Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Nobleman Who Was Defaced by Historian: Warriors Required Ep 2

Deleted from Rumble!!  Twice!

This was Friday, July 5th's broadcast that was deleted shortly after the livestream had ended.  I've also had many people get unsubscribed daily.  Over the weekend I counted 30 new subscriber notifications and I have -2 subscribers than I had on Friday. I'm currently stuck on 4,157 subs.

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2h 4m
Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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[ Silence ] Good morning. Today is Friday, July 5th, and I'm exhausted. No, I don't party. I don't drink. I have a child. [ Laughter ] We were, if you see blue on my face, it's also on my hands. It's also on my arm. Just a little bit of red in spots. Last night, they had a, I don't know if you want to call it a community center. It's like a big baseball field with the water tower and all that. And they did the fireworks there, like they do every year. And this year, they had a foam pit. So before the fireworks, the foam pit was just shooting out regular foam. And then fair one to go into the foam pit, because it's the line. If she was doing something else, they had a long line, so she didn't have a chance to do it before the fireworks started. They decided to put blue and red into the foam. And it was freaking either food dye, some sort of paint. Who knows if it was toxic? And this was my hand trying to, holding her hand, pulling her away from it at one point. It came off of her, is she sucked in the tub, so I'm going to have to do that, something. But anyway, good morning. Let's start off in a very strange and bizarre way today, while I drink my coffee and try to pretend like I'm alive. All right, if it wasn't strange and random here, why would you even show up? Thank you for doing so though. Robin didn't plant a round in the woods in his underwear alone, heavens no. He had a band of merry man. First, there was Friar Chuck, a handsome fellow indeed. And then there was Little Brain. And of course, there was Ransack the Elder. And Elkhorn the downtrodden. But most beloved of Robin was the lovely maid Moron. Oh, dwells in a castle far across Broadwood Forest. Oh, you know what, I completely forgot the last merry man, the royal Will Truncheon. Robin and his band of men were robbers. They were robbed from the rich and give to the cheerleaders. That's not it, let's see, they would rob from the rich and give to the criminally insane. No, no, no, they robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. Rob from the rich and gave to the criminally insane. Who do they think they are, the government? Who rots from the poor and gives to the criminally insane. And whoa. He caught them, he just left his wife because he had money, right, ain't his kids. Oh, be to the rich that dared to enter Logwood Forest. Rich as thou, for this guy. Stickers them upest, and they robbed the evil prince, and they robbed his evil wife, and they robbed his evil cow. Meanwhile, in the castle, the lovely maid Moron was being held prisoner by the evil sheriff of Dodge City, so Robin flew to her rescue, but the castle was surrounded by a big moat which Robin had to cross, even though he was just flying. But was he scared? No way. He was all naked and rare to go. He just dove into that water, lickety spring. But it was a dangerous moat, swarming with ferocious man-eating bloodthirsty monks. No one expects to jizzle it. Ooh, he ripes, man, let's be there. For those of you who just joined us, I'm barely here, but I have coffee, so I'll be good soon. Okay, well, you know, I was gonna say let's dive right in, but, you know, let's put up. Yeah, okay, Chevron deference is a massive blow to administrative state blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, now we know. Let's see what else is on the news, or in the news, or to the left or right of the news. So who thinks it's gonna be Kamala? Is it set up for failure, if anybody's even considering that? We did it, Joe. Or who else? Newsome? Are any of these things making anybody feel any better about life? No, that's not supposed to. It's supposed to make it pretty real that we already know who's going to be showing up and he is the crown, the crown king of the Jews. Yep. If you look at my, oh, let me show you my Instagram. Real quick, like it funny, he's tired, equally tired. All right, so I'm on Instagram. It's called ballbusters, there's 4157 people here on Rumble, there we go. Get on it, ballbusters, easy to find. All right, this is one of my more recent posts, let me put it up so you can actually see it too. That'd be useful. So, this is dangerous language, war of the suns of light against the suns of darkness. Trump, Netanyahu, you see what I'm looking at, and then picture of it, and then boom! Hey, look who that is, that's Cyrus, remember that story? The Perim, right? Yeah, that's a very dangerous, dangerous, dangerous thing. That led to the murdering of many, many people after the 12, well, I think it was 10 suns and the dude who wanted to help get rid of the hue problem, you know, this whole Esther story. It's all tied into that crap, right? All right, yeah, this is my Lord Satan. Good morning Unspeak, once known as Speak Free Radio, now it's For those of you looking for Speak Free Radio, go to This just looks that way, she's like, oh no, it's just coincidental, I'm pretty sure. Let's see. What else we got? There are something else on there, but I don't care anymore. Let's just go to this show that we were watching yesterday, Hitler's greatest story never told. And remember, if you go to the money tree, it's not the, it's, you can find this thing that we were listening to today or watching, if you're on the rumble channel or Twitter, you can find, well then, this documentary presentation that we're about to watch, again, finish watching. So over here,, you can find code B-A-A-L for a 10% off discount. These will slide by you, or you can just hit the shop button, see it all, the siege. Let's see, James Mason collection of writings, let's see, am I right? Pretty sure I'm right. It is, right? I just don't see his name, there it is, that's him. James and Mason's autographed signed copy by the author in February of 2024, book played on five by five, eight, a half inch high quality paper. This book may get you locked up just for possessing it. If you believe that the lugen press, German for lying press, today's fake news, says about James Mason, you would think he was another Adolf Hitler, or maybe even seen himself. If he was another Adolf Hitler, that'd be a good thing, we need more of those people. So growing into a solution with the mass movement approach of neo-Nazi movements, Mason and American neo-Nazi referred, and American neo-Nazi referred to as the godfather of fascist terrorism, began advocating for a waste supremacist revolution through terrorism. Oh, that's not good, that isn't good, if that's true. Through terrorism and pages of infamous monthly newsletter siege, Mason was one of the only two individuals placed by the Canadian government on its list of terror related entities. Inside siege, the official anthology is the truth, the truth of the truth, the regime does not want you to know for the fear, Mason's words could awaken those leaders of the, why there's got to be about that, who have had enough of the Anglo-Zionist empires destruction of their people above. Okay, you get it, there's a bug right there, that's a bug. All right, so moving on, the shop will have, where is it, did I pass it? It was, I was almost positive they had that, oh, there it is, the greatest story I've never told, right there, okay, okay, okay. And then, radio.ftjmedia, ta-da-da, so this is the landing page now for people who used to go to SFR,, these are all the hosts, and there's me, let's see if it pops up this time, I'm rolling the dice, nope, something's wrong with that. I'll have to tell Josh, but you can still go to the listen page, and there you are, above them, okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm tired today, so let's go to it, let's do it, let's have fun listening, and, you know, I was a little thrown back by the whole, it's like, don't play into the whole color scheme, I said, I don't, I don't go down with that, because if you actually knew who Hitler was, there wouldn't be these skinhead new, and that's in the first place, because they're not exactly understanding what the hell they're in, Germany was really about, so for them to use them as their lord and savior and all this other photograph, and they do the exact opposite, or promote their exact wrong things, that's, that's a good, that's not a good element, either, it's bad, very bad, yeah, okay, we're, remember there's finnish subtitles until somebody sends me a leak that doesn't have finnish subtitles, so apparently I'm going to do a lot of work today, talking, because I have to alt the scrolling text, which is annoying, I have to read for you, all right, part six, right off of it, okay, within two days, the issues involving the human rights of German minorities, as well as the disputes over Danzig and isolated East Prussia would turn into world war two, disputes over land that they stole in the first war, that's how ridiculous this is, from the beginning the civilian population feels the impact of the invasion, as casualties mount Polish civilians with the full support of their military, hunt down any Germans still in Poland, on that little sliver that they cut off, right, they were cut off from their father or mother language everywhere you want to call it, following the invasion, there is a wave of house searches, following the invasion, there is a wave of house searches, ethnic Germans are beaten and raped with at least 5,000 murdered, remember the total was 80,000, no, 56,000, I'm sorry, the massacres, especially in the city of Bromberg will be hidden from the history books, it will eventually emerge as one of the most heinous of crimes to be inflicted upon a civilian population, and that's saying a lot, knowing with the Cheka and Bolsheviks in general did to Russia. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh good, more subtitles on top of the translation so I can't, nobody's going to get anything out of this either. [Music] You can hear the sincere somberness in his voice and like sadness, you know, he's usually much more energized and when he starts letting you know what's going to happen next, it does get fired up, but you can tell he's actually feeling the tragedy that's going on. [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh boy, the German Soviet non-aggression pact. In securing the Molotov ribbon drop pact with the Soviets and offering Stalin the eastern half of Poland, Hitler hopes that the Russian presence there will prevent Britain and France from declaring war. This would now allow Hitler to protect the German minorities and at the same time reclaim the territories lost at Versailles. Although both Germany and the Soviets invade Poland, war by the Allies is only declared on Germany. Because it was a setup. On September 17, 1939, Stalin invades Poland and claims the eastern territory as agreed. And he was brutal with the Polish people too. He broke packs that he had with Poland and he also, I think it was like 10,000 people he just lined up and shot something like that. He didn't, not personally, but he ordered it. Meanwhile, Hitler on three separate occasions offers the opportunity of unconditional surrender to the Polish commander in Warsaw. That's unconditional. Poland refuses all ultimatums and the German assault begins. Warsaw capitulates in just 24 hours at the cost of 40,000 dead or injured. The war in Poland lasts just 29 days. Hitler didn't want a general war, but he wanted, and I have no doubt about this, he wanted a war to destroy Poland. He wanted to destroy the communist elements within these countries. How can they not get that right either? For a moment, he was disconcerted to find that he might be involved in war with Britain and France, because this had never been his man. He had always regarded Britain as his natural ally. But in the end, he accepted to look. I have a Nazi-Soviet pact which guarantees that this will not develop into a general war. I should be able to knock Poland out in jail. He's definitely didn't say Nazi-Soviet pact. I don't know who's talking right now, but he's an idiot. I don't know who eats, but you know what's dead. After that, the West is a great start-up of war again. One of these papers said preparing for a long war, and then another one said, "Churchilled new navy chief." I think they call it Admiralty of the Sea, but he was that in the First World War. He was prime ministers, certainly. For fuck's sake. Alright, May 1940. In their quest to prevent Germany from reclaiming territory lost under the Treaty of Versailles, Britain and France refused any offers of peace. In reality, they are worried about Germany's rapid economic growth and will not suffer further German advancement at stake that are the British and French empires with British alone ruling over 40, 480 million people. It's because they're being told what to do by the banks. The banks want to crush them for being outside of their system, just as what plays out now. In the map of the French Empire, a map of the British Empire. Germany has no alternative but to go on the offensive. This is the easy documentary work. The British establishment replaces Neville Chamberlain as prime minister, choosing Winston Churchill instead. The same day Hitler invades France through Belgium. That was one of the very videos of Winston Churchill walking upright. In the map of the French Empire, the British government has no alternative to the war. The British government has no alternative to the war. The British government has no alternative to the war. The British government has no alternative to the war. The British government has no alternative to the war. They're explaining complex, important detailed portions of this conflict with arrows on a map. Excellent work. The British government has no alternative to the war. In what you know, more scrolling text. The armies of Britain and France are no match for this new German war machine. There will be no World War I trench warfare as the tactic of the Blitzkrieg once again proves devastating. In a matter of weeks, the Germans seize vital territory and resources in Europe and eventually outflank and trap the Allies on the coast of France. With their backs against the English Channel, both the world's leading colonial armies face total annihilation. And it would have been a quick war, but someone showed a mercy. But they didn't because they're little freaking weasels led by little weasels who live in tunnels. Hitler delays the attack for two days, leaving the British time for a chaotic evacuation from the port of Dunkirk. That is what an honorable person would do, but it might not have been the best idea. Given what happens after. Although most historians see this as a gesture of peace, others still insist it was a military blunder. It was just a piece, because he wasn't a fan. Humiliated, the British Empire now has to rely on civilian sailing vessels and merchant fishing boats to help their ferry to help to ferry to help ferry. God damn it, ferry troops back across the English Channel. With all their heavy artillery tanks and armored vehicles left on the shores of France. That makes you think of Afghanistan. They are a spent force, but we'll look for other means of continuing the war. Oh good, banks can come in now. Not that we're starting this war in the first place or anything, but now they can end it. Those who rely and comply on those banks, it's not like they're not without their IMF loans. For six weeks, a German blitzkrieg defeats for us. Hitler will have the French authorities surrender at Kompiang. Using the very same carriage in which the Germans had been compelled to ask for an armistice in World War I. That was very symbolic and it brings a point across pretty well, right? It shows a difference as well between the two sides as far as compassion, kindness, honor, integrity, all that stuff. Cares No. 2-1-4-9-D was rolled out of its protective building to the precise spot it occupied on November 11, 1919. Ah, that's unbelievable. It was grandeur for an armistice. Shortly before 3 o'clock on the afternoon of June 21, 1940, he arrived in the forest of Kompiang. Hitler himself took the seat where Martin Foch said. The French delegation led by General Pinsicke followed the slip behind. When the French delegation entered the carriage, Hitler could fully relish the peak of his career. Long ago on entering politics, he had sworn never to rest until the shame of November 1918 had been wiped out. Now he had done it. But the dream of his lifetime he said had been fulfilled. [Music] Berlin greeted him with flowers and jubilation. Hitler's triumphal return to Berlin was in a flood of respected regulation. The church bled Spain all day. And the new population really penetrated throughout the country. [Music] My feelings toward Hitler were such as if he were some super-union being between men and a god sent by providence. [Music] Pinsicke was. [Music] This was the man who had obliterated the humiliation of the first world war. And he was the personification of a protector. [Music] The same day in a speech at the Reichstag, Hitler presented Britain with yet another offer of peace. I can't wait till we get into that part. [Music] And in England, what I mean by that is when we get into the letters, the peace proposals and the speeches. [Music] Script on top of script on top of script now. [Music] Secret government documents reveal that the British received over two dozen offers of peace between 1939 and 1941, despite their desperate military straits after the evacuation. [Music] Had Dunkirk. [Music] However, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was a drunken Jew who would have none of it. Because he is aware Britain cannot defeat Germany alone, he will do his utmost to drag the US into the war. It wasn't his decision, he was barely, barely alive, full of whatever he drank. [Music] They just needed a stuffed pig, a place in a position of Prime Minister, and they found one. [Music] Well, however, mean the eventual loss of the British Empire. You sure about that? Do you know who actually runs countries? [Music] 1940 Britain. Germany was absolutely in a position to direct the cause of the war. All we had to defeat now, we believed, was Britain. The German fighter ace Adolf Galland also thinks the next priority is the Battle of Britain. But when he meets Hitler, he discovers that the Führer's priorities are different. [Music] I talked to him that our good time would come, and we could bomb, and the fighters could take off. He said, "No, no, no, no, stop this. I don't like this. I really don't like the fight against England. The English people are so similar people to the Germans, and have the highest respect for the English building up an empire. So you must understand, I'm forced to fight this fight against England, but I don't like it." I think that he himself had not got any great wish to engage on an invasion of Britain. Because all the time, by now we know he was already beginning to get itchy and wanting to turn eastwards. War equals death, and casualties of people who aren't involved in the military, and he knows that. But Göring insisted that with the Luftwaffe, with the Air Force alone, he could not be written out. So he gave him his head to try. [Music] I can already say that I'm glad we started with the Europa, because it's a far superior. We'll put together documentary. [Music] Initially, Hitler had insisted that only military installations were to be bombed. However, on the 4th of September 1940, he explained in the speech to the Reichstag why, after months of the British targeting German civilians in nightly bombing raids, he now has no choice but to retaliate in kind. He let that go on for months. For months. Before doing anything. As evil as what they're doing to them. And this people. While the German planes fly over English land day by day, no Englishman has managed to so much as cross the North Sea by daylight. Let me just add this too. And I did this last time, this came up. This idea of the, that bell that, you know, gravity defying saucer type thing that apparently be admiral bird, the lying admiral bird who's the disclosure agent in Antarctica and defeated this hopefully. And maybe that, maybe something happened there that is similar to that. But if he had the superior magical spacecraft or whatever aircraft. Why the hell did the decimation and defeat of Germany occur? If he could have wiped out all it was all air raids for the most part is all bombings bombing into submission. What would be the purpose of not using them to defend your country? Was it more fun to potentially take poison and shoot yourself? You and Neva, I mean, it doesn't make any sense. So I don't believe as much as I like Robert Seper. I think those people have wishful thinking and they're producing a fantasy factory. If they were there, they might have been very well equipped with armor with arms to do anything. So that would mean the admiral bird story has some big holes in it too. [Music] That is why they come at night and drop their bombs. You know it will indiscriminately on civilian residents, farms and villages. Wherever they see a light, they drop a bomb. Isn't that sick? This is what they're capable of. And this is what will happen again until they're stopped. This is what they do in every other country still. And often times it's our military doing it. It was here too. Allies. Wasn't just Britain. [Music] This is Hitler speaking, obviously. It says I did not answer for three months because I was of an opinion they would ultimately stop this nonsense. Mr. Churchill perceived this as a sign of our weakness. [Music] You will surely understand that we are now giving our answers night after night and this at an increasing rate. [Music] I should call this the reload didn't work. [Music] I'm going to take my chat. I don't miss anymore. I'm going to take my chat. I don't miss anymore. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. I'm going to take my chat. [Music] Since we have to be continued here, hold on. Let me have to go to the other screens as positive. Let me read this. Too much sun, not enough lightning. What would the world be like today? If he had shown no mercy at Don Kirk. Exactly. Exactly. But hey, we learned from our past, right? Now we understand that you can't negotiate with evil. Evil does not have reason. It just wants to kill you. It doesn't stop wanting to kill you just because it's back in the corner. It just waits patiently and devises a plan to kill you some other day. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. If you're not going to kill you, you're not going to kill you. I'm going to take my chat. Part seven. Hello, America. This is Edward Murrow speaking from London. There were more German planes over the coast of Britain today than at any time. That was an A33, I said, on the back of that plane. It's just interesting to have a number of combination there. War to God. You know that the invasion of Normandy Beach was on the sixth hour of the six day. Of the six month, right? 666. It was called Operation Overlord where they dumped a bunch of American troops out into machine gun fire. Turning them into basically ground up meat. Yeah. Yep. I really wish I had one another finish. Despite the British Empire's vast resources and the millions of men at her disposal, including one million Australians. Two million Indians from India. I'm sure they really loved the fight since they were destroying their country at the same time. And Churchill hated them and were starving them to death. One million Canadians. Churchill and Roseville will push for the US to enter the war. However, polls consistently show that ordinary Americans have no wish to be involved in what to them is yet another European civil war. There's a demon facing us right now with a bunch of demonic media around him. In spite of this, Roseville will now force laws through Congress making a mockery of the US's proposed supposed neutrality. In 1939, the US neutrality pact was repealed in favor of a one-sided supply of arms to Germany's enemies. Right. And a bunch of rally cries and hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hing in victimhood from, you know who. Oh, and demands for the genocide of the Germanic people, which wasn't anything new for them. The same year, Roseville freezes all ass- this isn't this- refreezes all assets of defeated European countries refusing to recognize their new governments. See how they manipulated money? Like even if they were happy to be liberated by Germany, they now had a face to the thing of, you know, well, loyalty might be a good question if we're pushing them, right? It's- money system is a big problem, big problem. 1940, the destroyers of US bases, the destroyers of US bases agreement is passed whereby 50 reconditioned US Navy destroyers are transferred to the Royal Navy in exchange for British bases in the Caribbean. Roseville will persuade Congress to pass the Lend-Least Act, Lend-Least Act, which officially bans his pretense of being neutral. He will also allow American citizens to enter the British Air Force. What? 1941, Roseville freezes all German assets in the US, a violation of international law. US announces an oil embargo against aggressor "nations". Okay, we're good. Let's watch something. Oh, no, we're not good, hold on. Oop, there we go. $1 billion in Lend-Least Aid is sent to Britain. The US will eventually ship a total of $31.4 billion worth of supplies, the equivalent of $445 billion in today's money. The loans will take Britain 61 years to repay, with the last installment made in 2006. By an overwhelming majority, Congress passed Lend-Least, bill number 1776. Bill #1776, are you fucking kidding me? You know, the Illuminati was founded in 1776, May 1st, May Day, right? Jeez. So, you know, you would say maybe that they were pulling out upon the patriotic strings with that number of symbolism between them. But remember what symbolism is to them and what would be symbolic to them. So, the Y stopped founding of the very Illuminati, aka the Perfectable Liston. Seems a little bit more fitting. It kind to be turned over to those nations, which are now in actual war with aggressor nations. Our most useful and immediate role is to act as an arsenal for them as well as for ourselves. We shall send... An awesomer. An ever-increasing number. Tip Wayne. To a nation who shrugged off a horrible defeat, depravity, debauchery, enslavement by debt. And this is why we hate them, right? This is why America should be all gung-ho for this. What never is a whole lot of time spent on the reasoning, it's more about what we're going to do. And how we're going to do it together, patriotically. Forget about the details as to whether or not they deserve it. They deserve to be attacked by us. No, no, no. Forget that, because that's harder to explain. We have media for that to tell you how evil they are. That is our purpose and our plan. The enormous amount of US funds along with the covert US operations in the Atlantic help Britain sustain the war against Germany. A quick knockout blow, glorying had hoped for, now it seems unlikely, and the battle of Britain will shortly give way to a more important fight. In the word now, concentrate on the battle he believes will eventually decide the outcome of World War II. On December 11, 1941, he gives a speech describing the growing Soviet menace. Already in 1940 it became increasingly clear for a month to month that the plans of the Kremlin were aimed at domination and thus the destruction of Europe. Yeah, and let's put it this way. They don't ever tell you this, but if it wasn't for Mr. Hitler and his decisions that are coming up soon here, all of Europe would have fallen to communism. Now that they're not there now, they just did it with a soft, quiet war. Only a blind person could fail to see that a military buildup of unique, ruled historical proportions was being carried out. Clearly, the Soviet Union had been expanding west. November 30, 1939, Finland is attacked. This is all the Soviet Union, right? February 21, 1940, Sweden is bombed. June 18, 1940, in 1940, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are invaded. I had one bill of opinion in me. June 27, 1940, Romania is forced by Stalin to surrender Moldavia, or Bessaravia. The whole thing is scrolling text. It's what I got. Hitler feels that not only is Germany in grave danger, but indeed the whole of Europe. He knows the horrors of bullshit. He knows the horrors the bullshit makes will bring. So even though he's at war with these people, he's actually helping the cause against communism. I mean, that also protects him because he don't want them getting closer and closer and taking more ground. But the effect here is that it's protecting Europe as well. Rather than wait, after meeting with his generals, Hitler will now plan a preemptive strike against the Soviet Union in what will be known as Operation Barbarossa. To understand Hitler's fears for Europe, we must first look at the Bolshevik regime and Stalin, the men. President Roosevelt would affectionately call Uncle Joe. They're both communists and they're both Freemasons, so what do you do? They call them Brother Joe, it might have been a little more curious, a little more suspicious. Stalin! Stalin came to power on the death of Lenin and ruled the Soviet Union by fear and torture for nearly the next 30 years. During that time, he was responsible for some 40 million deaths. Yeah, most of the moon is on country against the Russian people. And the Ukrainians. Stalin spent his first years in power consolidating his position. He managed to sideline Trotsky, who he perceived as his major rival. In 1929, Stalin implemented a policy known as collectivization. Lenin's experiment in nationalizing the land had remained half finished, and Russian peasants were still working their own land and selling their own produce in the market. They serve the... I love how they say that they're the figurehead. It's like a lead singer who pretends that they don't have a band. They're just mouthing the words. They're just mouthing the words, they may not even written the song. By means of collectivization, Stalin meant to complete Lenin's initiative and to take away all the peasants' lands and produce in the name of the state. In 1930, peasants' produce began to be collected up. See, we have a problem with pogroms. We have a problem against the retaliation against the hues when they do horrible things in the country. We have a problem with the response to that if you're the Bolsheviks, or if you're Jews in general, the international science have a big problem to put terrible mistreatment. But yeah, they'll starve Russia when it's not a Jewish population or community. They starve them to death. The Red Army, one by one, sees the produce from... They should have called it the Jewish Workers' Party instead of just the Workers' Party, right? Every single field. Some peasants managed to hide their goods rather than give them up. But coming as party officials searched every nook and cranny. Yeah, and for all those who think they're going to live off-grid and be safe, let's just remind everyone that in the 1940s, they had the technical capabilities of finding and murdering and first targeting, first priority, killing farmers, killing people who can produce their own food independently, who maybe just produce enough for their own family. They were murdered. They murdered so many farmers that they themselves experienced the need for foreign aid, even the Communist Party did, because they had killed so many farmers and there wasn't any more food. So in the era of drones that they don't even have to bring people out in the era of maybe even robotic dogs, who knows, what do you think you're doing? How long do you think you're going to last? You're going to be the first ones. I mean, I wouldn't want to live in a city either. I get to understand all that stuff. But what do you think you're hiding? What kind of technology can't find you, really? And if you carry your phone or your credit cards with a freaking GPS chip in them, you're not really even going to be needing any of those heat sensitive scanners to find you. Eventually discovering the hiding places. The officials also seized the peasants' agricultural equipment. The peasants were left with nothing to eat and nothing to work for soil. They seized their equipment. I mean, if you don't think this was deliberate, if you don't think it was deliberate to starve then all to death. Yeah, it's communism's signature. What are they doing right now? Now they're using climate change and all these scares of all this and that happening to the food supply. Meanwhile, blowing up places that produce food, burning them in the middle of the night, they just all spontaneously combust. Eventually, that catastrophe that Lenin had described as the most useful for communism raised its head again, family. Oh, and they're also attacking the distribution of goods by the whole green bullshit to the climate BS with the trucks needing certain fuels and becoming outlawed in certain states with a plan to outlaw them everywhere. So what are they going to use to transport it? And how much is it going to cost them? And ultimately you to get the supplies that you need. Yep. In Ukraine alone, six million people starved over the next few years. Two million died in Kazakhstan. There was upwards to 30 million people dead in these famines. And there was one during Lenin's time, too, in 1921, I believe it was. And one million in northern Caucasus. Children reduced to skin and bone died in agony. There was another ghastly result of the famine inspired by Stalin. Cannibalism, peasants maddened by hunger began to eat corpses. Then an even worse horror emerged. Some peasants had kidnapped children and eaten them. In front of these two Russian peasants caught eating human flesh, labor remains of the children they had snatched. Stalin's regime had turned human beings into savage animals, just as communism had intended. Everyone who opposed Stalin's collectivization policy paid with his life. Tens of thousands of Koolocks were detained and shot. Koolocks are farmers, too. During—I can't remember precisely what—man, it was 1800 sometimes. There was an incentive for them to develop the land, so a lot of people moved out to this area where later the Koolocks were decimated by Stalin. In actual fact, the regime branded everyone it saw as opposed to its ideology as Koolocks. Large numbers of priests and even members of their congregations who attended church frequently were arrested as Koolocks. Some were executed. Others were sent to the labor camps where a slow, lingering death awaited them. And if you were a smartie, you were killed, they don't need thinkers. These camps were set up all over Russia, and were simply another of Stalin's killing machines. Millions of people from Koolocks to Koolocks. People regarded as enemies of the state were worked to death in them under the most terrible conditions. Some were put to work laboring on canals in the blazing heat. Others were sent off to break rocks in the freezing cold of Siberia. These people forced to perform hard labor under the worst possible conditions soon turned into living skeletons. The great majority never left the camps alive. The Soviet Union, like every communist country, was an economic basket case. It could not produce enough to survive. And so every communist social state has been dependent upon aid from the capitalist producing state. See what I just said? So Russia was desperate for our aid, both in terms of direct government aid, but also in terms of opening up the spigots for private capital markets, particularly New York bankers and corporations, to move into Russia in a big way. And this is where the oligarchs embedded themselves. Putin took care of most of that. Thirty-three. The Roosevelt administration invited a Soviet rep... He uprooted the majority of it and either took them out permanently or drove them out. Or imprisoned them. Presented after Washington to negotiate terms of diplomatic recognition. 1941, Poland. When something similar happened to this more recently with their puppet boy Hugo Chavez when he decided, "Hey, you're reaping our country and taking a lot of our resources and you acted against them." They gave him cancer. Baseball-sized tumor in his crotch took him out. Don Strank is a port of Governor General of Poland and the country disappears from the headlines of the world press. Jews must web star of David on their arm, not carry it in their pocket. In Warsaw, there is a streetcar exclusively for Jew. A district a mile and a half square is transformed into a ghetto. In this documentary, he's not going to explain why they did that. Because of the communist element in the country that was still trying to subvert them. And they really, they're not going to describe. They're going to just act like it was an aggressive thing. And instead of a defensive protective measure. To make sure that those who were communist sympathizers were put someplace where they couldn't harm the rest of the country. Remember how many the Bolsheviks, almost all of them, carried the same. Bolts race identity. There is condemnation from the allies over the Jewish ghetto. And yet it bears no comparison to the many black ghettos in America. A country where the ghettos were still being lynched and hanged from trees. Yeah, again, this is all stupid. This is a fucking retarded statement. There are a lot of rapes and murders of people that resulted in the hangings and lynchings of these people. And they were individuals that would give the crimes. And they were individuals who suffered the punishment. Britain's record on the human rights of the subjects in her many colonies is likewise cruel and racist. So here's a little bit of a South African history, Winston Churchill served in the Boer War, which means farmer, when thousands of women and children were left to starve in British concentration camps. Yeah. No one was ever brought to account for the many crimes against humanity in India. Again, Churchill. Africa, Australia. Or for the mass drugging of the population of China in the opium waters. Once again, cuz they're in Jews. You can say Britain, but who actually ran that operation? Right. Who was built up and who was controlling the banking system and all that in Britain? City of London was all straight up Rothschild and affiliated banks, including the Bank of England. Mexican reparation act in the US, the years between 1921 to 1939 saw the forced deportation of 2 million Mexicans as first authorized by President Herbert Hoover. Of those 1.2 million were born American citizens. Well, how did they hold on? There's also a question here. So if you come over illegally, and I'm just saying this in more modern terms, if you come over illegally and have children, does that make them more valid to be here? No. 1890, one year after the birth of Adolf Hitler, the final US army massacre of the Indians occurs at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Come on. By 1924, they're almost completely wiped out. Children that survive are sent to boarding schools for reeducation where teachers are instructed to kill the Indian in them. Yeah, that was a Roman Catholic and Jesuit initiative, by the way. And if you know anything about the history, the true history of that little organization, you'll understand that has two roots in it, too. Oh, good, a job of temptation. Isn't that nice? That must be reality. I'm not going to read this. I'm not going to read it. You can see it. Okay, so this is the most common of laws forbade intermarriage, the mandated that business and public institutions segregated back blacks and whites. Okay. Hey, look, Arizona. Oh, yep, yep, yep, okay. I'm doing it. The point is a no point. And what did that person do? Did they rape a kid? I mean, this is the context that they're missing here. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had time and time again resisted any Republican party efforts to pass a federal law prohibiting lynchings. So what? You do the crime. You suffer the punishment. Period. The end. Roosevelt's a piece of shit. I get all that, but this is a ridiculous statement here. You know, they may as well put up Frank too. The guy who, you know, was apparently the impetus behind setting up the ADL because he was a Jewish factory owner who raped and murdered a seven year old girl. So when he wasn't, when justice wasn't going to be served, the people went and got him and did something similar to these hanging fellows here with them. Because why? Because you don't fuck with kids. In 1922, future president Harry Truman joined the Ku Klux Klan. Well, he was a Freemason, so that's what they created. And they followed the Kabbalah, the Freemason. So, I mean, really want to know who starts the counter or the controlled opposition, the talking from both sides of their mouth. There you go. 1936, the myth of the Olympic Games. No, they were, they were real. Ha ha ha. I better have to read again. Hey, look, right. Why explain it with your own words? Anti-German propaganda, the U.S. will claim that a furious Hitler had ignored four-time Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens. This is repetitive, because we already hear about this in a better way, more articulate way from Europa. In his 1970 autobiography, Owens wrote. When I passed the Chancellor, he rose, waved his hand at me and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany. He wrote that in 1970, after all the false propaganda of the horrible, horrible death camps. So, good for you, Jesse. On his return to the U.S., Owens will not be invited to the White House. He later said, Hitler didn't snub me. It was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram. The Olympic champion later had to make a living by racing horses. Oh, he literally raced against horses, not on top of them. That's interesting. I'm not going to be able to read this because it's covered. In 1960, most of a quarter of a century later, a young Cassius Clay threw his Olympic gold medal into the Ohio River after a waitress in a restaurant told him something. He was a politicized jackass, too. Mr. Mohamed Cassius Clay, Ali. And if you're not an idiot, you don't throw away your gold medal. You throw her in the river if she offended you. Right? We had a funny way to end it. We don't serve niggas here to be continued. Hopefully, we're done with nonsense. All right, party. It says 27 parts. I don't know how much of this I'm going to go through. Italy, which had allied with allied with Germany in 1940, was now fighting the British in Greece and the Middle East. Warhead also broken out in the Balkans, where the worst atrocities of World War II would soon take place in the ball. Before Germany could invade the Soviet Union, Hitler would first have to send the Wurmacht to help secure these regions. Within six weeks, the British would be forced to retreat from both Greece and the Middle East. In Yugoslavia, the British-backed government is quickly overthrown. Croatia is now independent for the first time in 900 years. To this day, many croats honor Adolf Hitler as a liberator. At least they got it right. The Japanese conflict. I can't believe that they just did this. They put pictures up in the little video clips, reusing a lot of them, and then just throw a scrolling text on the whole goddamn thing. This is ridiculous. Throughout the 1930s, Japan had been at war with China when Japan allied with Germany and Italy in 1940. The new Vichy French government consented to the Japanese occupation of France's Indo-China colonies. There's a Vichy water that's kind of like a seltzer drink to guess where that goes from. The British Empire, however, which also had colonies in the region together with the US, froze Japan's assets in July 1941. And we can't read this. New York Times, July 26, 1941. These measures in effect bring all financial and import and export trade transactions in which Japanese interests are involved. Probably can't do it, right? But we can't read it either. (Music) It are involved under the control of the US government. (Music) In August 1, 1941, Roosevelt still looking for a way to enter the war forces an oil embargo on Japan, an intentional act of hostility. Both these actions were taken before the fateful December 7 Pearl Harbor attack. The result, Japan lost access to 75% of her overseas trade and 88% of her imported oil. Soon there would be insufficient resources to continue the war with China. And they already had their little puppet ready to go as they were what do you call it? Betraying Shankai Shek, which would eventually lead him to retreat, if you will, to Thailand. I'm sorry, Thailand, Taiwan. And they had their little groomed puppet mass murdering genocidal maniac, Mao Zedong, all ready to go. And he was a Jesuit in the Skull and Bones trains, there was a thing out there called the "Yale" in China. To try and resolve this, the Japanese entered into negotiations with US officials who demanded that Japan first withdraw from China before the embargoes would end. The Japanese would never permit themselves to be humbled in such a way a fact which Roosevelt must have known. And what were they trying to prevent? The communism spreading into their country. Of course, referring to Japan and China. And China. Our impression, this is what's sick about this, our impression of Russia now is what Russia used to be, and it only became that way because of US funding. And the country overthrew of our country through the Federal Reserve Act that funded the Bolshevik Revolution in the first place to overthrow the Tsar of Russia. So we created that problem, it wasn't an unintentional outcome, it was exactly what it was intended. In his book "Icebreaker", Russian historian Viktor Suborov gives compelling proof that Hitler was forced into a reluctant preemptive strike against a massive nuclear military machine pointing to the invasion of the Gulf of Western Europe. Soviet documents which make it crystal clear that the Soviet military was beginning, is being built as an offensive force by whom? By whom? Would the money come from? Awesome. The collateral damage inflicted on the 11 European countries involved in Hitler's defensive measures against Britain and France had created an unprecedented situation where their army's governments and political parties had been destroyed. Now, with Europe totally exposed, all in this hoping Germany will expand the war by sending troops to Britain. I'm pausing it while I read it, number one, because it's growing, and I don't know if I'm going to get to it before it disappears, but also because I'm not sure if it's garbling my voice because there's music playing in the background. Instead, he is caught completely off guard as three million soldiers prepared to invade the atheistic Soviet Union wearing. Oh, they weren't atheistic, they were cult of Saturn. Atheistic Soviet Union wearing belt buckles engraved with the words "got mitt uns." Get a God with us. From the Baltic to the Black Sea, three million German soldiers are moving into position. Operation Barbarossa. Launch Operation Barbarossa. The most brutal conflict between two nations in recorded history is about to begin. On the first day Barbarossa alone, 1200 Soviet aircraft are destroyed in a single strike. Hands a unit sweeping east, already deep inside Soviet territory. And now's a good time to remind everybody that Semper, S-E-M-P-E-R-F-R-Y-L-L-C is the home of awesome hot sauce, 35 varieties that I hand craft. You can also get the creatine hydrochloride, my book. And there's links there to Dr. Peter Gliddin's membership site, Dr. Manzo's Azure well supplements, whole food supplements, big deal, and his book, Dr. Manzo's book, and his carto shop where you can find other things that Dr. Manzo offers. Chaos multiplies the catastrophe. Without orders from the Kremlin, Red Army few commanders lose control of their units. Dazed, cut off, surrounded, thousands of Soviet soldiers surrender. And at the height of the Wehrmacht for Russia's onslaught, Stalin disappears completely. He has every reason to hide from his people. That's when Harriman comes over and becomes Stalin for Stalin while he's having a little nervous breakdown. Avril Harriman. A newsreel footage shows Soviet frontier troops overwhelmed, a retreat under fire in total confusion. Whole formation's surrendering. Hundreds of thousands of men entangled with fleeing civilians in scenes of Biblical disorder. Yet there are some Soviet citizens who welcome the invader. To many in the Ukraine, the arrival of the Germans is a heaven-sent opportunity to throw off Stalin's yoke. Local women bless the Germans as they pass. As well, they should. The good element of mankind was present. They most certainly should pay that respect. Their menfolk destroy reminders of a man who has terrorized them for years. Stalin is above all stunned by the sheer speed of the German advance. Still, the Germans drive east. They're at the outskirts of Kiev, Smolensk and Leningrad. Yet fierce pockets of Red Army resistance hike on behind enemy lines. The besieged Red Army garrison fights on and on, for more than a month until they are finally compelled to surrender. Hitler is so impressed by the tenacity of the Russian troops that he exercises rare clemency. Only one survivor is shot. The political officer at the fortress, Mikhail Fomen. The Führer cites the defense of breast as an heroic effort, an example to his own soldiers. And he visits the fortress with Mussolini to acknowledge a hard earned victory. But for Stalin, the defenders of breast are not heroes. Years later, after their release from German capture, he will send survivors to the Gulag. The Wehrmacht's rapid, relentless advance. He didn't just send them to Gulags. He lined up thousands upon thousands of Russian soldiers that were captured in just straight murders them. Seems unstoppable. Traveling at up to 50 miles a day, Panzer divisions are already approaching the heart of Stalin's empire. And in the middle of July, Stalin is forced to consider offering the Germans a negotiated peace. While Stalin contemplates a way out of the war, he's drawing up plans to punish his own troops if they surrender. In a desperate attempt to halt the rout, he issues order number 270. All officers and political officials taken prisoner at the front are to be considered traitors. If ever they return to the Soviet Union, they will be arrested and executed. But the barbarity of order 270 does not stop there. The wives of captured troops also face imprisonment in the Gulag. We'll just come back. Oh boy, here we go again. Sail fastest girls. Hitler now forms the Einstein group in units for the necessary removal of die-hard Bolshevik leadership and NKVD, later known as KGB, from all Soviet towns and cities. However, on hearing of the German invasion, many civilians refuse to wait and take immediate revenge on their communist oppressors and associated collaborators. Good. We're looking at a guy who murdered when he thought these are weasels, who when they have the guns and you're outnumbered, they will murder you without thinking twice. So getting bashed to death with a stick isn't exactly a horrible, horrific thing. They got what they deserved. And that was a light hit, by the way. Meanwhile, Roosevelt extends the Land Least Act and sends more financial and military aid to the Soviet Union. Remember, people are starving in the U.S. while he's sending all this aid. $11.3 billion of around $150 billion today to help keep the communist regime in the war. Why? Because this was the big Zionist Jewish– It's already in banker movement to capture, weaken, and buy up all of Europe and enslave them. Stalin is now rumored to have suffered a breakdown, right? And Avril Herriman came in this place, like I had said. Now, with Moscow in range of the Luftwaffe, Stalin's own citadel of power comes directly under attack. Can you understand, like, how much of a pussy that makes Stalin? Like, he's just mass murdered when he can direct other people to do it. Very far removed from the battlefield. But the moment something doesn't go right, even though it's still considerably far removed from him, he pisses his pants and curls up in a ball. The big, tough guy. German armies race for the capital. Elsewhere, Army Group North heads for Leningrad. Army Group Center makes a pincer movement towards Smolensk. Army Group South strikes towards Kiev and the Ukraine. The suburbs of Kiev, the beginning of August. In a vast pincer movement, German Army Group South threatens to encircle the city. During August and the first two weeks of September, the bear marked in circles of vast area, crammed with red army troops. Four Soviet armies perish. On the 18th of September, the city falls. The Führer is now lord of all his cephas. It seems as if he is on course to meet his objective, to crush Stalin's Russia before winter sets in. Wouldn't that have been nice? Leningrad lies ahead of the bear marked, defenseless. As September draws to a close, Leningrad is totally cut off, with no land linked left to the Soviet Union. At the end of September, the Führer launches Operation Typhoon, the final drive along the road to Moscow. 14 German tank and 74 infantry divisions, a total of 1.8 million officers and men take part in the offensive. Stalin has good cause for panic now. Facing a disaster that might sweep away the whole Soviet Union, they have one last hope that the weather will save them. Imagine what the truth behind the Bolsheviks, how much more widespread it would be if they did lose. There would be no need to tell lies to exaggerate what they were doing. Bolsheviks and what made up the Bolsheviks, if you catch my drift here, would have been permanently stained for all of eternity had that truth come out. Instead, people like myself and others have to remind people that the real bastard evil that brought us to these wars and murdered without discretion. We're comprised of the same people who wrote your Bible. Yeah. Sleep is turning to snow. The ground, frozen at night, is now a quag. Well, at least the Septuagint part of it, right? My, during the day, paralyzing Hitler's overstretched war machine. On the 2nd of December, German units reached Krasnaya Polyana, 17 miles from the center of Moscow. As the weather intensifies and temperatures plummet, the bleak truth is time turns decisively against them. Yeah, and it was like a super naturally cold time. They didn't even have the proper clothing. If that was happening seasonably, they would have been prepared. So there was something really strange that occurred there. And when we go back to Hellstorm later, we'll also read of some other strange things, and I brought this up before. But it almost as if these sorcerers conjured something, or there really are weather weapons and have been for a long time, and they were, you know, because they are the storm God after all. Yahweh, the storm God. Yahweh, his ball is Saturn, right? And I don't mean that in a supernatural way, but it would appear supernatural if they had these types of that type of technology back then. Something that may have survived cataclysm in the past. Who knows? Bring it out when they need it, right? But it just seems a little odd that this realm of ours in which we live in somehow prevented something good from happening in the world, getting rid of in destroying the Bolshevik regime. Oh my God. Five months have passed after five days have passed after five months of US sanctions, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, December 7, 1941. Two army privates running the Gopanna radar station are suddenly startled by blips on the screen, 50 planes headed for Oahu. Immediately, they report the sightings to the army operation center. They dismissed as US planes coming from the mainland. That's CGI, aircraft designated for the second wave of the attack. Take off, messenger boy to Dale Fucicami picks up General Marshall's urgent cable for delivery to general show. Commander Fucicia's first wave, Amara, is on course. TV eyed sailors and Marines, their breakfast getting cold, mistake the attack for some crazy kind of aerate drill. They think the planes are American. At 7.55 a.m. dive bombers hit hit them and weeter airfields. Two minutes later, Fucicia planes start their run on battleship long. You have to remember this in the context that we are funding the greatest evil that has ever been known. And we're looking at the Japanese as some evil people. The installers aren't the ones that do this. If they really wanted to do something, they should have blasted the freaking banks, but yeah, either way. Two minutes later, zero strength other air bases. Notice they're never targeted, right? She does first wave of aircraft that hits the Arizona, which erupts like a volcano. Planes first 500 feet in the air. The sheet is deadly first wave since the West Virginia. Now the Oklahoma, a battle wagon moored out board of the USS Maryland shutters with torpedo hits. She begins listing and capsizes. More torpedoes rip into the battleships California and Nevada. After the last bomb is dropped, the United States of America virtually has a Pacific fleet. No longer. Yesterday, December 7, 1941. A date which will live in incoming. FDR allowed the Japanese to strike US military bases so that he could get us into a war for the J's. United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval forces of the Empire of Japan. On December 8, 1941, the US declares war on Japan and officially enters World War II. Britain will declare war the same day. Was the attack really such a surprise? I don't know, they pushed all the planes together so that they could be easier targets. [Music] Okay, we have a little bit less than 15 minutes left. I'm not going to start another one. I'm not sure if I'm going to return to this. I think we've got enough out of this video honestly. But I think we should move on to something else starting Monday. So with the rest of the time here, let's go ahead and look at other things. Any second to pull it up here. US Marshals find 200 missing children in nationwide operation. What about the other million plus that get stolen every year? SCOTUS rules Trump has immunity who cares. Baby bottle makers accused of deceiving parents about dangers of microplastics in their products. Now that's something that parents should be aware of. The Federal Reserve paid banks and funds, paid banks and funds, $400 billion over two years for sitting on cash. Let's take a look at that one. Over the past two years, the US Federal Reserve Central Bank. Remember the people who bring us to all these wars? Right there, the foreign controlled Rothschild entity. Paid out more than $400 billion to banks that banks and money market funds in interest payments and other transactions meant to curb lending to fight inflation to fight inflation. After a rate hike spree in 2022 in 2023, the central bank now pays 5.4% annual interest on reserves and any money a bank lease parked at the Fed overnight. So as long as you don't lend it, they get their money. The Fed is using this mechanism to tighten credit, to press demand and thus ease price inflation pressure. That's that part is a lie. And straining lending also reduces the amount of dollars in circulation because banks, they print it and throw it into the circulation all the time. And once again, we have a very garbled understanding thanks to need to no news. And I point these things out because this is supposed to be the good guy, G, Edward Griffin G. Yeah, we heard about that one. Let's see. Again, mass immigration blamed in murder of 12 year old girl by illegal aliens. 12 year old Jocelyn, this is the one they have the video I think of her being carried out of the house. And there's a police car that just drives by. Well, I think this is the one. Jocelyn, none Gary was allegedly strangled to death by two illegal aliens from Venezuela. Johan Jose Martinez, Rangel. Twenty two in Franklin, Jose Pina, Ramos, 26. They're being held on 10 million dollar bond and have been charged with capital murder. Update the Houston forensic science center confirmed that sexual assault took place, court documents state that the suspects encountered the 12 year old at a convenience store. This is a different one than the one that was carried in the house, I think. At a convenience store on June 16th and asked her for directions, Jocelyn was taken under a bridge. Yeah, this is different where she was held for two hours. She was tied had her pants removed and was strangled. One of the suspects had bite marks and scratches on his arm, indicating there was a struggle. Harris County district attorney Kim. Og had said that if sexual assault was found, the case would be eligible to be a death penalty case. Lot of after the fact shit. Why he let him in the first place. To undocumented Venezuelan men have been charged with capital murder in the killing of this. In the killing this month of 12 year old girl and then it just goes on and on till the same thing. Something about CNN because that's a great place to quote. That little girl would be alive today. If Biden enforced immigration law, it's not Biden doing anything at the border. GOP Governor Greg Abbott said. Well, Governor Greg Abbott, you're the governor of Texas, right? Why aren't you doing something about it? Why does the federal. Why does the federal government have to be the one that does it? Trump, that's not even their job. Trump who will face Biden Thursday and CNN's personal, who cares. British Prime Minister UK teams will be cut off from banks if they refuse national service. Here's the face of the UK now. It was for a while, but he looks awfully British, doesn't he? British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak threatened teenagers in the United Kingdom who refused to take part in this controversial election. Promise of mandatory national service will lose their access to finance in banks. Every 18 year old in the country would have to either join the military or spend one weekend a month carrying out community service. D banking makes it difficult for individuals to participate in society. Sunak also suggested that young people could have their driving licenses removed if they do not comply. The opposition party accused Sunak of trying to get 18 year olds to fix the problems that the government has created. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau froze truckers, banks accounts, bank accounts when they protested against mandatory COVID Jabs in February 2022, revealing world leaders, willing this to use individuals money to coerce them. This is their own publication where they're not going to get censored, and yet they're still using the word Jabs. Fuck is wrong with these people. You don't use the code word when you don't need to. It's not really a code word, but at least it seems to be a permissible. Former CIA chief reveals how they use full face masks to walk around as someone else. Yeah, we've seen that. There's plenty of videos out there. And then there's this thing that Santa Monica suspect arrested after strangling, biting, trying to drown three victims. Santa Monica suspect arrested after strangling, biting, trying to drown three victims. So he just bit off more than he could get it. Yawan Dwayne Garnett, 32, a homeless man was arrested following two separate attacks on the beach in Santa Monica on the morning of June 24, 2024. The man allegedly attacked a 17 year old girl because they're tough guys like that. Trying to rob her and the beach goer identified as a 25 year old woman. Oh, wow. Trying to identify a 25 year old woman tackled the suspect. Mr Garnett reportedly bit and tried to strangle the rescuer. The suspect then set his sights on a 72 year old woman. That number is significant to the Greek shows out there. And reportedly dragged her into the ocean and attempted to drown her. The 17 year old female was transported to a local hospital for treatment of serious but not life threatening injuries. Garnett is charged with two counts of attempted murder, one count of child abuse, one count of assault and one count of attempted sex assault and one count of kidnapping. Jawan or Yawan Garnett has a prior record of assault with intent to rape and faults imprisonment of an incident for an incident that occurred in November 11, 2021 in Van Nuys. He was sentenced on May 9, 2024 to 90 days in jail but served only 28 days. George Gaskin, who is a who's backed by a radical leftist George Soros is district attorney for Los Angeles County. They have a big SRA problem to with daily county police, by the way. And they're a Masonic, if you will. Update, Prawls broke out and on the Santa Monica pier and one person was stabbed as crime continues to rise in the liberal, liberal city 70% of people arrested in Santa Monica are homeless individuals. Good old California. And we were at the 956 marks and now it's my turn to show you stuff of mine. Here is the backslash disguise the limits. That's my patreon because I can't call it the other name because they and me a long time ago. I have been recently dropping in three PDF books for people who are members. Bill Cooper is five bucks a month. Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series transcribed. That's his 41 episodes transcribed so you can read it. Bill said, "Behold a pale horse." Transhumanism, the history of a dangerous idea. David Livingstone, if you've been here long enough, you've heard. You've seen plenty of that book being read to you by me. Where are we at? I got screwed up there when that stupid thing went off. All right. The Orlando book is also in there. And I'm be adding more. I've got lots of books I can share with you guys. All right. All right. So get in on it. Please support the damn show. There's another way to do it too. If you go to where you are right now in the live chat, you can scroll right down. Or you know, you're not scrolling. You just put your little pointer finger here on this thing. And this is just like a super chat. Okay. And you can go. You know, something like that. Or, or, or you're back at it now. I did it once before I got out of it. No, or you can click this button here. And this one is a subscribe to ball blasters and getting access to membership perks. All right. And that's five hours a month as well. So you can do it right from rumble if you're more comfortable that way. Or you can do it through patreon. Or you can one time or it. Ball blasters. Gives and We do need the support. We meaning myself, the score, the squirrel in my pocket. And the family, because this is a lot of time that is being. You know, I don't want to spend, but, uh, devoted to. Five days a week doing this show. And. In return. We need to keep going doing something. If you're interested, there's. The best hot sauce in the world is what I make. And it's been said so. World has also word winner and all that stuff. So there's that on separate fry S. D. M. P. E. R. F. R. Y. L. C. Dot com. You can get signed copies of my book here, but you can also get to the. Links to where you can get the book directly from the printers. Right there. Before you even. You know, then you scroll all the down if you want to book answer it. Pick the. Friday that you want to scroll back up and see what the price is. It's going to be cheaper than those other sites, but it will be. Quicker sent to you because they slow walk. Author copies to me. To the authors in general. Okay, so there's my website. On the menu page, you'll also find the creatine hydrochloride. I'm going to put out a. So for the next. 15 people who order the. If you order the 50 serving one, you're going to get it five additional servings. If you do the hundred. Serving amount, you're going to get a 10 additional servings. Added to it. So another 10 grams. And you can use the fan favorite. Keep on, which is right here, you'll see it right in this thing right here. So. You get like a little samples of the sauce as well. That's always. Wood winning handcrafted made to order best ingredients veteran owned. Us Coast Guard family run in business. I have to change that to 10 now years. And then there's all the links for Dr. Glidden in the corner. Dr. Mansa's book over here and his other things that come directly from him. And then there's the Azure well. And I've shown you guys the core copper IP six. And. Coddlin royal and all this other stuff. It's all whole food vitamins. And he has a whole food vitamin segment. There's all kinds of stuff on there. He helped them. Put it together so that they got. The good stuff. All right. And then there's the hot sauces. That's what our storefront used to look like over in, you know, I mean, over in San Diego. For about seven years before COVID destroyed our business. And. These are the hot sauces. This is my grandfather, by the way, they passed away. Me, my grandfather. And my grandmother when I was about four years old. In. Oh, Disney World Florida. There's, there's me. There's my grandfather. Her mother full blooded times, as you can tell. All right. And so there you go. Please support the show. Isn't that hot sauce, man? You're going to freaking love it. I know you are. Yeah, I know you're going to love it. And you're like, man, this is the people who don't like hot sauce like our hot sauce. Right. Because it's not done right now very often. And there's a lot of people out there who just get what's called a. Oh, private labeling. So it's made. Exactly the same. By like there's a big one in Costa Rica and there's other places to. That just make tons and tons of the same thing. And then you buy it from them. With your end, you add your own label to it. So it's the same sauce with different labels on it all. And some of the brands that you see in the stores and not just talking about when you go to a hot sauce shop. Like there's a lot of stuff that. It's just a label that's different. And it's not it's done mass produce, you know, it's mass produced. So it's not. The best quality of ingredients. That's why a lot of people don't like hot sauce. This is our world has also wood winner here. This is the hum singer. Garbanzo beans and cumin tastes like a spicy hummus. Green genie is Toronto honey and lime nemesis is mango habanero. There's me with my twin brother friends over there also Italians. Smoke bosses Chipotle and smoke paprika. This is my daughter. When she was about five months old. That's a honey habanero sauce. There's ours. My steps on when he was about, oh, I say nine. Nine or ten. I think probably nine. That one's called the gunslinger. Lava is a keto friendly sauce with a Caribbean red habaneros. Oh, let's see what we got here. Oh, the haunted he is a smoked ghost pepper one that was delicious. I've got a couple cus I teriyaki. Oh, is that sold out? Maybe I don't. But I have I have the ability to make some more golden ratio, which is a pineapple cumin carolina and reverse sauce, which is really tasty. I have reverse delight on hand already made. The hottest one I make is the earth to all a name of a place in Ethiopia. They call it the hottest place on earth. So that's why I need my sauce after it. Blueberry supernova blueberry pomegranate juice. Blueberry supernova blueberry pomegranate juice, this pepper cayenne and Thai and a nine millions go heat extract. Brand X is blood at orange and rubric is scorpion peppers. And then there's bundles here. Like there's a three, there's a three pack. There's a six pack. There's above on the top. The bigger bundles are right here. Well, there's a gallon. You can do the gallon, but it comes in a plastic shatterproof cus means shift, right? There's a 12 pack of the 12 ounce bottles. There's an eight pack of the 12 ounce bottles. And then there's a 12 pack of the six ounce bottles also available. And they come with those ones come with free shipping. So don't use the coupon cus I'll send it back and ask you to do it again. Because you're already getting 20 bucks off of the shipping, right? Alrighty there. And it's already just kind of too. But you can use this, you can use the coupon code on everything else. And that is what we do for life. So please support the show in one way, shape or form. Get something for it. Get the book, get the sauce, get the creatine. Everybody should be on the creatine. I take breaking five grams a day. I love it. I love it. I don't even, I don't even mix it with anything unless I make, unless I'm making my pre-workout, which by the way is coming out soon. Unless I'm making my pre-workout, then I'll throw it in there to give it flavor. But other than that, I just scoop it, taste it. It's like lemony naturally. It's really tasty. Some people won't like it because if they don't like lemon or that type of bitterness. But to me, I don't mind it. I like that acidity. That's nice. Alright, I'm about to go take a shower and jump out in the elliptical or maybe in the reverse order. You guys have a wonderful day. And once again, hit something on the way out. I don't know. Don't hit your dog. Hit one of those buttons that I pointed out or hit out or hit the patreon or hit the, you know, at least the like and the subscribe. Thank you so much. See you on Monday. [BLANK_AUDIO]