Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Rev Radio Ep 8 Dark Winter Threats

Coronal Mass Ejections, Corona Virus, Coronaries, Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome, and the Young and Healthy Collapsing on the field, on the court, and in the schools. When will people face the facts that our leadership is actively at WAR with us, and Threatening us at every turn? The foundational narrative of Solar Activity and approaching Comets has been repetitively fed to us to condition us to accept the loss of Internet, Communications, and maybe even Electricity as we head into Winter here in the states. Ever hear of Operation Dark Winter, conducted in 2001, prior to the Israeli-US attack on the WTC? We lost sight of a lot of things after being devastated by such a traumatic event. Our memories wiped, the missing $Trillions all but forgotten about. Let's look at what all these spoon-fed stories of potential comms disruption and threats of a Dark Winter really mean to us, as the People of the End Times. Interact with this content here:
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Broadcast on:
08 Dec 2021