Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Ammon's Fables: Some Highly Controversial Insights into Ancient Greek of the New Testament

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2h 10m
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23 Jun 2024
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But before we begin, let me just say I do not say these things or show these things to her anybody. It's actually that would be the exact opposite of my intent. It's simply to show just how deep the deception goes. These are other alternative ideas, ways to interpret the data. Some of these may have a lot of weight to them being that they're coming from the ancient Greek text and the bad translations or the mistranslations. While the deliberate mistranslations and the softening of edges, potential rewrites many potential rewrites in the last 2,000 years, different eras with different agendas, different structures for their desired control over the rest of mankind may have added to and taken away. But when you find the deepest, most ancient Hellenistic texts, and that is the oldest, not anything in Hebrew which came later, then you have to at least look at it and consider what it is that it's flat-out telling us. And if that helps shake our tree and stop us from running off the edge of a cliff with Yahoo into the abyss of Armageddon and justifying the slaughter of men, women and children who are, for the most part, defenseless. And help us also to understand that we're on that list too, then all the better. Because then we're not putting our energy and effort into helping the evil of the trifecta of Abrahamic religions to destroy the world and fall innocent life on it. Hello, Monero. Hello, polka. Good morning. Boom. And boom. So if your discretion is advised for the little ones out there, for sure, there's some clunky language that's utilized and scenes imagery that could be, you know, presented into the mind when listening to some of the stuff. But I spent, I forgot how long I took the idea of stuff last night, I was up until after 3am to make edits to a video that I could just play and give people the idea. But I also, throughout this, as I, it wasn't made to be a standalone video, it was made to be a stopping comment type of video. So it's not like it's a documentary of any kind. It's just pieces that I found interesting that I needed to shorten down to get the, get the idea out there. But there's a few things in along the way, some of the things I actually brought up in the past, some of it comes from my book. And as we go, we will go over that. So you ready? It's going to start off. And first of all, also, any of the presenters, the hosts of any of these shows that I've taken clips of, and there's really only two in this particular segment of this video. The other ones, I haven't had a chance at it yet. It's going to be much longer than one single episode. So as they come, just understand that I'm not, they're not speaking on my behalf. And neither are their guests. I just find this very interesting. And I'd like to at least analyze data that's available. Okay, that said, let me also thank David Reynolds in Indiana. And what it looks like, Karst Dokar Doki in Oklahoma. Thank you very much for your support over on Speak Free Radio. Those of you out there listening on Speak Free Radio, there is a way to support your hosts. And apparently, people are finding it because I am very grateful. Thank you so much. It helps out a lot. Man, I think you can go through the Money Tree publishing. It's not the Money Tree, I always say the it's MoneyTree or Speak Free Radio. They're connected. So one way or the other, you can get to your favorite hosts and let them know you care. And let's get started then, I have to pull out this giant video that I did last night. And we can get going, oops, that's not the way to do it though. Try again. So yeah, I've had less than three hours of sleep. Well, maybe three. And I did six miles on the elliptical yesterday. That is correct. Where's the ones? Is that here? You got to be fine. All right, let's try this one. There it is. It's now in 23 minutes long, but there's plenty room for commentary throughout that. So it's going to just automatically. So everything sucks already. So part of this may have seen during the video travesty that was the last appearance of Dustin Nemos. So this isn't, I didn't get a chance to finish this before I went off into good story, bro, as your, as the response. So we're going to list, we're going to catch up on these clips. They're going to present some ideas and then it's going to go into another talk about it with them and on wake the dead podcast. I'm not a huge fan of people who smoked up their faces, their minds out of their, you know, smoke themselves out of their minds while they do podcasts. I don't understand that, but that's what that Sean dude does. So again, things that you see. Not exactly can do it. Here we go. Well, that God can, you know, sort of a demi-erigic God, he's, he's depicted as holding the potter's wheel. He creates humans is very. Which is a thing that you also find in the Bible, right? Let me just say the Egyptians viewed Yahoo, Yahweh as the God of foreigners and desert blood in death. They viewed him as set. That's what they, that's who they thought and that's who they pictured these, you know, what's worshiping. And they're very cautious of them. And they were the foreigners. They're always the foreigners, right? Because they don't simply. Also, not just that, but he also creates man from, from the earth, right? And, and one of his, his daughter Anukis puts an Anuket in Egyptian, puts the ink into the nose of the people that are. So that's also very similar to the, to the story in Genesis, of course, that, to moving light into the. And so, yeah, we, we see a lot of that, that happening there as well. If we're looking at the timeline of what we're told, the tradition says, you know, Noah and Abraham and all this and David, they're all predate this. So, of course, they have to know there has to be some knowledge of them in these texts, right? But we don't, we find Noah, Abraham, I know Noah, we find no Joseph or, or Jacob. No, again, not just an elephantine, not just elephantine. We have, we find no, in the, on the musty con, meaning in the, in the list of names for that period in anywhere. None of the, of the biblical names from the Pentateuch. I mean, we have names like Nathan, for example. Or, oh, shea and things like that. We have names like that in, in a elephantine, but these are, that does not show any knowledge of the Bible. These are just names that were common at that time. And continue being common later on, and even today. But, but, but, but names that are, that are clearly biblical, like the names of the 12 tribes, for example, or the names of the of Aaron and Moses, or the names of the patriarchs. None of these appear in the Anostecon until the Hellen, early Hellenistic period. Yeah, yeah, early Hellenistic period. But according to normal biblical chronology, Nehemiah came to Jerusalem in the mid 5th century, and then becoming governor. And ruling there for, for a while, going back to Babylon, or for a while, and going back all of these decades, you know, pass, and then going back to Jerusalem. In 407 BCE, so about 40 years after supposedly Nehemiah came to Jerusalem, the, we have two, two drafts of the letter that was sent to Jerusalem by the people of Elephantine. Okay, and they sent it to the governor of Judea, and to the high priest in Jerusalem, was either the immediate successor of Nehemiah, suppose if we suppose that Nehemiah was a historical figure, and that he was, and the biblical chronology is correct. Then this governor that they are writing to is either the immediate successor of Nehemiah, or maybe, you know, the successor of the immediate successor, because we don't know how long the successor, I mean, we don't know exactly what the list of governor was. But it was, but Nehemiah was clearly still in living memory in 407 BCE, if the biblical chronology, the accepted biblical chronology is to be trusted. Now, what are they asking for in 407 BCE, Elephantine, they are asking the Persian authorities, or the representative of the Persian authorities in Jerusalem, to help them or to authorize the rebuilding of the temple that was destroyed at Elephantine, to authorize to them. The same thing that basically they authorized Nehemiah to do, right? I mean, the people of Elephantine are asking the same thing that according to the Bible was allowed to Nehemiah, but they don't mention Nehemiah. Do you know what I'm saying? They don't, as if they don't know, I mean, they're talking about their temple, they explain it in great detail how it was destroyed, although without any knowledge of the description at the end of the Second Book of Kings, of the destruction of the so-called Second Temple in Jerusalem, but they don't mention an almost identical case to their own. That was supposedly happened only a couple of decades, a few decades earlier, right? Now, if you are making your case to the Persian authorities and asking them to help rebuild your temple, you would either say, "I want you to do to us, as you did with Nehemiah, as you did with Jerusalem, I would be asking what you do with us." That would really help your case. It shows that there is a very high probability that Nehemiah either did not exist in history or should be dated to the 4th century rather than the 5th century. I mean, the implications from Elephantine are not just with regards to the Pentateuch or Moses and things like that, but also with regards to Texas are dated to the 5th century. It's when the Hemaian, it's it's it. Homer's Iliad. We have Nestor's Cup, and it's it quotes Homer on the cup and it's dated to 750 BC. So we're like, all right, we can put Homer in that time period, at least, to some degree, maybe not the form that we happen in, but you don't find there's not like a Moses cup where it cites the words of the Bible. There's nothing from the Bible at all, nothing from the Bible. Now, they have no problem citing other things, and they had, for example, the wisdom of Achikar, which was a very famous book, and they did have that. We did find that at Elephantine. They had a copy or a version of the Bizotun or Bay Student inscription in Aramaic, so they had literary texts. They had no problem with that. They just didn't have the Bible or any quotes of the Bible. They didn't use idiomatic expressions from the Bible. They were right. They are being persecuted. So that's really important. In from around, you know, around 415 ish BCE to when the temple was destroyed in 410 BC, but they were, they were persecuted, again, not for their, not for cultic reasons, they're for political reasons, but they were, they were persecuted for a while for several years. And then their temple is destroyed. They write to the governor and the high priest in Jerusalem, by the way, and in Samaria. So both in Jerusalem and in Samaria and in Samaria and the high priest, they write to them to their co-religionists without any mention. I mean, these are Jews persecuted in Egypt, writing to their co-religionists, not a word about the Exodus, about Moses, about, I mean, again, that's pretty, again, every story. Okay, I'm going to stop there for a second and read something to you. And this is coming out of my book. I'm quoting another book on page 92 of the large edition of the book. And it says, this starts off of my, my words, and then it goes into the book that I'm quoting. It says, I'm not saying what these book passages are about to tell us is true. I wasn't there. I don't know the truth because I'll get anyone if the historical record has been altered and the evidence tampered with, or if I don't read ancient Greek and I have to rely on someone else's translations. The following series of excerpts come from the book, the Laughing Jesus religious lies and Gnostic wisdom by Timothy Gandy and Timothy frecky. The earliest mention of Israel is on the so-called Israel steel. There's daily of Pharaoh. There we go. They did from 1207 BC. It says simply Israel is desolate. It's seed is no more. There is a dispute about whether the name Israel refers to a people or simply a person. But it is ironic that our earliest mention of Israel tells us that Israel is no longer. Israel no longer exists. This is setting the stage for the following bombshells but understand that Nebuchadnezzar II reigned from August 605 BC, the 7th of October 562 BC. Remember that because allegedly there was an elaborate temple conveniently destroyed without a trace by Chad. That's who I call Nebuchadnezzar, just shortened it to Chad during this period. Pay close attention to that claim and how it compares to the addition the Greek conquerors of Palestine led by Alexander the Great find Jerusalem to be in 200 years later. What was this big elaborate society that they talk of? There is a further problem with the names Jerusalem and Israel. Their derivation tells us a history that is completely at odds with the Tanakh. The word Israel means fighter for El who was a canonite god. Jerusalem is named after another canonite god called Shalem. But according to the Tanakh, the canonites were the deadly enemies of the Israelites. What is going on here? The answer is simple but shocking. All the evidence now points to the Israelites being indigenous inhabitants of canon. The biblical story that they arrived in Palestine from Egypt is a myth. That's the exodus that he was just referring to. The Israelites did not come from somewhere else. They were already there. This view is now widely shared by scholars, one modern archeologist states. The Israelites never were in Egypt. They never came from abroad. The whole chain is broken. It is not a historical one. It is a later legendary reconstruction of a history that never happened. Let me just say this real quick. They recorded every little thing that ever happened but there is no mention of this exodus in Egypt. Release at Karnak in Egypt do not show any distinction of hairstyle or clothing between Israelites and canonites. So the Egyptians clearly did not discriminate between the two. I read this book over five years ago and it is tough to have this information that seemingly no one else you encounter has been given to process. I'm not saying accepted but simply exposed to so they can process it for themselves and let them decide if truth resonates from it or not. We as mankind should be treated like adults not protected from information. Jerusalem does not mean city of peace. Shalom. Shalim is a kenlight goddess of the dusk. She is the deity representing Venus, the evening star, who claims to be the morning star. Venus is of course a Roman deity. Venus means poison by the way. But she is congruent to Aphrodite for the Greek. In Roman folklore Lucifer, the light bringer was the other name given to the planet Venus. The Greek name for the same planet, planet means wanderer, was phosphorus, which also means light bringer and is where we get the elemental name for phosphorus. The story of the Jews return from captivity is the story of the Jews return from captivity in Egypt is a myth. And so is the story of the return from captivity in Babylon. Although we now consider the Jews and Israelites to be the same, in ancient times they were two distinct peoples and bitter enemies. Israelites lived in northern Palestine and had their capital at Samaria. The Judeians, aka Jews, lived in the southern Palestine and had their capital at Jerusalem. When the Assyrians invaded Palestine in 733 BC, the Israelites resisted and were ruthlessly punished. Their city of Samaria was leveled to the ground and the population taken into slavery. The Judeians, however, offered the Assyrians their support. And here's a funny thing. They love to just whoever seems like they're going to be the dominant presence. They will sabotage, they will betray. And this is one of the things that even Stalin knew, that's why he pulled them off of the border. He didn't want invading armies to get assistance by his own heels. Judeians, however, offered the Assyrians their support and after Israel was liquidated, Judea began to flourish as a new Assyrian province. But didn't last very long, though, because then the same thing happened to them. Alright, so the great scholar Bickerman described Jerusalem at the time of Alexander as the obscure abode of an insignificant tribe. This explains why there is no mention of the Jews and all of the Greek texts prior to Alexander. And then here we go. Here's where the bombshell hits, right? After the death of Alexander in 325 BC, his general Ptolemae ruled Palestine from Egypt. The next century and a half saw a momentous change in Palestine as Greek technology and customs were introduced into the region. Coinage replaced barter agriculture was revolutionized by artificial irrigation, water wheels and the plow, the wine press and other similar implements. Now Jerusalem really did become a city, skilled in many crafts, quote unquote, as one of the Jewish writers of the times put it. In this same period, there was an explosion of Jewish literature. For the first time in history of this region, we have the beginnings of a high culture capable of creating and sustaining a literal, a literate class. For the first time in history, the beginnings of a literate class, a literate class. From the beginning of the 2nd century BC, Palestine produced many famous philosophers. Remember, these are bandits and, you know, merchants, these bandits on the road prior to. So from the beginning of the 2nd century BC, Palestine produced many famous philosophers, poets, satirists, and rheticians, some of whom even became friends and advisors to influential Roman statesmen such as Pompey, Brutus, and Cicero. The Jews had finally arrived on the world stage as a sophisticated people, but ironically, they had only achieved this through an education that was thoroughly Greek. Almost all the Jewish literature produced in this period is written in Greek. The Jews wrote in Greek and thought in Greek and now this is the sticking point here because this is the biggest. Tell. There are concepts that a 250,000 to potentially even more. Word language, 250,000 words or more language, ancient Greek. It's going to have concepts for things that an 8,000 word language, such as ancient Hebrew isn't going to understand isn't going to be able to conceptualize if you can't. If you can't speak it linguistically, you can't think it. You know, that's just this is the hang of having a of a, you know, a minimum. Not so expansive language, right? And that's why languages die out. Because it's an evolution. So the Jews wrote in Greek and thought in Greek and yet the Jews were not Greek and never could be no matter how hard they aspired. The Greeks had divided the whole world into two mutually exclusive categories Greeks and barbarians in response. The Jews divided the whole world into Jews and Gentiles and produced a body of literature that proved at least to their own satisfaction that the Jews were not only equal to the Greeks, they were better. And be. And we'll go and I'm going to continue on with this later, but let's continue this video. Every element like that, every data point like that can be explained away. You can say, well, maybe they don't want to go into that. You can explain everyone independently and excuse it all. But the overall picture is there is not a single counter example. Right. So, again, yeah, you can excuse all of these everything that I'm saying and say, well, maybe they want to do this. Maybe they knew about it, but they ignored it. You can explain that. But give me one counter example, one counter. There is not. Are they worshipping? Are they just worshipping Yahoo? Or is there other gods? Other gods, definitely. There is no one in the ancient world. I mean, strict monotheism in the ancient world at all. It wasn't even a concern. It wasn't. I mean, and strict monotheism, by the way, is an Islamic innovation. I don't know if that's true. I don't know if that's true. That's interesting if it is. But what about Akhenaten? I would have to question that. Of God, an absolute monotheism is an Islamic innovation. That says that one atro done that they had an atro done there. Now, atro done is in today in Zoroastrian is in attach done in just a different format. But that is the fire holder. So, Zoroastrian. Right. Persian. Right. Off Zoroastrian cult. So, in their temple, in the Yawistic temple, they had a fire holder. Is that an invest in term that you just used? Yeah, it's an invest in term. That's not a somatic thing. That's an invest in thing. Absolutely. Absolutely. Now, I've had people say, and this is in my article that is in the book that we're talking about. My paper in that book, it goes into a lot of detail on this. And some people say, well, you know, it's a fire holder. A lot of people translate it as a fire altar. I don't use the term fire altar because it is not an altar. There's nothing to sacrifice or offered on it. The Zoroastrians don't offer anything on this. Yeah, but this is exactly what the Zoroastrians are using to not worship. They're not worshiping the fire, but they're using the fire. That is the center of the Yasna, the Zoroastrian cult. So they had this and they use. I mean, if they wanted to think about the time period, why you would venerate fire, Bill Cooper gets into this in his series of mystery Babylon. You didn't really have matches of our lighter back then, right? So having a flame, a fire at the center location of your temple means that you always had a fire that you could start. You know, you could use it to start other fires with it. It was a useful tool to have a continually burning fire at all times because otherwise, what do you do? You wait for the next lightning bolt to spark the grass. So it's a good thing to have before they can figure stuff out as easily as we could. Now, given many, many years since then, the fire was venerated because it was appreciated, right? Not worshiped. Some did keepers of the flame. It gets close to that in some respects and maybe in some other places it is that, but specifically for the Zoroastrians, it was venerated. And many, almost all cultures venerated the fire. To simply say, we have something that holds fire, not necessarily Zoroastrian, but something that holds fire in the temple, they could have used the Aramaic, or something like that in Aramaic, but they use the Protestant terminology. The technical cultic term, the Avastan term, in that to describe what they have. So they had their own words for it, yet they used the Avastan term. Now, that's interesting, right? The level of assimilation is very, I mean, when you have in your own temple, a Zoroastrian fire holder, and you are using that term, that cultic term, I mean, you know what you're doing when you're using this technical term. Again, if they just wanted to say we have something that holds fire, it's very easy to say it in Aramaic, right? It's really easy. And in fact, in the Talmud, where they lived in Sasanian times and they lived among Zoroastrians, they had no problem talking about the fire temple, beed in the Ra'o, beed in Ra'o. So they have no problem using pure Aramaic to describe what it is without using a Vestan term. And Aramaic is the imperial? Oh, it's a Vestan/Persian. It's not purely, I mean, the Atar of Dan is in the Vestan, or really Iranian term. But in any case, it's an Indo-Iranian term that is very, of course, also very frequent in the Avesta. Wow, imperial Aramaic is that the imperial tongue of the Persians are mistaken, right? It's the imperial tongue. I mean, it's the lingua franca of the day. It's not a Persian language. But Persians and Aramaic have a very long story. Medea is... Okay, it's going to get weird now, everybody. So if you hadn't taken precautions before, now is the time. And it's going to go somewhat off a deep end, but stick with it. Because there's some really interesting things that I made connection with. And I think there's... I have a living example that is more recent than thousands of years ago to prove just how good or the culture of any society it is to honor the mother, honor the mother, not... It doesn't necessarily have to be the great mother, like some kind of, you know, deified figure, but just the mother in general. And I think you'll understand what I'm talking about because we just went over this and we went over it again yesterday, re-emphasizing the good times of a certain country before it was destroyed by Yahweh's little cult. The unheralded genius of the Bronze Age who catapulted humanity forward by researching drugs in the form of dotes and antidotes. She not only developed all of the drug knowledge, but she also created a system of religion that you and I today would call the mystery. Yeah, and here's where it gets confusing with me because this was all dark stuff too. I'm always looking in my head and looking to him, waiting for him to say, "Well, where's the good? This is very cult-y stuff. Some of this stuff is a little out there and very, very... Not what we were considered healthy or other human beings to be involved in. And when you get into this magic and stuff like that, it's mostly pharmacology. It's mostly that, but there's other weird stuff going on. Before we go any further with this, he's talking about Medea, by the way. He's going to mention that. That's why I cut it where I did. But let me just go back to this real quick because I don't want to lose sight of this particular passage, and I want to forget to say it. And this is the title of this particular passage. It's called "The Jewish Fantasy Factory." This is from my book, so these are quotes from other books, but it's in my book, "Pre-Scrap Beyond Babylon." By the way, more came yesterday evening, so the ones that are waiting to receive your book, I think I have enough now, but other orders came in, so I'll have to find out. Pretty sure I have it covered, but I think it's like exactly covered, so yeah. But thank you. Some people have been ordering two books at a time, so that's also very helpful. All right, thank you again, but this is coming from here. There's so much in here. My view of the mystery schools was coming from a Bill Cooper, maybe a Christian lens, but other places, because I was doing my own research on it and these things. But the whole pharmacia thing, I did touch on with the snakes and stuff like that. This is all stuff I'm kind of saying a little too soon before you're going to hear about it. But I think maybe I could have even, well, the book would have been probably another 100 pages long, and that will maybe go into the next one. But I did touch on a lot of these things, which I was surprised how well I covered it, not knowing anything about this guy or his work or his ratings or knowing how to read the ancient text myself. A lot of stuff is in this book. I think if anybody is a wise gentleman or gentle lady, please craft me on Babylon should be on your get list, right? All right, so the Jewish fantasy factory, no sooner had the Jews assimilated their Greek education. Then they began to give a novel, meaning false account of how they had come by it. They had not learned from the Greeks. It was the other way around, silly. In 2020, sorry, in 220 BC, the Jewish writer Hermipus recorded his opinion that Pythagoras, the first man in the Greek world to be called a philosopher, had actually acquired all his wisdom from the Jews. Aristobulus, writing in the middle of the second century BC, added that Plato had borrowed his ideas from Moses. In the first, listen to when it says it, in the second century, you're starting to hear about, you know, it wasn't in 1000 BC, it wasn't, okay, just keep that in mind. In the first century CE, which I don't buy, they call that the AD, right? Josephus claimed that the wisest of the Greeks, including Plato, Pythagoras, and Exaggerus, and the Stoics, had learned their concepts of God from principles with which Moses supplied them. According to the Jewish writer, you pull him this, you pull him this, these words are taught. You pull him this, however, the Greeks even owned, the Greeks even owed their knowledge of the alphabet to Moses. These are the same people that only had at best in their ancient Hebrew and 8,000 word language. They owed it to Moses for their 250,000 or more word language, right? And it was, their words were sung, by the way. He had taught it first to the Jews, of course, who then taught it to the Phoenicians, who in turn taught it to the Greeks. Archipanes, another Jewish writer, tells us that Moses acquired the name "Moseios" from the Greeks, became the teacher of Orpheus, and conferred the whole host of benefits upon mankind, including the invention of ships, mechanisms for stone construction, oh, there's masonry there, weaponry, hydraulic engines, implements of warfare, and, of course, philosophy. All Moses. And I said, "Well, if you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one, I guess. But why insult and show lack of gratitude to your teachers by claiming they were insignificant in your education?" I'm not talking about public school, I'm talking about Alexandria and the sharing of knowledge that occurred. The Greeks never, the Greeks never heard of the Jews until they acquired them through the conquest of Babylon. Pythagoras lived a good 2,000 years before that. In Egypt, Moses' achievements were even more spectacular. This is a quote from the book, that person's book again. He taught hieroglyphics to the Egyptian priest, divided the nation into 36 names. Assigned to each the god, it was to worship and was named Hermes because of his ability to interpret sacred writings. During the Hellenistic period, there was no end to the Jews' delight in rewriting history and playing one-upmanship with the Greeks, Egyptians and their other powerful rivals. There's a guy that was this, I wonder if he had an M on his chest, like Superman had an S. All right, back to the book, the story here. Right. She's a comicic worship goes back to this queen. Who is she? Historically, she's a queen. She is a queen of what you would call the lands ruled by the Scythians. This intrigues me too, because of the astralogo stuff that we've covered. I mean, there was a lot of different types of Scythians out there. Some of them were absolutely 100% anti-magic. I think some of the Phrygians that were descendants of them were also the same, but then there's also other Phrygians that talk very openly about that stuff. And then there was also, you know, then you have the gods and all that stuff. So it gets interesting because you have to wonder, well, is this really what the core of the group is? Or is this more like the ones that may have become, you know, these other priest craft oriented societies that were not accepted by all Scythians, you know, and their culture was kind of looked down upon, but also like rejected by most of the other. Well, it's a very complicated and interesting topic. Wish I was there. Wish I was there to tell you. Countryside that's full of Amazonian women and people say, "Amazonians, I thought I was talking about myth." No, no, no, this is history. We're talking about people who were buried in graveyards, right? The Athenians had a real problem with the Amazonians. You can understand these horseback arrow, poison arrow using cultures. You know, they gave Athens a hard time. Ultimately, Athens employed them as their police force, right? Imagine this, the world's first democracy, the place where we worship the Virgin. We employ a police force of Scythians. Why? Because they've got those technological advantages that can keep us civilized. And one of the technological advantages was the poison, right? This is the same culture that created the Medusa. And what he's talking about here is they would dip their arrows. Women would rub it through their hair, and this is where you get this idea of the Medusa that they talk about now. They would run it through their hair, and they would have the poison in their hair, and they would fire that arrow, and it would be one arrow to take out for people. Because this stuff, you didn't have to kill the person, but it would drive them insane with this type of poison, and it would take three more of their people to hold them back and actually deal with that problem, because he's losing the shit. So it took four people off the field in a sense, and preoccupied them. They're working off of a knowledge base that Media is pushing for, like a great scientist. And she's so popular at the time, not only is she queen of the Scythians, but she's also queen of Babylon, right? And her influence goes all the way over into Italy. They've got temples set up to her as Angitia, right? The snake goddess. They've got temples, sir, because she knows all the characters. This dude, Sean, doesn't know how to mute his mic when he's digging around. So you hear a lot of crinkling in the background. These are the mysteries that Media begins that she starts. She takes that Bronze Age, Bronze Age technology, right? And she develops it and pushes it to a place that their communion, drug, is explosive, right? It's just, and she goes wrong. In popularity, explosive in popularity, right? No, no, I made really explosive. Oh, okay. They call it Media's fire, and they take it and develop it into a drug that the Navy uses, right? Because you can't put it out with water, it's like napalm, right? So she's the one who comes up with a concoction. She's doing stuff with fire that people are like, what? They're coming from all over the West. They're coming from the West to observe her with what she does. This is how popular she is in her own day. And she's so influential that an entire tribe, an entire tribe of people called the Aryans, right? I'm sorry, but that's the Greek name for the Aryans. They're one of these Scythian tribes. They're one of these peoples that are living there in that horse culture world. And what do they do? They say we're going to change our identity to followers of the Media, right? And so they call themselves Medes. Every time you talk about the Medes, you're talking about a people who at one time, decided their identity was due to this one queen. And all of our Greek literature, she's the first person who's referenced, and this is in Diodorus, Siculus, right? Diodorus Siculus. And he says she's the first personality to say she invented the fumigation. She was also big into hair dye, right? Everybody traces back the history of hair dyeing to her. Okay, whatever. I mean, it's just another aspect of a genius. But you can see it's all centered around this kind of pharmacological. You know, they're having a pharmacological renaissance in the late Bronze Age. That's all there is to it. Also working with antidotes and all that kind of stuff for venoms. You know, there's lots of problems with the invenomation. But the cults, the bocket cult that she perpetuates is a Christing cult. And she is the first one who is referred to as the one who is the Christ. And you say, what is Christing? Well, if you look at the medical texts that we have and all of the pharmacological stuff that the priests are talking about and writing about, you see in there that Christing is a term that's used. It's just one type of application of a drug. And it's so popular that Christing shows up in Aeschylus' Prometheus, right? I was just working with a student who were reading Aeschylus' Prometheus. And the number of times that Christing comes up is phenomenal. And Prometheus, it's all set within the environment. Prometheus is saying, look, I gave you drugs. I gave drugs and drug knowledge to humans. And he says, I've gave him this knowledge, the Christing. I gave him the potables. And he lists several different types of drugs. And Christing is one of them. You see it all the time in eyes. They like to do this in the eyes. People understand that ancient medicines vastly different from modern medicine, right? And you're doing things like spitting in the eyes of your patients, you know, you're drinking you, and you're tasting body fluids and stuff like that. So it's not odd for us to take a medicine and, you know, put it on the outside, an alabasterine, or a wittreum priapayum, which is the baptist, the glass dildo is what it translates to, the glass dildo. Okay, so maybe I should pull up a, I should pull up a, an image. But think about this for a second. The alabasterine pole is exactly what the medical symbol, the snakes are wrapped around. That's what they, that's our medical symbol, that rod with the ball on top of it. That's the alabaster. Yeah, right in our faces, literally. And when you look at the statues of Baphomet, the alabasterine, because it is literally a dildo, that is his, that is his male organ, more confirmation that that's what it is. And it's two snakes wrapped around that too. Also implying that his, you know what, juice is either the poison or the, or the, or the medicine, right? And that stupid statue that they have in Arkansas, there's two children standing around him. Sick, sick crap, in my opinion. The baptist used for the sacred sodomy, same thing. You put the drug on the outside of the cup. If you don't believe me, go to juvenile. Do you put the drug on the outside? He meant not that you've no less than the guy, but go to juvenile detention. He's sick of you, just kidding. And you apply it rectally, right? Rectal administration of a drug should not be surprising there. They also have the pastel. They're like little tablets. They dissolve or whatever. Yeah, dissolve in wine. You can put. Medea was the first one to have a one a day. Just kidding. You can just put it into the suppository. They do a lot of that. They use it as a suppository, but also as a vaginal suppository. Right. So you see them a lot in women's medicine. Yeah. So is that's what the burning purple was that. So is it makes an excretion from vaginal? It's like purple and it stings the fingers. Is that what we were talking about that briefly in the episode? Yeah. But Medea is behind that, right? And she's actually depicted by a very famous Roman who guards. He's one of the guardians of the sibling books, not the sibling oracles. Those are all over the place. The sibling books. And he talks about Medea is taking a drug from her vagina and putting it on. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Which is a cult name. Right. You thought Jesus was Hebrew. Right. No, it's not. It's cult terminology. Right. Why do you think the magic I showed up did what they did with giving them the drugs and the money? Right. Okay. So any who any who. Yeah, Medea is behind the production of these of these substances. And one of them is her own communion. And there's a beautiful scene in Diodorusiculus where she makes an image in Adelon. She fills it. She fills it with drugs. And it says it's the best ones. Right. She knows she has all of them. She knows more than the Thessalians do because everybody knows the Thessalians are huge into drugs. And why is thessally big into drugs? Because they're descendants of the Plaskians. That very horse culture. That propagated. The Kentauroy. The Cintars. What is a Cintar? A Cintar is a dude who drugs young kids and teaches them. Yeah. That's what a Cintar is. And they've got all the most potent. Especially the aeropoisons. Right. It's always going back to these aeropoisons that they use. Her name means it's the route that we get that we use for medicine. Right. Over in Latin the Medea or just it doesn't mean to be a doctor or to practice as a physician. Medea remains to apply drugs. So the medical and this is funny because since 1912, the only thing that's been lawfully allowed to treat any illness has been a drug. This is this is their this is allopathy. Allopathies the new is the new form of what he's talking about here. There's a connection between drugs and the performance of religion. And so you're seeing the cult. In a more modern way that we don't recognize it as the ancient cult, but it's written in our faces and it's it's dominating us. If you don't understand that you've never been in a true mystery. You're only living in what is the reflection of the reality. Right. When he said that at first I didn't associate that with the walls of the cave. Right. The shadows on the wall. When he's talking about the reflection. But also in magic right everything is in the inverted. So you're looking at a reflection mirror image. There's if there's not something in that wine that puts you into the death state. If there's not some sort of body that you can ingest that will bring you back. You haven't been into a mystery. Remember it's it's medicine that allows you to open up in a way that you would not normally open up. It's a psychological they talk about the treatment of depression. You know how you treat depression and antiquity? You get a priestess to drug you tie you up and forcefully sodomize you. And somehow this treats your depression. I don't know somehow all of a sudden you're not worried about how like my life sucks. I just want to get away from these people. I would definitely take my mind off of it. They gave it holidays. They gave it holidays. We happen to be right in the middle of one right now. The whole spring resurrection cult. You know everybody's about to every's about to enter into Easter. You know if you've been looking at the you've been looking at the eclipses and the cross in Texas. And it's right over a point where some dude donated some red heifers. They're going to sacrifice them and destroy the destroy what's on top of the temple mount. Right bring back. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Did I just step into some kind of drug orgy? No, it's just modern history. If you are okay, so we should also bring up. What doctor Monza was talking about yesterday. Right now it's summer solstice and the next few days is the. You know, if you have little ones out there, it warned you the extra cautious. In public. The extra cautious and beyond the alert parents because they are looking for. Things to torture and sacrifice. In this time period and this is the this is the 56 year. Point where it's one of the more important. Cycles of this every 56 years for some reason. The dark occult really goes. Who is all in goes heavy. On these rituals. Question you must realize that historically your mystery developed. From previous mysteries, all the terminology of the end, the Christ, the child of God. All of that is only from the foundation that is built. Why is it there? What does it have to do? You know what they do? You know what the people think, okay, I'm going to go to this. I'm going to cut off my testicles. I'm going to become one of these devotees. No, no, no, that's not the worship. Some people do that and perpetuate the worship. And that's a class of people and that's their choice, right? Nobody forces them to do that. They come and call. Yeah, and they take their testicles that they cut off. And remember, you got to be totally. I mean, you're under the influence, right? So, you know, sometimes it happens that even travelers, Lucian says, sometimes tourists will come and get caught up. Remember, they're fumigating. They're fumigating this whole time. And they're adding those trojiscoi that the prophets say, you got to have those trojiscoi to have the vision. You got to have those, right? Which is the smoke of a drug, which is the smoke of a drug. Yes, yes. Concussion that a thoroughbble is spreading the smoke amongst the parishioner. Well, the people, the onlookers, right? Exactly. And that's exactly what Diodorus describes. He lays that out to show you. This is how you take a population and put them under the influence of your religion. Right. Right. Okay. Thanks. You know, but remember, it's health, right? It's in my control. This is how to do it, guys. You can think of it as mind control or you can think of it as enhancement, right? Okay. Do those drugs enhance brain activity? If they enhance brain activity, then it is truly a medicinal kind of drive. Right. It's a healing for the people and it allows society to enter into a state where they see where they see the real Cicero says you have not lived until you've been born again in this right. And that's another term they're using, right? When Jesus says I'm the only begotten, that's a cult term. Guess who they're using that of originally? Originally, that's the title of Athena. Right. And then when you think about, oh, yeah, because she's born from the head of God. Right. Of course, that makes sense. Right. The only begotten of God. That's an actual title. That's not. Jesus didn't show up on the scene and just start making stuff up. Right. He's embedded within a culture and that power. What kinds of things, how are they benefited from the religion? They become Vadicenators. Yeah. Watikhanus is our God. You didn't know that. The Vatican Hill, the Vatican Hill didn't have a Pope on it. The Vatican Hill had a sibble on it. And she prophesied under the power of Watikhanus. And that is so strong that we get. And what is it, by the way? What is entering the spirit of Watikhanus? It's Vadicenation. It's a word that we borrowed from the Latin. It's a state of being prophetically frenzied. So pagan terminology for the Roman Catholic Church. prophetically frenzied. If you want the voice, if you want the voice, boom, you've got to enter into the mystery. You've got to be filled with that spirit. And you're like, oh, wait a minute. What? Yeah, in the beginning, God created Uranos and Gaia. That's where the mystery begins. The Oracle begins with Gaia. The Sumerians, maybe? No, no. Fuck those Sumerians. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Feel free, bro. Go ahead. Now, hang on a second. The Pulaskians, the Pulaskians are Calcalithic, their Copper Age. This stuff that where the Greeks are getting their religion, it predates. It predates any of that. People talk to me all the time. And this gets my goat. This really gets my goat. Gilgamesh. What about Gilgamesh? Have you ever read Gilgamesh? Bonehead? Have you ever read it? You would wonder why it reads like it was written by a third grader. Right? The Greeks thought so too. The Greeks thought so too. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's how they talk. Did you know ancient Greek is sung? All of our earliest works are songs. Greek has-- In a sense, it's easier to remember a song. Like, it probably makes sense. Because if they're not writing it down, then if they have it in, like, in stanzas, I mean, I can remember a song lyric that I learned when I was 12. Like, it's really easy. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. It's got its own pitch. Ancient Greek has pitch. And they run words together just so that it flows melodically like a song. Nobody ever asks. Why didn't science come from somewhere else? It came from the same place that they produced tragedy, comedy, that they produced philosophy, that they produced what you and I would call the scientific method. Right? It's all being brought to you by the language. It's not the people. You Greeks don't get a big head. Right? Because the church came in and slaughtered. Modern Greek is not even a vestige of its ancestor. Right? You take a modern Greek and you force them, which they try to do. Force them to read Homer. And they're like, oh, my God. Right? It's 3,000 years difference. They, when the church embraced the people of Greece, it did the same thing. It did across Europe. It dumbed down the languages. It took Renaissance to bring elevated Latin back. It took Renaissance to do that. So my big thing is a classical philologist. To tell people it's the language that is capacitating these discoveries. Not everyone is born equal. Right? That sounds terrible. You're like, well, you can't, not every language. Not every language is born equal. There are some poopy languages in Italy. There are some poopy languages that are developing around Latin. They just can't hold a, they just can't hold anything. The capacity is poopy. It's way too low. You don't have the words for it. The capacity is poopy. You can't think it. The same thing in 1984, they're making the dictionary smaller and smaller because they want to dominate the people. Same thing with like the modern, well, the, you know, Roman Catholics. They, they dumb down the language on purpose. You are what you speak. It turns out. And they recognize this and they, they even mocked, the Greeks mocked. And the Romans with their Latin. And I got to, I got to be honest with you. The Greeks thought the Romans were hot dwelling primitives. Right? Their language is great engineering. It's great practical engineering. But it cannot reach the elevated thought experiment level that the Greek does. Just in ancient Greek, it's been estimated. We don't know. But it's been estimated there, there are around 500,000 unique words. Right? Um, how many, just to give you a, just to give you a taste, you know, English, your, your daily speech in English is going to have somewhere between 80,000 to 100,000. If you're lucky, right? Um, Hebrew, ancient Hebrew, it's got 8,000 unique words. Do you know how limiting that is? The Greek is able to achieve a technical level that the Hebrew can't. That's why everybody thinks that because we've had stories, right? This is not from evidence. This is just stories. You know, Israel Finkelstein, the archaeologist in Tel Aviv came out, right? He's a lead archaeologist. And he came out and he said, none of what we call our history or Jewish history is, is actually preserved. Right? There's no, why don't we have these great temple, did you know the Egyptians who wrote down every battle they ever fought, even if it was between a dozen people? Listen to this. This is going back to what I was reading earlier. You know, they have no record of the Exodus. There's nothing. He said the archaeological record and I dug at Megiddo. Right? I spent a season digging at Megiddo and we uncovered a Canaanite temple. Right? So I know Israel's not just, you know, he's not just, doesn't just have a theory that he's trying to advance. There is no archaeology to support those texts. Now, linguistically, the Bible that we're talking about, the Old Testament, the Torah, that thing is written linguistically in the third century BC. That's where it slides in. Linguistically, if you look at the Septuagint, it's from the third century BC. And what they're doing is they're drawing on everything that came out of Alexandria where they had assembled a giant Greek library. And by the way, and well, I'm not sure what that noise was, but, and that is what we were talking about, right, the Hellenistic period, they were taught Greek. They thought in Greek. And they immediately went to yellow journalism and revisionist history once they were taught Greek. And then they chatted one upmanship on the Greeks. That's their way of saying thanks. Let me just say this is new. People have been watching the uncovering of the library at Herculaneum. They had a whole library there that was charred by the pyroclastic flow from Vesuvius, right, in the first century. And now they scan those and we can all read them. This is the first complete ancient library ever found, right? Now, you're going to say, what about Nineveh? What about... Do you know what came out of Nineveh? A bunch of clay tablets with chicken scraps that said, I went out and I secured these twelve sheep, and I'm going to take five of them, and I'm going to give them the so and so. And he's going to give me this, right? And then some third grader with his chicken scraps who managed to come up with a story about a guy who has a relationship with another hairy guy, right? And it's not what's driving and building society. The languages you can see is the languages evolve and grow. They have a chance to reach out to that tower of Babylon. They have a chance to reach that height. And most of them never make it. It's sad, you know, umbrin. Oh, it's a perfectly good Italian language, right? Umbrin went into the toilet, right? It was became useless. Nobody used it, right? And who are the Romans learning to write from? Um, did you know the Romans, those hot, dwelling Romans, um, a Greek woman came over and said, look, why don't you use this script and you can make letters. And they're like, oh, letters, right? And she was like, Oh, God, these people, right? And so they decided that she was going to be one of the great goddesses that would lead them forward. There are numerous boys that Jesus is doing this. This Assyrian, Dionysiac, Bronze Age, death and resurrection right on. And you can follow Jesus after he's done with his 12 teenagers that he messes around with all day. You say what? Yeah, you call them disciples or apostles, right? Um, when he's done with those boys, he goes to the cemetery and he raises other boys. All right, now one of these boys falls for Jesus, right? And this is the whole controversy that is the letter of pseudo-climate where it says Jesus was teaching the kid naked, the mystery right. Um, and, you know, it's like the text is like, yeah, this kind of thing, we can't tell everybody. Right? It's hilarious. The author is hilarious. It's really funny, but it sure would explain what this naked kid is doing with Jesus in a public park when he gets arrested screaming, Jesus says, you got to quote this from Jesus. I am not a child trafficker. That's what he tells the SWAT, the Roman SWAT unit that was there to pick him up, right? And the naked kid runs off. Now interestingly enough, the naked kid has a bandage on his penis. And it falls off when he runs. It's perfectly ritual mystery. In any other context, this would be ritual mystery, but you notice the Christians are scrambling. All right, this is the ceiling. This is the stuff I get in trouble for. And all I'm doing is bringing you the text. All right? That's exactly what happened. By the way, we have a text that says when Jesus is hanging around the cross and he's all, oh, I'm thirsty. Right? That's not Hebrew or Aramaic or Sumerian or Gilgamesh. It's Greek. It's straight up Greek that's being used in the magical papyrus. And Jesus is using it as well. Right? And what's happening is he's thirsting because he's had too much of the dip sass. If you could bring up a North African horned viper, this is the snake. They're deriving this drug from. And it induces extreme thirst. So they call it polydipsia. So, okay, back to the kid. When Jesus is hanging there on a cross, they give him something they call oksus. Oksus was the name of the antidote that they used. And somebody in antiquity pointed this out, not me. His name was Nonus. And Nonus points out this drug that they've got that they're giving Jesus. It's meant to counteract that mystery drug. It's an antidote. Right? That's the Greek word for antidote. They made up that word. By the way, half of your language is stuff that we stole from the Greeks. We Anglo-Saxons are so uninventive. Our language so hamstrings us that we have to borrow concepts from Greek. And by the way, the Romans couldn't generate this stuff. We get some roots from the Romans, but don't kid yourself. The Romans are also getting him from the Greeks. He had two of his apostles on the lookout. He was three. He had three. And he was there in the garden with the young boy doing a process. And then the SWAT team shows up. The kid runs away. The linen falls from the kid and he's naked as he runs. And Jesus says, "I'm not at least ace." And think about the boy. It says the bandage is on his gumenos. It says it's on his private parts. Right? And if they're using the burning purple, it's going to cause a dark stain to his galenae. Right? That boy produces a galenae. What's a galenae? A galenae is a pharyoc or an antidote. It means the calming of a storm. So the really bad stuff that those snake venoms can induce, and I'm not talking about just one and Jackie. I'm talking about this is daily administration through lateral slits. You have to have a pharyoc to balance it. Right? See, the problem is what Yahoo knows is that when this mystery is induced, people wake up. So this is interesting because Yahoo doesn't want you to wake up. And therefore this pharmacology is suppressed and it's acculted and taken away from people. Even though this is a really strange and odd process and that's the hard part to wrap your head around. It's this process that these people are doing that helps them to break from their programming. Break from their whatever else you want to call it and see they don't have the fear of death anymore. And therefore, Yahoo who's promising them this crap as long as you obey, obey or die. Similar to the whole Muhammad thing, which is another Abrahamic aspect here. It's just very interesting what he's getting into. He's touching on something that's really important here. Right. And the end of the Bible is a great war against this woman worn up on the pharyoc who can bring awakening. Right? Because Yahoo doesn't want awakening. Well Yahoo sends his son here and we celebrate that by drinking blood and flesh. We talked about on that other episode about how it's almost like an occult mockery of the Christians. But still it's a combination of the drinking from the cup and then eating of flesh. So maybe that counteracts the medicine in the cup and that's just like they're reenacting that whole thing. Exactly. And that's why he's standing at that well. You got the picture, the historical picture exactly. That's why he's standing by that well with the Sumerian woman. He says, "Hey, if you'd asked me, I'd have given you the Aquawita." Right? I'd have given you the water of life baby. Right? Because Jesus has become, if he's the Christ, he's the one who is able to produce the blood and the flesh. Right. And what do you say in there is the antidote for the drug from his own body. And they talk about this. I'm not sure if I left it in here but they would take children at a very young age and do lateral slits in their arm and rub this snake venom and other concoction into their skin. So over time, they would, I don't know if it's antibodies, whatever the real science of it all is, they would have the antidote for the dope and that would make them themselves the drug. So whatever comes out of people from various parts of their body would have this antidote. And if you get my drift here, it's a little sexual, but that's what they're talking about. Right. He's able to do it. What is he doing with that kid? He is initiating them into the mysteries. He is perpetuating the same thing that, like you said, he probably did himself. We don't have any evidence for that. As soon as I find you a text, like they open up this Julian library and all of a sudden we find out there's a, you know, we've got additional evidence. Fine. But I have to rely, I have to stay. You know how it is, Sean? I have to stay with just what we've got with evidence because people will look at this and they'll be like, "Oh my God, it's crazy." What's the stuff on Jesus' face do you think? That's my question, right? So the church comes out years later, right, because they have to explain this stuff. And Gregory came out, Gregory, the great came out and pardoned Mary for her sex drugs. He says that openly in one of his homilies, like 33, 31, 33, something like that. And they have to explain the kid, right? We have to explain the kid. How do we explain the flesh and the blood, right? As soon as, because there's a prohibition early on, our oldest Christian documents talk about getting the plants out of the communion, right? There's a schism right away that people are like, "No, no." And the Gnostics are all like, "No, man, we got to get high and drink salmon." Right. Right. Right. Right. No, I'm serious. I'm serious. Um, uh, we have that in the heresiologies, right? They talk about what they do. One of the things is drinking semen. It was not odd to Jesus when he was arrested in a public park with a naked kid with a bandage on his penis. It was not odd to drink semen. The O-Fights do it. Sorry, but that's, that's one of the Christian sex, right? The O-Fights. And they do this. In O-Fee mean snake, by the way. They drink semen. Right. When you break those bonds and you reach the other side of what they call the dark star, and you're actually in what is reality. See, that's the joke. This is not reality. It's a reflection. They refer to it as a reflection. And that's how the Etruscans explained it. It's a reflection. So when you burst those bonds and, and you get to that other side, that's why what you experience is so important because that's going to become the real data that, that we're examining. So your rebirth is a real, is an actual change, a transformation in your understanding of the universe. Right? Okay. I'm just telling you what they said. The Oracle can tell you past, present and future in one, right? That composition enables people to guide, to guide magically what's happening around them. It's like another, it's like a level of quantum control. Information control, these images, right? Remember these? If anyone has ever had salvia divinorum and have had that strange experience, I think this is probably kind of close to it, but they're describing here. These people are a dolan. They, they work with the a dolan, the image. We could, we say idolaters now. Right? And you can see why a chemical mystery is going to be reliant upon images, images. What does the text say? It's the deorte walluani. If nobody believes me, go look it up. Halfway through. Halfway through it. It's in the description of, of Medea's Greek fire. And it talks about all the venom's that are actually used in the fire, not the snake flesh. So this is interesting too, because it also ties into what they may be doing with these shots, right? If we've taken in all the information that Dr. Artis has brought up, it puts it in a whole different light because this is a very ancient thing that they've been doing for a very long time. It's not just a sclepius and all this other stuff. This is tied to that, but it's deeper. And were they, I don't know, initiating everybody with these shots? Is this a way of, you know, especially with the boosters and the continuous application of these venoms, this genetic alteration? Is there, is there something more cultic and deep, deep rooted that we just didn't pick up on? Until we knew the history. But the venom's cool. So you wonder why Venus is the same as the poison, right? It's the word for poison. Do you think that they're, this can be done today? Yes, definitely it could, but you would have had to have years of prep for this. Which they don't care about because they don't, they wanted to kill off people, but again, this goes right back to the shot. In my, in my mind, that's where I go with it. And you would have had to have the right recipes and the right drugs and the right regimen. It's basically, it comes down with the right regimen. In the, in the Greek magical papyrus, there, there is a section on what we have called the Mithrididic Liturgy or the Liturgy of Mithras. And in that, there is a specific chemical regimen that you have to follow in order to be guided through this process. That's a perfect little type of the mystery in general, right? This takes cultivation. This takes a while to be able to produce the person who can produce the drug. Yeah, it's, it's, if you think about it, it's really kind of renaissance and revolutionary. You are not giving drugs to treat patients for a specific disease. You're giving drugs to a patient to cause them to produce their own drugs. And that, my friends, is why I say the shots are very closely related to what he's describing, because they're changing what you do. Remember what when Dr. Artist was on, talking about the coli and the yeast that they can use and engineer it to continue to produce. It's like the organoids, right? It's producing this venom inside of you. This is exactly, I mean, this is almost exactly what they're talking about here. They were looking at the use of venoms in the treatment of things like Parkinson's, right? How different is that, right? There's something in the venom that, you know, interacts a certain way with the brain and causes you, it could possibly be used as a treatment to stop the progression of the little bodies that form and Alzheimer's, right? Or Parkinson's, those levy bodies, I think they're called? The serpent, which we all know is our symbol of medicine, right? The serpent, the healer, right? When Moses is doing the whole serpent thing and, you know, he's doing the same thing, the Egyptians are doing it. It's not different magic. It's the same thing. So that serpent is the healer because it produces a substance that heals. And their idea was you can take that concept and apply it to a person, and you can induce them to produce that healing substance. Look at that symbol. Something's very similar to that is in my book. It's a picture of it. And this goes all the way back to Babylon, all the way back to Medea's time. And that rod right there is most likely the yellow bastards. Are they activating those genes? Are they playing with things genetically? Of course they are. Of course they are. How are they looking at it? They're looking at it as look. This is how nature is. Nature gives certain entities, certain powers, right? But we as humans, if we observe those powers in nature, can take those powers to ourself. That's what magic is. Magic is that manipulation of that nature. And that's why they say it's left handed. Right? That's why they... That's why they... It's hijacking the natural process and steering it towards the will of the practitioner of the sorcerer. Correct. If that doesn't describe medicine in modern days, I don't know what does. Engineering nature. And that's what people who are into the magic and the mystery. That's what they do. They engineer nature. We talked about before, the rod is the alabastron. And the snakes of the cadaishes is the snake venoms, which is the whole... It represents Medea's toolkit. Right? Yeah. In the Septuagint, when Moses takes his... What we call a staff, we translate it as a staff. In Greek, and nobody reads the Greek because we're all under the deception that it's from Hebrew. But in the Greek, it says it's his robdon. And it uses the word that is the wand of the boccants. These mean adds, these crazy, mean addict women who are following boccas. They carry that wand, that robdon around. That's what he's using. When he says, by the way, people say, when you put the snake pole, you look at it. This is going to cause you to be healed of the snake invention. Just look at it. Well, there's something really weird because in the text, in the Greek text, the word there that's used for rod is a word for a tattoo or a samma. It's a stamp or a seal that you put on somebody. And we know these cults, they're tattooing. It's a big deal, right? Epiminities, one of the greatest philosophers that influenced the Greek democracy. Yes. He's got tattoos all over him. Jesus. Most people don't realize that Jesus has a tattoo. And his followers have tattoos. What does Jesus say in the apocalypse when he shows up on his horse with his bow? What does he say? He's got a tattoo on his thigh. It's the name. It's the glorious name. And anybody who's not of those 166,000, right? Well, who do these people have? They have the mark, the name on their forehead. Right? Oh, my God. Are you kidding? This is lovely. So they're branded slaves, basically. Right. I mean, Crowley did that. Like, you know, Crowley branded his women with an iron. Just burned them. But anyway, go ahead. There's two classes of people who are branded that way in antiquity. Slaves and priests. Right. How do you know? You know how that person follows that oracular divinity? Because your friggin name is written on his head. That's how they do it. That's how they do it. So it makes me wonder what, you know, then you get into because nobody's written a good history of tattooing. Right. It makes me wonder, since they're using it in conjunction with medicine and religion, is there something in a tattoo? Is there something in the process of tattooing that goes along with the cult? It's a part of the culture. I just have to jump in real quick and just say, well, those of you out there on Speak Free Radio, thank you for listening. Always appreciated. is a landing page for all of the books and DVDs, including Europa. You can go check those out. You can use the coupon code B-A-A-L. And I believe it get 10% off when you use that. Greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your support out there, everybody. You know, there's a Patreon and all that good stuff too. It's in the description. So is the give send go and all that. So thank you. And let's continue. The cult became part of the culture. You read about early Christian rape of children and the Romans. Again, they're prosecuting this stuff, right? They're rounding up priests who are involved in this activity. The priests that are involved in this are picking orphans. And this is a particular legal stick. Right. That way there's no parent to defend them. That's the same way nowadays. Yeah. Wow. Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, you know, and what they did to her. And they killed her with an albastron full of medicine. They squirted like they said she overdosed on pills, but she had no pills in her belly. It all went into, they gave her an enema with drug. And it went and it killed her like in a heartbeat. She was dead. Like that's how they killed Marilyn Monroe. And in order to cover up that fact, they stole her organs. I mean, this is so like the dark occult understands that this is a, you know, that's a way to apply. And they held her down and raped her with it. But when Jesus gets nabbed and he's in during his trial, one of his followers, they say, oh, this one can go in because he knows the guy who's the rabbi here, they go on fishing trips together. And you're like, wait, what, right? And notice, notice the girl who recognizes Peter. You know the girl who recognizes Peter as being one of the boys of Galilee? Because now they're hunted, right? Now this is an operation. It's a sting operation. Now Peter can't show up at the crucifixion because they'll nab him too. He's part of the organization. And who recognizes them? In the Greek, it says it's a female prostitute. Not only that, it's the word used for underage female prostitute. You know what Peter was doing when he was naked on the boat with the other kids? You know what they were doing out there? Yeah. It's part of the Galilee prostitution. And that's why Jesus is raising his hands saying, I am not a child trafficker. He didn't say I am not a bad guy. I am not a, you know, I am not an evil person. I didn't commit any crimes. No, he said, I'm not a trafficker. Why? Because everybody knows what happens to traffickers. We've got no patience for them. The Romans didn't either. Julius Caesar had them all killed because he was one of the people who got kidnapped. We're a bunch of nerds that sit around looking at tax all the time. And I was talking to him and I said, there has to be some kind of morality here. What is the very basis of the morality? There's one morality in antiquity and it comes through this Phrygian mother. You don't, you don't mess with that virgin. You don't mess with that vestal. You protect that instrument. And you say, wait a minute, they were using them for X, Y, Z. Yeah. The philosophy was protect the individual. Protect the helpless child. I told, I told people on Lady Babylon, there's one philosophy that kind of summarizes the core morality of the pre-Christian, pre-Judeo-Christian world. It's the protection of that innocent, the protection of the child. So I totally hear you, but I'm going to challenge you because Jesus, when he was dying on the cross, he did not die from the crucifixion. And they even noted it at the time because it was leg-breaking time. You know what I mean? The soldiers were like, it's leg-breaking time. Why do you have to break legs when you're crucifying? Because if you can hold yourself up, you don't get asphyxiated. Once you lose the strength to hold yourself up, you're going to strangle yourself. Right. So when you can't breathe in because your lungs are held like that, because your arms are stretched open. Right. It's excruciating, right? You're basically getting the status strangling your death. So here's the question I have. And I'm going to have to ask him in this if he comes on. And that is, if all this is true, then why is there this whole passage? You know, with Pilate washing his hands of it. And if they were after child traffickers, if they had no, you know, if they had zero tolerance for them and they were doing all this and that they thought that that's what he was up to, they wouldn't have said, what is this man's crime? And it wouldn't, you know what I mean? It wouldn't have been the Pharisees or whomever that, you know, were insistent upon his execution. They did say he corrupted the youth. Just like they said about Socrates, which has maybe adds to the validity of this. But also, what's all that stuff about the Romans saying that they had, you know, they're doing it basically because they feel like their hands are being forced, right? It seems like a contradiction here. And so at the end of it, if everybody, you know, the holdouts, the people who can hold themselves up and not be killed, you go around, you break their legs, right? You just take your big hammer, right? These hammers they brought, by the way, when they arrested Jesus. It's like a heavy weapon. It's like a SWAT unit, right? It's the Maleficent's Malacharum. It's, you know, the hammer, the witches, right? Yeah. They brought it for breaking his legs and the guy looked up and he's already dead. Why? Because we know they narrated. He's, he's sitting there, uh, burning up, a need water, uh, the Sabach phone. And he intones the God of the entire mystery, Sabach phone. And, uh, and what happens? He passes away instantly. He passes away. So the vinegar didn't count. Yeah. He didn't get strangled to death on a cross. Whatever that was that he had in his system, it hit him. And he was dead. Something killed him immediately. They even had to poke him. Make sure is he fakened? Maybe he's fakened. Oh, right. With the sword or with the spear of destiny, right? Yeah. Exactly. He died instantly. He died instantly. Uh, if that isn't a case of overdose, when Mary shows up, Mary Magdalen. Magdalen and Scythian means Magga. They translated into Magga, which is... Isn't that interesting? Magga, right? Mm-hmm. The female Magga, right? I'd like to... When she comes... When she comes to his burial, but there's a young kid there in the tomb. I tell you what, people would not talk about me well if they were finding me with children all over the place, including my 12 that follow me around. Remember, when Jesus has his vampire body, so you're going to be realistic. You're going to say, look, they probably took it and they used it for the flesh and blood. And I think that makes sense. We don't have any evidence for that. Maybe we will someday. I mean, it makes like... Yeah, logically, in my opinion. Like, I've been looking at the dark occult and looking at the magic and, like you were saying, I mean, these fluids and these bodily processes are valuable to them, so it only makes sense, right? Yes, no. It makes perfect sense. And maybe we'll find someday some apocryphal text to creep up and he'll say, wow, this is what they did. They took his body and they processed it for the right. The story of his vampire body and the fact that he's able to resurrect. That's the fairytale that we all follow, right? Because you and I know as scientists, you know, he didn't die and stand up again and walk away. But what's interesting is when he did become a vampire, where was the first place he went? He went back out to the shore where his kitties were on a boat off the shore and he yelled out to him. And Peter recognized him and put on his pants and jumped into the water and swam over to Jesus in vampire form, right? So even if you and I and scientists can say, you know, there's no such thing as vampire bodies, right? There's no such thing as resurrected saviors, right? They don't exist. We can at least see embedded in the fairytale of the vampire body is the fact that he's returning to his children. And those children are naked. What is Peter doing with his private parts hanging out? Why does nobody make a picture of this episode of the Bible with naked Peter, right? What's Jesus doing, naked Peter? You know, in there's probably some weirdo snuff porn out there where they got it's all part of, you know, it's. It's not fun. Damn. I thought that was, I thought that was Gaza. I thought that was their snuff porn. Well, yeah, that's right. Yeah. Those are dark occultists too, making those people do that. Like, it's all sacrificed for the dark Lord. Yahweh, baby. Yahweh demands child sacrifice. Even told them, even told them you take those little kitties. This is a quote by Yahoo, by Jehovah, right? You take those little kitties by the ankles and you smash their heads on the ground. That's a lot cheaper than bombs, starving them to death, right? But, you know, that's Yahoo. That's the child sacrifice. He feeds on child sacrifice. You didn't think it was odd that he asked Isaac, you know, he wanted for it. Give me that boy. Give me, give me, give me. Right? Right? And then later, oh, no, just take the foreskin of, you know, instead of the firstborn male on the eighth day, now you just mutilate him on the eighth day. All the boys, like, okay, great substitute. We're, you know, their sacrificial religion has modernized to now we don't actually kill the baby. We just mutilate his, you know, sexual reproductive organs. Like, it's the same. The God will love it either way. It's the same amount of pain and torture and those non-corporial entities can feed on that negative energy. You know, as that kid is emanating out from his little mutilated body. Like, yeah. Yeah. Whoa. It's what, it's what makes Jehovah, Jehovah, right? Right? Right? That's what the Canaanites were. That's the ball of the Canaanites was Jehovah. And the Moloch was just the fires that they were throwing the babies in after they smashed them on the rocks. Yeah, man, those guys, those prophets, they got control of the fire of Uda-Nos, right? They can do that kind of stuff. Elijah's doing this stuff too. People are shocked. Like, you know, the prophets call up bears. I forget if it was Elijah or Elijah, but, you know, the bears eat the kids, right? It's not foreign to us. The God sacrifices children. You think the Christians would have figured that out. You know, Jesus Christ, Son of God ends up a sacrifice, right? How is that any different than taking a group, an ethnic group, putting them into a cage and murdering them all, whether you're starving them or burning them in a furnace? It doesn't matter. We're bombing them. It doesn't matter. Right now, they're eating. There's children, hundreds of thousands being fed animal matter in order, you know, food for animals, right? It's not going to give them any nutrition, right? They're being fed that. They're on their way to dying. Why Jehovah wants it? There's a guy in Texas who's been sending red heifers to try to get the conservative Orthodox population to sacrifice them and tear down the dome of the rock, right? Why? Because then Jesus can come back. Don't you realize we need Jesus to come back and slaughter everybody? If you don't think this is, you know, our religions are directly the descendants of this horrendous act. You need to wake up and watch the child sacrifice. You know, it's taking place right now. They're all dying right now. And you and I, Sean, are paying for it. Yeah, you and I are paying for it. I don't know. Are you American? Yeah. People that are doing the dark occult sacrifice, well, they're at least the ones that he was wearing robes with. They call it the old religion. And it's like so ancient. He's talking about Mark Passio right now. It's pre Catholic pre, you know, Judaism. And it is the same. It's like a worship of involution and decay and that the opposite of life, you know. And they use that's it takes the life of a child and it's turning it into decay through their actions to, you know, as their sacrifice to their dark Lord. You know, it doesn't matter what the name is. It's still that it's still that evil, you know, in its essence and its core. And if you if you learn about psychopathy and how people fall into the evil, the separation of. Maybe if he didn't smoke all throughout the episode, he'd be able to get to his words quicker, but he just blazes the whole time. Morality from their self and their and when they when they think of themselves as better than others and their ego becomes huge enough so that they can harm others and then it's fun for them to harm others and they become the psychopath character. That it seems like psychopathy is the ruling force. And it has arranged itself through time to make us slaves and this knowledge of how we like the knowledge of our of ourselves and how we can heal and how we connect to the other world of the outer world around us. That is a cult did to keep us in a slavery state. Colted as in it's hidden from us, right? Just like the years of understanding mind control this by putting people through torture, we become more docile and more subservient. I think that this might be, in my opinion, from what it looks like, it is the enshrinement of a psychopathy, even though Medea like wants to protect the child. It seems like it's coming from that same source within a person that creates the psychopath that that is like we have two wolves inside, right? And it seems like these priests have been feeding the evil wolf for generations and this might be what has resulted over the years. It's the same machinery, it's the same physics, whether you call it psychology or physics, it's the same mechanism that you're arriving and you can use it for the benefit for the healing, right? So that people build you temples and you're honored or you can use it for the direction of switching the pole to that bakkic tearing apart of the victim and consumption of the victim. I have friends in Israel for a year over a year and you have to make friends. If you're with people for a year, you gotta make friends, right? And I did almost all of them with a couple of exceptions. Almost all of them were completely secular and told me on a regular basis how much they hated the religious extremism. They hate it. And I was like, I mean, you don't read the Bible and they would laugh at me. They would laugh at me. They'd be like, no, we want democracy. That's what they were all talking about. Now, you've got this population of people that currently is being led by religious extremists and their religious extremist leader, Netanyahu. And he's telling his religious extremists in the military. He's telling them, you can follow Amalek. This is very great, right? And what is the admonition of Amalek? It's kill all of your enemies, including the women and the children. Just the baby's heads on the rocks. I know for a fact that my friends, my friends that I respected and admired, I know for a fact they don't support that, but that one group can use that psychology to stop and repress that good instinct. And look, the same people who, you know, back a century ago were being genocided. They're doing the same thing. The outcomes. But we know that that's not true either, right? This whole basis of their victimhood is a complete lie. They slaughtered the Germanic people and then blamed them for slaughtering them. Same. You're killing everyone. It's a worldwide club. It's the old religion. They just wear the costume of, "Oh, they're a Jew." Or, "Oh, that one's a Christian." Like, they all are inside. They have allegiance to this involution and this decay. Yeah, Yahoo loves death, baby. If you want to join a death cult, join Yahoo. And I don't care if you're celebrating as somebody who takes Saturday off and, you know, all that Shabbat Shalom and all that. Or if you're somebody who sits in a church and takes away and does it, you're still worshiping the very same death entity, right? The Olympians, the Olympians look at that type of divinity and they're like, "No." Right? The Romans evocate. They call like we were talking about. They call a God to them. They did it with the great mother. They didn't import Yahoo. They didn't import Yahoo. Why not? Because they saw Yahoo's one of those friggin' death gods, right? One of those death gods. Oh, my God. How uncivilized, right? Totally. I mean, just mutilating their penises, like a Christian, like a regular Roman Christian. If he circumcised himself, they would put him on the cross. They would crucify him because that is so against nature to do so. Galen. Galen was a surgeon, right? And what does he talk about? He talks about repairing circumcision. Oh, wow. Right? Because a lot of people want it fixed. It's like impossible. How do I get the nerve endings again? He talks about too. You can cut down on the skin and pull it up and stretch it up. I don't know how well that worked. You can always tell from the product that machine produces. When you produce, when you produce thinkers, there's a great verse in things Deuteronomy that says I'm going to cut off your people who are performing these rights on the high places. I'm going to cut off these people who are doing the mantic or arachular rights, and I'm going to cut off all of those smart asses, right? It's people who debate and talk about philosophy. What Medea did was set the foundation, an arachular foundation, for the people that you and I call the Pre-Socratics. They would have never evolved without what she laid down. Hospital systems would have never evolved, pharmacology would have never evolved. It was heard laying down of that foundation that produced those people that Yahoo in the Torah says you've got a dispose of these people. We don't want people sitting around debating things, right? Because that challenges the order of power, right? I mean, look at with the American Revolution, these are people in like, you know, alehouses and they're reading pamphlets from Samuel Adams and Thomas Payne, and they get a fire lit in their brain to go be free from the tyrant that's oppressing them. I mean, that is the worst fear of the oppressors is for the regular people to have the power to say no and do it their own way. And now you know why they destroyed Germany. They called it adamantine freedom. That's what the Greeks call it adamantine freedom. And they said it only comes through the right. So when Cicero stands up having been to a lusus and says, look, being born again is very important and you have to understand what this does to you, right? And how he doesn't be done the Christian for me's talking about the right that the death and rebirth of the drug experience gives you a perspective right on the temple of Apollo, it says, as you're entering it says, know yourself, right? It doesn't say, know the creed. It doesn't say act a certain way. It doesn't say, don't look at your neighbor's wife at sexy, sexy is bad, bad. It doesn't say that. It says, know yourself. And this same system that temple of Apollo is the origin, the seed of hospitals, right, the very place of hospitals. So you can use the technology to create slaughter or you can use it to heal. And I think they very well recognize that in antiquity because remember Apollo is the one who both kills and revives. He's the one who kills and brings back to life. His own son is the one who was brought back to life, right? Talk about vampire bodies, right? We stopped supporting the people who were killing children. Now, how about that? Why don't we? And say, hey, we're not going to support. You can't go in. You can't send rockets in the maternity wards. You can't, you can't put people into a pen and starve them to death. You can't do that kind of stuff anymore. That's the kind of stuff that Thomas Jefferson. You mentioned the founders. Thomas Jefferson is with his wine and women, right? He's the one who's saying, hey, I can write ancient Greek. Where do you think he's getting all of his ancient thoughts from? Where do you think that democracy is coming? You don't think it's because democracy is a Greek word, do you? Yeah, it is. There's an enlightenment that is in those sources. Yeah, right. That's cause democracy. Now, the Christians will tell you today, the evangelicals will tell you, no, no, no, we're burning that history and we're going to rewrite it. And democracy is actually Christian. If you have studied five minutes of any human history, any Western human history, you will know for a fact. Christianity is the sworn enemy of democracy. How do I know the proof is every time 30% of these Christians will create a theocratic government, a leader who is willing to pander just like that douche Constantine, who's willing to pander to their 30%. That was my image that I interjected there. To be able to overthrow any sort of democratic government, it happens all the time, all the time, it's the cycle. And if they can establish that control for good, they have to burn the books to start with. You can't have access to any of this classical knowledge, because that's dangerous, right? They don't want you reading the Bible, right? Because that's control that they lose. Once you read it, you're going to see that there's a naked kid with Jesus Christ when he's arrested in a public park screaming, "I'm not a child trafficker." And that's Mark 1451 and 52. Right? Read it, man. Read it. It's actually there. Go to the Bible and start being good biblical scholars and look at the disgusting, disgusting actions of the world's most famous pedophile. Yeah, I think that just dropped a few people right there. The Israeli government, if they had done what the Romans did, they wouldn't be killing the people of Gaza now. If they had imported the mother divinity, this could never happen. Think about it. Your standard is a mother. How are you going to act if you worship a mother? We don't worship a mother. We worship Yahoo, who kicked out his wife, right? We worship Yahoo, who screwed up a garden. He couldn't even make a garden work. Right? We worship the guy who wants the child's sacrifice. Right? What if in YAH place they imported to Jerusalem and put on the temple mount the worship of the great mother? Right? Do you think they would be rounding up those Gaza children from Gaza? You think they'd be pushing them into a position where they can starve and bomb them all to death? No, they wouldn't, because the great mother wouldn't let you do that. But the great mother is not a part of Yahoo's world. Right? There is no great mother. Isn't that sad? There's no great mother in Judaism or Christianity. There's no great mother. Right? And some of the Christians will say, "Oh, the mother Mary, what is she?" Oh, bullshit. Right? No, nothing even close. Mother Mary... Mother Mary wears the costume. She wears the costume of Magna Matter. She wears... She has the cloak of the night sky and she has the waters at her feet. She's stepping on the moon. Right. Right. Like all of those are all elements of the ancient iconography of Inana, Ishtar, Sival. Right. Right. You can be a worshiper of Mary now, right? And you can stand around with a sign that says, "Save the children." And you can pack a Supreme Court with enough useful idiots to be able to save the children from the abortion. At the same time, you can fall at the mouth because Jesus is coming back once they kill all these Palestinians and destroy the temple. That's not the great mother. The proof is in the pudding. You people have looked aside for a century now as the Catholic Church actively rapes people. How many people they come up with in France and Western Europe? It's in Ireland. It's like 130,000 in the 20th century. They even said the nuns were ripping them with crosses. I thought that was something they just did in the exorcist bra. I didn't know it was something active. Right. Good God. And everybody can look over. I'm so tired of talking to Catholics. Oh God. There's not it. They say that it's, you know, it's just a few priests who are molesting children. Really? All right. So those of you over there on Speak Free Radio is 958 right now. We're probably going to continue this on when the replay is sent to Giuseppe. He'll put it up and you'll be able to hear the rest of it. We're just going to play this out. It's almost over, but we're going to run over time. And this was only an hour and 22. So I guess I talked too much. All right. So once again, give us a, backslash, ball, B-A-A-L-B-U-S-D-E-R-S helps support the show. You can also go to backslash. Disguise D-I-S-G-U-I-S-E, the T-H-E limits, L-I-M-I-T-S. You can also support your your favorite host through Speak Free Radio itself. And you should check out You can pick up any of the literature and DVDs over there with a discount. We use code B-A-A-L. Okay. Thank you. We got very little time left here on the Speak Free Radio side. So have a great day. I will see you. Oh, you'll hear me again tomorrow. And for those of you on Rumble, here we go. It's just no morality inside my heart, which makes me say that. That's all. Save the children. You've got a sign that says save the children. And your priest is aintly sodomizing your nephew. What are you doing with this religion of death? And we're all going to march in and sit in our chair. Take our bread and blood. Right. We're all going to go out. We're the good people. And by the way, here's the money for the bombs that are going to kill somebody. Right? And I'm not talking. Look, the ancients worshiped Athena. Man, Athena produced democracy. And she is a warrior goddess. And I can tell you something. Shaking her spear, right? Shaking your spear. Oh, he's bringing up Bill. Yeah, well, I'm talking about like the, you know, Francis Bacon, not old Bill there. Yeah, like, put that. Like he's revearing Athena in like a Francis Bacon creating the Shakespeare mythology to create the new language to put the people in the new framing of the English language to get them in that new setting of my control. There's a power in that mothering. You watch the bears in nature and how they take care of their young and you look at your neighbors next door and he's got his little kids. You know, I was a single father with two little kids. That's all I did when they were young is make sure that they were alive and safe and happy. That's all. That's all you have to do. And I was, I'm not a natural mother, but I was put in the position of one and I can appreciate it. I could go to a temple today that was dedicated to the great mother and I could, in all good conscience, I could give him some incense to burn. You know what I mean? I could give him something that, you know, hey, here's my fruit that I just picked from my tree. Enjoy people, right? I could do something good, but when you don't have the great mother present in a culture, you get murderers. For some reason, you get murdering, conquering and tyranny, tyranny. You know, I mean, it's like, do we not? Do we deserve what's coming? You're positive. You're positive. I tend to be all about you. I'll balance you out with the negative. I can bet you. Let's make a bet, right? We won't bet money because the devil hates when people are greedy, right? He hates greed more than anything. You can see that in the medieval accounts. Oh, like what he did to Judas right after the 30 pieces. Right. Right. Exactly. The devil knows that you can throw money out and anybody that goes for it. Those are not the people that you want in your society, right? The greed is bad. You don't get anywhere with the greed, right? And so, we could create, we could import this mother and re-inject into our society. The official state appreciation of the great mother. No, wait for the ending here because this is where I tie in something that I think relates a lot. We would know that our military, they don't do these things that other militaries do, right? We are there. Our people are there to bring freedom to the world. Isn't that what America was all about? Isn't that what America was trying to do in the world? We can imagine if every soldier in his own heart knew to not shoot a woman or a child. No matter what people tell you in your ear, your orders, I won't do that. No, that heals the world, right? That's perfect. If we can recognize, I love my mother and that, through the scope of my rifle, is someone else's mother, I'm not going to shoot that person. Exactly. Look what they made with that technology. They made a religion where I go in and I watch this guy get crucified. He's all like, right? And I think that from this death, I'm going to be pardoned from any shit that I've ever done, right? It's a complete death religion, you know, and it's funny because the evangelicals will speak out what they're guilty of. And when they say, "Oh, they'll say, you're just worshiping a death god. You're following a death religion." Yeah, how about your guy who's publicly executed that you hang from all your churches and you wear your little cross? You know where that cross? All Satanists in the Middle Ages are spitting on crosses. Why do they spit on cross? Because that is an old mechanism. It's an old mechanism of purging. That spitting is a mechanism of purging and that symbol of a cross is the symbol of torture and execution. When I go and sit with a bunch of people in nuns habits and I look at this dude who's being tortured and crucified and I feel guilty. I feel guilty and I just want, I want this sin to be purged from my mind. You are training. You're just using the same machinery that the mysteries are using, but you're turning it to the other pole. And you're making somebody who is in that state of complete subjection. It's complete control and subjection. And then you tell them your heaven is going to be you and the pedophile with all of his young kids. You get to guess what? I don't want to go there. He invented the day of German art. So when he's talking about the great mother and bringing that back to the culture, just hear this out. I know that I did. I didn't start at the point because I. This part is talking about how Hitler brought back the culture, cultural restoration, bringing back to the spirit of the people. But then what does he say after that? What do they talk about after that? The Deutsche Küst, which was a parade held in Munich, displaying an appreciation for art and culture. It was a cultural and economic rebirth without parallel in the whole human history, which inspired the rest of the world to do the same. The National Socialist electoral system was not based on the parliamentary system, but was none of the less democratic. The national more democratic than our democracy. The cultural system of government was largely based on referenda, in which the really important issues of the day were debated and voted upon by the German people. Each and every child in Hitler's Germany was considered a sacred blessing from above and a reason to celebrate. When motherhood was a cherished and noble act again, the cross of honor of the German mother was awarded to mothers who had many children. Well, that God canoeing is sort of starting over again, but that was my point there. It's kind of an example of how rapidly things can turn around with that same spirit and the same thing that the Hamid had touched upon. I'm not saying that you don't have to have some kind of cultic great mother for that. It's just getting back to our senses enough following this death call over the cliff. We know there are which of the three death cults of the Abrahamic trio you think is better than the other. They're all the same. Now, I have to get up and do stuff. I have more stuff that I'm going to probably present to you on this topic, but at least in with other things, it's not just going to be this topic every single time. I just find this stuff very fascinating. I don't know where to place it. Exactly, but it is definitely something that I would at least say is worth our. It's at least worth our examination. Right. I mean, if you're looking at the actual and this is something I can't do. So my next. My next thing is going to be to try to learn ancient Greek so that I can look at this myself and see what I make of it. Rather than just trading one person's interpretation for another. You know, the mainstream translations for translations, mistranslations, deliberate mistranslations, whatever the case may be. If I can learn enough to read enough to verify or not verify some of the stuff, then it's something that has to be. You know, you can't. People do ignore things like that that are, you know. Staring in the face that you don't want to deal with, but how do you progress from that and how do you get yourself out of the. A bad path. If you don't recognize the reality of things. Right. And I'm not saying that the truth is. What Em is talking about, I'm just saying that there's other things that are going on there. And I think that there's a whole other element and layer to this thing where. There's the. Cultage. I'm not saying that there's something that's going on there, but I'm not saying that. Jamatria where words are being used to replace other words. The same number of values. So they're saying something to the profane. But the initiated are reading something completely different. So that could also be the reason why there's these strange passages. And we don't know when this stuff was entered into the Bible either. So it could be. Original. It just happens to be really old. So it's taken as such and added to the actual Bible. Who knows what the real truth is, but it's worth. It's worth the investigation, I think, especially if you're going to devote your life to it. You want to know that you're on the side of good. And so far what we're seeing is at least the people that are in control of these types of. Control mechanisms are definitely not on the side of humanity, definitely not on the side of mankind. So there's something going on. And unfortunately, and again, if it wasn't affecting all of us right now. In bringing us to a point of total collapse. And destruction and war. And deliberate poisoning. And then forced drugs in this form of injections. If it wasn't all that. I would leave it alone and let people believe whatever the hell they want to believe. Because, you know, that you're right. But when those, when those beliefs turn into actions that cause harm to innocent people. Then it's, it's demanding. Of a closer look. Thank you so much for watching. I know I probably lost a lot of people on this one. Not my words, but still. Since I shared the message, the messenger is usually the first person to go, right? I just brought the patreon up to current last night as I was working till 3 a.m. doing this video thing here. So check it out. You know, you get commercial free podcast content and you also get exclusive content. I have good stuff. Thank you so much. See you tomorrow. [BLANK_AUDIO]