FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Congressman Gary Palmer - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 7-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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I fly a starship, cross the universe divide, and when I reach the other side I'll find a place to risk my spirit if I can. We'll go back to the Jet Force Show of the Top 106-5. Thanks for staying with us on this Monday morning. Text line is still open 2513430106. We'll do rapid fire text today, but 11 o'clock is your golden opportunity. We're wide open there. So to come about an hour from now, my good friend, Baron Coleman and I will talk about what happened on Saturday, so stay tuned for that. He's joining us now, and he's really sandwiched us in here, a very busy schedule this morning, but I thought was one of the most responsive to what had happened on Saturday of our congressional delegation. Let's go back to Congress, Gary Palmer joins us on the like, "Congress, good morning, are you? Thanks for making time for us. I know you're on the road here. Let's start with this before we get into the apparent attempt at assassination. Judge Cannon down in Florida dismissing this Doc's case and saying, "This special counsel was unlawfully appointed. What did you make of that?" I am so proud of Judge Cannon. What we've experienced in the last really since the midterm of Trump's first term is the weaponization of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the special prosecutors. It's been unbelievable. It started with the brush of hopes. It's going through all the way up to Jack Smith being illegally appointed, and we've had some very significant court decisions in the last few weeks, Jeff, that I think are putting us back on track to constitutional government. We've got a long way to go to get back there, but I'm very proud of Judge Cannon and honestly the Supreme Court and what they did with their decision overturning the Chevron doctrine. Well, it really is. You think about the precedent here that was violated. We're raiding Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home for what they suspected, and it turns out that this isn't on the above board in the eyes of a federal judge, and they say that the DOJ, I guess, can appeal it to the 11th Circuit. I don't know if the 11th Circuit's not going to throw this out. Let's have wish casting by the 11th Circuit. Maybe another, like the DC Circuit or something, but not the 11th Circuit. I mean, that's wish casting by the mainstream media, but I really think this is a big deal, number one, but number two, you think about everything they did to get to this point, and it was for naught. Yeah, I'm not sure any federal circuit would throw it out. I mean, overturn it because it is so transparently wrong. And this is what we've been saying all along. And then when you look at how the documents cases have been handled, Joe Biden had classified documents in three different locations, and he was a vice president. He was not in a position where he could have declassified anything, and they gave them advanced notice that they were coming. He was able to gather together in the case of President Trump. He was working with them to hand over documents. Nelson, they show up with a warrant with body armor and weapons and rated his home. So this has been transparently wrong from the very beginning. Well, and there's going to be repercussions, even, even, even, despite this being a legal win for Trump and his team. I mean, I don't know. I think a future president would look at this and what had happened there and say, Hey, you know, why can't, you know, it's been done before. Let's do this. And they have like, don't everything in the kitchen sink. I mean, I know that's an overused phrase there, an overused idiom, but they don't everything at him. And they're not, they're not getting anything in return for. They're violating all these standards, all these protocol, all these precedents. And we're headed to this sort of dark place, I think, because of it, but they're not getting any any ROI. Yeah, we're already in a dark place. The way the Department of Justice has been abused has basically struck up the competence in fairness about our laws. And it's going to take a while to restore that. And they're, you and I, both have heard calls for complete abolishment of the FBI, because of the misconduct of people at the highest levels. I don't think either one of us, you or I would disparage the everyday FBI agent working cases, but at the upper levels, it has really gone off the rails. Well, let's talk about what's gone off the rails in the realm of federal law enforcement. I mean, secret service really, really let the country down Saturday, didn't they? They sure did. And there's, I'm on the oversight committee, and I had a conversation with Chairman Comer, Jamie Comer, chairs the oversight committee about where we need to go with this. And there's just a ton of questions that have to be answered and starts with why was the protection detail under staff as much as it was. That's why a building less than 150 yards from the podium with a clear line of sight was not within the secret service perimeter. They didn't have enough people to have. So that's the first thing that we got to find out. Who made that call on the deployment of the secret service stations? They only had one sniper team there, and they didn't have the best view of that building where they were. They had a contract team on another building that had a better view. It really conserved me that this was a deliberate or at least a negligent attitude toward President Trump's protection. Well, I said this earlier, and let me run this by Congressman. The, I've been, I'm probably 100 or more of these presidential events in my career as a journalist. And the way it works, President's former President's potential future presidents, like the Secret Service, you get there, especially if your TV got there way early and set up and then everybody has to leave the premise and they do a security sweep and then you get to come back. But you have to be there three hours before the event starts. And, you know, like varying degrees of this. So like you go to big Carson or Newt Gingrich had secret service protection. It wasn't the A team, but like President Obama or President Trump would have had. And I think what they're doing, and I don't know this is by design or what, but they're not giving Trump, especially in a big rally with a lot of people, the best of the best necessarily. Well, that's my whole point. This is a very negligent attitude toward his protection. And we saw it play out in living color Saturday. The consequences of that. The perimeter was not broad enough. Outside the perimeter, you have local law enforcement, and they employed county SWAT units. And those counties are not very big in terms of budgets. They don't have really big units to deploy. So they were stretched way too thin. I don't think there was enough training collaboration for communicating between the local and the secret service. And I put this on the secret service because at the end of the day, they're ultimately responsible for the protection of the president. And if your local units are not able to communicate with you, if they're not as well trained, that's on the secret service. Well, and you think about it now, secret service under DHS, another knock on Alejandro Mayorkas, I would have to think. He didn't get the border right, and nor can he get his secret service right either. Well, I don't know if you're aware of this. I think you are. The morale and the secret service has just taken a nose dive since they went over to the Department of Homeland Security. They've had a real problem with recruiting agents. And then you've got this DEI stuff going on that has been a huge problem, that are military. It's a huge problem in federal law enforcement, particularly at secret service in terms of affecting morale. I mean, I had the opportunity to participate in college football at the University of Alabama, and we were not trying to get this diversity team. We could, we're trying to get the best players on the field regardless. And that's what, when you got us up in this series, and it's consequential as protecting the life of the president, you want to have the absolute very best that you've got out there regardless of race or gender or political attitude, and you want to have enough of them. And on that last point, it was clear they didn't have enough, and I think it's going to be subject to question about, do they have the right people? Put your political hat on real quick, November, I mean, all of these things sort of coming together now, now we're a long, we're a long way from November still. But it just feels like the whole Democrat media House of Cards is collapsing before us. Like, look, say what you want about Joe Biden or whatever, I don't, I mean, is there any reason to believe that he could throw a Hail Mary pass and connect here? I don't think so, but like Republicans just got to kind of block a tackle right now, and then the results should bear fruit. Well, we've said this in our leadership meetings multiple times, you don't lose sight of the policies, the fundamentals of this election are not going to change. People are struggling to pay for their groceries, they're struggling to pay their house of utility, gas is about twice what it was, or at least 34% higher than what it was when Trump left office. And then you mentioned the border and the Department of Homeland Security and all the lies that have been told about that. Those things are not changing yet, and what I've held people about Biden is we really shouldn't keep focused on Biden because I don't think Biden's been calling the shots anyway. So whoever it is, if it's Joe Biden, if it's Kamala Harris, it doesn't matter. What person they put up on the ticket, the policies are not going to change yet, they're going to get worse. The policies, and there's just like no policy director. Congressman, when Joe Biden went to 2020, he just barely pulled it off. He just barely won. It took like a week for the, even the Associated Press to declare him the winner, but they treated this entire election as sort of a mandate. It was an overwhelming mandate from the American public, and it was nothing but. But the thing about it is, this is the lesson here, like none of the stuff that they take on themselves to perform this mandate. Inflation reduction, the infrastructure stuff, all of these big things that are causing this inflation aren't really working for them. Well, they create these fake crises and come up with the infrastructure act that was enormously expensive. And then they come up with the Green New Deal stuff, the Inflation Reduction Act, which was really the Green New Deal on steroids. We've been lied to about so many things, and now the people who supported Joe Biden are suffering the consequences of it. It's not just Republicans paying all these higher prices. And I think a lot of people are waking up, and this is why I try to tell my colleagues, you know, set aside the personalities, look at the policies. Because that's what we're suffering under, are all of these crazy policies that the Biden administration has implemented, not just to build a task, but all of these regulations. We're looking at right now, somewhere north of a trillion dollars, just a regulatory cost that people are having to pay. Last question, we'll get you out of here on this, and this gets more to do with the RNC this week. Well, what is the, you know, what do you think the tone ought to be heading into Trump's speech? I mean, because you start to see, like, a lot of media types say, "Hey, we need to talk about unity, unity, unity." But I don't know that that's necessarily the right way to go about it. What do you think is, what do you think they want to be this week? I think it ought to be about, it ought to be very positive about our future. And history is a great teacher, Jeff. When you look back at the four years we had under Trump, we didn't, we weren't more. We were going down in Afghanistan, but we were not going to give up that background air force, the air base there. We would still be in a position over the horizon looking to China and Iran. I don't think it'd be a war in Ukraine. I don't think it'd be Hamas would have attacked Israel. I think we need to cast a vision forward about bringing certainty into the marketplace, into our foreign policy, and how we can help people live better. And I think that's what you're going to hear from President Trump Thursday night. And I think you're going to hear it from some other key speakers, is our country's in trouble. People are struggling, but there's a way to fix this. And I am absolutely convinced of it. I chair the policy committee. It involved a lot of discussions about key issues. Jeff, we can do this. We just, I'm just asking the American people to give us the chance, give us the House, the Senate, put Trump back in the White House, and give us the chance to get us back on the right track. Congressman, we always appreciate you making time for us. Stay safe, and thanks for doing this while you're on the road again. Well, I always appreciate that pin being with Jeff. Thanks for not asking me who the Vice President is going to be. I think we kind of got an idea. More than that in the moment, ladies and gentlemen. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Four Show with a flip talk, 106-5. [Music]