrigo Jimenez Dorada, in his Latin and Spanish chronicles, agree in this statement of facts. In view of these facts, writes Amador de los Rios, there can be no doubt that there existed between these two peoples, the Arab and the Jewish, a certain kind of combination and concerted action, which seems to proceed from secret sympathies and understandings, if not from former pacts and alliances. We allow ourselves, relying on what the old chroniclers tell, having gone more deeply into the study of this historical question, to affirm that the Jews, and they only, attracted the Arab hosts to Spain. And in fact, Harold Livermore, in the twilight of the Goths, seems to indicate that Muhammad himself was essentially seen as Jewish by many in the West at the time, with theologians not knowing what to make of Islam in these earliest stages. Finally, the Jewish Encyclopedia also states, "It remains a fact that the Jews, either directly or through their co-religionists in Africa, encouraged the Mohammedans to conquer Spain, and that they greeted them as their deliverers, after the Battle of Jarez in which Africa." And they were treated well, they had a, this is the sick part, you can't show kindness because they will destroy you. In Jews fought bravely under Kela Ayahidi, and in which the last Gothic king, Rodrigo, and his nobles were slain, the conquerors Musa and Tariq were everywhere victorious. The conquered cities Cordova, Malaga, Granada, Seville, and Toledo were placed in the charge of the Jewish inhabitants, who had been armed by the Arabs, end quote. Although modern historians are currently working overtime to portray this period as a rebirth, and the so-called Anadilucian Empire as a bastion of tolerance and learning and enlightenment, those who lived through the period, especially the transition, seem to tell a polar opposite story. A great example of this being the compelling work by Dario Fernandez Morora, called the myth of Anadilucian Paradise. The stories of this carnage and atrocity are almost unbelievable, and the majority of such tales have certainly been lost forever. Dario Fernandez tells us, quote, "shortly after the Islamic forces landed, the flesh of some of the Christians killed in battle was boiled in large cauldrons under the site of terrified Christian prisoners, who became convinced that the Muslims were cannibals." And then, quote, "In a furious assault, the remaining Christian defenders retreated to a church to continue fighting. According to Al-Makari, the Muslims put the building to the torch, and the Christians inside died without surrendering. And those they did surrender were beheaded," end quote. For Roman, Greek, and Goth, the holy places were sites of refuge, respected even in times of brutal war. Such actions would have been jarring. Having recently burned the Library of Alexandria in 642, and even made an attempt to destroy the pyramids, the Muslim armies that rampaged through Europe seemed especially eager to destroy churches, loot all valuable treasures, and kidnap massive numbers of females for sexual slavery. The Muslims are like the Lengoliers from that Stephen King book that they just delete history, right? They eat it all up. They eat out the tangent universe. They just take everything away. And what happened with the fake Muslim, mostly military intelligence ISIS and what they did to Palmyra? Renaming towns and monuments and roads as they went. They promptly destroyed Agothic Bridge, one of the finest in all of Europe, and tore down a gigantic bronze statue in Cadiz, thinking it was made of gold, and it was in the same period that the famed Colossus was procured by a Jewish Syrian traitor and promptly melted down for scrap metal. The historical work, the Chronicle of 754, speaks powerfully of the fall of Spain. Quote, "Who can relate such perils? Who can enumerate such grievous disasters?" And who's the target? What Europeans? Who's the target now? What are we descended of? Even if every limb were transformed into a tongue, it would be beyond human capability to express the ruin of Spain and its many and great evils," end quote. The fleeing Visigothic nobles, unable to travel quickly with their immense treasures of accrued generational wealth, lost virtually everything, and had to hastily bury much of the rest. Quote, "We have magnificent Visigothic religious treasures found buried along the roots leading from southern Spain to the north, Dario Fernandez' book tells us. And Arabs were to come across stashes of emeralds and rubies," quote, "in such abundance as no man had seen before and were still stunned." The Jews also saw a swift rise in their economic state, being now able to revitalize and monopolize their trade in silk and slaves, and no doubt receiving their share of the treasures of their former rulers and neighbors. Remember when you say slaves, you're also talking about children. They need a fresh supply all the time for their little mysteries that they do. "The sons of Viteza, who are otherwise unknown, are made out by the chronicle of Alphonse of the Third to be traitors who help deliver Hispania to the Moors, a fact which seems to remove any lingering historical doubt as to whether Viteza himself was an honest actor. The last bastion of Gothic power had been subverted and destroyed. It was as if all the world had conspired against them in a cruel twist of fate, most of the facts of which had gone unspoken to this very day. "This is the fall of Germany before the fall of Germany. There is a history here, there is a deliberate, ancient, envy, grudge, hatred, and it didn't start with World War I and II. It's been going on forever." Stripped of their defenses and weaponry by their own corrupt ruler, subsequently stripped of scepter, throne, and treasure, and now stripped of their lands. A man named Pelagius and many nobles held out in a series of heroic battles in the mountains of the Esterius, a movement that would plant the seeds that would later grow into the famed Reconquista as Christians fought to regain their homeland. Henry Bradley tells us, "The Christians of the Esterius maintained their independence under a succession of Gothic chiefs, to whom the later kings of Spain were proud to trace their ancestry. In all the uprisings of the Christians against the Moors, and in the last great struggle, which ended in the overthrow of the Infidel rule, men with Gothic names appear as leaders and champions, but for the Gothic element in the Spanish people, the chivalry of Castile would never have been. And Spain might even yet have remained under Muhammadan rule. To this day, the noble families of Spain boast, if not always with reason, of the purity of their Gothic blood." In fact, the surnames Gomez, Fernandez, Gonzalez, Rodriguez, and several others all harken back directly to the Gothic route. And of course, though their royal lines were fractured and their name and empire destroyed, their Goths themselves lived on, leaving a significant genetic and cultural imprint all throughout the West, including in Italy, France, and Spain. Yet, in another strange twist of fate, a far-flung isolated and forgotten remnant of Gothic culture may have remained largely untouched up until very recently. Henry Bradley continues, "For the last traces of the Goths as a separate people, speaking their own language, we must, however, look not to Spain but far away to the east of Europe." At the end of the fourth century, when the empire of Ermaneric fell under the yoke of the Huns, a small remnant of the Austrogoths found shelter from the savage invaders in the Crimea, and in this remote corner of Europe, they preserved their existence as a nation for more than a thousand years. Early in the fifth century, they were converted to Catholic Christianity, and their bishops long continued to take part in the general councils of the Church. In the year 1562, a traveler from Belgium, named Busbeck, met with two ambassadors sent by this little nation to Constantinople, and wrote down a long list of words belonging to their language. Of course, many of these words were greatly corrupted, and some of them are not Gothic at all, but borrowed from the languages of surrounding nations. But still, the list makes it quite clear that the language spoken by this Crimean people must originally have been the same with that used by Vulfilla in his translation of the Bible. Nearly 200 years later, about 1750, a charitable Jesuit of Vienna, named Mondorf, ransomed a prisoner from the Turkish galleys, and learned from him that he came from the Crimea, and that his native language bore some resemblance to German. It is possible that Mondorf was not mistaken, and, strange as it seems to think of it, that the language of Vulfilla was actually surviving in some corrupted shape, only a century and a half ago. Mondorf's ransomed captive knew nothing about Christianity, but said that his countrymen worshipped an ancient tree. Until the 18th century, the Crimea was still called gothia, end quote. Towards the end of the era of Gothic dominance, though besieged on all sides by varied, though likely conspiring foes, they still displayed a courage and magnanimous nature which remained exceptional throughout history. One of the last Gothic leaders was Asisiput's son, Rekorid, Isidor tells us of his crushing victory scored against an invading army of Franks, 60,000 strong, and how the Goths pursued the fleeing army back to and then into their own kingdom, calling it one of the greatest physiopic victories in history. And then tells us this, which I believe well summarizes the ancient Germanic conception of warfare, quote, "Rekorid often pitted his strength against the excesses of the Romans and the attacks of the Vasks. In these cases, he seemed not so much to be waging wars as to be exercising his people to keep them fit, as one would do in the sport of wrestling," end quote. He goes on to speak of Rekorid's personal character, quote, "The provinces which his father conquered in war, Rekorid preserved in peace, administered with equity, and ruled with moderation. He was kind and mild of remarkable goodness. He had such a graceful demeanor and so benevolent a heart that, influencing the minds of everyone, he led even bad men to desire his love. He restored misappropriated wealth, reduced the tribute required by his people, and enriched and elevated many with gifts and honors, and was famous for the innate quality of his virtue," end quote. And it's this same is a door of Seville I'd like to cite as a historical postscript before my own subjective postscript. Speaking of the Goths, he tells us, quote, "The meaning of their name in our language is tectum, by which is meant strength, and rightly so, for there was never a people on earth that succeeded in exhausting the Roman Empire to such an extent. These were the ones that Alexander himself declared should be avoided, the ones that Pyrus feared, the ones that made Caesar shudder. They have been proved to have a common origin with the Scythians. That is why they are not much different in name, with one letter changed and one removed, Gethi becomes Scythi. They were inhabitants of the icy peaks of the west, and they lived on the mountain slopes with other peoples. Driven from their territory by the attacks of the Huns, they crossed the Danube and surrendered themselves to the Romans, but when they could no longer tolerate their unjust treatment, they took up arms in their wrath, invaded Thrace, devastated Italy, besieged and captured Rome, entered Gaul, and bursting through the Pyrenees, reached Spain, where they established their homeland and dominion. The Goths are agile by nature and quick to understand. They have a strong sense of duty, robust in bodily strength and lofty in stature. They are impressive in their carriage and demeanor. Skillful with their hands, they are also impervious to wounds. Just as the poet says about them, "The Gethi despised death while praising the wound." They waged such great wars and had such a reputation for Glorious Victory, that Rome itself, the conqueror of all peoples, submitted to the yoke of captivity and yielded to the Gothic triumphs. The mistress of all nations served them like a handmaid. All of the peoples of Europe feared them. The barriers of the Alps gave way before them. The vandals, widely known for their own barbarity, were not so much terrified by the presence of the Goths, as put to flight by their renown. The Allens were extinguished by the strength of the Goths. The Sueve, too, forced into inaccessible corners of Spain, have now experienced the threat of extermination at the hands of the Goths. The kingdom which they had held in idle lethargy, they now have lost at a shameful cost. It seems quite amazing how they managed to retain up to the present day, that which they have now given up without any show of resistance. But who could express the great strength of the Gedic people? Since the right to rule is rarely granted to peoples who choose to rely on entreaties and gifts, the Goths opted to secure their liberty in battle rather than through negotiations. For whenever the need to fight presents itself, the Goths always prefer to go to battle, then to resort to treaties. In the arts of war they are quite spectacular, fighting on horseback not only with spears but with javelins, though they enter the battle on horseback as well as on foot, they trust more in this swift running of their horses. As the poet says, where the Gettin goes he goes with his horse. They love to exercise themselves with weapons and compete in battle. They hold contests in sport every day. Until recently they lacked experience in only one aspect of fighting. They had no desire to wage naval battles. But ever since King Sisiput took up the royal scepter, they have made such great and successful progress that they now go forth with their forces on sea as well as land. Subjected, the Roman soldier now serves the Goths, whom he sees as being served by many peoples and by Spain itself. And this gothic prestige was to continue long after their fall. There's an anecdote regarding the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical conference in Basel and 1434, where representatives from several nations, including Sweden and Spain, argued for more influence due to their ancestral connections to the gothic race. The Swedish representative, Nicholas Raghvaldi, argued that Sweden was the original homeland of the Goths, while the Spanish representative countered that the Spanish Goths more perfectly demonstrated the adventurous gothic spirit of courage by migrating away from their homeland. To give a brief summary of what many historical accounts seem to suggest, it seems that the Romans, Franks and Goths all sprung from the same route. Though the Goths may have well been the royal Scythians, residing north of the Black Sea, an element that remained aloof in most of the more minor military squabbles and taking up arms only when the natural order was seriously threatened. The Chronicle of Fredegar and the Liber Histori Frankorum, and the several works both of these documents cite, suggest that both the Romans and Franks were descended from the same group of survivors from Troy. The Chronicle describes Priam as a Frankish king, whose people migrated to Macedonia after the fall of Troy. In Macedonia, the Franks then divided. The European Franks reached Francia under King Francia just as Romulus went to Rome. Fredegar stated that Thudomir, named King of the Franks by Gregory, was descended from Priam, Friga and Francia. Another work, the Gesta, described how 12,000 Trojans, led by Priam and Antonor, sailed from Troy to the river Don in Russia and onto Pannonia, which is on the river Danube, settling near the Sea of Azov, where they founded a city called Sechemia. This Frankish-Roman connection might well explain how late Rome was able to bribe, threaten, or cajole so many Frankish leaders into turning their energy against the incoming Gothic element. And this is speculative, but it seems as if the Heralai, later to become our Yarls and Urals in Europe, may have been equivalent to aristocratic adventurers and mercenaries, often used as the tip of the spear to clear the way for larger migrations. It's easy to imagine how these may have morphed into the Vikings of later eras. Extremely proficient warriors keen on finding adventure and battle wherever the opportunity might arise, even in exceptional occasions for Rome against their kin. We know they were in high demand in Rome, and in several other nations over long stretch of time, to be used as the Royal Body Guard, or elite military units, and made up the legendary Verengian Guard, which famously caused the general focus to fall dead of a stroke in full view of both armies at the mere sight of their approach. It's incredible how little attention this element receives from modern academics. As Dr. Las Guino from the University of Aberdeen puts it, and expressing her surprise at how little is known at this portion of history, "There are written accounts of Viking raids in northern Spain, but archeologically, absolutely nothing has been done on an academic scale." A subject academic seemed much happier to focus on, and much more keen to paint in a positive light relative to the surviving firsthand accounts, is Justinian. Justinian was described after his death by many who knew him best in an extremely negative light. Cruel, duplicitous, unjust, fickle, and procopious go so far as to label him outright satanic in nature. He raised taxes to unbearable levels, and seemed to care little, if at all, for the suffering of his people, as he indulged in vast building projects they neither wanted, nor had the money or manpower to justify. It said he was irresistibly attracted to every form of newness and novelty, which calls to mind modern political and ideological forces that use "progress" as a cover for the destruction of everything traditional and time-tested. Nowhere is the contrast between degenerating Rome and the Goths, more on display, than in the difference in the character between this man and Theodoric, who once stated, quote, "reverantly to preserve the old is even better than building fresh." The Gothic leaders seemed to recognize some internal element that made Rome great, and sought earnestly to preserve this. Justinian, assuming he cared at all, seems to have believed that Rome was great due to her external trappings, building projects and public displays. One of the great strengths of the Gothic tradition was their calm, settled, and set in stone men are doing things, not subject to temporary cultural whims. Even as they picked up and moved west in their vast wagon trains, reminiscent of the later spread westward by pioneers throughout North America, they all the while preserved themselves as a very distinct and unchanging nation. It's my belief that the Goths, whether consciously or unconsciously, recognize something of immense importance. A nation, at its best, is essentially an extension of the family unit. They weren't to be built around a marketplace, or have their worth or health measured by ridiculous economic metrics, nor was it the buildings, roads and aqueducts, or even the arts or various aspects of culture that acted as the foundation. The core of any lasting nation was to be something within, not without, and something infinitely more valuable. The Gothic and Germanic conception of justice, of nobility, of dignity and worth, and a conception of life that had meaning and substance. This was the flame with the power of lighting countless future fires. With this as the bedrock, healthy societies might be created at any time as they moved and migrated and conquered, naturally and easily as of second nature. It's this combination of energy and will, coupled with the orderliness of magnanimous justice and nobility of spirit that cultivates and prepares the fertile ground from which greatness can spring. It also gave them unshakable confidence on and off the battlefield, caused opposing armies to defect to their ranks, and produced a sterling reputation across friends and foes alike. When a nation is thought of as an extended family and each member seeks to give his best to all others, and in return received their best, this is a perfect example of harnessed and channeled energy, a building energy, as opposed to the wildly wasteful dissipation of energies we experience today, as we feel so atomized and disconnected, and as we watch our physical and mental and spiritual energy being directed towards individuals or corporate entities or ideas with which we feel no connection or resonance. This isn't just a dissipation of energy, it's a lessening of energies, both felt and expressed across the board. But there's more, because the body and mind adapt to all that one thinks and does throughout the day, imagine the heightened senses and health of an ancient goth or Scythian or Spartan or Viking. It's often been said what worries you, masters you, or what you fear, masters you. These men made us sport out of so much our modern age has decided to fear, banished the morbid nature of death with a Valhalla-esque religious ethos, came to know and master their land and environment, ate the best and freshest foods, worked out and sported all day, the psychological effects, the most important of all. Fearless, strong, up to facing any obstacle and knowing this to be the case, and welcoming any challenge, actively seeking out tests of strength. The noble culture they sought to create had no place for bitterness, envy, or smallness. Immersed in nature and God's creation and using this as their template and guide, I believe all of this caused their mind, body, and soul to be wired differently from modern men's, from their first moments onward. More than once, they picked up everything and moved as an entire nation into the unknown and met with every challenge along the way. There was no horizon they feared. They knew how to hunt, fish, grow food, raise and breed cattle and horses, set up temporary or permanent housing virtually anywhere at any time, or even live in their wagons for stretches when the situation demanded it. It's difficult to imagine a scenario they wouldn't have felt equal to. And yet, a genuine modesty pervades their words and their history of actions. If alive today and offered an urban existence and every creature comfort known to man, an exchange for being severed from a life amongst kin and familiar culture, divorced from the multitude of skill sets and broad knowledge base on how to live comfortably in virtually any location or situation in the natural world, knowing they'd be made softer and weaker and more dependent by the day, and atop it all, having to perform work duties for which they'd likely feel no passion or deep gratification. Does anyone expect they would take this trade? I remind everyone once again that the Gothic forces were masters of an intact Rome on several occasions, complete with all of its bread and circuses and conveniences, and consciously chose to maintain their way of life, time and time again, seemingly without a second thought. And when finally settling for a period in and around Rome, maintained their own system of justice, their own culture and traditions, past laws preventing intervention. But the difference here is they got along. They didn't try to tear down everything, right? They were attacked when they did defend themselves. But unlike a certain other tribe or group of people, they're not actively parasitically trying to take down anything that are quite independent. They don't need to suck the life out of others in order to have sustenance. Marriage, and eagerly sought out the sporting exercise of justified war or adventure. It seems that from their perspective, Rome towards its end, having been stripped of its natural energy and everything that it once made her great, was more of a stagnant swamp than that conception modern historians increasingly push of an all-powerful, multicultural marketplace from which everything civilized sprung. That fat piece of shit is wearing purple. The Germanic element, epitomized by the Goths, weren't ignorant and disheveled barbaric savages bent on rape and plunder and destruction, but rather the polar opposite. They seemed to seek a restoration of the old order. This is important because what do we get? We get the inversion of our history, and we get disgusted with our origins. And then we start to stray away from them for something foreign, all by design. And based on every firsthand account, deodoric really did manage to usher in something of a paradise on earth, before corruption and intrigue and chaos managed to claw its way back and win the day. I can't help but think these Goths knew the cost of allowing themselves to become ensnared and dependent on the slew of artificial constructs we've come to know as the state, that slowly but surely comes to dominate mankind. I think you can see this is probably a depiction of Plato's cave, right, and you see the watching the shadows on the wall. The moment he ceases to be vigilant. When you forget how to fight, broadly speaking, you come to forget what courage is and why it's important. When you forget how to feed, clothe, and house your family, you forget what personal responsibility and self-sufficiency means. And when you rely on all things to be granted to you from outside sources, you finally forget what it means to be a man. Our age has been divested of this health, and I've come to believe this is largely by design. A capable and self-sufficient man who's worked to master his fears is truly sovereign, truly free. Make demands of him and they'll likely fall on deaf ears. You can't offer him much, nor can you take much. His opposite type, however, is thrown into chaos at the slightest hiccup in his dependent and domesticated existence. I've been accused once or twice of glorifying the past, and to this I'd respond that, yes, that's precisely what I'm doing. According to the most real and meaningful metrics, I can't help but believe we've taken two steps backwards to every one step forward in countless ways. I'm reminded of the J.G. Farrell quote, "We look on past ages with condescension as a mere preparation for us. And what if we are a mere afterglow of them?" This might well be paired with the maximum, an age in which nothing is worth dying for is an age in which nothing is worth living for. Existence is being stripped of depth and meaning, and a togery cheapness and pettiness is everywhere offered up in its place. In place of beautiful and ornate architecture, we now build clunky, modernist monstrosities. That's part of the Marxist way of doing things, make the art ugly, nothing inspiring. Everything, alertless, gray, drab. Instead of goods made by local master craftsmen, each unique and brimming with character and life, we have cheaply made plastic toys from China. The romantic courtship process, largely replaced with pornography and Tinder. The governance of leaders that care for their people, replaced with the worst form of mob rule, in which an indoctrinated public can be driven to enthusiastically support their own demise because a corrupt press is their only informational source, and our sense of community utterly destroyed and replaced with the most toxic and unhealthy virtual environments. In which only the most arrogant and ignorant and shameless voices are magnified. In 1941, as the Nazis occupied France after 1200 long years, the Visigothic treasure was finally restored by Heinrich Himmler to General Franco in Spain. And to this day, it remains in the archaeological museum and the Royal Palace in Madrid. And why did he do that if they were such bad, bad men? Why would he restore their honor? Up to the famed Swinfiloh crown, which had been stolen in 1921 and the whereabouts of which remain in mystery. And there's been another deeply intriguing recent development, which I think so well illustrates the broader storyline of this entire series that I'd like to close our focus on the Goths with its mention. Justinian and Theodora, with their divide and conquer political games, their conspiracies and corruption, their secret underground dungeons in which they covertly disposed of their foes, not only sought to blot out the royal line of the Goths and remove them from power by any means necessary, but just as eagerly sought to erase them from mystery. A pattern we seem to see carried on up to the present day. But as if by divine providence, despite their best efforts, some traces still remain. Can you see why they couldn't have these types of good examples floating around out there to show people that there could be more, that things could be better? But the biggest secret of these early dark ages lies with the people who didn't destroy a city and who weren't nomadic warriors, a people who conquered and then settled. They lived just like the Romans and left behind a glorious legacy, one which remained deliberately hidden for nearly fifteen hundred years. Here in Ravenna, the Goths took over the last capital of the Western Roman Empire. For thirty-three years under their king, Theodric, it was the equal of any Roman capital. Theodric renovated and reformed its institutions, improved and enhanced its splendor, and in a few short years created one of the wonders of the age. This would have been like walking through heaven's gates. If this had been an age of darkness, then here, without doubt, was a cathedral of light. This is Santa Polonare noovo, built by Theodric nearly fifteen hundred years ago, one of the brightest jewels of the dark ages. I'd like you to remember those dark ages that Ammon talks about because they didn't have pagan gods, and this is what they were hiding. Maybe by his perspective, maybe he doesn't know about this, but it's a little odd. At the mosaics from this position, you can see that the background is shining, it's reflecting the light from the windows because it was made of glass cubes and gold cubes, and the robes of the saints are dull, are opaque, because they were made using marble cubes, so as to give the impression of wool of textiles. These works were commissioned by Theodric, the Gothic king. Yet most visitors today think they are Roman or Byzantine mosaics. Why should that be? Is it because we have all been conditioned to assume that work of this quality must be Roman? Perhaps there are other reasons. As I looked more closely, I began to wonder, why are there so many mosaic curtains in a scene of such splendor? And what do these hands, unattached to any bodies, signify? In Santa Polinare, I wanted to see whether the mystery of the curtains was any clearer. I realise now that they reflect so much work that they must have had a very deliberate purpose. What were they supposed to represent? This part of the mosaic that shows you the royal palace, all this mosaic was made and commissioned by Theodric. This mosaic has been changed, altered. We could say that it has been vandalised by the Byzantines because some images have been destroyed. Those images that had portrayed Theodric, members of his court, members of his clergy, that stood between the columns now they have been replaced with curtains. But you can still see the hands here, there is one hand here, another one here, another one here, and another hand here, and another hand here. And you can still see the halos here, all the heads that have disappeared. All these elements tell us that previous images have been destroyed. It was an act of censorship, we could say. Echoes from the past, reminders of what once was, and perhaps hints of a more exceptional state of being that might one day be revived. To a Justinian, the modern world may appear as the crowning glory of the human journey. To a Theodric, a man who prized quality over quantity, who moved slowly but surely, who knew the importance of reverence for everything of a mince value at our root. It may seem as if we've lost the plot and are in danger of losing everything. Speaking personally, I very much agree with this. The type of justice and order and nobility so well represented by the best of the Gothic element marked a high point in our history. To such an extent that a true understanding might just help provide us a road map to those very same peaks. Ideally, not to settle and rest on our laurels, but to strive ever higher. Not from a petty pride or any desire for ego gratification, but from a natural, intuitive inclination, and for a purpose higher than ourselves. Wow, all right. That's not inspiring, I don't know what it is, I don't know what else you'd want. So, real quick, I just want to point this out because I'm quite impressed with this. I can already see this thing having more activity and building much quicker. This is a great thing, but let me just show you. This is this video over on on the Bulbasters channel. This is also playing live there. You've got 15 people in there and this thing just kicked off. I mean, that's exceptional. That's really good. I think everybody should do their part there and get on there because when rumble is gone and YouTube is already decimated and run by the feds, you're going to want to know information in history like this and you're going to want to know who you are. I think you would want to do that all the time. So I'm not just talking about myself here, I'm not plugging myself, I'm talking about this place where people can go and it's, It's non-invasive when it comes to starting an account, you don't have to give them a bunch of information or anything like that and then you can view, subscribe and I'm always going to be recording. I'm always going to be live streaming on here now for now on too. We are all in good hands with Josh. We were during JoshUTV and we are now and now Josh has a lot more power to get things done too because he's got people that are supporting this project unlike before, when I did for a while when I had my store, I would throw a decent amount of money a month and when people were falling short that used the platform but didn't help support it and stiff Josh with the bill every month, I was supporting in addition to that when I could. It's great to see this back in whatever form, I don't care the name, I mean I know what Josh is about and that's great. So, I highly recommend you guys get over there, find the people that are cast out everywhere else because they tell the truth and start building your community over here where it belongs. And MoneyTree, this is where you can get great multitude of information as well. I'm very interested in this myself right here and I've been reading to you, I started off the series of Europa series with some quotes from Henry Ford and we'll get back into the books too, I just have to get it, I don't have the money for that phone and I need a phone so that I can, when I'm reading on the elliptical, you know, screen capture and save the information that I want to share with you. I was doing that all up until I broke my phone and now I haven't even been reading on the elliptical. I've been watching videos instead and it's not the same, it doesn't keep my, it doesn't keep my mind from screaming at me to quit as well, reading it engages my mind more, so it's not as lazy as just watching and not there's nothing wrong with that but I know what works for me when I'm beating myself up on the elliptical. Alright, please if you haven't already, I just throughout the episode I have put in the disguise the limits, okay, I put the myth of the Andalusian paradise, dispelled the myth of the Muslim Renaissance, I put that book in there, I think it's 500 pages or so, the Percopius, the Secret History, okay, and then Tacticus Germania, those were the ones from today I believe, and then yesterday I had put in Gedeko the history of Germanic people by Jordanis, so, and then prior to that there's a bunch of other books in here, so not only are you getting exclusive content but you're getting a place where all this stuff is organized for your reading and research, alright, exclusive content, commercial free stuff as far as like you have the podcast because the podcast has to be monetized over on Spreaker because otherwise it would be nothing to support the expense to the show without that, so I have to, but I also provide this at a very cheap five bucks a month and if you want the niche, oh by the way today niche and I are going to be speaking at one o'clock Pacific, so there'll be a new one out there too, that's the second tier, that's the only thing I put only on the second tier, okay, everything else is five bucks in and you're good to go, alright, alright, let's get back into it then, oh and by the way, did I, I forgot to say that when you're over here on, if you want ten percent off, it's code B-A-A-L and you'll get ten percent off your purchases, okay, again though, this is, this is pretty awesome, seventeen people now and a platform that just started and no advertising, right, I find that very awesome, very awesome, really, it's a really good sign of things to come on that platform, very, very excited for this, we have a place now, we have a haven, we can talk freely without the eyes, without the judgments, without the threat assessment, alright, okay, so let's go ahead and, let's see what I can do next, we're gonna do, so we have this thing, right now the next, the next episode in the series is the three part of the Orlanda book, which a while back I did actually play them and then I started into reading the Orlanda series, so there was like a little mixture, I would play the video and then I would go and read you portions of the Orlanda book and we did that throughout, and then when all the videos were over, we continued to read the Orlanda book and I have five episodes of that out right now, instead of doing that, I wanna address the Magi aspect of this, okay, and part six, 'cause there's a 5.12 and three, that's just the Orlanda book, I wanna jump into the bad element and how, I mean, it does really relate very well to the Orlanda part because they not only despise the marketplace, and think about who's involved in this and what it was really saying about the mentality and the attributes of a particular group, they're into the black magic, they're into the drug rituals, they're into all this stuff, child rape torture and eating, and these, the frizzians rejected that wholeheartedly, very goth-like in nature, very Scythian-like in nature, not that Scythians didn't also make up these other groups, but you have to understand, that's because they made a choice to engage in that stuff, but they weren't welcome in those communities, anymore, they had to start their own and branch off, that's why there's so many different zigzags that go across, right, so the map, so we're gonna look at a little bit more in detail, this corruption of the black magic and yeah, a nice contrast to what we were just watching, not nice in a good way, but definitely a contrast, let me just key this up here, so we're gonna start with, from holy men to dark magicians, please, I'm just gonna start with that, sorry, let's do it, oops, one last thing I gotta play on full screen, nope, I can't do anything, just yet, hold on, here we go, but you probably won't get through all this today, this is now in 14, it's 930. [Music] The priests of Egypt, always imposters, but once so celebrated, had now degenerated into a race of jugglers, also the Chaldeans lived upon the fame of their fathers, and upon their own base trickeries, the Brahmans, or Brahmans, those priests of India, once so virtuous and so wise, ah, they too had fallen, those pupils of the Egyptian priests, the Phoenicians or Canaanites, who had taught the Israelites to sacrifice human beings, and to pass their children through the fire to Moloch, infused the same bloodthirsty precepts among the druids. As the Indian wife was burnt upon her husband's pyre, so, on the corpses of the Celtic lords, were consumed their children, their slaves, and their horses. But worse still, these wicked priests sought through the land for the most beautiful young women, and trained them to dance in the temples, and to entice the devotees to their arms with lustful attitudes and languishing looks, and with their voices, which mingled harmoniously with the golden bell suspended on their feet. They sang hymns to the gods in public, and in private enriched the treasuries of the Bhukoda with their infamous earnings. Thus, a pure and simple religion was debased by the avarice and lewdness of its priests. Now, if anybody thinks this sounds familiar, Bill Cooper read this exact passage on an episode when he was doing the Mystery Babylon series. Until the temples became a den of thieves, till prostitution sat enthroned on the altars of the gods. A dark and dangerous heresy has long been creeping silently into the heart of our religion, and converting its ministers into false vipers, who, warmed and cherished by the bosom of this gentle church, used their increasing strength in darting black poison through all her veins. From you, when would read, the veil of Isis, echoing a sentiment held by a great many, with regard to the subversion and degeneration of an ancient spiritual tradition. A tradition that seems to have once held such profound sway and influence across much of the world, to have once commanded such respect and admiration. So, what happened? As a structure and framework for organizing and maintaining a healthy nation or community, is practically an omnipresent and universal concept throughout history, across time and space. Especially, in cases in which peoples and ways of life intermixed, such as the Indo-Arians encountering the Dravidians in India, as a mechanism likely aimed, at least in part, at preserving some separation and maintaining order. These specific classes and roles varied, as did the strictness of implementation. But in contrast to our age in which every individual is an unclassified entity, shooting off in a random, often ever-shifting direction of his own choosing, the cast structure was seen as a means of providing some direction and focus to more efficiently channel human energy, time, and attention. I'd like you to envision four castes. The first will walk cast versions, and those who specialize in all things currency and trade related. You know who he's talking about, hopefully by now. Second, we'll call the cast of workers, farmers, manufacturers, builders, etc. Those who do the hard work to keep a people fed, housed, clothed, and materially comfortable. The third will call the martial cast, devoted to the art of war, and the cultivation of self-discipline, courage, and martial prowess. Ideally, as a means of defending one's people, culture, or nation, though equally capable of acting as a tool for conquest or domination of foreign lands. The fourth will call the priestly or teacher class. Tast with understanding this reality, our place within it, the nature of God, and our relationship to this nature, and sharing and spreading this knowledge to facilitate a shared notion of who and what we are, of what our ideal roles are as human beings. And now that we have our four hypothetical castes broadly defined, a question. And to set the stage for the question, I hope we might be able to agree that each of these castes has an approximately ideal form. In other words, a healthy and net positive iteration and function, allowing them to efficiently fire on all cylinders in a focused manner, oriented toward the benefit of the entire population. But now let's try to envision the opposite, namely a corrupted and subverted version of each, in which they become unhealthy, net negative versions of themselves, and become organs of destruction or degeneration. In this case, which cast would be the most dangerous, the most harmful, or capable of producing lasting harmful effects? An argument could be made for each, certainly. In the first case of merchants and traders, our modern age is living proof of just how much we're capable of debasing ourselves, and life itself, when this class becomes empowered, and its most insatiable greedy, ceased to be reigned in by any checks and balances. And an environment designed to inflame our most materialistic desires and passions, and subsequently administer to our every whim is created. Now devoting ourselves to the pursuit and attainment of the most superficial pleasures can so weaken and sheepen us. How otherwise decent people can be turned into salesmen and hucksters, for products and services nobody really needs, just to make ends meet. How the world, when turned into a mere marketplace, can quickly become a utilitarian environment in which quantity is prized over quality, style over substance, and everything is reduced to its purely economic bottom line. In the second case of workers and laborers, perhaps the least compelling argument, in my opinion, though still an argument, a workforce might, for example, become unionized and united under corrupt individuals and institutions, and demand evermore in exchange for its labor while competence and proficiency plummet, and the truly meritorious and exceptionally skilled are seen as annoyances or standing rebukes to the unified mediocre mass, and perhaps even shunned or banished. A culture of extreme disinterested laziness might come to predominate, as love for their nation fades, or as they begin to see the fruit. If you've ever worked in a trade union, you'll understand the three medanas that you work with. Oh, shit. My cat just leaned on it. Uh oh. Which has happened. Uh, I think he just restarted it. Hold on. Yeah, you did. Where were we at? Men's space. Especially, in cases in which peoples and ways of literary an environment in which quantity is present, there again, the third case and the martial cast, unjust wars or vulgar displays of power for reasons of ego or material gain might lead to profound suffering and chaos, as armies become immensely powerful tools in the hands of immature souls with the most base instincts and desires. Slavery forced cultural or religious conversions at the point of a sword. The unnatural redrawing of national borders. The unnatural mixing of populations that may have great mutual animosity or polar opposite cultures or ways of life might guarantee chaos and unhappiness for it. He said, "Justineus," uh, wrote this, but the unnatural redrawing of borders, what was World War I and II? Narrations to come. But in the fourth case, the teacher and priestly cast, a people's very understanding of the universe and their place within it. Their understanding of God, of nature, of language, of history might all be perverted and poisoned at a root level. Religions, belief structures, even gods, might be created, destroyed, or even worse. Incrementally tweaked, changed, and evolved, according to how beneficial the resulting ideological doctrine might be to the leading members of this cast. And all of this accomplished behind layers of eloquent, elaborate, complex, and sophisticated speech and reasoning, providing just enough soothing, convincing, or intimidating power to stave off significant backlash or any serious threat to their power or influence. As you might have guessed, my own answer would be, confidently and unequivocally, that this fourth group, if subverted and corrupted, would be by far the greatest and most lasting danger. The highest of all possible dangers, in fact. This cast of priests, sages, teachers, or spiritual leaders are the crafters and cultivators of the ideas, the laws, and the underlying philosophies, by which the rest of the nation operates, including the other castes to a great degree, at least in a healthy environment. Such men would be proactively looked to for such guidance and direction. Traditionally, their role was to speak to those highest and most fundamental concepts and laws, and universally govern all of nature. Not to dictate or impose, but rather clearly set out their ideas, with an equally clear explanation of their roots and the "why" behind them, and in ideal circumstances, be such highly respected men that others then trust their judgment, discretion, and conclusions. And thus embrace said ideas, and evolve their political, military, economic, and similar structures accordingly. Such men had immense power. An analogy that springs to mind is there being the guardians and custodians of a central wellspring of sorts, with the power to either discover and draw out pure, fresh spring water to nourish all around them, or to subtly introduce poisons, producing sickness and malady. You might be asking, "Why in the world might they resort to the latter?" And I tend to believe the answer to this lies in the darker side of human nature, and is incredibly simple and straightforward. Therefore, such men have a choice between two paths. The first being a mere conduit of something higher, striving to be something like a pain of glass, as crystal clear and pure as is possible, through which light might shine. The role here is to be a messenger, a servant of the divine, a faithful interpreter or translator. The second path might be best described as being a twisted or distorted pain of glass, or a faulty and unfaithful interpreter. And it's here that a world of opportunities presents itself, opening the door for every possible manifestation of personal power. Picture being a messenger tasked by a faraway king to convey messages to his subjects. Picture just how tempting it might be to accidentally forget a word here or add a word there. And then you have three Abrahamic religions controlled by one central group. Over-inphasize or under-inphasize a given term, imagine the feeling of power, the amount of control and influence this would grant. Some historical background before we move on. One of the aspects of history I'm frequently speaking to and attempting to stress is the interconnectedness, specifically between 3000 BC and the birth of Christ, between peoples and nations and cultures and empires, that modern historians seem to portray as distinct and unrelated. This was simple. Okay, so he's not reading what's on the screen, so I'm going to for you. What is in the references to ancient Aryans in the literature is the development and establishment of national governance through the establishment of a hereditary kingship and a royal line. In this system of governance, Aryan Kings had a sacred responsibility to protect the people, establish and uphold the law, encourage human development and lead the progress of society to a better life. I think there's a guy by the last name starting with an age who personified that quite well. When Aryan Kings maintained this sacred trust and ethical compact, what in modern days we call a social contract, they were said to rule in grace in keeping with their varnaha. Kavarna, is the archetype of a person who can grow to, let's say, let me read this again, I have some distraction noise in the back, the Kavarna, whatever, you get it, is the archetype of the person one can grow to, if allowed to grow, to the limit of her or his capacity in grace, that is in keeping with the Pravashi and thereby in keeping with divine purpose, and then something I can't read because it's covered. Really not the case, this time period was dominated not by numerous small factions separated by lines drawn on a map, but by what we might call dynastic lineages and their resulting racial and cultural lines into scent, which stretched across our modern notions of borders as if they were completely meaningless. These relationships and interconnections become especially obvious when we examine this priestly and teacher cast. There seems to be strong evidence of a relatively singular spiritual and philosophical tradition that subsequently spread across vast sections of the world, including India, Persia, Scythian and Gothic territory, north of the Black Sea, across Europe and into Britain and Ireland. Countless scholars have remarked on the incredible similarities between... So this one says a Buddhist statue discovered by the Nazis, even though he should have called the National Socialists, in Tibet in the 1930s, a card from a meteorite which crashed to the earth 15,000 years ago. Well, I guess apparently only 6,000 years ago for Dustin and all the other people who think that it's an early earth, right? Young earth. Between the Persian Avastas and the Indian Vedas, and even the Avastan language is incredibly similar to Sanskrit. Homer, especially in his Iliad, is extremely reminiscent of Indian epics. The closest parallels are in the oldest layers of Sanskrit for is these that contain the most classic Indo-European motifs that are shared by the myths, legends, and fairy tales of the north. Yeah, the Norse, Germanic, Celtic, Greek, Roman, and other related cultures. Oh, look at that. Russian Greek might have been a really complicated language, but they were drawing from the Sanskrit. And both of these are similar to Norse sagas, and not just in style, but in substance. And these clearly related cultural and mythic traditions seem to have also shared similar teacher or priestly traditions. Law was absolutely central in ancient days, recognized as all important, and is all important. Law governs all things. The highest laws of nature and the universe are God's laws, encoded and ceded into all creation. The more we're able to understand them and act accordingly, the more we are in or of the light. In other words, the two dominant factors of ancient life were the law and the collective notion or understanding of the divine, and our relation to it as human beings. These two factors were so inexorably intertwined that essentially they were one. The greatest men of ancient days were almost always, quote, "law givers," or those who codified sets of precepts to orient our manner of living. Manu and Menes, Solon, Moses and Muhammad, Ikurgis, Theodoric, and Alfred the Great. In many of these cases, Ikurgis in particular, it's suggested that close relationships and regular communications with the leaders of this priestly or teacher caste helped formulate this law. It should be noted that in Greek and Latin sources, the difference between a magian, a brahman, and a chaldean priest was said by multiple ancient historians to have been of no importance or significance. They're referenced as if they were all the same, springing from a singular category, although it was known that they were from three different regions, in Persia, India, and Assyria. They'd no doubt develop down different paths over the course of time, but at least initially their activities seem practically interchangeable. And the same holds true for the druids. Quote, "Although the term druid is local, their religion was of deep root and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian magi, the chaldis of Assyria, and the brahmanes of Hindustan. It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion, that of Noah and the children of men before the flood. They worshipped but one God, and erected to him altars of earth or unhewn stone, and prayed to him in the open air." It makes me wonder, these past cataclysms, if they had highly advanced civilizations prior to those. I'm not questioning that. I'm just stating that as probably an obvious fact, mankind gets to a certain level. And if anybody was surviving of that and still had intact all of that information and knowledge, they may choose to appear as gods, even though they're flesh, and rebuild the world as they need it to be for them to serve their purposes. But the other point here is that these cataclysms may or may not be natural. That's number one. And who was the dominant type of man prior to the last one? I'm sure this happens a lot. Who was it more like these ruptured men? Or was it more like who we find out the Scythians, Goths, and Germanic people were? And were they targeted? Were they wiped out by a group that then decided to build these cults and religions as an insurance policy that their control wouldn't leave their hands again. They wouldn't have a rival this next go around. Something I think about a lot, because when you see how everything falls into place and this idea of the money system and how that, you know, it manipulates people, it gets them to do things, the promise of wealth and favor and power, it's all based on the money system and how that is utilized by only a certain group in reality. They pretty much have the monopoly on that. And with that, they can do all these other things. They can control governments without having to be conquering them. And conquer them without battle. Just makes me think that the fix has been in since the last cataclysm. And we might see these sparks of inspiration and enlightenment and good example crop up from now and then. But as the technology is filtered back into this existence here, this next, this present day cycle that they gain or get rid of, they gain more power, they restrict more of this from happening, more of these good examples from occurring. And they erase the ones that did. And believed in a heaven, in a hell and the immortality of a soul. It is strange that these offsprings of the patriarchs should also be corrupted from the same sources and should thus still preserve a resemblance to one another in the minor tenants of their polluted creeds, end quote. And Clement of Alexandria states philosophy then, with all its blessed advantages to man, flourished long ago among the barbarians, diffusing its light among the Gentiles and eventually penetrated into Greece. Its hierophants were the prophets among the Egyptians, the Chaldeans among the Assyrians, the Druids among the Galatians, the Sermonos of the Bactrians, and the philosophers of the Celts. The Magi among the Persians, who announced beforehand the birth of the Savior, being led by a star till they arrived in the land of Judea, and among the Indians, the gymnosophists, and other philosophers of barbarous nations. There's even debate as to whether the source of these traditions originated in the west and spread to the east, or originated in the east and spread to the west. Scholar Edward Davies states quote, "An ingenious friend of mine suggested that, this day my can't pronounce, or minu of the three veds, one of the masters of the mysterious and secret science among the chimney, is the same character and personage with minu, author of Vedas." As to whether Britain or India was the initial home, Davies believed the region of Britain to be the likely origin point. This was evident in his treatment of the Indian ideas, apparently identifying Britain as a sacred land of the west, wherein was to be found "the abode of the Petries, who were the fathers of the human race." And of course, Petries, being fathers of the human race, brings to mind and is undoubtedly cognate with the term "patriarch." He insisted that the British location of the home of the Petries proved that reverence for the Petries, on the part of the Indians, had come from the religion of that race, in whose land those consecrated personages were acknowledged uniformly to have resided. And it's important to understand that Britain is simply a region being referred to, as it didn't exist as Britain, of course, in ancient times. A region which also contains Scotland and the primeval home of the Goths, Heligoland, Friesland, and possibly those poorly understood locales of Thule, or Thule, and Hyperborea. Godfrey Higgins, in his treatise "The Celtic Druids," agrees on the interconnectedness of this ancient priesthood, but speaks of them as high priests who immigrated from India, and who were initially a colony from the first race of people, who he speaks of as survivors of a great flood who found sanctuary in the Himalaya. Higgins says, "These priesthoods were dedicated to the worship of God with such difference, as there were between them, represented as variations on a theme, and as consequences of spatial and temporal distance." Okay, so it is 10 a.m. right now. There's another 40 minutes left of this video, well, 44 minutes left of this video. We should pick this up tomorrow and then carry forward, all right? That'd probably be the best way to do this because I feel like I'm not going to have enough time to rest and then get back to it so that I can have a decent conversation with Niche today. I've been up all night, been in the hospital with a golf, well, not a golf stone, kidney stone, which is still, we can have it on me if you've seen it. I adjust in my seat all the time because of my bad back. You see me fidgeting all the time, it's because I'm in pain all the time. So adding kidney stone in the same area that I usually have the back pain, I'm like I'm pressing my back up against the chair right now to try to alleviate some of the... It's bad, it's really bad. So I'm going to try to rest a little bit because I didn't get a chance to lean my body and then get back to it for 1 p.m. Now it's not live when we do it, but it does get out as a raw file immediately thereafter. So once I record it on my roadcaster here and she records it on hers, she'll put it up on her patreon in the second tier and I'll put it up on my patreon in the second tier. So things are going to be a little bit out of order. You're going to find more books, I put more books in. Thank you. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate it. Thank you for that. I hope you feel better soon, he says. Thank you. Try and... I'm not looking forward to the last phase of this at all. Like it's painful enough as it is, but the contemplate trying to pee out something the size of a pencil eraser does not make me feel like it's going to be happy times. So I'm going to look at the video that, again, somebody was kind enough in telegram to share with me of Dr. Peter Clinton five years ago talking about this very issue and if I can find out a way to dissolve it ahead of time, I had a couple suggestions I have to look through in telegram. I just was out of it when I got back home so I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but I'm going to see what I can do about it. What was I talking about before that though? Oh, yeah. So it'll go up from this video. I also put up the myth of the end delusion paradise just while we were talking and the veil of Isis, all the books that he was mentioning, I found the PDFs as we were watching the videos and put them in my patreon. The last one was the veil of Isis prior to that myth of end delusion paradise for copious, as I mentioned it for and tactist Germania, that was all just I believe from today. There might have been tactics made from yesterday, but yeah, now there's more books in there for you guys to check it out. And it's it. I didn't just give you a link. I downloaded the PDF file to my computer, then I attached the file so that you can open it up on whatever, you know, reader that you have. And it's studying, get the details, there's only so much you can put in a video reading is always going to give you all the all the nuts and bolts and you'll find things more. You'll find because of who you are and you know what you've experienced things that are, you know, strike you more than or at least different sections will strike you as opposed to someone else who found something else more interesting or a value if they can only pick a few things to share. So that's always good to read the book. Giuseppe should be on, I believe, coming up and Friday I'll be on with Giuseppe at 10 a.m. on his. So I have to close out like maybe three minutes early on Friday and then I'll be on with Giuseppe. But where where is that FTJ Media dot com? That's where you're going to find that. Okay. And that's total right now. We have 21 people watching at FTJ Media and I encourage them to jump on Giuseppe's show if he's if he's doing one today, I'm not sure his schedule. I think it's it could be five days. It might not. I'll have to find out from him so I can plug him properly and that wasn't supposed to sound gross. Okay, please visit the Patreon please go to or the go fund me that I showed you yesterday that all those should be in the description. If they're not there in yesterday's, please find it. Please help out. I'd love to be able to read from my computer from my phone again, but it's just not there. And I'm not dip it into my family's savings that I well my savings for the family that was left to me by my grandfather for something like a phone that's I can just wait. All right, then see you tomorrow. And if you're on Patreon, just make sure that you remember that right around maybe three or four o'clock in the afternoon when we're done with our talk, that you'll have a new niche in Dan, we've done it to entertain yourselves with. And yes, POCA, I think it was you POCA. I will ask her about Oros because you asked me to ask her. You You