Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Ammon and Gnostic Informant: What Text Came First?

Saturday July 6th, 2024 Livestream

We're going to go through this together to get the root of the Great Deception of the Saturn/Kronos/Satan Cult that is at the base of the Abrahamic Religions. The reason we're doin this is because the pseudo-religious leaders and the system that uses these programmed minds of the masses of followers are attempting to enslave the world once and for all. We need to be aware of these lies and see the true nature of the manipulators. If we keep on the path we're on, our families and mankind are doomed. We will be physically and spiritually destroyed.

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3h 28m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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Every day we rise, challenging ourselves to work for what we believe in. At US Border Patrol, protecting our borders is more than a job. It's a calling. Agents answer the call, working together to keep our country and communities safe. If you are ready for a new mission, join US Border Patrol and go beyond. Learn more at We are live. If you are a Patreon member of mine at Disguise the Limits, it's If you are a member of the Patreon, I dropped into the feed, the actual stream yard link. If you would like to either sit in the green room tonight and watch this, or if you'd like to participate and enter the room into the live stream and discuss the topic, that is all for you. So if you are-- there's a couple of people they just came in, so I just want to repeat what I just said. If you are in my Patreon as a member, the stream yard link to either sit in the green room itself here or to be an active participant in tonight's live stream, you can click that. That's for Patreon members, all right? Now I'm going to start Brady on here as well. Give me a second. I don't think I did it really dumb, bro. Why isn't it doing anything? Ah, there's no title. I'll have to explain it. OK, hold on a second. [HUMMING] You think you have everything done? OK, now let's try it. Boom. OK, so now we are live on Twitter. Hi, out there in Twitter land. Love you guys, thank you for showing up. I am on Rumble, and I'm on Brady on. Soon I'll be broadcasting live on as well. It's still in the beta stage, so it's in the works. But it's Josh from JoshUTV, who is putting that all together. So it's got another free speech platform. For those of you out there who have been trying to follow the show, if you're not on Twitter, on my disguise limits, it's called, isn't that without the vase? So it's disguise limits. That's about the only place that my videos have been staying up. The last two attempts to put up the Rumble videos from the 4th of July and the 5th were deleted by Rumble. So I thought it was the thumbnail. I added it back up with a different thumbnail, and they deleted those two again. And I'm not really sure how that was an offensive broadcast or whatever, but just know, Rumble, the sensors are up. And if I say that on here, it's destined to probably happen again. Now for those of you over on Bridion, if you're not catching the live stream as it's happening, same thing with Rumble now, but with Bridion, for some reason, they don't stick. It's just the software issue over there. They don't do the censorship like these other places do. When I talk to Mike, that's pretty direct access to the man on top there, right? So it's not that. It's just there's something that they did some update and some stuff. And now for some reason, sometimes the live streams don't stay there after they're finished. They do sometimes, sometimes they don't. So there's been a long time that there wasn't anything up there. So check the Rumble channel and then check Twitter person formos. But if you're on Patreon, all the, what do you call it? All the podcasts without commercials are on there. All right, and pretty soon I'm going to be restoring all these onto FTJ media. Everything like the whole Europa series that was lost is on Bridion. Bridion is the same thing, ballbusters. I keep it simple. All right, so here is Mr. Voodoo Ranger himself. Yes, it's a surprise stream. So this is going to be an interesting one, I think. It's going to be a little long. It's, again, we're going to jump back into the wild mind of Ammon Hillman and the Gnostic informant. They've been doing tag team videos for over a year or two now. And sometimes the information is really good. And sometimes they interject things that are completely ridiculous. And I make sure to let you know where I stand on this stuff ahead of time. Number one, I'm showing you this for the ancient Greek. I'm showing you this for the reasoning being that I have made these statements in the past. And now you have somebody who's like an ex philologist who's been doing this for 35 years, stating the same thing that I deduced and came to the conclusions of and wrote my book on. And it's validating and verifying that information. So if you're not already a possessor of feast craft beyond Babylon, I highly recommend getting a copy. Helps out the show, obviously. And you can get one signed if you want. Or you can just go to Barnes and Noble to get this size copy. It's the cheapest one. It's not in color. There's a few pictures in here. It's not a whole lot of pictures. It's not a coloring book or anything. But there are other options on Amazon. Amazon's bigger, and it's bigger print for people who have hard time seeing stuff. So that's where it's at, OK? And you get the Kindle version or whatever they call it. You can look on Barnes and Noble. And if you're out there in like-- if you're out of this country, there's Kobo as well, and I know Kobo is a little bit more popular than Kindle, I guess, in certain areas. But you can get the electronic copy as well. So there you go. So what we're talking about tonight is the Saturn cult and how I've made making these statements and did so in my book that the Abrahamic religions are making masks because the people on the tippity top don't believe in any of this stuff, but they are the leaders of these religions. And the connections between Jesuits and Judaism and all this other stuff, there's a lot that I discuss in that book. And that's all coming to-- I'm finding more and more people who either coming to that conclusion themselves or are getting there, but not quite there yet. And I've already been able to build upon even more verification of this. So there's a big problem here because these people are trying to-- so let's put it this way. I have a really good telegram group, right? And they have been sending me some really interesting pieces of information. And I might just pop one up here just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. All right, so what we have is kind of a very interesting thing because you're looking at what really happened. Why was Pasteur? Why was he so popular? Why did Beshamp, who had all the receipts that would have prevented us from going into the darkness of germ theory and subsequently then into this concept of vaccination? Now, that ties right back into the ancient poisonings with the venoms, all that. But more specifically, if I can get to it, there's a lot of stuff here. We have a very active group, so it's really cool. That's that telegram. It's Fall Busters Studios, if you want to join that. Let me see if I can get to it. There's a lot here. I wasn't exactly planning to do this, but I think it's a good idea. It gives you-- it gives you-- OK, so I think we're getting close. It gives you an idea of what type of movers and shakers actually move the world. And it goes beyond-- it defies the logic, right? Obviously, we could say that. And there's another piece of this, though, that I don't think people catch. And just how-- OK, so here it is. Lord Rothschild rose to call the attention of his Majesty's government to the urgent need for compulsory asterization of milk in as many parts of the United Kingdom as practicable and to move for papers. The noble lord said, "My lord, in spite of your lordship, well-known indulgence towards beginners, I imagine there are a few who do not feel considerable apprehension on the occasion of their Malden speech in this chamber. I feel this particularly because there are so many noble lords who are better qualified to speak on the motion in my name than I am. Nevertheless, I am fortified to a certain extent by the fact that the motion has the backing of a number of learned institutions such as the British Medical Association, the Society of Medical Officers, pick experts." See, the joint tuberculosis of a blot. So when you get into this, it goes-- and here's one of the quotes that Alex picked up. He says, "The number of casualties from this germ-- this is a quote from this germ far exceed the number of deaths. The number of casualties from this germ far exceed the number of deaths." He's like, "Huh? What? I can't stand the nonsensical way they speak." Right. Exactly. Same people every time. And that's the type of people who are behind this creation of this religion. And they didn't ever stop their ancient disgusting sick practices that you see throughout Roman Catholicism and priests and all that stuff and worldwide. And you have Islam saying that it's their right because it's in their Bible, that they're Quran, that they can do these things, the children, the yadda yadda, and the ages and all that stuff. This is all because the roots of this stuff are in this Saturn-Diannesian nonsense. And it gets more and more clear. The thing that they sold us with this idea that we were somehow different, we still feel that way. We're not the ones that are the problem. It's them utilizing that to manipulate us and to drive us off of a cliff with this red heifer stuff, the stuff that's going on in Gaza, this idea of fulfilling prophecy, which is something that they made up, but has all the Christian Zionists, which are actually rooted in Frankism, again, same people every time. This is all pushing toward a very deadly mass genocide of all people. You know how much they love the people who aren't dark-skinned, and all that, whom they look exactly alike, but somehow are different, right? This is really going to come to fruition. There's going to be another big health scare, and they're going to use that as their weapon to get people to do what they want. Again, the whole religious aspect is another huge tool of manipulation. You break that, and you break this lie of history when I talk about World War II, and you start to maybe not absorb this nonsense anymore and accept what they say at face value, because once you stop falling for the spell, falling for the deception, then you're free. Your mind is free, and you will never fall into-- and then you know, I'm not going to subject my children to poison, and then you'll protect them. And then you'll also understand how dangerous this world is, because the majority of people are not aware, and would refuse to believe what you're going to tell them if you try, but they won't believe what you know either. And that's a problem. And that's a problem that you're going to have to take measures for, precautions, preparing, and you're going to have to know, and you're going to have to want to have this desire and need to protect your family at all costs, because there's a lot more idiots out there than there are informed people. And you don't have to be a genius, but there's just such deep conditioning and programming going on in this world that you know you know you're not going to flip everything over in record time to solve the problem without any hardship, blowback, or deaths. And it's all at the hands of these people who do not believe in the faiths that they run, but they do believe in the true aspects, at least, of the power that comes from it and the power that they have derived from doing these mysteries, hence the name Mystery Babylon, hence the name Mystery Schools, hence the name, you know, or fake mysteries and all this other stuff, Dionysian mysteries, backing mysteries, all of those things, the ancient way of doing things involved lots of drugs, but that's not even the topic for tonight, really. It's more how do we prove that somebody co-opted a lot of things, spun a tail of fantasy, and roped in the majority of the world into three major religions, and those ones, regardless of what you think, what your pastor thinks, what, you know, people in the upper echelon of the church, but not quite informed think, and it's not what your vision of God is that matters to the people that are way up here. They're operating on a whole other level that you are not even aware of. You wouldn't even understand how they think. And the level of, or just say, the lack of compassion, mercy, whatever else you want to call that, empathy for other human beings, because they will utilize dead babies in their drug ritual practices, and that has been happening since, whoa, thousands of years. They haven't stopped that. It starts to explain why they are so seemingly like obsessed with this, and the perversions that we see being pushed on us and normalized, and we just got through June, right? So let's get into it. Let's get into it. I don't need to talk anymore. We'll get into this. I'm going to tell you this right now, though. Just like before, I'm not advocating that everything, let's put this way. The things that are good information that do not require you to accept or embrace this person, because I think what he's doing is completely nonsensical, too. He's talking about Saturn, Cronus, blah, blah, blah, and then Yahweh and all this other stuff. But then he goes on and says, hey, I'll say it, and in one of these videos that hopefully I can queue up at the right time, because it's like a long video. And I heard it today when I was saying elliptical, but I had no place to say, oh, OK, so that's when I happened right there in that time. And I wasn't-- my hands, right? He actually says that the Saturn cult is satanic, but he says Hail Satan, right? So what's up with that? Because he's telling you that this is the root of all the Abrahamic religions, which he's also cutting down and showing you that this is what they're doing, these all these evil, sick rites that they're doing, and their drug involved the rites, and their lots of sex, and lots of really bad sex with underage. And then there's the mutilation of the genitalia and all this other stuff, and the drinking of human body fluids and all that involved in these rituals. And he's appalled by that, but then says Hail Satan. So that's why I'm not into the guy. I'm into the information, right? And Gnostic informant is on here. He doesn't do a bad job this time. When you catch things like him talking about Ukraine and how they're the good guys in all this, that's insanity. Those guys are the old Bolsheviks. They're being run by the criminal international who's and it's ridiculous. But again, with the pasteurization and this whole germ theory that was put upon us in this allopathy that grew out of it, same deal, who's running the religions for real. And I can, in my book, show you the number of times that the Rothschilds bailed out the Roman Catholic Church with tons and tons of money. So why would they do that? They're Jews, right? Quote and quote. Yeah. All right, let's do this. I believe this is a good place to start. And the weirdness that goes on and if you-- I'll jump in every once in a while just because I'll be watching with you. Welcome back to Lady Babylon and what I predict will be the most feather-roughling show we've ever had tonight. So buckle up, satanic congregation. I thank you for coming. See what I mean? And the theatrics and the sound that he's having an orgasm the whole time he's talking is very odd. It's very off-putting. But this is the one with the Nazi conform. There's a lot of these videos where there's a lot of good information being shown to us that at least makes you think and gets you curious enough to do your own analysis and your own exploration and even learn the ancient Greek so that you could verify what he's saying, or I mean either tell you-- be able to tell whether it's truth or nonsense. Because right now, we're just taking it at face value because we don't know the ancient Greek, right? So we should change that. We should at least get to understand how to read these texts ourselves and see if we come up with the same conclusions. I thank you for coming. I want to make a couple of announcements before we begin. Thank you, Teddy Bass. I want to make a couple of announcements. I'm getting a lot of requests. And thank you for those. Loved our distinct privilege. I want to say a thank you to all of us fantastically. So wait for it when I'm done with my section. I'm going to call him in. Love it, love it. Everybody who's been involved, thank you. Thank you. So one thing he is, and maybe something I need to work on, is to constantly remind people that I appreciate them. And I do. I do. I just know that your time is valuable. And I know that maybe it's better to hear a lot, but I do appreciate everybody who watches. I do appreciate everybody who supports the show. I do thank you for sharing and liking and subscribing and all that stuff, absolutely. And I do thank you for all of your comments and all of your feedback. It's tremendous. I appreciate it. I love my Telegram group. I love my Instagram group. And I love my Patreon group. And I love everybody over on Twitter, right on everyone. But when I'm on, it's to get to the point, get to the topic, and get it done so that you can go on with your day. That's my courtesy to you. I promise you, because I know you're satanic congregation. I know what you're looking for. This is the dirty stuff you want. This is the stuff that will cause controversy. This is the edge. They called it the last wild frontier of classics. Who said that? The London Times. This is the edge. Are you ready tonight? Tonight, I am going to bring to you the big lie. Now, this is it. This is bigger than big. This is the one that changed history without it. The timeline degenerates. We fall back to that classical well. We wake up and we see. We see, indeed, the best thing to do is to serve the news. Tonight, I'm going to show you. I'm going to do something very-- That's a vague thing to say, too. Just throwing it out there. What music are you talking about? A diamond? And which diamond are you referring to? And what is the nature of that diamond or muse that year? You're serving. That sounds something that you just do blindly. Straight forward and simple. I know everybody has time constraints. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to value your time. And I'm going to say we are going to look at Isaiah 3. Isaiah 3, but we're going to look at it in the way that you've never looked at it before. We're going to look at it in the original language in which it was written. The original language in which it was written. Now, this is the argument that's being put forth here. And it's 100% agree on. This was Hellenistic era. Which is great. And you're going to see how the translation slope from higher tech to lower tech is downward plummet. You're going to see it. Oh God, what are we going to do? I'm going to show you those texts for the first time. Are you ready for this? And I want you to see how the big lie changed history. And you happen to be swimming in it right now. You're swimming in it. Is every on the throne? I forgot to tell us, get out now. We've got to get out. This ship has landed. We're going into the zone. But on tonight's mission, I want you to taste the big lie. Here we go. Are you ready? Get me up the first. This is who we're looking at. Haysaias. Oh, you say it so strangely. Haysaias. Oh, love it. This is Isaiah. Isaiah. And Isaiah is going to prophesy for us. He's going to tell us like prophets do. He's going to tell us about Yahoo. And about what Yahoo's going to do to these people who are dancing with their-- wait a minute, what? OK, hang on, we always go to cult sites, right? You didn't think I wouldn't bring you to a place that wasn't cult because I know what you love, baby. I know what you love. You love these dingy cult drug parties. Yeah, it's fantastic. Don't get me wrong. We hang out together. And I appreciate that. I appreciate that. Let's go to the next one. Bring that up. What am I doing? I'm showing you Isaiah 3. And I'm first going to show you in the native Greek. And we're going to look at technical terms. Look at this. Pay attention, says the Lord despot who rules Sabah. What if you could have a career where the opportunities are as fast as our nation, where it's not about mission statements, but a shared mission? At US Customs and Border Protection, we go beyond to protect more than borders, from ship to shore, air to ground, cities to local communities. CBP agents and officers are keeping people safe. Join US Customs and Border Protection and go beyond for something far greater than yourself. Learn more at This is the story of the one. As head of maintenance at a concert hall, he knows the show must always go on. That's why he works behind the scenes, ensuring every light is working, the HVAC is humming, and his facility shines. With Granger's supplies and solutions for every challenge he faces, plus 24/7 customer support, his venue never misses a beat. Call or Granger, for the ones who get it done. He's going to take away from those Judeans and from those Jerusalemites. Every strong man and every strong woman. He's going to take the strength of your bread and water. Okay, now that was the translation. Now applause, Chewy, we need some kind of applause. No, yeah, not really. What does pray tell? What does the Hebrew make of this? Because what you're looking at, what I'm going to show you, is the Hebrew translation of that Greek text. Now, that gets us into a little background. You can brainwash them with pictures now. That gets us into a little necessary background. - That was pretty funny. - There's a letter. And this letter is a forgery. But the letter states that the people who wrote the Septuagint, that was a group of rabbis, 72 of them. I've got 72 slides tonight, 72 of them. And then they got together. And by the power of Yahoo, they all came up with the same translation. Wonderful, just a beautiful, beautiful fairy tale. But that fairy tale was meant for a reason. What I'm going to show you now is the translation of that into Hebrew, which remember, this is the third century. Okay, third century. Hebrew's been dead, as dead as dead can get. I want to ask you before we begin this, before I show you the Hebrew. I want to ask you, give me the name of one Hebrew author outside of the Septuagint. In Greek, the TLG will tell you, we've got a good standard 4,000-ish. Okay, if you were to take all the names of all the authors that are quoted from the ancient texts that we've got, you've got thousands upon thousands. Give me the name of one Hebrew author outside, meaning wrote in Hebrew and obviously were. But these people who created the Septuagint were also Hellenistic hues, right? They were, well, I would just call them, followers of Yao Sabayot, more than anything. That's really what unifies them. 'Cause he even mentions in another video that, you know, gee, this sounds a lot more like a group of people with the same beliefs and it does erase and I was arguing that before. It's not a really, it's not a race. They want you to think that, 'cause whatever suits them at the time, either it's a religion or it's a race. What the hell is it? - Of the Old Testament, give me one name. Surely they have medical writers. Everybody's got medical writers, even the Egyptians. Even the Egyptians have medical right. And you say, oh, well, the Egyptians were hoo-ha-boo-ha. This is literature we're talking about, writing. This is evidence. We're not here for ideas, we're here for evidence. Yes, okay. So let's see what happens when you take that and now you're trying to forge, tonight's show is all about forgery and fraudulants. If you are fraudulent, you'll be found out. Tonight on The Big Lie. Oh, I love it. It sounds like a detective show or something. I love that, who is that? - Well, history does in its roots mean investigation. - Chewy, is that a saint, says a saint? Oh, it's Isaiah. There he is, thank you. He's got a nice desk, like that, nice job, Isaiah. Okay, let's keep going. Give me the next one, 'cause this is a Hebrew now that we're gonna jump to, go hit it. Oh, first the new international version. See now the Lord, the Lord Almighty is about to take from Jerusalem and Judah, both supply and support. All supplies of food and all supplies of water. Okay, terribly off from the Greek. What happened to the street? - So which one is it, is it? Ball, is it Yahweh? Who are we talking about here? They also have a very hard time seeming to keep continuity in the Bible when they talk about who's what and what's who and what they're constantly changing of, I don't know, it skits afrenia almost in the sense of how they act and react to things. Very human-like in nature, really. - Strong man and a strong woman, 'cause ladies, you're gonna love it, it's all full of women tonight. Remember, Yahweh loves child sacrifice and hates women, right? This is blatant, bold, misogyny, you know why? - Yeah, well, I mean, if you saw my history of girlfriends, you might not like them too much either, just say. - He hated them here in Isaiah because they were ruling their arcontests. Are you kidding? Their rulers, take them out. Yes, yes, that you have to remember. Now forget Yahweh, and I'm gonna show you the name Yahweh and why I say Yahweh, hit it, where's Isaiah? Get that, get the thing on here, who? (laughing) Oh, prophets, buttocks. That's what we have, a prophets, buttocks. - Oh, love it. Okay, go to the next one. What is that new international version based on? All the English is gonna be based on the Masoretic Hebrew fiction of the ninth and tenth centuries. Okay, so we say in ninth or 10th century is when the first quote-unquote ancient Hebrew Bible emerged, that's very interesting. - Okay, that's what it is. Remember the Dead Sea Scrolls? Everybody thanks the Dead Sea Scrolls? We're like, you know, Hebrew originals. Now, why do you think they found them with Greek? Because the Greek texts have been long established. Yes, it's the sad fact of one language dying when another comes in and totally takes it out. Yes, oh, it was a slaughter. My God, what Greek did? - He's not saying that the language itself predated Hebrew. He's saying that it was a dead dying language and that what you call it, the Hellenized Jews, the ones that Ptolemae, after, yeah, what you call it, Alexander the Great, the one who actually taught them to read and write and that they had a Greek education and then further generations, they all spoke in Greek because that was what they were taught with their first language and there's concepts in Greek that don't translate into a very small lexicon language. These concepts are huge and it takes Anglo-Saxon English, all that crap, paragraphs upon paragraphs to even describe what the hell logos is. - Did and to how many languages did Greek do it? Oh, God, people think Alexander the Great, spread Hellenism, I got news for you. He spread the language and the language consumed, consumed, it set the people on fire, right? Oh, love it, love the language, go to it, go to it. Yep, yep, here's the Hebrew now. Okay, here's the Hebrew, blow it up for me too. I'm gonna get my glasses. So here's that same verse, you know? Who's the Lord we're talking about here? Yahweh, see Yahweh there? That's Kudios, right? They love, people love to translate that. It's Yahweh, some of the things that you see, like they'll use one word in Greek to translate two different Hebrew words, right? So get ready for the vocabulary skill to drop through the floor. Are you ready? Yeah, so behold the Lord Yahweh, the Lord of hosts, takes that Sabahoth, right? Takes away from Jerusalem and from Jordan. What is this, the stock and the store? What happened to my dude and my dude at? What happened to him? They got rid of him, they got rid of him. That's interesting, let's keep going, see if this mystery will pull stuff together. Give me the Hebrew term. What is the Hebrew term we're concerned about? Mission, a support or staff. That has nothing to do with a person. Whoever was translating this from the Greek had to rely upon much more simpler expressions. Why? Because at the time, Greek was liturgical. I mean, Hebrew was liturgical. There's nothing they could do. There's Greek all over the walls of your synagogues, right? So this is a Hebrew problem. Not a cultural or historical problem. The Hebrew language was inadequate. It was inadequate. So I'm gonna show you technically on how a language that has less technical terminology and is functioning at a lower level can't bear the signal of that high tech. And we're gonna prove that tonight with a purple. Oh, I love it. Love this stuff. Okay, let's go. Thank you people for coming. Thank you, thank you, Gnostic. I will be there. Go to the next one. And look, this is verse two. What else is the, is Yahoo gonna take from everybody? Look at verse two. He's gonna take the giants and he's gonna take the strong and the person who is the war-trained and the die cast, he's gonna take one of the die cast. I'll tell you how on that phone. What else is he gonna take? He's gonna take the profit, the profit. Wait, what's a profit? Let's see. Then he's gonna take the stochastain and the old person, the elder, you could say. He's gonna take all that stuff away 'cause those are the resources of those communities. Now, let's see what the Hebrew text does with this. Let's see. I think I got a picture though, you chewy. Let's see what the Hebrew text does. Yeah, there we go. Oh, here we go. The mighty man and the man of war, right? So I just gotta warn you, the Greek here used a very specific adjective indicating a type of person who has been trained in the arts of war. The Hebrew has to use much more simpler man of war, right? Do you hear how the level of specificity drops? Yes, okay, keep going. They got the elder right. Wait, what else did they put there? I forgot to, oh, they say the judge and the prophet and the diviner and the elder, right? They got the elder in there. Let's see about the others. Let's bring me up with, let's see how close they hit. Roger that, let me see how close they got. Here's the man of war, right? That ish of war, right? Ish in Isha, right? Look at the simplicity of the expression. Hit me the next one. What is that in the Greek original? Yeah, it's specifically somebody trained in the arts of war. It is a technical station or post. Give me the next one. Oh, we got it, yeah, you can come back to that. Go ahead. Yeah. Boom, what is the war? Is it anything specific or is it just kind of just? Now, it's just battle of war, right? Makama. Okay, go to the next one, cool. All right, I'm feeling it. What is it? Decostes, what is that? That's a judge. So on the Hebrew side, they got the judge part. But I want you to look at this word, how much more specific we've got to go. Look, in Athens, just notice where we are. There's a linguist, notice where we are. In Athens, it means a juror. Okay, can it mean a judge? Yes, it's a juror. It's also this thing that was very popular in the ancient world, the Avenger. The Avenger, right? That's a servant of decay. That's pagan as it gets. The Avenger, right? Great, go to the next one. That's what our die cast is. What do we get on the Hebrew side? It really is coming from this verb, right? It's non-specifically judging or governing. Now, my problem is, the Greek already has a verb for one who sits in judgment as a governor. And I think that's what this is probably closest to. And they would have known that. If I know that, they would have known that antiquity. Yeah, their linguist are great, right? Classics is the first education. Yeah, love it. The museum comes from it. Okay, so we're going from the specific to the general when we go from the Greek to the Hebrew. Now, remember, the story is that it went from Hebrew to Greek. So as you're thinking about these translations, realize what the person who would be translating it into Greek would have to do to ramp up that technical expertise, right? You either can do a triple lot, so you can't. And Hebrew was not able to do the triple lots, okay? And it's not the only language. There's a ton in Italy, all those dialects that the Romans wiped out linguistically. Same thing, right? There are strong languages in there, weak languages. Yeah, yeah, love it. Now, yeah, here's your prophet, people. What else did he say he's going to take from him? Prophets, I just want you to notice, okay, this is one who speaks for God. That sounds pretty good. I want you to notice how many references there are to different classical works that use this Greek word prophet. Prophet, okay? Notice, blow it up. Notice that it's a herald, sure. Look at the very bottom. Look at the very bottom. Go to the next slide. What does it say? It says herbalist. You mean your prophet is an herbalist? I would have one objection, yes, but it's more in a medical sense. So I would say pharmacologist. Yeah, that's what I would put it. You mean your prophets were on dope? Yes, they were. Yes, they were. Love it. Go to the next one. Look at the three and four-year people, an expounder of the utterances of the mantis. You guys know the mantis and the mantic art. You know that, that's all through Apollo, right? You thought the word prophet was no, it's not Charlton Eston, right? No, it's not. That's a fantasy world, it's part of the big lie, right? We're peeling back that big lie tonight. Look at three and four, you know, possessor of arachular powers. Look at where they're going. They're going to the oracles. Look, it's used of epiminities. He was a cool guy who had tattoos all over himself. And he would carry this cult's hoof. And in it, he would put this white root that he would snort. (laughing) Yeah, yeah, they kept his skin. I turned it into a book. Why not? They're the next one. Let's go to the next one. Are people commenting? I'm gonna get people's comments in a minute. Chewie, if there's any good comments, throw them up there. Look, people, what is the prophet on the Hebrew side? Spokesman, speaker. Okay, but then you're using a Greek term to define your Hebrew term because you're sharing prophet, right? That's a great term. Yeah, so do you see the depth here? I asked you before, could you name me one Hebrew author from antiquity outside? And I'm not talking, I'm talking BC. Okay, outside of the Septuagint. Give me one, I don't know, a seventh century dude? You thought Isaiah was eight? Then certainly, if Isaiah is late iron age, what are we gonna have some kind of record? Are we gonna have some kind of written? No, you're not because the stuff doesn't exist. The oldest inscriptions of Hebrew, people question them as even being Hebrew, right? Yeah, it's not the history that you thought was there. It was the history that was amplified that you've been fed that you're living in. That you're breathing. Yes, okay, go, keep going. Let's give Isaiah another spanking. Let's go, people, love it while you can, while it's hot. Oh, which one? Okay, here we go. And what does this still have to stay on? This is something, a conjecture. I like that, I like that. Look where it says, that's Polybius they're talking about. And is he roughly contemporary? Yeah, he's in the same range when where our authors of the Septuagint are. So the person who really wrote the books of Moses in the third century, we're getting closer to their specific lingo. And this is one of the words, fantastic. What's he gonna do? He's gonna take away the people who can come up with the right plan, right? He's gonna take that away. It's a resource. I told you these are all resources that he's got there. It makes much more sense in the Greek than it does the terrible dumb down Hebrew translation. It's a shame, this is a beautiful text. Go to the next one. Here we go. What's the word for it? They're using for that. They're using this one. Ride Qasam. And what does that mean? Well, to practice divination. Are you kidding me? Okay. What does that mean? That's not a definition. It's not a definition. It's like a catch all. Okay. What car are you in? Well, I'm driving. Thanks. Yeah, yeah, it's very nonspecific. And that's the problem because remember Hebrew only has about 8,000 unique words. They miss basic words. Why don't we have them? Because it got slaughtered as a language. It was only the attempt to bring it back starting in the second century, right? The synagogues are still full of Greek, right? People realized, oh, we need some kind of original to take command of this text. Yeah. Yeah. Isn't that something? And so they wrote it. They created it. They were already doing it with the Dead Sea Scrolls. Right? They had the Greek originals there and they had the Hebrew copies of them. Okay. Watch this. Watch out the technical language. It shows that every time it's the technical language, hit me with the next one. Are you sure that far? Okay. Yeah, look at verse number three. Who else is Yahoo gonna remove from society? Look at the first word on the second line. Pentecon tachon. Pentecon tachon. What is that? It sounds important, right? Look at the length of that. People, I don't do this always, but just love the length of that first word on the second line. Can everybody see that? Love the look at that. How many? I'd like to measure that word. I'd like to measure it. I would. It might cause some frightening reactions. It's gorgeous, isn't it? Pentecon tachon. Oh, it even sounds, it sounds like, I don't know. I know, it makes me wanna, you know, promise me. See what I mean? Come on, bro. Music. Sorry, I got drawn in. And what else is Yahoo gonna take away? He's gonna take away the Pentecon tark. The what? He's gonna take away a specific position. What is that thing? Let's see, let's see. Chewie, give me the next slide. What is that? Looks like it's got the word five in it. No, give me the next one. So just to interrupt real quick, it wasn't just that they didn't have the ability to translate into this less than adequate language. It's that as they were doing it, they were making it their own and changing it for manipulative purposes. The entire tense and meaning of much of it, maybe all of it is completely altered through that translation. And that seems to work well in their favor. And also they have declared themselves the arbiters of these religions and utilizing their texts, calling it the original makes for a big difference in how the history is understood and where exactly. And when I read that passage in my book about how they wrote in Greek and thought in Greek and how, let me see if I can find it real quick. This is kind of important. I think I have a little tab in here somewhere. I'll get back to it if I can't find it right away. Yeah, I think it's right here, hold on. 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In 220 BC, the Jewish writer Hermitos, and this is something to remember too. Even though they have Greek sounding names, it doesn't mean that there are Greeks that were wrote this stuff. Recorded his opinion that Pythagoras, the first man in the Greek world to be called a philosopher had actually acquired all his wisdom from the Jews. Aristobulus, writing in the middle of the second century BC, added that Plato had borrowed his ideas from Moses, who by the way, didn't have a history. And no, Mosias was not the same thing as Moses. That's what they altered the history to make you believe because there was actual accounts of that guy who was Greek, who was, I think, born in Athens, and they're saying that that's Moses. And it's not. In the first century AD, Josephus claimed that the wisest of the Greeks, including Plato, Pythagoras, and the Stoics, had learned their conceptions of God from principles with which Moses supplied them. Off a lot of work for a person who didn't exist, let's see. According to the Jewish writer, you're, you're, you're, you pollen us. Okay, there we go. The pollen is, however, the Greeks even owed their knowledge of the alphabet to Moses. He had taught it first to the Jews, who, of course, who then taught it to the Phoenicians, who in turn, that's kind of a hard thing to do when you're illiterate. But hey, whatever, taught it to the Phoenicians, who in turn taught it to the Greeks. And it goes on, but you get the idea. I have this one. No, there we go. That's it. That's it. Look at this people commander. It's a commander of how many? Of 50, right? 50. Look where it's landing. It's landing in Xenophon. And he tells us this is somebody who serves under the tree Eirachos. This is the tree rock. Yeah. And what does he do? He's like an admiral. Yeah. He has to outfit a tri-frame. Yeah. Yeah. So this is a very specific, once again, Athenian word. Okay. Let's see what the Hebrew did with it. Let's see. Let's see. I'm willing to bet it's not nearly as specific. Blow it up. Yeah. Put it up there and blow it up. This is fantastic. Oh God. What's the jury say? Look, the captain of 50. So using number 50 and put the word for captain in there because you don't have this position, right? So do you see, for the Greek to be a translation of the Hebrew, the dude would have to be stoned. He would have to be like, oh God, how can I jazz this up? How can I, you know what I mean? So the captain of the 50, that's not real. That's not real inspiring, right? But it's blunt and to the point, it's blunt and to the point, it's the loss of technicality. And watch as you wash out the technicality, it becomes nonsense, the translation becomes nonsense. And by the way, you can do this with any chapter of the Septuagint. One of my biggest problems with reading the Bible was that even if it's, oh, it's old English, no, it just sometimes makes no sense whatsoever. - Right. Which led me to believe that it was more gematria and, you know, cryptic writing depicting something for the laymen or the non-initiated, but to the initiated would mean something completely different. And then you have the papalist who think the same thing, you know, that there's a mystic interpretation in reading of the Bible that has completely different meaning than what you see on the papers. But then you look back to it and say, how intricate could it be when it's written in such a dopey language when you're talking about the Hebrew version and not the Greek? - Well, through a dart, it was chapter and whatever you hit, try that. It's full of laughs, linguistic laughs. Oh, it's hilarious. It's hilariously bad. It's also sad. I feel like playing a violin or something. Give me the next one. Give me the next one. Yeah, there's the captain of the 50. We know, we saw that. Let's go on to the next. Okay. And there's our commander who's serving under the tree of rock. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Keep going. What else is he gonna take? He's gonna take away the sumbullon. Oh no, this is fantastic. Give me the definition that's coming up. What is a sumbullon? Watch this, people. This is gonna grow your brain. This is an advisor or counselor. Okay, public or private? Cool, that's cool. Look at all the sources around it and you're gonna notice Athenian fifth century. The majority, the first orders up there. The first comedians up there. Yeah. The first Virginians up there. And a bunch of others. Oh God. Oh God, look at it. As a title, it Athens, the Thezmothetai. Okay, the Thezmothites. They're the ones who appointed the sumbulloi. And this is what Yahoo is gonna take from you. Now, who is you? The audience of this. Our third century disenfranchised culturally, Jewish religious extremists, right? These are the guys in the caves. Coping documents, right? Brilliant move to do so. Because when you generate the big lie, you take a hold of the narrative. It gives you grounding and justification to do whatever you wanna do. And that usually involves the seizure and acquisition of some land, some resource. That's how that works. Yeah. Now, how can I say that? Because that's exactly what they do with the language. If you look at the language as a resource, right? That's what this is doing. It's trying to draw down. That's what the Hebrew is doing. It's trying to draw down that sophisticated Greek, but put it into a vessel that was incapable of carrying which too much, right, burst the pot. Okay, let's go. Hit me to the next one. Let's hit it. Oh yeah, here we go. This is the council fine to advise or to council, right? Okay, I think that's, you know, I think that's acceptable. Let's give him that one. Nice job, nice job, whoever did this, nice job. What about this one? What'd you guys do with the arithictona? Isn't that a good one? That's a big one too. Every in Greek you see the arkate sitting in there in the tech, right? Oh, that production is getting to me. It's from the arkate. So, how are we gonna define it, right? Stretch your mind, everybody. The chief artificer, artificer, excuse me, the master builder, the director of works. This is a guy who builds your bridges. It says in Greek, it's got Herodotus, it's got Aristotle. Look, where are we again? Vocabulary wise people, where are we again? We're hitting square every time at the fifth century, down to the third. We're hitting it square. This is the exact language that we would expect coming out of the third century. Exactly, an author, a contriver. And look at the final one, and Athens, by the way, this is the manager of the state theater and of the Dionysia Great Festival, right? He's gonna take those away from you. And you say, wait a minute, where am I culturally? Because unless I am mistaken, the people of Israel do not worship Bacchus. And that's who he's talking about. He goes on, the prophet Isaiah goes on to talk about those assemblies that we make, those parades that we make, and all the women are there, and you've got your girls out, and they're gossip or clothing, and we're all getting aroused. Why aren't they in Bacchus, right? That's Isaiah three. It's Bacchic writes, so you have to ask yourself, why, in a text, am I reading about Bacchic writes in Judea? All right, oh, isn't that something? That's a tell, is what that is, 'cause that all harkens back to Chronos, Saturn, cold. Something, remember, we are sitting in the third century BC, and we have been culturally disenfranchised, and a lot of us became traitors and embraced the Greek ways. Yeah, now they're doing what they're doing. Totally integrated, right? If you are an extremist, you understand the power of the Logos. That's what they used in antiquity, those histories, that material from the libraries. Now, that was the reality. So when somebody comes along and tries to fake a text and say, oh, this is the original, they're doing it for a very good reason, right? Legitimacy, when you need legitimacy and are willing to sacrifice everything for it, you fabricate. Now, it's an unfortunate reality of history. Don't think that the Christians didn't mount up that wave and ride it all the way in. Even though people like Afrikanis, Julius Afrikanis, were saying, this text is not written in Hebrew. You people are nuts. And origins are like, yeah, yeah, that's all he could do. He just shrugged. He shrugged it off, what do you want me to do, right? Let's ride this thing, it's too bad. It's too bad. Why do we care at satanic initiation? Because that's not the history. That's not the history. The history is this text is Greek originally. Yeah, yeah, and it's got some things in it. They're lovely, watch this, let's go. Let's go to the next one, let's convert everybody. Chewy, it's the lanes are full of, here's your skillful artisan. So I want you to notice, okay, we've got a term, equated with an artisan who's skillful. Let's just want you to notice that. You get a taste for where the culture is, right? Now, where did they get their word craftsman? Okay, so wait a minute, this is a name, it's actually a proper name, right? It's not based upon the action of a craftsman, has nothing to do with the history of the craftsman, it's a name. Maybe they were a family of craftsman. Okay, so you can see that the derivation of that word is kind of questionable, questionable with best. Save big this summer with great deals, all in the King Supers app. Get select varieties of power aid or body armor super drinks for 79 cents each, then get 16 ounce packs of organic strawberries for 249 each, all with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local Kroger today or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. 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You mean you gotta percentage of those words that... - You know what this also means? - Is that the Hellenized Jews who had the Greek education who utilized it to write this initially, compared to the ones who tried to rewrite it in Hebrew, all that time that had passed, they lost the concept of what that meant because they were far removed from the Greek culture and the education and the language itself. So that's why they didn't know because the Hellenized Jews did, because that's what they were brought up on. - Well, you know, we think we understand, but Jews are very vague term when it should just be considered like the Yauist cult. - Yeah, no, it's a bad. It's a bad place to be. So, you know, hey, languages just aren't born equal. That's the way it is. Some of them dominated and some of them didn't. Okay, let's go to the next one. Isn't it language beautiful, though? Okay, what else are we looking for? As Jehovah is gonna be taken out of the world. He's gonna be taken. That craftsman, he's gonna be taken that wise craftsman. And he's also gonna be taken the knowing Akro-Athen. What is an Akro-Athen? Next one, please. Next one, please. What is he gonna be taken? He's gonna be taken these away. Now, what is this? It's a person who hears. - Well, in the very beginning, didn't he say that this was like a tax man or someone who goes and gathers stuff that's gonna be taking all this away? And then it turned to Yahweh? So it went from an individual to a deity that was gonna take all this away. Are you ready? This is really native Greek. Right, really native Greek. Yeah, and when I say that, I just have to mention, by the way, there was a language discovered in northern Turkey that is descendant from the Greek of Hellenistic Greece. They still speak it. They don't have anything recorded of it, but they still speak it. And what's funny, as I've been telling you, modern Greek is nothing close. Okay, don't fool yourself. It's not. I worked with modern Greek students in classics, right? And they would be the first to tell you, it's a whole different ball game. Yeah, but this language they just discovered in northern Turkey, it is a sister language to the Hellenistic Greece, Greek, and they gave a couple of examples grammatically how it is and some uses of infinitives and whatnot. I thought that was nice, elegant. And the funny thing was in the article they said, and it's jowdly unrelated to modern Greek. Like there's no overlap whatsoever. I thought that was telling. I'm sorry modern Greek. I'm sorry is a language, I'm sorry, but that's what happens when you take a 14 year old and put her in a habit and put her into a prison where she's not allowed to bloom. That's what happens. Linguistically, that's what happens. Okay, let's get back on it. Speaking linguistically, next one, let's go. These people want their values where they said I was gonna ruffle some feathers. Look at this, what is the word for it? Whispering or charming, whispering or charming. What is that here? Isn't that really a whisper or a charmer? Go back to the last one, boom. Look people, look at the second line in A, a disciple and a pupil, right? A disciple or a pupil. And my goodness, look at Roman numeral number two, a reader. Are you kidding me? A reader. Okay, so this is one of the things they're going to be taking away. This is not something that the Hebrew was able to recognize. So the Hebrew used instead of whispering or a charming as a noun, okay? Not the same thing. Definitely not the same thing. Go to the next one. We're starting to degrade here. Now watch, it's gonna get worse. Look at, and I'll hurry up here 'cause I know. Oh, we've got 10 minutes. My people, my people what? The proctorase are taking everything from you. Proctorase are taking everything from you. Yes, and what's worse is the apiteuntase. These are the people who are ruling you, says Isaiah. No, what are, what's up, who are proctorase? Let's see, let's see. Yeah, who are proctorase, right? They're officials who execute judgment for debt, okay? Again, highly specific word. This is a societal position, a civic position, if you will, right? Somebody who's coming to collect the debt, right? Looks like taxes are also involved, okay? Give me the next one. We'll go back to that one. How does the Hebrew handle this? Okay, as for my people, their oppressors are children, wait, are we, is this the same line? Yes, it's the same line. And women rule over them. Wait a minute, that wasn't any of the Greek. What's happening here? There's gonna be no word for this position because there wasn't that position when Hebrew was around to be able to assimilate it. So they didn't have it. So what do you use? You use something general like oppressor. Oh, oppressor, well, okay. Where are you getting the children? Go back to the Greek verse. Where are they getting the children? You know, my people, those who control the retrieval of debts, they're gonna be all over you. And who are gonna rule over you? The opituntess, give me the next one, boom. Yeah, here we go, what is it to opitow? It's to demand something back, right? To get something to be returned, right? Okay, look at it in the passive. I think this is neat, to be demanded in payment, to be demanded in payment. Okay, so these are people who are the people, not only are they gonna come to collect their debts, right? You've got with them, but they are also gonna show up and be all mouthy. Yeah, yeah. Once again, like what am I ex-girlfriends? Oh my goodness, this is terrible news, right? Let's see, I still don't see the Hebrew was way off. What's the Hebrew? And it said, oh, these are the people. Okay, the mouthy are these people, women. How is the translator? Remember, now the story is in this letter of Aristace, the Yahoo blessed this event of translating from the Hebrew to the Greek. So for some reason, when they went from the Hebrew woman, now they got to an oppressor who comes and takes away your furniture while yelling at you. Okay, this is not a good translation. Not to be repetitive, but yeah, kind of like one of my exes. You cannot go from a lower level of tactical expertise linguistically to a higher, you can't do it. Yeah, you can only reach the equivalent or less. And if you don't have a highly technical way, I don't think you can reach the equivalent. You could totally reach less. In which you aren't going up that ladder, you only have 8,000 words, Hebrew. You had your guts beaten out of you by ancient Greek man that dominated the world. Don't worry, they even went over and gave it to those that dwelling Romans. Oh God, you know. There's one where he's like, he's talking about how they gave the language to the Romans. And he's like, here, you can use this to make letters. And they're like, letters? And you're like, oh God, these people. Marcus Aurelius read, he read Greek. He wrote in Greek and he was the Roman emperor. Why would he do that? Because number one, he was on drugs. And the drugs were making him smarter. And the Creek was a necessary component. It was, I can vouch for the short period of time that I went to raves and did ecstasy and the times that I've done in psilocybin, I believe it did make me smarter. The catalyst just made the whole reaction or maybe able to think in a different way. Smart and like intellect is subjective to whether or not the information that you're holding as true is even valid. You know what I mean? Like you can have a lot of empirical knowledge and books and marks, but if those books are written by the, what do you call it, the court historians, then all you're going to memorize and know is the shit that they tell you. That's why doctors have that fallacy too, is that they're being taught out of books that are written by the pharmaceutical companies. And it's all driven by the Rockefeller/Rothchild drug trust. So of course their education is based on that approach and they don't look at the natural, you know, working with natural order and how the body actually works and they don't even recognize the spiritual factor, spiritual component or any of that stuff. - Shouldn't take off or even nutrition. - Yeah. Oh God, a bunch of truckies, it's amazing history. I love it. But you know, hmm, hmm, nobody wants to see the dirty stuff. You do, my congregation. Okay, look, Gnostic is late, hurry up. All right, let's go. Look, verse 13. Yeah, okay, now look, I just wanted to show you something that's colloquial and that it's colloquial in Greek, not in Hebrew. So verse 13 says, "And now, the Kurios established a judgment." He brought a judgment upon the people. Okay, and it's using a verb, kathistemi, right? Which is based upon the concept of standing, but it's been augmented by the kath to become established, to ground, right? To ready something, yeah. And this is what the Hebrew do with that. Oh, it's terrible. This is a slaughter, turn away for those of you who have weak linguistic stomachs. Blow it up, blow it up, he stands up. Oh God, there's Yahoo. Now look at Yahoo. You can't tell that it's written that way. Could be Yahoo too. - Save big this summer with great deals. All in the King Supers app. Get select varieties of power aid or body armor super drinks for 79 cents each. Then get 16 ounce packs of organic strawberries for 249 each, all with your card and a digital coupon. Shop these deals at your local Kroger today or tap the screen now to download the King Supers app to save big today. King Supers, fresh for everyone. Prices and product availability subject to change, restrictions apply, see site for details. - Looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees, better rates, and gives back to the local community? 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They probably draft one, they were like, no way. That is way too transparently Greek, right? Love it. Law, ominous the man. I love that. Thank you, that was a good one. Don't put any of the bad ones up. No, all right, unless I'm going to hell. Let's get it. One more, keep going, down wherever we were from last time. Yeah, are we on the right? Okay. Yeah, the schema, he's going to take this away too. Oh, we got to go back up. We missed a couple here. Hang on people, I'm sorry, I apologize. I have messed up my order here. Okay, there we go. What was the translation of that passage? The translation is, the Lord stands up. No, it's a Greek idiom, establishing justice, right? Is to rule. Yeah, it's to bring that authority. It's to literally establish that authority. So there's no standing up. There's no actual standing up. Yeah, otherwise the Greeks wouldn't use that idiom, right? They could just say that, the Lord stood up, right? What you can see is the attempts of the rabbis to draw down the more sophisticated or complex Greek into the limited capacity Hebrew. Unfortunate, it's an unfortunate linguistic exercise. Let's go to that one. Good, look at this people, verse 17. And God, watch this. Yeah, yeah, God's going to do what? He's going to humiliate those daughters of Zion who rule. Wait, what? What? Who's ruling? Who are these women? I'm starting to like this a little bit better. And Caicurios apocalupse and the Lord. They may put Yahweh, they may not. It's whatever the particular circumstances were. Caicurios and Caicurios did what? He's going to do what? He's going to apocalipse. He's going to reveal. What's he going to reveal? He's going to reveal their schema. He's going to reveal the schema of these daughters of Zion who are ruling. And you say, what is this schema? What is he going to reveal of theirs? Now watch this, it gets dirty. It's the Hebrew that makes it dirty, not me. Go ahead. What is this schema in Greek? It's a form, it's a form of something, right? A shape, they have, look at B, it's an atom. Yeah, it's the appearance of something as opposed to the reality. The appearance of something, and then look down at B, it's the dress or equipment. Do you know what he's going to do? He's going to take away all that fine dress and equipment of those ruling women. Now let's see what the Hebrew, let's see what the Hebrew made of that. Do we get it through? The message come through, here we go. Are you ready? What? Therefore he will strike with a scab. Now I know that that first part of the Hebrew there, it's just the word and. I don't know where they're pulling the therefore, are there if you can even do that with wah? I don't know, yeah, but they, okay, wait. So, look, they used Adonai here. So they really don't know how to use that Greek word properly and they're cramming all of these gods into it. Okay, just wait, just wait, maybe they felt. And do you see how different that makes the entire tense and the whole entire meaning of the passage? Ah, we don't know what that is. Looks important. Let's do the word God in there. Yeah, that's sort of the Yahweh one time we'll use. Something else the other time we'll say Lord over here, it's just silly. Well, good because of Adonai, I don't know. But the Lord is going to strike with a scab, the crown of the head of the daughters of, oh, there he is. Yahoo, right. And what is he going to do? Look at the second line. He's going to uncover their secret parts, dirty. That's what is going on in the mind of that author, which never was what the other one said. See, again, they're sick and twisted way of thinking about stuff, brought it to that, brought it there. Because that's not from the Greek. My goodness, close your eyes, chewy. The Bible is dirty, it's dirty stuff. And first of all, why would he do that? Like seriously, right? The Greek makes sense. It says he's going to take away their kit, their dress, their jewels. He's going to take all of that away. It's nothing about their private parts is in there. Right now, if this is as they want you to believe, as it's like they extrapolated it out, like they didn't understand what, taken away their kit, what meant, and their identity, basically, the robbing them of their cultural identity by taking away the things that they use for ritual. And Zeith said, oh, if they take it off, yeah. And expose their private parts 'cause they're sick, twisted little perfs. Seminary's would have you believe, as religious training would have you believe, and whichever of the monotheist religions you want. - And then you, this is how it goes from there to people like the Rabbi is saying, we must, and this is our, this is our, you know, biblical right to do this and that. And when it's all based on a bullshit translation, so what are they going to do, strip people naked? What do they do when they capture people? They strip them naked, right? It's fucking, obviously that's degrading and demeaning and all that stuff, but it's just, it seems like, okay, so you mistranslated something, and then other people read it, and now you're doing these things because you think this is somehow, ritually and symbolically, you know, doing something that your religion taught you, which isn't even what it says. - That don't worship the gods like the rest of us, right? They're going to have, this is a background. They're telling you that the Hebrew is being trans, is being translated by the Greek, the Greek is the new copy, right? That's the original language. Now, somehow, obviously he's not saying that that's true. He's telling you what they are telling us. - If that says in Hebrew, but the private parts of these women who are ruling, and he's going to uncover that, the translator had to go from private parts to schema, which has nothing to do with private parts. So either it's a bad translation and Yahoo was bad, because remember, Yahoo blessed this thing, and it was magically turned out to be everybody wrote the same translation of these 72 guys, right? So either he's a bad translator, or more realistically, the language is just incapable of conveying the original Greek. It's just the way it is. Watch, it's going to get, watch these technical terms. I'm going to throw you. Give me the next one. - Yeah, and so what is your English translation for? So for every sitting in synagogue or church, sitting there and you're reading through, blah, blah, blah, therefore the Lord will smite with a scab on the crown of the head. That's not there. The daughters of Zion and you'd be like, well, that's an nasty thing to do, right? And the Lord will discover their secret parts. Look, it's even discover, as you can tell the King James, or whoever it was that translated this, it was a little bit uncomfortable with the whole private parts business, right? Where is the chorus? Where is the chorus of my sisters of frustration? Where are you? I can't hear you. I need to hear your shouts of ecstasy whenever we come across. It gets my goat that we don't hear your shouts of ecstasy. 'Cause that's what we're, whoops, here I am. That's hello, Penelope. You got my goat. Everybody say hi to Penelope. I don't care if you dislike this portion of the show. I want you to focus on that cross. I want you to look at that cross. I want you to see it. I want you to see what it's covering. That cross covers a whole multitude of Penelope's sin. Okay, enough. Thank you, Penelope. Good night. All right, it's wonderful to have her. Give me the, we can't be that far up, are we? Nausic is gonna fall asleep. Keep going, give me the next couple, give me, okay. Look, I wanted you to see this. I'm gonna cut short the rest of it. I'm just gonna show you. With this passage, for example, this verse 18, so this is Isaiah 3, 18. Yeah, and that day, it says, the Lord is going to take away the glory of the hematismu. And long story short, that is the way that one dresses, right? And what else is he gonna take away to cosmos? You refer to the cosmos as the woman's makeup kit. Yeah, yeah, so it can include jewelry. It's not just the drugs that they're putting on their faces. Right, skin drugs, all sorts of drugs all over the place. Right, including those drugs that control reproduction. Right, even those. You put those in there, right? This is, you know, this is your life's pharmacy kit. That's the cosmos. It's that order, that order. And so this is what he's gonna fight against. He's gonna take away your hairdo's. Right, he's gonna take away your hair nets. And long story short, none of these terms are captured. Give me the next one, we have a, it's terrible. The translation gets terrible. And I just wanna jump, oh, these are all Athenian too. I want you to realize these are all Athenian terms. Again, placing the language squarely fifth, fourth, third centuries. Good, good, good, give me that. I'm gonna fly. Watch this, these are just things that are there that it's hard for us to be able to capture. And they have to do with this little, here, I'm gonna jump ahead to, is it this one? Look at this, did I totally overdo it or what? What else is, what else is the Lord? Here's the punchline, people. What else is the Lord going to take away? He's gonna take away the pettyporphura. The pettyporphura? Yeah, and what else is the Lord gonna take away? The Lord's gonna take away Ta mezzo porphura. Are you kidding? These are terms, everybody saw, this is the first term that comes up in the library, the end of that word pettyporphura. That's the first word of the great Herculaneum library for the future historians. The great Herculaneum library, the very first word that comes out is that purple. And we've got it here in the tax, now that we're gonna tax up mouse on the front of it, mezzo, the mezzo porphura. And tell me, what does the Hebrew translate those as? Blow it up, what does the Hebrew translate those as? The rings and the jewels with the word nose, it's tagged on it. Wait, the rings and the nose jewels? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Do you see what happened there? They just, that's a guess, bro. Whoever made that translation was downright guessing. Now here's the problem. The Greek actually matches with the whole context because he's attacking these women, right? Who are priestesses? And he's attacking their validity and he's gonna take away all of their wardrobe. Yeah, yeah, uh huh, nice, gorgeous. And that purple is part of it. You know what those purple words are? They're different terms for using that gorgeous material, stained with the purple. Oh God, he's gonna take that away. But no, the Hebrew comes along and says no, you must be rings and nose jewels 'cause everybody knows. You need the rings and the nose jewels. Yeah, why did they do that? That's, I'll never know. That'll be, that's a mystery of our history. Right there, right there, mm. They didn't want the purple, they wanted jewels. Okay, okay. So you can see people that the story, the narrative of this being translated into Greek from the Hebrew is completely made up. You would have to be completely stoned and just inventing things to make, I don't know, the story better. Wow, wow. Okay, let's go, I'm gonna pull one out. This is the last one, Neil, and I'm coming. I'm coming, are you ready for this? This is, boom, I was gonna take you all through the purple, but instead I'm gonna end with this one. No, this is more the same. This is now darn it. There we are, here, take down the initiating people. I love this. Oh, I get so excited about the burst. Are you ready? Look at the verse 22. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Oh, isn't it, isn't it gorgeous? Isn't it gorgeous? (speaking in foreign language) You see that word before the end of the verse, capital lambda on the front of it. Those of you who recognize the Greek now, we'll see that that's the conian. Wait, what does it say? It says that Kurios is gonna take from you. Those things, remember we're talking about their wardrobe? Those things that you put on, it's your home and your privacy. And what are those things? Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. One of them is a laconian see-through. A diaphanous laconian nightgown. And that's what Kurios is gonna take from you. Now, wait a minute, you mean in the Bible, it refers to the Spartans? Yeah, it does. Because remember, this is being written in the third century, right? Uh-oh, that was a mistake. How are you gonna pull it out of third century BC now? There's nothing novel about the laconians then. Yeah, oh, wow. Wow, why is Isaiah, who supposedly is way back? Why is centuries earlier? Why is he writing about the laconians? That's interesting. Let's see what the Hebrew does with it. 'Cause now this is a problem. It's a problem. It's not only a linguistic problem 'cause you can't represent that in Hebrew. But it looks bad culturally. A lot of the changes that are made from the original Greek in the Septuagint to the Hebrew have to do with control of content. That's what people always want when they rewrite. They want control of content. And you guys know how it works, where we worship the muse. Nobody controls content. You don't make your soup here. This is a pure stream. You're all gone. Yeah, oh God, love that. What does the Hebrew do with the laconian? Let's just show this 'cause I know Neil's gonna love this. Open it up, open it up. Okay, what? The Festal apparel and the mantles and the outer garments and the purses. Wait, what were we looking for, Chewie? There was something big there. There was laconians. There's Spartans. Where are the Spartans going? How about the Spartans? They cut out the Spartans. Okay, now what they would have you believe is that you don't have Spartans, but the translation does because God is perfect. Yeah, yeah. I don't know, looks like God could have gotten better linguists to be honest. (laughing) That's terrible, that's terrible. You guys blow it. Those I'm talking, you know what I'm talking to? I'm talking to the goop. The hell does it use? Or the people who tried to write it after the word and that backdated it? Yeah, both of them. Who falls? Who started to came up with the idea of writing this fake letter of Aristace and saying, "Look, this great person asked the king "and the king was like, 'Yes, I need a translation.'" Yes, no, they didn't care. No, the person talking about the Septuagint obviously, the 72 identical copies, right? So they came up with that load, the load of the history of Septuagint, because what that did was that load compelled Christianity forward. It established a legitimacy that was strong enough to dissolve classical wisdom. Yeah, it's like some kind of acid, ate right through it. Yeah, what you're watching is the monad take out everybody else, 'cause that's what it does. That's what monotheism does. It doesn't matter what color or taste or variety it is, monotheism kills classical civilization. The civilization that brought you democracy and the scientific method, that civilization, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and that stuff they worshiped around Akhenaten, that stuff kills classical wisdom. Yes, it does. It does. So when the library start getting burned, that's when you know your temperature is too high. So if God gave you the ability to reason and think, and well, I guess not everybody, critical thinking, thinking in general, how to think, how to spot a lie. If God gave you all those abilities, why would he tell you not to use them? Why have them at all? Why not just be animals that stand upright, right? So why would you replace reason, analysis, and your ability to analyze what you're being told with just blind faith, right? Because wouldn't that also lead you to be misguided away from God if someone else jumped in front and said, hey, no, this is what God wants? Oh, wait, that's what happened. - And your proportion of radicals is way too high, right? Every 150 years, just to bring in just the present for a second, every 150 years says, Tom, someone is going to try to pull down the government, the established government. Yeah, yeah, and who is it, typically? I had somebody ask me as we can't you combine Christianity to include everyone. Can't you combine Christianity and the Abrahamic faiths? Can't you combine those to welcome them? Julian, who we now call Julian the apostate, Julian, the last pagan emperor, said, they're going to do it again. They're going to burn us down, just like they did in the first, yeah, just like they did. It's the mission of monotheism to dominate and destroy. It's the mission. How's it coming? The watchers are watching. By the way, did you see we had giants and we didn't have Nephilim flying around, right? No, those are just prominent people. Thank you for coming tonight. I'm going to now give you an added bonus. - Don't you dare go anywhere. - I am going to hand over the stage to Gnostic informant and before Gnostic informant. - New looks like a Neanderthal and sometimes he speaks like one too, but this one isn't bad. - Start speaking. I just want to let you know that his source work has been absolutely dazzling. Yeah. - On occasion, I've caught him like validating climate bullshit. Like it's a real thing. And a lot of his own topic views about wars and the people who are the good and the bad are way, way naive. And both of them talk about Nazis and how they're awful evil people because they bite the bullshit really. So the same time that they're talking about these people who lied, the most terrible lie about religion and enslaved the entire world with this mindset, somehow they're telling the truth about World War II. When you can just, there's the information is there. Obviously not on rumbling more 'cause they deleted all of it that I put up, but you know, and I'm sure they scrubbed a lot of other people. There's a big purge going on right now and who knows what that means. I have no strikes, but I had over 14 videos deleted in the last week and a half. I told them, I told them, Neil, I told them that you purchased and are using all of the lobes and who are eating up, you're trying to consume like some kind of artificial intelligence or something. You're just like trying to consume everything. So you have a great, you have a great offering right now and it's about some stuff that I don't know and I'm gonna have to listen to your authority, okay? Ooh, ooh, the fake expert. No, I'm just saying, I'm not cutting anybody down, but that mindset that I need to appeal to authority or to suggest that someone is. No, you want to take in what people have to say and then put it to the test. That's what you wanna do with everything that you hear. You don't wanna just say, well, I don't know this, so I'll have to bow to what you say because I am convinced that somehow you're an arbiter of this information or that you're coming from a position of definitely not being misled. Definitely not, you know what I mean? It's like, how do you do that? We went through this whole thing with Dwayne before from Bulletproof Pub by the rise of the expert. Like this was a whole dewy, brandized thing. - Yeah, man, thanks for having me out. - Go for it. - Thanks for having me on, dude. That was some interesting stuff that I've just now hearing about the linguistics side to this 'cause I don't have no literary-- - I'm gonna tell you who it is. - era of his selves right here. - Writing to nobody. So you would expect people citing these texts, you would expect there to be like a chain of reactions to these texts, people talking back and forth, something, anything. Well, we don't get that. So let me just say this. I wanna start with-- That's another of the Neil's things that he says a little bit too often. Now, let me just say this. And by the way, he has an awful-- People think that I interrupt because I don't catch people's cues because they pause sometimes. So then I'm ready to say what I'm gonna say before I forget it because I have a terrible memory like that. He consistently irritates me by talking over people and doesn't stop when they're talking. He just tries to keep going over the top of them. And that's a bad habit. - What are other people saying about the origins of Israel? And the last time I was here, we ended up on, we were talking about Tacitus' story about the history of the Hebrews. And it's a story that's only in a couple of sources. I think Plutarch talks about it, Manetho, and then Hecateus Vabdera. His story seems to line up with this story. It's an alternate account. And I looked into some of this stuff and see, does this hold any water? So let's, I'm gonna pull up a source from Loeb. I love this website too. This is amazing stuff. Let me see it. Let me make sure this is big enough for everybody. How's that? There we go. Actually, let me back that up one. There we go. All right, so. - Is that big enough for everybody? - Yeah. (laughing) Tacitus is telling this story in the early second century about who are these Jews? We don't really know what's about them. This is, you know, they're kind of, they're kind of. - I don't know if they were actually distinguished as Jews at that point, were they? But I'd give it to you means the yowists. - Late on the scene, as far as. - The Saturn cult pretending that it's not. The canonites pretending that they're not. - Ancient civilizations go as far as the Egyptians, the Greeks, Punex, Phoenicians, Carthaginians. We all know those people, they're in every text. We could find hundreds of people mentioning Carthage, people mentioning Phoenicians, people mentioning the Egyptians, people mentioning the Ioniians, people mentioning the Velaskians, people mentioning the Scythians. - And by the way, the reason why they have such a big issue with Rome, is that Rome did not tolerate the things that they were doing to children, not one bit. And that's why they're demonized enough a lot. And they're, you know, oh, they would say that because they would always write blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, whatever, what's funny is that a lot of times when you hear about these things being sacked and burned and all the information being burned, it wasn't the Rome and specifically that were calling for that. It was the, you know, who's living in Rome that were influencing Roman decision that was getting rid of evidence, if you will, of a whole different history. - They're all over the place in these sources. But nobody ever mentions the Jews until, and well, okay, there's a couple of rocks that people have found that mention certain kings like Omri, very, very little bit, like little city-state, so the evidence is something there's a little city-state kingdom going on in Jerusalem and in Jezreel. Oh, then that, no one's writing about these people. So what's going on? - Insignificant tribes of bandits, virgins, and thieves. When I say bandits and thieves are pretty much the same thing, but also pirates and the type of pirates who still children. - I'm here. So let's read this story. And I'm just gonna go, I got a lot of things that I wanna go through, but it's all gonna come back to what Omri was saying. All right, so he says, at the beginning of the same year, Titus Caesar, who had selected by his father to complete the subjugation of Judea, he's basically saying like, we just subjugated this place, Judea. Let's go through the history. So he says, this is what he says. It is said that the Jews were originally exiles from the island of Crete, who settled in the farthest parts of Libya at the time when Saturn. - Originally exiled from Crete, would that make them Greek speaking? Have been deposed and expelled by Joe. An argument for this is derived in the name, there is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida, hence the inhabitants were called Ida, which is lengthened in the barbarous form, Eudiah. - All right. - You're getting it, Judeaian, right? Eudiah, Idiah. - Some hold at the reign of Isis is superfluous to the population of Egypt. - Isn't that how to pronounce superfluous? The leadership of hero Schlemis, which is in Greek means holy-minded. It's a- - It's hieracellimus. - A name in Greek, it's interesting. You never hear about that. Like what does Jerusalem mean? Well, here's one out of mythology given by Tastis. It's a named after a king named here Schlemis. And Eudiah discharges itself on the neighboring lands and many others, you gotta think, where is he getting this from? What do you make? Is this something someone would just make up? Just keep that in the back of your mind. All right, still others report that they were Assyrian refugees, landless people who first got control of a part of Egypt. - Sounds like a little bit of bull, what's going on? - Possibly maybe a little bit of both. Maybe the- - So when I read this, my, I'm thinking the evidence shows the Philistines, there's evidence that the Philistines didn't- - When Babylon was conquered, they were conquered once by the Assyrians. The Chaldeans had a little run. There was a lot of change over in that area. - Come from Crete. And this, the Assyrian refugees thing sort of matches up with these people coming together in this area called Canaan. So I'm gonna keep continuing with this part. This is where it gets crazy. Most authors agree that once during a plague in Egypt, which caused bodily disfigurement, King Bocarus approached the Oracle of Ammon, I'm gonna get to who this is in a minute, just give me a second. King Bocarus approached the Oracle of Ammon. Ask him- - Funny enough, right? His name's Ammon. - For a remedy, whereupon he was told, wait, am I still on the same page? Okay, good. Ask for a remedy where he was told to purge his kingdom and transport this race into other lands, since it was hateful to the gods. So the Hebrews were searched out and gathered together, then being abandoned in the desert while all others lay idle and weeping, one only of the exiles, Moses, by name, warned them not to hope for help from the gods or men, for they were deserted by both. But the trust to themselves regarding as a guide sent from heaven, the one whose assistance should first give them escape from their present distress. So he's basically saying, he's basically saying, whatever sign we get from heaven, that's gonna be our God. That's what we're gonna look for, a sign from heaven to find a new God, 'cause the Egyptian Ammon does not like us. They agreed, and they set out on their journey in utter ignorance, but trusting to chance, nothing caused them so much distress as scarcity of water. And in fact, they had already fallen exhausted over the plain nigh unto death when a herd of wild asses moved from their passage to a rock that was shaded by a grove of trees. Moses followed them and conjecturing the truth from the grassy ground, discovered abundant streams of water. This relieved them, and they marched six days continuously on the seventh seized a country, expelling the former inhabitants, and there they founded a temple, dedicated to temple. So, to establish his influence over his people, Moses introduced a new religious practices quite opposed to those of all other religions. The Jews regard as profane, all that we hold sacred, and the other hand, they permit all that we abhor. They dedicated in a shrine. - Including messing around with children. - A statue of that creature whose guidance enabled them to put an end to their waterings and thirst. A statue of a donkey. - See, they are a bunch of jackasses. - Acrophysing a ram in derision of Amon. They likewise abstain from the ox because the Egyptians were, all right. That's a little story he gives. There's more on this too, but I'm not gonna keep going. I just wanted to show that part. He gives this alternate origin story that doesn't, it sounds like an exodus a little bit. You got Moses, he got the monitoring in the desert, but there's a lot of different things happening here, and we have a name of the Pharaoh now. We didn't get the name of the Pharaoh in the Bible. They never say, people say Ramses, doesn't say Ramses ever. There's no name, it just says Pharaoh. So, in this text, we actually get a name. So, if we look at who is bakaris? Here is bakun rhinoph, also known in Greek as bakaris. He's from the 24th dynasty. All right, well, how do we know that? I'm just, I mean, we can just trust Wikipedia, but I wanna show you how we know that. So, I'm gonna go to... - Yeah, trusting Wikipedia. That would not be a wise thing. - Alien, I don't know, let's go to Mayetho. Mayetho mentions this bakaris, the 24th dynasty, reign for 44 years, and in his reign, a lamb spoke. What? Turns out that this was like some sort of event that happened where a lamb told the Egyptians that they would be conquered by the Assyrians. And then it's, okay, has anyone else corroborate this evidence? Alien talks about this too. It's another Roman writer who's writing in Greek, as you can see. The Egyptians assert that they are far from convincing me. They assert that, I say, in the days of the far-famed bakaris, a lamb was born with eight feet and two tails, and that it spoke. They said that the lamb had two heads and four horns. What? So, wait a minute. Well, now we're looking at, where does all this, all these prophecies of all these animals with multiple heads and horns, giving, telling the people they're gonna be sacked and taken over by the Babylonians and Assyrians? Well, here's another source for that. But here's the problem with this. King bakaris, as I've shown you, King bakaris, is this is only in the eighth century BC? This is not Bronze Age 18th dynasty that we're talking about. This is, we're almost in the classical period. I mean, we're getting towards the Persian period now. We're getting towards the Greek Hellenistic period. So, this is who this king is. All right, let's continue. Let's see what else we got. So, I wanna go to Herodotus real quick. I wanna talk about the alphabet for a second. Herodotus says that, this is the, this one. The Phoenicians, so okay, Herodotus. Herodotus mentions in his Persian wars that the alphabet comes from the Phoenicians, but he says something interesting about that. I don't think I even have the source here. It's in the wrong page. I could look it up. The alphabet. Here it is. He says, the Phoenicians who came with Cadmus, by the way, Cadmus was the king of thieves. He is a Phoenician by descent, but he's living up in thieves in Greece. And it says at their settlement in this country, among many others of learning, brought into hell as the alphabet, which had hitherto been unknown, as I think, to the Greeks. And presently, as the time went on, the sound and the form of the letters changed. At this time, the Greeks that dwelt round them from most parts were Ionians, all right, who have been taught the letters by the Phoenicians and use them with some few changes in form. This is, I'll show you some crazy shit right here, ready? Thus, the Ionians have, from ancient times, called papyrus sheet skins, but formally, lack papyrus, they use the skins of sheep goats. Oh, let me see. Where's the part that? Oh, here it is. I, myself, have seen cadmian characters in the temple of Ispian Apollo. So he's saying that the oldest alphabet that ever existed is up in the temple of Apollo in Boisia, which is near Athens, graven on a certain tripods and for the most part, like the Ionian characters, that's really strange. Now this, because the idea of Phoenicians making an alphabet and then giving it to the Greeks, it's a little more, it's not as black in the way as people think it is. There's something, there's more going on here and Herodotus kind of gives a little clue on this. So let's look at this, right? I wanna show, I wanna show you guys something. This is gonna be cool, I promise. I'm gonna share a different screen for a second. This right here, here we go. What I'm about to show you is called, it is called the, this spillot tablet. You see this? This is a ancient tablet, it's a mystery right now. They was discovered like 30 years ago in Macedonia, which is where the Palaskians used to live. Thrace, Macedonia, Thasily, that's Palaskian, and also in Turkey, where Troy is, modern-aid Turkey. That's where the Palaskians are from, that whole region, that's all the Palaskians. So right in the heart of the Palaskian land is this thing that they discovered. It's like, what the fuck, what is this? Now if you look, that looks like an eta, that looks like a dollard down there. Looks like you got, now this one blew my mind, 'cause this looks like it could be either a digammo, which is an ancient form of a W sound, but it also looks like an omega, which is though, and it looks like you could see like, all I'm saying is looking at these characters, you can almost imagine an older descendant of what becomes both the Greek and Phoenician alphabets. All right, let's continue on this. How much evidence do I have, right? What do we got here? So I'm gonna share my screen again, and this time I'm gonna share, well, I'll just go to the same, let's go to this page again. All right, share on my screen. All right, so let's look into this tablet, what is this thing? This is what the... - Don't worry, just coming back. - All right, we'll get 'em back here, just a second. - I hate when that happens, and you click on something and it gives you the wrong screen, I hate that. All right, here we go, I brought it back up. All right, so let's go to... All right, now this time we shouldn't do that again. So I wanna look into this now. This is what the article says. Apparently, now there's been no academic articles written on this tablet yet, it's a mystery. People are starting to figure out, what the hell is this thing? Because this is gonna... If this really is... All right, let's just talk about it first. Apparently, this wooden tablet, bearing what looks like an early form of an alphabet, carbon dates, they need carbon dating on it, 'cause it's wood, so they can carbon date it. 5000 BC. All right, that doesn't necessarily mean the writing is 5000 BC, someone couldn't inscription. But so far, that's all we know. The carbon dating came back from 5000 BC. It's discovered, 1993, but here's the... Here's the crazy part that I... This is why I wanted to bring this up. This is the crazy shit right here. It's discovered... The place they found it in was a Neolithic village, which means, like, wrap your head around this. Like, I mean, you have to understand what I'm saying here. The village that they uncovered, very, very far underground, is all Neolithic stuff. The pottery, the town, the building, everything, and then this is there. How did that get there? And it's carbon dating, matches too. It fits with the Neolithic, except for the writing on it, which is what the fucks go. Why is there... It looks like kind of like a Greek form of alphabet in a Neolithic foundation. Put that screen up if you don't mind. I just want to show... So, okay. The tablets discovered it announced at a symposium in February, 1994, at the University of Thessalonica. The site's paleo environment bought in the fishing techniques. Tools and ceramics were described informally in the map. Okay, so that's something. All right, so basically, all we know so far is they dug up this Neolithic place, and this is work being done by Aristotle's University of Thessalonica. And right now, someone's writing... Apparently, I looked into it, there's articles being... There's academic articles being written on this thing that might change the consensus on the alphabet. I'm not kidding. Look this up yourself, please. Look this up, don't listen to me. But there are people saying that the articles being written about this tablet is going to change the academic consensus on the invention of the alphabet. Now, let me continue with this. I want to show, because the first question should be, does the evidence, is there any other evidence for anything like this? Is this just by itself, right? I want to give you some, I want to give you an example of something that's by itself that doesn't fit the Marnatthostelli, doesn't fit at all with any of the evidence, but it's accepted because there's a dogma in mainstream academia that wants Israel to be like real. That's like, they want the fairy tale to be real. Hold that thought, put a little side note on that. Let's go, but here's the thing. It turns out that there actually is a... - Way to go, Neil. Way to go, buddy. - And another asteroid, sorry about that. This is getting exciting, man, I'm about to lose it. Look, I did a song dance. I did a song dance, okay, you're on, go. - All right, all right, here we go. So here's what's called the Trojan script. So it turns out there actually is some other basis of what this means, okay. The Trojan script is, look at this. It almost, and obviously it's not Greek, but you look at it, you look at the characters, you don't gotta use your imagination too hard. And you're like, okay, there's some, it's not like hieroglyphics. It's very syllabic, it's very, you know, so, okay. So let's talk about this, what's going on here? Philologous, Philologous, I think that's the same as philologist, probably. Attempted to train. - It's not a hard word, it's philologous. Philologist, yes, he's right, but it's philologous. - And it's literate the science as Greek. religious. Professor Hogg attempted to translate it to seal he claims that the words are Ta-o-c-e-go, probably this meant divine sego. So scholars are already guessing this is some proto Greek stuff going on here. Right? And by the way, people are shutting the China shut this shit down like the mainstream consensus is like no way, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way. But some of these philologists are saying, what else can it be? And so there's a huge debate going on about this. I'm not going to sit here and say it's Greek, but that's what people are saying. In 1994, Dr. Louis Godor published the inscriptions. He identified the script as linear A, which we know is proto Greek. Notice how it's around a wheel here when we read the world into book and the things that read on the outside and what we saw when we did the actual logos videos. That's the yule, right? That's the thing that we were given to create language and write letters. It's pretty interesting that it'd be in a circle like that. He's saying it's at least it just goes back to, you know, sit the end stuff. And I looked into it. It's at least part of this family of what if you want to call them Frigians or Frigians, where they got it because they were descendants from the Scythians. Me and Ammon would call the Pulaskian alphabet, protopree alphabets. Like they're similar. They all just linear A and then you see, look at linear B, you're like, is linear B comfortable in your A? I don't really know. I can't tell you on that. But there's like a lot of stuff being written about this stuff and it's not the picture is not there yet. There's still so much work that needs to be done. All right, so considers this highly, obviously you can see people. There's no way, highly unlikely. So people are not liking this at all. But here's the thing. What is it date to? That's what I want to know. The archeological analysis of the inscriptions of the Trojan script date to the third millennium BCE, 2,200. This is over a thousand years before the Phoenician alphabet. Now, it's possible that this form of script could have some influence on I'm thinking, could have, I'm thinking if it's the Phoenicians, I don't really care if it's the Phoenicians. Cadmus really invented the alphabet. But whatever the story is, I don't really care. I'm looking at the evidence and I'm saying there, this looks like there could be some precedent here for the alphabet coming from this part of the world. Okay. All right. The next thing I want to do now, I'm going to be careful not to kick myself off again. I promise. So let's see. What else do we got? I want to show something real quick that we're not this stelly. Make sure I'm not going to kick it off. Okay, good. But not this stuff. This is the weirdest shit ever. So as we've already discussed at length, that nobody is talking about Israel until the Hellenistic era, Persian period, Hellenistic era. It's just not really in the sources at barely. So it's like, is there a kingdom there? Is there a nation? Is it a city state? What's going on here? So this is the consensus in Bible-scholar world. This is the oldest description of Israel. It's like, everyone just accepts this straight up. And there's actually, it doesn't fit with the data. There are no other inscriptions anywhere in all the Egyptian hieroglyphs of mentioning the word Israel. And in fact, the word Israel doesn't even show up in Egyptian hieroglyphics. It only shows up in the later, higher edict, themotic scripts that come after King Vacherous, by the way, after 700 BC. So before that, during the age of the hieroglyphs, you never, the word Israel is just not in there. So they find this random, where not to stelly. And the story behind it is so funny. So I've got to read this. First of all, let me show you what it says. Apparently, the translation is, "The princes are prostrate peace. No one raises his head among the nine bows. Desolation is for a jehanu. Hotty is pacified. Plundered is the Canaan with every evil." Wait, we already have Canaan in here? I thought Bible-scholar says Canaan in Israel are synonymous. That's weird. Why would Israel and Canaan both be in here? Right? But okay, what does it actually say though? If you actually look at the hieroglyphs, it doesn't say Israel. It says, "Yasiriru." I mean, why is there assuming this is Israel? I have no idea. No clue why it's because it fits the narrative. People just assume this is Israel. Why can't it be Syria? In fact, some people have said, if you look down here, there's three citations here, and I know there's actually more than that if you look into it. But Wikipedia gives three citations of scholars who say that this is jesreal. This isn't Israel. This is jesreal. Israel didn't exist yet. Some people say it means sight-wares or the side luck. But the bottom line is this. It doesn't say Israel. It says, "Yasiriru." They just assume it's Israel. But here's the funny part. When you find something like this, and it's a complete needle and a haystack as far as the evidence goes, if there was a bunch of other inscriptions from this time here that mentioned Israel, I would have no reason to doubt this. But the fact that it's just sitting by itself, and then the next time in this source is Israel is mentioned, it's all the way down in the 800s BC or 8th century BC or something. So we're talking 500-year gap from the first time Israel's mentioned to the second time it's mentioned ever in the sources. That should be a red flag. But you've got to hear this story. Sounds like this particular artifact is like Lucy is to evolution of fabrication. There's this story. This is reference from or simply made to fit as he's kind of indicating right there. This is reference from a journal article from Drawer in 1995 called "Blinders Petri, a life in archaeology." You should read this yourself. It's from the University of Wisconsin Press. This is what he reports. It's almost like a transcript of what happened when they found this. It says "Petri called upon Wilhelm Spielberg, a German philologist in his archaeological team to translate the inscription." By the way, these people were looking for Israel. They went out to find Israel in Egyptian sources. They weren't looking for something else that stumbled on this. Their goal was to find Israel. Look at that. They found it conveniently, right? The source is why? Because Copenhagen International, I'll talk about Copenhagen International. They're called biblical minimalist. It's a whole entire academic group completely at odds with the SBL types and seminarian types. They're all just saying that the whole Bible is just a fairy tale. It doesn't match up with history at all. These people started to really, they were starting to really win in these debate circles. As far as the evidence, as far as they're showing, look, there's Persian loan words, there's Hellenistic loan words. These texts are written later. These people have been saying this for 100 years. This is not new. I'm not bringing anything new here. Neither am I. This has been being discussed for 100 years now. You just don't hear about it a lot. You can look into it. Look into the Copenhagen International Bible Society. You'll see a lot of shit that we're saying right now. Anyways, the point is they're starting to win in these academic debates. Now people need to find evidence so we can clap back at these people. So here's the story. Spiegelberg was puzzled by one symbol towards the end that a people or a tribe whom were napta had victorously smitten. I-S-I-E-C-R-R. Huh. Petchely quickly suggests that it reads Israel. It's Israel just assumes it. Spiegelberg agreed that this translation must be correct. Won't the reverence be pleased? Won't the reverence be pleased? I'm going to be rich. I'm going to be rich. Remark Petry at the dinner that evening. Petry who realized the importance of this find says, "This stelly will be better known in the world than anything else I have found." The news of a discovery made headlines when it reached English papers. Now, let's just be- we use our common sense now. You have incentives to go and find this shit and look how they just find something close enough. It's in the general location. Ignore that canes already on that list. Just don't tell anybody about that part. But it's Israel. It's Israel. It's Israel. Yes, it must be. Won't the reverence be pleased? Probably got rich off that. Rich. That was the greatest discovery that person will ever make. They had every incentive. I'm just saying, look, maybe it is Israel. I'm keeping an open mind here, but I'm just saying, why is it accepted? There are scholars right now. I'm not going to call names anymore. I'm not going to do that. We did that a few times. But you guys know who I'm talking about, who are winning awards from the SBL, winning the greatest, if you're the greatest scholar of the year award, people who are just literally going on TikTok telling people that this is real and this scholarly consensus is 100% agrees that this is real, which is not true. There is a bunch of debate about the Monetpo Stella. It's not accepted by every scholar. In fact, I think the evidence shows that this was kind of like bullshit. All right. So I want to talk about one more thing and then I'm done. That's what I wanted to talk about that alphabet. But the next thing I want to discuss real quick is this is a big one. He doesn't know what one more thing means if there's another thing that he wants to first discuss. So I'm going to share my screen one more time. I promise I won't get kicked out this time. So that was really bad. All right. This is going to be crazy. So you always hear this, the Hellenistic period, right? What's the Hellenistic period? The Hellenistic period is from the time Alexander the Great conquered the east. So 333, so 332 or whatever, till the time of Rome. All right. So you all want, you get this dogma in academics and Bible scholar world where it's impossible that any Greek influence could happen on anything before the Hellenistic period that Greeks were nobodies before the Hellenistic period. That is bullshit and the evidence proves this. So I got a couple of sources and I'm almost done, I promise. But this will be cool. You'll like this. So I'm going back to my screen again. Everybody needs to read the oral than the book. If you're in my Patreon, I've shared it a good copy of it. And it's also in my Telegram group. If you just look in the files, everybody should read the oral than the book and you know, consider that when you're listening to all this other stuff too, because it's a big piece. I think it actually shows the true nature of what Germany was becoming in a good way. And it's just that spirit is what I'm talking about like that, that wave of energy through time, making its little sign curve motion came by during that time and inspired people to try to shake off the chains of the banking elite. And regardless of the outcome, it was the right thing to do. And it's still, we either suffer as slaves because we're scared and allow them to man up enough confidence and enough technology to where they can wipe us all out. And they're getting there really quick, by the way. And they're murdering us, picking us off with things like shots and all those other stuff, wars, changing the way freedom is even comprehended. And freedom is not whatever the government tells you you can do. So we want to keep going down that path. And see this coin right here? That's yellow. And as you can see, yod, olive, valve, not four letters, it's three letters. So on the fourth century BC, and guess what? It's from the Persian period, but it's obvious. And then, and by the way, every scholar who's who's identified this coin says it's influenced by Hellenistic imagery of Zeus holding the eagle. That is an image of Zeus. There is no other, you can't say that's Ahura Mazda, you can't say that's some Indian, no, you kind of looks like he's holding a duck, but you know, it's whatever. Look this up for yourself. Maybe a seagull. Don't listen to me. That is Zeus in the being called Yahweh. That means Hellenism was in Hellenism. But what's with the Easter Island-looking dude right here? What's that all about? Not in the sense of the of the age. Hellenism in the sense of Greek-like was already influencing the East way before Alexander the Great. Well, I wouldn't say way before, but a century before, at least. I hope that's not a giant alabasteron with a face on it. This coin proves this. And by the way, there's more. Look, here's another one. That's Yahweh. Let's Zeus, but it says Yahweh on it. It's Persian period coin. Here's another one. That's clearly Zeus with his eagle, totally Jupiter, Zeus, whatever you want to call him. This is a Persian period coin, and it says Yahweh on it. Okay. Now, there's actually, what's going on here? How are the Greeks influencing the East if they're not ruling Babylon? That's what a Bible scholar would say to clap back at me. And I'll just say, look, you don't know the sources then, because Herodotus tells us all about what's going on. By the way, Diodorus of Sicily mentions that Yahweh is the God of Moses. He spells it what? Yahweh. Sabayoth. I-A-O. And he says that. This is like some synchronicistic, synchronicistic God of the, like, basically, it's like all these gods rolled into one. And the Chrobius mentions this too. So the people know about Yahweh. In fact, Chaldean oracles say it's the name of Bacchus. And I've showed you guys that before. I didn't bring that with me, but I want to show something about. Oopsie, does that bring into the Saturn cult again? Does that bring the Bacchic frenzy? And does that bring in all the mystery school shit that they did, the mysteries with the drugs? Oh, oh, is that what the Abrahamic religions are built off of? They just put a different paint job on it and sold it to more people. Oh, Herodotus, and then Alexander the Great, and then I'm done. Herodotus actually discusses something in this one right here. So Herodotus says, where is it? Here we go. This is cool. Now Herodotus is way before Alexander the Great. He says that when the Persians came to Cyrene, the country of Cyrene, which is the highest part of Libya, which the nomads inhabit, has the marvelous boon of three harvest seasons. He talks about them for a little bit. So who are the Cyreans, right? I'm just going to share another screen real quick. I have to show you guys this. Cyrene. All right, so Barca. Barca is this ancient city, right? And it's a Greek city. It's like you look at the history. Barca appears to be a Libyan tribe. By the way, this is where Medillo is from too. The Greek settlers of Cyrene colonized it. It shows that the Greeks were there all the way back in 7th century BC. Herodotus places the foundation, or whatever. So there's all this stuff about this Hellenistic city. Look it, there's Amon right there. So you can see there's obvious Hellenistic Greek influence. That's from 475 BC during the documented period. Persian period. Why is there Greek gods on Persian period stuff? Because the Greeks are isn't it a Mandrake right there? That would also be a very well-known drug at the time, the Mandrake. They have all kinds of weird things about how a dog has to hold out in order to otherwise it'll kill man. All kinds of weird stuff, right? But yeah, that looks very pan-like, very bakk-like, does it not? Fluencing shit way before Alex is right. Even Moses, like doesn't Moses have words? Very influential. Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Bailey, people, these are brilliant minds. So the reason why I brought this up, because I have one more thing I want to show you. During the Persian period, according to Herodotus, he says, Herodotus says that the Persians, I'll just tell you it's in here, it's in book four or a book, yeah, book four. He says the Persians went to this Greek city, took all the Greeks out of there, and Ionians too. So he said to Ionians, Persians are conquered Ionia and Egypt. They tried to conquer Greece and they lost. Everyone knows this famous battle between the Persians and the Greek. Those are a few battles, but they did conquer the Egyptians and they conquered the Ionians, all these people who are held in every influence by the Greeks. He says that they sent them all to Greco-Bactria. Where's that? This is my last thing I want to show you guys. This is just like tying it all together. So Bactria, if we look at the recommended period, right, see all the way over here, all the way on the top left, you see my mouse, I don't know if you can see my mouse, but all the way up here where it says saka-sagdenia-bactria. So it turns out, if you can fact check me on this, these were Greek cities before Alexander the Great even got there because Cyrus relocated Greeks from Ionia and Cyrene and set them up in these cities all the way in modern-day Afghanistan. So when Alexander the Great got to Bactria, there were already Greek cities there, and that's why they call him a liberator. He was a liberator. A lot of people will say, oh, they only call him a liberator because the victor is writing the history. Now that could be true in some cases, but in this case, it's not. In this case, Alexander the Great was seen as a liberator. When he came to Bactria and came to these cities, they were like, finally, the Greeks are here. Great. Kind of like the people who were cut off of Germany said, finally, Hitler's here and he's liberating us because we're getting murdered by these psychopaths here in Poland, here in Czechoslovakia, name a place, Austria. And he built Alexandria the farthest, which is all the way in modern-day Afghanistan. It actually was the last Hellenistic city in the world, last Greek kingdom to exist in the world. So when Rome conquered Greece, when the Seleucids fell and the Tallamides fell to Rome, there was a kingdom all the way in Afghanistan. It was still Greek and it lasted all the way. It's like 200 AD and no one ever talks about it. All right, last thing I want to show you guys is this is a cool passage from Alexander the Great and are from Aryan about Alexander the Great. And this is so cool. And it just kind of highlights the how far this Bacchic Empire reached. We talk about Medea. And by the way, Herodotus, when he talks about the start of the Trojan War, this is in book one, chapter one of Herodotus. He says that the reason why the Trojan War happened is because YO was kidnapped. And then in retaliation of YO being kidnapped, the Greece, I'm seeing right now that it's not great. I'm not sure why it's a fucking tall 30 at night here. There shouldn't be a bad conviction. Huh, wonder why that is. Other than the fact that my internet sucks, but if it's wavy and grainy or cutting out, I can't do anything about it, except sit and wait. So we'll just continue and hopefully it's not lost. What a piece of crap. Why is it dead? It just started doing that. Makes people wonder. Raw herd of Athens. And then the Trojans came in and retaliated into the Greeks and captured Helen. So there's three princesses being being captured. And that's why this war started. And it's almost very strange that these three faces, Medea, Helen of Troy, and YO, very influential, almost deified goddesses in many ways, with their way they're written about in these texts. And they're all living in the same time period, according to Herodotus. And they're the reason why this war has happened. They're the reason why we have civilization. And so when Alexander finally goes west, or I mean east, he, this is what Arian says about this. This is a cool text. Where is it? Maybe I didn't bring that one. All right, whatever. So yeah, Alexander, I'll just tell you the story. It's an Arian. Alexander the Great travels all the way to Bactria. And he says that they were in these mountains that they thought was Nissa, the city of Nissa, Dionysus. And they found wild ivy growing on the mountains. So Alexander and his compatriots took the ivy off, donned them as Rhys, and started having a bucket. They went into a bucket frenzy immediately. And so that's what Arian says. Cool story, by the way. And I'm just going to leave you with this last thing that I want to show you guys. So there's the earliest sources about, you know, what I'm always talking about, the earliest mentions of any of these texts, or anyone mentioning Moses, anyone mentioning Abraham, it's when you look at when these texts start showing up, or when these people start getting mentioned in the sources, the, the, or the, the first time it's mentioned is Hackettates of Abdera. And then you get Menetho, then you get, uh, uh, Alexander, Polly, his store, you start getting, and it's all, it's all in the Hellenistic period. And they're all Greek writers writing about Moses. And not all of them were Greek, Greek, if you know what I mean. They were Hellenized. Yeah. Oh, seven of followers, right? They were the, the Jewish cult. The stories don't match up with the Bible. They're, they're all happening later times. Abraham is like, the stories are different. The, um, the Jews living in Elephantine, who left Israel around in the 500s, go down in Egypt, and they have thousands of papyrus that they, um, that they discovered in these cities. And, um, thousands of Aramaic inscription, papyrus and inscriptions in this Egyptian city. And these are Jews. These are Jewish. They're writing an Aramaic, but they're Jews. They never mentioned Abraham. They never mentioned Moses. They never mentioned David. They never mentioned Noah, Jacob. They don't mention anybody in the Bible. And we're talking 400s, 480 BCE prior to the Septuagint, when they made it all up and stole a lot of Greek mythology to do it and just rewrote it. That's, that's not not mythology that they would have learned through their Greek education and said, you know what? We have to play one up in shit because we want to, we want to a stake in this history of ours. Argument from silence. That's an argument of no evidence. That's not an argument from silence. That's an argument of no evidence. All right. And that's last thing I want to show you guys. I keep saying that, but this is really it. This character, Musaius of Athens. No one ever talks about this, but Musaius of Athens, right? There's people out there and the biblical apologists whittled and lots of them, including Dustin Nemos, who says, oh, you don't hear about Moses before that because he's not, he's thinking like I'm an idiot. And it's because Moses is like, you know, a Judeaized or English Judeaized word that I wouldn't realize that they would have a different form if it was in a different language. And it's like, that's not, that's not even, are you, are you trying to tell me that everybody is stupid? It's because of the actual details behind this person. Do not match up. He was not from the area. He didn't do those things. He didn't do everything that was ascribed to Moses. And he was an Athenian for Christ's sake. Athens was supposedly he was the son of Orpheus. And he composed these texts called the Crest Boy, the Oracles. And they're, they're Orphic, Orphic store. It's like, they're like Bible stories, basically. They're prophetic wisdom. They're songs, like the Psalms, but they're not Moses. They used him as an arch as a, as a, we call it, as a model to make their Moses, probably. But that doesn't make him Moses. That makes them trying to make another guy who they did have information on into a character named Moses based on true events, right? Like that kind of bullshit. They may have used him as a model for their person, for their little guy, their little Moses, but it's not, it's not the same thing. Samoy means songs. The word Samoy means song. And it doesn't make somebody real, because you based them off of a real person. Songs written for a harpist. That's what the word Samoy means in Greek. It's a Greek. Psalms are Greek. It's a very Orphic concept. Um, even the fact they're in the Septuagint. I'll have it over here somewhere. My handy dandy Septuagint. Check this out, it's called Psalm 151, but it's not, it's like Bacardi for the Christian Bibles started numbering stuff. So it's actually just at the end of, it's at the end of Psalms. So it's actually technically part of Psalm 150. And if you read it, it's like, it's about, it's about King David playing his liar and calming all the animals and trees. Sounds like Orpheus. It's an Orphic Psalm. Um, and so this character, let's just put up the screen one more time real quick and this is the last one. This character, Mosseus of Athens, was the son of Orpheus who was considered to be, look at this. So in the Septuagint, David is playing a liar and he's calming all the animals. And that's not supposed to have any Greek influence whatsoever, right? Yes. This is how they describe him. He is a, a polymath, a philosopher, a historian, a prophet, a seer, a priest, a poet, and a musician. Who does that sound like? Sounds like Moses, a law giver, all that stuff. Um, yeah. One of the stories about him, he came to the, he went to the Fridgians and gave them laws. So he's a law giver too. And he's mentioned about, he's mentioned all these sources, right? And something gives you laws, knowing that our laws are like, yeah, oh, thanks, thanks for the restrictions. Thank you so much. By the way, if you look at the early Jewish writers, philosophers, and this is mentioned in Eusebius, Preparatio Evangelica, are to pass of Alexandria, Alexander Poly his store, Numenius of Epimea, and, but doesn't say it here, but um, Pecateus of Abdera too, all say that this is Moses. So this Greek Athenian character is, they're saying is the real, no, the Greek Athenian real person was the character that they built named Moses, Moses, that Moses is sort of based off this guy, based off of, thank you. And they're sort of taking the story of the Muses of Athens and sort of rewriting a story of a law giver from, from Egypt. Instead of going from Athens to Fridgia, he's going from Egypt to Judea. But the stories are, they line up like perfectly. So anyways, that's my, that's my, I brought some tax on a little scatterbrane today, but I just wanted to try to. Today's no different than most days. I listened to your bud, but it's okay. Compliment what he's saying about the linguistic side and give some of the historical side. That was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. He makes you feel dirty when he talks, like, like creeped out, like, you know, really, really feel comfortable with another guy saying that something I did was gorgeous. Just, just, I don't, I'm not in that bar. That's not going to borrow that I've traveled to. My God. How many degrees have you gotten in the last couple of years? My goodness. I care about, I care about the text. I care about, he's a, he's the interrupting cow. Well, like finding stuff out. I don't like giving shit about a degree. I don't care about an award coming up to be, I don't care shit about none of that. Yeah. You know, you're doing what they're not doing. So, isn't that funny? You are really the ideal scholar. And you're not sucked into the BS that is, and it's good at flattery. Academia and the selling of books and pedaling of position and authority and hoo hoo. So nice. I do all my admiration internally. I might think that, but I'm not like gonna, you know, just a job. Beautiful job. My God. Somebody asked you recently if I think there's like conspiracy for academics to like, like, you know, whatever. And I go, no, it's not that. It was, it's an environment of, of strong dogmas. And, and you, it's, there's no conspiracy. There's no, it's not like one scholar secretly, like, that's on the low level, man. But come on, the whole entire thing is conspiracy. It's a lie. How can you say that and not specify what you're talking about? They took a Greek written yao book and then tried to say that later, much later, when they rewrote it in ancient Hebrew to make it look old, they said that it's this thing and it's completely different. And then they once again repackaged it with a new testament to, to, to file the minds of other people. And now here we are, three Abrahamic religions deep. And we're approaching the fucking Armageddon. Why? Because that's what people like the Rothschilds and the people who move and shake the world want. They want an excuse to annihilate people. They keep talking about a reset. What better way to walk people into it than to have already mind effed them psychologically, you know, psychological operation on them, psychologically mind effed them for generations. And then tell them that this is fulfilling prophecy and that this is God's, God's doing this is it's God's will. And that way you can annihilate murder people with war. Oh, and Israel needs to have this prophecy fulfilled. And that's something that the, you know, not just the Jews want, of course, because that makes everybody happy. All three Abrahamic religions want to see their guy come back. Come on, dude. Come on. There's there most certainly is a conspiracy. Maybe these other people are just dupes because they're academically trained. And they only see the forest from the trees. Or you know what I mean, can't see it, I guess. Their vantage point and their ability to think outside of what they've been conditioned and programmed to think is not it's not able to see anything other than that. But don't tell me that there's no conspiracy. The whole thing is a fucking it's a whole big scam. And it's taking the entire planet down with it. Telling them, Oh, I think they're all right. And we need to hide the truth. It's not none of that's going on. What I think is going on is New Testament scholarship is so dominated by people who want this stuff to be true. That it's sort of when scholars get when new students come up in these seminars, they're being pushed in a direction where they can't even challenge the status quo because they won't have a job. Their books won't get so right. And that points to a conspiracy on the upper level. But it's not the it's not the little pawns that are doing the conspiring, obviously. But who's directing the information flow? So they won't be part of the crew. They'll be outcasted and they don't want that. So they sort of subconsciously just just go along with whatever is being taught to them. And they're not really, they're not really being being given any reason to go outside the same thing with the medical establishment, which is a eugenics program. It's that to go killing us that way as well, war, medical, which you could just say, Oh, we didn't expand pandemic more vaccines. Yeah. Okay. Sounds great. Both side and discover there there be there. It's like they're being conditioned to just be part of the system that's already there and just serve the system rather than go out and discover some it's like that, or it is that something that no one's discovered yet. And and so you're saying that the people who teach us things through their Carnegie Rockefeller education don't want us to think, you know, oh, that's a revelation. I'm saying people don't do that, but I'm saying there's so much dogma and trying to keep all this historical and try to keep the Israel so ancient and they're way older than the Greeks and then it's all that whole dogma is just so strong that it can't be questioned. That's what I think is going on. Yeah, it's always a matter of whether or not you can crack that ceiling. I think it's funny that it's still he's still perusing this and he's still contemplating this as if it's not like a big glaring neon sign that there's people out there that are evil who want to subjugate or murder the good number of human beings and they don't distinguish from who they murder. They don't give a shit. There's no reasoning. You can't reason hell is the impossibility of reason. Like Apocalypse now said, you can't reason with them because their only goal is your demise of what there's no negotiation. There's no appealing to their mercy. There's no begging for your life. They're going to just eat that up and do it more. Where the control mechanism is right to shut you down because whoever brings you that history is that stuff floating around the air around us. I thought that was brilliantly done. I have a question. If you don't believe me, look back at what we've seen from World War II and the amount of lies that they will tell to invert the history to make themselves the victims rather than the murderers. I have a question for you. You think that old that 5,000 BC, you think that? That's crazy, isn't it? Yeah, it'd be really crazy to people like Dustin Nemos who insist that the world's going 6,000 years old. Do you think that's probably Pulaskin? That's what else it would be. Is that where you would go with that? I mean, that's where I want to go, but God, how can we, when I looked it up, I only found something that said Pulaskian's. I don't know if he's Pulaskian. There's a Pulaski in New York, but I don't know. I look for Pulaskian's and I could not find anything. I've been to Pulaski, but what I'm saying is if that's Scythian, then it's P-E-L, Pulaskian's. I wrote that in the comments a little bit while back in the chat, so I don't know. I'm still going to have to search that word out and get some more information on that, but I'm guessing Scythian roots. Break that down, figure out if it is, because it sounds like... How did that thing end up in a Neolithic village, surrounded by Neolithic pottery on a piece of wood that's carbon dated to that same Neolithic period? How the hell did that get there? I'll admit, that's an anomaly. It doesn't make any sense. But then, okay, that's because we're jumping from 5000 BC to 2000 BC when you start seeing similar, which is what they call the Trojan script, when you start seeing similar scripts, linear A comes from Crete. The whole Mediterranean seems to have similar style of writing, whereas in Egypt, it's hieroglyphics. That would be based on the Scythian yule, by the way, the letters and the language. Middle East, that's cuneiform. It's spelled J-U-L, at least in our language it is. In the Mediterranean world, you see what looks like proto-alphabetic scripts, which is what the whole point I was trying to make was, it looks like the alphabet isn't coming from cuneiform or hieroglyphics. It's coming from over here. The evidence, people are ignoring the Trojan script. They're just writing it up. No, no, no, that's not real. But it's like, what is it then? It's something. It's sitting there. Let's figure out what it is. Why does nobody care? And you know, when you brought up, you were like, well, it doesn't really look like it, but maybe I'm telling you, I'm telling you, when I went into Emmett Bennett who cracks linear B, the first time I looked at a linear B tablet, it is nowhere near any of the Greek that I had been taught. So, yeah, the fact that there is something there is actually what's most important. It'll take the eggheads some time to crack that one, but I sure hope it's Pulaskian, you know. It's been 30 years since they discovered it in Macedonia, and no peer-reviewed articles have been published zero. So, it's just sitting there. No one's done any work on it. It's like, do people, do people not? Is there no incentive for anybody to talk about this? And I'm not saying there's a conspiracy. Like I said, I'm not saying the conspiracy. I'm saying there's nobody care. Is that what's going on? Nobody cares? They just want this to be, oh, the Phoenicians created the alphabet from, from Egyptian and they gave it to the Greeks. They're like, well, what the fuck is this? What are these instructions then? Why are they, why does it look so similar to Greek? I think I've noticed that Neil is much better in conversational format than he is on, you know, doing a monologue. It's laziness too. You got to factor that in. If there's not money in it, and let's be honest, cracking something like this, you know, it's probably not going to yield you a big, you know, nobody's going to make you rich over it and give you sponsors, right? So you can successfully, you can successfully slam dunk 100% proof and change the academic consensus. Then they would burger you and they would burn all of your work. That's what they would do. They would praise you and hold you up on their shoulders like, hey, he did it. No, this is what they don't want you to think. Hey, look, we think the alphabet might have came from somewhere else. And then if you can do that, that'll make, that'll rewrite the history and it'll mess up their claims. You're famous forever, but I'm up against a brick wall right now that doesn't want if you have a brick wall with guns and vaccines. The article shows you every person who tried to publish, say it's Greek shut down. I mean, no way, it can't be Greek. You know, the permissions may shut up, it's down. No, that's really what's been happening. So the question is, if it's not Greek, then what is it? Yeah, yeah. So that's exactly what they were saying about letting your beat because they did not know it was Greek to start with. Another reason to read the Oral and the Book. So yeah, it's a great candidate. With everything the Greeks are saying about the Blaskians, and you know now, Neil, because you've been reading the sources, it only makes sense that the language is going directly back to that ancestor. So yeah, yeah, I think we're ready. Just to clarify, when I say Greek, obviously what I mean is Proto Greek, Pulaskian, Mycenaean. I'm talking, I'm not talking about like, they didn't, maybe they didn't call themselves Greeks. I'm saying that this area and similar Indo European language structure, that's what I mean by that. So what I say, you mentioned Medea too, if you don't mind, I want to ask you your opinion, because they also said that Medea was Helen, and that she was the one who was projecting her image into Achilles' mind. There was a pure, not drugged, addled version of Medea, or something we call Helen, it was Neelena, and that comes from the Orlanda book. And I would weigh that against what these tales of Medea are, because according to the Frisians, those were the people who got into the Darkschit, and they were outcasts of the society of the Frisians. They didn't go with that, they were having their children stolen by these people, and being hunted down. And just, you know, there's, the ancient world was all about, you know, pulling your ship up and then stealing robbing and killing everybody you could. And that happened to them a lot. And, you know, so there's that to weigh in too, but Neelena was one of these big maidens, she was a very famous one, where she was, you know, just take a look at the Orlanda book, and you'll see what I mean. I think that has to be factored into what we're hearing here, but anything that's referring to the ancient Greeks, because there's a no overlap there. There's definitely a claim that that's where, you know, the Greeks got, you know, their roots is from, they're going to say, like, you know, the Scythians that also produced the Frisians, Frisians, and all that. So, who knows what the truth is? I mean, it's a lot of research to figure that out, but I think it's there. I think the information is already there. Fine, because, you know, Medea and Achilles end up in, in Elysium as the bride pair in Elysium. And when Achilles was in his, oddly enough, when I first sent an email to Ammon, I don't know if he even read it, but I mentioned, I asked him about the Orlanda book, and then I never got to reply. All girls school, um, day Demia was there, and she's the only priestess who had intercourse with him. Um, as he was disguised, and our ancient sources actually say, day Demia is another way to say Medea. Wow. So, yeah. I thought too, now check this out. People don't know this. There's a, there's a text written by Homer. It's lost, but Stasius, the Latin Roman, in the Roman period, he wrote, I don't know if he translated Homer, or if he rewrote the story in Latin, point is he's, we have the story. We know what it's about. It's preserved in Latin. But the Greek Homeric text, it's, it's a prequel to the Iliad. The Iliad wasn't just two books. Iliad and I, Odyssey. It was, I think eight. I think they said it's called an octatook. And I think it's, it's called the Achilles, which is the story of Achilles that you just mentioned. And that story is crazy. Achilles grew up trans. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. Look, people can understand. You're a, come on, Judy, you're applying modern technology. Um, well, he grew up wearing women's clothes. He wasn't cutting off his dick and, you know, calving mutilation surgery and walking around with flags and getting all mouthy about things. That's, and, and then abusing children. That's not, he wasn't trans. He wasn't dressing up and makeup and reading stories to children in school. Oh, stop. And not read the text. He grew up as a girl amongst the amount, Amazonians and the Amazonian tribe of Cynthia. He wore all girls clothing. He was disguised as a girl his entire life because, um, Zeus was going to kill him if he found him. But he did. So about like, that's the story. I'm just done. That's the Zeus. Yeah. Oh Saturn. You know, that guy story. Um, by the way, okay, back to Medea. That's what you asked me for. I think Homer is giving an esoteric retelling of the Trojan war story because this is the, he's, yo is captured. Medea is captured and Helen is captured. He's, he's, it almost was almost like the Hackety three headed goddess because by the way, who is yo? Now we've already connected. You just connected Medea and Helen. That was great. But what, why is yo there? Well, yo, you know who the yo is? Yo is the Christ. Yo is the character in Prometheus bound who gets stung by the gadfly. And the word askles uses is Christo Christi Christi Christi. So Medea Helen. Yo is like a triple goddess Christ figure stung by the gadfly is reference to drugs. This is the Christ. We've been saying, you and I have been talking about this for years now. You've been you much longer. But there is a ancient Christ and she was a goddess. And I think that's what I think is going on with Herodotus. I think he's giving a retelling of the Iliad. It's book one chapter one of Herodotus read of yourself where he says, here's what happens before the early or before the events of Homer's Iliad before Troy got captured. And he's this random story about yo, Medea and Helen all being captured at the same time. It's very strange. I think there's, I think there's definitely something going on there. Gorgeous, gorgeous. Yeah, no. And there's, there's sometimes the language blocks us off from what they're actually kind of communicating because everybody knows like that Helen was able to project her image. So the Greeks were right about her actually being in Egypt. She never went to Troy. Right. She actually went to Egypt and projected her image there. So what do they mean when they say this, right? What is, what is going on in the Greek mind? And when you actually read that, well, see, Achilles had dreams. And in these dreams, he was visited by the medwa, right? All of a sudden you're into a cultural practice. You're into a cult practice. And you're into this marriage, this hero's gamos, right? And these terms are familiar to them. So when they're going through these myths, when you're talking about Achilles, that's who you've got in the center of your image. He's essentially the guy who goes through the initiation, right? And realize, Medea is actually older, right? She's projected into this generation. So it's, you know, but of course she always looks young, always looks young. It's an incredible cult kind of operation that you wouldn't think, you know, people are like, what does this have to do? Remember Isaiah is a profatase, right? Guess what Medea is? She's not just a prophet. She's the arch prophet. She's the one who brings the oracles, right? She's sitting and thrown on the island of Thera. Yeah, well, it looks like happening is the prop. When you look at the prophets, by the way, I mentioned the Copenhagen society. Russell Grimerkin has written a book, it's peer-reviewed. He's got two of them, right? First he came out with this. Oh, good. He was teary to be reviewed. Well, that's, that makes it better. Because, you know, if you get a group of academics together to, you know, agree to the same bullshit, then they must make it more real. Camaeus biblical creation accounts. And he lays it out. I'm not saying it about the book. I'm saying it about the idea that somehow being peer reviewed just makes it valid and factual. There's a lot of peer-reviewed bullshit out there about allopathy that is not correct. Oh, that the priest of critics invented monism. And obviously there's some Persian influence there too, obviously, not denying that Zorosh. And he talks about that too. And then it gets, that's why he says he dates the hell and he dates the Old Testament text to the Hellenistic period. Just like we're both doing. And then people shot back at him and said, well, if that's the case, you would expect the law codes. The law codes in Deuteronomy are all ancient Babylonian law codes. Well, then he came out with this book, also peer-reviewed, played on the creation of the Hebrew Bible. He shows that 75% of the law codes I think 80 or 75 or 80% of the law codes, the majority of the law codes in Deuteronomy and Leviticus in numbers line up with Athenian law codes. And only about 20% of them are from Babylonian or whatever Egyptian. So most of them are actually do. So he shot back and saying, no, you're actually wrong. It's Greek, still Greek. So they now know what they do. Instead of having an academic discussion and debating, write an article, write a fiery article, talk back. Let's do this. This is what acting this was. Nobody. They just ignore him. In fact, I went and done a clump. This is what I want. Went to one day of my fellow alive one time. And he was answering questions. Ducktales Dan. It wasn't, it wasn't super chats. Anyone that asked a question one by one, he was reading them and answering them. He got to my question. What are your thoughts on Copenhagen and the biblical minimalism? He didn't even read it. He skipped right over me. Went to the next question. They don't even want to engage with this shit, dude. Why? Yeah, exactly. That's what the appropriation is for, right? It gives you legitimacy. If you don't have legitimacy, your whole stack of cards falls down. So yeah, yeah, love it, love it. That's a perfect way Neil to kind of bring everything full circle. What we've got is a piece, a group of languages, and we've got the survival, this story that's playing out, this narrative. It's very biological. And that thing, the best thing that you can do to follow that track is to watch how the Greek language so took over and influenced the world. You got to remember of our Anglo-Saxon, you know, 30% to half of it somewhere. It's coming from the Greek. We're only able to get these concepts because of that powerful, powerful language. As you mentioned, because of the limitations on Germanic languages and English, Anglo-Saxon English being one of those Germanic languages, we can only like we can borrow words from Greek, but we can't express things that like you try to transit a Greek text, you're dumbing it down, you're watering it down, you're it's completely bottlenecked. It becomes like a less becomes like a very rigid version. You're right, the Greek language is you lose a whole lot of detail, or it's completely augmented, or it's deliberately augmented. Special, it's very special, it's very advanced, it's very, and that's why that's why come on Neil, spit it out. That's I think it's another reason to suggest that the alphabet could come from such a place that's so advanced in writing. I suspect that power was coming through the Pulaskian side. That's what I think. I think ancient Greek got its own from that old Pulaskian ancestor, because they're always associating like specific religious rites with the Pulaskians. So you know, any of the terms that come through like that, we talked tonight about Laconian, right? And the source of that word being that we didn't say it, but it was the howling, right? That wolf howling and the mukon root of that word. All of that is in the text, but it's getting there from that old Pulaskian side. I'm starting to think that it was the Pulaskians who really had their shit together, and had a language that was, you know, it was off the charts. If they were of Scythian origin, I would agree with that. Expressively and mechanically off. If you follow it through, you'll see how they split off and some were not welcome anymore. And you'll see a whole lot of this, you know, culture that they're talking about with the city is there were they were warriors. They were, you know, they were all that stuff, right? They did engage in all that stuff, but they didn't give a shit about the marketplace or valuables or any of that crap. They were very family oriented. This is I'm talking about the core group. I'm not talking about the people that went off to do all those things. I just said, like, you know, become merchants and thieves. They all came from probably the same people in the beginning off the charts, not just in what it could express conceptually, but in its flexibility and its native ability to build words and to use words together. They're always using the same root paired next to each other. They're always making contrast in like inherent comparisons and contrasting. It's amazing, amazing. You can even tell in the Greek sentence, you can even tell whether or not an action is being performed for the benefit of the subject or not. Right? Like, how did they figure this out? How did they? I hope it was those plasky and those are horse tribes too. That's why they end up that brings you right back to them being citizens, if they were horse tribes. Like you said, and fastly. Anywhere on limnose as well, they also ended up on limnose, and that stuff on limnose looks like it's, you know, people are trying to figure out that one too. They're like, which language is this, right? Yeah. Cypriot syllabus, it's called Cypriot syllabus, syllables or whatever. You have Lydian, the Lydian alphabet. It looks like some people say, looks finishing, but it looks very Greek. We'll have a look at that word Lydia real quick, and then remember who the daughters were. Finda, right? Finda. Raya. I'm talking about Frisian when you go to Orlando. It's not Freya. It's Freya when it comes to the Frisians. Raya, Finda, and Lydia. Greek too. Probably some sort of ancestor of what we're talking about, some sort of Pulaskian thing that started off, and then you have like the Lydian-Hittite languages. Those are all Indo-European. They line up more with Greek than they do with anything Semitic, and somewhat, they use cuneiform for a while, but then during the Persian period, they start using the alphabet. So you start getting these Indo-European languages, very similar, they worship Artemis. Artemis is in their length. There's a so much Greek overlap with the Hittite languages, like the Lydian languages, the Frigians, the Cappadocians. The Ioniians were just so brilliant. They were just the scientists of the ancient world. They started civilization. Those are the, that's where everything, all the credit is due to the Ioniians. Totally. Hippocrates. You were mentioning famous people and antiquity Hippocrates, baby. He writes in a beautiful Ioni, and it's gorgeous, and it's kind of, you were talking about the oath. You were reading the oath the other day. Isn't that delicious? The translation that the current translation is so Christian-eyed, so fast. They have like holy in there, and there's no holy in there. They're just like throwing words in the don't exist that aren't in the Greek. Power's duty. It's our duty to protect that. Yeah. They, they took the, so the translation that you look at, look up the Hippocratic oath, and you read it on Wikipedia, you're going to read a Christian-ized version of it. It's not the same. The Greek's a lot different. And by the way, the Christian-ized version says, I will never give somebody an abortion. If you read God in there, it says, it says, I will not give anybody aphrodisiacs against their will. It says, the exact opposite. Here's where his liberal asshole side comes out. And how did that happen? It talks about the Thanosima on the death inducer, too. It's the context of the pharmacology that you have to get in to your mind. Yeah, everybody makes a big deal about that. I wanted to ask you, while I've got you, prisoner, tell me on the Herculanean library. So 800 scrolls, probably with a lot that we're not, we don't even know who the authors are, right? So tell me this, what is your understanding of, or do you think people are getting it? How important this thing is? How important this library is? From what I've seen, people talk about it, like other, other YouTubers who are into this stuff are also on their, on the edge of their seat. We can't wait to see what's going to happen. They translated a text that it was like a philosophical doctrine about, about having good, being in good, how do they be in good, cheerful spirits or something along those lines. And you can just tell it's just some Greek shit. Like, that's all they write about. It's all about aesthetics and some pre-socratic talking about, like the Epicureans. They're like, it's all about being cheerful. The Stoics. That's all chill. That's all good, chill. That's the Greek attitude, man. I love the Stoics. I love the cynics. The cynics, I love the cynics. They don't give a shit. Cynics, throw out your wealth. There's a picture of cradies. I call Ammon cradies that no one knows this. Let's do this one more time. I wish I had one more thing. I got it. So cradies from, I think he's from Athens. I don't know where he's from. Just to be clear, Neil, Neil has plenty of affiliate links himself. So throw out your wealth. Right. I found it. Okay, cradies. Sounds nice. It sounds nice until you have a family, right? Sounds nice until you have responsibility so the people sounds nice if you were just, I don't know, somehow able to live off the land without having the need for it. But come on, man. Let's get real. Athens. Check this out, right? I call Ammon cradies all the time when I talk to him because he reminds me of this dude. Ready? All right, you got it. So cradies of Athens was one of the, he was a student of diogenes, the cynic, and there's that famous painting of him. Oh, where is it? They don't have it on here. Cradies painting. Oh, Athens. I got to show him this. This is you all day. Here it is. All right. Hold on. I got to share my other screen now. Ready for this? This is Ammon all day. Dumping out as well. He doesn't care. See, he's dumping out all the diamonds because the cynics had this attitude of reject riches, live in nature, live in a, live in, go to the inner city and live in a barrel. And you'll see, you'll be happy one day if you could figure out how to live like that. Yeah, I'm sure Rebecca and Faro would appreciate that too. That was a cynic attitude, man. And the stoicism actually comes out of cynicism. The first... How funny is the fact that it's showing people dumping out the jewels and then underneath it says, "Buy this..." Wait, wait, let's see if I can get back to it. There it says, "Presentation or newsletters, 1999 website. Buy this image, 1999." Marketing campaign. Come on. There we go. And then Zeno, the first stoic. So stoicism comes out of cynicism. You need to be cynic. You need to be a cynic before you can be a stoic. Mix. Isn't that crazy? I like that the cynics are called cynics because they were considered dogs. Dog like. That's what I have in my computer account. Coolness going. It is dog like. Be happy in life. Be like, dogs are always happy, right? You know who wants you to dump out your wealth and be happy? Think about it. Who are they talking about, right? What exactly are they saying right now? Who does that benefit? The people who are going to pick it up? Number one. The people who don't want you to have anything, number two, who can then control you because you're going to need something. And it sounds an awful lot like you will own nothing and be happy. Or else. Yeah. All they want is their food and be able to go outside and piss. That's it, right? Yes. Live like a dog. That'll make everybody, especially those people who want to be the proprietor of 2,800 slaves. I'm sure that would make them very happy. If you were just a dopey, happy idiot, no matter how badly you were taking care of or abused. And that, in fact, you needed to be taken care of because you couldn't be independent. That would be, well, I don't know, heaven on earth for certain people. I heard about the dog. Life is good. That's the staring attitude. That's Diogenes, baby. He just did what he wanted, you know. That's Jew Oogenes, baby. He was the only dog that didn't leave town when the bad guys came because he didn't care. He was the Satan, the Plato. Because there's stories about him and Plato live together. They hate each other. And there's stories about Diogenes confronting Plato and saying, dude, I heard you had to kiss the ass of his the tyrant Dionysus of Sicily, the richest. He was the richest king in probably the world at that time. And Plato would go visit this guy so he can get favors and stuff. And Diogenes is like, you have to go kiss the ass of this tyrant. That sucks. And I'll play. Says the guy who's walling around his own filth at the time. And I found out that the laughing bald man here on the left does not even, for all his Greek stuff, he's not a fan of Plato. Whoa, I wonder that. I wonder why that is. I would like to know the details on that. He said, well, what he said was, I agree with Plato on this. And I don't agree with Plato on very many things at all was one of his statements. Plato's like, well, you have to wash your vegetables in a river. He's like, at least I don't have to kiss an ass to a tyrant. Like, it was just like, dude, Diogenesus is awesome, man. I love it. I love reading about that. Diogenes was anti networking, anti social interactions with people to, you know, work together to get things, right? Because that that's kissing the ass. I love that, man. I love that. That's beautiful. Okay. Okay. I'm going to declare a closing to tonight's most outstanding episode, but I want to first of all, thank no, we don't need to do all that. We're done with this part. All right. That. Am I still here? Shit. Yep. I am. Okay. There is, I think that's enough for night. There was a couple little quick comments that I don't know if I have queued up, right? Let's just see if I can get one of them, right? There's one here that saying good fall, but some people get mad because I called him a goofball. Come on, man. He's a goofball, but I'm not saying that in a bad way. Let's hear this. Let's hear this for a few minutes. And then we'll call it. Let me give myself off the screen. Come here over there. If you've come to this classroom, realize you don't know anything. You have not read the Bible. Don't say that you have. Don't try to quote it. You don't know what it is. You haven't seen it. You haven't read it. Okay. That's what I tell all the seminarian students that I have. Yeah. And they realize that I'm telling them the truth. You haven't read it. Don't tell me you have. Don't tell me you have if you've gone to church. Don't tell me you have if you know King James and the smell of his underwear. I don't care. You haven't read it if you haven't gone in the Greek. And I'm not talking about Bible college. And I am not talking about seminaries because I mean you need to swim in the depths of the Greek. And that's what I'm going to do for you tonight. I'm going to bridge that gap because I can do that. And here's a wonderful opportunity for instead of me trying to sell you something, by the way, here you go is a good test. Nobody gets in the door who sells stuff. Right. There's no. Right. Do you see where this actually I mean, it's a nice principle. Would you see what this conditions the mind for? What are they pushing right now? I'll see if there's if I can catch this other one or it was supposed to be. And Black Sea Bronze Age types. I've got an actual video of one of these that the Ukrainian Joan of Arc that I want to show you. Oh, that was horrible, by the way. So that we can as he's saying, man, completely inverted, like Ukraine is this wonderful thing. And this woman who's a sniper who wasn't even holding a sniper rifle. I think it's a fake story out of Ukraine for boosting morale. They made this whole thing about her. And they made her her own patch. And it's she's it's so silly. It's I don't know, it's whatever. You can get Smarna. I'm trying to find a part of there's somewhere in this one called the beginning. Tenoch initiation season one episode one. He says flat out the Saturn is Satan. And yet he goes Hail Satan. The Saturn cult he also states are the foundation and the basis and what all the Abrahamic religions are based off of, which he's you know, he's trashing at the same time he's saying Hail to the people the same deity Saturn Satan. And if you can find it in here, I'm not going to take around with it your time and try to find it myself right now. But it's in here. It's in this episode. And when you catch it, you're like, well, well, what the hell then, dude? You know, then what the hell? Because you're just telling people, haha. Looks like what you're trying to tell them to do. Follow a more pure form of the same shit, because it's not like they're in opposition. It's very odd. Very odd. Only the facade is in opposition of this evil satanic Saturnal shit. So I don't know. There's some inconsistencies in the delivery. That's all I'm going to say about that. But anyhow, we've been here a while. And thanks. Thanks over there on Twitter for hanging out and staying up, staying with it. Appreciate it. Over there on Brideon. There are some people. That's cool. I appreciate that. And yeah, rumble is always rocking it, rocking it with good people. And I really appreciate that as well. The Twitter is disguise limits. The thing I will look at the most throughout the day is the telegram group. And that's you know, forward slash or backslash. I'm sorry. Ball B A A L buster studios. And in the description, you'll find ways to support the show, which is what we do here. Because this is what come on. It's like, if you want to an occupation and did a bunch of stuff, you go home, you just go, I just felt like doing it. I didn't need anything for it. Come on. It's like the time here span, the time doing all this stuff. It's what you do, especially when you're getting something for it, like the book, like the creatine, like the hot sauce that I make, creatine that I also make, and then any of the other things that I have discounts for for people like Dr. Monzo and all that stuff is in the descriptions. So check it out. If it's not in this video, you'll see it in the other ones, all those links to all those things. Thank you so much. Oh, by the way, there's a Patreon. And the next livestream I do, if I get to do one tomorrow, it's going to be for Patreon members only. If I don't do it tomorrow, it's going to be happening at least once a week from now on. I'm going to do a Patreon members only livestream, and it'll be open. So I'll also drop the StreamYard link into it so people can come into here and either watch in the green room, or they can be part of the show, you know, come in and talk or whatever. And I did this tonight. I put it in a telegram group, but it's late. And I put it in the Patreon group. But again, short notice, I was like, boom, I'm going alive. That's kind of how I do these random ones that aren't scheduled. I just give the idea, I give the time to children who are finally out of the office for the day. I would have started at six, but they were still playing Roblox and not going to bother them. My daughter was playing on her new, what do you call it? This is the Kindle Fire 11 Max that I got her for a birthday, and she loves it for playing Roblox now. So, and then my stepson was in this chair, playing it on the big screen. So, yeah, I wasn't, they were having a good time. So thing was started late. And that's not like I had access to tell anybody at that time. I mentioned something in the telegram group, but I wasn't sure when it was going to start. When I have opportunity to do that, I will. But usually it's just like, huh, I got an idea. Let's go do something. Let's go, or I'll get off the elliptical after watching or something, or reading something, like I got to share this before I lose the meeting behind it, what it inspired me to think about and how it relates to other things. So, that's how it usually goes. You'll see me for sure, 8 a.m. on Monday. Let's test this. Let's see if this video stays up on rumble, because the other ones did not. The last two videos, the July 4th one, the July 5th one, are nowhere right now, except in a podcast form, or they're on Twitter. They are on Twitter because Twitter didn't leave anything so far. So if you're on Twitter, you can find my stuff there that was taking everywhere else. I think all the Europa's are probably still on Twitter too, but they weren't anywhere else. They took down nine episodes in one day. So I put those all up on brideon, or I think all of them are brideon, or pretty close to all of them. The episode four that got messed up, that one's on brideon, and that one's good to go there too. That's the most important one, and somehow that got sabotaged. Funny enough. All right. Good night. Sorry if that hurt your ears, hurt mine. Good night, Karen. Anybody else who's going to humble painter, voodoo, I think already went to bed. So, good night, everybody. There's like 40 other people, I don't know their names.