FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

State Representative Shane Stringer- District 102 - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 7-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's The Jeff Porshow. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ I think it'd be Milwaukee or maybe on his way in route there. But either way, we will talk to Congressman Palmer in about 30 minutes and he 11 o'clock hour. We haven't talked to him in a while, but he called it. Barry Coleman. Barry Coleman called that there would be at least one assassination attempt on Joe Biden. I mean, Donald Trump, I thought that was crazy. And we're texting a little weekend, so just get his thoughts and do a follow up there. But joining us now on the line, he is one of our Monday regulars. Always a pleasure to have Shane Stringer, a state representative for Northmobile County and part of Ballway County on with us. Representative, good morning, how are you? - Hey, doing great, Jeff. Thank you for having me again. - Hey, thanks for coming on. Well, I just got to kick it off here. And do you have a unique perspective? Being a police chief, having worked in law enforcement, your entire career, why did you make of what happened on Saturday? - Yeah, I mean, pretty shocking as everybody, but you know, as a law enforcement also, just I'm believe that a 20 year old untrained kid, I guess you could say, was able to make his way into the scene with a rifle and able to actually pull off some rounds that struck President Trump. You know, as a law enforcement administrator, you never want to be responsible for a great failure like that and letting something slip through the cracks on you and that one man, Secret Service is going to, especially the administration is going to have to hear that one for a long, long time and have to own that one. - Well, now, here's my perception of what happened. I have covered, like I said, 100 to these presidential events over the years, presidents, candidates, former presidents, and the way it works representative is, I mean, there's a protocol here, if you're media, especially if you're in TV media, they make you go in like six, seven hours early, sit your stuff up, they kick you out, then they do a security sweep, then they leach back in. For media, we had to get there three hours ahead of time, but it's always been about three hours ahead of time for everybody getting the place locked down. And it just looks to me like they didn't really, they didn't really do the proper protocol, but it's this. And I mean, like you would go like, no wonder, I was like big Carson had a Secret Service detail, a new Gingrich, you know, some of these candidates who didn't quite get there, but you don't get the best of the best details to handle these situations. And that's what it looks like to me, is he just kind of got the B team here running around with Trump. - Yeah, you see that in politics where somebody kind of, not a big fan of Trump, so definitely not gonna give him the best of the best, and he gets the second grade, but not to say that they're not some very sharp professional individuals on that detail. You know, you just, you see it from time to time where things are not taking quite as serious as they should. And, you know, I guess they just take it, you know, get lax with it. But, you know, the other thing you see is from time to time and different administrations is they hire people based on the wrong reasons. They hire them because of their affiliations with that administration or other reasons. Instead of hiring the most qualified people for these jobs and especially the department heads and leaders of Secret Service and other areas. So, wouldn't be surprised if that didn't play a part in some of the, you know, you got, sometimes people just don't know what they don't know and if they're not trained and, you know, they shouldn't be in those positions, you want the best of the best in that. - Well, I just don't think, I think they're spread so thin with two presidential candidates, what? Two former presidents still living, you know, I look at it, I don't think, I think there are like any other realm of law enforcement right now representative that they're just stretched thin and I'm not saying that the Secret Service needs to pay a price here. There needs to be accountability. I'm not trying to make excuses. But it's clear to me, like kind of knowing what I know and having been around like a president speaking at an event versus I say New Gingrich speaking at an event and just sort of the level of security and the level of competency from the Secret Service agents that are there, I don't think they were given Trump their best people. - Yeah, and I don't doubt that. You bring out a good point there. So it's, you know, I'm sure it's all gonna be investigated, looked at and hopefully they'll learn from it. You know, that's too big of a price to pay or to let something go through like that. You know, there's no excuse that like I said, a 20 year old untrained kid should have to make his way to where he did with a with a long done. I mean, that's just unacceptable. You know, I know the local law enforcement here in Mobile County, they're more professional than that. I know I served 10 years on the Mobile County Sheriff's Department SWAT team. And, you know, we handled lots of details, assisted with lots of details. And, you know, we all had to train and then the knowledge of how to handle those situations. And it's just unbelievable that it flipped through and was able to make it where he did with the Secret Service. - Well, talk about this and the type of firearm the suspect used and that range. And just how close that was of a call? - Yeah, I mean, just totally unbelievable that he was able to get that close, you know? And I guess it's, you know, who knows? I don't know if the young guy had done any training or a practice with the gun or not. But, you know, I do know that from time to time, you hear the old sayings, "Free and free." You know, they just fire off as many rounds as they can. I hope that one of them is. But, you know, that was pretty close and pretty devastating that he was, you know, able to do that and only by the grace of God that President Trump still here. - The other thing about this though, like, you're not hearing this and this is probably in your wheelhouse as well. We're not talking about guns, are we? We're not talking about the Second Amendment. Maybe that comes later, maybe it's still fresh, but like whenever one of these gun events quote, unquote, the left really goes all in on gun control. They haven't done that this time. - No, and I'm really shocked. Like you said, it's probably coming. You know, it's almost every time that you see death that's always the gun problem. But, now I think in this situation, you're looking at a mental health issue or, you know, it's just a very crazy world we're living in. And then you've got mental health problems. You've got the, I guess, a lot of rhetoric being put out by the, by the left, that's just stirring things up. And, you know, I think that we're lacking a lot of common sense in some of this. I think that people would just kind of calm down, let's put some common sense to what's going on and let's address the problems. And the problem is not the gun that we would, we'd be just fine. - Yeah, well, you know, so far, it's just kind of, everybody's just kind of in shock and talking about the lapses in security. And, I don't know, like, I have seen this, I guess he got the gun from his father and it was obtained, it was obtained legally. And probably, if they did try to play the second amendment, well, it wouldn't be the second amendment card. It's just gun control card. - None of their remedies would have prevented any of this. - Oh, absolutely not. I mean, if his dad purchased the gun legally and, you know, he's living in the same house with his dad and, you know, potentially able to, obviously, able to get access to it. So, you know, I guess, you know, they're always trying to, you know, I guess that dad's gonna, you know, potentially get scrutinized and come after. So, I don't know, it's very crazy, though, mindset that some of the Democrats and liberals have related to weapons and gun ownership. So, you know, I think that, I think that we, you know, stick to common stance and let's deal with the problems at hand and the rest of it takes care of itself. - George, by State Representative Shade Stringer, here on the program for a few more minutes here. - Well, the politics of this, I mean, did a couple that with this classified docs case being thrown out, which means we've seen if the special counsel will appeal it, but that it looks like to be the things are starting to go the way for Republicans in November. - Yeah, I mean, you think about it, man. I think a lot of people have been praying about this and praying for President Trump. They've thrown everything at him, including the kitchen sink. So, you know, and I think they've just hoped that something would stick and, you know, they've tried to bankrupt him. They've tried to do every crime in the book at him, tried to imprison him. And, you know, and it was no shock to me that somebody attempted this. You know, I've been playing for months that I felt like that if they weren't able to accomplish everything else, it wouldn't surprise me if this didn't happen. So, you know, this was not a shock in that aspect, but it was absolutely a shock to see my president get shot and that close to death. So, yeah, I think there's just so much rhetoric being put out by the left. They just kind of lost common sense in some of this. And I'm hoping that, you know, this will bring everybody down to Earth and they will, you know, let's look at things in a realistic capacity and how we're gonna handle the future. - I mean, it just feels like, you know, the left through everything they had at this guy, the law fair, the rhetoric. And there's no comparison here, representative, and that Trump's rhetoric and the right versus he's Hitler. He's gonna end democracy. He's gonna be an authoritarian. He's gonna take away your rights. He's, I mean, like, just really over the top hyperbole that the left is using it. And like, you and I see it and it's just like, well, that's what they do, guys. But, I mean, people, the untrained ear hears that and they really start to think, well, I need to do something here. I mean, I don't wanna lose my country. - Yeah, that's right. I think that, you know, it's just, it's been a two-tiered system that we've lived in. You know, it's obvious we see things that go on with Hillary Clinton. We think stuff go on with the Biden family and Hunter Biden and really it appears that nothing significant has been done or taken place with them. And then you see them coming in and start, you know, pushing all this against Trump and every aspect and every way possible. And like I said, I really feel like it, you know, let's throw this against the wall and tell something sick kind of deal. But, you know, it's just so unrealistic, you know, and to sit here and look at some of the stuff you see on the news and in the media and social media to believe that we have citizens that are falling and believing in a lot of the false narrative that's being put out is just pure heartbreak, you know? You know, and I'm just praying that people's eyes will open up and they're gonna see the truth. And, you know, and like I said, I've been praying for President Trump and, you know, I really felt like that, you know, the truth was gonna prevail in the end and things were gonna come together, but holy, man, that's been a lot wrong adding than such a short period of time. - Yeah, and they just, it was, I mean, but this was bound to happen. And you think about like the unprecedented thing of raiding a former president's home, going through his private belongings and then here down the road, two years later, it turns out that this guy probably wasn't appointed legally. Then, I mean, that's, to me, I mean, they really played fast and loose this whole time. And we never, they, you know, it wasn't like Joe Biden won by a big, big, big, big, big margin in 2020. And this was some sort of mandate election that we were gonna do things differently. But look at what, look at the way things are now and some of this is starting to go by the wayside and all of these precedents that they have violated to get to where they are today. - Yeah, I think that they knew that they had a very short period of time to do this, you know, to, I guess, try to damage Trump or slow him down. I mean, it didn't take a rocket scientist to watch the polls. I'm sure they're doing polls just like, you know, the Republicans are, and they don't take a rocket scientist to see that the popularity that he has and the things that he accomplished here in his term. So, you know, I think that with the Republicans putting stuff in place, checks and balances in place to watch the elections, to make sure they were fair and not, you know, cheated or anything done wrong. And just lots of stuff writing on the walls that showed the Democrats that they had a limited time to, I guess, to try to damage him or to try to minimize his chance of the running. - Representative, we gotta leave it there, but you're always kind of come on this program but we'll talk again soon. - Yeah, sir, thanks a lot, y'all. - Good day. - Stay with us Shane, Stringer there. Always appreciate him coming on the program. We'll be right back. This is up at clock, one, oh, six, five. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)