Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Origins Ep 2 Germanic Warriors and the Goths

We venture back into the Asha Logos series called Our Subverted History (found on YouTube) as we attempt to trace the origins of man. The goal: to find out once and for all whether our story is as dark, depraved, drug addled, and predatorial to children as people like Ammon would have us believe, or is there a virtuous, nobility being erased from our history and thereby the very fabric of our identity. Truth is the only path to rediscovering who we are. For all of my friends of differing ethnicities this does NOT leave you out. I bid you the respect that you alone possess the right to seek out your own origins. It is not my story to tell, and would be a great injustice to us both if done so before learning of myself. I will explore my ancestry, you, if so chosen will explore yours, and together as one mankind we'll emerge as confident allies against the malicious forces in this world who pitted man against one another for their petty ends. I respect your nature and I expect that you will respect mine.

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2h 42m
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11 Jul 2024
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What's next? At Moss Adams, that question inspires us to help people and their businesses strategically define and claim their future. As one of America's leading, accounting, consulting, and wealth management firms, our collaborative approach creates solutions for your unique business needs. We leverage industry-focused insights with the collective technical resources of our firm to elevate your performance, uncover opportunity, and move upward at Good morning. Good morning out there in Twitter land,, and rumble for as long as they keep me. There is lots of strange, strange stuff going on on the old rumble these days, which I have been calling "crumble" for the past, I don't know, year and a half, maybe longer, when the first wave of the Canadian nonsense about things having to be more Canadian in order to be on Canadian programming or things that come out of Canada, I guess Trudeau wants people to talk about hockey and maple syrup in their content to bring back the Canadian communist pride. Mother Canada, China, to put anyhow. Yeah, so purging of videos has been happening, as I mentioned. Also, people have been knocked off. I had many people subscribing over the last three days, and my account was going the opposite direction as far as subscribers, and now it's like plus two, but it doesn't match up. So, there's that as well. Plus, people are noticing the same thing I am, is that sometimes they can't get into the chat, and they have to leave the comments and the actual comment thing, and then sometimes those comments get deleted. My own comments get deleted too. And sometimes I'm in the middle of a discussion back and forth, and then it just says unable to send. So, I guess that's the end of the conversation according to Rumble. I don't think all of that is just shitty software, even though "crumble" is notorious for that as well. That's why FTJ Media is where everyone should be going, and I'll show you my channel on the screen here shortly. We're going to discuss today as the description to the video details. Continuing on with the ASHA logos series, his only playlist on his channel. It's called Outer Subverted History. This is going to be 4.1, and I think there's a 4.2 and a 4.3 in this series. But Germanic people, the Goths, and then the end of the Goths, the end of the Goths. Probably won't be able to get to the third one today, as the first two I think I would have like an hour long, plus or minus. I'm surprised I'm sitting in this chair right now. As I've been telling people, and I'm reminding people, it's a way to motivate myself and to keep accountability to myself, because I'm letting people know what I do as far as exercise daily. I'm in the best, I guess I would say, leanest I've ever been. Nothing looks muscular, because I was freaking, I couldn't even put my hand in my back pocket. I was so brah when I was in my twenties. I'm getting back to that, but I'm also getting more lean than I've ever been, which is cool. Never in my life have I done this much cardio. I've never liked to run, but I did always like the elliptical. So I've been using mine, and I've been like yesterday, I did about five, like broke it up in four and then one point one in the evening. But prior the day to before that, I did four and then I well, three point eight and then three point eight miles. So I did 2000 calories that day, according to the meter, which I don't think is accurate. But anyway, last night, and right now, as I sit here, trying to take a deep breath, my what I don't even know what how to explain it, if it's my kidney or something in what I would imagine my kidney is area excruciating pain. And about the last week, I've had the sensation that I have to pee all the time, even though I don't, it just feels like I have to, which is annoying as shit, especially when you're trying to sleep. But then also last night, after screaming and agony, a little bit in the bedroom and trying not to keep irritated women, you know, keep on waking her up. I don't think I was, but I just didn't want to wake her up, went into the living room. And the incline, the recliner kicked it back. And boys, and then still, that was like the first time I actually felt somewhat not an excruciating pain in my, what I believe is my kidney area, but I don't know. And I don't because I had wrapped myosis before, after doing like this, I don't know, I walked for like ridiculous amount of time, like miles upon miles upon miles without stopping. So I think that's one of those things could be going on. But anyway, sitting in that chair, and what woke me up that time was my feet current like that, and just all the muscles in my legs cramping up like viciously. So I mean, recliners have to kick it up, jump up. And then as I'm doing that, different muscles are working in different directions. So those start cramping up. And I'm had a step on my feet because they were all curled up like a dish if you're very whenever. So that was fun. And then trying to stretch one up muscle would make the other one cramp up. And then with inner thigh muscles were all freaking ridiculously cramping. So that was a lot of pain. And then it happened again, maybe an hour later, went through the whole shit over again. So I'm here. I don't know what the hell's going on. I could just be over overuse. But I don't know what the pain is in my side. That's what I think about it because I'm not stopping. But anyway, here we go. If anybody has any ideas what the fuck is wrong with me, besides the regular stuff, let me know. Fuck life. Anyway, let's do it. And yeah, oh, one last thing. Sorry, hold on. So as you know, oh, we have no we have no internet now. Okay. So as you know, in about 11 days, I'll be risking my life and my daughters in a fucking airplane because everybody else is pushing us to do this, even though I didn't want to do it this way. And I have myself to blame if anything happens and them and I will blame them from the grave. Pieces of shit. Yeah, I'm talking about the people that bore birth of me. Don't fucking I mean, I mean, it's like, don't listen to what I have to say. But anyway, I'll be doing that. So get any orders in that you want to wear the hot sauce, the creatine, and I'll get it, I'll get them all out as much as I can before I leave. Also, the gifts and go much appreciated or the or the go fund me that's actually specifically created for the trip to New York so that by farad I can have a decent time enough to worry about the bills when we get back and all that stuff, all any help and we must appreciate it. The all the links are in the description. Now let's start. Well, I didn't switch the channel. There we go. Enjoy. This is actually really good. I watched most of it last night. This time I didn't cut out the intro because I realized what I was looking at. That's the God mitt ums. God with us says life like a bow, the mind like the arrow, the target to pierce the supreme spirit. To join mind to spirit as the shot as a shot arrow hits its target. To join mind to spirit as the shot arrow hits its target. Oh, we're talking about Germanic warriors in the Goths today and origins, ancestry are roots. The year was 9 a.d. and Rome was at her peak. Crimes were to be exposed and punished. Infamy was to be Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck was that? Just jumped away ahead. Hold on. This is just today is going to be a trying day. I'm not in the fucking movie. No sleep. Try this again. The year was 9 a.d. and Rome was at her peak. The Roman commander, neuroclaudius juices, had been tasked with handling the German peoples to the north. And as he picked off the disunited tribes one by one, he made the choice to treat them roughly and unjustly. The country was widely devastated and amidst multitudes were carried away from their homes and transplanted to the gallic bank of the Rhine. The whole mix multitudes thing was interesting trace of words. Kings, starvation, children stolen and sold into bondage, and all manner of Roman state sponsored atrocities were reportedly carried out. Jesus knew that the Germanic warriors could be daunting opponents, but he also knew that they were divided into a great many factions, and that these factions were constantly butting heads with one another, especially with Rome's true hidden hand at play behind the scenes. Fighting a people by all accounts devoid of such shrewdness and cunning themselves, Jesus sitting at the helm of a military force belonging to the mightiest empire in the world likely felt all but fearless, and perhaps figured his mistreatment would strike fear and the hearts of his simple people. This would prove to be a costly miscalculation. Resintment had long been building among the German nobles. Resintment which had recently come to a fever pitch. He recorded this with a bit of an echo like seemingly without a good microphone. So if you're hearing something that looks a little seems a little off that's that's the original recording. Regardless, the Romans had a potent weapon on their side. A German of the Cheruschi tribe named Armedius, who like so many Germans from noble families, had been taken as a hostage in the loosest sense of that term to grow up in Rome, to learn Roman ways and culture and civilization, and learn to respect and love the empire, and take this attitude back to his own people, was employed in the Roman army. To help put down revolts and better navigate the terrain. He'd risen to prominence quickly in Rome and was well liked and respected by all, for his merit and the general disposition of his personality. They knew he was a skilled warrior and saw flashes of brilliance as he rose through the ranks, but little did they know what caliber of man their efficient Roman military structure was serving to cultivate here. They would soon find out. In a master stroke of subterfuge, something the Romans wouldn't have expected from the Germans, and perhaps a learned trait that Armedius had picked up in Rome and now saw fit to employ out a necessity. Armedius began to play the long game with juices and vars, and fame, alliance, and devotion, while secretly inventing pretexts to meet with the most powerful German chieftains in the surrounding region. The tribes had been pushed well past their red line, with the brutal, insulting, ignoble treatment they'd endured, and now had decided to go all in, relishing the moment they'd be able to teach their Roman foe a lasting lesson. At an agreed-upon time, the 10 Roman cohorts spread across the Germanic territory, which Armedius had previously requested as a means of keeping the peace. Each cohort containing approximately 500 Roman soldiers were simultaneously pounced upon and slaughtered to the last man. Armedius then rode to Varus and claimed a revolt in the north required the attention of the Roman force. Having no reason as yet to believe Armedius was anything but a submissive vessel, Baris set off immediately with three legions in tow, exactly as Arminius predicted, taking the precise route he'd expected. The Germans were ready. The Roman soldiers had always been uncomfortable fighting in holy, foreign, often cold, or swampy, or foggy German forests, but time-tested leadership, tactics, organization, and strength in numbers had always proved enough. Stretched out in a long marching column, it's likely that at this point they still felt confident if a bit uneasy. This confidence was about to be shattered to an extent none of them could have predicted at the time. Without warning and believing themselves to be in safe territory, Germanic warriors streamed out of the forests to simultaneously assailed both sides of the all too thinly stretched column, and massacred many, while throwing the procession into confused chaos. Worse yet, the cavalry auxiliary units protecting Roman flanks as they marched were Germans as well, and very much in on the rebellion. The legions were now spread out, stretched thin, and surrounded. Being a hasty fighting retreat, the Romans finally set up a fortified camp for the night, and after an attempt to break out of it later in the next day, they were set upon again as a torrential rain began to pour. Their wet bows became useless, their shields and weapons waterlogged, and the morale of the men must have begun plummeting to critical levels, rarely experienced by a professional Roman army. Trees though, I think maybe you should just refresh. I'm not catching that from anybody else saying that there's anything wrong with the audio. Picture for a moment. If anybody else is having issues, let me know. The Roman soldier, in a hastily constructed night camp, having lost their German guides, entirely surrounded by German forests, filled with German warriors, and as the unrelenting downpour turns the foreign terrain to muck beneath his feet, he realizes just how far he is from home. Fighting men who are for the most part bigger, stronger, and unlike his peers, aren't mercenaries who fight for pay, but rather fight for the love of it. They fight as sport, as a test of courage, as ritual, as release. If they live, they go home a hero. If they die nobly and bravely, they ascend into the afterlife as a hero, making them essentially fearless. Not only are a multitude of various tribes now united as one in opposition, but after years of the grossest disrespect and violence and every form of debasing intrusion, they're now enraged and led by Arminius, a man who knew Roman armies and tactics like few others, and was both highly motivated and competent. Picture these Romans attempting to sleep at night, as they can't help but hear the infamous German war chance echoing through the darkness of the pitch-black forests in a low, powerful hum, "putting their shields to their bounds, as tacit estates, so that it may swell to a fuller and deeper sound." Having watched so many of their legionary peers slaughtered and likely having glimpsed traces of panic in the face of their leaders, despite best efforts, as they struggled to find a viable path forward, this was the ultimate test of their middle. In a desperate attempt at escape, the Romans engaged in a night march, and exactly the territory Arminius had expected. No doubt wondering with each successive step if it might be their last. Suddenly, showing a strategic mastery of tactics once again, a mass of Germans appeared as if from nowhere. The second in command of Aris threw off the famed Roman discipline and flat-out turned tail to escape with his entire cavalry attachment. An attempt that would prove in vain as he was soon overtaken by German cavalry, who then acted as the karmic force set to punish their cowardice by slaughtering them to the last man. As Verus tried desperately to keep some semblance of order, the Germans finally swarmed onto the frightened chaos of men, this time in mass. It was a slaughter, and amidst it all, Verus took his own life. Everything had gone precisely according to plan for Arminius. The defeat was so total, with estimates of 20,000 men dead, three entire legions, that the Emperor Augustus was said to have walked around in a days for several weeks afterwards back in Rome, pounding his head and his fists against the floors and the walls of his palace. Who does that sound like? Remember when Germany was advancing on Russia, and Stalin had his little nervous breakdown where he curled up in a ball and peed himself, and Avril Harriman stepped in for him, went to Russia? Yeah, medicine sounds a little similar. Shouting, "Quentilius Verus, give me back my legions." The Germans, their fury apparent, showed absolutely no mercy in this instance, and reports were that, upon returning to the area six years later, Roman legions found grisly trophies of the defeat everywhere, purposefully left for Roman eyes, perhaps as a lesson, a reminder, including men nailed to trees, and the remnants of many others burned in the sacred groves. Never again would Rome attempt to conquer all of the German lands. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit Lucky Land Casino asking people, "What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky?" Lucky? In line with the deli, I guess? Uh-huh, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting? Really? Yes. 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Discussing the Goths and Germanic peoples is a daunting task, not only because it's a subject of such immense historical importance, but because there are few historical topics so rife with misinformation. It says on the screen, modern academics have recently, I don't know if it's proper tense for began, but begun claiming that the swastika was solely used by Aryans in the East, in India, Persia, etc. This aggressively pushed new theory claims that the symbol was merely co-opted by Germany in the 1930s. Now it's their ancient symbol of their ancestry. I believe one of the main reasons for this is due to the post-World War II paralysis, as an entire people were pushed into a state of self-flagellation, and the most extreme sort of shame and self-hatred. From the conclusion of this war forward, not only Germany, but across the Western world, our conception of history changed its face almost entirely, simultaneous with the changing face of academia. Any data that painted Germanic or Indo-Aryan peoples in too positive light was viewed with extreme skepticism, and almost always dismissed out of hand, or buried, or ignored. Whereas historical accounts that fit the reverse narrative were actively sought out, embraced, championed. And that's exactly how they cherry-picked studies that are paid to have a specific result. So when people talk about peer review, when they talk about this or that allopathic claim of health or wellness, it should be considered with discernment. This happens naturally and unconsciously in an environment in which the cultural pendulum has swung so far in one direction. The expression of the victors writing the history books is more deeply true than most could even fathom. I know we sometimes think of this type of bias as a determinant of which individual facts might be included or tossed out. It goes far deeper than this. The underlying premise we set out with, the fundamental narratives and storylines, the frame of reference, determines how we create our fact picture of history. It acts as the root from which all brands... You see this? Do you see this? Prop again on the screen? Preserving my children's innocence is an act of preserving weight supremacy. Abolished the white race, the goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that so many find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed voice supremacists. That's Harvard Magazine. That's what you pay through the nose or for your children to go and get an education. The uncomfortable truth, this is BBC this week. That's the name of it, not this week, obviously. This was made in 2015, I think. The uncomfortable truth is that the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth. I guess they've not been in place else. That's just spring. When the root is infected by serious bias, everything which springs from it will inevitably be a result of this built-in bias in such a natural effort. You catch that one on the top left, this is Jesus the first transgender man. Anything to agitate the senses and completely make your mind not even schism explode. An organic fashion that it often goes when recognized for what it is. When we approach history dishonestly, when we paint an inaccurate picture for future generations, we're committing one of the greatest sins it's possible to commit. It's a profound disservice to the dead, especially those who lived lives of self-sacrifice and service to something higher than themselves. But it's an equally powerful disservice to those young minds being molded and shaped who need truth and an accurate picture of reality in order to learn the lessons from the past that better help them develop in a healthy manner. I've long considered this to be one of the greatest tragedies of our age and it's one of the many reasons I launched this series. I won't go too far down these paths for the moment as I value my YouTube channel and reach and fully recognize this isn't a platform on which one can expect to be honest on such topics and hope to go unpunished. But I do hope to bring to light the story of the ancient Gothic and Germanic peoples and what I believe is a more objective manner than most. As with the other videos, this is so far from comprehensive that a more honest title might have been the tip of the iceberg, a prelude to an introduction to a prelude of an introduction to the Germanic peoples. But also as with the other videos, I expect these two videos will just be the first on the topic with more to follow. So here we go. Origins is a tricky word and of course it's rarely used with technical accuracy with regards to human history. Definitively tracing the origins of a people to a specific area is virtually impossible. Short of hard and fast knowledge that they sprung from the soil or were created by a higher power on a certain patch of ground at a given time, the word is largely a misnomer. And what we usually mean by it is that a people were highly concentrated in a given area at a given time before spreading outwards. Tracing the origins of the Germanic peoples is especially difficult, perhaps more so than any other group. And the reason for this difficulty is a key point of this video. One of the biggest misconceptions is that these were largely settled tribes who rarely moved or migrated but rather milled around in European forests for millennia. The ancestors of Gota, Beethoven, Heisenberg, and von Braun were supposedly exclusively contained on this small patch of land, contributing little to nothing to the larger storyline of empires, cultures, and peoples. I was taught this growing up and in part due to the gravitas of modern academic consensus, I believed it myself to some degree for much of my life. Until I became completely engrossed in the subject of history and began to seek out the oldest first-hand historical accounts and the broader picture, at which point my perspective changed entirely. One of these accounts was written by a man of Gothic lineage himself, around 500 AD, a summarization of a still more ancient source written by Cassiadorus, which unfortunately has been lost to us. This man was called Jordanis, and I highly recommend reading his story in full. I may even narrate it at some point if the interest is there, and I've linked it below in the video description. His account, which seems to agree with the others of his era and beyond, speaks to a people that were anything but domesticated and locked in place, very much the opposite. And after all of my research I can't help but believe the long migration of the Goths that he highlights was hardly unique in the history of the Indo-Aryan peoples, but rather a hallmark and defining element of their character. This urge to strike out, to explore, especially when success in any given region caused a population density that restricted their desire for individual plots of land to Kaldra. And another prominent reason for movements and migrations, one made especially difficult to discuss in today's atmosphere, seems to be something almost akin to what we today call white flight, a fleeing from environments that no longer felt comfortable, safe, or healthy, for any reason, or that prevented them in any way from living the types of lives they sought to lead, or more importantly, restricted their freedoms in any way. The history of the Germanic peoples seems to be one of Vaux Fonderoom, and the debate still raises as to what region they inhabited in ancient times, prior to major splits and migrations, with some certain it was in or near Scandinavia, others just as certain it started near the Caucasus, or Iran, or India, or even the Middle East. This is a profoundly intriguing topic, and one I'll be devoting future videos to. But in an effort to prevent this video from being accessible long, I believe the best summary to be this. I think most of the confusion here is precisely due to that characteristic of the Aryans previously mentioned, namely that this larger genetic and cultural family spread exceedingly far and wide, over the period from approximately 3,000 to 4,000 BC to 3,400 AD. Keep in mind that individuals of fair eyes and hair and skin, tall and stature, of the I and R1A and R1B haplogroups, have been found in large numbers as far afield as China, India, Iran, all throughout the Black Sea region, extending into North Africa, even the Americas, and of course Europe, and virtually everywhere in between. For example, ancient DNA testing has confirmed the presence of haplogroup marker R1A in 417, and samples from the corded wear culture in Germany, dating to 2600 BC, from Takerian mummies, dating to about 2000 BC in Northwest China, from Kurgan burials, circa 1600 BC, from the Andor Novo culture in southern Russia, in southern Siberia, as well as from a variety of other iron age sites from Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, and Central Asia. And these weren't simply individual travelers, these were sent settlements. Aside from the royal element, those rulers and leaders and chieftains who so often kept detailed records of genealogy for dynastic purposes, the broader populations could easily lose track of their relation to one another over time. This process is best thought of in the manner of a family tree visual, with a single root branching out into exponential complexity. And even though the branches might remain relatively free of racial and cultural admixture from the outside, they would, over time, develop their own unique manifestation of that larger culture, with their own heroes, and tales, and other unifying and distinctive elements, there's a real beauty in this. These manifestations of independent storylines, all dancing around and reflecting the same core elements, each in their own unique way. But it also, of course, makes the history a bit trickier to properly sort and sift. So to simplify, we're going to pick up their tale around the point which Jordanis himself first speaks of a definitive large migration, a movement which may have been a retracing of a previous migration path, as the Danube and Rhine might well be thought of as something of a frequently traveled highway between Northern Europe and the Black Sea region. Agreeing with Cassiadors, the history from whom most of his work is derived, he dates this movement of his Gothic ancestors to approximately 1500 BC, arriving into the land of Scythia, indicating just how easily Germanic peoples would expand and fragment into tribes, each with their own name and personal identity, he mentions one group, delayed to their slower ships, being called the Gepidai, a light-hearted Gothic insult of sorts meaning slow or stolid, and mentions later the large separation of the two major groups due to a bridge failing before the entire migration party crossed. Intriguingly, he pins these mysterious words with regards to yet another separation of peoples in this long migration. Quote, "filomer, king of the Goths, found among his people certain witches, whom he called in his native tongue, Helierne." Suspecting these women, he expects... "Helierne, okay, put a pin in that, and then what do they do with these quote-unquote witches, people who practice witchcraft, people who are into this sorcery, this Bakken stuff, perhaps this Bakken stuff is quite old, and this will be the defining difference between those who we're going to be discussing and who we talked about in the oral in the book and the people that Ammon talk about without any distinction made, that there's even different people who didn't follow this type of sorcery because in Ammon's mind, or the way he's presenting history, it was all jacked up, and there were no noble people, and that's what he's painting the picture for. It's a little lopsided. "Felt them from the midst of his race, and compelled them to wander in solitary exile afar from his army. There, the unclean spirits who beheld them as they wander to the wilderness bestow their embraces upon them, and begat this savage race which dwelt at first in the swamps, a stunted foul and puny tribe, scarcely human and having no language, save one which bore but slight resemblance to human speech." Now, who's he talking about here, and is this a nod to those who would later claim a very long heritage and create a Bible in the Hellenistic period after getting an education by the Greek, learning Greek, thinking in Greek, you get my drift. Such was the descent of the Huns who came to the country of the Goths, end quote. This expulsion, if true, was to set the stage for later events that would completely change the scope of world history. Jordanus mentions the Goths eventually settling in the region around the Black Sea, which we spoke of in the part two of this series as the central hub of the Scythian peoples, and this shouldn't be surprising. The blanket racial designation of Scythian was virtually synonymous with the gothic people for many ancient historians, and one might include Thracian, Evendasian, and the later term Germanic among these blanket terms, so often used by older sources to refer to a larger racial and cultural family of peoples. I very much agree with the Anglo-Saxon historian Sharon Turner when he says, "The Anglo-Saxons, lowland scotch, Normans, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Germans, Dutch, Belgians, Lombards, and Franks have all sprung from that great fountain of the human race, which we have distinguished by the term Scythian, German, or Gothic," end quote. And I believe this broader perspective provides a much more clear and helpful understanding of history. Jordanus speaks of his people's ancient battle with the Egyptians, recounting the legendary Scythian gothic king Tanousus and his routing of Cisostris and approximately 1300 BC, chasing him all the way back to Egypt, and on the return journey, subjugating much of Asia, making the lands subject to soreness, king of the means, who was "his dear friend," another illustration of the close connection and kinship between peoples presented in most modern historical accounts as wholly disconnected and unrelated to one another. It's interesting to note here that more than one source speaks of how a band of Trojans, 12,000 strong in most accounts, led by Priam and Antonor, sailed from Troy to the river Don in Russia and onto Pannonia on the river Danube, settling near the Sea of Azov, which, of course, is where we find our Goths and Scythians later mentioned, founding a city called Zechembria. Jordanus speaks of one king of the Gethi, a gothic people, as being Telephus, a son of Hercules, and the husband of the sister of Priam, of Trojan fame. Telephus, quote, "was of towering stature and terrible strength." He matched his father's valor by virtues of his own, and also recalled the traits of Hercules by his likeness and appearance. Our ancestors called his kingdom, Moecia. This province has, on the east, the mouths of the Danube, on the south Macedonia, on the west, Histria, and on the north, the Danube, end quote. Jordanus goes on to recount the personal battles of Telephus with Ajax, Ulysses, and Achilles, and eventually being mortally wounded in the fight. He also mentions Cyrus attacking the Gethi, whose queen was Tamyrus, the same Tamyrus mentioned as Queen of the Scythians in part two of our series, who went on to rout Cyrus and his Persians to avenge the death of her son. Darius, too, was to try his luck against him. So that Cyrus, getting his head dipped in blood there. Scythian and gothic people, only to meet the same fate. Despite an army reputed to contain 700,000 men, likely due to those highly mobile guerrilla warfare and scorched earth tactics highlighted in the Scythian video. Following Darius's failure, quote, "After his death, his son Xerxes planned to avenge his father's wrongs, and so proceeded to undertake war against the Goths with 700,000 of his own men, and 300,000 armed auxiliaries, 1,200 ships of war, and 3,000 transports. But he did not venture to try them in battle, being overawed by their unyielding courage. So he returned with his force, just as he had come, and without fighting a single battle," end quote. Those of you that are members of Patreon at Disguise the Limits, I just dropped the free PDF of… We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit With Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary, void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. Get a cut by Jordanis into it, into the feed for you, so you'll have that for your study, for your research into your ancient ancestry. This illustrates an important… Sorry, I'm not even speaking correctly today. I'm so messed up. And unique element of this people and their history. Almost universally, across any historical account are likely to find. They were spoken of with respect, even by their enemies. As Edward Thorson states in his mysteries of the Goths, quote, "This prestige certainly had a metaphysical dimension as well. Gothic identity was not merely a random or arbitrary thing. It implied a degree of greatness and bore a whole series of ideological traits as well. Freedom, independence, heroism, individualism with a group solidarity." This was a people that cared deeply about upholding the honor of their name, seemingly both as tribute to their ancestors and a gift to their descendants. And would sooner die than be seen as cowardly, scheming, weak, ignoble, or otherwise unjust. Not scheming. So definitely not like the merchants and road bandits, right? Certainly not like the Habru Sargaz that we were talking about in the new history of the Jews, with Eustis Mullins a little while back, and what came up with the Stefan Verstappen talk just this Saturday or Sunday. This innate characteristic would follow them and tacitise speaks of their own internal governing and decision making being dictated in a similar manner, stating "the very prestige of a chief may settle a war," and mentioning how leadership was by example not authority, gravitas and prestige and respect, as opposed to an arbitrary, superimposed social or political structure. I believe this allowed for the formation of a much more natural and healthy hierarchy, one which was capable of adjusting in real time and required leaders to conduct themselves in a manner of befitting their position. On this note, it's stunning to see how closely the accounts of Herodotus and Pompeius Tragas and others, the ancient Scythians, near those of Tacitus' later accounts of the Germans. Another testament to this prestige is the story of Philip, father of Alexander the Great, who had made alliance with the gods by taking to wife a daughter of a gothic king. However, needing money made the mistake of attacking Odysseus, a city of Moecia, which was subject to the Goths. It's said that at the approach of the Macedonians, "those priests of the Goths that are called the Holdingman suddenly opened the gates of Odysseus and came forth to meet them. They bore harps and were clad in snowy robes and chanted in separate strains to the gods of their fathers, that they might be propitious and repel the message." Isn't that a liar, not a harp? Isn't a harp like something that stands on the ground? It's a big huge thing. That's a liar that they're holding. Correct? The Macedonians. When the Macedonians saw them coming with such confidence to meet them, they were astonished. And so to speak, the armed were terrified by the unarmed. Straight away, they broke the line they had formed for battle and not only refrained from destroying the city, even gave back those whom they had captured outside by the right of war. Then they made a truce and returned to their own country. End quote. Such accounts seem almost unbelievable until viewed in totality with the rest of the accounts of the reputation that followed these people, whom I believe may be those mysterious royal Scythians, Herodis and others mentioned, as the foremost among the related scattered tribes. On this note, before we follow the trail back into Europe, I'd be remiss not to mention a theory posited by Thor Hyrdall and others, which suggests that the fame Essir, the Deified tribe of gods or leaders at the heart of Norse and Germanic ancestor worship, as well as Odin himself, were very real people. They get deified over time, and usually that's a corruption. And the Phryseans discussed this in the Orlando book that we read a lot of, but not all yet. The term is etymologically connected to ANSICE, meaning half-gods, which further stretches back to a proto-Indo-European word, essentially meaning "life force" and "avestan and Sanskrit terms," meaning "lord and godhood." It's widely believed this word stems from a still more ancient term, meaning "to create, produce." He makes the argument for etymological connection of Essir to the Azeri of Azerbaijan, which hired all and others posited as being their ancient pre-migration homeland. The word "Ezir" and Persian means "fire," and in Turkic means "high." Could that have something to do with the color of their hair? Being red? The Icelandic sagas speak in a matter-of-fact manner about the Essir people. And their principal settlement being in a city wedged along the Caucasus Mountains. European royalty routinely trades their lineage back through Troy, the Scythians, and even Odin himself, until fairly recent times, in which these figures began to be framed as fictitious gods. And to their credit, these genealogies seem to make sense in the broader scope of written accounts. Thor Hiredal had been working on a deeply intriguing book he called the Hunt for Odin, which no doubt would have provided a great deal of more helpful context here, but sadly died before its completion. He not only claimed Odin was a flesh and blood figure, but also broke from others in that he didn't place him in the most remote antiquity, but rather as a respected chieftain who helped lead one of the mass migrations back to the west. To quote Snorri Sturlissim, author of the Norse Eddas, "At that time when Odin lived, the Romans were conquering far and wide in the region. When Odin learned that they were coming towards the land of the Essiers, he decided that it was best for him to take his priests, chiefs, and some of his people, and move to the northern part of Europe." End quote. On the website,, which I've linked below, and seems to contain a trove of useful information, albeit much of it not yet embraced by academia, mentions that the most prominent clan to travel with the Essier were the Erol warriors, or the Erolar, meaning wild warriors. The Essier sent the Erolar, or Erolar, north as seafaring warriors to secure land and establish trade. These warriors were called the Urals and Yarls, and later Scandinavian society, and known as the Herals and Heralai by the Romans. The clans enabled the Essier clans, later called the Sphyar, Svi'a, Severe, or Spheoner by the Romans, to establish settlements throughout the region, but not with our continuous battles with the Goths and other migrating Germanic tribes. The Erols or Herals eventually made peace with the Goths who ruled the region. The tribes of the Severe, Vanir, and Heruli soon formed their own clans, and dominated the Baltic and Scandinavian region. The Gothic historian Jordanis, who was a notary of the Gothic kings, told about 551 AD that the Danir were from the same stock as the Sphyar, both taller and fairer than any other people in the north. The Sphyar population flourished, and with the Herals and Goths formed a powerful military alliance of well-known seafarers. The Sphyar and Herals then gradually returned to their ancestral land, beginning in the 2nd century AD. Sometimes sailing with the Goths, they terrorized all the lands and peoples of the Black Sea and parts of the Mediterranean, even the Romans. They were the pre-Vikings, end quote. And indeed we find several mentions of the Herals in the works of Tacitus, Jordanis, and others, spoken of as especially famed and respected warriors. These topics are still hotly debated, as they should be, and some of this is subjective speculation, albeit educated speculation, but my advice would be to beware those who dismiss such accounts out of hand without hard evidence. The modern approach seems to be to start with the premise that nearly all historical accounts are false or flawed, or as I tend to think that most of the histories were penned with genuine intent, i.e. for the purpose of retaining an account of actual happenings. And I believe there should be a burden of proof, but there should also be a burden to disprove if this makes sense, especially in the cases in which we only have a single document or two to make use of. And when the information contained within fits cleanly into and fills in the blanks of a larger fact picture. The word "debunk" in our age seems to have somehow become all powerful, and skeptics have a way of destroying and dragging with the mud any theory that strays from their chosen storyline. This strikes me as dangerous. So, as we slowly move west into Europe, pushed at times by Rome, at times by population growth, at times by incursions of both foreign and brother peoples from the east, an abdominal effect. The Scythians, using the Broadus definition here, seem to almost seamlessly morph into the Goths, again using the broader definition. Interestingly, Strabo and Pliny the Elder separated the Scythians into two elements. The Sarmatai and the Germani, the latter term derived from the Latin Germanus, meaning "genuine" of the same parents. Recall in part two where we spoke of the Royal Scythians, often being referred to as the "genuine" Scythians. They'd may be that the Sarmatai were a Scythian element with some foreign admixture, whether racial or cultural or both. Interestingly, the Anglo-Saxons were also known as the Germani. Strabo further refers to a people known as the Kelto Scythi, or the Celtic Scythians. As one writer puts it, "If we go back 500 years from the point of when the Teutonic languages began to differentiate, we discover that great swaths of northern, western and eastern Europeans spoke similar dialects of a common Indo-European language. When scholars try to pin a label on a particular European barbarian tribe, as being Germanic, or Celtic, or Scythian, they often find themselves in a quandary. The distinctions are often unclear and can easily become arbitrary." It's vital to keep in mind that prior to the bulk of the Goths arriving back into Europe, their German brothers were already present on the land. With the Assembly and War kicking off the conflict between Roman and Germanic peoples in earnest, in approximately 110 BC, and others, too, giving Julius Caesar a taste of what was to come, as he mentions firsthand in his work "The Commentaries on the Gallic War." Almost from the start, there was a relationship of mutual respect, at least with regards to martial capabilities. And the Romans, too, held to one of the longest traditions across all Indo-European societies in employing almost exclusively Scythian and Germanic peoples in the personal bodyguard of the leadership, in this case the Roman Emperor. A handpicked elite cadre of men chosen for both fighting merit and an unshakable sense of loyalty and honor. The Praetorian, or Barangian, or Squisgarde, loyalty and honor. Virtues that we so are... "We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canollies, and spins mean everything. Now, you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW Group, boy we're prohibited by law. 18 plus, terms and conditions apply. So dearly in need of and so much deprived of. And this is why we need to reconnect. We need to reconnect with our past and understand who we are and rediscover our nobility. We're going to need it. Units are just a few examples of this long-standing custom. A custom which I personally believe originated with the royal Scythians, as a means to protect royal lineages. Tacitus gives us the best account of the ancient Germans in their natural state, and I highly recommend his works, especially Germania, for those seeking additional context. He's not merely a brilliant man, but seems to possess an especially healthy and well-oriented mind, coupled with judgment and foresight to see many things that those around him seem to miss. I've linked his audiobook below for those interested, but to cover a few interesting excerpts. He speaks of the German name being a fairly recent invention and a misnomer, a Roman interpretation of the name of a single tribe, which they then lazily applied to all of the scattered tribes. He speaks of ancient songs and bards being the mechanism for passing down history and stories, and mirroring the Scythian legends, "they say that Hercules II once visited them, and when going into battle they sing of him first of all heroes," and speaks of the infamous war chance they employed. Ulysses II was spoken of as having visited and founded an ancient town, and Tacitus speaks of a shrine of him containing Greek inscriptions still existing on the borders of Germany. Their kings were chosen by birth, their generals by merit, neither had unlimited power, and they led by personal example. Quote, "The very prestige of a chief may settle a war," end quote, and it was considered a disgrace for a chief to be surpassed in valor and infamy to have survived a battle in which one's chief had died, which I believe hints at one of the many reasons why the Germans were so highly sought in the Praetorian and Berangian and all similar royal bodyguard units. Their squadrons of fighting men weren't formed by chance, he says, no doubt contrasting Rome's mercenary structure, but composed of families and clans, meaning they'd always fight alongside brothers and kin, and be encouraged to have their wounds tended to by women who were wives or relatives. Who, quote, "Tradition says that armies already wavering and giving way have been rallied by women who, with earnest entreaties and bosom's laid bare, have vividly represented the horrors of captivity, which the Germans fear with such extreme dread on behalf of their women," end quote. They even believe that the sex has a certain sanctity and prescience, and they do not despise their councils or make light of their answers, end quote. Much like the frisians that we learned about in the oral in the book, I just want to keep on driving these commonalities home because we're going to reenter into the oral in the book here soon. Like so many other Indo-European peoples, they seem to place the highest value on maidens of noble birth. After all, a man is technically capable of passing his genetic lineage down to hundreds, even thousands of descendants, and the manner of a gingus con, or perhaps even, parathletes. So it's the woman who is the key component in this regard. He speaks of the style dress as cloaks, fastened with a clasp, or with skin-fitting clothing made from wild beasts, and speaks of the inner tribes as dressing better. Their diet was largely composed of wild fruit and fresh game and curdled milk. Similar to all other writers, he speaks very highly of their sense of and customs with regards to justice. Crimes were to be exposed and punished. Infamy was to be buried out of sight. Good habits, he says, were more effectual than good laws elsewhere. He speaks of them as a race with no natural cunning, and regarding their trade and barter, the vitally important line of interest they know nothing, and says no nation is more hospitable, and it was their custom to give and receive freely, feeling no obligation from either action. Like the Spartans, and Scythians, and so many other related peoples, each individual in a rite of passage must earn their arms, and abandoning one's shield was considered the basis to action, resulting in shunning. They considered it, quote, tame and stupid to acquire by immense toil, but they might win by courage, valor, or blood, and didn't well tolerate close quarters with regards to living spaces, but spread out freely to whatever areas attracted them. They often indulged in what he calls "games of hazard," sparring and warlike contests, sometimes wagering their own freedom, and in exceptional cases even their lives in the competitions. And with regards to slavery, the type practiced by those tacitists observed was very different from that we're accustomed to. Each, quote, "slave" was given a house of their own, and acted as indentured servants, required to give a certain amount of produce periodically. Each tribe seems to have created its own niche culture within the larger framework. One of the more intriguing descriptions of a wilder tribe on the border lands is as follows, quote, "the hurry, besides being superior in strength to the tribes just enumerated, savage as they are, make the most of their natural ferocity by the help of art and opportunity. Their shields are black, their bodies died, they choose dark nights for battle, and by the dread and gloomy aspect of their death-like host, strike tear into the foe, who can never confront their strange and almost infernal appearance. For in all battles it is the eye which is first vanquished," end quote. In another description, he speaks of the kimbri, likely descendants of the kmirians, quote, "in the same remote corner of Germany bordering on the ocean dwelt the kimbri, a now insignificant tribe, but of great renown, of their ancient glory widespread traces yet remain. On both sides of the Rhine are encampments of vast extent, and by their circuit you may even now measure the warlike strength of the tribe, and find evidence of that mighty immigration." Rhone was in her 640th year when we first heard of the kimbriian invader, in the consulship of Kaleus Metellus and Papyrius Carvo, from which time to the second consulship of the Emperor Trajan, we have to reckon about 210 years, so long have we been in conquering Germany. In the space of this long epoch many losses have been sustained on both sides, neither Samnite nor Carthaginian, nor Spain nor Gaul, not even the Parthians have given us more frequent warnings. German independence truly is fiercer than the despotism of inner faces, Germans by routing or making prisoners of Carbo, Cassius, Scarus Aurelius, Servilius Capio, Marcus Manlius, deprived the Roman people of five consular armies, and they robbed even a Caesar of Varus and his three legions. "We all have somewhere we're trying to get to." As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at Available to players in the US, excluding watching time mention no participatory VGW group vibrated by law 18+ term conditions of life. They stormed the winter camp of our legions and even designed the conquest of Gaul. "May the tribes, I pray, ever retain, if not the love for us, at least the hatred for each other." One of the many reasons Tacitus has not been given due credit in our times is due to a single statement that to this day drives the politically correct mindset into a frenzy. "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and they appear as a distinct unmixed race like none but themselves, hence to the same physical peculiarities through so vast a population." Now keep in mind he's referencing a large group of people here, not a nation, as Germany itself didn't exist as a nation until very recently. Also keep in mind as he witnessed modern academics trip over themselves to dismiss these words in any and every novel manner they can dream up. Here was one of the best minds of his age, sober and prudent, who had perhaps more experience with the varied races of humanity, and every possible mixture among them, due to his observing both Germania and the increasingly multicultural empire of Rome, than any of his peers, stating this opinion with definitive confidence. So let's take a moment to speak to the Goths, specifically, as defined by those who saw them in their most narrow and specific form. First, the name. The Grimm Brothers, noted as "great historical minds" in addition to being masterful authors, believed the term "Goth" to be closely connected to the German "Goth" meaning "God". Others have suggested the term meant "nobly born", and there's an obvious connection to the root "goot" meaning "good". I tend to think that there's likely a grand truth to most of these connections directly or indirectly. Second, as to the physical description, the historian Henry Bradley sums up the almost universal description with "Goths are always discreet". Notice there's a woman up front. They've highly regarded their counsel by their Bergmaidens and the great mothers, not that great mother, not the one, not Medea, not referring to her. "Bribed as tall and athletic men with fair complexions, blue eyes and yellow hair, such people as in fact might be seen more frequently in Sweden than in any other land." And the Arab diplomat Ibn Fadlan would later describe the Viking Rus, likely the most direct outgrowth of the Gothic peoples as they came to be known under different names. By saying quote, never before have I seen people of more perfect Zeke. They were tall like palm trees, blonde, with a few of them red. They do not wear any jackets or a captain ear, robes. The men instead wear dress which covers one side of the body but leads one hand free. Every one of them brings with him an axe, a sword and a knife. End quote. Third, as to their general personality and manner of being, the historian Bradley continues quote, that the Gothic people had many noble qualities was frequently acknowledged even by their enemies. And it is abundantly proved by many incidents in their history. They were brave, generous, patient under hardship and privation, and chased and affectionate in their family relations. End quote. When they get back into the Scythians, you're going to find out that apart from having no regard for valuables, gold or the marketplace, they ran their entire community, their entire land as one big family. And then continues with an interesting aside that despite their history of achievement and successes, I too have come to agree with quote, "There is nothing in their history more remarkable than the humanity and justice which they exercise towards the nations whom they conquered." End quote. He goes on to state that this was recognized by their foes, who often went so far as to welcome their appearance on the scene as liberators. In a remarkably objective quip, a Roman named Salvian, an ecclesiastic of Marseille, stated, "There is one consenting prayer among the Roman population, that they might dwell under their barbarian government. Thus our brethren not only refuse to leave these nations for their own, but they fly from us to them. Can we then wonder that the Goths are not conquered by us, when the people would rather become Goths with them than Romans with us?" End quote. Fourth, with regards to their belief structure, I've always loved this snippet by Tacitus, which I believe to be fundamental in importance. Quote, "The Germans, however, do not consider it consistent for the grandeur of celestial beings to confine the gods within walls, or to liken them to the form of any human countenance. They consecrate woods and groves, and they apply the names of deities to the abstraction which they see only in spiritual worship." End quote. To me this meaning is clear. The capital G-God, creator of all things, was something beyond direct human understanding or quantification, and certainly beyond the ability for fallible human minds or hands to create in the form of idols to then be worshipped. Nature, in the form of sacred groves, was the closest proxy. They certainly practiced a veneration of ancestors bordering on a form of worship, and held an extremely high esteem, both Hercules and the archetype of Tiwaz or Tyre, also known as Ares to the Greeks, Mars to the Romans, who they saw as the personification of war, law, and justice simultaneously. Odin, as well, and Freya. There's a great deal more to be set on this subject, but I couldn't hope to do it justice here, so I'll leave it at this for now, after a few more words about the concept of ancestor veneration. Edward Thorson states that the Gothic families maintained secret traditions stretching back to the time of their origins. "It is these sources which account for their success and the immortality of their name. These traditions hinged on the continuing secret cult of divine ancestry, the hidden cult of the Ancees. The formula of divine ancestry must be understood in both its parts. First, the idea is that there is a divine, immortal, perfect, and wise component or element or substance, which is not bound by time or place. This transcends the mundane world, stands above it. Second is the idea that this substance can be transmitted or transferred from person to person, or from generation to generation, through historical time and over natural space. We know that this ancestral portion can be transmitted genetically through the blood, or through symbolic initiations, blood brotherhood, adoption, reception into warrior bands, guilds, etc. Although these latter methods were well known to the pagans and well documented among them, it appears that under the influence of the Christian tradition of apostolic succession, these later methods grew to be more and more prestigious over the centuries. This increasingly became the method whereby the threatened esoteric of the Goths could be secretly transmitted and thus protected from an ever more hostile world, end quote. And with regards to Christianity, the evidence seems to contradict the popular notion many still hold that all Germanic peoples were dragged kicking and screaming into a new religious conception, or forced at the point of the sword. In fact, the very first book written in the Gothic language was a translation of the Bible. Pined by a man the emperor dubbed our second Moses, a Gothic capidosion named Vulfillah, literally transcribed as "Little Wolf" in the third century AD. Now, of course, this wasn't modern Christianity, much of which seems to have been subverted into something of an extension of the very worldly social justice movement, but rather a much more strict and true to form conception. The bigger leap didn't seem to be to Christianity, whose central focus on a self-sacrificing figure or some resemblance to Odin, who was hung on a tree, and in some stories pierced by a spear. The more difficult leap was rather to Catholicism, as opposed to that area in form of Christianity, which was more familiar and comfortable to them, and they didn't require they bend the knee to priests and churches of Rome. The Franks, the Germanic people, largely responsible for the creation of France as we know it today, acting as Rome's first and strongest allies willing to adopt Catholicism, where in some sense tasked with its spread across all German lands, a difficult and bloody transition, in part planting the seeds of the Protestant and Catholic conflicts of later eras. It's also deeply interesting that the Goths and Norse were referred to as the "Maju" during the Visigothic period in Spain, with the non-Gothic elements making no distinction between them and the Magi of Zoroastrian Persian fame. A term you might recognize in part from the three wise men of the biblical tradition. Rome, especially the Eastern Roman Empire under Justinian, would begin to exploit this Catholic and Arian rift as it means of establishing greater control over the Goths, or attempting to destroy those he could not control. A hallmark trait to the Germanic people seems to be an unwillingness to bow to any form of centralized authority that doesn't spring from their own roots. A less informed ruler would be to learn and relearn several times throughout history, often at the point of an extremely proficient sword. We'll discuss this and get to know the Gothic people through an examination of their dynamic with Rome, the Huns, the Jews and the Seracens in the next installment in our series, which I hope to release within a week or two from now, and which may be followed by a third video shortly after, as it's simply impossible to condense this story to a single hour. Okay, we can jump onto the next one, and I'm noticing that my connection once again is shit. I have to slap the sentry link around. See the only way, see the only way. So I'm about to jump into the next part of that, but let's first. Okay, you can see it. All right, guys, so Farah and I, my daughter, my daughter, who just turned eight on the second, the true, the real independence day was actually July 2nd. It was just a formality on the fourth that it was accepted, adopted, whatever you want to call it. All right, so, and also they had to have it on the solar aphelion, right, so they had to adjust for that. Parahelion is when you're the closest to this one, according to people who say stuff. And then the aphelion is when you're the furthest away from this one as earthbound creatures as we are. So we think. So anyhow, That's one way you could help support the show and probably help us, you know, get this trip to my parents knocked out and also not have to dig too deeply into our vital savings in order to support the bills as we're gone. Also, there is the patreon, which, by the way, while we were talking, while we were watching this, I dropped in the tacticist, Germania, that he had referenced. So there's a resource there. And just beneath that, getica, the history of the Germanic people by Jordanis. I dropped a link to the Jordanis one. There's actually two of them. There's an excerpt that I didn't realize wasn't the full. And then I, after that, I dropped in the link into the chat here on Rumble or the full of that one. So if you see it, you're on Rumble, go ahead and just, you know, right click and copy that so you can order, click it and have another tab open. And you can download that PDF. Okay, so those are there for you if you're interested in learning more. And seeing the resources that he himself is drawing from in this documentary series, is that what we could call this, I guess? All right, and what else we got. So over here, so this is ballbusters over on Okay, backslash channel, backslash ballbusters or just look for it. You would look for it in this corner here where it says channels, browse channels, right? If you put it in here, you're searching for keywords, not the same thing as if you go over here and browse channels. All right, so I just put up, there's a total of 16. There'll be 17 after this one. This is the live, you go into the videos here, and then you see what I've put up there so far and the ones that were deleted off of Rumble, these two right here. Also, I'll be putting out the full Europa series here. And then eventually, when you have time, unlike Rumble, that doesn't even have this feature, I'll be making playlists. So it'd be a lot easier to find, and you don't have to dig through a stack of and just scroll and keep on hitting page after page on Rumble, which is kind of a silly, I don't understand why they don't have, they don't have playlists, but the ability to create playlists. But they'll be more organized on here once I get everything over here, then I'll start organizing it. All righty, so that's FTJ. Can you imagine what that might stand for? Given the content of what Speak Free video used to be, can you take a while and guess what that might mean? All right, we might go a little bit over today, because what rules are we following anyway? Let's get this whole last second segment in. And also, there's more links in the description for how you can support the show, including there's also one GoFundMe link that I dropped in the Rumble chat, which is what's specifically made for this trip. It's not just the Bobbusters general fund, but it's also in there. There's the PayPal link and all other other things in the description. All right, and you don't need PayPal to use the either to give you options. Okay, let's get into it. Had to say it, it needs to be said. Hey, Corpus Christi, how's it going? Let's hurry up there, okay. Samuel Adam, love it. Love it. Greetings and salutations from Corpus Christi Texas. I knew a really attractive, very rich girl from Corpus Christi who used to ride horses. Anyway, moving on. Which means the body of Christ in case you didn't figure that out. All right, let's go to the where we at. Is it this guy? It's this guy. So, the Germanic people's goss, justice and order. Wow, they put that in the title. Might mean that that means something to them, huh? Defining markers of the people? What do you know? There you go. So, this is an hour and one minute and 11 seconds and we're at 9.17 AM right now. So, we'll be going to about 10.18 today. I'm kind of also saying that in case the people over at FTJ are running this as the radio thing to know when to cut me so they can put the next people on because I have a block that goes to 10. So, if they're monitoring it, they'll also know to cut it so that I'm not bleeding over onto the next person. Which I believe is just happy. As we turn our focus on the dynamic between the Roman and Gothic people, it kind of sounds like in the background, me, me, me, me, me, me, it's kind of funny. But anyway, I'm not trying to make light of it. It's just what I call it. People's the subversive nature of post World War II history becomes most evident. The picture of an all-powerful civilized Rome, annoyed by Goths and the manner that one might be bothered by a mosquito, they might squat at any moment, is absurd. In fact, even Roman sources admit that were it not for the tactful diplomacy that kept Germanic peoples expending energy in their traditional war games with one another, Rome would have ceased to exist at any moment the united barbarian elements chose to make it so. And the truth is even more extreme. Even while warring among one another, the Goths were still able, on several occasions, to militarily dominate Rome, both on offense and defense. This isn't meant to diminish Roman achievements, skill, or discipline, a nation with justly admired armies, tactics, and leadership, but when viewed objectively. But hold on a second. They also memory hold a whole lot of history, utilizing Rome as like the we all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Lucky land casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. Lucky in line at the deli, I guess? I'd my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere, playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No. Producers necessary. Spoiler-related by law. 18+ terms and conditions apply. See what's every details. The catch-all for everything. If there's a pillar, then it must be a Roman architecture. That stuff in my mind has been sitting there long before Rome was Rome. It wasn't built by them any more than the pyramids were built by the Egyptians that they claim. Inhabited it after may have decorated the walls, may have added things to it, may have kept it and preserved it. But I don't think they did the pyramids either. I think those were sitting around for a long, long time. Rome, and especially late Rome, seems a bit more like a corporate construct running on peer ambition, seeking world domination by any means necessary, and gladly making use of any caliber of humanity in pursuit of the school. Over time, they were to learn many lessons and incorporate this knowledge into their formations and equipment and tactics and strategy, and this counted for much. Coupled with a seemingly unlimited pool of manpower to draw from, one might wonder why they didn't conquer the entire world after all. The answer to this question is very simple and very clear - the Germanic peoples. The more one digs into the true relationship between these two major powers, although two is hardly technically correct here, due to the permanently fractured nature of the Germanic peoples, the more it looks as if the Gothic mindset was something akin to, that's a cute little human domestication experiment you have going on there. You're welcome to do as you wish. In fact, we'll even extend an olive branch to make common cause, just don't cross us. But alas, the Romans did cross them several times and in egregious ways. A perfect example of this treachery and its consequences, and one of the numerous stories of such important power that it's a wonder we haven't all heard it, involves the Gothic leader named Fritiger. Having brokered a deal with the Emperor of Rome in 376 AD to essentially ally the two peoples and move a large contingent of Goths into Roman borders, we are the names of these leaders of the Goths because each one of them is a very good example of how virtues, ethics, morals, character, integrity, you're going to see this. You're going to see this and be like, you're going to be blown away by it. A mutually beneficial agreement which would give the Germans additional living space and a closer relationship with Rome and provide Rome with a ready-made source of the highest quality soldiers and military officers and provide both parties with an alliance against the encroachment of peoples from the east. He began to move his Goths westward, anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000, depending on the source one chooses to trust. The impressive terms the Emperor had offered soon proved to be largely empty promises and serious famine began to spread, becoming so bad that many Germans began dealing with the most shamelessly greedy of Roman traders, with stories of desperate families going so far as to sell one child into Roman servitude to provide just enough food for the other, or simply in order to save their lives. Starvation was rampant. Noticing the increasing anger, the Emperor decided to relocate them in an area in which they could more easily be monitored and controlled. There are two prominent accounts of what happened next, both speaking highly of Fritigern's heroism, and in fact both may be true. The first mentions how he'd long sought to quell the tempers of his own Goths and preserve the peace, yet simultaneously had made preparations for the worst, ensuring "the Goths would be ready to rise as one man should the occasion arise." And when invited to a feast by Roman general, some of his near-starving Gothic troops became enraged at the sight of a fully stocked marketplace in which they were prevented from buying goods and got in a fight with and killed some Romans. The Roman general roused from a drunken slumber or the slaughter of all Fritigern's men. Fritigern, the historian Bradley, states, "In a calm and collective stroke of genius, announced it was needful for him to show himself to his country then to put a stop to the tumult." And simply walked out with his men, as the Romans looked on and stunned, unsure of how to respond. In the second account, Jordana states, "Now it came to pass in that troubleous time that would pick miss the Roman general, invited Fritigern, a chieftain of the Goths, to a feast, and, as the event revealed, devised a plot against him. But Fritigern, thinking no evil, came to the feast with a few followers. While he was dining in the praetorium, he heard the dying cries of his ill-fated men; for, by order of the general, the soldiers were slaying his companions, who were shut up in another part of the house. The loud cries of the dying fell upon ears already suspicious, and Fritigern, at once, perceived the treacherous trick. He drew his sword, and, with great courage, dashed quickly from the bank-witting all, rescued his men from their threatening doom, and incited them to slay the Romans. Thus these valiant men gained the chance they had longed for, to be free to die in battle, rather than perish of hunger, and immediately took arms to kill the generals Lupikinus and Maximus. Thus that day put an end to the famine of the Goths, and the safety of the Romans; for the Goths, no longer as strangers and pilgrims, but as citizens and lords, began to rule the inhabitants, and to hold in their own right, all of the northern colonies, as far as the Danube. When the emperor valence heard of this at Antioch, he made ready an army once, and set out for the country of Thrace. Here, a grievous battle took place, and the Goths prevailed. The emperor himself was wounded and fled to a farm near Hadrien-O-Wool. The Goths, not knowing that an emperor lay hidden in so poor a hut, set fire to it, as his customary and dealing with a cruel foe. And thus he was cremated in royal splendor. From this time, the busy Goths, in consequence of their glorious victory, possessed Thrace and Dacia repences as a war their native land, and hoped. This type of famine, in this case caused by either Roman treachery or incompetence, was exceptional. And here we should quickly clear up another major misconception about the Germanic peoples. In most video documentaries on the ancient Germans, you'll see a disorderly gaggle of men who look like they've been cast to betray over the top caricatures of white trashy savages, often obese, disheveled as if they've spent hours smearing their entire bodies in dirt, wearing equally dirty, tattered rags, waving weapons in the air like they've never held one in their lifetimes. With faces usually twisted in their best attempt at expressions of fierceness or rage, poor posture looking generally unhealthy and mentally dull, and the impression we're given in videos and textbooks is that these men lived short, brutish, miserable lives. This is very much the opposite of what the fact picture seems to indicate. Keep in mind that, like the later Vikings, because these were unparalleled warriors that could demand tribute from virtually any empire at any time, and often did so, they were likely the wealthiest people in the world in a per capita context, with Rome itself paying them. Remember, as Rome progresses, it has a greater and greater influence of that priest craft that I wrote about, and therefore what you see as Rome's deception and deceit and repainting the history isn't just quote-unquote, Roman Rome, right? We're talking about the people who as always seem to always find the positions of power and manipulate either by being advisors to the kings or the Caesars or whatever the priest craft to which they go to for answers are always managing and manipulating the actions, deeds, and policies of the kingdom. So when you see this deception, don't just say, oh, yeah, the Romans were doing, they were embarrassed, they added that, that's probably part of it, but there's also that element, that lying element, that merchant bandit, Haberu, Stagaz, the foreigners' influence, the priest craft influence, and I just want you to keep that in mind every time you hear these things, if it sounds familiar and you're like, Bill, I can conflate Rome with that, yeah, you can, but just remember who's actually manipulating it isn't somebody different that we're talking about now. And vast sums of treasure regularly. Not only has an astonishingly high level of Gothic medical technology recently been unearthed in places like Constantinople, but several accounts report men living to ripe old ages. Her man, Rick described as the Gothic Alexander, who at one point, quote, "ruled all the nations of Sythia and Germania as they were his own, lived to 110, and there are stories of leaders taking or holding their positions of power well into their eighties, but it's far more than lifespan. Consider how these men lived. It's recently been discovered that their teeth were far healthier than the picture that's always been painted, with the lack of processed foods and refined sugars, not having a chance to take their toll. Their water wasn't laden with the chemical stew we face today. Their diet was as healthy and natural as it gets, and of course, heavy on protein, and they spent their entire day, if not lounging or drinking by the fire, in the hunt, or in games of sport, or in warfare, or the training for warfare. Our modern epidemics of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc, didn't exist. Yes, many met their deaths on the battlefield and their prime, but I suspect the average man was far, far healthier than the average man today. They were also objectively larger and stronger than those around them, a trait that seems to have been passed down through the ages, as illustrated by a glance at the percentages of strong man competition winners, hailing from Germanic nations, especially Scandinavia. Some very brave person the crowd has actually called him an Eskimo, and he's heard that remarkable right. If he hadn't any games in something else, you might have put the record straight another way, but to the matter in half, a small matter of four hundred and ninety-five kilos. And on this topic, there's another fascinating story about Maximan, a man of humble background who would eventually become emperor through accomplishment and merit alone. Agothic Thracian, Jordanis tells us, quote, "After his years spent in rustic life, he had come from his flocks to military service in the reign of emperor Severus, and at the time when the latter was celebrating his son's birthday. It happened that the emperor was giving military games. When Maximan saw this, although he was a semi-barberian youth, he besought the emperor in his native tongue to give him permission to wrestle with the trained soldiers for the prizes offered. Severus, marveling much at his great size, for his stature, it is said, was more than eight feet, made him contend and wrestling with camp followers, in order that no injury might go fall his soldiers at the hands of this wild fella. Thereupon, Maximan threw sixteen attendants with so great ease that he conquered them one by one without taking any rest by pausing between the bouts. So then, when he had won the prizes, he was ordered into the army and served his first campaign with a cavalry. On the third day after this, when the emperor went out to the field, he saw him coursing about in barbarian fashion and bade a tribune restrain him and teach him Roman discipline. But when he understood that the emperor was speaking about him, he came forward and began to run ahead of him as he rode. Then the emperor spurred on his horse to a slow trot and wheeled in many a circle hither and tither with various turns until he was weary. Then he said to him, "Are you willing to wrestle now after you're running my little thracian?" "As much as you like," a whimper he answered. So Zeverus leapt off his horse and ordered the freshest soldiers to wrestle with him. But he threw to the ground seven very powerful youths, even as before, taking no breathing space between the bouts. So he alone was given prizes of silver and a golden necklace by Caesar. Then he was bitten to serve in the bodyguard of the emperor. After this, he was pronounced to officer, often increasing his fame by his deeds, and rose to many military grades, and finally to the centurion ship as a reward for his active service. So many in positions of leadership in Rome, especially military, were of Germanic extraction. So strong was this trend that the last several centuries of Rome's existence might be seen as a gradual transformation into a Germanic empire. As opposed to the sudden and stark shift, many have been led to believe came to pass. The Goths, who in their disunity were pushed ever further westward by the Huns, began to blend into Rome in a sense. Their attitudes seemed to be a mixture of respect and weariness, though at times bordering on disgust. They admired many of Rome's achievements, the architecture, the aqueducts, the overliness and structure. But contrary to the impression modern history paints, they weren't eager to destroy, conquer, or become Rome in any sense. Gothic leaders were to make it clear time and time again what they sought was to coexist, ideally in a friendly manner. Yet the Germanic peoples were to essentially sacrum four times in a mere 150 years. At virtually any point in this period, they might have made the choice to become Romans, with their heated floors, their multitude of bread and circuses, their marketplace, but they very consciously chose not to do so. And they rejected the marketplace. This is their distinction between them and potentially other related groups, blood related, perhaps. A long series of hostages taken from German noble families raised nearly from birth and Rome, yet time and time again choosing to return to their homeland and their people and fight for their causes speaks to this. On several occasions, Germanic leaders speak openly about the dangers of excessive comforts. When the last emperor to rule both East and Western Rome, theodosius died, whom Jordanis called a friend to and lover of the Gothic race. Jordanis speaks of his sons beginning to quote ruin both empires by their luxurious living, and to deprive the Goths of their customary tributes. The contempt of the Goths for the Romans soon increased, and quote, "for fear their valor would be destroyed by long peace, they appointed Alaric king over them," end quote. And this is telling it's not ambitiousness or desire or plunder that seems to drive the Germanic assaults on Rome, but rather reactions to outright treachery, or obvious degeneracy or a lack of health and order in the empire large. Much like Tacitus, I believe they saw a swift decline of this one's great empire, and seemed earnestly to want to salvage aspects of its greatness. Alaric is an impressive figure in Germanic history. In his early battles with Stilico, a half-German who for a time was the most powerful man in the Western Roman Empire, Alaric broke through Stilico's lines, marched 30 miles north, and crossed a gulf before Stilico could even put his troops in order to surprise him completely. A master stroke that the historian Bradley states quote, "Travellers who are acquainted with the ground say that this march of Alaric is one of the most amazing feats in the historical record." By the mid-fourth century, the Goths within Rome already exercised vast control of the empire, via powerful figures like the Kingmaker Rissimer, a capable general loved and respected by the troops. Goths outside Rome, meanwhile, had established a very real power base in Toulouse. During the fighting between these two forces, Rome paid a large bribed Alaric to compel him to retreat. Amusingly, the Romans then celebrated a triumph, treating this as a great victory, and inscribed on an arch that the gothic nation has been subdued never to rise again. Words the Goths no doubt read with bemusement as they rode through the streets of the conquered capital a few years later. "A revolt of sorts," said this ball rolling. In a brief fit of anti-Gothic sentiment, certain Roman citizens, likely spurred on by nefarious actors in their midst, made the grievous air of turning on the Gothic civilians while the Gothic soldiers were stationed elsewhere, and slaughtered their wives and children and looted their property. Approximately 30,000 Gothic soldiers at once deserted the Roman army and joined Alaric, who immediately rode from city to city, effortlessly conquering all in his path. Finally, arriving at Rome, he decided to engage in a siege to starve the town out. The extremely stubborn Romans began to starve to death in great numbers, and yet had the audacity to send a threatening message to Alaric, demanding good terms or else they'd rise up against him in large numbers. It said that Alaric literally laughed at this, saying "the thicker the grass, the easier it is to mow," and "before presenting his terms, namely all of the gold and silver within the walls and all of the slaves." "What should we have left then?" was said to be the stunned reply, to which Alaric simply stated, "Your lives." What makes this additionally amusing is that Alaric seems to have been merely humbling them. Not only did he end up taking far less after they finally capitulated, but it's reported he immediately saw to the end of the starvation. And although it proved impossible to completely restrain the Goth's long built up anger, "We all have somewhere we're trying to get to." As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy in progress. Visit Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So, sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at Chumba and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group. Ford were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. He further surprised the conquered population by punishing those that acted most unjustly towards the conquered Romans. Bradley states, quote, "Alleric remembered that he was a Christian and tried to use his victory mercifully. He told his soldiers that the plunder of the city was theirs, but that no man was to be killed that was not wearing arms. Even soldiers were to be spared if they took refuge in the holy places," end quote. He then departed to Tuscany with his army even stronger now due to a massive number of soldiers within Rome joining his ranks. Alleric could have conquered or destroyed the entire western Roman Empire with ease at this stage, but he seems to have had no desire to. He wanted a kingdom of his own alongside and allied to Rome. This was initially agreed to by all local officials, but amazingly and again audaciously, a stubborn Roman emperor, Honorius, refused the idea, believing himself to be safe and out of harm's way tucked away in Ravenna. Alleric was furious and promptly marched his army straight away to Ravenna. And what follows is an almost comical series of losses for the Romans under Honorius, who seemed to grow more shamelessly arrogant and headstrong with each successive loss until finally destroyed completely. No history of the Goths could be complete without a discussion of just how and why they became out of necessity so close with Rome, literally and figuratively, both as friend and foe, namely the Huns. It's important to remember that while we tend to see the Romans and Goths as two completely distinct races of peoples, both trace back to the same pivotal figures of legend. For example, their strong connection to the ancient ruling families of and refugees from Troy. The senators and aristocracy in Rome likely had significant overlap with the leading elements of the Gothic world. The intruder culture to their east, however, was something much more foreign. The Huns, likely born from a mixture of Scythian and Asiatic peoples, had exploded in number and had begun constantly harrying and harassing all Germanic peoples on their borders. Jordanis tells a tale, which may be fact or myth or somewhere in between, that speaks of a Scythian and Hun border near the Mayotic swamp, and a hunting party of the Huns chasing a mysterious dove, which they had reason to believe was something exceptional, who guided them into Scythian lands before disappearing. It said that they were filled with admiration, which quickly gave way to ambition and greed, and after an initial raid in which they looted belongings, sacrificed many Scythians and made the rest subject to themselves, they decided to make a habit of the behavior. Jordanis says, "Like a whirlwind of nations, they swept across the Great Swamp, and at once swept upon the tribes on the borders of Scythia. The Alani, who were their equals in battle, but unlike them in civilization, manners, and appearance, they exhausted by their incessant attacks and some dude, for by the tear of their features they inspired great fear in those whom perhaps they did not really surpass in war. They made their foes flee in horror because their swar the aspect was fearful, and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of shapeless lump not ahead, with pinholes rather than eyes. Their hardyhood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the very day they are born." "Sons a lot like a certain group of people to me." "For they cut the cheeks of the males with a sword." "Except for the fact that there are a bunch of weasels and cowards, and maybe not quite warriors, but who knows." "So that before they receive the nourishment of milk, they must learn to endure wounds," end quote. Some of the hunish habits and tactics and customs were similar to those of the wildest border tribes of the Scythians, and in some sense might even be thought of as a racial or cultural midpoint between the Scythians and the later Mongols of Genghis Khan's era. Evidence seems to indicate that they were the descendants of the Zhongyu, a hybrid Eurasian people who show mixed European and Asiatic admixture at least as far back as 2000 years ago. Germanic sources were often speak of the Huns in a manner that be deemed extremely racist today, yet they always respected courage and military prowess, and still more so, effective leadership. Attila appears on the scene like a rampaging lion, and lives his entire life in this manner, like a ball of immense, yet unchained and unchannelled energy. The name actually has a German root, meaning "little father," and Attila himself was almost certainly a mixed Scythian and Asiatic lineage. However, to the homogeneous Goths, the Huns and their leader would have been a shocking and exceptional sight. The historian J. Bagnell theory says his features, according to agothic history, quote, bore the stamp of his origin, and the portrait of Attila exhibited the genuine deformity of a modern calmuk, a large head as for the complexion, small deep-seated eyes, a flat nose, few hairs in the place of a beard. "Now I just put his arms hands together and make them rub." Broad shoulders and a short square body of nervous strength, though of disproportionate form. The haughty step and demeanor of the king of the Huns expressed the consciousness of his superior station above the rest of mankind. "Looks like a goat." And he had the custom of fiercely rolling his eyes as if he wished to enjoy the tear, which he inspired. The historian Priscus recounts his experience visiting Attila's court, recounting the semi-formal rituals engaged in during a banquet, and the multitude of foods offered, while Attila, seated in the middle of his two rows of guests, ate only meat. The anecdotes in his account provide an intriguing picture of Attila and the Huns and the culture and era. Quote, "When evening fell, torches were lit, then two barbarians coming forward in front of Attila, sang songs they had composed, celebrating his victories and deeds of valor and war. And of the guests, as they looked at the singers, some were pleased with the verses. Others reminded of wars were excited in their souls, while yet others whose bodies were people with age and their spirits compelled to rest shed tears." After the songs, a Scythian whose mind was deranged appeared and by uttering outlandish and senseless words forced the company to laugh. After him, Zircon, the Moorish dwarf, entered, and through all except Attila into fits of unquenchable laughter by his appearance, his dress, his voice, and his words, which were a confused jumble of Latin, Hunnic, and Gothic. Attila, however, remained immovable and of unchanging countenance. Nor by word or act did he betray anything approaching a smile or merriment, accepted the entry of Ernest, his youngest son, whom he pulled by the cheek and gazed on with a calm look of satisfaction." He was, by all accounts, a capable leader, extremely courageous, relentlessly energetic, and although wild and lawless by Gothic standards, not without some virtues and personal code of conduct. Most importantly, he represented the most significant and powerful threat that the Romans and Goths had ever faced, not counting one another. There's a deeply intriguing back and forth that gives us a behind-the-scenes conception of just how deeply this threat was felt, and also serves to illustrate the little-known closeness and camaraderie, often felt between the Roman rulership and aristocracy, and the Gothic element, likely due at least in part to a similar genetic and cultural roots, a similarity probably sensed all the more strongly in the face of these new foreign invaders. Of Illyrian's stock himself, Emperor Valentinian, sent an embassy to the Visigoths and their king Theodorid with this message, "Bravest of nations, it is the part of prudence for us to unite against the Lord of the Earth who wishes to enslave the whole world, who requires no just cause for battle, but supposes whatever he does is right. He measures his ambition by his might, license satisfies his pride, despising law and right he shows himself an enemy to nature herself, and thus he, who clearly is the common foe of each, deserves the hatred of all. Pray remember what you surely can't forget, that the Huns do not overthrow nations by means of war, where there is an equal chance, but assail them by treachery, which is a greater cause for anxiety. To say nothing of ourselves, can you suffer such insolence to go unpunished? Since you are mighty in arms, give heed to your own danger and join hands with us in common. Bear aid also to the empire, of which you hold apart. If you would learn how such an alliance should be sought and welcomed by us, look into the plans of the foe. By these and like arguments, the ambassadors of Valentinian prevailed upon King Theodorid. He answered them, saying, "Romans, you have attained your desires. You have made Attila our foe also. We will pursue him wherever he summons us. And though he is puffed up by his victories over diverse races, yet the Goths know how to fight this haughty foe. I call no war dangerous, save one whose cause is weak, for he fears no ill on whom Majesty has smiled. The nobles shouted a cinch to the reply, and the multitude gladly followed. The Romans knew full well how lucky they were, to have not only an ally as a buffer between themselves and the Huns, but an ally who seemed too glory in such conflict, especially when united against an outside force. As the massive host of united Goths under Theodorid took to the field, it said Attila saw his army thrown into confusion and doubt. He sought to encourage them to steal their nerves, and we have a record of his words that day. "Here you stand after conquering mighty nations and subduing the world. I therefore think it foolish of me to go to you with words, as though you were men who had not improved in action. Let a new leader or an untried army resort to that. It is not right for me to say anything common, nor ought you to listen. For what is war, what your usual custom, or what is sweeter for a brave man than to seek revenge with his own hand. It is the right of nature to gird the soul with vengeance. Let us then attack the foe eagerly, for they are ever the bolder who make the attack. Despise this union of discordant races, to defend oneself by alliance as proof of cowardice. See, even before our attack, they are smitten with tear. They seek the heights, they seek the hills, and repenting too late, clamor for protection against battle in open fields. You know how slight a matter the Roman attack is. While they are still gathering in order and forming in one line with locked shields, they are checked. I will not say by the first wound, but even by the dust of battle. Then onto the fray with stout hearts, as is your want. Despise their battle line, attack the Elani, smite the Visigoths, seek swift victory on that spot where the battle rages. For when the sinews are cut, the limbs soon relax, nor can a body stand when you have taken away the bones. Let your courage rise and your own fury burst forth. Now show your cunning Huns, now your deeds of arms. Let the wounded exact in return of death his foe. Let the unwounded revel in the slaughter of the enemy. No spear shall harm those who are sure to live, and those who are sure to die fate overtakes even in peace. And finally, why should fortune have made the Huns victorious over so many nations, unless it were to prepare them for the joy of this conflict? Who was it revealed to our sires to path through the may ocean's swamp, for so many ages are closed secret? Who, moreover, made men yield to you when you were as yet unarmed? Even a mass of federated nations could not endure the sight of the Huns. I am not deceived in the issue. Here is the field so many victories have promised us. I shall hurl the first spear at the foe. If any can stand at rest while Attila fights, he is a dead man. Inflamed by these words, they all dashed into battle. And although the situation was itself fearful, yet the presence of their king dispelled anxiety and hesitation, hand to hand they clashed in battle, and the fight grew fierce, confused, monstrous, unrelenting. A fight whose like no ancient time has ever recorded. There such deeds were done that a brave man who missed this mortal is spectacle, could not hope to see anything so wonderful all his life long. For if we may believe our elders, a brook flowing between the low banks through the plane was greatly increased by the blood from the wounds of the slain. It was not flooded by showers as brooks usually rise, but was swollen by a strange stream and turned into this torrent by the increase of blood. In their wretched plight, those whose wounds drove them to slake their parching thirst, drank water, mingled with gore, the blood they poured from their own wounds. All right, for those of you out there in rumble, they're playing games again. I tried to say hello to Voodoo, and the entire livestream shut down, not the livestream, but the live chat shut down on me. I've refreshed it three or four times. What Voodoo was saying about the true noble waters wasn't intended for the Huns. It was for the Visigoths, obviously, but it kind of came up a little bit late because I was messing around with that. So just wanted to clarify that. But hello Voodoo, good to see you. I'm not sure what's up, but I can't talk to you guys, and I can't. My live chat is blank now, after doing the refresh, and I don't see anything new popping up in the stream yard because it's connected to that rumble and the rumble is shutting me. The person who's hosting the video, who's conducting the livestream, I'm not allowed to talk or see what people are saying because rumble is crumble. Rumble is going down, folks. Do yourself a favor and get on to FTJ Media dot com because this type of information and everything else that you enjoy listening to, watching, it's going to be taken away from rumble just like it was on YouTube. The plan, the action, it's all happening already. You saw what happened just on my channel. You saw what happened with Europa. You saw what happened with the last two videos, July 4th and July 5th, which are, by the way, on my FTJ Media account. So get over there, make a login. You can even create a fake email account that you don't use for anything else. There's really no personal data like other accounts that Josh asked for. It's not something. It's just the matter so you can get whatever notifications or whatnot. But then get on there and then find more people coming up every day. We've got all kinds of plans to usher in content creators to get them involved here. The streams work marvelously. There's a live chat there. When I disappear off of here, which I feel like is going to happen, all 4,000 of my subscribers wasted, right? Because that's what they'll probably do to me. They did it to YouTube, restarted many times. So I'm just saying, if you're interested in this show, go at least subscribe to the, will become the main channel, unfortunately, because I think rumble is about to ask a lot of things. And they're not even letting the guy who is the live stream content creator see or interact with the people in his live chat. That's pretty jacked up. They just shut it right down at me. At dawn on the following day when the Romans saw maybe shut down for you as well, but it's because it's, you know, screw the kind of screw the communication and screw making a community, right? A field propelled high with bodies and that the Huns did not venture forth. They thought the victory was theirs, but they knew that Attila would not flee from the battle unless overwhelmed by a great disaster. Yet he did nothing cowardly, like one that has overcome, but with a clash of arms sounded the trumpets and threatened an attack. He was like a lion pierced by hunting spears, who paces to and fro before the mouth of his den and dares not spring, but ceases not to terrify the neighborhood by his roaring. Even so, this warlight king at bay terrified his conquerors. Therefore, the Goths and Romans assembled and considered what to do with the vanquished Attila. They determined to wear him out by a siege because he had no supply of provisions and was hindered from approaching by a shower of arrows from the bowmen placed within the confines of the Roman camp. But it was said that the king remained supremely brave even in this extremity, and had heaped up a funeral pyre of horse saddles so that if the enemy should attack him, he was determined to cast himself into the flames, that none might have the joy of wounding him, and that the lord of so many races might not fall into the hands of his foes, end quote. Jordanis follows this up with the story of the battlefield burial and mourning of the dead Gothic king Theodorid. In his unique writing style, I find so appealing. Theodorid's son, Thoris Mudd, now took control, and despite the total Gothic victory, was eager to avenge his father's death. Attila was probably surprised when no follow-up attack occurred, but this wasn't to manifest. Later, having gathered his wits and his forces once more, Attila "sought to blot out the fame of his destroyer, and in this way, to know what he had suffered at the hands of the Visigoths, he met a second defeat and retreated gloriously," end quote. The united Goths couldn't be stopped, and the Huns would never again seriously threaten Europe. Attila was to die true to form after a night of drunken debauchery. Thoris Mudd was betrayed under mysterious circumstances. He'd fallen ill and was being tended to. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at Available to players in the U.S. Excluding Washington and Michigan, no purchase necessary. VGW group void repurhibited by law. 18 plus turns in condition supply. When someone gave word to his foes that he was both ill and disarmed, he was killed, but this fascinating line proves he didn't go down easily. Despite having one arm fastened to the chair for treatment, "grasping a footstool and the one hand he had free," he became the avenger of his own blood by slaying several of those that were lying and wait for him. This repulse of the Huns was one of the most important events in European history. Thomas Hodgkin, author of the excellent work The Otterick the Goth, the barbarian champion of civilization, puts it perhaps too bluntly for the modern year. "For the world, yes, even for us in the 19th century and for the great undiscovered continents beyond the sea, the repulse of the squalid and unprogressive terrainan from the seats of the old historic civilization was essential to the preservation of whatever makes human life worth living." Had Attila conquered on the Catalonian plains, an endless succession of Genghis cons and tamarlains would probably have swept over at the desolated plains of Europe. Paris and Florence would have been even as Kiva and Balcara, and the island of Britain would not yet have attained the degree of civilization reached by the peninsula of Korea." Although it's important to mention here, a hallmark feature of the Huns is that they weren't any one thing, but rather a hodgepodge of peoples, even picking up gothic elements along the way. Those earliest tribes they conquered prior to gothic unity and forcing them into military. "You mean they were a mixed multitude?" Service. We also have this from Procopius' History of the Wars, written in the mid-sixth century. The heft delights quote, "are the stock of the Huns in fact as well as in name; however they do not mingle with any of the Huns known to us. They are the only ones among the Huns who have white bodies," end quote. So this was not merely a hybrid people, but also a heterogeneous mixture of homogeneous peoples. After Attila's death, several of his sons, mere shadows of their father had best, jockeyed for power, pretending to continue their rule over the lands and peoples, including goths, as if an inheritance of fiefdoms. The goths weren't having this and made quick work of the Huns. Now ironically in the same fractured and disunited position that the Goths had been in when the Huns first burst on the scene. As Jordana so eloquently puts it, they drove them so ingloriously from their own land that those who remained have been in dread of the arms of the Goths from that time down to the present day. Now that the Huns were definitively dealt with, and the Goths had been gifted some newfound unity in the process of carrying out the task. Slowly but surely they would go on to become the undisputed masters of all of Europe. And not just Europe, but significant regions of North Africa, and eventually Russia, as well, as the Roos from which it derives its name. This small family of peoples at one point subjugated and provided the ruling cast, if you will, or virtually all of the western world. France as the Franks, Spain as the Visigoths, Italy and North Africa as the Lombards and Vandals, Britain as the Anglo-Saxons, and of course Germany and Austria, Scandinavia, Poland and Ukraine. It's a well-known but little talked about fact that all of European royalty spread from the seedline of these Germanic peoples. And yet as was always the case with this group, there was no singular unified empire to speak of, but rather a variety of friendly yet independent branches. Rome itself had become a chaos with regards to its titular rulership. Due to the restriction that Roman emperors be citizens born within her borders, the Goths instead ruled as patricians, and the title of emperor became that of a figurehead. Hodgkins tells us of the nine emperors who were the purple in Italy after the death of Valentinian. Who wore the purple? That's interesting too. It's a parallel of royalty, but does that harken back to those who used the dye? I mean, is there something to do with magic there? And the drug rituals? I don't know. I don't know with these people. I think it's just purple became like, I don't know. I don't know how to look into that. We will have to look into that. Only two ended their reigns in the course of nature. Four were deposed and three met their deaths by violence. Only one range for more than five years. Several could only measure the duration of their royalty by months. Even the short period from 455 to 476 AD, which these nine reigns occupy, is not entirely filled by them. For there were frequent interregna, one lasting for a year and eight months. And the men were as feeble as their keenly life was short and precarious. With a single exception of Magyrian, 457 to 461, a brave and strong man, and one who, if fair play had been given him, would have assuredly done something to stay the ruin of the empire. All of these nine men, with whose names there is no need to burden the reader's memory, are fitly named by a German historian, these shadow emperors. 476 is traditionally known as the date Rome fell, although as I've just described, this is quite the misnomer. And from this point forward, the battles were largely between Goths inside the empire, versus Goths outside the empire. It was in this year that Gothic mercenaries, which included the famed Herroly, formerly demanded one-third of the lands of Italy for themselves. After being refused by the Roman Orestes, a man named Adovacar, said to the mercenaries, "Make me king, and I will obtain for you your desire." They did so, and with a gothic portion of Roman military forces joining his side, the campaign was, to quote Hodgkin's, of the shortest and most perfunctory kind, as Orestes and his bands of Romans were destroyed. It said, aptly, that during this period, while men like Adovacar weren't formerly kings of Italy, they were certainly kings in Italy. One extremely intriguing figure, who by all accounts, was also a great, just, and magnanimous ruler, was to unite Gothic realms under a single Roman banner. The Autorich, born 455 AD, and attaining power first over the Austrogoths in 471, then the Austrogothic Kingdom of Italy in 493, and then the Visigoths in 511, as patrician of the Roman Empire. Of direct Amali lineage, by many accounts the most prestigious ancestral line of the Goths, he fittingly seems to represent the heart and soul of his people, perhaps more than any other historical figure. Like so many Germanic children of noble lineage, he was taken hostage. Again, this term is used in the most friendly sense, to constant to noble in the Eastern Roman Empire, to be educated by the best teachers and generals. By all accounts, he was much loved and respected by all, the Emperor Leo, the first among them. As he reached adulthood, he "heard that his tribe, dwelling as we have said in a lyricum, was not altogether satisfied or content. So he chose rather to seek a living by his own exertions after the manner customary to his race, rather than enjoy the advantages of the Roman Empire and luxurious ease while his tribe lived apart." Essentially, he sought to rejoin his kinsmen and conquer Western Rome, and its half-Goth, and at least half-Treacherous, Odovagar, also called Odowacer. "After pondering these matters," he said to the Emperor, "though I lack nothing in serving your empire. Yet if your piety deem it worthy, be pleased to hear the desire of my heart. And when, as usual, he had been granted permission to speak freely," he said, "the Western country long ago governed by the rule of your ancestors and predecessors, and that city, which was the head and mistress of the world. Wherefore is it now shaken by the tyranny of the Torselingy and Woogie? Send me there with my race. Thus, if you but say the word, you may be freed from the burden of expense here, and if by the Lord's help I shall conquer, the fame of your piety shall be glorious there. For it is better that I, your servant, and your son, should rule that kingdom, receiving it as a gift from you if I conquer, than that one whom you do not recognize should oppress your senate with his tyrannical yoke, and a part of the republic with slavery. For if I prevail, I shall retain it as your grant and gift. If I am conquered, your piety will lose nothing. Nay, as I have said, it will save the expense I now entail." Although the Emperor was grieved that he should go, yet when he heard this he granted what Theodoric asked, or he was unwilling to cause him sorrow. He sent him forth and enriched by great gifts and commended to his charge the senate and the Roman people. Therefore Theodoric departed from the royal city and returned to his own people. "It looks like the artist made the composite of one head and just added it to every single body and gave one to belong here. It's like the same face." Company with the whole tribe of the Goths, who gave him their unanimous consent, he set out for "isperia," and immediately he set about restoring order across all Germanic lands and peoples to masterful effect. He promoted and arranged marriages to those with the greatest amount of a mauling royal lineage and united them under a single banner as he made war with all in his path. In 488, in that oldest of the Indo-European traditions, he led a wagon train mass migration of his gothic people towards a new future. "It will have been noticed that the Gothic army is not an army but a nation, and that the campaign is also a migration. The mother and sister of Theodoric are accompanying him. There is evidently a long train of noncombatants, old men, women, and children following the army in those two thousand gothic wagons. The character attributed to them by Horace, as he states, "The wagon holds the Scythian's wandering home still survives." The goth, a terrible enemy to those outside the pale of his kinship, is a home lover at heart, and even in war will not separate himself from his wife and children. This makes his impact slow, his campaign's unscientific. It prepares for him frequent defeats, such as that of the "Kendavian Mountains," which a celibate army would have avoided, but it makes his conquests when he does conquer, more enduring, while it explains those perpetual demands for land, for a settlement within the empire, almost on any terms, with which, as was before shown, the barbarian inroads so often close. "The difficulty for finding food for so great a multitude in the often desolated plains of Pannonia and Norcom must have been enormous, and was no doubt the reason for the slowness of the autorex progress. Very probably he divided his army into several portions, moving on parallel lines. Foragers would scour the country far and wide, stores of provisions would be accumulated in the great gothic wagons, which would be laboriously driven over the rough mountain passes. Then all the divisions of the army which had scattered in search of food would have to concentrate again when they came into the neighborhood of an enemy, whether a dovakar or one of the barbarian kings who sought to bar their progress. All these operations consumed much time, and hence it was that though the goths started their pilgrimage in 488, probably in the autumn of that year, they did not descend into the plains of Italy, even at its extreme northeastern corner, till July 489." Amazingly, along their way, as they formally requested permission to pass through the territory of the Gepidai, their leader Troutilla sent back an insulting reply, demanding that they fight if they wish to pass. But the astrogoths could not now retreat. Famine and pestilence lay behind them on their road. They must go forward, and with a reluctant heart, the autoreg gave the signal for battle. It seemed at first as if the battle would be lost, and if the name and fame of the astrogothic people would be swallowed up in the morasses of the Reedy Ayoka. Already the van of the army, floundering in the soft mud, and with only their wicker shields to oppose the deadly shower of Gepid arrows, were like to fall back in confusion. Then, Theodoric, having called for a cup of wine, and drunk to the fortunes of his people, and a few spirited words called his soldiers to follow his standard. The standard of a king who would carve the weight of victory. Perchance he may have discerned some part of the plane where the road went over solid ground, and if that were beset by foes, at any rate the Gepid was less terrible than the morass. So it was that he charged triumphantly through the hostile ranks, and being followed by his eager warriors achieved a signal victory. The Gepidai were soon wandering over the plane, a broken and dispirited force. Multitudes of them were slain before the descent of the night saved the remaining fugitives. And so large a number of the Gepid's store wagons fell into the hands of the Austrogoths, that throughout the host one voice rejoicing arose, that Trous still had been willing to fight. So had a little gothic blood, bought food more than they could ever have afforded money to purchase. Thus, through foes and famine, hardships of the winter and hardships of the summer, the nation army held on its way, and at length, as has been already said, in the month of August 489, the last of the wagons descended from the highlands, which are an outpost of the Julian Alps, and the Austrogoths weren't camped on the planes of Italy. Otto Vakar, who apparently had allowed them to accomplish the passage of the Alps, unmolested, stood ready to meet them on the banks of the Isonzo, and so the autorex army met the western Roman army of Otto Vakar at Perona. It's said he displayed an easy confidence, and his female relatives helped fasten his well-built, yet overly ornate armor. He quipped that while he'd hoped his conduct on the battlefield would prove to all who he was, but if that failed, the armor would certainly do the trick. The former would be the case, as both sides recount his heroism rallying his men to handily win the day after a serious struggle. Otto Vakar fled the Ravenna, and the autorex pitched his camp nearby. As Otto Vakar fell, and Verona, grouped to his men deserted to the autorex. Among these was a certain individual named Tufa, whom Theodoric, short on generals, appointed to a leading rule. He would pay dearly for this mistake, as Tufa subsequently gave up his entire army to Otto Vakar in the next engagement. Some of the men in his army were among the elite, the battle-tested chief members of the autorex inner circle who had been with him through all the trials from the start. Hodgkins tells us, quote, "These men were all basily murdered by Otto Vakar, a deed which Theodoric inwardly determined should never be forgiven," end quote. A promise that would certainly hold true. Otto Vakar began sending raiding parties out to harass his men regularly, and although defeat looked inevitable, Otto Vakar chose to fight on for three long years. Finally, with many of his men fleeing to Theodoric and famine taking its toll, Otto Vakar could hold out no longer. Terms were agreed to, but Theodoric wasn't done yet. After three years of constant raids and unnecessary death, he had a score to settle. At a feast, at which some say Otto Vakar had plotted to have his men kill Theodoric, after making a toast, it said Theodoric then drew his sword and struck Otto Vakar in the collarbone, clefting him nearly in two. Astonished at the power of his own blow, it said he remarked, "The poor wretch must have had no bones." Hodgkins gives us an additional account, quote, "Theodoric raised his sword to strike." "Where is God?" cried the defenseless but unterrified victim. "Thus didst thou to my friends," answered Theodoric, reminding him of the treacherous murder of his close friends given up by Tupa. Then, with a tremendous stroke of his broadsword, he clove his rival from the shoulder to the loin. The barbarian frenzy, which the Scandinavian minstrels called, the fury of the berserk, was in his heart. And with a savage laugh at his own two and petuous blow, he shouted as the corpse fell to the ground, "I think the weakling never had a bone in his body," end quote. He then chose to bury him outside the city, and a piece of ground next to a Jewish synagogue, according to the historian Bradley, quote, "deemed to be polluted by infidel worship," end quote. Now that Adovacar had been dealt with, and Rome was essentially united with Theodoric at its helm as the most powerful figure of his day, his subjects must have wondered what the next chapter might bring, especially after witnessing his harsh initial actions and cleaning house of all those who had supported Adovacar. Any fears, whether Roman or Gothic would soon be put to rest, quote, "once more we have to limit the truth of Milton saying that victories of peace are less renowned than those of war." Far more interesting, if only it could be told, than the records of all the battles which Theodoric ever won, would be the story of the peaceful achievements which followed, by which means the Gothic usurper succeeded in giving order and prosperity to the land so long the prey of lawlessness and oppression. By what arts he so won the hearts of his subjects, both Romans and Goths, that when he died he was mourned as no ruler had been for centuries past, our questions which history gives us very imperfect answers, end quote. We do know he immediately re-established the grain-dole to the citizenry, which the greed of previous rulers had stripped, immediately alleviating the threat of starvation for large swaths in the population. He wasn't the type of man eager to play despot or tyrant, in fact far from it, and he remains one of the clearest illustrations of just how much the Gothic people and culture were contrary to their framing in our age. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered jumbo It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Oh, take it easy Judy. The jumbo life is for everybody. So go to and play over a hundred casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary for your prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply so let's say for details. Very much a net positive influence on Rome. And in fact seem to salvage her in many senses from descending into chaos. Henry Bradley, summarizes it thusly. Quote, the Otterich's great anxiety, however, was to restore to Italy its long-lost material prosperity and plenty. Of course, when the country was firmly and justly ruled and the people had protection against violence and fraud, there was very soon a revival of agriculture and trade. The Otterich was eager to help on this revival by active means. He encouraged the opening of iron mines in Dalmatia and gold mines in the south of Italy. He assisted in the development of shipbuilding and fishing industries. He promoted the draining of the marshes at Terracina and Spoleto. He granted the reclaimed land free from taxes to those who had borne the cost of the undertaking. He spent large sums yearly in the repair of the highways and in the restoration of the old aqueducts and the building of new ones. The extortions of the custom house officers, which in the days of the empire, as Cassiadores says, foreign merchants had dreaded more than shipwreck, were now firmly put down and the import duties were assessed by a committee, among whose members were the bishop and several influential citizens of the seaport town. A uniform standard of weights and measures was introduced. The coinage, which had been debased, was restored to its proper value and the issuing of false money was severely punished. To root out the immense financial corruption he found himself facing, he engaged in the emergency measure of temporary price fixing and "inflicted severe punishment on all tradesmen who venture to charge higher rates." The exporting of corn from Italy was forbidden under heavy penalties and if a corn merchant was found "speculating for a rise" as it is called, that is to say buying up a large quantity of grain when it was cheap in order to sell it at a great profit when it became dearer, the king compelled him to sell out his stock immediately at cost price. Theodoric strove to promote the welfare of his subjects especially the poorer part of him and on the whole his philanthropic policy was wonderfully successful. In after times people looked back to the reign of Theodoric as to a period of almost fabulous plenty and prosperity. Thomas Hodgkin states quote, "The miserable historians of the time tell us far too little about the thirty years of peace which Italy enjoyed under the wise rule of Theodoric. Still we are told enough to enable us and some degree to understand both what he accomplished and how he accomplished it. And one thing that makes us accept the statements of these historians with unquestioning belief is that they have no motive for the praises which they so freely bestow on the Great Ostrogoth. They are not his countrymen nor his fellow religionists. Our chief authorities are Roman and Orthodox and bitterly condemn Theodoric for his persecution of the Catholics into which as we shall see he was provoked in the last two years of his reign. Still over the grave of this dead barbarian and heretic when they have nothing to gain by speaking well of him they cannot forbear to praise the noble impartiality and anxious care for the welfare of his people which for the space of one whole generation gave happiness to Italy." Theodoric even crafted acesink law code of his own. No offenses we can well believe were so hateful to the Gothic king's justice-loving soul as the taking of bribes by judges and the bringing of false accusations of crime. The first of these under Roman law had been punished by transportation to an island and confiscation of property. Theodoric who significantly makes it the subject of the very first paragraph of his edict decreed that the penalty should be death. In a quote. Hodgkin's goes on to list many of the heartfelt- "We wouldn't have a single politician or judge or left." Built accounts of the chief authorities of the day speaking glowingly about Theodoric's just rule in his excellent work Theodoric the Goth which I've again linked in the video description below and highly recommend. The Gothic people had now gained a settled homeland yet had to sacrifice some of their ancient freedoms and so doing as Theodoric attempted to strike the best balance between Roman and Gothic laws and customs. The Gothic people never sought to blend in with the Romans and in fact laws were passed against intermarriage to the extent that some historians speak of an apartheid-like system aimed at quote preserving their integrity and cultural authenticity. However it was at this stage that the Germans lost their ancient custom of periodic assembly meetings to make laws or decide on the policy of the state considering the military as an anti-gothic and they'd maintained the custom of carrying arms they could have rebelled easily at any moment but it seems both Goth and Roman respected Theodoric far too much for this to be a significant threat. It's said that the Roman clergy disliked the Goths yet even they couldn't help but admit the Goths obeyed the precepts of their religion better than their own countrymen and overall relations between the two peoples went smoothly. Theodoric did not as has sometimes been thought endeavor to unite the Goths and Romans into one nation. Perhaps he may have hoped that such a union would at some time be realized under his successors but in his own day he was content that the two peoples should live together in mutual friendship and respect each of them being charged with its own special function in the Commonwealth. The Goths were to undertake the defense of the country from attack, the maintenance of order and the execution of the law. The Romans were to labor for the development of art and science while in the cultivation of the soil both nations were to take part. So long as Theodoric lived this ideal seems to have been in a great degree realized. It is no wonder that Theodoric became a subject of many fabulous stories and that tradition represented his reign as being almost a kingdom of heaven upon earth. Even before the sixth century closed men told in Italy nearly the same story that was told in England respecting the days of Alfred how the great king had so made righteousness to prevail in his realm that gold pieces could be left exposed on the highway for a year and a day without being stolen. They say the same thing about Vlad the Impaler which is very interesting a golden goblet was by a fountain as a test and no one touched it. Many of his sayings were quoted as proverbs in the land and anecdotes were related to show how like Solomon in the matter of the two mothers and their infants Theodoric had displayed in the judgment seat his wonderful insight into human nature but it was not in Italy or amongst the Goths that his legendary fame reached its highest point. The whole Teutonic race regarded his glory as their own and his imagined deeds were the theme of popular songs in all the German lands a lover of peace and justice he never takes the sword safe unwillingly and at the call of duty but when he is once prevailed upon to fight there is none more fearless and more terrible than he. The reign of Theodoric is perhaps the finest example in all of history of what is called a beneficent despotism no freer system of government could under the circumstances have produced such wonderful results perhaps with a freer system Theodoric could not have established or maintained his kingdom at all and that's the thing that people have to understand when you have malignant forces you have people who are clamoring for power within the system they're not united as one cultural you know same minded force then you have to sometimes take a little bit more of an aggressive approach so that you can maintain the justice for your people who are in that that are in that territory and you know keep at bay those who would try to take it but the efficiency of the government just wait until we get into the next part with Theodoric tomorrow. Theodoric is going to blow your mind as far I'm sorry not Theodoric to Attila. To Attila is going to blow your mind it's going to be more of this noble, this noble spirit and it's going to be something to admire for sure. The government depended wholly on the wisdom and energy of one man and it might easily have been foreseen that grave troubles would arise when the scepter passed into weaker hands and quote as Bradley states quote the more Italy prospered under Theodoric's wise and kindly rule the more she became a tempting prize to the ambition of foreign kings end quote and it should be recognized that then just as well as today foreign powers often use money and the treachery it can so often purchase. And let me just use an example too I mean you schemers people who weasel their way into power and I think you know who I'm talking about the ones that gained control of the monetary system when you have or like when you're talking about Berlin and the depravity the decadence when when you see something like that and when that's happening and when you know they're they have power and they have you know the ability to manipulate and influence a great deal of powerful people what do you do you give everybody because they're gonna they're going to abuse a system of freedom and liberty and that's what happened to us right it was a perfect cultivated ground perfect atmosphere for them to manipulate and abuse a system of freedom to get to where we're at right now and we're about to fall like Rome. It's their foremost tool and this concept fittingly sets the stage for the third and final part of our three videos on the Goths and Germans in which we'll discuss the Jews and the serisms court intrigue and mysterious deaths Justinian and Theodora and the treacherous end of Gothic supremacy until then. And until then will be tomorrow. All right so everybody thank you so much for watching thank you for being here thank you for dealing with whatever weirdness happens here on the yeah let me show you this I'm gonna I gotta show you the the channels that I'm talking about here so here is this is it right here in the blue okay and that's the live now but tab but here's the videos I have up here so far I know I'm sure to see before I'm showing to you again and more will be added which nice about this is they have an import feature and so if you already have your videos if you're a content creator and you already have your videos somewhere else it's not a matter of you know uploading them from your computer and having to sit there and kind of babysit it and then add all the details and crap like that no it'll pull everything including the thumbnail most of the time actually I don't think I've had to add another thumbnail back I think they felt it's been taken and it imports it so if you have it somewhere else and you're worried about it being there tomorrow like I have to consider and you know have that concern with rumble you just put the import you you put the URL in for your video and then you hit share and then it starts to do its work with the encoder then you can delete that out of the share thing you keep on adding that it'll not too quickly you have to get Josh's permissions for these so once you get your site set up like once you have your login if you just want to be here as a viewer that's awesome but if you want to add content Josh you just have to notify him you can contact me to notify him or get into the telegram group where he is as well as Dr. Monzo Dr. Monzo is in our telegram group go ahead and send him a message and he'll grant you the permissions and then you can add content as well all right all right so over here we have that little greek intensive book if anybody's interested in it it's there I found a first edition of this book well somebody shared it and I think it's one of the last dreams so it's out there but the second edition is I have not been a little fine so I might actually grab that one oh let's see I'm not sure if there's a big difference either though be honest I wouldn't know until I had it both side by side so there's the ballbusters give us a go let me go ahead and throw up to get to go for me just to show you guys it's a good read and it's this one right here all right this was set up initially after my grandfather passed to get us to you know where to get and thank you correct thank you I appreciate that was you just did that today thank you so much to get us to New York so that we could visit family and pay respects and stuff like that so now it's finally happening and you know obviously I still have responsibilities here so any bit helps it's greatly appreciated and my daughter and I will have less stress and anxiety on us as we go see the family and unfortunately have to do oh I'm gonna want to see my grandfather's resting place but if you read this I think you'll get something out of it there it is right there and then there was a this update right here all right all right I don't want you want to look at it because it bothers me it makes me it makes me that go through it all over again and I want to not right now got a long day and then like I said if you're in the tell if you're in the patreon group I just dropped those resources in here so there's tacticus germania there's gedic of the history of the germanic people by Jordanis there's other books in here I put already put the oral Linda book in here let me see let's see where's it yeah that one doesn't matter that one is the same thing that's up here so it just for some reason lost contact with it but here is Bill Cooper is a mystery Babylon series transcribed there's Behold a Pale Horse there's transhumanism the history of dangerous idea that I read from a bunch of times and there's the oral Linda book all right and then I'll be adding more stuff for this as we go so there's lots of different perks inside the page inside the patreon for people who support the show we get that you get there's going to be an exclusive live stream weekly hopefully we'll get more people into the patreon so that you know you know the the effort being put in there will reach more people you know what I mean because I think a lot of times we go we cover a lot of information that's really important so the more the merrier right that way more people are aware of it so hopefully that'll happen there's 14 pay 32 total people in there already so come on in enjoy it you get the niche at the second tier so niche and Dan tomorrow is going to be when we record so it'll be up tomorrow on the disguise the limits patreon okay oh okay keeps saying okay like a weirdo that's it I think I think Share likes to cry subscribe all that crap that people say try to get into the FTJ media and make yourself a login it's really super simple and check out the links for the goodies that you can acquire including books creatine hot sauce all that good stuff in the description now all that helps out so that I may stay and do this for you and I will be taking my laptop with me how many shows I'll be able to crank out while I'm gone while I'm visiting family will be to be determined might actually end up happening earlier in the daytime because there's three hours ahead right so if I try to keep it at 8 a.m. there it would be like yeah it'd be like 5 a.m. Pacific but it's whatever if I can get if I can get it done then that way I'm not in the middle of the day where we're you know family is doing stuff because they haven't seen us in forever so we can't spend too much time doing things that aren't family related like I still here's a funny here's a funny story about my mom right wherever he has had tons and tons of not exactly cheap not exactly a top line exercise equipment right it's like QVC style like impulse buying like all the time there's always a box at the door right all growing up so she has all these like exercise coming some thinking to myself all good so I'll be able I won't have to break that uh you know routine when I get there so I was like mom you got something at the house and she's like no so when I wasn't able to walk very well for like a year before I had the hip replacement which I told her not to do um I tried to get the doctor gluten stuff to her but she's all right anyway um I got rid of it all I'm like I think of myself well you didn't use it before either so why did what was the what was the driving motivation to get rid of it it's like I wasn't using it then I'm not using it now same same situation oh man but yeah so that's the longer there so I don't know I might have to rent a vehicle so I can go in a 24 hour and do another uh off hours when the family isn't you know the family demands aren't there when fair is already asleep and grandma's watching maybe I can go out and hit the elliptical let's some gym or something like that it gets crossed but it's a such a small town like I had a graduating uh I'm sure it's bigger now but I had a graduating class I think of 68 people they're very smart so maybe there was like 80 but not everybody made it you know type of thing but uh yeah very small school yeah in the Hudson kind of soda and I lived on the Hudson when we had a restaurant so it's like a it's like a small rural area close to Saratoga Lake close to Saratoga race track which is also the Saratoga battlefield is actually closer to us than the lake I think probably but yeah that's that's kind of desolate so there isn't like a Walmart for unless you drive 25 to 30 minutes that that means your your town small right if you don't trip and fall into a Walmart and bang your head on the Starbucks then it's probably a small town right all right talk to you see tomorrow an official message from medicare a new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs maybe you can save too with medicare's extra help 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