FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Baron Coleman - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 7-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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You got to know when the whole Know when to fall down Know when the walk away And know when you're right you never count your money When you're sitting at the table, there'll be time enough When the deal is done. I'll go back to the jump or shoulder to talk well oh six five They should stay with us on this Monday morning James responds we're quick before you turn next gas. I'm not broken I'm actually all of how I con man can do millions of 2024, but see you call it a con and do but like what why? How do people get to where they are about Donald Trump and you just you just miss it as some kind of like silly eye jinks and that's what that's where you fail here and You gotta really you need to really think this out James. I'm telling you try try just just give it a shot But you're not going to anyway enough of that joining us now on The line here. I always pleasure my friend Baron Coleman used to do a ray of show in Montgomery But the reason I want to get him on he was on this show Maybe a little more than a year ago and kind of called what had happened on Saturday Baron. Good morning. How are you? Hey, good morning, Jeff. How are you doing? Well, thanks for making time for us. Well, I just I just kind of You you called it and I was like really uncomfortable with it But I mean it is what it is and here we are today having to talk about and Attempted as a assassination on Donald Trump Yeah, if you go back and listen to the audio and I did last night from our our appearance about a year ago You you you can hear me dancing around it. I too was uncomfortable with it. I Did say there was a hundred percent chance. They would not let him be sworn in as president. I still believe that And and I think yesterday proves why I said that and I I said, you know, if They can't get him in prison if they can't keep him off the ballot then they'll I think I said something though They'll hope he has a premature death or something the man is is Despite being slightly overweight pretty fit. I think by all accounts keeps long hours Has great stamina So the only way to sort of guarantee a premature death would be to to orchestrate it and and I think that's what happened yesterday Well, here's what I don't think they were like hey Let's let's put a sniper on the roof or any and get Donald Trump But you know if we we kind of didn't put the best in the brightest on the scene here Clearly this secret service that detail that was protecting Trump it left much to be desired and And I being kind of like a dasicle about it. I mean they had to be thinking well this Or maybe there's no way they didn't know what they were they had here when they assigned this detail to him Yeah, you know, it's it's it's the Tem Donahy method of rigging NBA games He said when you want the home team to win you put an Inexperience crew on there and if you want the road team to win you put an experienced crew because they are not as swayed by the home crowd That's potentially Jeff what happened here. Maybe they just put an inexperienced crew on I mean it looked like a Saturday night live skit after the the gunfire erupted the way they You know left him on the mark Right behind the podium you would think and I've listened to some some secret service experts and sniper experts in the last 24 hours confirm my initial suspicion which was if Somebody's shooting at a podium the last place you want to leave that person the the protectee is at the podium You know right next to the podium and not only did they leave him there for? You know the better part of a minute while he was covered then they stood him up right in front of the podium and that's obviously What what an assassin believes is the best opportunity to take him out? You know they they confirmed there was a shooter dead they've still not confirmed that was the only shooter and I I have deep suspicions that was not the only shooter and You know how do you know in that moment in that chaos that the only shooter has been disabled and There's not somebody else there waiting to take a second crack. They stood him up. They left his head exposed They left his upper torso exposed They had what looked like a 5-foot 3-inch girl standing in front of him Between him and the crowd they allowed him to access the crowd it did make for an iconic photo But it put him in great danger by allowing him to access the crowd Pump his fist get his head up over the agents. There's just a lot to me that was done wrong there After the gunshot prior to the gunshot It's a it's a total catastrophe and and and the catastrophe of the sort that that one seriously wonders whether incompetence can can account for that level of of failure Right so much went wrong that and I think people have the sort of like Hollywood defecationized the view of the Secret Service, but what it goes wrong to that extreme Was it on purpose right? Yeah, I mean you don't have to have a Hollywood Organization of the Secret Service to understand that the the the closest access point to the stage with an elevated position should be covered You don't have to have a Hollywood lineization of the Secret Service to believe that Once a shooter has been identified with a gun on the top of a building That the radio signal should go out to some sort of central command who's overseeing all of security Instead you have Barney Fife getting propped up on the the side of the building by a buddy giving him a boost And he makes eye contact allegedly with the shooter to hear the sheriff's say it I mean I heard the sheriff interview last night That one of his deputies was boosted up made eye contact with the shooter and then dropped from the ledge And then moments later there was gunfire erupting You know, why was that guy allowed why was Trump allowed to continue to speak after the crowd had identified? A shooter on the building somebody with a gun on the building. Why did smoke not get deployed? Why was Trump not immediately covered and ushered off the stage into the beast driven away from the scene? it That that doesn't make sense if you go back and watch the feed it looks like the two-man sniper team Sets there and has eyes on him has him under glass watching him Up until the guy takes the shot and then they decide to disable him that that I mean it was It looked like split seconds after the the alleged gunman started shooting from the top of the roof that he was taken out Why not take him out ahead of time or if you don't have the authority to take him out? Why not get the protectee off the stage immediately? I guess should have been the first get get the president off the stage and swarm and then I try to hand you know, but that that is weird and like you said is it It's not a well oiled machine at all. It didn't function like crock work and That's why that we're having this discussion today, but my experience with the Secret Service I mean, I've been to a bunch of these presidential events over the years and There's a there's like a way you have to do things if your media you if your TV you get there six hours early set up And then they make you leave they do a sweep and then Three hours before or four hours before they start letting people in and in three hours before they close the door you can't get in and I Don't think that they had like I said I think the Secret Service like a lot of law enforcement Baron is just stretched then and they just did not have the 18 or even the B team there to protect Trump and Why not? Well, I guess what to find out someday, but they put the they put like the really really the scrubs in to protect the president former president Yeah, and that gets to the incompetence theory and if that's incompetence then the president is in grave danger every time he takes a breath because if that's the level of competence that that guards him on a daily basis then then every time he wakes up out of bed He is in grave danger for his life. I choose in this moment not to not to subscribe to that theory Necessarily, you know, I hold open the possibility that it was just gross incompetence But I lean towards the fact that it was it was planned You you mentioned having been to these events. I've been to many of these events with Secret Service Have you ever in your wildest imagination believed Jeff that you could get to a an elevated position? Relatively close to a protectee with a rifle No, that's what's stunning about this even we're going to like see Ben Carson or Newton Gingrich When they were a jot edwards or whoever The even then the Secret Service was pretty. I mean they weren't clearly not the 18 It was protecting the presidents of that era, but they there was no way that they would elect their Protectee that vulnerable No, and again, this was the building closest to the stage. It had a clear line of sight. It was elevated and It was wide open. It's it, you know, a $40 drone from from KB Toy Store deployed above the venue would have spotted this guy multiple multiple participants spotted this guy law enforcement spotted this guy yet the protectee the president was still allowed to remain unguarded open and vulnerable to attack and and ultimately he was I again, I don't rule out that there was an additional shooter I have I have reasons for that, but but I don't rule that out and I don't I Don't know that we will ever be able to trust the FBI who Lied on FISA applications to spy on the Trump campaign try to put Trump in prison multiple times over the last nine years The FBI who pro who prosecuted Trump for for garbage crimes that every president has committed I don't know that we can trust the this FBI to get to the bottom of this and I don't know that we can trust that this FBI or the secret service or Or someone associated with the inside wasn't involved in the planning and execution of this event Well, tell me something there now you've maintained it did Trump will not be before you had maintained that Trump would not be president again Have you changed on that? No, I said yet. I'm more convinced after yesterday Trump will never be president again. I think they intended to Make me 100% correct yesterday. It failed. I have no doubt that in the next four months It will happen again really no doubt no doubt whatsoever Then there's no way he can escape at that time. I Mean unless he unless he campaigns like Joe Biden in 2020 and doesn't leave the house, you know But if if he wants to get out and hold his rallies which Galvanize his base, which he's known for he's famous for he's good at if he wants to meet people and and Energize the electorate. He's got to be out in front of people if he wants to get his gets his message out This is the only way he can get his message out in a lot of places the media doesn't doesn't transmit the messages he Delivers so that the only way he can he can continue to campaign is to get in front of people and Yesterday it was proven that the people who are charged with protecting him are not going to keep him alive So I'm by Baron call, but here on the program Baron What does it look like? I mean if they if they succeed if whoever it is succeeds and take it out the president What what does the day after look like in America? Well, I think it's easier to cover up an inside job when the protectee is dead and and what you have now is a Pissed off survivor who who is going to be? More likely to push to get to the bottom of it So it's possible that by them missing the shot by half an inch or or whatever it ended up being It's possible that will create a scenario where Where Trump pushes to try to get a better answer but if he if he is If they're ever successful and they are able to take him out and I believe they will continue to try to do so the day after the media cover up immediately goes into place and its memory hold and just like Trump was removed from all social media and they stopped carrying his rallies live and And people I mean prior to the last couple of months. I kind of forgot Donald Trump was a thing I mean, they were so successful with sidelining Any mention of the Trump campaign the Trump administration Donald Trump in general He went from this ubiquitous bigger-than-life figure for the last 40 years, you know from the early 80s To somebody you almost never thought about and this is a former president. He didn't show up at events that former president showed up at He wasn't invited or he was specifically non-invited he There's just You know, I think it would be I think it would be very easy for them To cover it up move past it blame it on some crazy and say well, this is the way it is What does it look like if he does make it to the finish line is elected president? I mean what what what is he going to do? What is America going to expect out of him? Well, he's it's a big hurdle. He's got four months of campaigning left and then there's that awkward Anachronistic transition period between the election and early November and the inauguration in late January So you have this, you know 80 day period or 75 day period where? You know your job basically is to stay alive and try to cobble together an administration There's a lot of time even if he wins the election to make sure he never takes office Well, and so he wins and then he they they look at their in a transition and doing something. I mean I I just think the country will react in a way very viscerally and I mean that is I Know like civil war or at least some kind of turmoil in the streets, right? Yeah, I don't think so I mentioned this last time I was on your program when I when I predicted they would try to assassinate Trump They the problem with with predicting any kind of civil war is most Republicans most conservatives have pretty good lives, right? We we've got decent jobs. We've got families. We have you know We go to church. We have children We go to ball games and gymnastics meets and and in school functions and a lot of people don't want to throw all that away to go right in the street over a lost cause and you know the the Black Lives Matter movement those are a bunch of ne'er-do-wells and druggies and Chunked-out losers and their in their teens and 20s that you don't have anything to lose So they go out there and they they riot and carry on and have fun Conservatives generally don't do that. We have too much responsibility Frankly keeping this country afloat to to do that. So it's it's it's It's probable that that no matter what happens You know there might be a few troublemakers here and there that cause cause a little problem But but generally speaking I think life would go on just as it did after after Kennedy was assassinated And it became clear there was a cover-up life still went on Reagan was shot life went on Well, if there is it that does happen There would be a Republican right Presumably to to fill that void because I don't think to bite to win reelection to you I think if the vote was today Biden would have a lot of trouble winning election Obviously, they they will try to cheat and steal the election to prevent Donald Trump from winning because that takes care of the problem And it's clean clean and tidy But you know if if Donald Trump wins And he takes office. I will I'll be shot be happy, but I'll be shocked Genuinely truly will be shocked. Well, Baron. We appreciate you making time for us. We're out of time But let's keep it Dutch. Yeah, Jeff. Hey, appreciate you have me on bear and call the ladies and gentlemen We gotta get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff for sure. What if the talk? What oh six five With the wind See the stars out of the purple sky feel that long song this double you