Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Piecing Together the Story and Identifying the LIES

We walked far down the path of the Saturn cult the past week and have learned of deceptions this alleged "race" of the "chosen" imbedded within the tool of religion. We did this so as not to be led by the nose by the devil in disguise. Now that leaves a lot to ponder, but at least it shows us there's reason to ponder such things and that will loosen us up from the chains of our programming as we venture back into the great deception of WWI and WWII. We're beginning to recognize the nature and the methods of this malicious and hate filled bunch, and we're seeing their deeds through time, and the levels they will go to ensnare and destroy. Now is it really that difficult to imagine that there's an active plan by these Frankist factions of finance to utterly destroy every strong standing of mankind? Let's look at some of these pieces and see how they fit together while we revisit an old friend we never knew we had until we studied the Europa series and read from a variety of sources.
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2h 53m
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04 Jul 2024
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Resetting itself and made it so that. The stream yard wouldn't accept my camera or my microphone afterwards. So I just had to readjust that. So if there's any issues with anything I play today, I'm not going to know about it because I don't have a chance to test it because I just just happened here. Just before I got started. So hopefully we'll be able to actually listen and hear and all this other stuff. So I need you guys the ears and eyes out there. I need you to let me know what's going on. Don't let me go too long if you guys can't hear something because that's kind of pointless. All right, we got a lot of videos to look at today. A lot of things to discuss. Where do we begin? Let's see. Well, we begin with letting people know this. Yes, my daughter had an awesome birthday yesterday and her Kindle fire. Eleven. Max came on time. The case where we'll be here on Friday. She loves it. So while these are good things. Oh, let me just. Why is that looking like that even. Unreal. Unreal. Everything's broken. Okay. So. Pretty bad. This is the Gibson Right now we're transitioning to FTJ media radio dot FTJ media dot com. I believe it's the name. Let me double check that. So it's radio dot FTJ media dot com. So let me go ahead and announce that first. Josh from Joshua TV dot com. Who have that site going for about seven years or so. He is constructing this similar to what was going on back then. So there's FTJ the radio and then you can go into a different. I think it's FTJ media dot com without the radio part on it and it's kind of like a job. A new Joshua TV site. Okay, but it ball buses is here that hopefully that will get updated soon enough because I sent them to the icon. But there you have it. So now FTJ media. It's radio dot FTJ media dot com. So let's see what happens when we click mine. Real quick. I want to see if everything is still on that way. So I can't be reached. Okay, me radio dot Jot. Really? He must be working on it. Well, that was that was kind of anti climactic. Jesus Christ. Everybody's broken today. Well, anyway, you see it there. You'll know it's there from the future. And then there's always this as well. This is the home. There's a. What's opt in? I don't know. Let's see what's that. What is that? The wrongs without remedies LLC. Oh, okay. So you can sign up for that. Interesting. And there's all there's Europa right there. Right. So if you use code B A L at checkout. You'll get 10% off. And the shop here. The people out there who are watching all kinds of goodies in here. Lots of big goodies, including Europa. The greatest story never told, which I believe we're going to get into some of that today. Man, I swear, like airplanes and everything else. There's just a lot of background noise. Very distracting right now. Stupid fucking jets over our head all the time, military. Like there's a whole huge desert, but they have to fly over the residential just to, you know. Just to intimidate because there are a bunch of freaks. And we're going to talk about that freak show a lot today. And who the hell is behind it and who actually runs our fucking government. I am very pissed off about a lot of things and there's a very good reason to be so. So there you have it. I'm going to go ahead and get us started right now. Let me just. I think for this one. Good morning, Karen. Good morning, K R V one, two, three in Canada. Good morning, Polk. Sarah's moon sand. Yeah, Carrie. Okay, so you're your book. Your book is signed in on this way. I think if you're if you're Carrie, Carrie, I think you're Carrie. Then yes. All right, the hardcover, right. Let's see. Let's go to this way. I do it for Instagram because I have to pull up more. Additionals. I think the only way I can do that was with this bracelet on screen. They're very specific. So if I just click Instagram, it's not going to switch when Instagram switches. So let's do that. I need a guy or a girl to do this. And then I need the guy that didn't sound right. I just need to put an assistant to do all the crap with the hey, pull this up, hey, pull that up, you know. All right. I'm going to get my head out of the way and we're going to show this here. So where is my messages by. Couple of different things here. We're going to get ourselves primed here. And then we're going to go. I'm going to have to jump back into him in his video and show you. That he's jacked up too. He's just as jacked up. If not worse. Because it's kind of counterintuitive what he what he did and said. So I'm just going to go ahead and share that with you guys. So you see it. So last time we were here, we checked out this. It's all on ice video about the Saturn cult right. Couple to three things happen transpired over here. And then we're going to look at these. I don't know why for me look that one. Well, no, that's actually a good one too. The parasite one and then this one project for a new American century is in toward this conspiracy truth person though also says a bunch of stupid shit. Yeah, stupid stupid shit. And they play a lot of Adam green stuff on this too. So there was something I argued with them about. I think they said some stupid crap about either Russia or naive crap about Germany. So I was like, yeah, you know, you can stuff that. Anyhow, let's watch this because this is a true statement at least. The Jews are responsible for Islam taking over here today. Yes. What's the aim of multiculturalism? What's it that we all live together in a harmony society society society or a destination when when are we multicultural enough when when's the end. It doesn't end believe it or not. For you. History and there's no more white people left history ends and doesn't change. Some people are categorical about it. George Soros financing the transports and giving to each Muslim each young Muslim. They come into Europe with 500 euros in their pocket or something like that. They all come with iPad or iPhones and plenty of money or good. Is that not piss you off already? Does that not piss you off that they're getting the shit handed to them so that they may prosper so that they may be a thorn in your side. And then also your tax money, your family's money being funneled into them. That's what's paying for it. The UN is just for cutting the checks. Some very silly spot of money. And there's a famous clip which appears on television of a Jewess in Sweden. Barbara Specter who says Europe is dying and we Jews must encourage immigration to stop Europe from dying. But we're going to be resenting. Yeah, because Europe was so in an entire need of diversity, diversity to death, right? We're going to help in this process, but we must do it otherwise Europe dies. She says this. You can find it on the internet. That's more of a threat than anything else otherwise Europe dies. They want to destroy Christianity and Europe. Yes, absolutely. They want to dissolve. They want to dissolve the Western nations, destroy their identity, destroy their self-respect, destroy their manliness, their patriotism, and that way make them soften them up to join in the New World Order without protesting. I have to check something because I see that this is playing on a different channel. And hey guys, can you hear that when I'm playing it? Just say yes, simply yes or no so we can continue. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. I won. Woohoo! So that's a yes on the apple pie? What's big time playing high five casino on my phone? Real cash prizes, free daily rewards, over 1200 games. So yes or no on the apple pie? Woohoo! I won again! I'll take that as a yes, drive around. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary. We're having to play responsible condition supplies, see website for details. High five casino. Because whenever I, whenever I did the reset, I can't change now that it's on. It's so, it's, stream art is so quirky that if you adjust anything on the, okay, you guys can hear it good. Because it's on a different channel now and it's all because it fucked up when I first started it today. I could, my headphones were dead, the whole board was dead, I had to restart everything. Alright, good enough. Let's go back to it. A larger device, this plan whereby he wants to destroy the ethnicity of every European. He wants Europe to not have any more their own single ethnicity. And that's why they're pushing all these immigrants to cross the Mediterranean and come into Europe. They are basically destroying Europe by doing that. We don't have anything, uh, autistic against anyone, of course, but. This was, that's what Europeans look like these days. Yeah. Yeah. Uh huh. And it's the lowest of the low, the biggest of the shitheads that they send. Because who else would uproot themselves for a fucking handout? A piece of shit, that's who. What they're doing is completely criminal. And they're actually financing these people once they come to Italy. They have more rights than the Italians. They give them houses. They give them hotels. They even give them houses. They give them hotels. They give them 30 euro a day so they can buy and pay for the mobile phones for their things. I mean, they treat it better. There is no social security here in Italy, but still these immigrants have everything. So Italians are, of course, getting more and more mad every day. And this is all because of the collegiate plan to destroy the ethnicity of Europeans. Because if the new world order tried to absorb a proud and independent and self-identified United States or Britain or France or Germany, these great countries from the past would resist. So they've got to break them down. And they learned that through Germany when they tried to break them down through the Versailles Treaty and the natural spirit of Germany came through and at least one man rallied the rest because that spirit was inside of everybody to say, fuck that and fuck the banks. And so they destroyed them. But if you know that's coming, you can prevent it. You just got to get the heads out of your freaking government and out of your banking institutions. And that's what they've done. Maybe we should reconsider what the held banking is in the first place altogether and what money is. So we think that's holding people back from prospering done by taking over the education in these countries, by taking over the politics, by taking over the universities. This one's a little bit off to the side. Yeah, we can skip over that for now. It's just something that Neish and I were talking about that was. All right, so here's projects for a new American century. And if I'm loud, sorry. The project for the new American century was the Zionist based think tank that was made up of both Republicans and Democrats alike. It was founded in 1997 and lasted up until 2006. At that point, it came under heavy public scrutiny for the unjust invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and the numerous war crimes committed during those invasions. Then in 2009, it reemerged when the coast was clear. There is a new puppet in office and the public had seemed to forgot about his existence. Once again, the Zionist had a green light to continue their hit list. The project for the new American century was founded by Bill Crystal. The conversations on Bill Crystal and Dr. Robert Kagan. For those of you out there just listening, there's flashing the big blue. What do you want to call that? Do you want to call that the star of David, the seal of Solomon? How many other made up characters? That stupid star with the triangles, the blue one. Yeah, that one that's on the Israeli flag. That's what they're showing. 17 of its members became top advisors to the president during the Bush administration. Jews were grossly overrepresented within the project for the new American century. The entirety of its top membership was Jewish as well as over half of all the membership, despite the fact that Jews only make up 1.7% of the population of the United States. Although the project for the new American century rose to White House prominence under the Bush administration, their demands have been followed since the Clinton presidency, as well as other Zionist demands, such as the Israeli policy paper, a clean break, a new strategy for securing the row. I hope people understand it's not how many. It's where they are and what they're controlling that matters. Like what percentage is the military to the rest of the population? But the military, they've got the weapons because they're stupid enough to have a standing army, right? So that's kind of what you have to factor in there. Oh, they control everything, including the government, the banking, the insurance, which is a fucking total fraud. Oh, yeah, so yeah, they kind of have a big stranglehold over everybody, right? Because of the monetary system. Which was written in 1996 and called for destabilization of Iraq as well as other Middle Eastern countries. The project for the new American century frequently wrote letters to President Clinton. He responded with the 1998 desert box attack on Iraq. The history of our government writing about going to war in their documents, then staging events to get public support is nothing new. From the USS Maine to the Lusitania, to Pearl Harbor, to the Gulf of Tonkin, all the way to the "new Pearl Harbor" that the project for the new American century wrote about and they're rebuilding America's defense's paper that they deem necessary to get public support to fight multiple simultaneous wars in the seven countries they felt were a threat to the Rothschild central banking system. Sound familiar? Sound familiar? That's what they always do. That's what we're here for. When the bank calls, we jump and we send our family, our children to die for their scumbag fucking purposes of destroying a strong nation. And they'll go through which ones they already destroyed and I'm sure everybody will remember this. And the Rothschild state of Israel. One year later, they got their new Pearl Harbor. Right. And let's not forget that this rally cry for fucking Israel, look at this picture. Look at this picture. This is what they do. And yet, we decide to default believe that Muslims did this. And then not the CIA Mossad in Israel itself or the Rothschild banking conglomerate. We don't see that that's what really happened and we're still supporting this shit. Well, they're genociding, quote unquote, whatever. There's Christians there too. I don't care about the religion and how that person is somehow worth more than another. It's the fact that they're human beings and they're doing the same shit that they did in Russia in fucking Palestine. They're killing the people that lived there, plain and simple. Enough is a fucking enough. And they want to bring us in on it. What are we doing here? When are we going to slap their asses fucking down and get them to hell out of our lives? When we're going to put them back in Madagascar, where the plan used to be? This event became known as 9/11. This is the Pearl Harbor of the 21st century for us. And the president will have to deal with it. He will have to deal with these people overseas. They're telling us they're going to destroy us. Right. And those people overseas telling us they're going to destroy us was all propaganda. The people who are going to destroy us are the ones who are telling us that other people are telling them that, right? It's a fucking media. The people who control the media. That's who's destroying everything. Cold War era was up and there was no meaning to Jews in case you didn't catch that. No longer an enemy for the public to fear, but the military industrial complex still needed to feed their war economy. They needed a new enemy, a faceless enemy, that would ensure perpetual warfare and increase their military spending that they so desperately begged for. And they're rebuilding America's defenses paper. This new need for a faceless enemy gave birth to one of the most important tools of modern war. They're showing the CIA and what I believe is a Mossad symbols right here. Terror. Yeah, the terrorists. Terrorists. Oh, I think bad terrorists. The invention of the terrorists gave the Zionist the green light from the public to go after the countries on their hit lists. Came back to see him a few weeks later. And by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, are we still going to war with Iraq? And he said, oh, it's worse than that. He said, he reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. He said, I just, he said, I just got this down from upstairs meeting the secretary of defense office today. And he said, it's a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran. Not only did the creation of terrorism allow for perpetual warfare, it also allowed for the achievement of Zionist agendas, such as the Greater Israel Project. And for corporate profiteers like Exxon, Heliburton, Lockheed, and more recently, Jeanne Energy, as well as many other pro Zionist corporations to profit immensely from these wars. All these corporations can be traced back directly to the project for the new American century to its members. Due to the public outrage from the mass slaughter of the innocents during the full fledged invasions of Iraq. Watch what happens here. Take it close. I know the screen is small. I can't make it bigger. That's just how Instagram show is on a PC. It's just the way it is. The following is a high five moment from high five I won. Yahoo! Private, put down your phone. This is the army. Sarge, high five casinos. The social casino. Done your phone. Goes wherever you go. I win three spins. Cash. Prizes. Three 10 rewards. Over 1200 games. I won again. platoon. Present cell phone. High five, high five, casino. Winded high five, casino. High five casino. Afghanistan. Designists needed a new subtle and less direct approach for destabilization and regime change to finish their hit list and for their own sadistic agendas. This gave birth to the modern Arab Spring. Again, there was a new puppet in office with the anti-war protesters trusted. Little did they know the same Zionist hidden hand was pulling the strings behind it. How many drone strikes did this guy do? It didn't have to declare war on anybody. That's old shit, right? That's the old way to do things. Just go ahead and drone strike people and snuff them out in the middle of the night. Like, oh, you know, kind of like what they've been doing ever since and I ever said long before that too. But you know, you have these little no knock raids that are getting more and more popular. It occurred. In January of 2011, the Zionist hit list was resumed, starting with Egypt. Instead of invasion, CIA assets and social media propaganda was used to achieve regime change. And less than a month, the Egyptian president gave in designers demands. Just as the Egyptian revolution ended in February of 2011, the Libyan revolution against Gaddafi began. Keep in mind. Right. Against Gaddafi, which you know for a fact was a fucking completely foreign movement funded by the same Jewish scum that always does this. Libya was a very happy, very successful, very highly educated country and they had the DNR. That was their big mistake, right? Just like in Germany, when they said, you know what, F your BS system. They actually arrested a Rothschild and held him for ransom, which is pretty freaking awesome, in my opinion. And, you know, Putin freaking killed a couple of them and do the same thing. He paid off their debt and said, come back here and you're fucking dead. But everybody wants to call him a Jew because his fake mom is Jewish, apparently. But his real mother is from Georgia and she's not. So whatever the hell that fucking means. Everybody's stupid because he was KGB. They're like, oh, yeah, well, that's Russia. What the hell else is there in Russia? If you're going to be in the military, you're going to be in that type of stuff. This way it is. So get over yourselves. What's the easiest way to do something from within or outside of it? How do you make it? How do you affect the change from within or from the outside looking in? So back the fuck off. Anyway, here we go. What was I saying? I'm already, I don't even remember now. I'm a little irritated today. I'm jazzed up and made a rock. Oh, yeah, Gaddafi. So it's kind of like an overlay of the same thing that happened. You prosper. You show that you can become independent from these banks. You don't have perhaps maybe either you don't have a central banking system already destroying and parasitically just eating your country alive. Or what do you do? And you say, you know what? We're done with that system like they did in Germany and we go ahead and do our own thing where the market's based on your, your, your work, right, the labor. And see how quickly they prospered showing the rest of the world how easily it could be done. And that is what they want to get rid of is that example. They don't want that idea of spreading. It's not so much that the country, even though, you know, there's the factories, the foot, the other things, the resources that they want to control. It's not such a big deal, one little spot, but it's that, you know, cancer isn't the only thing that spreads. Good things spread too. And they don't want that. They're the fucking cancer. They're the parasite. They spread quite a lot. And they always seem to get into the biggest, biggest positions, don't they? The modest lifestyle built Libya up to become an immensely prosperous nation spoke out against the UN. And it's, this guy's a fucking hero. What are they saying? I protect Europe. And they try to make him out to be like a child trafficker and all this little shit. That was what the fucking Red Cross, another another Rothschild agency was doing after they started all this nonsense there. And they looted that country using the Red Cross. They were taking the wealth out of that nation using the Red Cross because they just label it something and they take it away. Europe from the flood of illegal. Ask us. Ask Hillary Clinton about that. Ask us. State Department Clinton about that. African immigrants. CIA assets like Khalifa Heftar, who was provably on the CIA payroll for 20 years, were instrumental in the overthrow of Gaddafi. He organized shootings on government targets, yet there was a complete Western media blackout of these shootings until Gaddafi had to fire back. Then there was complete media coverage and demonization of Gaddafi. Sound familiar, everybody? It became a humanitarian issue. For those of us who watched Europa together, does this sound familiar? One side of the story? It became the, he's killing his own people's story. Yeah, his own people who are revolutionary fucking communist pieces of shit being funded by, what? The small hats. Just a short seven months later, Gaddafi was beaten to death by the terrorist pawns of the Zionist intelligence communities. The Rothschild central banking system soon followed. Libya now remains in ruins, allowing for thousands of after. And these idiots, these fucking morons, don't realize that they're destroying their own, they're tearing down their own walls to let the fucking parasites destroy them. The cancer. This is what the tragedy is here, is these fucking people so, you know, lit on fire by this rage and all these, these emotions and all this other crap. They're self-destruct. Yeah, all destruction is self-destruction, number one. But when you do something like this, you take down someone who is taking care of their, of their country. See, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. The better job you do as a leader, the more between the crosshairs you will be in this world that we have right now. So if we want to stop that from happening, we need to make some changes and we need to grow up. We need to stop being so fucking scared of these people. You can evade us to flood into Europe, as well as many other corporate gains that came from. Honestly, I don't care if somebody calls me any stupid word that's made up. If that's what, if that's how you rat, if that's your level of comprehension, why do I care what you say? That just makes you an idiot. You want to, you want to call me a whatever, the R word, oh my God. Or if you want to call me an anti-this or what, yeah. Okay, cool. If that's how you feel it, whatever. How does that reflect on me? What you think? Who the fuck cares what you think? Who's next on the list? Syria. Egypt and Libya worked well, so there's no need to change the strategy. Use CIA assets and social media propaganda to create a conflict. Except it's about right and wrong. It's about justice and injustice. It's about the harming of the innocent and the manipulation and the playing and the fear factor that I'm not scaring people into submission, that I'm not going to, I'm going to call it out every time I see it. So if that makes me anti whatever, because I call out the bullshit, then that just means, I guess anti-Semite means I tell the truth or that I defend, you know, what's right. And if no one else does that, and you know what they say, no matter how many people do the wrong thing, it doesn't make it right, right? Doing the right thing is always the right thing to do. And it should be done by more people. This time Assad didn't give up so easy. He also had allies like Russia who came to his aid and stopped the Zionist proxy armies dead in their tracks, as well as countries like Iran, who are also on that hit list and know someday their fate is destined to be the same. They attempted to play the same humanitarian. Jesus, did you see that? I think they replaying the crisis game that they've been playing since the initial invasion of. Those were human people, those were still my God. Two blows back on his, says two blows back on his feet and run for their work. I can't really understand that. For their work of this night, by Iraq, except this time, the whole world wasn't buying it. The Zionist created and orchestrated Syrian civil war has decimated the once prosperous and flourishing nation of Syria. Nice GoPro, I want one. The country is now in ruins, yet Assad still remains. This is what happens when you don't go along with the Zionist central banking system. They paint you out as a villain, then destroy your country, slaughter the innocent, and hand it over to tyrannical warlords. There are still a few countries on the Zionist hit list. Be prepared for future humanitarian crisis. What you're hearing from your government is propaganda. There are always two sides to every story. You're only hearing one. And ask yourself, who are the ones that are really killing the innocent? I think that's rhetorical for this group of people here that watch the show, right? Alright, here's another one. It seems to me that Jewish individuals own a lot of the media and fund a lot of the politicians that make demands on behalf of the black community for things like reparations. While another group of Jewish individuals tend to take the intellectual lead in combating the initiatives that was proposed by this first group, the result being that black workers and white workers end up fighting each other while Jewish individuals assume leadership and profit from the situation. How do you feel your remarks fit into that? Well, apart from profiting from the situation, I think you're largely right. I don't think that the Jewish leadership on either side particularly profits. I think they're doing what they are convinced is correct. My own view, frankly, is that Jews tend to take the lead, the intellectual lead in most movements. Who's tend to take the lead, the intellectual lead in most movements where it's possible. And so it's not surprising that they are worthy of that. But there's more than just that going on because anybody who has ambition would want to take those leadership positions, if anything, at any time, people always want to be the one on top calling the shots if you have any type of leadership skills at all. So how is it that it's just them that always get that? How is it that they're the ones that control entirely the monetary system? How is it that that happens? Because it's very old and it's very dark and it's been their system since fucking Babylon. And with that system, they can control every other system. The Jews are the articulating the case for reparations and Jews are the articulating the case. They take the lead in issues they create. I mean, the issue didn't exist until it was created by Jewish individuals. Right. Very well, I'm inclined to agree. I'd say take the lead. I've inclined to agree that we stir up racial hatred between people and then fund both sides or antagonize and agitate both sides. Right. And who does that benefit? Besides, well, I mean, you also do generate money for funding different things that way. And of course, it goes through their hands first. So there's that monetary value game, but there's also the, you know, divisive weakening that occurs because of those actions. In civil rights, generally speaking, take the lead in opposing that one. And here's the thing, too, is that they always are going to push the minority thing because that's what they want to hide behind. They want to hide behind this whole minority thing and that's why they use other races that way. But do you think they have some kind of special love for them? No, they'll be liquidated once they're no longer of use. Any issues in the dividing people? Yes. Well, I'll speak to Steven Spielberg about it and see what I can do. Is that supposed to be funny? All right, so there's that. That was Instagram. Now let's go to. This is a, for those of you who don't know, this is the telegram group telegram group is T.ME. Backslash, ball, B.A.A.L. Busters, B-U-S-T-E-R-S studios. Is the clock walking backward? I swear to God, I've been on for more than 40 minutes. And yet it's 838. Interesting. Okay. I have to check this out because that, look, I mean, we have this here. This is, I'm assuming that they're talking about this here. And I did look at it a little bit. I didn't get to see the whole thing yet, but see if I can get on the big screen. Why are people afraid to make a bigger? There you go. Because everybody's a pussy. That's why. Grow some testosterone motherfucker. Now that's a pretty face. I mean, come on. You got to chicklet teeth. Come on, man. It kind of looks like Steve Martin. If he was mentally retarded. There's no doubt. Many people have time to do it and that includes people who were not necessarily enemies of Jews. You mean because he was half or whatever? Yeah. Right. Yeah, not necessarily. He'd like to say things because that's what you do when you're making your public speeches, but doesn't necessarily mean that's what you're actually doing. Saying and doing are two different things. Winston Churchill, for instance, wrote an entire article on the Jews in communism entitled Zionism versus. Meanwhile, his estate is being paid by the Jews the whole fucking time. Right. So, and they brought him back. They pulled him out of the mothballs to come back to for, you know, his leadership as prime minister. This is Bolsonism, a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people. In this article, Churchill said it very clearly. Hold on one second. I got to check something real quick. You know, it goes. I need to see. So I suppose it was at a time. Let's see what the. Fucking doing say here. Okay. Good. It looks like we're doing all right. All right. I just wanted to make sure that everything was being seen and heard. Unlike children. Why are people afraid? Are you serious? I'm sorry. One whole entire article. Oh my goodness. That's so much effort. In this article, Churchill said it very clearly. And I quote, this movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of sardicist life, to those of Karl Marx and down to Trotsky and Russia. Bellacoon and Hungary. Rosa Luxemburg in Germany and Emma Goldman in the United States. This worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of the rest of the development of any small levels and impossible equality has been steadily growing. Churchill goes on to say. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of all citizen and the actual bring above the Russian revolution by the international and for the most part. 80 is a little juice. It is certainly a very great one. It probably outweighs all others. With the total exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Of course, nowadays, we know that Lenin was at least one quarter. But obviously, that wasn't well known at the time. You go on to say, moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. It really can't be much clearer than that. He's pretty much saying that Jews created Nazism and that Nazism is a Jewish conspiracy, which is created for the overthrow of civilization. And it is not Adolf Hitler saying that, it's not Father Coglin saying that, it's not Henry Ford saying that, that's Winston Churchill. And of course many Jews confirm themselves. I'll be very quietly. The Jewish world in London, April 16, 1919, April 11 said that Jews have been furnishing for the Bolsheviks and the majority of their leaders. Anti-Semitism and the Jewish question. In London, 1942, page 31 said Karl Marx who came from an old family of rabbis and a brilliant Semitic scholars was to point at the path of victory for the proletariat. Rabbi Stephen Wise in the American bulletin of May 15, 1935 said some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism. Rabbi Wise was also a liaison for President Roosevelt and President Wilson. Harry won in a program for the Jews and an answer to all anti-Semites, published in New York for the Committee of the Preservation of the Jews in 1939, page 143 states, the Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. The Menorah Journal in New York from July, September 1932, page 168, it would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement. The American Hebrew stated that September 10, 1920, that achievement, the Russian revolution destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the world war was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking of Jewish discontent and of Jewish effort to reconstruct that very similar to what Churchill said, that this was a movement to overthrow and reconstitute society on the basis of the rest of the development. The Jewish Voice published in New York from the National Council of Jewish Communists, January 1942, page 16 stated that Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country and as yet the only country in the world in which anti-Semitism is a crime, it was punishable by death, by the way, same source said. I heard that that wasn't accurate, so and also when are we going to get off Churchill because he's not exactly the shining star of fighting against the Jews when it was his country that was bombing the fucking hell out of Germany. So where are we still stuck on this, can we move on, I'm not going to watch the rest of this shit if that's how it goes. High Five Casino High Five Casino is a social casino with real prizes and Big Vegas hits at, the hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games, free daily rewards, and come back to get free coins every four hours, only at High Five Casino is a social casino, no purchase necessary, boy broke her head and play responsibly terms in addition supply, see website for details at High Five Casino. Look at their biographies, look at their family history. Real name love bronze time. Do we not know all this, I'm going to move ahead. See the hand, the hidden hand in the Karl Marx pocket, that should tell you a little bit more about what he's up to and who he's hanging out with, and what he's initiated into. Nietzsche, Nietzsche has, in his younger years, he's got his, the hidden hand as well. No, it's actually more to come than I, so you're wrong. He's not a rational or a guy, and he knows where to tie was the name of the Jewish girl in the Bible, in the Old Testament and the book of Esther, who helped undermine the Persian government, similarly to what communist it is, to the Russian government, to the other Eastern European governments, and tried to do in Germany also before they were stopped by Hitler. And those are just a few of the top you've ever heard all of them, but the list really goes on and on. This has prompted many people even in our own government to take notice of Jewish leadership involvement in Bolsheism. David R. Francis, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia in 1918, while he was in Russia, remarked the Bolsheviks here, both of whom are Jews, ninety-seven of whom are returned in exile, care a little for Russia or any other country, but our internationals. And they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution, right behind what Churchill said. So there is no doubt that really that bullshit is not a wasn't Jewish movement. You know, I wish AI wasn't retarded, and they could decipher through the miracle context, so they don't write the word WRITE when it's supposed to be RIGHT. It's just so fucking irritating to see that when you're reading the captions, right, the subtitles? And you come up with any excuse you want to try and excuse it, but fact matter is one of Jewish movement. Yet these facts are very difficult for something to stomach. For instance, many Christians I have run into blatantly disregard the facts about Jews, and tell me to respond with the Bible for supposedly proving that the Jews are some sort of special group of people that cannot be criticized. Why do you think they wrote it that way, right? I mean, this is the whole point of why I was going through this, showing the complete absolute, because everything else that they do is a scam. Everything else that they do is a lie. They're not the evil. The evil in the world is not a creative force. It might be empirically intelligent, empirical knowledge, but what is that worth if that knowledge is actually a bunch of deception and lies anyway? But as far as creativity, they need us for that. So, of course, they borrowed from the Greek myth, the Greek culture, to fabricate their own. And of course, it happened in a hell in this period. And of course, they backdated it and grabbed some guy named Mosiah and changed it to Moses, and then said, "Oh, no, no, see, he's from far back in the 900s." And then, "Oh, no, it's 1200 BC." Bullshit. Bullshit. They're just adopting these things and merging and grafting them into something so that they can sell you this idea. And this whole monism, this thing that, that's not so much a bad thing. The whole idea of like having a one God, which I believe is probably gotta be. Like, wow, does that not make sense? You know, a God for every flavor. That's kind of sounds ridiculous. But this, you know, centralizing it through to the Saturn cult and then bringing about these selfish, angry, jealous, murderous, bloodthirsty God archetypes. This, this, this, uh, yahoo in saying that this is the, the God. This is the God. It's, it's basically Saturn L. I don't even think L. When I read the Eucharite text, I don't see L as Saturn at all. Because Saturn's a sixth son of a bitch and L doesn't seem to be portrayed that way. So I don't know. I don't know. But all I'm saying is this manipulation of Christians, because if, look, if you're from an Abrahamic religion that has three prongs, who controls all of it? If Judaism is the foundation. And why would you accept some thing that was created by the same people who lie about everything else? Would you call that gospel or sacred when it comes from these fucking hands right here? Even if the Jews are ruining world. There is a promise to those who are less social to be less social to be personal to be cursed. I mean, you can give these people all names, names, writing sources. Anything you can find to prove the point that you would go behind. I just saw Yulinoski over there. I have a friend named Chris. The reason that bullshit, communist or liberal culture, whatever you want to call it, still bales in Western civilization is due to the fact that Jews still prevail in Western civilization. Yeah, just about every time I have made that. Why are Jews liberals? Because it's a destructive force that tears down instead of builds up. That's why. So the killers can continue to kill. But the moment you put your hands up just to defend your face. Oh my God, that's anti-semitic. That's scary. But this seems to be a mindset that has come more and more. And the reason why that is, is through the manipulation of Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism, of course, coming from 17, Frankism, more specifically, Jacob Frank. Jacob Frank in his 26,000 baptized converts. Who created the brethrens that went on to develop people like John Darby and things like that, that developed this Christian evangelical movement through the certain types of Protestantism that we now have this Christian Zionist bullshit because it's still Jewish. Just like Jesuits, still Jewish. And if you want to go into the, if you want to accept anything that Emmon said, and I'm not saying to do that. But if you do, then you could also conclude that as far as the Jesuits, they're following the Christ quite well as far as how they harm children and the CIA is being used to traffic children around the world. And as if you accept anything, I'm just saying, I'm not saying to do that. But if you do see these elements, we're all saying, well, because I used to say, and I've written in my book, it seems like it's an inverted definition like it's, it's the invertedly named that it would be the society of Jesus, given what they do. But maybe it isn't. And here's the thing too. If Jesus was a good guy, they also, they definitely wrote about him in a not very good way. Right. So if they took somebody who wanted to use him as a figurehead, but they then decided to change his details because they do that. We don't know anything that he really said or did. And it wasn't written during his time. I was written after. So we don't really have any real anything to go by it. And everybody says, Oh, no, it's faith. No, you still have the same fuckheads that are writing this and they're also claiming him to be a Jew, which either may or may not be a thing. But the whole point is, if it came from those cults, it came from the same type of people and. Amen did make something make sense. He said, you know, gee, that's not funny. It sounds more like a. They're bound together by a group of beliefs in this cultism in this Dionysian, Bacchus, Bakken cultism, this, rather than being a race. And that's been my argument since the beginning. It's not a race. It's not a fucking race. It's a really good thing. Christian and other. It's interesting to know that no one ever has why this mindset continues to prevail in America and who is responsible for making it that way. We just don't ask those questions here. What a contrast that I'm thinking is. This guy sounds like Dave. I wonder if it is Dave. I don't know. I don't know who created this, somebody just said it to me in my telegram, but it sounds like it kind of sounds like Dave. To the man who founded this republic. Thomas Jefferson said, there's not a true existing guy with fear. Or what is unknown to the whole world. Right. Truth doesn't hide. Truth doesn't require a secret society and an encryption and and coveting the secrets of all this other shit. No. Truth stands on its own. Shane, so many people in Jefferson country don't feel that way. They believe that their ideology is more important than facts. Really worse, they tend to confuse their ideology as facts. But I know this could be true because the Bible says so. No book whether it is designated as holy or not is above the facts. Thank you. Thank you for finally someone else saying it, so it's not just me. And it holds more weight when more people are pointing that out. No, whether it is designated as holy or not is above the facts. No, whether it is designated as holy or not is above the facts. I like how they said three times three times is the law. Maybe it'll start to sink in. If that shows something kind of victory to the Bible, then the Bible will be rejected in the open source. Truth. Especially when it's not historically accurate and it's a bunch of Jews who wrote it. Just saying. Hellenistic Jews. Surprise. Big deal. Doesn't make it any different. No one should ever feel intimidated by man or by D&D to discuss that. And if you want to call followers of YAO Sabayoth instead of Jews, I think that's might be more accurate because that kind of puts them back into that cult rather than race. Right? That's just for people. In other words, we've got to be able to only discuss problems facing our nation and who is like behind them and not feel intimidated to do so. Yet many Americans feel that they will anger their loving and caring God. If they dare to point out or agree to some uncomfortable fact. And this is where I say not my culture, not my religion. And if Jesus was a dude, he'll forgive me because he'll have created or God will have created me to use my religion. And would expect me to question these things. And if lies were told about him, he can't hold us accountable for us, you know, not accepting it full force. But even then, who's to say that it would have to come from that area of the world? Why couldn't God in his infinite power reach all of us? And maybe he is. Maybe that's kind of a point and maybe that's why this whole religion thing occurred because they didn't want people to be self empowered and to realize that they have a, they have a direct line to God. So provided their tether isn't severed through vaccination and all kinds of mental, you know, messing them up. And whatever else they do these days to jack up your ability to feel that connection. To which I say, sure, if that's what you want to call the truth. The truth, then I guess I'm guilty as charged. Why are you singling them out? Why are you pointing that out? Well, just same way as I'd say you were in a blue shirt, because you're wearing a blue freaking shirt. No, if you're killing somebody, you're a murderer. Regardless of what fucking other details there are. And all you're doing after is because we're Jews. No, we're going after you because of your actions, because of what you're doing. You just so happened to be Jewish, and that should be kind of maybe a clue to others. And maybe a clue to you to chill the f out because you're already suspicious as it is. You're pointing out those facts as uncomfortable as they might be for something. Yet that is not case for many Americans religious and other. Now I realize that as this day, the Jews cannot legally penalize American citizens, specifically reporting negative facts about them. Oh, this is dated, isn't it? That is right around the corner and I believe already about to take effect. Well, they would certainly like to do. Because the first amendment guarantee freedom speech. That's cute. This is just a poster for your wall. It doesn't actually have any weight to it because if it did, if the Constitution on its own defended itself, then we'd be better off. We would have a different place, but unfortunately it requires human effort to do that. And that's where we have a problem because nobody has any courage. And even speech that Jews don't like. But the Jews have found a little ways to get around the first amendment. For instance, if you post video on YouTube or similar site that merely points out some of the aforementioned facts about Jewish control of the Federal Reserve, you're likely to get one of these. That's the least where they pulled the screenshot from. So we would think they would have a more up to date one because this this YouTube thing does not occur anymore. This is old shit. And I'm surprised that they did this back in 2013, because 2012 it was like still kind of good. It was right around the time that they had been sold, but they were still good. Like you could put up a stupid video and get thousands of views on it because they weren't suppressing everybody yet. It does. Now, the term hate speech is subjective. Even to the people who are pushing the term, and I can prove to you. Mark Potak Jewish spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is a Jewish group by that. I mean, it is a group with a disproportionate large number of Jews in its hierarchy, said in an interview with CNN that there is no legal or shared definition of hate speech. Because it's a nonsensical definition term, right? And so is hate crime. And so like if you murder somebody, it's not because you like them. There is no legal meaning. It's just a phrase. Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder. Now that is interesting. Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder. That means everybody can define it, but it also means that your definition should be just as valid as someone else's. So if someone calls your speech hate speech and you call it not hate speech, well, they're now it's nullified. Puller, and you can have your video removed from you to that points out some uncomfortable facts about Jews. And doesn't that tell us exactly who's years of determining what hate speech is? And of course, this is a very personal definition of hate speech is pushed on the rest of us. So that's one of the ways that you were to keep facts against them out of the public sphere, censorship. There is also the intimidation factor. I've already shown how this works with religious people, but it's also valuable to know how this factor works on others. It may not be religious or may not be as religious as those waiting for action. In the United States, we are raised with a very infantile concept of good and evil. This is generated primarily from two sources. One is church and the other is pop culture. In essence, television, movies, magazines, comic books, etc. If you're a secularist, you're not raised in church, and you will have your opinion formed for you about the hot culture, which also reinforces much of the good and evil nonsense that the religious people here in church. The Star Wars movies are good examples of this. There is a very clear and distinct line of good and evil in those movies. The evil dark side is always trying to take over the universe and enslave everyone. In the light of Luke. I am a Hebrew. There are many other examples of this too in American pop culture. Americans, whether they are religious or not, wrote with this very infantile concept of the world embedded deep into their psyche. And when Americans are old enough to comprehend the real world around us, we start getting our prescription doses of political propaganda. Adam Hitler, for instance, was not just a German leader who took on the new world order of socialism. He was a badass motherfucker. Rather, he was an evil dictator of the dark side of humanity that wanted to take over the world and enslave everyone. And that is Robert Carlisle. It's plain as day that that's Francis Bigby from "Trainspotting" though. And of course, he will pose to him where heroic and courageous God-fearing people go into order to help out their fellow man and make sure that freedom and liberty prevailed and that the dark forces were defeated. And if that were the case, the Allies and everybody, all the sons of the bitches over here from Louie Brandeis on down and up, I would say, and down because he was a lot more powerful than people realized they would have all been destroyed. Through that little process there. Instead, we had our FDR over here putting us into the very worst and most severe depression he could possibly muster. And that was all deliberate, just to keep us preoccupied. Oh yeah, by the way, starving to death 3 million Americans, children, families. Yes, that happened in this country, 3 million people starved to death during the depression because of FDR, because of what they were doing, because of what his freemasonic Jewish handlers were doing. 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Anyone who can be associated with Hitler or his beliefs faces quite a bit of adversity in America. First, you have to understand the programming factor, or the brainwashing factor, if you want to call that. For instance, one of the rebuttals I hear the most often against the facts about Jews is something along the lines of, I agree with a lot of what you say, until you start blaming Jews. In other words, the facts and their sources make no difference. Once someone hears the word Jew in a negative fashion, his brain immediately shuts down and his mouth takes over, and he simply starts repeating all the slogans he has heard on TV or in church. Wow, you sound like Hitler, or control that type of thinking led to the Holocaust? Like I said, this Star Wars programming runs really deep into the American psyche. It's also a good measurement of knowledge and intelligence. If someone outright rejects the facts about Jews in this fashion, it's obvious that either, or facts about anything, religion is the other problem here, because this is where they are controlled, and why are they so successful? Because they're in our heads, they've embedded, this is parasitic. They've embedded themselves into a position to where we identify the majority of people who are of one of the three faiths, at least at their core, that fucking Torah, which was a Torah, which was a later translation of the Septuagint. Yes, that's where our defining religious ideas come from, so we have to protect, because, hey, look, they wrote a book that says that they're the special people. Well, I mean, after all, they wrote it, so that must be true, right? Because they would never tell us a lie. A, he is not studying the subject, he doesn't know the control Jews truly have on America, an example of him in the Federal Reserve. Or B, he has heard something he knows as they know, and immediately retreats from it, because he is simply not sharp enough to understand what a fact is. Or often than not, it's probably a little of both. But either way, it's still a good method to determine whether you are speaking to someone who is smart and capable of critical thinking, who is done as homework. Or if you're speaking to someone who just follows the crowds and repeats the slogan to slightly less than, especially when dealing with people online, it can be also that the person who is not understanding the facts about the Jews. And by the way, it's these rabbis that you see all of the place that are talking evil shit, the people who listen to those people, and the penguins that are in Israel are usually where you're getting all this idea of what. And then you look at the executives and all that sort of stuff. But if you're not on the top level, you're just as manipulated and just as you get used as manipulated by the upper echelon of this group, these Jews. So Jews are used by Jews too, and they're also expendable to them. And lo and behold, if they're not religious ones that are giving a shit about the Torah, it just happened to be somehow designated as a Jew doesn't necessarily mean that they're bad people, or any of that stuff, because I can tell you for a fact. Like I was just texting my friend right now, we're going to be hanging out with them on the fourth. So it's not, it's like, we see the hierarchy, and they're so fucking evil that we think, oh man, and it's pretty valid, it's pretty true all the way down, right? But you got to also understand that Israel is probably going to get attacked to where a bunch of people who are Israeli Jews are going to be murdered. And it's going to probably be a false flag so that they can escalate the war, because it's the bankers on top. Look at what they did. Look what they did in Germany, right? They had to make the conditions terrible so that they could then blame Germany for it and scare Jews into Palestine. They don't give a fuck about the common Jewish people. The ones that are manipulating this thing, the ones that have the marionette, they're pulling the strings. They don't give a flying crap about the common Jewish person either. Everybody is a pawn to them. So just keep that in mind. And people out there in Israel also understand that you're not somehow protected or special, because you're going to get it. I'm telling you, this is what the Israel was created for in the first place was to be a burnt offering, a Holocaust is what burned offering even means. There's going to be something that happens there that's going to escalate this war. And this whole bullshit thing that happened like I said, when I was referring to making it worse in Germany. I think the Red Cross came in with this fucking vaccines. Oh, typhus, this and that. Everybody. Right. They were also dirty people. They had lies. They mentioned that in the movie that they were all covered with it. And yeah, maybe, maybe things transmitted from insects, but also, you know, when you're getting injected with something that you don't know what it is, how is it that people still don't look there first for why they're ill. You know, like I would say, you know, I would ask for all the people who quote unquote have Lyme disease. How many of those people had vaccines and when, because is it this mysterious bug that they said that they were working on and blah, blah, blah, and the tick. Or is it because they just got their vaccines and they were testing vaccines in that area, and they already had a plausible deniability blah, blah, blah, right. Vaccine Holocaust 1918. Let's blame it on Spanish influenza vaccine Holocaust. Same time that World War one was happening because they needed a better body count. They got to get rid of people. I guess this was a little bit before they found out what was in the pudding. For those of you out there just listening, there's a picture bill Cosby on the screen. I'll have a lot more on the topic in future because it's just going to be on the scope of one video. But I would say in conclusion that the main reason people are afraid of discussing the Jews openly is probably all the propaganda nonsense that they have allowed to choose the bill up in their heads. A couple of that with all the screeching you choose to do when the topic is brought up. The threats to destroy you financially, who have shown you from society. That's the type of power that they that they wield, right? You wouldn't be able to get a job. You wouldn't be able to get a loan. You wouldn't be able to get anywhere without being like scarlet letter, right? But that's why the whole idea of the population has to change about what a Jew is and how good their word is. Because this propaganda is media. It's all controlled by them, obviously. So who's the voice that you hear? Whatever you know or are made aware of or informed of is something that someone else wanted you to be aware of and formed of whatever. And what you don't hear about is because someone else didn't want you or someone didn't want you to know that. It makes it pretty convenient. It's a good way to manipulate and mold mold people's opinions of things. And only hands people have fine talk about who's doing it and even smaller hands that are actually doing something about it. So the vote for every person who wants to save a Western civilization should be just shattered as our official tab who has reintroduced the concept of openness and transparency into the public sphere. You're going to encounter Legion after Legion of opposition, of course, as Americans are far more influenced these days by ideology than effects. But once the main tab was shattered, then the shattering of other tables will follow. Civilization will once again start rising towards the end, and out of the darkness will be incarnate as a second. That looks like an asset. I like it. I like it a lot. We're just waiting to see if they're going to say who is this about this, but we've made this. I guess not. All right. Is it in the last two seconds? No, okay. Well, I'm not sure who the hell made that, but it was a decent, except for that church else. They should have moved down a little faster from that. All right, people. How is everybody doing? Yeah. Cool. All right, so we got two things here from Mr. Lipchitz. I make sure I got the right ones here. All right, so you're going to see you're going to see. Ammon. Then there's a couple. There's there's multiple things here. That I have seen it because I listened to a lot of the stuff when I'm on the elliptical. I go for like an hour and a half almost every day. So, yes, I did a hundred and I don't know. I did, I did 6.1 miles and over 1600 calories or something like that. According to the machine. But anyhow, so I listened to stuff in the background or watch it and. Some of the stuff like there's, there's a lot of good information in there. But then this irrational, illogical conclusion that. Yahweh bad, Satan good. What? And then it is, you know, it's not like he denies that. That on his chronos is Satan. So what the is that? Right. If you're saying no to the Saturn cult because Yahweh is saying about. That's just different names for the Saturn cult. Which he's I guess apparently denying or, or, or filling to recognize. Because then he's like. Talking about Saturn and the, and Lady Babylon or the great mother, which is Magna mater. And. Which is multiple other things, but. That isn't any better. That's just the same face. It's the same. It's the same thing with a different name. So I don't get it. I don't, I don't get them in at all. But multiple times you, I'll pick up on something like that. Or they're stupid propaganda. Like one time you said something about how justice is the, is the Nazi killer. I'm like, no. Justice was the Nazis. Taking care of themselves and staying away from the Rothschild banking system and prospering. That's, that was, that was justice. That was, that was what was right. Okay. What happened to them and the constant bombing and the constant murdering and a targeting of civilians. That is what you call justice. Then you're a piece of shit. So, oh, hold on. Come on. Hold on. You're going to do, what is it today? Aftermath. All right. Love you. Bye. All right. Cool. She's doing some, uh, it's like a special class for. Say, acrobat. She didn't gymnastics, but they're doing something special. It's like a special class that, uh, for her birthday, one of our friends. From the mom, the, the. Homeschooling mom group. Got her this thing so that her and her daughter. You go and check that out today. It's like a all day event. So. Pretty neat. Anyway, what was I at? Oh, yeah. So let's just look at him. And so he does these things every once in a while where he tries to, he steps off of. You know, talking about what he does. And even you'll, you'll catch these if you're, if you're aware. Otherwise you're not aware because there's a lot. There's 25,500 people right now that don't seem to catch that he's. Miss misguided or deliberately misguided. He went to something called special projects. Special projects for high school, whatever. That turns out CIA. You freaking out, you know, they scout for the CIA. This goes for the, it's a military run thing. It's a military intelligence run. It's he went through that. All right. And so. It is whatever it is. I mean, that doesn't, I guess it doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it. It's in the detail to keep in your back pocket. When you hear the propaganda coming out of his mouth. And you know how much I hate. When people still have this false impression of Germany. Hitler. National socialism as a, as a movement of humanity itself. And want to self destruct because they're against the very thing that would free them. That irritates me. I have no, I have no more patience for it. So. Whatever. And he also said something about, he reads, reads an article and you'll see this coming up. About Ukraine. And then, oh fucking. Oh, the Gnostic informant went on a stupid tangent one time about how Ukraine is like the, the. The heroes fighting the, the great evil. This was like maybe a year and a half ago or something. I'm like, you're rough. You just completely, you, I have Neil, Neil, you shouldn't speak outside of what you're talking about when it comes to the books that you read in history because your political beliefs, your, your perspective on the world is completely fucking retarded. So anyway. The Bolsheviks are who he's saying are the, I mean, it's in there. So if it's just stupidity, that's the question I have is it stupidity because you can have an idiot savant. And even, even amin could be an idiot savant. He could be really good at the linguistics and a complete moron when it comes to the propaganda that he's being fed by or he's there to do that. Who knows which one is true. But, uh, it doesn't take the amount of effort it takes to know this stuff. It's not like he has a hard time getting over the hump of the, of the religion part. How could, why would it be so surprising for him to see the truth about world war two. You know, there's just so many inconsistencies here. Anyway, let's get into it. I'm going to, there's two different clips, two different times on here. I'm not sure which one I'm not there yet. I just have to go for it. All right, this is the second one. So here's where he talks about it. It's like it's shortly coming up. He'll talk about. You'll, I think you'll hear him say something about Saturn and. It just, it kind of just rolls out of his tongue and sometimes maybe people won't catch that, but. That's not a good dude. That's not a good dude. And it's just, uh, it's whatever, but here, here. Let's just watch it. No more warnings. We don't have to warn anymore. Sit down. Be quiet. Right. Because somebody stepped over the line. How do you step over the line and say, satanic congregation? Number one, you're dishonest. If you are dishonest and you say things that aren't true, you got. Which is great as long as your. Version of truth is truth and not just your truth. Right. Because it's just not your truth. Because you're. An idea log, then that doesn't, you know, right? But again, when it's your, when it's your. Uh, chat. It doesn't matter. You don't, there, there is no democracy. If somebody was going to be rude, tell them to fuck off. I get that. No place with, with Saturn, baby. This is terrible. Boom. Let me, I'm backing up again. He's acting like justice comes from Saturn. What the fuck? Be quiet. Right. Because somebody stepped over the line. How do you step over the line and say, satanic congregation? Number one, you're dishonest. If you are dishonest, and you say things that aren't true, you got no place with, with Saturn, baby. This attorney in age doesn't accept pollution. That's a fucking joke. This attorney in age is going to be the same exact thing. He's talking about Jesus coming back and murdering everybody. Whether the mess, yeah, a mess shack or whatever the hell. Whatever you want to call it coming back and murdering everybody. That's the same thing. What do you think Saturn does with his big, huge skype? What do you think they use as the symbol, the hammer and sickle? What do you think the sickle is? That's a Saturn freaking symbol. Communist Bolshevism. What the hell are you even talking about right now, Ammon? What the completely upside out of backwards? And presented to you from a guy who should know better. If he tells you that bullshit, what in the fucking hell is he doing that for? Pollution gets purged. That would be a good idea. But to bring Saturn's idea to name Saturn in that is what the problem is. It's not justice needs to be served and nemesis needs to be served and all this other, because nemesis is a justice. That all makes sense. That's right. Anybody who harms children should be annihilated. But what the hell do you think Saturn is different from? He ate his own children. So what are you talking about? And you're back at back. What is it? Bass, backward, satanic congregation. Julie and Julie pulled out his blaster and off you went. Love it. Love it. Let's keep the people here. I'm going to say, and I'm going to get to your comments tonight. Okay. I want to purify us again because I want to take what I've shown you and I want you to feed it in to this chorus, this orific chorus along with its images. Julie hit us with Madea again. All right. So now we're going to go to the next clip from the same video. But let me just go jump it out and come back in. I got to pick the right one too. All right. Thank you, StreamYard, for being so lame. All right. You thought that I would just blindly accept that anything that I'm instead because, you know, I like to like, no, no, as a as a as a propagator. I don't like anybody who's. You know, it's not about the person. It's about the information. So the information. And there's the other thing too. Somebody said something to me about some other person. And like, well, I thought you were blah, blah, blah the other day. I was like, does that mean that everything that they say and talk about is somehow not valid? Just because there's a, there's an issue with the person themselves? No. No, you take the, you take what's good. You take the information. High five casino. High five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five casino dot com. The hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account. Hundreds of exclusive games, free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours only at high five casino dot com. High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. Boy, we're prohibited. Play responsibly. Turn to the edition supply. See website for details at high the number five casino dot com and you don't need to take the person with it. Because then you're worshiping, then you're, you know, you're following rather than gathering data to formulate your view, your overall perspective. If you're gathering that information and processing it and analyzing it yourself, as you gather it, you analyze it further and go on, it's not about the person. You might like their personality might like their energy, blah, blah, but you might not always like everything that they have to say or their opinions of the world. And as far as this particular person right here, I think there's some pretty big gigantic laws or red flags or direct propaganda, deliberate going on here. And the man who quote unquote doesn't get paid to do this, doesn't monetize. All of them, what's the drive just to bring everybody to the, to the apocalypse? Or is there something else going on here? Okay, we're already 928. Okay. Something. Isn't that something? And she was taught. You know, we're talking about talking about Athena, but there's, you know, Athena isn't just Athena. There's a, what do you call composite archetype. There's very many different ways of looking at this, but just listen to what he has to say because then again, there's something true, but then there's that thing, there's that thing that he says and if this is where he jumps off about the Ukraine thing after first talking about Palestine and what's going on over there, which every, which I would be like, yeah, of course, you know, why does Israel get to do whatever the hell they want? But then he goes into Ukraine, which is part of fucking the same scumbag group. This is you run bankster fucking establishment that was developed and just and taken over by the IMF in 2014, basically with a loan that crippled them and destroyed their freakin way of their, their equality of life. And of course they wanted to be with Putin because Putin had better things to offer than, you know, subject subjugation to the freaking IMF. So of course they voted for that. And then they were able to identify who was a, who was a, what do you call a loyalist to their, their blood to their, to their, to their common ancestry. And then they, since 2014 have been brutalizing those people and Putin had enough of it after they started doing some other shit as we can back and go through this whole story about the, the chemical plants and all this other stuff, but Putin also, well, maybe not Putin, but Russia, the forces prevented a freaking nuclear meltdown catastrophe from happening because Ukraine in their psych, psychopathy tried to sabotage one of their own power plants. And who put out the fires, fucking Russians, saving all of Europe, but nobody talks about that. Anyway, moving on. She was taught, remember she ends up being the queen of Babylon too. She was taught by God. She was taught by God, hekate, right? Now listen, so this, there's, there's a lot of blending here. And one could say, okay, well, let me listen to this because maybe it's the Christian lens that I'm looking at it through and he've already destroyed Christianity for me. And so let me go ahead and see if maybe that's why I need to reassess this stuff. So, no, hekate is a fucking evil force and you could say anything you want about it, but there's aspects of her that are completely on, not okay. And then to say that they're protectors of the children, well, when is that when they're not sacrificing them, when they're not castrating them to the, for the, the great mother? Like what, when are they, when are they protecting the children? They, oh, who is that hekate when they're not civil, when they're not the compositor civil? Like when, when is that? She was taught drugs, all of them, not just some of them, all of them. Oh, God, and look at that bottom line. Look at that bottom line. What is she able to do with all of her knowledge? What is she able to do with those drugs? What is it when you take a woman and give her a chance to go all the way to the top, to be the master of nature? Oh, he's pulling for the liberal card here. Hey, everybody, how about, uh, this is, this is, this is the same vein of, uh, you know, what do you call it? The, uh, the movement, the women's liberation movement. This is what he's talking about, like somehow this is a valid point. What happens? She pulls down the stars. She redirects the moon. So okay, here we go. When you feminize a society and you empower women to, to go against their nature and you try to fill their holiness because of their, you know, because of that natural instinct that they have that you've suppressed and made them feel bad about, you can weaponize that and you can take down the stars. You can destroy the entire freaking planet that way because that, that nurturing instinct will be redirected into horrible, self destructive shit. Yeah. Good job, Ammon. You're right. Absolutely. That's what happens. That's what happens. Where was Athena? Athena wanted me to pop on people I'm obliged by the power of Athana. She who guides and directs our democracy. I'm obliged when she shows up to do what she tells me. And I'm doing so tonight under the order of she who established democracy. Right. She's got all the skill. She's got all the skills came right. I'm assuming this type of democracy is the one that isn't the same as what Adolf Hitler tried to restore the definition of. This is more like the gateway to socialism on your, on your path to communism mob rule type of democracy, right? And out of his head, boom, right out of God's head. Boom. Yeah. Shaking her spear. Love it. Um, give me the two at the end. We need those two quotes at the end. These are from Athena. Right. And people like, yeah, don't do that. That gets my goat when people do that. And they say, you can't talk about modern stuff. Where's? Yeah. No, my goat. No, no, we're off course. Chewy. Quick read, just the sensors. We're messed up. Oh my God. Did we fly close to? No. The last two quotes. Remember that I said, I'll know when to put them in. Yes. Let's go. Fantastic. Here we are. UN experts demand investigation and the claims Israeli forces killed raped and sexually assaulted Palestinian women and girls. Look at this. Look at, look at, look at the names here on the bottom. I just caught this by Richard Roth. Cream Elle, Daemon Horrier, and then Richard Allen Green, another Jew. Give me the, another one. Give me the second one. She said, do them both Ukraine, rape and torture by Russian forces, continuing rights, experts report. And who put out that propaganda bullshit, right? Is this not an inverted claim? What is Ukraine doing with their conscription right now? What is what Ukraine doing to Russians? Because they all are. It's imaginary line. This bullshit that happened in World War II and World War I, this, this Bolshevik changing of the language so that they could divide and weaken Russia. It's all, it's all Bolshevik manipulation. They are Russian. They have historically the, the, the Belarus, the Rus, right? That is all the same origins, common ancestry. And yet they had to separate them. And then these Ukrainians, you've, we've all, we, I hope that there's not, I hope I don't have to actually explain how bad backwards this is. This is, this is rape and torture by Russians. Have you seen what the Ukrainians were doing to the, the soldiers? You were beating them and shooting them in the fucking faces with their, taking pictures of it, you know, you know, doing, doing videos on their phones while they're, while they're torturing people that are unarmed and dying. That's, that's what we get Ukraine. Ukraine Zilinski said bigger Israel is the plan, bigger Israel, what's Israel doing? Trying to meet them somewhere in the middle by their expansion. What's going on here? Give me a fucking break. Take that down. When you support now, now he's going to say something that makes perfect sense here. But who is he talking about that's going to bring this justice? Because the people that he's naming, the following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yeah. I won. Wahoo. So that's a yes on the apple pie. I just went big time playing high five to see it on my phone. Real cash prizes. Free daily reward. Over 1200 gains. So yes, you're not on the apple pie. Wahoo. I won again. I'll take that as a yes drive around. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're headed to play responsible conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino are not these these these deities or these energies or these move. None of that is good. It's just a different name for the same bullshit. Have yet to hear him talk about Ralda or anything else outside of this cult of Saturn because then he just goes right back to Saturn and says, that's the good guy. Bullshit or the rape of children while who's going to say that they disagree with this statement, but it's who he says is going to be the big hero and how you how you fix it. You can bring back the great mother lady Babylon and fucking Satan. That's how you're going to fix everything, right? That's that's insanity. That's stupidity. And I'm picking his nose with the arrow holding up the banner of defending life. Your hands are stained with blood. Your hands are stained with blood. So says nemesis. So says nemesis down. When you support, I have no idea what the hell just fucking happened there. This is what PayPal over this is what YouTube does. It just we're probably going to hear the same thing twice. I don't know. The rape, yeah, children did it on its own while and are stained with joint. Those forces that cause people to rape children. Those armies, those armies do not fight for democracy. No, they don't. They don't justice to them all justice to them all. This is the lesson of egeria in history. This was her lesson. She had a song. We ignored it. We buried the books. Oh, what a mistake. Why did they bury the books? It was about the time of the uprisings and they buried the books because they thought the people would revolt if they heard what she said. She said defend, defend those children. Their voice is the voice of democracy. Thank you, Athana for that immortal lesson from antiquity. Thank you. We bring what does the oracle do, we bring the past and the future into the present. Love it. Love it. Okay. So I'm seeing Hermes here. It could potentially be Magda Martyr and I hope that's not Saturn with him. I don't know what the hell I'm looking at here, but that is definitely Hermes. The God of merchants and thieves and of course medical, right? Back to the cult. Everybody get back to the cult. They're like, why do you get so serious all of a sudden? I was just having a good time. Okay. Get back on your throne. Get back on your throne. It's okay. It's okay. Do you feel a little bit culpable? Let's go. Let's go to the next source. We're looking for the poem of Maydays. That's what we're looking at. There's another part here where he talks about Rome wouldn't have anything to do with this reason why they were killing Christians and stuff like that is because they were raping the females were even sodomizing the children and stuff like that and all this other stuff for the cult, which is all Bakken stuff, which is something that he also talks about as if there was some kind of separation between the two because it's not like he's saying anything. He's not he's not really providing an alternative. He's just saying that there was a rift or there was a schism or there was a bastardization of this. It's like, no, these these practices of tearing people apart is what the Bakken, Bakkenalia is all about, right? So like, and then he's saying that all the Christians were like Bakken's well, okay. And he's saying that the Romans were murdering them because they were doing this sick shit to the children and the late states blah, blah, blah, all that stuff. They had no tolerance for it, which sounds great, great, good for the Romans. But what else are you like, what are you, what is, I don't understand where his where his direction is going because then he says something about Saturn, which in itself is a child sacrificing cannibalistic, the very, the very inspiration for what these Abrahamic religions are doing and doing in covert fashion while still supporting or worshiping or bringing energy to Saturn, Kronos. So what the fuck? Like what are we doing? And you're not really very clear at all whatsoever. Okay, I'm done with him and done with this anyway. I'm done with this particular one today with him. But I just wanted to, I waited. I got as much of the good information as I could get out before and people were like, this, changing, all busters are different now, isn't it? It's just there was information in there. He had to stomach through some of the stuff that he was saying to get to it. And now here's for the now my turn, my turn for the criticism. All right, let's, let's balance this from what he says, because you don't want to get led down that stupid path because that one's not good either. You do what you want, but I'm just saying it might be helpful or beneficial to you to hear me at least say screw that stuff, you know? So at least you know that there's a balance there and that you don't think that I'm somehow blindly supporting what Eminem is doing, because I think he's not doing the greatest. Right. Let me, let me read this. It says clear Satanistic, generate psyab. Just listen to the way he's talking. Yeah. But I mean, you do theatrics to get people's attention, right? It just what's funny, what's really funny is I should show you, but it's like a still frame. It's more like an audio file, but in 2018, he sounded like he was Asperger's and that he had like a stutter or like he was really like poorly equipped for public speaking. And it's this audio file that I came across and he seems very, he lacks confidence. So he went from that to what you see now, a lot of work, a lot of practice, a lot of training. What do you call that? But he went from like into like what he's doing now. So that's an interesting change, right? Cube worship, like worshippers like to choose a square to focus on and put their blinders to the rest. Yes, cube as in the black cube, exactly. And we talk about the Tefalin and all this other stuff. And let's say, by the way, here's crappy on Babylon talks about the Saturn cold and how it's related. And oh, here it is, the Canton square and Saturn, Sam Walton and his fraternity. And what's funny is that little card right there is a black cube staring you into goddamn face, right? And I make a couple of jokes about it. It's I keep it entertaining. It's not dry stuff when you're when you're hanging with Dan and then Dan brings the brings the funny to this Dan, the one you're looking at right now. So here, Kaba and the black story of Mecca, right? And then here's a couple pictures. This is the this is the Barnes and Noble version is not color the Amazon one is. But here you can see the black cube of Mecca. That's the Kaba. There's the black stow to Mecca in the corner of it, right? This is where they do the circuit and circuom ambulations seven times around. And and but we're not going to call that a Saturn cult, right? Of course not. Why would it be? I mean, it's only exactly what they would have done and what they did do before that before they decided to call themselves the nation of Islam or Muslims or whatever. I don't even know what the call themselves. All right. So let's let's end with something. You know what? I was going to start, but I will wait till we'll wait till tomorrow. I have another treat for you that you can also find on money tree and it's the editor. The greatest story I never told. So there's going to probably be overlap in Europa because I think they use some of the footage or or the or there's two docket these two documentaries are taking footage from a third source. That could also be true, but there's probably going to be some overlap. They're only like 15 to 20 minutes per like little segment. And we'll get into that tomorrow. I want to also bring in if I can find a good one, the AI. The AI translations in that I have to make sure that they're at valid. So I guess I have to learn German and ancient Greek of the of Hitler's quotes, but and then I have to do some work and read to you guys again and bring it up the bad war and some of the other stuff that Michael S King has written the following is a high five moment from high five by one private put down your phone. This is the army sort high five casinos the social casino done your phone goes wherever you go. I win three spins cash prizes three down the rewards over 1200 games. I want to get platoon present cell phone. High five casino when it high five casino home high five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're having to play responsible conditions apply. See website for details high five casino and probably bring back some more Henry Ford stuff. But guys, it's hard for me to read on the elliptical and get all this stuff and write all these notes with my screen still looking right now. So that's where all my screenshots for the Henry Ford stuff was I was going to organize. The guys want to check out that little thing that you do over here with a patreon or any of the gifts and go stuff or you know what's even better. Let me show you something that's really awesome that you can do right here. You don't have to leave freak in the site. It's just like I'm glad that they put this in here because it's it's it makes it more of a what people are used to from seeing YouTube, right? So when you go in here and you look here's the here's the this here's the way. Hold on. What am I looking at? What the hell am I doing? This right here. So the live chats right here. This is just like a super chat watch you click it. You rant there. I read it out loud. Da, da, da. I put it on the screen and then you support the show that way, right? So there's that. How do I get rid of it? I guess it says. Okay. And then there's this button here. Look what it does. Subscribe to ballbusters and get access to membership perks. You get us you get us some sub badge. You get more a designation in the thing and there's five bucks a month. So you can do it right from here, right? You can do it right from here or you could go to patreon, which is right here. By the way, and I've been catching up to it too. So I got a lot of stuff up here. I'm going to be adding a couple other things. Some more PDF books that you'll be able to read for free. That's all this. Oh, cool. So like in it, nice, nice, nice, nice, and glad everybody's paid attention there. It's cool. All right. So there's that patreon, okay, patreon, what you just saw that I showed and then the bubbles thing that helps out the show when it's when people use it. It does it when you don't. Yes, I do need a new phone. I know, but you guys need to help me with that. Yeah. That's what I'm working with right now. What else we got? You know, they got the stuff from Dr. Manzo. You got the stuff in the description for what do you call it? My creatine, the book, the book. Sorry. That was a little loud spring in this thing made the noise. The book, pre-scrap, yeah, Babylon cheapest way is to get it through me, but you can also get it through Barnes and Noble Amazon. If you want to get it without the signature, I write a little message in there and I sign it and date it and it's a little bit cheaper. But if you want to get it quicker, you need to go to Amazon or any of those other ones. Okay. Let's get back to it. We have like 10 minutes left. Give or take. Let's, I don't even know if I'm on speak free right now, hopefully I am. Yes, I do need a new phone. I 100% agree. And I'm actually going to go back to a naman thing and I'm going to, this one's entertaining. This one's entertaining and it's one of the older things that he did. So it's going to give you a little bit of an example of how he used to sound, but it's actually still later in the time flying than when I saw this other thing where he's like, maybe he was, I don't know, he didn't have his Wheaties that day or something. But I'll find that, I'll find that audio, it's just a, it's a still frame. It's like boring for rain on it, right? But I'll try to find, I'll find that audio file and I'll at least share it in my Telegram group and then the Patreon so that you guys can see it when I put it, and I have to click on it so I can get to it. It's weird. All right, it says cannabis roots, ha ha ha, that's kind of funny in that itself. But I started at one, I think I did that on purpose. Yeah, some other guy was talking the first, what I did was I said, hey, there's all this scientific stuff out there that we don't have. We haven't translated. So I started working on it and I had to work the grammar. That's my strong point. So what I did was I said, hey, there's all this scientific stuff out there that we don't have. We haven't translated. So I started working on it and it just sucked me in. It's a huge, and let me explain to you what's going on. It sucked him in. All right. And maybe, maybe there's something to that. I wouldn't be surprised that he, if he's an unwitting or potentially aware, but maybe that altar isn't aware of some sort of abuse and manipulation. So we can't always put that into the equation, factor that into the formula so that you don't have to hate a person or dislike them or think that they're misleading, because you never know what's going on in them. It almost seems like there's definitely different personalities in this guy. But acting is acting. People are dynamic. It doesn't necessarily mean that. It could just have a stage persona. And then we'll, we'll, but this is Ammon here. I mean, a completely different dude, right? We'll talk about marijuana. So an idea that I came up with, I was having a problem with the vocabulary, with the Greek vocabulary. And there are some big holes in ancient, in the ancient Greek world that we don't, we try to plug over with kind of a Christian ideology. And I started calling this the Christian lens. And you try to take away the Christian lens, because the Christians are after the pagan cults all established, right? So you don't want to look at it through that lens. You want to see it as a pagan suit. Let me give you one example. And I hate that word pagan because it's like using the N word. It's, you know, women who are called pagans were killed. I mean, so, you know, I have a little respect, right? Don't, don't call it. Don't use the term pagan. But the thing that I really think helped me to understand the text is when I put aside that Christian lens. And when you put aside that Christian lens, let me give you one example, homosexual. There's no word for homosexual in the ancient Greek vocabulary. There's no word for homosexual. Their entire book's written about homosexuals, and there's no word for it in their own language. So were they looking at it different? One question academics loved to ask was, was Achilles having... Of the 1,750,000 words, there's not a designation for pumping in the bum. I mean, you could actually say least aces in the sense because they are kind of like the butt pirates, aren't they? Sex with Patroclus. Of children, no less. They love it. And it's not just us. The Greeks did the same thing. They were talking about it too. But when you look at the way they were talking about it, it was not about orientation. There was no question of orientation involved. It's really weird. Right, because Greece was gay, regardless of how expansive their language was. It's not like it was a freaking paradise. They were grooming boys that was part of their culture. It's not a good culture. Plato, Socrates, all this stuff has to do with boys, all this shit. It's weird. There's no concept of homosexual. There's no concept of heterosexual. And if you think about that, that makes an impact on society, just the language. Just the whole idea that one of them doesn't lead to propagation, you're not propagating the species one way. You should tell you that it's probably not the right way. So I started looking at the drugs, and I said, we've got to be able to figure out the drugs. As we're figuring out the language, and I found a lot of – let me put it like this. If you take – I'm sorry. If you take the – if the drug lore – we call it drug lore, makes it sound funny. But the drug lore of the Greece, there are thousands of pages, thousands of pages untranslated. Nobody translates this. The head of my dissertation committee told me that she said, you have to take this section out on recreational drugs from your dissertation on Roman pharmacy. I said, why? And she said, well, the Romans just wouldn't do such a thing, right? These are the Romans we're talking about. These are the Romans. So I kind of had a drive. So the drugs, the plants become your genetic evidence. The myth. The myth is the amber. So we discovered a bee that was 20 million years old or something. In amber, they took it out, they took the gut bugs out, they did a DNA analysis of the gut bugs, and they found out they – not what they expected. These bugs and their guts had been almost unaltered for 20 million years. So it was kind of confusing, because we thought, well, this will show us archibacteria at its best. No, it really didn't. So what we're – what I'm trying to do is apply that same principle. Well, it did also kind of dispel the notion of evolution. Did it not? Because the ones that you found that were 20 million years old were what he said there was no difference really between that and what the bacteria that they find these days. Oops, oops. Let's look at the amber. The amber is the myth. It's what holds in the cultural ideas. Let's look into the ideas and see what their DNA is. And that's what the drugs tell you, because the drugs are constant. It's like one thing – it's triangulation, basically. It's one way of figuring out what was going on in the culture by using a frame of reference. That's all. So when you look at the drugs in the ancient world, I'm – we're finding beautiful stuff. I'm going to give you an example. There are two authors from the ancient world that I want to tell you about. One is a guy named Dias Gordes, and he is an author of All Things Herbal. He's a Roman – he's a Roman physician for lack of literature. And then there's a priest who lived a couple of centuries earlier named the candor. Both of them write about drugs, but both of them write about drugs in a very different way. One is prose. It's Greek prose. It's just described as X, Y, and Z. The other one is poetry. And it's a beautiful epic poem on drugs that priestesses use to get – not to get high, but to do their routines. And so if you trace the history of these drugs that these priestly colleges are using, I'm going to – I'm just going to hit some major points about what the history is shaping up to look at. Like I said, break the Christian lens. The first thing that you all believe that is completely wrong is that women had no power in ancient world, that they were slaves. They were chattel. You've heard this. You've heard this. Classical. It depends on where. But yeah, I mean, obviously it depends on where. And when you look at the Phrygian and the Phrygians and all those, they had the Bergmanian, right? They had the person that was who you would go to, kind of like an oracle in a sense, but the great mother – or the not the great mother, but the – you don't even mean the Bergmanian. She would be who you could consult before you'd go do anything of any major importance or significance, including how to handle foreigners, how to handle invasions, how to no conquest or migration or something of that nature, right? So anyhow, it's 10 a.m. So I think Speak Free Radio probably just kicked off. I'm going to leave this maybe – you tell me in the comments. You want me to keep going? You want to listen to this some more? It doesn't really talk too much about marijuana until the very end. And this is back when you were still Dr. David Hillman. Look at that. The Ammon was the part of it. Oh, and by the way, when you see Ammon in his – like on the little slides that he pulls up when they have those little screen images that pull up and you see Ammon in there. It's I think it's Ammonius or Ammonius. And that's from back in the ancient Greek times. So it just happens to be that it's abbreviated the same way and it happens to be like that name, right? But it's – that's somewhat coincidental. All right. So what are we doing? Are we doing here? What? Nails will keep going. Grace was gay. Yes, it was. And so was the show, right? The play. There's some weird stuff going on. Oh, you know, of course, then you also have Travolta, who's impeccably gay. My pilot. All right. Anyway. So he's – come on. Saturday Night Fever, come on guys. Come on. All right. Well, we'll keep going, but I'm going to leave my chair for a moment. I will be back shortly, hopefully, within the time that it takes me to – yeah, I'll be back. I'll be back quickly. We'll keep going. We'll power house it today. It's got to give me a shit off screen. All right. Enjoy. I'm not going to be here to comment for a couple two, three, ten, twenty, but, you know, it's all good. I'm probably better without my voice anyway. I can't fucking find the button to press play. The fuck? There it is. Let's just repeat this over and over and over again. And that's completely wrong. And the way that you can see this is the earliest medicine we say is Hippocratic, right? It's not – the earliest medicine is actually gynecological. You can look at the Hippocratic corpus and see that the Hippocratic's were borrowing from a female tradition. And we have one text, the diseases of women that scholars have said, "This is written by one of the Hippocratic's Hippocrates or one of the students." And they smile and look at each other. It's not in English, right? They smile and look at each other. And in the text itself, it says, "Don't trust those stupid men physicians. You have to go to a woman because only we know the body." This is a document that is written by a man, excuse me? It doesn't – there's problems. There's problems. Something's going on here, right? Whether they're not reading these things or they're not, I don't know, they're not understanding what the language is actually telling them and that's what we get through the drugs. It's a point – it's an anchor point that we can fix on. So let me tell you about these priestly colleges and I'll hurry up here because I'm droning on. I want to skip ahead and just tell you. So when you look at these drugs, pick a sex drug. Let me give you a good one that is something that you can kind of anchor yourself in. There's a drug that Mary Magdalene gives to Jesus. I hate using the Bible because then all the Gnostics will start yelling. But there's a drug that Mary Magdalene gives to Jesus, right? And if you look, check it out in the Greek. There's not one name for one plant. You guys all know that, right, because you live that, but modern classes don't. But in these texts, you have all sorts of different names. You have street names for drugs, opium. You don't call it opium in the ancient world. You call it the juice, right? So there's a drug vocabulary and this drug vocabulary hides some very, very, very important ideas. So pick a drug, the one that Mary Magdalene gave to Jesus. What does it do? It's a combination. So what do you do when you break down the 18 different plants that they have? If you look for active principles, it's a shotgun approach. And then you start asking yourself, how are these things interacting? I'm going to tell you something that is absolutely 100% academically true at the universities today. There is no university on this planet that can take one of these drugs that these female priestesses were using and explain to you what it did in the body. It's impossible. It's impossible. So we're using these complex mixtures to treat the feminine being. Now why would they do this? Why would they do this to this channel that we're sitting at home, right? Not doing anything, right? That's our model of them. Why would they be doing this? So if the oldest, if the oldest medicine is from gynecology, what would we say then if we just, there was a book that just came on a Princeton that said it's a beautiful book written about oracles and temples were oracles prophesied. And the author of this book is a great, great, great archaeologist, but she said one thing that I thought was very, it just reveals what our society is all about. She said, I don't understand why one third of the oracles have to do with gynecology. Because those priestesses were giving medical, oracular healing to people. So of course, they're the ones who knew about the drugs to start with. So do you see how our understanding, because we have put women into a monotheistic box, we lose sight of the history. And that's what Julian, the apostate said of the Christians teaching the early classics. He said, you cannot let Christians teach myth, because they change the meaning. They alter it to fit a monotheistic conception of the universe. So it was kind of a rat, and of course he got murdered by a Christian soldier that threw a spear in his back when he was in battle. But Julian was trying to revive, he was trying to revive something that was very old. What are the Christians doing at the very time? How much time do we have? Oh my goodness, I'm okay. So what are the Christians doing at the time? Step back and say, this is what the pagans are doing. They're using all of these complex chemicals. The women are coming up with ways of regulating their menstruation, with drugs. They're figuring out ways of causing women to lactate with drugs. So what's going on in the rest of society? What is this movement pushing to make a long story short? It ultimately pushes the theater. The oracles have all the power, and they're the ones who say, you have to have a place where you can speak freely. It's definitely political. You can't look at the activities of women and say, they're not involved, just pharmacologically, if you just stick to that side, that they aren't involved in shaping society. That's our Christian lens that causes us to see that way. So what are the Christians doing at the time? What are the Christians doing at the time? And this will come back to where I promise I have my tie, everything together. What are the Christians doing at this time? There's a ritual rape, ritual rape of children to make a long story short. They were richly raping children. They had a whole ceremony. Exorcists performed it. They have a theological justification for it, and they have it all outlined as to what they were doing. Now I had to put a few things. I had to put Cyril of Jerusalem, the Bishop of Jerusalem, said we can only tell so much about this ritual up until a point. Why can't we talk about what they did, was they would starve kids, they would take orphans off the street, they would starve them. They would indoctrinate them for several weeks, and then they would put them in underground chambers. I mean, he writes about this. That's not me making up. It's all there. They would put them in underground chambers with exorcists, and they would strip the naked, mindful of the kids and boys, and then put them through, oh, oil them. Sorry, I forgot the oiling. They would oil them, and Cyril's very, very explicit. There's a group of men underground, oiling young guys up, and they have to oil them up from the bottom of their feet at the top of their head, and then he goes on this long tirade about them, and they shouldn't tell them they don't have to feel bad about what's happening. High five Casino High five Casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five casino dot com. The hottest games right from Vegas, and all winnings go straight to your bank account. 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They target women, and that's when they start killing, imprisoning and killing women for carrying around vaginal creams or for carrying around something that can give you an abortion. They start killing people. So this is the environment. This is the struggle between the prevailing, predominantly female priestesses, these medical women. Anyway, let me just make one point about the point that I thought was really maybe good that we could take home, you know, that has to do with marijuana. Now, what about marijuana specifically because that's what you guys only hear about. So you're going to notice right away, everybody says, well, there aren't that many references to marijuana, right? There aren't that many references. There are actually a lot more than you think, just not to cannabis, right? Because of the names. So what is the name, if you were a Greek gentleman and your daughter was performing in one of these oracles, and you're partaking of the incense offering before the ceremony, right? This is your daughter. And she's a big deal for her, big night. And so what do you do? sacrifice to Hackettie maybe, and you inhale the incense off of the altar, right? So what else can you do to administer drugs? See, let's approach it from the scientific standpoint. What a house can you get those drugs in you? You can, they didn't smoke. You can inhale fumes. You can, they have a squirter that you squirt stuff up, you can squirt stuff up your nose unlike quite sure what the draw of that was, but, and then the other place, how do you get drugs and you eat them? But they knew that eating changed the composition of what was going on. So then you can do the old rectal route of administration. So if you look for, if you look for references, not a drugs that do anything rectally, right? So the drug that Mary Magdalene gives Jesus has saponins in it, it's a combination of plants that have saponins that cause anal sphincter spasimic, right? It's an ancient designer sex drug. And Jesus apparently had it when he was, most people don't know, and this is, this is the battle I've been fighting. Nobody reads their Bible anymore, that people need to read the Bible, right? Because there's a naked kid with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, right? Raise your hand if you've heard of the naked kid with Jesus. Look, it's only a couple people. Sorry, young man, the naked young man with Jesus, yes or as, sorry, the naked, to me, he's a kid, right? But yeah, no, this is a younger, this is not a, the age group that Dr. Ruck is referring to is how the kid is, he's a nanny spouse. He's a Goonos nanny spouse. Somewhere around puberty, somewhere around puberty, can be a little bit before scholars will argue about how late it goes, whatever, you're exactly right, it's about puberty, right? And that's, that's where his range is. So they're using these, they're using these drugs. And that's what disturbing, this is what is, where it kind of gets disturbing, is what were the Christian's battling that made, that would make them want to do these strange rights? If you look at the Greek rights, they were copying, they were attempting to copy the Greek rights at the same time to alter them. So the Greek gods would not be able to defend their own rights. That was the, that was the idea. And how do you do this? Because they believe in demons, right? They believe in demons, these Christians, right? They believe in them, just like the Greeks and the Romans do. So you see this period, this intense period of demon fighting, demon possession and demon fighting, and how do they get to some of these, to some of these, these, these fights through the drugs that they're putting to make a long story short, that they're putting on the phallus and then they're either having vaginal or anal intercourse, whatever you call it. I don't know. What is that? I don't know. But that with a statue, you can use a statue of Priopus, you can use, you can use any of the Herms and with the box that the Dionysiac troop would carry around, they had some kind of instrument that they used to apply a drug. Was it dildos? We have those from the ancient world, right? Well, all sorts of little statues that are used as, as we say dildos, it sounds sexual, doesn't it? This is, it is, but not really. It's the application of a drug. And that's what's strange about it. We don't really get. Let me just cut to the chase, because I probably have like five minutes left. It's the cult of Aphrodite. To make a long story short, I wanted to talk about the cult of Aphrodite here. What do we call, everybody knows this, what do we call the women associated with the cult of Aphrodite? Hors, anybody else? Corticens. That's a little more cleaned up, isn't it? Corticens. Private, sacred prostitutes. Yeah, those words are all Christian words. These were not, these were not prostitutes. These were priestesses. These were priestesses. And what did these priestesses do? They created the chorus. And what is the chorus? It's a life stage. It's the strangest thing in the world. It's a life stage. The Greeks actually believed, and I can show you this. It's not my words, it's their words, that the immediately post-pubital female, if given all of the earth, natural mechanisms, drugs, and enough astronomy, geometry, women didn't learn it. Yeah, they did. Astronomy, geometry, dance, poetry, pre-homeric stuff. This is in the Homeric hymns, right? Now it's post, but it hearkens back to earlier stuff. So these girls, you take these girls, and they dance. They dance, and they are accurately prophesied. They recite poetry, right? And you can't touch them. Why can't you touch them? Because any time you get a bud, it is at its strongest chemical point before it is fertilized, right? Because as soon as the seeds come, you're going to have, everything's going to be funneled into creating seeds. So they knew this. The Greeks do this, and they talk about it. This is the budding of life. This is the Quora, the young girl who's coming to life, and if we can capture that two or three-year period, put her on an intense drug regimen, and an intense exercise regimen, and an intense education, and we put her up on the altar, and she dances over the fumes, and she's covered in creams, or vagina is greased, with God knows what this stuff did in the body, and if you have her up there, and you can't touch her, by the way, you cannot touch her, if you have her up there, she can speak from the gods. It wasn't one drug. It wasn't just marijuana. It wasn't just LSD. It was the drug was not the focus. The focus was getting that girl to approach the gods, and that is what the Cult of Dionysus is all about. Tieni, his mother, her name, means the burnt sacrifice, the burnt fumes from the altar, and that's not an altar with an animal, that's an altar with pounds and pounds and pounds of incense that's full of everything, and one of the things that it has in it is S-T-R, ostadion in Greek. It is the common name for weed, ostadion. It's one of the many ingredients, one of the many. It's the star, right? All these goddesses are all named after the star, and Diascortes talks about the shape of it, and whatnot. You don't see that in the traditional, in the tradition, everybody said, "Where are those texts going?" As you're looking at it with all names, find their common names for them, and you can find the drugs. There's a lot about marijuana. We don't know. There's so much, I said when I was coming here, there's so much untranslated. I'm going to give the best picture I can, but there's so much sitting out there waiting to be harvested mostly in Galen that it's just amazing. You guys are just on the tip of an iceberg, I mean, this could be, you could take 10 grad students in 10 years, and you wouldn't find out everything that's in these formulas. That's in these complex formula I created for just to make a chorus, just to make a chorus. There's no faith, there's no commandments. The idea is it's the natural voice of God. So they would take these, as the last thing I'll say, they would take these 14, 15-year-old girls, and they would decide public policy. They would okay wars, and we have these oracles survived, by the way, not making this up. If you wanted to go to war, you had to ask one of these oracles, right? Isn't that amazing? That's incredible power. That's incredible power. So when we say that women didn't have power, look at the cult of Aphrodite, Iranian, and you know what, I just keep drawing on it. Do I still have time? Okay. Why don't we take a five-minute question break to generate some ideas, and then I'll go from there. Let's do that. Does anybody have any questions? Yes, we have them. We have them. They're in Greek. We have them. Oh, is there any way to find a recipe for these drugs? Yes, we have them. They're all written down. You just have to go back and find them. Yeah. There's thousands, there's more written about ancient drugs than any other subject, period. It's the most numerous type of writing. There's thousands of pages of just Galen alone on pharmaceuticals. Yeah. [inaudible] Yeah, it was eventually. It was eventually. And you have like the Arab formularians. You have the Arab formula. Okay. So was this, did this kind of, this knowledge of the pharmaceuticals get into the Arab culture? Yeah. Yeah, it did ultimately and through formularies. When the Christians decided to burn, because this is what's funny, it's not funny, but when the Christians decided to burn all the women for using drugs and they really squashed the use of drugs in Roman society, you have a time period where people turn away from that. And the knowledge is preserved throughout, there's like groups that preserve it. And so it's really interesting to follow that. One of the groups that preserved it was the Arabs, but does everybody know what the Arabs studied before? Who do they worship before Allah? Yeah, but that's, who were their primary deities, the Arabs? Herodotus tells us that it was Dionysus and Aphrodite, Dionysus and Aphrodite, that black stone, it's associated with the Ka'ba and all that, that's all, that's all. Sibley, sure. Yeah. No, definitely. Yeah. The cult of Sibley. Well, I actually have a formula for one of the drugs that the priestesses of Sibley used, they would take this drug and they would go stand in the common ways, the street intersections, and they would scream, this must have been great to live back then. They would scream crazy stuff. And they were sacrosancts because they were priestesses. They could say anything they wanted. And if they were tyrants who had too much money and power, they were the ones who started saying things about them. These priestesses, isn't that something? Tremendous political power. When do you think God has a cult about today? You can't really give it an origin, right? Because all it is is a start and ishtar, ashtrath, it's all the same goddesses who are being, you know, just given different names. But what's important, what I think is important is there's a group of guys called the Orphix and they start writing poetry. And when I say guys, I don't mean males. There's a group of people who start writing Orphic poetry and there are all these Orphic hymns that we have to the different gods. And if you look at the influence just of Aisterian on that, and I mean Zeus, what does Zeus call these, Astropayos, he's the one who sends the fire. It's all, it's an important part. It's an important part. But these Orphics, they're really the key out goes away. They're really the key. The Orphics are really the key to understanding how the cult was all fit together, how the cult. And remember, this is not just the worship of God's thingies, right? This is the worship. And worship men in tights, right, on clouds. They didn't worship that. They would be the first to tell you. And you say, what about myth? Myth is all about stories of this. Yes, because if you were an ardent, and this is where I should have started. Maybe I'll finish here and I should have started here. If you weren't an ardent follower of the Muses, you didn't get it. The Muses were an actual cult. It's one of the oldest that we have in Greece. Why all of the poetry, how do we know that all of the poetry hearkens back to the worship of this group of goddesses, the Muses? Which is interesting because he says that the monists, which would then become the Yau Saboeth or Saboeth or what everyone already pronounced that, the monists were following the same things coming up through the, quote unquote, pagan cults, practicing the same things, well, if they're practicing the same things, then the pagans are equally guilty for what they're doing to children and what they were doing to each other. And so I'm not sure what the argument there is. It's like, okay, well, we want to accept the fact that he's saying that Christianity has these roots in paganism that are doing these same things, but Christianity bad, other groups that were polytheists good, but they were still doing the same devilish acts, right? So there's a lot of things that don't make sense, but have you noticed like how he's not very, he's very, he's shaky here too. Like he hasn't yet said, oh God, you know, oh God, can you feel it? Right. So yeah, there's that anyway, moving on. So it's not about the single plant, it's not about the Christian perspective. It's about seeing the coral beauty that they saw and they would say that's what transmits freedom and all of these grand science and whatnot is that song. If your society doesn't have that song, you don't have freedom. So I want to remind everybody to use a mic because we are filming this and it makes it a little awkward with the questions and stuff like that. But in regards to this cannabis use, how do you think it came into Greece and began to reuse this way and what is there in regards to archaeological evidence to back up this stuff? Yeah. So if you're going to, you're going to ask an archeologist the second half of that question. I'm not going to step into an arena that I don't feel I'm 100% I'm good with. We have found, you know, there was a female skeleton found by an Israeli team. I actually did a dig at Megito. Has anybody been to Megito? It's the site of Armageddon in Israel, right? It's the site where that's supposed to be. So it's funny. I was doing a dig at Armageddon. I don't know. I thought it was funny and so I can't, we did find us, there's a female skeleton of a girl. She's like 14 and she's got, they found cannabis and they think it has to do with the treatment. Right? She was delivering a child. She died from not having a white enough pelvic girth, right? And they were giving her marijuana. Why would you give somebody marijuana whose pelvis is too small? To relax in the broad ligament, right? To let that thing relax, soften up a little bit relax, right? So it would open, it would have opened it up. That's what they were trying to do. Isn't that interesting? You can take the chemical and you can figure out what was actually going on from the chemical that they were using. But they found this girl and she died and she, she had marijuana system. That's the archaeological site. What is the real evidence? What is the real? How do we know how old it is? It must be at least as old as the earliest Greek archaic medicine because we constantly see the use of the training of priestesses to communicate a drug knowledge to the priestesses. So you can see that in the earliest poetry, you can see that the reference to the star and the reference to the, it's not, we don't just, we don't just read where the name is. You look for other, somebody had the snake up, who put the snake up on the, on the, was that was Vishnu? Was it, was it Shiva? And I wanted to, I wanted to make sure that that didn't escape our notice because that's how they coded all this stuff, right? Dionysus is always portrayed as going around with X, Y, and Z, right? What is the Sphinx? There's an actual episode in a guy named Nonus, nobody reads Nonus, right? There's an actual episode where there's a real Sphinx who uses a bow and arrow to strangle someone so they're using some kind of, of toxin on the arrow. And since they're constantly talking about where does the toxin come from, from the snakes, you know, it's probably from the snakes. And what's beautiful is there's, there's a remedy for this. There's a remedy for one of these snake toxins and you have to, it's beautiful. Nobody, nobody looks at this stuff. Does that, it's all because it comes from the gynecology and those are the earliest drugs. Definitely. Snake toxin in the same area that you're giving birth, do we, I mean, I'm seeing the connection here between what's going on with the current MRNA shots and not even just that. But as far back as the early 90s, you had the guy from Celtic biotech being, working at Fort Detrick for the DOD. The following is a high five woman from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. I won. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today? Only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're probably going to have to play responsibly condition supplies. See website for details. High five casino. Making venom based quote unquote vaccines or wide scale production is the only one that is early 90s. Where do you think they went? Yes. What do you suppose Mary Maclin gave Jesus a sex drug to seduce people? To seduce him, to turn him on, to enlighten him, some combination of all of that. And was that like early in their relationship? Or later? Or much later? This is right before the garden. So he's about to get offed. This is his, this is his ending. That is, you could make a, you could make a drama out of that. You know, a really good drama. But what does the evidence say? Let's just look at what the evidence says about that. So he gives it, what do we know? She gives it to him before the garden, before he ends up in the garden. That's where he's betrayed. When he's in the garden, he's with that kid in the garden. Is there an association? Is there, was there a reason that he was, he had the linen cloth? The kid had a linen cloth? What do we know about linen? What kind of ceremonies is that used in? Why is it that Jesus' apostles are standing at a distance? Why is it a public park at two o'clock in the morning? Right? Why is Jesus dealing with a prostitute in the first place? And what is that prostitute? That's what our understanding of the term is. How did the Greeks and the Romans and the Hellenists that lived in the, that lived in the mishmash of Judea? How did they interpret that? You notice his delivery is completely different, right? It's, it's like a whole other personality. It's, it's very interesting. Somebody, people have asked me because with my, the book that I've just, it's just coming out. They asked me what, what is your problem with what Jesus was doing? I had an, uh, evangelical stop me on the street and he said, hey brother, can I answer any of your questions about Jesus? And so I said, oh, he's asking for it. So I said, I said, cause I really do, I see this here, I'm not mocking cause I want to find out what is the rationale. And I say, why? Okay. So he said, do you have any questions, brother? And I said, uh, yeah, why was Jesus with a naked kid in the garden of Gethsemane? And he laughed. And he said, you know, I've read my Bible many, many a time, but I've never seen that. So I said, Mark 1451, 52. So he looked shocked and he opened up a Bible and I looked at it and this, I, kid, you know, this is what he said. He stood there and read it and I looked and was watching him and he said, you mean for everything that Jesus did for you just cause he was with this naked kid, you wouldn't believe him? And that's the exact answer that the early church gives. It's the exact same answer that the early church gives. It's amazing. Nobody ever answers this question. What? You can look at, okay, last sentence. If you look at the actual pharmacy and you look at the biology and you look at all the history and you look at the linguistics, you can figure out what he was doing there. All right. You can figure it out. Yeah. All right. When you mentioned the snake, I started thinking about the myth of the garden of Eden and how the snake and the women are associated and are evil. Does that mean that the Judaic church also tried to persecute? I'll let, I'll let a Greek answer that for you. I won't give you the answer. I'll let a Greek do it. It's typhon. It's the monstratiphias, right? Why would the Jewish Orthodox, Orthodox Jews, why would they have an anti-woman approach? Why do Muslims who are, you know, on their end, I'm not talking Sufis and all that, but extremist Muslims, why do they always want to put the Taliban? Why do they want to put women in burkas? Why do they want to throw acid in their faces? Why did the Christians burn women alive and shut down colleges for women? Why did they do that? The Greeks already gave the answer. It's Tiphias. Zeus has to be Tiphias. Tiphias is monotheism. The Jews that came out of Egypt followed set, right? As a monotheistic God. Right. And that's where, Yahweh, Yah-oh, Sabo-oh, I used to be able to say this no problem now for some reason. I'm tongue-tied. Sabay-oh, Yah-oh, Sabay-oh, AKA Saturn, right? So what are we doing here? Again, then he goes and then he goes and then he prays the Saturn. Ah, I don't get it. The enemy of Aphrodite and Dionysus, they knew the problems. They knew the problems. Christianity's problem for the Greeks was that they were atheists. You know what the Greeks called the early Christians, atheists. How can they call them atheists? That's what people call people who are not Christians now, right? Do you see what happens? They adopt. The aggressor adopts the tactics of the people they filled the position for, right? The pagans disappeared, the Christians came in, they start using this tactic. It's a mate. It's like... Inverting. Yeah. Very Jewish of them to do so. Or cult of Saturn of them to do so. It's beautiful. Kind of beautiful. Or Frankist of them to do so, right? Be in Frankism, the doctrine of inversion for history. But anyway, did that answer the question? Yeah. But say your question again because I think you're making a very important point. It was just, what's the Jewish church anti-driven with that creation, what I'm trying to learn to eat and attack within and their power. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. But it's a way of establishing power for a specific group. Yeah. Yeah. Just to repeat it, was the Garden of Eden myth a direct attack on women due to their power of medicine? Right. And the Christians use it that way too. So you're saying yes. Definitely. Okay. Great. And one other way of proving that is the Christians use the very same approach. Exactly. It's very similar. It's like, oh, it's predates Christianity then. Right. And why would they use Eve because she had already been set as an example of what's Eve in a word? And by the way, they even went so far as to say the name Eve, these are the Greeks. The name Eve is related to the sacred name for guess who, Dionysus. Yeah. Yeah. Right. It's very weird. It's like it's, it's when you start realizing the word for the word for medicine in Greek. Eatros. The word for doctor, that's the word for physician. Yeah. Eatros. So Eatrogenesis is the bringing of a plague upon people through medical intervention. That's Eatrogenesis. And the Eatros is coming from the Greek country, the verb Eao is also a word that means the cry. This is so weird when I read this, the cry that a woman delivering a child gives. It's not weird. That's its own thing and they, that's what means medicine. That's where medicine comes from, right? And the arrow drugs to cause the uterus to contract and all that. It's beautiful stuff. And so organized religion has been an attack on healers this whole time. Just that's weird. Okay. Thank you very much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. That's a rock. Oh, that's Karl Ruck in the audience. That's cool. Maybe that's why he's a little nervous. That's like one of his, uh, mentors. I mean, it's a way of celebrating and it's a way of celebrating and why, uh, this connection between Bacchus and, and Aphrodite, why are the earliest, some of the earliest statues of Aphrodite that they say are some sort of Mithraic, that they all have penises. What? Right. Ancient statues with penises. It's very, why would you need a penis on a female statue? Yeah, no, I'm sure I'm really asking. Can anybody, can anybody, why would you need Dr. Ruck? And you can use that because she's superior. She has both sexes. She's like fennies. This early, early Greek God that's both masculine feminine and he wraps snakes or he's got snakes wrapped around he/she. It's like a he/she kind of thing. And also, and also, uh, well, with that answer. Any more questions? Okay, thank you. It's been great. There you go. All right, everybody. Um, anyone else have anything else before we go? I mean, I could always play something else, but I should probably get my life going at some point here today. I think I got a, usually I start with the elliptical and then I get too tired and then don't go to the gym. I think today I'm going to go to the gym and then I got a couple more things to do. I got orders all, well, a bunch of them went out this morning and I got two more little things I have to do and then they'll be all done and then I can start printing out some new ones. But, uh, Semper,, let's go ahead and show that real quick. Oh, wrong one. There we go. And oh, so I have to remind everybody too, today is the last day. So if you're on Semper Fry, and you click this image here, I'm just going to double check, thanks, so that's correct. I'm pretty sure it is. Click that, right? And this, yeah, that's correct. Right now, you can still get in for life at the lower rate for Dr. Peter Gooden's website. Okay? Tomorrow, it goes from $24 a month to $44 a month. If you lock it in now, you get it for life, right? It's not going to affect you. But after tomorrow, if you were planning on doing this, you're not going to get it. Also in the annual membership, I believe it's like $2.16, it's much, you know, you're still saving even more money that way. And in comparison to what it's going to be after tomorrow, a lot of money. So you'll be saving a lot. And he does two live Q&As. So I'll show you the calendar here. Two live Q&As a week, in addition to ours. So on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he does one. And he has the times set in there, usually he's eight to nine on the Tuesdays. And it's 11 to 12 on the Thursdays. All right, he's not doing one on the fourth. He's got, and we're not doing one with him tomorrow either. He's going to be entertaining some family members or something like that. So we're not doing it tomorrow. And so he does this at 11 a.m., these are all central time, right? So he does that. He has an hour off and then he comes on with us on Thursdays. But the format and the way it's set up, you get an email from him and you can submit your questions then or prepare them in your mind. But it's better off to submit them ahead of time and then just jump in for the live Q&A. And as you'll see, there's quite a lot of people there. And you can also try to submit questions during the show as well. But to have him in there ahead of time, he goes through those first. And also there's a good community here where you can fire some of your questions off to them and they'll be able to answer some stuff too if they've been there for a while. There's a lot of veteran people in there that are able to help you as well. So there you go. There's that aspect of it. And then if you go to where it says, I think it's store, yeah, full script right there. So full script, you can save 10% off purchases at full script instead of Amazon and receive 10% discount over retail. That's for people who are members. Okay. So it's a way to get more of your money's worth out of having this membership here. You can click in the full script there. And you know, all the homeopathic things he recommends and stuff like that, you can find it through him. Health recovery protocols. We've seen that before. The medical insights, a lot of videos there, the interviews, and he adds more stuff as he goes. And there's also the course dashboard where there's other stuff that you can get into. He has that protocol for the acidic detox. By the way, parasites are a big deal. Maybe I should just show you this thing one, one last thing before we head out. Let's do this. Oh, so it's going to be my very last one. So I figured, let's make it a big one. It's like an alabaster in itself. Oh, man, Jesus. Makes you wonder. All right. So here's the question. Which end would you use and how deep would you go? Uh, maybe I should, uh, donate this when I'm done with it to the adult, the play store. Anyhow, uh, let's, uh, let's look at this real quick. I got a, I was probably better off just doing it like that, but this is just a little, it's not, it's not like that deep of a message, but it's, it's important enough. And if I get it right, it should be right here. This is one I skipped over earlier. Lab tech whistleblower reveals they are not allowed to include parasites in patients lab reports. I have a lab tech that worked in an all women's hospital, um, in the United States, who went to school for four years for parasitology, so she does. This is one of the things that when doctor artists used to be on, he would talk about how they deny parasites as well. Same thing. Dr. Glidden says that people, he said everybody's got them. It depends on the degree in which you have them. Uh, I have this thing called para way that I bought directly from, uh, Dr. Monzo's clinic. He told me about it when I, when I told him something that was going on with my daughter and he said, get this and I did, uh, we're going to be, it's a spray. We're going to be doing that before we get on to a plane with recycled air on the 20th. Oh, by the way, the 20th through the 30th, I'm going to New York. So oh, my mom just is calling. So I'm going to play this for you while I talk to her have an understanding of parasites and what she is looking for the results that she was finding in these women coming in with UTIs, urinary tract infections, was showing parasitic larvae. She was putting them in her report and the doctor of the lab was removing them from the reports. So these women with urinary tract infections was never getting properly diagnosed in the United States. See, they're not allowed to tell you if you have parasite. No, the CDC and HHS does not allow that because if you actually found out what ailed you and got cured, got the proper treatment, you wouldn't need your doctor. You wouldn't need your big pharma pill. The lab tech whistleblower reveals they are not allowed to include parasites and patients lab reports. I have a lab tech that worked in an all women's hospital in the United States who went to school for four years for parasitology, so she does have an understanding of parasites and what she is looking for. The results that she was finding in these women coming in with UTIs, urinary tract infection, was showing parasitic larvae. She was putting them in her report and the doctor of the lab was removing them from the reports. So these women with urinary tract infections was never getting properly diagnosed in the United States. See, they're not allowed to tell you if you have parasites. No, the CDC and HHS does not allow that because if you actually found out what ailed you and got cured, got the proper treatment, you wouldn't need your doctor. You wouldn't need your big pharma pill. The lab tech whistleblower reveals they are not allowed to include parasites and patients lab reports. I have a lab tech that worked in an all women's hospital in the United States. Yeah, I heard about that. Hey, mom, I've got to let you go right now, but I'll talk to you later, okay? All right, love it, but my mom just, well, let me know. So we got, we're planning that trip, so hi, Daniel's mom. All right, guys, thank you so much for joining us today. You got to see my daughter two days in a row, one in the video when she came in to say she was hailed and out to do her acrobatics stuff. So that was pretty neat. Oh, yeah. And the thing about the doctor glidden stuff, get on that because that's, you know, if you're going to do it, you might as well do it while you can still get it for less, right? Does that make sense? And what else we got? That's it. I think good enough for one day. Take care. The following is a high five moment from high five I won. Yahoo. Private, put down your phone. This is the army. Sort. High five casinos. The social casino. Done your phone goes wherever you go. I win three spins, cash prizes, three damn rewards, over 1200 games. I won again. Platoon presents cell phone. High five. High five. Casino. Wind at high five casino. Dot com. High five casino. It's a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited. Play responsibly.