Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Dr Monzo RETURNS! Armed Allopaths vs Health Freedom

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2h 6m
Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
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Beware the wrinkle reaper and his partner father time They're out to steal your youthful glow marking your skin with fine lines and wrinkles But fear not derma Clara's 100% medical grade silicone patches are here to save the day safe natural and effective These patches deliver visible improvements in just 30 days with as little as 20 minutes for use to feed the wrinkle reaper Just like Jessica and Megan who saw their skin transform visit derma Clara comm and reclaim your radiant skin We are live now It's a bit of a surprise a bit of surprise dr. Peter good and would not was not able to make it here today because he has some electrical issues They're working on a problem at his home. I'm not sure if it's local or if it's in the area or whatnot but He was not able to make it and we were trying to get the gang back together Dr. Monzo did arrive thankfully and this is awesome because we haven't spoken to him in a while. It's not since the Whatever you want to call that incident occurred and so we get to talk to dr. Monzo and I think this is good, too because there's I'm sure there's a lot to go over I mean people I'm sure gonna have questions and Even we can even do the live Q&A thing the way we normally do with dr. Glidden we have my Kind of beat up phone But it's still able to accept calls if anybody wants to call in and ask dr. Monzo any health questions you have dr. Monzo here today Just before we get started though. I'm gonna present some screens here and show you some stuff now This right here as I show on the screen is the gifts and go for dr. Alfonso Monzo and his efforts to defend himself from the tear it himself in his Business from the tyranny that had occurred for this of you I'm sure all of you know what went down we've talked about this many times, but he was rated Both at his home, which is very invasive and at his office Things were taken things were copied. I don't know if you even got the you probably don't have the quest for back yet either do you? No, no, we don't we don't have anything back that they took Since I'm sensing all right. So that is gifts and go calm backslash health freedom Very well very well named by the way gives send go calm health freedom if you want to help dr. Monzo in his Pernish struggles with the evil. That's a suppressing true health care All right, so there's that we'll we'll address that again later, and I'll put that link in the Description of the comments to see put that right now actually I believe since I click the right button here Oops that was the wrong one didn't take the right one. Let me do it again. Let's see Copy There we go now we got it Then we have a lot of people already in the comments here Let me see let me uh, so what before we get into those comments, so let's let's give people like the The cliff no version of what's going on and what you've been dealing with lately so the rundown. Yeah So this is probably almost a month ago now I think it was a Tuesday morning and Basically I got to our health ministry business here and Probably around 815 At the back door, which is pretty close to my office There's a bunch of you knocking and yelling at the back door like open up open up You know and I was like who's out there? I'm like who's fooling around with me like these people and Then I mean that any they were getting intense like really banging on the door like we're gonna knock this door down If you don't open up I was like oh That kind of sounds serious out there So of course, I opened the door and there's a bunch of FDA agents in the Ohio Medical Board Agent came and I guess they had to have one police officer with them To ban so they say well we have a warrant and they basically at that point they took my phone They took your phone. They took my phone and they wanted to copy it and so I didn't have a phone and Then they pretty much isolated me wouldn't let me talk to anybody So I just had to sit around and wait for them and they wanted to do interviews and stuff So that was going on there and then at some point They mentioned something about what's the code to your safe and I was like excuse me I'm like, what are you talking about safe? I don't have any safe here And you're like the safe in your house and I was like, oh man. I'm like you guys did this to my house at the same time So you know that that guy a little bit nerve-wracking right there because then I realized okay Well, my my wife and my kids are at home and you guys are doing this BS there, too. It's like what are you looking for? Like it's some major crime. It's like it's no major crime Very dramatic though in the banging like wasn't the door open in the front for them to come in If they wanted to just enter the building or whether you guys open for business yet that they are now We were the door probably wasn't unlocked just yet Yeah, so if they were to wait a couple more minutes. Yeah, the doors probably would have been open and they were just And then to see what happened at home anyway Yeah, I was mentioning to Dr. Glidden the other day because we were talking that They didn't actually point any guns at my kids, but what happened was bed timing because my wife was about to leave and She was taking the kids out to the garage and opening the garage door Well when the garage door opened, there's all the agents now. They had the guns out they were ready and So that what they were supposed to do was send a an officer up to the front door and knock, but unfortunately They were all there getting ready while my wife opened the door, so Very bad timing, but yeah, yeah, they had they had their guys. Yeah, it's nothing Let me just proceed you know, there's this proceeded to copy everything they possibly could electronically and Then take whatever they basically wanted which I don't know how that's even legal because There's only a few things that were mentioned on the warrant which was mainly the quest for a cyra Which they've mistaken on that because there is no a cyra and the quest for is not the same thing as the a cyra which I think they assume it was so that's actually a big mistake and So that was a big thing they mentioned in there and then you know, they had all these other really vague things in the warrant So it's really where they took the stuff they did because it's like well You didn't specifically mensensors in the warrant. How can you take it? And it's just basically well, it's up to our discretion I'm like, I don't think that's how that works. No, that's not what it means. No, your discretion is everything and everything because you don't have any clue What I do here and to you everything's medical and it's like no, I'm sorry Not everything's medical not everything's a drug. I Mean you do you guys see what happened with Mike Adams not long ago? I think something with toothpaste, right? Yeah, they tried to confiscate his organic toothpaste and they tried to claim that it was a Mislabeled drug or unlicensed unapproved drug it's like Trying to call a toothpaste on an approved drug. I mean, this is this is the gimmick they do now this is they change Yeah, they change the wording they changed the definitions So they continue to spread the medical mafia Monopoly. It's like, how do you spread a monopoly? Well, you keep changing the definitions It's like what we call this a drug now Right, they control anything you put in your Your body a drug if they want to it's like well, that's not the definition of a pharmaceutical drug It's kind of funny too because you know, usually toothpaste has a Low-ride sodium fluoride in it, you know, so it's poison, but that's not a drug Right, it's not a drug when you buy it from the store But it's a drug if you buy one that doesn't have fluoride in it. That's very interesting So as at this point right now, there's no charges There was no cease and desist It's just they took a lot of stuff and said well, we don't know what to tell you, but we're just doing this investigation And it's like, okay With guns needed to do that with guns They couldn't just knock on your door and say hey, what's going on here and isn't the quest for something that any Practitioners can buy like why do they need yours? Like what I don't know. I don't get that Yes, that's like by that's like taking somebody's PlayStation for evidence Yes, it's not a medical device. Of course, they want to call it a I think they were calling a mislabeled medical device Well, of course, you know, this is what they do Everything that they're going to challenge you on they're going to call medical I'm like, I'm sorry. Uh, what hospital hospitals what doctors are using this as a medical device none So they don't even believe in that type of testing because it's all energetic So they slightly will that doesn't apply to it because they know that they have the Monopoly on anything that they call medical so if they just label anything medical They then have it under their jurisdiction to to regulate it So they're probably trying to make some kind of case of uh, you know practicing medicine with all a license And it's like, well, there's a pretty clear definition of that in the law now. They make their own laws probably And I don't know if that's you know, they're probably not even constitutional because Just because you're an organization or a board Or government agency doesn't mean you can make law Right only Congress has the power to do that So it used to be the clear definition was medicine was considered using pharmaceutical drugs surgery and Diagnosing disease And it's like, well, I don't diagnose disease, and you know that was all that was a big argument we probably had on Diagnosing and stuff, you know, I'll let try to say I'm playing semantics. It's like well semantics are really important in the law and Because you may call whatever you want diagnosing and I'm just like from my perspective. No, I'm not diagnosing I don't even believe in disease And no one would actually I mean this is a thing. It's so funny about this situation is The other one said the idea. Yeah, yeah You'll go ahead. Go ahead. What are we gonna say? Oh, it says those are the ones that are the ones who label things and call them diseases It's not yeah, it's from there as their frame of reference that they're talking about. It's not yours And you know, you have to you know, understand the picture the problem is is these institutions are corrupt and Then you have a bunch of these FDA agents and some of them were quite nice I actually had a good conversation with a couple of them. Some of them were jerks And it's like they don't know what they're here for They were told that I'm some big bag monster and I'm doing all this illegal stuff and probably hurting people It's like oh what about the hundred thousand people that are gonna die this year because of rightly prescribed prescription drugs that you approved What about those? Yeah, why aren't you stopping that? I mean, that's on the American Medical Association every year Third or fourth leading cause of death every year rightly prescribed prescription drugs But they're worried about Natural remedies are gonna hurt someone like come on If anything natural actually hurt anything or anyone and they would have ripped off the market as fast as they possibly could But no, you can find this stuff in any health food store Any store why because it's not dangerous and you don't need a license to buy it So, you know, you have to understand the perspective these people don't know any more than anyone else out here All they know is they work for this industry. They work for this Government organization and they think they're protecting people. That's what they think they're doing and that's like I don't even know if they think that I think they just have an excuse to be thugs And that's why they bought them get into that business in the first place But what I which ironic is if you look at the CDC and the AMA and the FDA the Ohio Medical Board they completely don't get it because they want to make these churches that I'm practicing medicine with a license or I'm trying to pretend to be a medical doctor and stuff and it's like Are you insane? I would never claim to be a medical doctor. I don't even want anyone thinking a medical doctor That would destroy my business No one comes to see me because they think I'm a medical doctor. They precisely come to see me because they know I am a naturopathic doctor, and that's completely different and separate So it's like their whole church is like stupid because it would destroy my whole business It's like no one's coming to me to get a medical diagnosis and get put on drugs or surgery Right, right. That's the whole point. That's the whole point of why they're coming to see me they get the alternative so how how much I mean with that quest for being gone that's you identify Things in the body and you find you figure out what their their signatures are is that all? Information saved in the quest for itself or is that on your computer or is that all white the way now that they make you start at zero? Like how's that? No, that's actually saved on the computer which they would have copies of You think they're gonna try to say that this is That the way in which it's being identified is not You know, it's not legitimate because they don't understand the way it works Do you think that's gonna be their their angle? possibly Of course, I don't even know if they're even trying to get into the device and see what's in it The interesting thing about the FDA is they don't have They're not very big. They don't have a lot of agents And so like even even the agents that did this were considered local agents and they drove all the way from Maryland Because they don't they don't have that many people and it's like well if you're watching the news There's supposedly all these breakouts now of the bird flu which probably weaponized so they're really busy with that and I Don't know how the legal things you're gonna go But now that we see have seen what the 9th Circuit Court decided like three or four weeks ago that the COVID jab is not a vaccine in the government can't conspire and So there that court decision has now opened up litigation against the vaccine and we now have three States suing Pfizer for conspiracy and who do they list with the conspiracy? Well, the CDC the FDA and all these other organizations good. It's like they might be a little busy for a while Yeah Yeah, I don't even know if they're they're probably just sitting on the stuff I don't even know if they're doing anything with it Well, that sucks for you to sell it though I mean, right because I still don't have my stuff So we still have to do something to try to get this Resolve the best as we can I Think they're just sitting on stuff and trying to do the old game of let's see if we can bring bankrupt this guy Yeah, yeah, it's what I have like half my technology and Well, even that but I mean, how long do you have to how long they drag this out is how long you have to keep lawyers on on the payroll - right, right and that's expensive as Everything anything else you can possibly imagine So those are not cheap those are not cheap devices Now, you know, I could go out and buy another one but the problem is is Right now with the lawyers they're saying well, that's probably not a great idea because we don't know what they're gonna try to charge So if they're gonna try to charge something with the quest Is it a smart idea to go out and get another one and start using it because then they could pile on more charges? So right now we're trying to do things without that which You know, I've been in some type of clinical setting for almost 20 years, which is hard to believe I started in clinical setting before I was a doctor Yeah, so almost right out of college That's a funny story, but what happened was I Was still working with the original doctor That helped me with colitis. Yeah. Yeah, so this is probably I'm out of college now. So this is probably like 2003 2004 and I'm coaching a hockey team and one of the kids on the team his his father was always showing up to the games and his dad was always there supporting him and I got hit with a puck in my hand and it was kind of bugging me and I'm kind of you know playing around with it And he comes over to me. He's like, hey, look at your hand there real quick and he did a couple things and I was like You a medical doctor. He's like, yeah, I'm like You a normal medical doctor or did you do something more than just a medical doctor and he's like, oh, yeah? Well, he's like I used to run a hospital and Lakewood and where I'm getting out of that and going into integrative medicine because I Just don't think that modern medicine is helping people and I was like Wow, and then we were talking and I'm like, yeah, well, I go see this guy up in Cleveland And he's retiring and everything and he's like, well, what's his name? I'm like, I'm dr. Barron. He's like we're taking over for him Nice. Oh, I was like, oh And he's like, yeah, we're gonna do all this stuff at the clinic and he was telling me some of the stuff and one of the things They were gonna be doing at the clinic was The older version of testing which was electro dermal screening. It's called the Meridian and that was point-by-point testing on the acupuncture points Really interesting. Well, I happened to do some training on that and They had no one to run the device and he's like, well, why don't you come in and interview with us? I was like, okay So I did an interview and then they hired me as a technician so There was two medical doctors there and they both ran a hospital for over 20 years and they got into integrative medicine So I started working with them right out of college when I was trying to decide What field I wanted to go into didn't want to be a chiropractor or a naturopath or Chinese medicine and at that same time I was starting my Finishing the rest of my pre-med and getting my license or degree and massage therapy Because I really was headed towards Chinese medicine Just because of my electrical engineer stuff and that's one of the modalities So I figured okay, well, I can finish my pre-med and get the Chinese medicine or the massage part But then I decided to go naturopath instead But then I was working with them as an intern so they were teaching me everything they knew from 20 years of being in the emergency and everything they were learning about functional medicine and they did live blood stuff and IV Acculation and IV therapies and bi-identical hormones and nutrition. So I was learning all this stuff right from them hands-on testing people for them and figuring out what they could need what they needed so I Got pretty good And I got to the point where they would rely on me to tell them what they thought the person should be taking They're like you're so good at this testing and stuff and you're picking up this so good so That started in two thousand and four So 20 years now I've been in a clinical setting So I have enough experience where I don't really need the quest for I mean The information you get from it is phenomenal and you have all those energetic frequencies that can help the person But I know enough now that I can pretty much sit down with a person and talk to them and figure out what's going on So and we do have another device here that we can use. It's not the same caliber of the quest It is very accurate, but it's just not It's not as detailed. It's not as customizable Does it get us in the ballpark? Yeah, but it's you know, it's limited, but we do have something So the DNA scans those are things that you'd run through the quest for right because that was completely energetic. Yep. Yeah So that's that's one thing you can't at the moment. You can't do those, right? No, and we're actually we're actually gonna stray away from that With anyway, yeah, this experience we had we decided we don't want to keep DNA on hand anymore Just in case you get rated into the people's DNA gets into the wrong hands of people. Yep Yeah, so we're gonna have a form where we do a quantum connection so there's a number of ways you can quantumly connect with people and DNA is one of them a Voice recording where the person's actually speaking is another a Glossy photo and what I think they met by that because this is old school stuff is when you actually had to have a photo What was that called, you know when you had to develop it? Now with digital cameras and stuff. I think it still captures your body's energetic signature do some degree I see what it can't be like a It can't be like a print it or a copy You need a Polaroid. Yeah, that's what they used to talk about with a glossy photo was a Polaroid Now there's a lot of ways for them to develop film and I think even our modern cameras still captured the body's energetic field So you can still connect the person to a person with their picture And of course their actual signature Like can't signature. Yeah, it can't be a copy it actually has to be the original signature So what we're now doing is having people fill out a little form and sign and then they have to send that back to us And if you know what you're doing you can make a quantum connection to the person and if you don't It's just a signature Right they can't do anything with it. That's that's smart Aaron says so wonderful to see you dr. Monzo. You are a warrior. You are brilliant. Stay strong We love you and support you. Thank you. Thank you Yeah, yeah, and I believe Karen up here said some things similar to yeah, it's been a trying time for sure Yeah, she said yay. Hi dr. Monzo You know her from the group. Yep. Yep So yeah, I'm slowly breaking out of my funk. I Mean every once in a while you have those moment words. I mean, there were pretty traumatic things that happened during that time And you sit there and you go, okay, well, you know Just can I even be saying these things can I be doing these things? What are you know? What are they gonna try to make up because? I mean, I think everyone's watching what's going on in this country and it seems like The government can just basically say you and do whatever they want right now, right? I mean whether you're not you like Trump hate Trump. You think he's the savior or the anti-Christ It's like just the fact of what they've been able to do to him should many people go All right, if someone has that much money and that much power and that much of a following and They can charge them with basically nonsense What are they gonna do to you? Right, what are they gonna do? And I think that's I think that might be part of this the Psychological operation that exactly the message is we can get anybody so you better stay in line and keep your mouth shut I think that I think that's what they did with the whole Sherade with Alex Jones - is if you want to speak out and speak the truth. We can get you, you know So it was it was more of a display for the for the public In a sense, you know, that's that was and they never just do one thing. It's multi layered multi multi-pronged But I think I think one of the bigger points out of that is just to keep people scared. I guess they didn't actually end up rating him, huh? Who Jones? Yeah The FBI was surrounding his building that one night. Oh, yeah Yeah, they were about to raid and I think I think he went on air all night and a judge actually stopped it But then he had to appear in court and I think they are making himself Infillars to pay for the Charger's day It's for that for the for the that we call it the Stoney Brook there whenever that was called Yeah, I think they made himself all his assets to pay That is that actually I don't know who's gonna take over and for war, but I guess someone could buy it out Yeah, and that's great, right? That then it's no way to know the the names of the other people will remain the same But yet the message will be different. I'm sure Whoever decided to buy that because it's a it's a good control mechanism there Well, the people that have been working with him my guess is They buy it out and they just bring him back as like a Independent contractor consultant type thing. Yeah, I mean, you know Unless they arrest the guy and throw him in jail. How are they gonna really stop him? I mean he can just start up again It's just so weird. I mean it's hard. It's hard to it's hard to tell what's real and what's not, you know When you see all the stuff going on That's right. Yeah, we have We have some very strange times that we're living in like you said and it doesn't seem like there's any like rule of law If we think that there is then we better have the financial We better be out in the in-group with the government if because if you're not then you really don't have that protection And if there's anything that you're doing that's against whatever New agenda. This is what makes you concerned about the whole like you said you brought up the avian flu or whatever They don't want people who can diagnose and fix things They don't want people who can who can actually effectively heal people Naturally out there because that shows the the fraud of what they're doing And so when I heard when I heard that this happened to you I'm like, but they're definitely going ahead with this next you know pre-tendemic for sure because they're trying to get rid of the people that You know, just their very existence will will prove that everything that they claim about ala pathy is a lie You know, I don't know what harmful at least I don't know what other people were out there hearing but I think I have heard of three or four other holistic centers being rated Recently and I don't know if you notice there's a huge onslaught on homeopathy Mm-hmm. Well, they actually try to take over the homeopathic. Yeah, all the homeopathic eye drops have just recently been removed From the market and they considered them unapproved drugs Even though they're not drugs even though they're not drugs Because right because they're used to treat something so therefore that's the new definition of drug because you can't treat anything Unless it unless it with a drug, right as as they said in 1913 or it was 1912 So that's that's their that's it's like backward forward backward again logic It's like it's it's something it's like taking soup if you're if you're hungry Well, hunger is only able to be fixed with carrots So this is an unapproved carrot Oh again at the same time their logic just you know Just prove themselves because they sit there and go well this homeopathy or frequency-based medicine Frequency remedies whatever you want to call them. There's all kinds of different things. They're calling that fraud itself, right? Because they don't recognize it. Yeah, they say that's fraud And it's nonsense But yet it's so powerful. It's dangerous. Well, which one is which one is it, right? Is it nothing or? Is it something? Or are they saying that not being under deadly drugs is what makes The alternative dangerous because in that time that you could you could have been under dangerous drugs dying You were you were spending it trying to heal it naturally Yeah, it's like what what are they saying there? Well, that's why we're wondering if one of the big things With the what them coming after my technology in the quest and frequency imprints and stuff Is it are they trying to say that's homeopathy? And it's like well, it's not it's not a classical homeopathy It's not homeopathy at all because a homeopathic is made from original substance and it's diluted So you're taking a substance and you're diluting and diluting and diluting until there's almost nothing left You know like an iotic like that Yeah, it's just like the ion of it. Whereas what we're doing is all digital. It's electronic You're imprinting frequencies into some type of carrier But there was no original substance. It's not a homeopathic. There is no dilution All right, that's so it's not homeopathic But how do you explain that to a system that doesn't care and doesn't want to know Well, that makes you wonder about the whole what you know Was it the the w-band and stuff like that like if that's at play too like that you know biohacking people in a sense and utilizing them as a type of like a Booster like they don't want people who understand the energetics of people to to identify someone who's pretty much being used as a as a device to carry information rather than You know being left alone as a human being. So maybe that's another reason why they're More interested in what you're doing because you know how to identify these Uh, who do you want to call them stowaways? You know hitchhikers. What do you want to call them? You know in the human body I mean if you're talking about nanotech if you're talking about You know these these strange parasites or just the energetic frequency of something that's changing you from inside What's it changing it to something that's more usable to the system, you know, and if that's something that you can identify and clear out of somebody That's not going to work for them. They need to get rid of that type of uh type of technology even though it's and it's so funny because it is tough it is tough to like Materialize or substantialize or put your finger on what it is That's going on because it is digital or because of this spiritual or its metaphysical in nature That it's like they they're their claim to the to the average dope is that it's not a thing And it's not Right and that's and that's that's what but then again you go right back the whole fact that you're a healing ministry Healing ministry. You're under a whole different category Whole different. So if you believe in this if you understand it Know it or believe in it. That's your choice to go to the healing ministry ministry Not to go to the Nd or whatever else ohio doesn't let you call yourself You know, it's it's so where's your argument? I don't see an argument here. It's it's by choice that people go there It's not coercion. It's not force It's not anything that they do as a practice where they can in jail you if you don't want to take their chemo drugs You you know, they'll put a dying person in jail Because you're not taking their drugs. That's because they're trying to save you of course Yeah Yeah, that's just you know, the crazy part was when they use terminology Which they almost always do like in the warrant of victims It's like one of them. It's like well the victims only exist in their mind Because where they get that is you're using something that we can't describe It's fake comes it's basically just water So it's a fraud and therefore these victims are the people that were defrauded by your fake water and it's like but What if there's really are frequencies in there and you can't measure them and they actually do help people Isn't that their choice? If they haven't been hurt harmed By the substance, how are they a victim? Right because they don't believe the same way you do That's basically what it is. It's basically this is thought crime because we don't believe it. Therefore, it's a fraud Well, your science can't define it because your science doesn't believe chemistry. All right All right Totally different totally different thing and it works in a different way Like chemistry and if you when you start to understand what you do It's like the chemistry Is kind of like the the clunky way of doing the same thing that you do because if you're capturing this energetic frequency essence or something you don't need the actual material itself the actual material itself is the old way of doing things in the sense like if you could Take a healing herb and find out what the signature is And then put that into the body. It's the same as having the thing because the thing is just a carrier for that frequency So that's the only reason why you need the actual material itself and when people start to get that It's like, oh, yeah, that makes that makes sense. Just like they say like air You're not breathing it in for the air you're breathing in because it's a certain frequency That makes your that energizes you through the vibration as it passes through all this little You know tiny passages in your lungs and that's what gives you the energy to And it's so it's not so much the air. It's it's what it's carrying. It's the it's the frequency. Yeah, right So it's it's pretty interesting Yeah, it's very hard to wrap your head around it gets dangerously dangerously close to suppressing people's freedom of religion freedom of speech Freedom of thought It's like, well, you don't think the same way of us and you don't believe the same way with us So we're gonna say practicing medicine while a licensed woman But maybe it's a different state that you need to be in that doesn't have these nd restrictions You know, it makes me wonder if that's this that's the the solution, but I mean, you just don't know us I mean, I I've talked to dr. Glidden about this and we're both kind of on the same page now where it's like I Being licensed is his own downfall Right as it comes down to who runs the licensing board And then you have to do what they do instead of do we are pro own practice So if they take over the board and then they say hey Knit nature paths can only use drugs now. We're not doing that herb stuff anymore You're screwed. What a what a control mechanism, right? So you're screwed if you have a license and then you're screwed if you don't have a license It Doesn't make sense and especially since you were cautious and smart enough to make it a ministry And now in a while this is one of the everything states where it's not licensed, but it's also not illegal So what the hell is our claim? Just a quest for is a bad thing because it died because it Because they say it's diagnosing and it's like no, it's a measuring device If if it can it can detect right that is that is that the same thing as diagnosis to detect? I maybe I don't know Now see that's the thing that's really played with the semantics. It's like You don't run a scamming anyone and say oh look you have ulcerative colitis That's not a thing. Yeah, because we don't even believe in it. It's like well ulcerative colitis is not an entity out there It's not like oh no, it's up there in the corner of my room. Look, it's gonna get me It doesn't exist. It's just a label And the only reason the medical field needs a label is so they can get all your symptoms Give you a name and look up in their book and say oh for this name. We give this drug right Right and it's like well, that's not how we look at the body We don't need to know that what the name is the name doesn't tell us anything It doesn't tell you what the cause is. It doesn't tell you what minerals you need. It doesn't tell you what toxins your antibody doesn't tell you what caused it So the disease doesn't do us any good at all The only thing diseases and symptoms really do is help us to communicate with someone You have to have a language to communicate with So if someone comes in and says I have xyz, it's like, okay. Well now we kind of have an idea of what's going on in the body based on Understanding anatomy physiology, but the label itself doesn't tell us anything Right, just like what dr. Glidden does with the homeopathy there could be 20,000 different homeopathics for that one so-called disease Well, the disease label doesn't tell him what one you need So he still has to go down through the list of all the questions to find out how your body's functioning and what your body needs So the innate wisdom of the body can do what it's supposed to do, which is heal itself So all we're trying to do is figure out what is gonna Basically communicate where stimulate that function of the body to do what it's supposed to be doing, which is healing itself So the disease label doesn't do less any good. So it's like I don't even want to diagnose You're just trying to make yeah, you're giving the body what it needs to it can fix itself Exactly and if you can figure out if there's something else in there that's Working at it like say nano or something lose my voice for some reason Then you know how to address that as well using the magnets or whatever the tuning for like all that stuff But again, it's the same principle. It's it's not a drug to fix and symptom it's not even the same It's not even the same framework as being a quote-unquote practicing medicine without a license because you're not what are you what are you prescribing? Nothing Exactly So there you go. And what are you writing a prescription for? Yeah, nothing right what diseases are I treating I'm not treating a disease So we're helping the person they're fishing to see if You know, if you claim I don't know if this is considered a claim, but you see something on the quest board and you say Is identified as this they're saying well, there's no way you could use that quest board to identify that Is that is that really what the argument is here? I mean, is that worth Putting having guns out in front of your family's house People are scum Thugs, especially when they have no warrant for arrest And no seat and no cease and desist So they couldn't tell you to stop but they wanted to scare you and intimidate you And they wanted to make sure that they made a big enough scene so that people who were potentially walking by your office Would see that and remember that and have that in the impression in their mind thinking that you're some bad dude And in addition to that they're going to take stuff from you that aren't even that's not even on the So they're saying what line of sight is now part of part of a warrant Like if it's if it's in sight then they could that doesn't make any sense that a warrant is for specific things But nothing like pertains to anybody nothing here. Nothing here. Nothing works anywhere. Yeah, here's a weird one So we have the neural feedback devices for brain training Mm-hmm We have one at home. We have one at the clinic. They took the one at home And this device has already been given a rating by the fda as a general wellness device Okay So you took a device that you've already cleared from my house, but you left the one in the clinic Why because the agents had no clue what they were doing there And it's like how's that not a violation of the warrant because that device was not mentioned It's not a medical device. So what are you taking it? So Are you a lawyer's working on that type of stuff? I think so. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh, so And there's a lot of things like that. It's like you just can't take something because you don't like the looks of it It's supposed to be mentioned on a warrant. They don't want smart people to have the guns They don't want to put smart people to be the ones to do the raids Because that way they can get away with the stuff like that You know Most of these guys had no idea what this place was and they're just looking around like what is this? It's like what doesn't look medical It's like because it's not Do you want to know what are we supposed to take? I don't know Do you want to uh, so Do you want to do you want to answer this question real quick everyone says uh? Dr. Monzo i'm taking the 90 essentials for three months plus copper and ip6 supreme Synchronistically, I got what looks like an age or liver spot that suddenly appeared on my arm. Did that be from my earn? Uh, how much of the ip6 are they doing? No, one scoop a day or How much are you doing errand reply back to us? You might need to do two scoops a day I recommend most people now do two scoops at the same time before bed Because you need enough binding capacity to get the iron out So if you start getting any type of negative effect from The ip6 stomach aches joint pains these spots You probably aren't taking enough to actually bind it all up and get it up So you're moving things, but you're just not getting it out fast enough So you increase the amount and a lot of those negative symptoms go away That's one thing I haven't gotten yet. I've got the I got the core copper, which I take every single day I take two of the cod livers and then I also take the EFA's from uh, dr. Peter glued into In addition to this So I take those so I got lots of oils. Yeah And uh, he actually it's just recently sent me so yeah errand said she's taking one scoop right now Yeah, I would go up to two scoops at night at the same time give you more binding capacity And you should be and she should be getting plenty of copper because there's there is some copper in the 90th essential You're getting the three milligrams from the core copper now I take three capsules for core copper a day day. He takes three capsules. So that's nine milligrams I'm like taking one. I'm probably getting Another one milligram from the 90th essential. Well, of course, I'm doing the azure version of the 90th essential With the other multivitamin. Mm-hmm. Is that is that a is that a pressed cap or is it like a capsule? It's a capsule. Okay Yeah, I don't think we have any pressed caps because those aren't They don't really dissolve. I they don't really dislike you really can't get food in there. I mean that's Standard process used to do it, but we know standard process went to hell now Standard standard process is completely synthetic. Well, not completely synthetic, but they're adding They're adding magnesium stereo and all kinds of junk to it Yeah, I forget who has it's like the great great grandson or something And he bought out all the rest of the family So they're no longer training chiropractors. They're adding synthetics. They're adding flow agents and he's selling on amazon now Yeah, I saw the amazon stuff. That's so it the name All he's selling he's selling off the name, but the name is being dragged through the mud right now Yep, that's awful. So standard process is no longer a whole food supplement company. That sucks. Yeah, that's the one that dr Dr artist used to always recommend standard process Uh, well, I think he left them because of that problem Maybe did with the magnesium steroid because he talked to like the owner And he said hey you're putting this stuff in your product and the owner promised he was going to take it out and Didn't Yeah, so it's like That's the young Jevity stuff is pretty good Yeah, I don't completely agree with it. I still think they could do a little bit better job, but I also understand So does dr. Gooden dr. Gooden thinks the same way he does he's he's not he's not in disagreement with that Like he doesn't understand why they put um multidection into the uh Into the tingy tangerine, right? So if you're on keto, he and I am on keto, but I took it today I mean the so it's that's the one day. That's that's the one thing I take a day that it's not throw me off of my uh, like ketosis It's okay that I understand more of it though. Now that I used to now that I'm actually in The field of actually making it Yeah, that's pretty cool. There you are. You know, you have A philosophical belief and then when you go to start making it you realize oh We have this ideology that we want a hundred percent food based and then you run into the same problem Which is well, there's no nutrients in the food So now how much food do we have to put into a capsule? To get you your nutrients and at some point it becomes like Almost impossible. Although we're doing a pretty dang good job doing it with azure I would really like something that would be Very compatible to young jeopardy without all the junk Yeah, okay, so that we're not quite there yet and we're having the same problem It's like you almost kind of and there's multiple levels of synthetic Yours and your example those photos that you showed me but the energy signatures for the for the for the vitamin C And all that that that's stuck in my head and I'm like wow That's that's why you don't take the synthetic, you know hydrochloride craps You know, you don't do that you don't get the your sort of I guess you go for the whole food vitamin C Yeah, I don't think dr glittens there yet But I also know that they probably never presented that to you in school because what we're presented is the chemical view and the chemical view is well these synthetic vitamins are exactly the the same as uh Nation occurring vitamins and then you find out alling yep, and then you find out. Well, that's actually not true But there's also multiple levels of the synthetic for example You can take let's say acerilla cherry Very high in vitamin Z, right? So you can take the C complex out of the acerilla cherry And then out of the whole food the whole C complex you could extract the sorbic acid And you could put that in a supplement And you could claim that that is a food base or sorbic acid, which is true It's fractionated. It's not the whole food. See it is a sorbic acid. It didn't come from food, but that's fractionated Then there's another side of the coin where you could actually take the high fructose High fructose corn syrup and the hydrochloric acid and all this other junk and mix it together and make a synthetic A sorbic acid, which never came from food So there's a large spectrum there When we're talking about synthetics So I think what young Jevity has done is they've used whole foods And then they have isolates that they're putting in that are somewhat synthetic But they might not necessarily have been synthetically made in a lab And that's how they get the neutral nutrient density up, which isn't necessarily a bad way If you have the food in there because then your body's still seeing it as non fractionated And somewhat still usable Whereas if they were just completely making synthetics and throwing it in there then your body would be like oh So I can see where the thought process behind young Jevity was pretty smart It probably forces Symptomatic relief really well But as you use it long term you're actually getting to the cause because there is Real whole foods in there So you're actually kind of hitting things both ways. So it wasn't a bad idea It's just they need to take the flow agents out and The only one i'm really concerned about is that osteo FX I think that d is really synthetic. I think they're I think they're using the lanolin Oh Well, now some people don't have a problem with that, but I was like, uh, I don't know The d they have in the tangy tangyrene is whole food because I asked them So that one in that I think that one they're getting from It was either mushrooms or algae, but the tangy tangyrene one was whole food The other one, I think they were getting it from lanolin and i'm like, oh why would Why did they put that in there? But the formula is so good. You look at the formula and you go man if you just changed the d That would be a phenomenal formula So so you kind of brought it up. I got a question for you about uh, like Have you ventured into the the fungi and uh the benefits of different types of mushrooms like chaga and you know reishi and Turkey tail and all the lion's mane, which I have some fresh lion's mane in my fridge right now I would a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I even have we even have a fermented mushroom blend Which that's right you do. That's right. You know, let's pull that up real quick. So we know that one wasn't my formula, but uh That was one of the ones they wanted to put together and I looked at it and I was like, I don't see any problem with this If you know how to do the mushrooms, right You're pretty safe. I mean, obviously there are certain ones you never want to use because I'm poisonous Let's see what we got here. I'm going to show you because this is the link that you guys could find from my And for the most part, I've never seen any problems with it with causing, you know Candida and problems like that. What's it doing? It did looks like it didn't load right. All right It's yeah, it's not loading, right? See how it's all crumbled up here in the corner I'm not sure why that did that but everything's super big right now. Let me see if I can fix it. It's the uh solar solstice Yeah, things are getting weird, right? Let me let me try this like you know today is one of the eight one of the eight top holy satanic days Really? Yeah, because it's this solar solstice. So today is a phallic day. So today is a day to keep your kids safe because today would be a sexual uh sacrifice day Now that's mainly a virgin's because it's all into the Solar phallic symbols. So talk about bail Right today is bail worship day and they're trying to nice this back and saw that stuff Yeah, they're trying to open up the black sun and cause a bunch of chaos with their sex magic and sacrifice Let's that's what today's so today's so today and High level witchcraft today is a mandatory sacrifice day And you know that's going on. Yeah, but she's going on sodomy Torture all that stuff keep your keep your kids close and don't let them Out of your sight today good good good advice there Oh, man, that's uh, that's some pretty heavy stuff Yeah, so you don't know what they're trying to do right now with all their crap So how where did where did you uh, a lot of people don't know about that type of stuff like what? Where do you uh look at when you when you when you learn about that type of thing Like as far as the uh, the witchcraft End of things is it just from the people that you've had to encounter with like My favorite actually one of my favorites is uh, dr. William snoblin He's actually an nd um But he has his own ministry And he was a little bit of everything. He was in the Mormon church. He got into witchcraft. He got he became very high up in uh satanic uh sacrifices and I guess what we call that warlock He got his high up as he has a whole testimony. He's been around for a long time But he has a whole testimony that once you get to a certain level you Even have like decisions to make on whether or not you want to become like a vampire or a werewolf Wow, like it's a weird old saying and it's not like you're actually a real wolf, but it's like Right eating people and drinking blood and doing all that nasty stuff. Wait, he got delivered and he got out of that So he has a whole ministry teaching people like all the stuff they taught him About magic and sacrifice and all the stuff they actually do because he was doing He was actually killing people. Yeah, he was doing all that stuff. Yeah And it's really interesting because he started out like in the Mormon church That's when he got into when he got into a free masonry and then he got into the black magic and stuff They told him if you're ever in trouble go find a Mormon church Whoa, because they hide a lot of that stuff in the Mormon church Holy crap. We were at that we were in the The heart of the beast the belly of the beast when we were in Salt Lake city Oh, yeah, I remember that on the salt palace. That was some weird stuff. Yeah, man Um, so I'm gonna try to get to try to get on this thing. Let's see if I could do it this other way It's just doesn't want to load, right? No, it's just a big giant eagle every time Yeah, it's weird. Let me try online and see what happens. Yeah, maybe you can pull it up in yours I don't know why mine's maybe there's something going on with the site I mean, I can see it's just it's Super super large enlarged It's what it's one product for a page uh actually Well, I was gonna say mine was working up into a second ago That would say Oh, it looks like it's working on mine now All right, so maybe I can share it Let's see if I put this on How do I want to do that if I put it on this screen and then go to So this is uh, this plus says my mom tested well for uh for the Azure well fermented mushroom blend and it really works well for her digestion. She likes it I like it Teresa Yeah, she's she's joining our team, you know Yeah, I saw that I saw that in the newsletter it's awesome And then uh Here it says I got your magnet that Aaron again says I got your magnetic stick and I have used I've been using it when I take the nicotine patches to disable a race memory of the or the data tech So that's cool Yeah, that's what you want to do because the nicotine patches don't completely take the nicotine out of the body the uh The venoms out of the body I think it displaces them right it takes a second time, but I don't yeah, yeah completely cleanses them out of the body You know, it's funny as i'm learning from uh, this guy named amin human that the uh the ancient pharma con Of these uh, these mystery cults so the whole death and resurrection idea Was utilizing snake venoms to put you in a state Of dying and then give you an antidote the dough which would be the dough and then the antidote So don't going through that experience Was what they were talking about the with the you know, this life and death thing long before there was you know The idea of it that came to krit stanny, but they'll die in asian cults the uh, the sibling cults all these people you're talking about like boccas and all that other stuff That's uh, that's one of the the drug Adventures that they would go on as they would give you something that would basically be like dying It would and it was it was snake venom based and one of the reasons why people I guess like uh In some of the ancient texts couldn't be killed by snake bites is because they had built up at tolerance from doing these drugs And having these you know, the doing antidote and they would scratch their skin and put the venom in there So they would build up at tolerance and stuff like that really strange stuff Is that why they use the ancient babylon Medical symbol of the two snakes wrapped around the pole. Yeah Yeah, I know that symbolizes like the the evil spirit a good spirit Supposedly living in palance. It's an ancient babylon mega symbol Isn't that crazy that it came from babylon and that there was right in front of her faces and people like oh heard me. Oh It's clip. Yes, and it's not there. That's those guys are kind of part of that whole lower But it's not it's not the good one. It's he knows and everyone gets that wrong because they go. Oh, that's the moses stick And it's like no no That's not two snakes wrapped around a pole So yeah, your medical symbol is not There's the organic fermented mushroom blend powder nice And yeah whole food see Oh, that's in there too. That's awesome beta glukins A little bit of green tree extract a little bit fermented ginger root, which is why this really helps with the digestive issues Uh, now there's another one I like even more For the digestive issues I can bring up in a second. Okay, insulin or inulin. Sorry Yeah, it'll win And then you can see here it's the organic quarter subs So what do you think she says? Because that concerns me quarter steps are the things that pop out of the the ants head when uh, it goes nuts and it has all this like I have a I have a hard time putting you know, thinking about that It's just because it's like I've seen the videos or the it's like the ant goes crazy Then the big huge mushroom bursts out of their brain. It's like that's quarter steps there. Huh? Is that Anything else? I Think it's a different species. Well, I hope so. Yeah I don't know. I don't know Joe Rogan's behind the on it one. So I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised Joe Rogan Uh, yeah, I see Let's go to uh, I guess I have to go back to the top and type in I think it's the tumeric This is one of my oh I've eaten that straight before it's it's not a pleasant experience, but everything's good for you Yeah, I've much done it much on the stick of tumeric before I like doing this one in my shakes a lot of times. So it's organic fermented tumeric and organic fermented ginger Ginger has good has good qualities to it as well. Mm. So that one's really good for the inflammation and the gut calming things down Is that uh, does that translate over to like does a tumeric have bioprene with it so that it actually uh Works I guess so I guess bioprene is the same thing as piperine, which is in black pepper because everything I've ever had with tumeric they they Bound they they Combine it with up here and there's for the piece by all available. Right, right. That's right. That's the reason But maybe that's uh, maybe there's other ways to get to it. Well, that's the benefit of doing the fermented form Mm-hmm. Oh, because it's already have a file available. Mm-hmm. I got you That's a pretty powerful product, but there's there's so many products on here that are just I love Obviously the core copper and stuff, but yeah, the core copper and I don't think you can go wrong with the cod liver either Yeah, um, I would probably go definitely get the uh The mineral the I'm sorry the the multivitamin. I haven't gotten that yet, but I I'm sure that's on my list The multivitamin. I don't know if we've actually ever really discussed this. So here's your core copper folks So this is copper biz glycanate keylight Uh, it's supposed to be in a black bottle, but they messed up and so that's the only one that's in white bottles Yeah, I got the bottom And the reason this is important is this is copper zero So it's actually copper two Which has two free electrons, which is not the way you want to take copper And then those two free electrons are attached to two glycines Which makes it organically bound Some people call it key late or mineral. It basically means the same thing The key late means it's bound the two free electrons are bound to the glycine so Based on the electron charge, this is actually copper zero Because there's no free electrons anymore and that's what makes it bioavailable That's how it is in plants So when plants the copper is bound to the amino acids and it's organically bound And so when that gets into your cell your body The cells then take the glycine's off and then you have copper two Which a lot of the research shows that your body uses copper two Inside the cell and it can transform copper two into copper one and back into copper two and copper zero But how do you get the copper into the cell? You can't give the person copper one and copper two. That's what causes the rust so you have to give them a organically bound form that can get into the cell and then the body takes And breaks it down into the form that it uses And now that has also beef liver in there. You see 400 milligrams of beef liver. Well beef liver is in there because We have to put copper in there because there's not enough Copper in the beef liver anymore because it's not in the ground. So it's not in the animals But if we had the right amount of copper in the soil again and the animals were eating it The beef liver would be one of your highest sources of copper But the beef liver also has all the other Factors that copper needs like retinol Selenium zinc so this Allows the product to be non-fractionated Because you're giving it the body all the stuff that normally comes in with copper And then you have the turmeric in there because copper is working with the iron recycling and Cutting down inflammation in the body. So the turmeric also helps the bioavailability of copper But it also helps cut down the inflammation and the effect of iron and then you have monolorn which comes from coconut Because the coconut oils and fats are also very helpful for making copper bioavailable So that's the reason why I developed it this way So it's a whole food non-fractionated form of copper It always goes back to that same, you know example for my understanding of the whole Whole food vitamin C thing again with the copper, you know If you just get the turmeric acid part of it, you don't have the copper And it's just like what you just said here when you're talking about with the the young jeopardy There's another way to get to the whole food by you know doing the Taking the the isolates but also having the other things that would it would normally be found with So this is this makes perfect sense to me the way the way that's done And the beef liver may also still have some of its own copper in it Just not as much as it should so you're probably getting more than 333 percent Yeah, yeah, it's crazy. It came out to that stupid number. I saw that afterwards. I'm like, dang it Oh my now people are gonna call me like Freemason or something I I'm like dang. I sure made it like 3.5 or 3.4 milligrams But I thought three was nice because you can do three six nine Tesla numbers And that's and you take the nine right because you take three of them. Yep And you do that one one every like do you take all three of them in the morning or no? I do one per mill So breakfast lunch dinner Uh, you could do them all at the same time probably And then I just make sure I'm taking my cod liver oil to to get plenty of retinol Because I mean you do get some retinol from beef liver But not as much as you can for the cod liver oil And the retinol helps make the copper bile available And but yeah, you're exactly right. That's the reason why we do this is because there's no way you can get enough copper just from the food In fact, I think when I was talking to mortally the last time he had some research and they were saying like we get like 0.00001 milligrams of copper from our diet now Wow, but back in the 30s People were getting six to nine milligrams daily Now you know what the recommended dose is today by the Geniuses probably 9.9 milligrams 0.9 And it's like well people are getting way more than that in the 30s in their normal diet So you know it's bs And uh, and I have people doing nine to 10 milligrams a day with no problems And they're probably getting 10 grams of iron in their diet Especially if it's written cereal And the more ironing the more iron the more no more copper you need to make that iron recyclable So And that's why we made the copper product and why I always Wanna throw that in with what I think should be involved with the 90th essential because There's just no way you can get enough even in Even with young cavities, I forget what you're getting. I think you're only getting about one Right, but they also have that is it the uh ultimate selenium Uh, yeah, that one I don't have Okay, I find interesting that uh, dr. Gluten recommends that one a lot and when I looked at it I'm like, oh, that's not just selenium. It's actually a lot of copper too. It's so cool Nice. So you're noticed a lot of times when he wants to give people copper That's what he recommends because it has the The selenium and the copper that makes sense. Yeah, that's cool Yeah, I I used to have this dropper of uh, I think it was called trace minerals It's a blue little blue dropper thing of uh selenium And it I always like if if something I think is like uh potent It stings if it's like a mineral for some reason it has like a sting to it When you do when you taste that I bought another one that was cheaper and it was a bigger bottle and I didn't have that sting And I'm like, yeah, it's probably watered down. It's probably not the right form of selenium It's like this is a strange way of uh of associating it But it's just like yeah, does I have that that like kind of like a sting to it that the other one did And I I actually wonder what the Essential nutrients should be today Because we're told there's 90 essential nutrients, but I really wonder if there's more than that now Specifically retinol because retinol is not on the list of an essential nutrient because supposedly we're able to make it Now let me bring up Oh actually it might be in front of you right here because I just did a thing with Azure the other day on the sarule plasmin So as your mouth or it fixed for me now too now now the website's packed in normal So the element is we need at least a milligram of retinol, which They never put it as milligrams on a bottle Usually they put it as micrograms Or in units So that's a thousand micrograms are retinol So let me see I should bring up mine I can't see what it says in the calendar Looks like by the time you take the day then it's pretty close Yeah, I've got It is Yeah, it's 375 micrograms per cap So when you take three you're hitting around a thousand a day Now To make that by just getting beta curating which is the essential one that they say you need So that your body can make retinol You need 12,000 micrograms to make 1,000 micrograms are retinol And then you need a functional liver and then the enzymes just carry that out require copper So when you consider all that today, it's like, okay, if people were deficient in copper and their liver is probably don't work like they used I mean, I think most people estimate that Our liver is only like 10 percent functional. Oh, that's wonderful You know, that's funny when I said you need that away That much beta carotene. It's like are you turning your beta carotene into retinol? Probably not Which is why I think the cod liver oil is so important So it's probably an essential nutrient now because I don't think people are making it like we used to What do you think is up with the livers? I because I I lost some weight recently and They say that the first thing that you lose weight on is your liver like get the fat off the liver but When I get when I was tightening my abs I could see like this and then when I got down in my waist I felt like it was a but like a Like it was descended and it still looks like that. It's like is that mean that my liver is enlarged? I don't drink like what is going on with that? Oh, the liver is a number one filter of the body. Right. So what it does all of that detoxing Yeah, so all the toxins in the environment which are overwhelming All have to be processed by the liver So would you think that if you're losing weight and your fat is releasing toxins that your liver would be working extra Hard during like say it fast or something like that. Yeah, I would just say so So maybe that's the reason why I was like that Liver cleanse I was fasting for like three days. I was planning on doing it today too. I maybe I I guess I will I like food, but yeah My favorite is the uh, bile gallbladder Action support. Yeah, I saw that one up there. What is uh, how many about that one? Let me bring that one up And it's also good when you're taking high amounts of copper Because if the copper's not bile available or it's not being absorbed the next step is The body uses the bile from the gallbladder Pumps that into the liver so your body can process the copper and recycle it So people who have a bad uh Gallbladder or liver When they start noticing symptoms of taking the copper, that's usually what's happening is they can't process it enough Oh, yeah, you're sorry. Okay. Cool. Let's cancel mine. I was gonna bring that I have healthy lipid metabolism. So fats healthy bile flow But if you come down here and you look at the What's in there? So that's a whole food form of b6 male fissile. Yeah, that's why I take artichoke in there The tamerics in there the cilantro the milk fissile birdock fennel garlic beats So, I mean that's just a phenomenal product for the liver for the gallbladder for your bile for fat metabolism Anti-inflammatory detox support. I mean, this is just one of my favorite When someone needs to extra liver gallbladder or bile support, this is what I recommend people do Yeah, you know, that sounds like a plan too. I might have to pick this up. Also, um of course the flow agents in there again are plant-based capsule and you have the rice concentrate organic rice because You have to have a flow agent. So what do you want to use? You want to use organic rice or do you want to use? magnesium steroid or yeah, not that Or the silicon Dioxide or some other crap. So there are some roles on how this helps So I don't see the um The one thing that's I was curious about birdock because I've seen this in the tincture too. What does the birdock do? Oh birdock is an herb that also helps with the liver Okay, it has some support with Um gallbladder manually liver and birdock is really good for breaking down Uh stones sometimes it's not like the best one for stones usually hydrangea is the best for stones But the birdock does help with breaking down stuff Deposits to deliver All right, so it's like a decalcifier kind of it is actually a really good a drainage support product for the liver So it helps get the stuff flowing out better Mm-hmm. That's cool adds. That's Let me just say how yeah, that's a powerhouse formula and we have other ones for liver support on here. We like we have a liver extended support and a Liver support now, but I still think this is the better one out of the three Just show us some multifitamin real quick because I want to see what that like Yeah, the whole food multi Yeah, that one looks like it's uh, this is really an amazing product going on right there So so people learn how to read these things you're noticed this will say natural Right before it gives the name because a lot of times they make you put a sorbic acid on the label Because that's their technical name for vitamin c So you either have to call it natural a sorbic acid or some people will say um Whole food culture And they even they even mess with people in the and the freaking descriptions, right? So even if it's not whole food even if it is whole food see they're gonna make you save sort of a gasses So people don't see any difference, right? Whatever. So what you see is something where it says natural and then you go down and you look what food it's coming from So right there is where we're getting our c Is it here and you have the natural a c d which is actually coming from uh Like it totally up. So it's not Chlorifical from lanolin or synthetic EK thiamine I really like this one because you have your methylated B9 and your methylated B12. So this is actually a great methylation product too And you can see all your minerals that's it's the people what methylation would let that simpler So B9 and B12 are the two B vitamins that Mainly need to be methylated and what that means is your body has to attach a methyl group two of them And I always forget the methyl group is it up Three carbon and one hydrogen or is it three hydrogen one carbon? I think it's three carbon and one hydrogen what anyways they call that a methyl group And the methyl group has to be attached to it and then it becomes a methyl form. So you're noticed here Instead of it saying calbalamine. It says methyl calbalamine, right? So that's the metal for one. Yeah And the folate will say five methyl tetral hydro folate So if you ever hear of the gene the MTHFR gene that stands for methyl tetral hydro folate reductase And that is the methylation gene that converts your folate, which is the natural form of B9 If you see a folic acid, that's synthetic You don't want folic acid. You want the folate and in fact the first cycle of methylation is called the folate cycle And that's what it's doing is methylating your two B vitamins And then it passes a methyl group to the rest of your methyl your methylation cycles I learned that maybe A decade ago about the whole folic acid thinks I was taking it and I learned the whole thing and though you want folate and ethylate gas and like And unfortunately when the methylation genes get turned off your body Can't methylate realm which is one of the main functions that that happens is your body can't detox So then it can affect multiple systems in the body. It can affect cardiovascular It can affect the gut. It can affect any of the neurological problems From anxiety all the way to autism. In fact, most people who are on some type of psych drug Their neural transmitter section of methylation is not working. That makes what happens when those genes get turned off Your body can't take the amino acids and turn them into neural transmitters. So your body can't make serotonin dopamine GABA Glutamine or glutamate glutamate All those other neural transmitters And of course, what do they put you on serotonin and reuptake inhibitors? Why because your body is not making serotonin? Why because the genes turned off? Well, all I get to do is turn the gene back on Not hard. How do you do that? How do you get your body to re-methylate? By giving it a formula with Pre-methylated B vitamins and then it'll just kick some stuff back on and then usually what I would do is give the person the frequencies of the That's what I was thinking. The genes. Yeah, which in my home kit with the laser is a DM The missing software basically right? DM vial which is detox and methylation So that has the frequency of the methylation genes in it now normally with someone was scanned by me and they had a methylation problem I would put the the frequency of the genes in there this stimulate the body to turn them back on Because all kinds of things can turn these genes off. It's epigenetics So even we even know that childhood trauma can turn your methylation genes off so stinking thinking Emotional traumas toxic environment all these things can turn the genes off and then we have to just turn them back on And then you're just loading yourself up with toxins because you're not detoxing because of your mental state Imagine that that's so crazy Copper also really helps keep the methylation genes working. So if we didn't have copper deficiencies We probably wouldn't have methylation genes being turned off as much. Uh, there you go Copper is important to everybody So what else? Detox ability so that includes the liver because it's phase two liver detox is methylation the kidneys methylation Cardiovascular problems That's methylation gut problems can be methylation neurological methylation Hormone and endocrine and reproductive issues can be a methylation issue Uh, technically your Krebs cycle is part of methylation, which the type cycle Krebs cycle is your uh, mitochondria Uh function so making ATP energy S that's right All right, we talked about that extensively with the whole matrix thing and the blue That's right The mitochondria needing the copper so after all the minerals are listed here Then you can get down here and you can look at all the amazing foods That are in here, which is pretty powerful Mct oil nice and then MTC oils in there and then pete extract Is fova kemeric minerals? Oh, okay, so there are some fova kemeric minerals in here So you probably are getting way more minerals than what it says in here So you're actually getting you know like 80 some trace minerals in here And that's and again the thing that makes that good is that it's not just that it's bioavailable because of plant thing But it's the whole idea of the ionic Like the frequency signatures being there and that's what's important not so much the thing itself So that's awesome I'm almost out of like I have like maybe a scoop and a half left of your fova kemeric and I have to get more And I just got that arrived. We got some good ratings already. That's a hard thing to do. Yeah I'm always amazed at people's ratings on things online. It's like One star. Oh, the product came broken in the mill. I was like that doesn't have anything to do the product That has to do with who shipped it Right. I mean once you ship a product if the post office kicks it around and slams on it. It's not your fault Exactly. Why are you giving a product about a rating because the shipping was bad? Go complain to the post office Yelp is the worst. It's like Great great dining Great experience two stars didn't like the drapes. It's like It's like what's happening with the food It's like Anything to feel like at their highest society and they simply cannot be impressed, you know And our number and our numbers here aren't bad So you could compare this to like tangy tangy green Uh, most of these things were pretty well competing and some of them we couldn't compete as well But uh, you know, if I could get it in a powder form I think that would be phenomenal, but then you also have to figure out how do you make it taste good unless we just say Suck it up. Yeah, if you want it clean, it's just not it's gonna taste like dirt and get over it That may be monk fruit. Maybe monk food in your restaurant. All I don't know the restaurant's all gets some people's stomach problems I think make some gassy or something It depends on what are the erythritol cuts from it has to be gm Non gmo because otherwise you come from a corn, I guess or something like that. I don't know But yeah, that's uh Those are all good things to know and you know the tangy tangy green I the one the map my main problem with it is just simply the multi-direction i'm trying to avoid But other than that like I took it today. I took it actually mixed it this time with the plant to ride minerals and the osteo effects I just took the core copper rubber. Well, I've noticed I took the color rubber here But and I just added a little bit more water to it was fine Um, I was trying to test to see if that would work with my daughter, but I don't she's she drinks the osteo, but she won't take anything else So they don't actually have a breakdown on the plant derived minerals. Do they? It's really hard to get the breakdown on the minerals from the the fovec humeric. I mean you can do it, but it's like so tedious Yeah, I remember when you said when you used to send it out you had that list and you were like that that's g that was pretty cool I have that floating around somewhere. I think i've talked about it online on on the videos before Usually what it is is if it's below a certain level you're not required to put it on the label But you when you want to tell that people know that's there. Yeah, you would you would think yeah I mean like the thing on the back of the plant derived minerals They just tell you like whenever they claim the 66 or whatever. I think they talk about those That's what we would like to do on our label that we haven't got to there with the fovec We had a lot of problems with that one because Uh the fda standards and then the other problem was the stupid I should explain this too since because some people have been listening for a while Let's just bring this up again Yeah, you know what else uh because you know what they're not sending this You're not sending the fovec with the scoops we used to send it with So I have to get back on them again. So on the label you'll notice it will say Uh right here. It says a 16th of a teaspoon. Yeah Which our scoop we used to send a scoop that was like 132 two scoops And uh normally the standard dose on this is actually uh, you can do 1/8 1/8 of a teaspoon And the only reason why we took that off is because of the prop 69 nonsense Which one's project 69 in california. Oh, is that 65? You mean 65? Yeah, 65 my fault and so they're standard on Well, I think it's the iron because you're going to have iron naturally occurring If it comes from the soil you can't get around that so some people don't understand. They're like, well, why you're recommending? Iron well, it's a it's a normal form of iron that your body's going to get It's not a synthetic form First of all, but second of all good luck staying away from iron from anything. There's no way if you're making it out of food Iron is going to be in it. There's no way you can get away from that Unless you make synthetic and it's like well Do you want to do that? But their limit on the iron for putting that stupid warning on there is like I'm trying to remember what the number was but it was astronomically ridiculous Yeah, I think it was like 10 times lower than the FDA standard for California So California is basically that much more concerned About iron than even the FDA So you have to put a stupid label on your product if it has so much content iron containing it. It's like what that's weird That's weird So The most people most people you know, you need to start out with really slow anyways I have a lot of people to start out with a One third or one 32 of a teaspoon. It can cause a detox effect, right? Right? That's why you don't want to go over do it I never had that issue, but I was doing really probably dangerous detox. Now that I think about it with the uh What do you call it? Turpentine oil for a couple years before I met you So a couple times I had the that pain in the going the bladder issue But after a while it didn't happen anymore, but I was taking it because I was concerned about Marisites and stuff like that. So I was taking the The turpentine I still have it and I still take everyone's well, but it just makes you sick for a day You know, it makes it makes me feel like I'm burping up pine needles for a whole day, you know, it's kind of gross, but um Yeah, the fulvic humic didn't give me that problem and I do take I probably take maybe two scoops of it Or at least one heaping one or whatever the scoops was that you used to Yeah, so you're probably doing a 16th. Yeah, probably around that and that's uh I mean it makes it makes the water richly black, which is pretty cool Maybe you can tell there's a lot of stuff going on there. So and it dissolves almost instantly instantly like you don't have to like shake it up That's the quality Right with soil based And another thing for people to understand because the price Seems high but it's actually lower you have to understand that This is this little bottle because there's two different sizes you can get you could get the little bottle Which is 32 grams or you can get a 70 gram The 32 gram one is a 90 day serving if you're taking an eighth of a teaspoon If you're taking an eight so you know, if you're taking a 16th of a teaspoon, this is uh, you know What a hundred hundred hundred hundred hundred. Yeah. No. Yeah, so like that. Yeah, 160 days So this lasts as you a long time So that's like three uh six six months Yeah for 50 bucks Yeah, and that's the thing like you don't you don't take a ton of it. So and also did so here's the question I have though It wasn't a used to have You used to have the energy signatures on right? This one still does this one still does or actual production if you see the um Okay, so that's good news. I don't have a I don't know if it did or not. So that's good enough bottle in front of me, but you might have a bottle you see where there's a You had the core copper there the core. Yeah, I do You see on the top of it where there's that blue Yeah, hologram. Yeah That is what keeps the frequencies in the bottle. Oh, is that not this one? Yeah, because everything is programmed with the energetic signatures, but The signatures only stay in minerals Long-term or in liquids So anything that's a powder form or doesn't have a lot of minerals in there We put that we put the stickers on everything, but the stickers help keep the signatures in the bottle Nice long-term Okay, so there you go. See I didn't know because I I knew that before you had uh It would say that was imprinted with uh, so it was like a plus in the sense kind of like your eye energy iodine Which by the way you still have that right? We do we're still trying to find someone to make us Of a version. I can still get that one made for me, but I don't know how much longer Well, I think the person who was making it The main person passed away and as I think his son took over And of course, he's changing all kinds of things and greatly jacked up the prices so And we don't know if we can make it exactly the same way because they they have a patent on it even though Um, the person we were getting it from taught them how to make it And then they got a patent on it let it start and then Uh, so he was really nice with her Letting you know making it and letting her distribute it, but when he passed away and the sun took over Well, now it's a whole new Yeah, now he realizes all I can be making a lot of money overcharging for this. Oh So we're trying to figure out how to make it in a different form that's still the same doesn't Violate the patent Do you have a lot in stock from the last time still or like I still have a good amount in stock? Yeah, that's good Yeah, the energy I died uh, Rebecca and I both took that for a while until it was gone. It's just for a amount. It's it's awesome Yeah, and then uh So so the muscle test the thing too that that's uh like a training program Now how does How does that work and how do you explain that to somebody how it works? Because it's it's kind of confusing, but it's awesome really interesting And muscle testing is good as the Practitioners, that's what that's what dr. Glidden said. So some people are really good at it. And some people are not I happen to be one of those people that are a phenomenal muscle tester And the difference is you have to be able to get into a state Where you have no bias and whatever the answer is is the answer If you if you can't get into that state, did he call that theta was that the right word? Yeah, you can't get into that state then and you are you have very strong beliefs about something it can override But the basic way of teaching or explaining muscle testing is it works just like a light detector test So what you're supposed to do with muscle testing is you're supposed to Test a muscle on the body for strength A lot so a lot of times you see the person pushing down on the arm If I can go over here So they hold the arm out and you push down And you're testing the strength of the deltoid and there's all kinds of different ways you can do it Like sometimes there are chiropractors who do apply to geology, which is a fancy term for muscle testing and they will Test Different movements of the body to see what muscles are weak and where they need to adjust And the idea is it's not a muscle Strength test. It's not like we're battling. So it's not like you're resisting me with all your strength It's just normal resistance And so then you're pressing to see if the muscle is strong or weak So then what happens is like a light detector test, you're supposed to be Either introducing something to the body to make a change Or making a statement So you make a statement that's a true or false statement And if your body is telling the truth, it sends a positive signal out that strengthens the muscles And if you're if you're lying, it sends a negative signal out that weakens the muscles And that's what they're rating on a light detector test positive and negative So politicians have really weak muscles because that all they do is lie. Yeah So You know if I wanted to make the statement and I was testing you and I said okay core You need and can handle core copper and I would press on the muscle and if that's a true statement You would stay strong if it's a false statement you would go weak Or you could put the the bottle in the person's hand And it press on the muscle and if it's a product it's good for them They're going to stay strong and if it's a product that's bad for them, they're going to go weak And that's the premise of muscle testing And that's how it's supposed to be done and you're supposed to not take it any further now Sometimes people do unfortunately and they get And Too deeply into asking questions, you're not really supposed to ask questions You're supposed to be making true and false statements Because then when you get into asking questions, you get into who are you asking? Are you asking the body? Are you asking spirits? And then sometimes people get into asking things like in the future How long do I need to take? In fact, well your body doesn't know the future So you can't ask the body if you need to be taking this in three months from now. It's like So there's a line there with muscle testing to learn. Okay, what can you use it for? What can you not use it for? Highly emotionally charged things you can't use muscle testing for For example, women who want to know, am I pregnant? It's like I am not testing you for that Because whatever you want that to be is the answer you're going to get And it might not necessarily be true. Yeah, because it's a highly emotionally charged situation So it's like no, I don't test to see if you're pregnant expectations and anticipation can throw that off I get you So that's why the best way for testing though Is to try to put it in some type of form Where the person being tested doesn't know what you're doing And you're kind of in a situation where you don't really know what you're testing so they're To remove all bias So when I used to do things by hand, I used to have all these test files which they took all of them And all the vials have in them is liquid in frequency So I'm guessing they're probably having a fun time testing all those vials and you're like, there's nothing in these It's like, yeah, it's it's frequencies And so there would be tons of them and all I would have to do is touch the person and then touch the different vials and muscle test And sometimes you can muscle test with your fingers And then you just see what vials come up and then you look at the vial and you go, oh, it's xy and z But now when you were touching the vials, you didn't know what ones you were necessarily touching Now the person doesn't know what you're touching Yeah, so it removes the bias So that was the old form of testing without using something digital So if you think you have a cat or a wheat allergy or something like that, you don't look to find the wheat allergy Vial you just grab every vial and see which one feels weird you would just back and then check this be with it The final what one makes the person weak and then you fall but it's this I got you that that's that makes more sense So that way you're not you're not projecting it onto your outcome. That's It's pretty pretty tricky stuff though. I mean I've heard Other people say you can do all kinds of things with the the muscle testing from even from a distance too, right? So how does how does that like? It's the same way It's the same way as the quantum connection. So if you have some way of connecting to the person Which means it's just like them sitting there in front of you Um, you can use a surrogate. It has a really interesting thing. You can even do that. There's someone's in person You can grab Put one person there and then have someone touch that person And now it's like a surrogate in a in a circuit And the person that's touching the person you can test them for that person And they're basically like a surrogate in the circuit And just like if you line a bunch of people up and you have one person touch a negative and another person And then the it goes through all the people or the you know, some people do it where they light up the light bulb Yeah, so when you're doing a distance as long as you have a way to connect with the person I basically become the surrogate for you Because now that i'm connected to you, i'm using my body as a surrogate and my body is actually responding as you So are you holding on to a DNA sample a hair follicle or you know, yeah, or a signature or a picture? Yeah, yep Right and even though i'm testing myself. It's really testing you That's interesting. So how does your and so you're you're completely not all the answers will be you know all the answers will be completely different From testing myself because it's actually you And then you you can go back and test that by releasing whatever it was you're holding on to that person And testing yourself to see to make sure that it's not the same answers. Mm-hmm. Yeah Yeah, it's mind-blowing There's so many things that you don't we don't know about things And this is the stuff that you know, we tend to get away from talking about because so many people just can't handle it And that's why we usually do the DNA is because people couldn't handle the quantum connect their quantum entanglement idea It's like oh, that's nonsense. And it's like no, this is a real thing Do you think people understand? Do you think it's more accurate with the DNA? Do you think it takes the human element out of it more or no? No, you just think it's better for the mental state for them to accept it more because they heard the word DNA and they're expecting something Sciencey. Yep. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Yeah, when I started out Well, and I was trained by overmen on a lot of this stuff, which he's in our videos for the muscle testing course Because he passed away and no one's teaching his stuff anymore. So I was like, well, let's bring back his stuff I mean no one's teaching it anymore. He was such an interesting guy And that's one of the things we did if the person couldn't be physical they would Fill out their form and sign a paper and you use their signature and I had phenomenal results That's using his system So that's when he had his products, but his products are gone now Of course, yeah, he's away by away everything. It's all down the memory hole. So so that that course though is something that you are providing on your actual website And that's what so let me just show people real quick so that they understand this is kind of like a one stop shop for dr Monzo here Um, and we are in the process of changing things so we're hoping to actually take the whole store and put it on our dr Monzo website Probably with like Shopify Because karture is really a pain in the butt for shopping. Yeah, it is a little bit because You don't really have a cart. You can only buy one thing at a time. It's like this is the stupidest thing. Yeah, karture really is designed for classes Because when a person registers and they're going through the class we can see their progression through the class Which is really important if you want to give somebody a certification or something and There's just why I watched all the videos. It's like, okay Well, we can log in and we can see how many videos and how long the person actually Yeah, right through the course So karture is really good for courses and training, but it's not very good for a store So i'm just gonna i'm just gonna click on anything That says semper fright here in the in the description and this one that just happens to say sign for sign copies of the book But if you just go to So when you're on the menu page, which is what you land on when you just say semper fright I have This right here. So this if you click on dr. Manzo's picture underneath it, you'll see the code Right you could click on dr. Manzo's picture The atb book in electronic form and in hardcover the practitioner's book with the binding Is right here. All right you go To the shop button and this is what we've been talking about here So you have the atbforks, which is something you're going to want to use in conjunction with his book Uh, the DNA scan is not something we get right now Yeah, we actually need to take it off You know the energy iodine is right there and this is the muscle testing Basics of muscle testing that we were just talking about then there's also the magnetic sticks And if you wanted to go over this thing right here at the floor on the top of this fair day one This thing yeah That was for shedding right that was a shedding one Yeah, we can't actually sell that right now because of the stupid right stuff So anyway, so the muscle testing when it's here And then there's the uh the atbforks and all that stuff. So that's where you get over there, but If you go back to where I was just here, it might be because of your cookies Maybe if you click this button here. Oh, yeah, it may have just as refreshing right Uh, then you'll get to the azure ball stuff and that that one has its own code. Oh now it loaded fine Yeah, that that exactly right and there's a code the code is there and the code is there So you can get to dr. Mounds of stuff through the website of my own plus that You want to use why I show people this is because the karta thing is kind of uh confusing So it is it is so we're trying to get away from that, but so yeah, so I try to main You know extreme it on my site. So at least it's easier for them to access It's not because I want to take them away from your website It's just because I think it's easier to navigate If it's just uh direct links, you know, I mean, no, I agree Once we have the new one up with shopify, it will be easier Shopify charges a lot. They just raised mine though. Mine's like a bucks a month now for my from my website And it used to be 29 So I gotta leave I guess Because it's not it's not worth it 79 It needs I need I need a better website. It was going to be constant Is that just like the plug-in into your website or is it actually the website that we bleed but sold to because I think we're using I think we're using wicks To make our website. I think what it's going to be a plug-in that's Through shopify for the store. So I don't know if that's the same thing Oh, so you'll be charged and charged twice and you'll be charged by both of them Yeah, so what I I had weavily weavily get sold to to square which I hate square and Now they decided that they're putting a moratorium and all the old accounts And they're going to raise it to their basic level, which is 80 bucks Which I would never have paid for because I was I didn't do Shopify because they want to like 60 bucks a month Plus they want to commission off of each one of your sales. I'm like screw you It's like he fells already gonna take that money. What do you want to take a double dip? I can't stand square. Yeah, it's evil And it takes you know, they dropped me Square did during the COVID stuff. Oh, that's nice. I don't know where One morning I came in I think I don't know if it was a Wednesday morning or something and all of a sudden like in the middle of the day I got an email and said Your account has been terminated officially immediately we can you can no longer take credit cards And it was like the main thing we were using I was like what And then I looked up who owned it and it was like oh It was the same person as twitter at the time. Oh, isn't that nice. Yeah, I didn't realize who actually owned it. I was like, oh my goodness Man, yeah, they they canceled me during during they never gave a reason why Yeah, I had PayPal the PayPal is my main thing the stripe is the other thing that powers the site But it's whatever PayPal doesn't let me do anything like freedom or anything like that because they actually shut down my my hot sauce It's not Processing because they because I had created them up there. So like yeah, we're not we don't that's an unauthorized product I make freedom doesn't hurt anybody, but okay fine. I had to take it down Then they restored me what And PayPal was being used for my store at the time too. So That's weird I must oops. I must have shared it wrong because it wasn't doing my Wasn't doing the screen it was doing Uh, let me let me see if I can throw a question in here real quick Uh, Aaron asked any recommendation for polycystic ovarian syndrome Yes many You definitely want to think about the copper and ip6 She got the ip6. You got the uh, she's gonna go to two scoops. She had said Uh, have you the other thing is if you've addressed any of the issues with mental emotional trauma in the past And then when you get to the aloftop body book Or the ebook you want to be working on point number 13 Point 23 Um The energy pathways would be the water fertility messenger pathway and probably the kidney messenger pathway So those are the energetic points you want to really be working on For that But usually there's uh some trapped emotions or trauma from the past That are also related I think if there's any other good supplements we have that's directly related It's hard to say until you're tested What other supplements I would recommend there probably would be other things But I wouldn't want to just throw them out there unless we actually knew So I would go with the 90th essential and then add in the copper and the ip6 And then work on point number 13 point number 23 Water fertility messenger pathway and then the kidney messenger pathway because those are the most Does the point that and pathways that directly relate to the reproductive system? uh The over is the bladder that kidney is the uterus all that is directly related to those points So that's what you would want to work on Very good On the screen is the cartridge center as far as uh The different course just and stuff that people can take So you have this the introduction course that anyone can get to that has the book Mm-hmm. Uh, we have the welcome center that is really for more of people to come and see us It gives them explanation on What we do and why we do it? Then there's a scan docu center. That's for when you are working with us And you want to learn how to understand the reports from having a scan or something There's a healthy foundations one So all these top ones are basically if you're coming to see me You can get access to these and learn a bunch of different stuff So is that atb course one? Is that the pre-course that I took or is that okay? That's the pre-course All right, so I did go through that once but it was a while ago. I should probably do it again And actually we've added more to it. Okay, so that uh, we don't have to cover as much in class And then down here is the muscle Testing one and then the coherent restore so then when someone signs into this page It will show tell you like which ones are locked and what ones you have access to Like like this is this one here. It says i'm not a member yet, but I don't know why because I should be a member to all of them But if you go to the muscle testing one So So you're going to have this whole course So this is going to be the first page Oh, nope, it's not my fault Back to matzo you're only 67% complete. I know I know It's not letting me go back any further Oh, maybe this is the first page. So we have a training video Another training video And then when you go to the next page Here's uh, that's dr. Overman. Oh, then you have all these Different videos of his entire course So there's a lot of information And then there's more to the course But So that's the muscle testing course, but you'll have to get the course in order to see the rest. That's all it's pretty cool Very cool. Yeah, that's awesome. And um So that that what's what's the best way of link for that? Should should they just go through the cartoon that I showed them and then click on the course? Okay, yeah, once you buy the course, then you get the link to the cartridge Okay, and the cartridge always has a main button that takes you back to that first window And it will show you all the different courses we have but then you can only access the ones that you have access to Makes sense. That's cool You haven't registered for it. You got some of them are free some of them cost money So has this put a wrench in any of the uh in-person courses that you're doing? Have you not yet? No, um Although interesting enough one of the things they took was my folder That had my master copies of all my handouts for in-person class Which I have no idea why they want that because it's things like uh the difference between right brain thinking and left brain thinking It's a Hebrew alphabet Uh, it's just a bunch of general things about letting go and when you think it's time to let go and It's just it's like What did you think you were taking with that? It's It's they're doing a Chair in your mission. Yes in the personal profiling That's fine So, so uh, when is the next when is the next class coming here is at the end of july Into july that's a july into august that's already been filled up though, right? And that class is filled up. Yeah, and then after that there will be a class in november November Heavy already heavy already sold that one out too or what? Nope. Nope that one's so open. Okay But thanks to mike adams and him the show I did with him That was probably about a month before the raid And it took forever for him to release it but he released it like the week after And because of that our bookseals have been phenomenal and that actually helped keep us going for a couple weeks That's good Yeah, mike adams magic right guy. I got 200 and something books go out to do it in my sec. I'm the second uh A second appearance that we had that I had with him Yes, his audience is pretty awesome. Yeah for sure Magic of mike That was huge Like mike. I didn't I needed one every month. I needed to have me on at least once a month Yeah, really Yeah, it took me at least a week or two to figure out what we were going to do Because I had to re figure out okay, what are our consultations going to be like what am I going to do? So I kind of have Yeah, Trisha's going to be here at the the class. She's not even through your course hasn't she? No, not in person. Oh, okay. No, but she's been through our program Right And then when she comes in person, we're going to work together because she does the somatic movement stuff Yeah, and uh, we're going to see how that ties into ala top body and What new stuff we might be able to come up with? Cool very cool because I think that's extremely powerful And she gets the work on me then has brie been in the last two I think brie was up here there. I think she has something to say Uh, yeah, I think so Let's see. I'm trying to remember. I don't know. I always try to remember all the people that mean Yes, this is hi. Yeah, this is brie from the telegram group One asked dr. Good or dr. Mondo or both of them. So what do you do about severe pet dander allergies as an act of contrast? We can usually Uh treat this but and I think that's what it's cut off So I guess that's yeah, I'm guessing just you do something like the NA ET Which is doctrine and a new deposit allergy elimination technique So what they do we do a version of something like that But What she figured out she was definitely allergic to like everything and she has like four or five different doctor So I think she has a doctorate an acupuncture a doctor md. She's a chiropractor. She's nd And what she realizes you can Uh Take the frequency of the substance affecting you And put it into the body the body's energy field So like a little frequency of whatever. So maybe it's the frequency of cat dander and so you're holding it and then she would treat uh The Well, she's treating two things at one time. What what she's doing is you do different things. So like eyes open eyes closed Uh taking a deep breath and holding deep breath of letting it out Sometimes panting all these things activate the autonomic nervous system at the same time she's usually tapping up and down the spine to activate the spinal nerves and then they Use pressure or some type of vibration on acupuncture points And what it does is it tells your body to no longer react to that substance And your body will actually stop reacting. So it's called the ourg elimination technique And we use something very similar, but we use a laser to do it Low level lasers Just having to you do down the ear level, right? Yeah, you do it on the ears you do it up and down the spine And then you can do it on the acupuncture points And then you have the person holding whatever they're sensitive to But if you don't want to do any of that, I'll tell you something else you can do Depending on how bad your reaction is, of course Yep, you want me to just keep talking Well, we're live so I guess I'll just keep talking and then if he wants to learn how to do this, I'll explain it again But Oh, he's right back. So I'll just wait one more second. I was going to keep going but no it's I Teenagers singing in the in the shower. I'm like I can hear it through the headphones. I just wanted to tell him this So if you're not deathly allergic to the substance And you get a sample of the substance You can put it on your body And then work on point number 22 in the all of top body system So if you work on that point while having The substance on your body and if you can if you can get the frequency of the substance You can put the frequency of the substance on your body But if you can't and you're not deathly allergic to it and you can actually get you know What did she say? Dander? Yeah, maybe a sample of animal dander and put it in a ziploc bag and put it on your body And then work on your 22s do the sequence for the 22s that will help your body It can be rated it can be written as a plastic bag sale. Yep. Mm-hmm. Okay, that will help your body eliminate the sensitivities Because one of the main functions of point 22 is it helps your body to adjust to different environments So usually when you have any type of sensitivity or an allergy It's point number 22 that is causing a reaction because it's not functioning right Man, that sounds like something you want to do you want to do regular maintenance on that point In fact, if you look at the anaphyl electric shock Application you're touching the center of the 22s and then on the spine This is such amazing stuff. I mean Some day I have to be there in person so I can like Because it's it's I I don't have the capacity to explain it, but it makes perfect sense when I hear it Does that make sense? It's like it makes perfect sense that this would work And it makes perfect sense if you understand that if you actually believe in the energy of the body Which is not something that you I don't think I make a question And what you're actually what you're actually doing when you're touching these points And how it's regulating and putting things back into order And how that would fix things. What's that that right there? Not anything. I love talking body system. That's right One of the best ways to really describe what that energy system is is it's Supplying the life-sustaining energy And information and information to the body, which is basically the innate wisdom of the body So this system is controlling the body of the innate wisdom. That's why it's so important So when you're subjecting yourself to a substance and then you're working on that control point, you're basically Educating the innate wisdom of the body to say hey Why are you reacting to this? It's a natural substance. Stop it All right, and then also the thing with this is to understand that sometimes The information itself is being stopped. So you can basically You're hopping over the the the point where it's being stopped By doing the touch. It's like two ends of a wire You're jumping over it and then it fixes itself because now it's getting that information again. So which is makes again Simplistic perfect sense that that would work and the fact that it does is very Spiritual degree Metaphysical it's very why the heck don't people tell us this stuff type of feeling that you get it's amazing But I know it looks like you got a call there so About that time Yep, that was them telling me my next version this year. Oh, okay, man. Oh, I guess it's time to sign off I said thank you so much. It's very good to see you. I appreciate it And I'll keep you up to date with what's going on. Hopefully this will be over soon, but hopefully It depends on what we can do on our side. I mean, we still don't know what they're after Right. Yeah, I'm gonna go when you when you when you sign off. I'm gonna go over your uh your sites so that people can help you out too again Okay, see you everyone See you. Bye dr. Mondo. Thank you All right. Yeah, so this is right here on the piece on screen the bam, but boom bam boom Okay Oops So what gives and Health freedom All right gives and health freedom I'll put this again into the uh live chat too Figures That All right, so it's in the live chat now picky bam And for some reason I wasn't seeing all the Messages I just looked over and I was only getting some of them Over to my uh Over to my stream yard. I didn't realize that that was a thing that was happening. I thought I had seen everybody's but I didn't see any of um And I see any apokas and I see polkas over there, but I don't I didn't see them over here. Sorry about that polka uh, let's see and then the other one is the This is the forums. I'm going to put this link in here This is the health freedom list. Okay. Now what he has here is Uh, it's it's a newsletter to keep you up to date and what the heck is going on with what's going on with him So The fight for freedom at well-being by design your information will be used Not be will not be used for soliciting any goods or service services nor will it be shared with any other entities No entities not even the not even the creatures of the other side none of those entities All right, so in the in the live chat you'll see those two links and when I Sign off from here. I will put those in the description as well But also when you look in description, you'll see that you have Dr. Monza product this is directly to the shop That directly into his book But and then there's a direct link to the azure standard, right? But in order to know what the discount codes are If you just go to you can click any of the ones that say simperfry and blah blah blah And I'm like to my book or this creatine or whatever. We just click on them What am I? Yeah, you see it If you just click on one of those then you then you can still get to these things and the discount codes will be Tharing you right in the face. So That's one of the advantages of going to my site to get to his sites is that you'll see the the discount codes right there too And right here is bb5 for the azure well Right And ta-da it works now what I like And so the beef liver is also in part of the The copper like he was like he was pointing out before But the things that interest me Would be like we've talked about the whole food vitamin the whole food C complex over here There's a pure collagen one here that I think might be working what I don't know if this is true or not But I should hopefully help out my shoulder Bulvicimic acid blend right there the mushroom that he talked about the core copper right there. That's a three right in the world But this thing goes on forever Right the glutathione plus right here. There's a turmeric and ginger that he was talking about And the ip6 if I probably already passed it, but there's a testosterone support. I'm interested in looking at that I think I have more than I'm supposed to have that my age. I don't know there's I feel pretty male healthy. Let's just put it that way um Bile and bladder he was talking about that one. Here's the ip6 and then there's two different forms There's the powder and then there's the capsules. I think this is the powder I want to say Because it says unflavored so you wouldn't call it unflavored if it was in the capsule, right? Because obviously it would be capsule flavored Unless he put sugar on it Oh a taurine. Hey, look at that taurine. I by the way, I also have a taurine coming out. So just saying Good stuff though. Let's see what he says about taurine. I'm curious Isn't amino acid essential for maintaining cellular and her integrity, right 20 plus is amino Sulfonic acid taurine a pivotal compound Trevalent with the heart and nervous system playing integral roles in a myriad of Physiological and biochemical functions. I take it every day. These roles span across cardiovascular system brain gallbladder Eyes and extend to influence the body's natural detoxification processes Or processes every way you want to go with it It says with the patema for a cardio bile and detox support right there Found in notable concentrations and various body tissues taurine is indispensable For numerous health facets being crucial for cardiac neural digestive optical and hepatic wellness Cardiovascular impacts Maintaining calcium and homeostasis and heart muscle And heart muscle cells essential for a consistent heart rhythm Neurological interactions with the brain taurine functions and now and now and now And how logously, wow, that was tough for me. You gave me to amino butyric acid or GABA, which I also take as an inhibitory Neurotransmitter this interaction results in neuronal stabilization modulating excitability in the central nervous system It looks like I have to bring my taurine out, but I was going to put it in my pre-workout So I maybe I just got to make my pre-workout and get it out there I've got all the powders. I got all the things ready. I just got to get it done That just felt with its inherent ability to conjugate bile acids Into essential bile salts taurine facilitates the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. Oh, that's perfect So if you're going to take stuff, you want to make sure you can dissolve it and use it underpinning optimal digestive health for the more studies suggest taurine's role in Augmenting gallbladder motility there by fostering gallbladder health Geetoxification and liver health. Well, that's good All kinds of good stuff in here. So taurine's a big deal. It's not a joke. It's good stuff And this one his has Hawthorne reishi mushroom and organic prickly pear as well So his is more enhanced Mind is just straight up taurine that I have a powder, but I'm using it as a pre-workout So it's going to be doing something this thing is This, you know, I mean the it's it's it's the it's the whole inch of data because it has everything else in it that needs that's necessary for it to do its thing Pretty cool Pretty cool There's taurine and bispot every energy drink you've ever taken to Usually about thousand milligrams one one gram Okay I have to pee so I'll see you guys later. Uh, did I show you everything I did? All right Bye And awesome that I got to see Dr. Monzo And we will be back on schedule again with Dr. Peter Clinton next week when he has power and maybe Dr Maybe Dr. Monzo will be available for that one too We'll still see I would like to see those two talk again. That's always fun Makes a lot makes a less work for me. It's gonna sit there and listen Take it all in All right later [BLANK_AUDIO]