Ba'al Busters Broadcast

POWERFUL: Scott Schara on Death Row Meds and NIH Protocols plus examples of Hegelian Dialectic

CAUTION be to thee whom cross the threshold into a hospital
Learn more about Scott and his daughter Grace here:
It's not just Murder for Money. These doctors and nurses are doing it for the same reason over 60% of the participants in the Milgram experiments administered what they thought was a lethal shock to patients. Evil has become so commonplace in the halls of institutions, so banal, that it's often not even recognized as "Evil" by those who carry it out.
We talk about hard, documented proof of deliberate, premeditated, incentivised MURDER of innocent people, including children, in hospitals everywhere. In your local hospitals... Happening in your neighborhood! Innocent lives are being taken deliberately.
Admittedly I had a different impression of the Garden of Eden story where I asked "Why wouldn't we want to know the difference between right and wrong? How could we know if we were causing harm, or if harm was being done to us without that inherent understanding? If we didn't know the difference?" But Scott helped me understand the Hegelian dialectic as being outside of, and apart from God. The Good-Bad debate is but a mind trap outside of God. Maybe I need to rethink my views on this element.
Many of the guests you see on Stew Peters make there way onto Ba'al Busters for very unique, deep, and information rich conversations. I look for the humanity in my guests, and I tap into their genuine sincerity for the most Real discussions you'll ever find anywhere.
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I am the Disillusioned Bodhisattva

-Daniel Kristos
Dad, US Coast Guard Veteran, Small Business Owner, Author, and Presenter of Truth

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Broadcast on:
24 Oct 2022