Ba'al Busters Broadcast

SFR Deprogramming Through TRUTH (Cringe Warning)

We will venture into some sensitive territory...
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2h 9m
Broadcast on:
20 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Hey, all of you out there, if any of you have the time that I don't have to create an intro, or anything like that, bumpers, whatever, let me know. [MUSIC] Look away. The time goes past. It's crossed before. Away it must. Look away. [MUSIC] Maybe you will see it as you're passing by load. Below the moss forgotten, with some words that don't at stone. It might have been an etching, on a marker of a grave, or maybe on the walls of the cave. [MUSIC] All right, we're back. Hello. Good morning. Let me get rid of this stuff here. We have a little bit of time left on that section that we were watching yesterday. Okay, so we'll get right into that. I've got multiple tabs as always open, but there is a certain presentation I was planning on making, but I'm finding more and more stuff that I want to arrange every time. With my phone being broken, I have to watch videos instead of read, which irritates the hell out of me, but I can't see my screen because it's smashed. I put on the TV, which I hate to watch, put it on YouTube, and then watch the videos that don't drive me insane. It's not the same, but I am picking up some stuff for the show that I will add and share later. So I guess there's a positive there. I don't feel it. It just seems like it's making it longer and longer. Where's the time come to actually do all that? Thank you to all the new people who subscribe over on Patreon that is always appreciated and more stuff will be added. I've been making hot sauce the last, I don't know, a long time, so lots of orders going out. Books, more books should be arriving today, but I think they're already all claimed, so I'll be sending those out as well. Yeah, I have lots of plans and high. And high, you know, ideas and all this other crap, but as far as I have to look at this thing, otherwise that noise is going to continue to bother me. Dr. Peter Glidden may or may not be here today at 11 my time because they don't have power. So they have people coming out to try to fix that, but right now they don't have power. So that's that. If it does happen, it'll be at the, you know, I don't know if it's going to be something that. Once you get everybody all riled up and then it's everything's in chaos. If you do want to sit down for an hour and talk to somebody, I don't know if it's really the right way to do it, but Dr. Dr. Monzo was going to try to make that one today. So. Yeah. Hopefully it all works out. We'll see what happens. Yes, Dr. Monzo. Exactly. I know, right? Haven't heard from a while. He's been going through some poop. We've been in a really interesting talk, but maybe we'll just maybe we'll be able to talk to him. And a range of for him and Dr. Glenn and following week or something. Yeah. Um, I could go into mail and talk about the current events. But I mean, yeah, we all know what's going on. Right. I mean, what I wouldn't want me to say about this and who we want to see is doing it. Isn't it pretty obvious. We're being steered. We're being dragged by our nose hook in our ring in our nose off the edge of a cliff until I'm again. And that's what's happening. There's no way around it. The same culprits. There's no getting around it as we watched yesterday with the whole Trump thing that wasn't different. It was just a different mask. And that mask is getting put back on. And then potentially we're going to be forced to put mass back on, which I never did anyway, but, um, you know how it goes. We're headed. We're headlong into potential terrorist attacks. Uh, they're the bullshit that they lied to us about with Russia. It's not the same thing. Even with people who would like. He already have a fastest his his information is outdated. He's like talking about how Russia was 20, 30 years ago when he was living there. Well, that's not the same as what it is now. So he's saying that they're all disarray. Everything's broken down. It's like, yeah, that was then that was Yeltsin era. You're talking, right? You're not talking about what's happened and transpired in the last 25 years. So it doesn't make any it's like 2000 versus 2024. You know, and, uh, I think there's a big, I don't know. Like I said, I'd like to believe that there's somebody out there fighting this. Hell. Is that going to be good for people in the meantime? Well, that chaos is being figured out. Probably not. Um, these are going to be like. Why my Republic style inflation and destruction. That's what they want. Um, so that's what they want. They want starvation. They want chaos. They want you to beg. They want you to beg them for answers. And then they will provide them provided you get. Fully vaccinated with lots of lots of poisons and monitored internally. And have your phone be your spy. Is that the solution that we want for life? We want to continue to be further into the fake. That's what we want. We want to be the beast system. With digital currency. No, obviously, but this is what's going on. And they're going to say that, well, they're going way to combat. I don't see through through war with Russia or. Stevie DC. Not really a choice. So there. And as far as, you know, Russia doing what Russia has to do. And who really runs your country. America. You blame them. They know what kind of sin. It's happened to Russia months before and we were to the cause of it. Right. The little infiltrators that are still here, the. The merchants and thieves, the users. Those ones. The cutthroats, the bandits. Right. What could they do to Russia before? Good morning, polka. Hi. So yeah, I put it on the screen real quick. Good morning to everybody, but. There's a free podcast and exclusive content on the patreon, Disguise. The I S G U I S E the limits. More people are being. Going over there every day. I love it. Help helps out. Thank you. And then the book on Amazon is the quickest way to get it is Amazon. You want me to do it? I have to order it. It comes to me. I signed it. I write a little message in there and I send it out. It's. Takes longer. So if you want to. Do it that way. Good morning. How are you? All right. Let's kick this off. Let's finish off what we were watching here. We're at like minute 28 of 39 and then maybe we need to spill over into the next section a little bit. But I want the good times to roll. I want us to understand what was going on and why that was such a, you know, human life, being able to breathe, stretch their arms out and take a sigh was so detrimental to this evil that they had to destroy it and destroy it. They did. At least for then. At least at that time. Once you see how evil these are. It, you can't turn that shit off. It is the truth. Let me make sure that that's the right one. Let's click it real quick. All right. Yep. The term democracy means something it did not mean 100 years or even 50 years. On the screen, it says democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a country run by Jews as a pound as a pound, you know, as in, like the guy who inspired and pretty much commissioned. This moment to look into this, the Federal Reserve in the fifties, and he came out with the secrets of the Federal Reserve that predated that bullshit book that was basically a watered down version called the creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward. Words for Rockefeller Griffin. In fact, the National Socialists strive to revive and restore the term democracy to its original and rightful meaning. The National Socialist form of democracy was based on the principle of community of the people. The National Socialist electoral system was not based on the parliamentary system, but was none of the less democratic. The national system of government was largely based on referendum, in which the really important issues of the day were debated and voted upon by the German people. Thus, the National Socialist form of democracy was more pure and more representative than that of today. Right, and you have a bunch of dope say no socialist they were socialist no no you're missing the point. I'm going to read this in a second as soon as it climbs up the screen here. Hitler was aware that feminism was a clever Jewish cultural Marxist trick a trick to corrupt the people and destroy the founding blocks of the Western civilization. How about family right. IE heterosexuality and family unit Hitler said the phrase emancipation of women is only an invention of the Jewish intellect and its content. Oh, and its content is stamped with the same spirit. In the really good periods of German life the German woman never needed to emancipate herself. He continued. So called granting of equal rights to women which Marxism demands in reality does not grant equal rights but constitutes a god damn it deprivation of rights since it draws the woman into an area which she will necessarily be inferior the women has her own battle and then I can't read the rest because it went back it went black. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, no, I can't read the whole thing. I don't know why they would put something on there you can't read. That's retarded. Let's see. Into an area which you will necessarily be inferior the woman has her own battle field for every child that she brings into the world. Your rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, turn off the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, make a communication. Whew, sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check, rent collection, check, maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Call 303-974-9444 because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbak Chumbak Casino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to Chumbak now and live the Chumbalife. Sponsored by Chumbak Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18+ terms and conditions apply. She fights her battle for the nation. There we go. Each and every child in Hitler's Germany was considered a sacred blessing from above and a reason to celebrate. Motherhood was a cherished and noble act again. The cross of honor of the German mother was awarded to mothers who had many children. There's the big bad girdles there, right? Yeah, everything was a lie. Stop hating people. And you need to understand, if I have a female lawyer in front of me these days and it doesn't matter how much she has achieved. And next to her is a mother of five, six, seven children. And they are in great health and well-educated by her. Then I want to say, from the eternal point of view of the eternal value of our people. The woman who was able to have children has children and raised them. And thereby gave our people the ability to live in the future. That's not even if it's too complicated to change our people. She has achieved more. She hints. She assists us to avoid the death of our people. Meet and hold on to the focus of our minds. In 1933, Hitler passed a law that enabled married couples to obtain interest-free loans, minimum 1,000 Reichmarch equals to nine months' salary. To set up homes and start families. For each child's birth, the couple was allowed to keep 250 marks and did not have to repay it. Newly married couples with children received these generous loans repayable in 10 years, so they could buy a house or apartment. The birth of the first child would cancel a quarter of the loan. Four children would cancel the entire debt. Over a 10-year period, a family with four children would earn more than the amount of the loan. In the eyes of the National Socialist, women were viewed as the perservice of the tribe, the guardians of future generations. Everywhere in Germany, houses and apartments were built for their workers. Villages of small single-family homes were set up. The monthly payments were set so low that practically everyone could afford his own house. All houses were naturally constructed according to the highest standards of public health. At the 40 end of 1933, Hitler succeeded in building 200,000 buildings in accordance with his building program. Within four years, nearly 1.5 million were built for the German people. The monthly rent for a worker was only about an eight of his monthly earnings. The farmer's economic situation was also drastically improved. Could you imagine being able to keep your house going for just an eighth of what you make? In 1933 alone, 17,611 houses were built for farmers. Within three years, 91,000 such houses were built. The National Socialist were the first to actively campaign against smoking and personally funded the Institute for the struggle against tobacco. Germany became the first in the world to ban smoking on public transit. In 1937, his government enacted the first law which prohibited the sale of alcohol to minors and enacted stiff penalties for drunk and driving. He also introduced the first blood test for automobile drivers suspected of driving drunk. Adolf Hitler was the first person to create a law against the mistreatment of animals, recognizing it to be evil. A law imposing a total ban on animal experiments was enacted. The National Socialist declared an end to the unbearable torture and suffering in animal experiments, occurring announced in a radio broadcast, an absolute impermanent ban of the dissection. On my birthday, in 1933, I wasn't there then, but an absolute impermanent ban. He's going to say it. He's not only a necessary law to protect animals and show sympathy with their pain, but is also a law for humanity itself. The inhuman ritual slaughter of animals as kosher in halal was totally banned. I like that it says animal rights come before your stupid fucking religion. Yeah, that doesn't say like that, but I did. The Right Animal Protection Act was enacted. Germany even hosted an international conference on animal protection in Berlin. Education on animal protection laws were introduced at primary, secondary, and college levels. Animal protection was accepted as a subject to be taught in public schools and universities in Germany. With all of these fantastic achievements, German's self-confidence, national pride, and happiness skyrocketed. Germany were now free and independent without having to be in debt to the bankers anymore. Hitler became a living legend to his people as his policies put Germany back on its feet, and he was even named the Man of the Year in 1938. Extramanist or David Lord George said, "It is not the Germany of the decade that followed the warbroken, dejected, and bow down with the sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence. One man has accomplished his miracle. The old trust him, the young idolize him." Can you now see how, like, the whole Hitler Youth thing that they tried to demonize? Like, "Oh, he's corrupting the youth." No. No. He was making his people strong. It is not the admiration accorded to a popular leader. It is the worship of a natural hero who has saved his country from utter despotence and degradation. I have never met a happier people. So what we know about Adolf Hitler is like what we know about history. The victors, of course, write the history, don't they? They write the history, and they tell us a narrative, and we're supposed to swallow that bullshit as if it's true. The major crime of Adolf Hitler was that he got out. He got Germany out of a banking debt that was drowning the German people. In a cesspool of moral decay, drowning in debt. And he had the nerve to actually save football to the bankers and start printing their own money. And Germany went from a destitute post-world war country that was drowning. German started. No jobs, nothing. And he got them out of that debt and literally brought that nation back to a powerhouse within several years just by using their own money. That's the real crime that Adolf Hitler committed. Now I could sit here and talk in really exciting senses a little bit more about everything we've been taught about World War II and the Holocaust. But let us suffice to say that it fits in line with virtually everything we've been told about history in general, bullshit. And John F. Kennedy had the courage and the balls and integrity to bypass the Federal Reserve Bank to bypass this financial system and he was dead within six months and there ain't no coincidence there. Definitely not. We only need to do one thing to turn it all around. One thing, let's confront that financial system. Let us print our own money. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Now, these are not actions of an eagle man. This is a man who loves his country and loves the people in his country. [MUSIC PLAYING] However, the rebirth of Germany and its people was a thorn in the eye for the international bankers that you know what we're talking about because they could no longer control Germany or her people anymore. The communists had officially lost control of Germany, extreme agitation in the media against Hitler and Germany would be the resulting would be the result. Propaganda campaigns were now launched against him in the West by the Jewish-owned press. [MUSIC PLAYING] The propaganda would soon develop into one of the boldest, bloodiest battles of all human history. In 1936 Winston Churchill started to get jealous. All right, well, we know what happens next, obviously. But this is something that we can stick on this point real quick and just take a look at this attitude and this pattern, this pattern recognition here, when they started. I mean, and they do this sometimes as a false attack to like with media and, oh, because they never actually criticized Trump for the shit he did that was awful. They just came up with stupid things that made him seem like he's a writer, a right wing, blah, blah, blah, which was retarded because they never actually addressed the fact that he was destroying the constitution when he was because they like that. So they don't get into that. They don't want to highlight that, right? But this whole idea of us swallowing all this propaganda, we need to stop paying attention to it. We need to stop feeding it on energy. This manipulation through the media is where everything goes awry. If they didn't, if they weren't able to work us up into a, you know, a frenzy over some stupid thing, they wouldn't be able to get the support that they need to push things forward. Not that that I don't even know if that even matters anymore because there's too much indifference out there that they just tell you what your, what your thoughts are and people don't don't speak out. And then they go ahead and do what they say is the people's will, which is not at all. But this whole, I mean, if you see what, you see what happened with Germany and how it was prospering and of course, then income Satan, income. Saturn here, here comes Kronos. Here comes Yaldeboth. Right. The, the, that who, whom they actually truly worship and not this Yahweh nonsense, which is actually ball. Yeah. Germany is becoming too strong. We must crush her. You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or national socialism, but against the strength of German people. This is to even state this out loud is a psychopathic thing to say. It's a, it's a, it's a war against the people. That's why they targeted the people. That's why they targeted the innocent people. That's why they bombed citizens. Which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest. Interesting way to contrast that their buddy. Yeah. All right. Well, we get it. And that's the end of that one. So. There's. Hitler, the greatest story I never told. We can look at that. The one that I have to get into about the, you know, finally, maybe wholly, totally dispelling this whole. No, what do you call it? Delusion. No, that's the wrong word. Being stuck in the ether, like under the ether, not like. Ethereal, but like the drug, you know, like the chemical ether. Is that a better way to be in euthanized by religion. The stuff that they put out there and then try to manipulate us with. I was the best way to see that. I don't know. Was I on the fucking screen the whole time. I hate this fucking computer. Anyway, so moving on. We can put up this one right now. I'm going to play a little bit of this and then we'll get into the next one. It's in a different language, but it's okay. It's all in subtitles. Can you see it? And I still on the fucking screen. Get off me. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determinate competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing, screen tenants, drop out the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, make a communication. Sound complicated? Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check, rent collection, check, maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse. Hey there, it is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait, dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Can you join me? The Bible of National Socialism. He dictated much of the text here in his cell to his faithful follower, Rudolf Hess. On Saturday evenings, the other prisoners sat around as Hitler read out the completed chapters to them. The book as a whole dwells on the great obsessions which had come to dominate Hitler's political thought. The Jews. Racism. Living space for the German people. The evils of communism and parliamentary democracy. But it also includes Hitler's views on a variety of other topics ranging from boxing to syphilis. Minecraft will become one of the best-selling books of all time despite being banned in many countries after the war. Oh, and by the way, let me just show you real quick. When you come over to here, let me stop the screen. Let's see. This is You'll see these scenes scrolling. There's Europa right there. And they're just in blueberry or blueberry and DVD. All right, so if you go up to where it says shop, smack that button right there. There's all the books, and there's mine conf right there. Remember, B-A-A-L, or I think it's 10% off. Whatever it is, it's a discount. You can get it, I believe, in hardcover and paperback. Black and white, perfect. There you go. You'll wait complete and officially authorized English translation ever issued. Yeah, they added chapters to make him out to be a asshole. They do all kinds of jacked up stuff, right? That's not surprising. Put words in his mouth after the fact. So it's And the code for the discount is ball, B-A-A-L. The amazing appeal Hitler was later to exercise, but on his mastery of the spoken word. After prison, the leader or fura, as he now called himself, had a new political strategy. Instead of planning another coup, he aimed to win power at the polls. What was to win him millions of votes was instead his vision of a great national revival. Hitler's election opportunity came with the onset of the Depression. In a few years, one in three of the labor force was out of work. Ilse Venpal was a church social worker during the Depression, among the unemployed in the Berlin slums. The despair was so terrible as I can't describe it. You had everywhere beggars, wherever you went to Berlin, you had beggars. The democratic political parties offered no solution to millions of Germans. The only hope was Adolf Hitler. Do you mean to the marketplace? Do you know how much it costs for a loaf of bread these days? 500,000 marks? 500,000 marks? The wheelbarrows aren't big enough to carry the money in! The thing on the bottom is supposed to disappear, but it's not. I don't know what's going on. He's afraid I'll stir things up. You can tell Commissar Karl. This is not a time for silence. I support the Hitler because he, after having seen all that big poverty, all that poverty here, was the only one who could do social justice to the people here. He had that ability. The ability derived from his readiness to throw himself totally open, to appear as it were bare and naked before his audience, to tear open his heart and display, to throw on a few extra generators, and suddenly become absolutely charged with energy. We are going to be in peace, finally, in the end. We are in peace, finally. We are in peace, finally. We are in peace, finally, in peace, finally, in peace. It wasn't as though he was using words, as though the emotions came direct without words. It was a wrong spell to talk. We are in peace. Six and a half billion. So if you look up the name Francis Begby from Trainspotting, I guarantee you, I think I'm pretty sure I'm right on this, that's the actor who's playing Hitler in this drama, a dram-dization. Get me a hit, brother. I'm giving him a hit, I'm giving him a hit, I'm being a false type. You know, being a bad type is all, it's not me to say that it's not me to say that it's not me. Nobody said that, but this part of the moon, says that. Nobody says it, the way he says it. Hitler comes to power, not as he had hoped through outright victory at the polls, but as head of a coalition government. As this withering glance suggests, Hitler... It looks like he has to be on a note, too. ...dispises his coalition partners. He quickly outmaneuvers them and establishes his own dictatorship. A month after he comes to power, the Reichstag building, the Parliament building in Berlin is set on fire. And whatever they say about that, it most certainly wasn't him. It was a freaking bunch of red revolutionists. One of the guys I think came from Switzerland or Sweden, and that was the person that they caught. This happens to come at the time when he is constantly insisting that there is a communist plot to overthrow the new government and to scary out a revolution. And the Reichstag fire goes up in flames which everybody could see. Before that night was over, he had got a set of decrees drawn up, which transformed the situation particularly all the guarantees, which people in any democratic state, the freedom of speech, it's our freedom from arrest, all this is swept away. ♪♪ Wow, that sucks. You can't see it because it's bullshit on front. ♪♪ In 1920s, Berlin was known as the center of sexual perversion drugs into poverty. Once in power, Hitler ordered the city cleansed of these elements of seeing books, pornography, and communist literature were all burned by the national socialists. ♪♪ The clampdown will force Jews who were in control of all that depravity. Surprise, surprise. Prince U.S. liberals engaged such as Marlene Dietrichs, a known bisexual to leave for the U.S. Oh good, we got the garbage. U.S. ♪♪ Burning of pornography and communist literature. Good kindling. A majority of Germans tolerate the burning of books, the banning of other political parties, and the setting up of a police state. I don't like the way he's framing that. I think that the narrator is an asshole. Whoever just framed it like that. This is absolute filth and trash that is going up in flames. He should be a little bit more happy about it. Because Hitler offers a way out of the depression. If he's doing things which are not so good, which haven't, then we said, "Well, you have to take the half of this as well." The dictatorship seemed to be the only way to get out of the mess. Right, and I think that that's a positive. When you have corruption everywhere and putting it in your own, obviously in your own government, you can't sit up as a committee when you know that there's poison infiltrated in through everything. You have to have one centralized person taking care of business and being able to do that. Otherwise, they're going to hold your hands down. They're going to tie you down like freaking gulliver's travels. They're not going to get anywhere. So, in certain points, in certain instances, you have to take full control. Otherwise, it's pointless. You're not going to get anywhere. So, I thought it was a good thing that a could be all this nonsense and other did something. Really did something and that I could predict. He also said in four years he'll drop everything and walk away. If it wasn't for the war, he probably would have. He eliminated the crushing unemployment that Germany suffered. And he gave millions of people new confidence and indeed welfare. They were doing better, much better. This is the difference between talking to when a political position in actually doing big, big, freaking difference. All these people that they parade out in front of us so they can do their little song and dance. And then they just go right back to doing the same thing that APAC tells them or whomever else, whomever else in the same vein of international Zionism tells them what to do. That's why things don't get better because it was all bullshit. And we keep putting up with it because we love the pretty lies. But if you even did a fraction, feeling to the fraction of what you said, the amount of turnaround that would occur in the face because of the complete defiance of those who are actually really in charge. And that's what he proved when he came into power. I can't get rid of those subtitles on the bottom. When Hitler assumed power in 1933, there were 7 million unemployed Germans, the highest per capita unemployment rate in Europe at that time. In only his first year in office, an unprecedented 3,374,000 were helped back to work and not bullshit work. So here's the thing too, we got to understand this. When government tells you that they created new jobs like in the Clinton administration or Obama, they're talking about expanding the federal government. A bunch of useless positions that suck away your tax money. That's not the same thing as productivity. So make sure that you understand the difference between the two. An inflated federal government is not the same as bringing people back to work. Hitler's brilliant and innovative ideas included building in waterways, the length and breadth of the country with housing units provided for workers, workers families would then eagerly spend the newly earned wages contributing to a fast growing economy. What just happened? What just happened? Does anybody see the amount of sabotage that occurs? What the fuck is that? Jesus Christ. Wow. Yeah, awesome. So where were we? Because that was absolutely trash. This just happened. I don't know what the hell we were. What the hell? What? No. Why is this dancing around? After the propaganda trial for his trial, Hitler set out to write the Bible of rational socialism. This is what we just did. Not done watching. Among them was the former British. What the hell? What the hell are we doing to my eyes? This is. All right, is this where we are? Yeah, now I gotta back it up. Sorry, but hey, I'm dealing with the bullshit that occurs. So I have to deal with it as it comes. Fucking bullshit. I just decided to drop its ass. Okay, are you going to move or what? Way behind this. I think this kind of. All right, here we go. Are you already was given to health and fitness to the nation, especially the youth free health care and generous financial support were provided for expected mothers. The world's first anti smoking campaigns are also introduced. I mean, I think that I think Europa did a much better job with this, especially on the emotional and making it more, you know, defining than just the scrolling bunch of words. It was now government policy to protect the environment and wildlife. There's a good one. Crime was virtually eliminated with city streets made safe to walk again. And if you knew that that in contrast to what Berlin was like, that's, that's an amazing achievement workers. No, people don't want to be in that in that state of existence. You show them way out, they'll get there in the pieces of shit that don't want to do anything to help themselves to help them, not human anyway screwed. You want to sit in the model in their own field, let them workers subsided. So workers subsidized by the government would take away take holidays abroad. God damn sorry. Hitler is the first in Europe to introduce a 40 hour work week with extra pay for overtime. That's awesome. That's where we get those ideas factories are now required to provide to provide workers with restrooms and a cafeteria. How could you not have restaurants? The NSDAP national socialist right leadership looked upon the changing the charging what let me start over. The NSDAP leadership looked upon the charging of interest on loans as immoral. And by forcing banks to abolish the practice of usury millions were freed from the slavery of debt. Okay, that's maybe the most important thing to read right there. Let's read it again. The natural socialist leadership looked upon the charging of interest on loans as immoral. And by forcing banks to abolish the practice of usury millions were freed from the slavery of debt. It was a spectacular financial recovery, not witnessed before or since, and often referred to as the greatest economic miracle of all time. Meanwhile, most Western countries were still mired in the Great Depression. Yes, and all deliberately so you get your you get your 1913 Federal Reserve Act that brings us straight into hell and nobody even blames the bank. Nobody even blames the fact that there's a central bank eating and rotting away the country and the people that were in charge, the masons and the and the fellow travelers that were pushing forth the capitalist agenda. They were doing their very best to make it the most severe of a depression as they could, including price fixing freaking cattle while people were starving, meaning they were killing them by FDR's degree. While people were starving, they were wasting the cattle and not using it for anything so they could price fix, collectivization in us. I think we're good here. I mean, you want to watch the last five minutes for us to do it or whatever it is, seven minutes. You guys read first. They came in that tens of thousands, full of youthful idealism to worship the fear and the awesome surroundings of the Newenburg Stadium. Among the worshipers in the Hitler youth was Alphonse Hej, now a writer on the Nazi period. The massive turning point in my life were created the age of 10. From that moment on, I would remain beholden to Adolf Hitler long and have F.L.R.D. sheet. I was one of 82,000 members of the Hitler youth lined up in the zeppelin sphere. I stood in the first row. When Hitler began to speak, they were just two inverse thursness, finally to see our God. When he appeared on the podium, I was afraid to look at my neighbor because I didn't want him to see the tears in my eyes, my knees were shaking. When Hitler beamed down on us, he calmed us down by lifting us. That's the emotional response he get from being in the presence of something that's really good that's really happening and not just some facade that's being played as a scheme upon you. Hence, both hands several times. When he began to speak, it was a very conversational tone. Man, two boy, father, two son. And he said how fortunate we were to live in this new age. And he said from now on you, no longer have to fear any class distinction, you're all one. But the essence and the emphasis occurred in the final sentences. He leaned over the podium and I know you look straight into my eyes. And he said, you, my boys, the young of Germany, live in a fortunate time because you are the standard parents of the movement. You will inherit what we have so far created. And from that moment on without any doubt, I was born to a lot of people long until after what he did. [Music] The mid 1930s were the halcyon years of Hitler's Germany. Germany was at peace, her prosperity restored, her national pride recovered. To those prepared to ignore or justify the police state, it seemed a beautiful Germany. A host of distinguished foreign visitors, many with impeccable democratic credentials, came to call on the Führer at his mountain retreat, the Beggov. Among them was the former British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George. With LG was his secretary, Albert Sylvester. Hitler ran down the flight of stairs to welcome LG as he got out of his car, shook hands with him most warmly and conducted us into the inside of the Vera. This massive room, the only light of which came from a massive window, which was terrific. I've never seen such a window. Lloyd George said, "You have done great things for Germany. You have restored her honor. And you have paid for her equal rights." Well, there you go. So this one is called Hitler. The greatest poet never told, right? And there's 27 parts to it, all about 15 minutes or less, and you can find that places. You can find it places. Hopefully some place that doesn't have all these subtitles covering half the screen. Well, you're watching it. That'd be probably better. I guess it doesn't matter if you're listening to it. I speak free radio. By the way, speak free radio. Yes. has all those books that I mentioned. Also, hold on. What's going on over here? Well, yeah, I know, right? Yeah, right. Oh, man. Yup, they're about to do it again with the bird flu. Yes, exactly. This is a setup there. There's no liberation of mankind to be had by Donald J. Trump. If anybody, when you frame it like that, it sounds pretty ridiculous to even assume that that's what's going on. The silver crown, you know, messiac of the freakin' Jews, right? That guy, I don't think that's going to happen. Sorry. He didn't do it the first time around. He sure as hell, what will happen? Everything can be undone with an executive order when the next guy comes in, which means it was all freakin' put together with popsicle sticks in the first place. Oh, we had economic this and that. Oh, yeah, great. Yeah. How long did it take to destroy it all? There you go. Oh, that's not his fault. Shut up. Shut up. Look at who he was surrounded by. It was set up so it could be knocked down. They were pins. Pins were set up so they could be knocked down. And then he could come back in and be like set them back up again. Yeah. Great. Nope. All right. So, what are we doing here? I've got a couple of videos that I'm going to kind of introduce a new a new topic here. We're doing it at the 857 mark, I guess. But it's, I've got to tell you right now, before we even get into it, that it's not quite what I wanted to present. Like, there's pieces that I want to address. And in conjunction with my book, that's why I got to make it like into a documentary type video and then play it for you here because otherwise it's going to. There's going to be a lot of extra and gentle stuff that I don't really need to get us off track. There's certain types of information when it comes to this Abrahamic death cult, this trifecta of Abrahamic death cults, regardless if you're talking about Judaism, which is a death cult in itself. And it's a mask for, and you can't, if you want to argue that that's fine. People are welcome to be wrong as much as they like, but it's not, it's not, it's not deniable. It's undeniable. When you look at deals, you'll see. So where do we start with that then? Because I think first we break our brains out of the problem that we have believing that the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. Right. First we break our, we break our programming is what we just went through with the whole. Series on Europa, and we will return to that to refresh our memories. But what's the other big crutch, the big deception that's keeping us pinned to the ground by our, by our knees. And that would be this, this death cult that comes in three forms at least three main forms. It's a triangle, right. So either your nation of Islam, who also has a giant black cube, which is a Saturn symbol at the kaba with the black stone of Mecca. And you know, secured to it. So you have, you have that, and they do certain, certain regulations of seven times to represent the rings of Saturn, not knowing that's what they're doing it for. And it's all a big ritual that is a joke to the people who don't understand what they're doing and why they're doing it because it's just tradition so just do it. We talk my wife about this lately, she thinks that nuts. Yeah. Yeah, well, you know, it's what happens. It is what happens because it's, it's pretty deep. It requires you to have to. So here's what helped, what's helpful is if you go through a whole lifetime full of programming, as we all do through school, not knowing that we're supposed to be cautious of what we're taking in and what we're absorbing and what we're holding true as our foundation in which we then measure the rest of the world on right, but you know, we're given a certain. Givens that we're supposed to then measure the rest of the world that as we see things, if we're even thinking at all, which is, you know, a smaller fraction of the people who actually do that. So then if you're, if your base data is corrupt, then everything that you measure from then out is going to be inaccurate and it's going to give you erroneous conclusions and false feedback. Right. So how do you fix that? Basically, you have to go through a series of what some way call a death and rebirth in the mind. And how do you do that. There's ways, trust me, there was a there's ways that you can do by accident. I won't say a chemical lobotomy would be a proper thing to do. There are ways to put everything that you've felt so strongly about in question without destroying your mind itself. And I would say psilocybin did it for me, or some other thing similar to that. It wasn't a hallucinogen, which hallucination is a false term anyway it's seeing something that's not normally seen and not not seeing something that isn't there. It's just a different way that your brain perceives the data if through a different filter system then what normally is put in place. So there's that, because honestly there's really good there's fright. I mean, otherwise you're stuck in that in that frame of mind where you're still filtering everything through that same screen in that screen is the what's the problem. You're never going to be able to get over that because you're going to reject stuff even if it's plainly said to you that's a subversion part right you have to basically cleanse yourself of all that. Mind happened by accident. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. 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And I thought I was pretty wild awake in 2011, 2012, you know, hating the government thinking that everything's bullshit, screw taxes, screw all this stuff. What's false authority? And that was all good and fine. But, you know, it takes a different level of saying our very government is at fault for murdering people in our own country and then blaming it on Muslims, you know, in 2001. You know, it's a whole different level to say, yeah, the people who we've been told our entire life are evil demons are actually the ones that try to liberate all mankind and set things right, at least in their country. And that's all they needed to care about was their country because that's where their people, and that's the thing. If he, if they were the horrible things that they said they were, they would have imposed that upon others. Imagine, imagine how sad that would be if we were if freedom, true freedom was imposed upon us. Oh, oh darn. Right. Prosperity in the lack of usury. Oh my God. Stop it. Stop the torture. What's that you say 10% of my income is all it takes for me to pay my bills. Oh wow. I don't want any of that get that out of my face. You big it. So yeah, I was watching something that we played this we played that thing what's going on and like how what Russia really is and what the expenses are these days and that's Moscow which is expensive. It's nothing like it's nothing like it is here. We're being gutted out. We're being the fact that I have to worry about making $5,000 every month just to pay our bills is freaking insane. Right. That's just the bills. Just about $5,000 a month. That's if I don't like pay by food and gas and shit like that. So, I mean, and that's, and that's only me being only me doing that because the other ones think that they're independent. The other one, the other one on my level, supposedly things that as long as she pays for her crap and her that somehow she's independent when she's not paying for the bills. Whatever. Yeah, that's the burden on my shoulders. Yeah. But anyhow, let's, let's start this video here. Let me check one more spot because there's another, there's another thing that I, it's. Yeah. Yeah. I think we got a good spot here. I just want to, we started playing this during the, what makes me apprehensive is that I started playing this during the wonderful conversation I had with Dustin Nemos. Good story, bro. Good story, bro, is all I could fucking say because he can't be an adult. And by the way, did I tell you, he's, he's, he has this thing called uncensored church, which is basically his little cult. Yeah. Yeah, he has a, he has a lot to, to protect by, by protecting that atrocity that they call over the religion. It's not against God at all. I'm just saying what they're calling God and religion is evil. And they shouldn't do that because not because it'll make God angry, but because it's not right to drag his name through the mud. And have this really horrible perception of a God who wants to destroy and kill everybody. That's Saturn. That's, that's canonite stuff. Right. That's not, that's not the benevolent creator. And if you won't believe that. Oh, well, there was never, but I've heard this argument, there was never a benevolent creator. That's what you perceive because we've kind of led you in that direction, but it's not. It's not there. So you shouldn't be looking for that in the Old Testament. There's a thing with that. If you, even if it's wrong, right? Where did all these other archetypes come from? From the minds of people, right? All these gods. If they weren't actual people themselves, and this is a thing that happens to the Anunnaki and the whatever other gods, the Norse gods. Living beings, whether they were people this tall or that tall, who cares? Not the point. The, the point is they were probably flesh and blood beings at one time that were then deified later in the minds and memories of people. And then the legends occurred and they built them up over time and then they were the gods that did this and gods that did that. You know, and it was more like a structure of like a governmental structure, but they had gods for everything, right? Deities. So with that being said, the archetypes and what people's impression of things are over time, you know, as their culture changes is what you get for these myths. It's coming. It's being generated through the, through the person. So these archetypes don't have as any more of an existence than your false impression of the. Of a benevolent creator. So in a sense, you created it, even if it wasn't there. But I'm telling you that it is the all father, Ralda. God in the seventh level of, you know, Aeon, whatever you want to call it, that doesn't have much interaction with us. But it is the benevolent creator that creates all other things, emanations, aeons, all that stuff. So that is a thing. So don't blame the one on the very top for the shit that's happening on this on the sub levels with all these other wicked evil characters who want to pretend that they're the one above it. You know, don't get stuck. We're shipping the the assistant to the manager. Right. We're getting, we're getting the assistant to them. And what's his name? Dwight. We're getting Dwight from from off from the office. That's who we think is the Yahweh. That's what Yahweh. He's the assistant to them. He's the assistant manager. He's the assistant to the manager. Right. So let's not worry about him too much. Let's not get our heads wrapped around that guy too out. That's pouring out. Now I was looking for the video that I had played. When I had Nemo sign, I didn't see it. So we're going to jump into something else a little bit. Oh, it's good. Don't worry. It'll be plenty strange. But we're going to play a little bit of this. You're going to you're going to see more than I was going to show at first because it's kind of like a hammer over the head. But it's whatever when I when I structure this into an actual presentation with David Litwell and others got other guys who I guess apparently if you see anything in contrast. So here's the other thing about about Dustin. He said something about Jewish scholars. It being being the full for this thing about the Old Testament like that's their book, dude. If you think that they're trying to pull something up, they need people to believe in that stuff. That's how they're manipulating everybody into this whole red heifer final judgment does nonsense. They need you to be they're not going to tear apart their own book. That doesn't make any sense. It's like the logic. The the the Socratic reasoning is not in part, you know, in play with him. Like because they would be self defeating and they're not they're not that dumb. They're not creative. They're just not what they're but they're clever. Right. They're not going to be that stupid to do something like that. So his argument is not very good. That is, oh, because of that that they're, you know, they're trying to take it down. They're trying to do this. It's like they wouldn't try to attack the Old Testament, the Torah. That's not that's not what they would tread. They might say something about Jesus Christ, but it's actually just to make you want it want it more. It's a reverse psychology thing that they do with that so that you don't question that part of the side up either. They push you from one section of the side up to the other. And that's that's just how it goes there, you know, it's like a, opposing, you know, equal equal magnet, you know, a negative to a negative so that repels it, but it's pushing it towards something else. All right. Yeah, I don't know where I don't know where I put that little video of it. So I'm just going to put up this instead. It's going to get weird though. I'm going to give you a warning right now. This is, this is Ammon Hillman. Dr. He doesn't use his name David because David is a murderer, right? David murdered three people in succession to get to where he was and David of the Bible. And this is why when Jesus, I don't think that's a real thing when he's like, yeah, I'm the son of David, just to get his claim mistake that's something that a writer wrote to refuse to the Old Testament to the new. Because, and then the whole merivigian thing doesn't make any sense either because if your perception of Jesus is this guy who's awesome and wonderful. Well, the merivigian bloodline or a bunch of fucking ruthless murdering assholes. So, how would that be in, you know what I mean, like, did the level of behavior in the conduct would have to be somewhat similar for that to be real. You know what I'm saying that either his, his, his seed is freaking psychotic. And they just lost their shit and lost their minds after Jesus or there's something else going on there, like a big fat lie about the merivigians and all that stuff. None of it makes any sense if you just look at what they're doing like okay, this is their conduct this is how they operate this is what they're involved in. I'm saying, how was that something that is, you know, carrying on the legacy, it's not evil. All right, hold on. So this one's going to get weird. I'm telling you right now I'm going to start at the 255 mark. He's going to start talking about some stuff. And it's going to get strange, but I'm going to do some commentary as we go to. This is, this is like the hat. This is like the, the, the most unwise way to do this. It's like, it's a little invasive. But this is Dr Dave, Dr. Emmon Hillman. Members DC Hillman, DC Emmon. I don't care about these theories, I'm not selling people merchandise. All right, so his, his position is. It's a little strange he, he has studied. Greek ancient Greek for like 35 years. He was, he's a doctor. He was a universities. He went to sites and digs in Israel at some strange occurrences happening there, which is interesting because the same thing happened to. Vernon Howell, who we know is David Koresh when he went to Israel, like there's something, there's something evil in the dirt in Israel that is like. Possessing people. I'm not saying that did it, that it did a negative thing to David Koresh did Vernon Howell. I think actually did something good positive. But there's something weird. There's something weird out there and there's a struggle. It seems like in that God forsaken place. Between two different powers and that they, they influence people. And now with, with Dr Hillman. He is, like I said, very, very well versed in the use of ancient Greek and what it really truly means in the multiple multiple words that. Are created through that language like 250 to 500,000 words because it's way you build upon words right. So there's multiple variations of what things mean and he's been studying this and you'll never stop studying it because it's that's how many words are crazy right. So he's saying that the translations are absolute garbage and that there's lazy translators out there miss translations, potentially deliberate ones. But the stuff that actually did make it into the Bible itself is very questionable because the assumption that it means one thing is not correct. I'm here for those texts. That's what I'm here for. And I love how so often in your interviews you bring up just nuances of the origins of words in the ways that, you know, the words evolved and what they mean. That you really if you're just going with English translation we lose so much of the richness of it and I think you've pointed out well too that a lot of our, those of us that have deconverted from Christianity. Like a lot of our drive at first is just to say this is a bullshit worldview it's not real, but then as we heal from that and get regrounded and reclaim our identities as it were, you can kind of have that freedom to go back to the Bible and say okay, now that I know this isn't a real God, but what is this book because it's got some really cool stuff everything from. You know, Gemma Triodemorology astrotheology ancient epic stories it's like. Rights and rituals that some people take literal that's one of the biggest problems that there's reading a story that seems fantastical or nonsensical but what they don't realize what they're reading is an actual right and ritual a ceremony. A Dionysian ceremony at times, but definitely magical definitely something that they don't get because they're reading it as a literal translation and they're missing the point that they're talking about drug experience and other things like little, I'll just let him talk. This stuff is full of a way of little little mysteries and you end up having quite a respect for the people that wrote it not because you think it's reality but just because it's a really amazing book. Yeah, and I think it's got a lot of dirty, dirty sex and drugs, and it's got it's got an undervalued people don't people don't get the scene. See, what a lace days actually does and that's what Jesus called himself I denied it when a cop showed up at four am and guess somebody and nobody Tim, nobody sees the naked kid that Jesus was with when he was arrested. Nobody knows what he's doing there. Why he has a medicated band at John's private parts, right? And Jesus is raising his hands and comps show up. He's like, Oh, I love lace days. That word lace days. That's a child trafficker Tim. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. 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Jesus is saying he's not a child trafficker upon his arrest in the company of the naked mind. Why did nobody. Why did none of my pastors tell me that. Why did the Dallas theological seminary not explain that to me when I enrolled. I had to leave Dallas theological seminary because their Greek program stank. I didn't know you went there. My parents went there. That's interesting. I do want to get into the Greek and all the stuff with the Garden of Gethsemani and other things in the, you know, Zeus Persephone dynasty stuff. But could I ask just before we get into the meat of your research, which is itself, you know, could take hours and hours just to dig into the surface level that but for this, for the sake of my channel. The things that we love to do is just really hear people's stories. So could you take a few minutes, I don't know your story so we'll go as long as we need to with this part of it and then we'll jump into your research but could you just tell us how did you get exposed to Christianity and what was your journey like. Sure. So just quickly, I was a child listening to Dr Jay Vernon McGee graduate Dallas theological seminary child that read Lewis Barry Shafer. Dr. Ironside all these great commentators and just some of the greatest Baptist Christianity theology you could possibly imagine so you know by the time I was in high school I went to a special high school. And by the time I was there, you know, I was teaching Sunday school, because the youth pastors you guys know how it is out there you're bad because you know how it is. It's not always quality, you know what I mean it's not always, you know, people who are, you know, come on, we need some good teaching so I taught Sunday school. And I went to mission and volunteered in a mission where I helped to convert a bunch of people who needed conversion, mostly from alcohol mostly from alcohol and we fed them. And they were hungry so they were kind of forced captains. Right, but I worked within the machine to create men and women who committed their lives to Christ, who were born again, and who could have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. I was there completely, I completely. Can ask, can ask real quick question on what you just said, knowing that you did preach and save some people and I did the same thing with church and soup kitchens and street corners. Do you feel guilty at this point about that like almost as if you want to make amends. No, not at all. I don't feel guilty about any of my converts whatsoever. Because I gave them part of an experience, a psychological experience that acted to submerge them really in a reality that that is quantum. And I don't, I don't look back on those experiences as bad as a bad thing for those people for any of them. Yeah, yeah. I was realized I was coming up to when the politics had just started permeating. And you too, I'm sure this is part of this is part of your experience as well. But, and that kind of indoctrination, you know, I was already used to that and rejecting the politics and the money because that scheme that Christianity is built upon of the exchange of this for that that eternal life, which is funny. That doesn't exist. By the way, for all the Christians out there. Right. eternal life doesn't exist. It's not a concept. Right. Ionic life is the life that Jesus says he can give you. Ionic life, and that's a term from the ancient mysteries. And that term was actually examined by the diagrams, who talks about the different degrees of the universe. There's 360. And they talk about this within the functioning of the mystery when you say mystery, you and I look at it as if it's a fairy tale concept. There's this thing book mystery. Oh, I'm partaking it. No, it's a religious operation and antiquity. And when you read those texts and suddenly realize, oh, they're not talking like we are about a fairy tale. They're, they're, they're talking about people within history. To me, that's the real, that's the real magnetism. These texts are so on. There's so much beauty in this ancient Greek. And that's what needs to be fiercely defended and given to people. That was part of my break, Tim. I was in Aristotle, right, in order to train myself through the university. Right. I got my bachelor's in classics. Why is that I could go on to seminary and be able to function at a high level of competency with the text. So, and when I got to the seminary what was going through my head was a lot of Aristotle and a lot of the classical philosophy and history and tragedy drama. And then when you realize that their tragedies are just religious performances. You realize, Oh, shoot, right. That put that together with the stuff that that I started to see on the medical side and there's cracks. I don't have to disprove God exists. I don't have to disprove Jesus exists. I don't, I don't care about him is him or any extremity. I want those texts. And so I got to the point that I left Dallas the illogical center because the training was, I went to John Walberg, who was president at the time. Look, this is not working. It's not working. What happened. You know, I told him about to his credit. He said, the standards are not what they used to be to his total credit. Right. And so I then went on and said, Well, I got to go get the tools that I need and that's going to be on the side where classical philologists are. I don't want to. Can I clarify with that time though with in parallel with your educational concerns. Were you through this period of going to church teaching a church doing missions. Were you what we would call in a personal relationship with Jesus where you were praying and not just reading the text for the sake of learning and understanding the backgrounds and the cultural context and the linguistics. But as it were a love letter that Jesus wasn't just a character in this story but he was the true God and he was the lover of your soul that bought you with the price of his own blood. Like how deep were you in this. I was, I have a very, very, and I still have a very, very personal relationship with Jesus Christ, completely. You would say you still do. If you'd yes, if you aren't born again. I'm sorry. There's no admits. If you don't walk into that temple and see that says know yourself. Jesus is just practicing ancient religion and that's all he's doing. So, if you can't have that relationship, then there is no reality. I had and have a very personal relationship. Now, once I found out he was resting with a naked kid, things went kind of. No, I'm not sure. And it was downhill. As I increased my capacity for reading. And this is what I'm talking about Tim. There are people out there and your audience will be able to appreciate this. They will throw in your face. I do Greek or I do Hebrew. They'll do that and then all of a sudden you don't know whether what they're talking about is accurate or not. It's somebody like me can hear it on the classical sign Greek and Latin can hear it. Why? Because and I train people. Now that's what I do. It wasn't. I train people to be able to access those original texts. But in the process, you can hear it when somebody's off and when they're not on a text like they should be. That's the that only comes from reading everything and we have so, so much. You know the popular stuff. I have seen it just a huge sea of stuff that I can mention authors to you that you will never have heard of. But we're incredibly important and antiquity and quoted and have beautiful, beautiful stuff. I mean, amazing. Amazing. That's why that's why some of that stuff is woven into the New Testament. It's not like it's woven in. It's a document that all those individual letters and gospels are documents from antiquity. We treat those the same as you would Homer as you would Virgil as you would any of the contemporary Roman authors. Those are treated the same. This is not magic la la world. I taught in seminary. This is not that world. Right. This is not we have these texts. They belong only to us. No, they're just another set of texts from the ancient world. So in that context, there's nothing woven into them there as completely native as something written in Hellenistic. Alexandria like the Septuagint the thing that we call the Old Testament. It's original is not Hebrew. That Septuagint is a native Greek work. Bam. And that's what I was saying to the most as well. The Hebrew came after. Yeah, it's a native Greek word linguistically. I'm saying linguistically. Right. And it's coming from the third century. Those terms that are BC, third century BC being used. I can show you that those terms are coming from Hellenistic Alexandria. Fantastic. Before we get into some of that I do want to step back then because you kind of threw me for a loop when you said you still have a personal relationship with Jesus. I wasn't sure if you were speaking tongue and cheek there, but I'd like to understand what you mean by that. You don't actually believe that Jesus is the real creator of the universe. Right. Do I believe that Jesus is the real creator? I don't believe anything. I am an investigator. I'm a worshiper of reason. The classics have defiled my brain. They have enabled me to reach up. And it's a stretch man coming from Anglo-Saxon. It's a stretch to reach up to fill the capacity that the Greek has. That's who I am. What he's saying there too is that because the Greek is such an all encompassing and just incredibly detailed language that the Septuagie and things like that, there's concepts in Greek that don't translate into an 8,000 word Hebrew when you have 500,000 words. Things are not just lost in translation, but they thought in Greek, which means that was their primary language. It wasn't their secondary, which goes back to the whole idea that I was proposing and showing when I read that piece from that book called The Laughing Jesus that they wrote in Greek and thought in Greek, these Hellenistic Jews, meaning that Taume Soder during his reign taught them to be literate in the first place. And no sooner did he do that that they started revising history to put themselves in the center of everything. And they utilized the myths of those of those eras in that time, and rewrote them in a different way to make themselves the most important people in the world. So you say you have a personal relationship? Do I believe in anything? No, no, I don't. I believe that reason is what gives us the human right to proceed forward into the frontier. That's it. If it doesn't stand with reason. If I have a personal relationship with Jesus, you better believe it. We've already been wrapped up together into history. So you better believe it. So you mean that in the sense of like someone that loves Shakespeare's works and was just a master that would say they have a personal relationship with Shakespeare, not that they're calling Shakespeare a God or divine figure or something. It's just, it's part of your story at this point. There's a deeper, there's a deeper level in that you and I both know that. Well, I was given a talk once, and a guy came up to me at the end of the talk. This is in Gloucester. And it was a gentleman who had been molested, not just molested raped. Rapes full on by a priest. And it was one of the priests that first broke. They made a movie about this guy. I didn't know. They just walked up to me. And at that it was Boston, that old Boston breaking of the child rape with the priests. Anywho, he was crying. He came up to me after talking, he was crying. And I had been giving a talk. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenet strap at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, make a communication. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualified tenants? 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And all I was doing, I wasn't giving him ideas. Or, you know, academic foolery. All I was giving him were the text on the ritual rape. All I was doing was bringing that out, reviving it for them to see historically. Does that guy have a personal relationship with Jesus? You darn straight, he does. Will he ever lose that relationship? No. No. Will I? No. I've been there. Other people have been there. Julian, the apostate has been there. Although he was kind of hiding all the time because they just killed all his family. Never mind. I think you're using the idea of a personal relationship with Jesus in a slightly different way that I mean. But I think I understand. As long as we're clear, we're not telling our audience that there are sinners in need of a savior and that Jesus is magic, blood will save you. But go back to your story. Could you tell us when you were looking at this? And you began to see the text more and more of what they were. At what point did you begin to question the whole narrative of whether or not the Christian worldview was accurate, that there really was a sin issue and that Jesus really was the real actual savior of people's souls. Yeah, you know, I don't think there is a particular time when that congealed together. As I investigated and just aged and investigated the text themselves. There came a point that I could no longer morally uphold what Christianity is. And if you want to say, there's one similar moment when I said, I cannot go back. Is the boy moment. As soon as I saw that in the original and look, there's also a text that's been the scholar who discovered it. And translated, it got in big trouble for doing kind of got repressed, but we do have a text of pseudo clement that talks about Jesus doing things with kids. And he's doing sexual things within the context of the mystery. And when people look, you want a lightning moment, try this one. What happens when you realize that the apostles are teenage boys, they're not adults, they're teenage boys, all of them. And John the youngest is probably about 10, 10 to 12. Where do you get that right? Nobody ever questions that your audience I'm sure right now I'm looking around like what right when you, when you do this. But yeah, wake up, wake up and look at the text. Right. There those monetists. They're not growing man. That's why they live so long after he does the ones that make it that's when he lives so long because they're just kids. And now you understand why he's walking around calling them his little sheepies, his children. He doesn't, he doesn't interest them as an equally as a 30 year old man talking to children. Right, taking them to an upper room and a shady set of circumstances now with the guy with this is going to happen if you follow, if you follow just the mystery terminology. Right. You have to be led to the conclusion that something is actually going on that when he raises his hands and he says, I am not a child trafficker. I think that's it. And, you know, look, I've been into the ancient cult. This is maybe an additional way of answering your question. I've seen the ancient cult. I've seen it. I've worked with the text that works with the magic text that nobody looks at. Nobody studies these things. And they all have, you know, there's just German scholar back in the 30s. The German classicists in the 30s were extraordinary, just like the Brits, but two decades before the extra ordinary. You know, this is the good period when they're editing text that nobody reads. And I go back to these texts and begin reading into the cult that's going on around the mystery, and how the mystery is executed. Dude, you can trace all that stuff just through the drugs if you want, and it all becomes sexual. When you talk about the drugs, he worked with Galen texts, which thousands upon thousands upon thousands of pages were written in Galen was translating the ancient Greek and talking about the medical, or the drugs of that era in that time. But when you see what those terminology is when it comes into play with the quote unquote religious texts, that's where he's where he's going with this that there's not just an overlap, but there's, they're talking about something that other people completely miss because understanding the medical or the mystery as in the the magical working that they're doing. The ritual that involves those drugs and they're describing it in a way that they're achieving some sort of, you know, connection with beings or gods or whatever but it's all in the framework of a drug induced experience. That kid that was with him a diagnosis style, or if you want to call it Bacchus, or if you want to call it Yaldaboth or Saturn style. Ritual. There's one author from antiquity that says that kid is the one that had that antidote originally. They said that antidote they tried to give Jesus on the cross was for dips us. Right. And if you know anything about the drugs in the ancient world and Greco Roman culture, you know, straight up, man, those things are the, the dips ass is the one that they give you it makes you super thirsty and you're like, Oh, God, I have some water and you start losing it. You start losing it. Why? Because that's what they're trying to put you into. Prophets are mind altered people. When Ezekiel stands up there I told you the originals more interesting. When Ezekiel stands up there, and he's has the hand of God. He punched him into the area. If you don't know what that is because you, you don't know drugs in the ancient world. It punched him into the area. And what did he experience what did he see. He went through the wheels, the wheels and everybody's like, Oh, the wheels of Ezekiel. Oh, it's a business to bring. And if you've ever read any of the texts around this you're like, huh, what, right. They're drugs to throw in Greek or drugs. Now all of that was translated from the Greek back translated into Hebrew, not just any Hebrew but a dead Hebrew. Liturgical Hebrew in the 11, 1,000 to 1,100 on a dominant. So the word there, because ancient Hebrew only has an 8,000 word capacity. This is unique words 8,000. Some people say 9,000 I don't think it's, I don't know I'll leave that to the Semitic scholars. I don't think it really matters at that point, whether you get an extra thousand. What are we talking about with the Greek. Your English, modern Hebrew, 60,000 modern Hebrews flourishing. Yeah, good job. Right. Language is live and die, right. It's a struggle. It's nature. It's a struggle. Love that tower Babylon stuff. Anyway, it's a stripe for survival. How many unique words are there in English? Probably upwards of maybe 120,000. Right. Maybe more. How many are there in ancient Greek. We don't know for certain, but it looks like there's at least 250. And I've seen people projected as high as probably like more 500,000. You have to realize that this language is developing over a long period of time, and it is sweeping everybody else. People don't know it with the Romans. Those dwelling backwards knuckleheads. The only in antiquity, the only way that they progressed was a Greek woman came to him and taught them how to write an alphabet. Isn't that nice? That's a, that's the way to go. That's the power structure and antiquity. You didn't understand that about the oracles. You didn't know why Paul was being chased around by a pythia. And why it is that she's saying this dude, he's doing the Christ thing. Why did that upset him so much? The story and acts. Yeah. Yeah. Well, real quick before I want to dive into some of these details, but I just want to go back to your story for just a moment and then go right back to maybe on the garden of December to kind of clarify some things for viewers that maybe are new to these ideas because I'm sure some of my viewers have seen you before and would know where you're tracking with you and others would not. But just when you got to a point where you said, I can't believe this world anymore. This is not ultimate reality. How difficult was that for you to kind of reclaim your identity and how did you deal with questions of the afterlife for yourself at that point and just like what changed. Yeah, I understand. Yeah, what really was different for me was I had a buffer. I didn't reach a point that I said, Oh my God, this stuff is garbage and I'm going to jump off the cliff. I didn't have that point. When I was about 11. Yeah, I think I was 11. I got down on my knees in my bedroom and asked the wisdom, right, and opened up a book and saw Sophia is crying in the streets. And she's being pursued by men who want to kill her. And she's knocking on your door. Will you take her in. She says if you take her in she'll stay with you the rest of your life. Isn't that nice. I was like, yeah, heck yeah I want that. That's what I want. I want Sophia because she was beautiful man. The text described her she was beautiful. Is that, is that the one it is. Yeah, some wise guy wrote it I heard. But what happened, what happened. That buffer followed me so that by the time that I realized as you're saying, the Christianity was not what I thought it was. I had already been introduced to the muse on the classical side. And that's exactly who Sophia is. She is that moosa. Right. And, you know, so I had a very gentle buffer from the classical world from the pre Christian classical world kind of inserted into my operating system. It wasn't as drastic. Oh my God. Now, I will say I had a drastic moment when I found an a kid with Jesus. At that moment I said you must either stand with this, or against this. And I wasn't about to stand with a pedophile. I'll just make that clear to everyone as soon as I saw Jesus for what was going on. Okay. Okay, Blaestase. He's working as a laestase and all of a sudden the entire text makes complete and total sense. And it makes sense. From a historical standpoint, I don't have to introduce you to any ideas. All I got to do is show you Greek words and stuff coming out of Jesus's mouth. That was very similar with me for the genocides of the Old Testament. That was exactly what started my deconversion process we're singing a song. Remember that song Joshua felt the Battle of Jericho. And that was just that we're just I've got small children were sitting around. I should say standing around spinning as we do we I learned quickly that kids like will do Bible time a lot better and devotions if you're having fun. So we wouldn't sing our songs we would sing and spin and we're spinning around singing Joshua felt the Battle of Jericho laughing ourselves away getting dizzy. And it was the first time in my life it struck me. I'm about to teach my kids genocide land theft slavery child rights donning and worse. And I'm going to have to defend it and it was like, Oh my God, what am I teaching my kids. And it took me three years from that point to get out but it's amazing the ways that these. Because you realize you're more moral than the God character here and we're loving than the psychopathic Yahweh. Before be I do want to again go back to the garden of December 2nd but last question though how did you deal with the afterlife. Could you be a little more specific what give me. Did you did you conclude you've lost it at that point that you have just one life and nothing else. And was that a loss to you. You know what you're saying no by the time I got there. Ionic life was a part of the equation I've already seen the original so the whole thing of eternal life. It didn't impact me I didn't think oh crap I'm now I'm going to go into hell. What is Ionic mean right. Oh no I'm going to hell right because I had cracked the the weakness in our lens that we look at the Bible with already. So I knew there was something going on the Ionic life didn't scare me but no no no no definitely definitely but that fear that you're talking about is exactly what the ancient authors who wrote about the dangers of Christianity. That's exactly what they said is that that's that fear you generate I truly do feel. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting ready. 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See terms and conditions. 18 plus. Terrible sympathy. You know, for Christians evangelicals. I'm not talking about your average Catholic who's going through the motions. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about people who have been born again. Into eternal life. I feel bad for them because that fear. As you know, that fear is the essential motivator of your religion. You love Jesus because Jesus gives you eternal life. And if you don't love him, you don't have eternal life. Think about that. It's the same quandary we see in Job. Right? The devil knows, right? God's the first liar. The devil knows that. And the devil says you can get this guy to curse you just by taking away his stuff. What happens? He takes away his stuff and then restores it. And Job is sitting around watching. Has anybody ever been? Job is sitting around with a new family. All his other family were killed. And for that, he's a good follower of Yahoo. Right? To me, the logic of that is so masterfully on the devil's side. You want to see who God is? He's somebody who will kill your friggin family. Right? To prove a point. And Christians, Christians love that. Oh, they do. Because the Christian operating system is one of the fear of God. When you lose that fear of God because people like your situation, watching somebody do a genocide. Well, how can we? That's why my first name is David and I never use my middle name as almond. I never use David because as soon as I figured out, I was reading, I was like David Sloner, the village of women and children, to please the Lord. Really? You mean the stuff in Gaza is pleasing to the Lord? It is. Think about that for a minute. Oh, my God. And you know what? I've got lots of Israeli friends. People don't really because I worked there for a year. People don't realize that your average is really. Thanks. Christianity and this religion of Judaism are BS. Most of them, most of them. They call the orthodoxy there. They call them the penguins because of what they wear. The black and the white with the hats. They call them. It's a disparaging term, but they call them the penguins. 80% and they mock. That should be our new word for them. Whenever you see them yelling off about a Deuteronomy and anvilac and stuff like that. I'd be like, oh, the penguins are squawking again. Religion. And they get angry because it's destroying their justice system. People don't realize that. You think that this stuff, this sacrifice, this child sacrifice. You turned away from Christianity because there's something in you that followed. Was this pole of decay, pole of justice, pole of nemesis. Right? The eye of justice is always honest. You can't justify killing of those people. I don't care if you are God. Right? Oh, my God. What does ionic life mean? Yeah. It is life within ion. Ion is that space that is outside of time. So what affects us? So think about that now. What is Kronos? Kronos is time. Time is the deception. Right? This is really kind of deep here. Saturn is time. Time is Kronos is Saturn is Satan. Right? So that's when you're outside of that, that's the true life. Right now, we're in deception. And this is what he's alluding to without saying it the way I said it. Within the time stream is a reflection. This is how they looked at it. Is a reflection of that ionic existence. And by reflection, we're talking about a mirror. So this would also indicate why. These frankest invert. Everything. Right. And why the wizards and the in the sorcerers, the freest craft, the people like. Alice or Crowley. Would write about how you should, if you're going to be a good practitioner of magic, you should learn how to. Speak backwards, walk backwards, all this other stuff. Because the reflection, the mirror image is what the other side sees. So you're going to be seen more by this. Whatever deity you're trying to tap into, which most likely be Kronos or Satan. Right? This Yaldeboth character. If you are showing that you understand that element of it. So they're looking, they look at it. Physics wise is the space outside of Kronos. It's a space outside of time. Boom. Yeah. Okay. All right. That the sort of like. So it's like a need to escape from the time loop or the. The deception of time. As above so below. Concept. Um, as above so below, I don't know if that's particularly related. I can't make it an action in my mind. Okay. But, um, um, as above so below a standard magic practice. You mentioned like you, you escaped because you feel like you had already gone on to an ionic mindset. You, you, Chris, leaving Christianity wasn't that painful to you. Could you connect the dots for me? What, what did it mean? Like where were you emotionally and psychologically with this ionic mindset? That realizing the Christian worldview is not ultimate reality. Let me just jump in here real quick too. There's this book called, there's a short story. It's pretty craply written, but it's called those who walk away from armulus. And. It's takes place in a, like a, in an epic way, meaning that it's in the middle of something. It's a middle of a festival. And there's someone playing a flute, which you could probably equate to a pan type character. And there's this big festival and everybody's seemingly supposed to be here. And happy and all this other stuff. But what they then start to describe is that their entire happiness. And their way of life is dependent upon this one child. Who is, you know, in like a basement dungeon. Who is malnourished, maltreated, never able to be shown. Smile, love, affection at all, just negativity all the time. And this is what fuels their society to have prosperity is this torture of this one child. And those who walk away from armulus of the ones who can't take it anymore. You can't live with that. Here's a screwed up part. No one ever tries to intervene and save that child. They just walk away. So what the hell are they, right? They're not in there trying to, you know, preserve the life and take in the child and rescue him. They just walk away from it because they can't, they simply can't handle it. Knowing that that's what their entire structure is built upon. And in a sense, this is kind of what, you know, if you continue because you're afraid of death and you know that there's some things wrong with your religion, but you still follow it. Because you don't want to be, you don't want to, you don't want to, you don't want to expire when you die. And that's your, that's your whole, you know, tether to it all. Then he's making a point here that this is kind of the same, the same situation that we're, that we're facing here is that what do we overlook because we're, if we just keep believing hard enough and we keep on telling ourselves that this is a benevolent creator that they're describing, not saying that there isn't one because I believe that there is, and I know that there is, but I don't think that's the one that's being portrayed in these Abrahamic religions, simply that there's not. They, they've co-opted that idea, but they've never actually really shown very much benevolence in any of the writings. That it didn't mean that much to you like what was unless it was schizophrenic where one day Yahweh's Yahoo is happy one day he's not, and people suffer for it. What was going on in your heart. Yeah, see that that's the one difficulty we have is I cannot, I don't, I don't see it as non reality, there is a Christian reality. And it's very real, and it's shaping us, those forces are shaping us, for example, the assault on democracy, it will happen over and over and over again. A return to classical thought is what brings revivals of democracy it's what brought the United States, right, that happens throughout history. I don't have to believe it or not, Jesus is a reality, very much a reality. Like, you know how sometimes you'll see, maybe in some big hall or some church building where they've got dozens of different light fixtures and you'll see this, you know, the electrician put in like an electrical box like 12 different switches. And you know you can flip, flip them all up the ball down but there's there's a whole bunch of them. And if you imagine that you know you're in this big building and there's, again, a 12, 12 gang electrical box, and each one of those represents some aspect of our life and experience when you flip one off all the humans are gone you flip another off the earth is gone you flip another off the souls, you keep flipping them off everything's everything in the known universe is gone. When it's dark, and there's there's nothing that we can perceive is left is God still there is Jesus still there, you would say no to that correct. Because I'm not an atheist. Right. Okay. No, no, of course not. Look, when you turn off all the lights, you can still have love. You can still have that eros. Right. No one's there to have it. How could there be love if there's nothing left. The founders. Oh, that's interesting. Let me address that the founders. All right, well we have to say goodbye for today. But yeah, it did get weird and I was planning on, you know, bringing this in a little bit later but. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. But there's there's more to this and it's a lot there's there's other arguments that you can make that are not as invasive as. But I mean you have sought to understand and appreciate the fact that this guy is looking at the text for what they actually mean. And he has a better grasp and understanding on the ancient Greek that is most certainly the original language that it was written in. These claims of a very more ancient, you know, 15, 1500 BC or whatever for Moses and all the stuff. None of that came about until the Hell in this period. So if they were dipping into other texts to give themselves legitimate claim on the past, that's one thing. But for them to say that there was everybody talking about this stuff in the Torah and these characters and Torah prior to the Hell in this period that's where the it's a there's no evidence for that they did that's just a claim. But anyway, it's 10 a.m. Good talking to you. I got to get something set up just in case in the event that Dr. Glinton is available. We'll we'll see how that works and see what happens, but. I will be here at 11 a.m. just in case Dr. Monzo shows up if not, it'll be a very short video and I'll say goodbye for the day and we'll continue on tomorrow. All right. You know where the you know where the good gifts and go is you know where the patreon is and all that good stuff. And I hope it didn't have said too many people today I noticed I saw this kind of a steep drop off after, but it's all good. It's all good. Ammon is an interesting character, but the more you get I've immersed myself in like many hours of stuff I don't agree with a lot of it but. At least at least I have questions I'm not saying I don't agree with I'm saying I have questions as to where his where his position is because. I don't see anything better in some in the practices of the Hell in this area either. There's got to be something out there that is more. Kind and pure. And I think what we're missing here is that that actually came from what we're reading in the or Linda book. And the friah friah's children and that's that's where I hold the, you know, my claim that they're still just because I know because I have a personal experience and. Relationship with a benevolent creator, regardless if it's delusion or not I don't care it's what I would I know to be true. That that's out there and that this other person out here who's claiming to be that is the imposter. And unfortunately that's dragging us all to a bad place. I mean if that weren't the case I wouldn't have any problem with it that everybody believe and think what they want but those with all the money and the power are manipulating the minds of people on a very suicidal path. If you'll just look around all the things that are happening right now are all tied into that. And our obedience to these things is happening because of our belief that this is the way the only way and if we, if we defy it, or deny it, then somehow we're, we're just as good as cannon fodder we're just as good as dead in the afterlife. And that's a pretty strong hold on people. It's a, it's a hostage situation and we're the hostages. All right. Bye. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen tenants, draft the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, make a communication. Sound complicated? Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do list. Qualified tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. 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