Ba'al Busters Broadcast

JoshWho: Freedom Fighting Computer Programmer VS YouTube and Big Tech (Ep 16)

⁣Imagine having built a YouTube channel that gained 100,000 subscribers, and was bringing in an extra $3,000/month to your family. Now Imagine YouTube demonetizing your entire channel because of their precious narrative of deceit. Josh Dufer of is a unique and extremely talented, skilled, self-taught code writer and platform developer. He's also a selfless man who believes in Open Source and providing free services that all other sites charge for. ⁣ He is the owner/creator of many TRUE Independent Platforms preserving Freedom, and Freedom of Speech. Without JoshWhoTV there's no place left for sane people to discuss things without being surveilled. There you can secure contact your loved ones, livestream, monetize videos, have true section 230 rights, and setup a free Roku channel so you're seen on TVs worldwide! His monthly goal is just $400 to keep up and running for all of us. Josh is a father, a sincere and good man, and he's been my friend for the last 3 years.
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I am Daniel the Disillusioned Bodhisattva, Daniel the Sardonic, and Daniel the Impaler (potentially)

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Broadcast on:
10 Feb 2022